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20+ Uses for Coconut Oil

To date, there are over 1,500 studies proving coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Coconut oil benefits and uses go beyond what most people realize. –

Wherever and whenever a natural alternative to “traditional medicine” (read: drugs, insurance claim revenues) is presented, the idea – whatever it may be – is promptly scrutinized. Various applications of coconut oil, though proven through science, is one such natural alternative.

Coconut oil is an exceptionally healthy byproduct of mature coconuts – and it has a variety of everyday uses.

In this article, we discuss 20+ everyday applications of coconut oil. To concisely explain these numerous benefits, we’ve categorized them into five groups.

With so much to cover, let’s get going!

20+ Amazing Ways to Use Coconut Oil

Beauty uses

– Anti-dermatitis solution. Regular use of the oil has been shown to improve a condition called atopic dermatitis – a condition that produces dry, itchy, and oozing skin patches.

– As a body scrub. Combine a tablespoon of this oil with a tablespoon of ground coffee, and you’ve got a great body scrubbing mix! Alternatives to ground coffee are coconut shavings, ground sea salt, grits, and sugar.

– Lip balm. Oil from coconuts has demonstrated potent skin healing properties. The substance can alleviate chapping, and replenish the skin of the lips.

– Eye creamer. People can reduce wrinkling around the eyes by applying the  oil around the affected areas prior to bedtime.

– Dandruff solution. Coconut oil possesses strong anti-drying properties. Overnight application of the product to roots of the hair can effectively decrease the prevalence of dandruff.

– Repairing damaged hair. Rubbing the product into hair roots, and dispersing it through the length of the hair may repair any damaged hair. Keep the mixture in your hair for 30 minutes to an hour, then wash with shampoo.

Cooking uses

– Prolonging egg shelf life. Oil extracted from coconut is a potent antibacterial substance. Applying a thin layer of the product to eggshells can increase shelf life.

– Frying and baking alternative. Plant oils derived from animal fat and vegetables quickly lose their health properties once heated. Coconut based oil maintains these properties despite the application of heat.

– Homemade mayo. Instead of using a different oil source, use this oil. It will not only enhance the taste of mayonnaise; it will do so without increasing bad cholesterol levels.

– A healthy, energy-laden smoothie. Are you a smoothie drinker? Good. Coconut oil possesses energy-producing properties – and without the added sugar.

Health uses

– Bone health. The methods of strengthening your bones are: (1) onsumption (a smoothie, for example!), and (2) massaging the product into painful joints.

– Hangover cure. In a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, healthy saturated fats like this oil may reduce the dehydration and pain-inducing effects of heavy alcohol consumption.

– Inflammation cure. Study after study has reaffirmed the anti-inflammatory effects of coconut oil. Practical uses for the product include application to burnt skin or swelling from an insect bite.

– Fever reduction or painkiller. As an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, it comes as no surprise that coconut oil may relieve fever and pain.

– Improves thyroid health. Health professionals adamantly recommend the consumption of health fats to improve thyroid function and reduce glucose levels. Coconut based oil contains lauric acid, which is known to boost HDL (“good cholesterol”) in the body; this physiological effect is good for thyroid health.

Pregnancy and motherhood uses of coconut oil

– Breast health: During the breastfeeding phase, it is common for the skin surrounding the nipples to crack. The oil remedies this symptom healthily – for both baby and mother.

– Baby skin protection: As mentioned, coconut oil has numerous properties which enhance skin health. A baby’s skin is extremely delicate – and this oil, in study after study, has confirmed it is the best skin care product for babies. Diaper rash – an acute, common skin condition in babies – is a condition treatable by coconut oil.

–  Stretch marks: Gently applying  oil twice a day to stretch marked areas is effective both pre- and post-pregnancy. Coconut oil has powerful skin healing, moisturizing, and soothing qualities – and is safe to use during pregnancy and following delivery.

General daily uses

– Flame ignitor. Don’t purchase some overpriced “fire starter” product. Soak a cotton ball in coconut based oil and drop it into some wood or charcoal.

– Furniture shining. You can prevent material deterioration of furniture by applying oil to a part of cloth and evenly wiping it along the piece’s surface. Coconut oil is particularly effective against cracking and drying of wooden furnishings.

– Lubricator. Who hasn’t been frustrated over a stuck zipper on a jacket, purse or bag? Applying a small dab of the oil to the zipper (not the thread) may take care of this problem.

– Sharpening blades. Kitchen “blending” appliances are designed with sharpened blades; using coconut oil can help maintain sharpness of the blade while protecting them from rust.

– Shining leather. Leather lovers appreciate some well-shined bags, gloves, shoes, or purses. Proper, evenly distributed amounts of this oil can restore some of that gloss.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Phrases to Never Ignore From A Woman

Men and women are very different creatures in numerous ways. In general, the female of our species has other ways of looking at – and communicating with – the world around them.

In the context of a relationship, women value communication above all else. Is it fair to state that women need more interaction in a relationship than a man? In most cases, yes.

In an article written in Psych Central, the author explains the role of communication relating to healthy relationships:

“Men and women desire to satisfy their partners, but they may miss the mark because it is truly difficult to understand and accept our partner’s different ways of communication. Men and women need education on these differences to help their relationships, so they do not end up in a frustrated state of resentment and feel stuck.”

This article touches on five things a woman says and, more importantly, the meaning of these words. Why is the meaning more important? Because these five terms are no more than five words. (Yes, men, you’re guilty of being cryptic in your communication as well. But we will cover that in a separate article.)

Here Are Five Things Women Say and the (Likely) Meaning of Them:

Women are more attracted to men who pay attention to the little details about them without having to be reminded. ~ Anon.


1. “Fine.”

“Fine,” as in “What you’re doing is not fine, and I’m pissed.” This single word’s meaning can be deciphered by her tone; if she draws the “F” sound out (the other “f” word is probably relative here) for a tad longer than usual, it’s time to shut your trap. Many women will use this word to bring closure to a conversation – at least for the time being.

2. “Five minutes.”

“Give me five minutes,” “Give me a few,” and “Wait a few minutes” are all modern variations of this one. We’re not going to stereotype – some ladies are excellent time managers, and will likely finish their business within said time.

On the other hand (in many cases), if she says, “five minutes” while walking to the bathroom to freshen up before a night out, it’s a good time to fire up some “Candy Crush” or fire off some emails. You may be waiting a while.

3. “Nothing.”

When a female responds with a “nothing,” it’s probably because (a) you weren’t paying attention, or (b) she’s ticked at you having to ask about something obvious. Either way, it’s fair to assume that her emotions are fired up.

Oh, and conversations/arguments that start with “Nothing” usually end with “Fine.” Following the conversation’s end, it’s probably best to make yourself disappear for a little while. It’s advisable to prepare for some potential commotion, however.

4. “I’ll do it.”

Oh, boy. Someone (not pointing any fingers) screwed the pooch. God help you after abdicating any “You’re the man of the house” responsibility – you’ll need it.

UNLESS, of course, you can still do the job. In this case, you should: act fast, apologize, finish your task, and apologize. A sweet kiss on her cheek may be a nice touch, too. How about a shoulder rub?

If she’s already doing it, you have two options: (a) disappear, or (b) do something to help her. (Notice that remaining idle is not an option.)

5. “Leave me alone!”

There is no hidden message behind this one. Don’t look, talk, or (heaven forbid) touch her until she’s simmered down. Do not, in any way, attempt to engage in conversation – no matter how well-intended. Houseware and other projectiles have been thrown on many-an-occasion by a partner who’s been pushed a bit too far.

A good rule of thumb: do your own thing for a day or so. You’ll know when she’s ready to re-invite you back into her life.

We’ve added a bit of humor because we’re all guilty of saying or doing something boneheaded in a relationship. Sometimes it’s good to have a few laughs.

On a more serious note, it is important – for the sake of your relationship – to prioritize effective communication with your partner. Relationship experts cite active listening and open dialogue as two of the most crucial elements in a partnership.

10 Ways Women Communicate

Just watch a couple talking about a topic and you’ll notice that men and women communicate differently. Of course, neither gender’s way of communicating is right, but here are ten ways in which females communicate differently than males.

1. Women communicate to show sympathy or to connect with people

Women like to dig deeper into conversations and explore how the person they’re talking to feels. They enjoy complex situations and they like to keep conversations going longer than men do.

2. Women ask questions

Women may ask more questions if they feel comfortable in the setting. One study found that women ask fewer questions in academic conferences. This could be due to gender discrimination in certain academic areas or a bias towards men asking questions. Fortunately, there is an organized effort to eliminate discrimination and bias, address and understand barriers women feel in science fields and the academic community at large.

3. Women nod to show support rather than agreement

Women nod their heads to encourage the speaker and show support. Men nod their heads to show they agree with the speaker. However, women often nod their heads to express interest in what the speaker is saying and to communicate they’re listening.

4. Women use the pronouns ‘I,’ ‘you’ and ‘we’ more than men.

Women use pronouns more than men. They use them in reference to their relationships and the people who are important to them.


5. Women make suggestions

In conversations, instead of giving an order, a woman will usually make a suggestion. They do this to increase rapport with the person they’re talking to. Additionally, women may explain the reason for their decision in a more in-depth way than a man does.

6. Women use touch in communication

Women touch to show a bond and comfortableness with the person they’re talking to. She may touch the person’s arm or shoulder to show connection and relatability.

7. Women like to build relationships

To do this women will share their ideas and express their connection with the person speaking. They like to increase their social network and pull others into their network.

8. Women often wish to discuss problems

Women like to discuss their problems, not so much to find a solution but to express how they’re feeling. A woman wants to know she’s heard and that what she says matters to the person she’s talking with.

9. Women tend to use gestures

Overall, women use facial expressions more than men, especially to express positivity. Women also expressed anger less, but their facial expressions showed sadness or fear more than men. There are also differences in the perception of facial expressions between men and women. They often interpreted men furrowing their brows as anger.


10. Women apologize

When a woman apologizes, she does doing it to show respect or humility towards others. Saying “sorry” could mean, “I’m sorry you’re going through this difficulty.” She doesn’t feel responsible for the trouble, but wants to connect with the person.

Final thoughts

Communication is hard work. Understanding the differences in how men and women communicate makes it easier to understand one another. While neither gender’s way of communicating is right or wrong, learning how women communicate is helpful to the men in her life.


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
PsychCentral. (2014). 5 Ways Men & Women Communicate Differently. Retrieved June 8, 2017, from

5 Toxic Foods To Avoid Giving Your Kids

It’s no secret by now that most of the foods sitting on store shelves is unhealthy. Canned fruit – something we’d think would be healthy – is saturated with corn syrup; breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar; milk is infused with chemicals – and so on.

We all know the importance of a well-balanced, nutritious diet (or we should). Namely, nutrition provides the necessary elements for our body and brain to function correctly.

So, why are many of us bad when it comes to eating right? About 69 percent of adults are overweight or obese in the United States.

Undoubtedly, body mass index (BMI) – the measure used to determine weight class – is considered by some experts to be a flawed method, not accounting for bone density, muscle mass, and body composition.

But we know overweight when we see overweight.

Digression aside, our children should not be overweight, because this significantly impacts their development, mental and physical health, and well-being. The food we feed them today will affect their physical and mental health tomorrow.

In this article, we discuss five types of foods that children should never eat. We also list some dietary recommendations that will benefit children’s development.

First, here are 5 foods your kids should never eat:

“Food, nutrition, and eating skills are among the most important things you can share with children – food to fuel busy, successful lives, nutrition to nourish strong bodies and smart brains, and eating skills to enjoy the social aspect of meals with family and friends.” – American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


#1 Processed Meat

First, it’s important to understand the occasional hamburger or hot dog is completely fine (Thank Heavens!)

Processed meats are grouped into six categories: fresh processed meat products, cured meat pieces, raw-cooked products, raw (dry) fermented sausages, precooked-cooked products, and dried meats.  All six categories of processed meats have been classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer – a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO).

In other words, health experts have discovered a link between processed meats and cancer.

We all should be monitoring our intake of meats, but this is particularly the case for children; as their bodies – internal organs, digestive system, etc. – are not yet capable of efficiently converting and eliminating unhealthy fats.

#2 Aspartame

According to Allison Sylvetsky, Ph.D., an assistant professor of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences:

“Just 8.7 percent of kids reported consuming low-calorie sweeteners in 1999 and 13 years later that number had risen to 25.1 percent. Kids aren’t alone in this trend. More adults also are taking in low-calorie sweeteners in diet soft drinks and in a variety of foods and snack items.”

The three most commonly consumed artificial sweeteners are aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin. Understandably, people embraced artificial sweeteners as a healthy alternative to sugar – but this may not be the case.

Independent researchers in various studies have linked aspartame to a “Higher relative weight, a larger waist, and a higher prevalence and incidence of abdominal obesity.”

Astonishingly, aspartame is included in some medications designed for children – and without proper labeling. Antibiotics, antacids, and Pedialyte products contain the substance.

#3 “Colored” Foods

Studies have shown that some foods (mostly cereals, candy, deserts) and sports drinks contain food dyes harmful to children. Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are three synthetic dye varieties that may cause abnormal behavioral patterns in children. Synthetic dyes may also trigger potentially dangerous allergic reactions; often accompanied by symptoms such as hives, itching, and swelling.

Despite mounting scientific evidence, some companies have scaled back or eliminated the use of artificial coloring in their products. For parents, this is a comforting step in the right direction. However, many products containing dyes remain on store shelves. For safety, it is advisable to avoid feeding “highly colored, highly processed” foods to your kids.

#4 Arsenic

“Wait, arsenic?!? Isn’t that a type of poison?” Yes, it is.

Shockingly, this chemical may very well be present in your kid’s food – especially if you’re feeding your little one rice. Many baby foods contain some variation of rice. In fact, nearly 80 percent of babies eat rice cereal within their first year.

The most toxic form of arsenic is inorganic arsenic. Inorganic arsenic is saturated in both groundwater and soil; thus, explaining its presence within many plant foods. Aside from rice products, inorganic arsenic has been discovered in apple juice (which is also loaded with sugar.)

#5 Soda

Okay, this last one should be a no-brainer. Soda is loaded with sugar. Furthermore, it’s devoid of nutrients, and flush with calories. A regular, 20-ounce soda can contain up to 50 or grams of sugar – between three and four times the amount a child should have in a day.

Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and mental disorders are all linked to high sugar intake in children.


Final Thoughts on Healthy Foods for Children

Here are some child nutrition tips from the American Academy of Family Physicians:

– Give the child several fruit and vegetable options every day.

– Buy fresh fruits and vegetables, if available. Frozen or canned varieties (low in syrup) are the second-best and third-best options.

– Provide several healthy sources of protein. Chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, and turkey are great options.

– Serve whole-grain bread and cereals.

– Offer no-fat or low-fat dairy products, such as cheese and milk.

– Ensure the child remains adequately hydrated. 5, 8-ounce glasses of water (5-8 years), 7 glasses (9 to 12 years), and 8 to 10 glasses (13+ years) are recommended.

– Limit or eliminate fast food meals.

– Demonstrate healthy eating habits yourself.

– Read all food labels and do the appropriate research.

11 Quotes to Remember When Your Relationship Is Suffering

Conflict is only one part of a romantic relationship, not the whole of it. When your partnership is suffering, it can seem like the current conflict is the most important part, but it’s not.

Let’s look at some quotes to remember when you’re not in a good place in your relationship.

11 Quotes to Remember When Your Relationship Is Suffering

1. Surround yourself with people who illuminate your path.

– Kristen Butler, founder Power of Positivity

Don’t give your time or energy to someone who is unworthy of your efforts! Instead, surround yourself with positive people who will appreciate you. Remember that positive energy begets success and negative energy breeds poor outcomes.

illuminate path

2. Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later. – Bob Goff

According to a study in the journal Social Psychology and Personality, relationships may seem to suffer for a time. Researchers say when you go through a breakup, your friends might not be supportive.

The social stigma of being in a newer relationship could be a good thing. “It may be, for example, that those involved in shorter relationships construe the salience of social stigma as an indicator of things to come and therefore focus on the obstacles and challenges they will need to surmount in their relationships, while those involved in longer relationships may recall all of the hardships and challenges they have already overcome in their relationships and see the future as all the brighter.“


Words of wisdom

3. Believe good things will happen and they will

See things from a positive perspective in your relationship, which may be a total reversal from how you see them now. A man was going to divorce his wife, but he decided to hug her after his therapist told him to tell his wife he wasn’t angry with her again, as if this time, his wife wasn’t wrong. If you believe your partner to be wrong, you are going to see only the things that prove yourself to be right, not the small loving acts that your partner does when they aren’t annoying you.

good things

Want to read more positive quotes like this?

4. A woman is unstoppable after she realizes she deserves better.

deserve better

5. Go and love someone exactly as they are.

And then watch how quickly they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered. Never enter into a romance with the intention to change somebody. This mindset only sets you up for a rocky road ahead.


6. Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone.

Sometimes you need to spend time alone, to experience, appreciate, and love yourself.

Researchers in the American Journal of Family Therapy state that working on our own emotional intelligence skills leads to better relationship happiness now and in the future. The researchers suggest that “Better perception, understanding, managing, and harnessing of emotions in the self may lead individuals to do better in and be more satisfied with romantic relationships.

For instance, (1) higher levels of self-management of emotions may lead to more relationship satisfaction; (2) better understanding of others’ emotions in conjunction with insight into one’s own emotions may lead individuals to enter relationships with more compatible partners; (3) higher levels of emotionally competent behavior may make it more likely that individuals will establish and maintain mutually satisfying relationships; and (4) some of these emotionally skilled behaviors may be observed and acquired by relationship partners, leading to further increases in relationship satisfaction.”

spend time alone

7. Blessed is the person who hears ‘I love you’ daily.

i love you

8. Notice people who make an effort to stay in your life.

The truest friends are those who are with you through the best and the worst days. Take note of those who support you during your darkest moments and those who flee at the first sign of trouble. This data will help you draw nearer to the most positive people.


9. I’m grateful to wake up and know that I have another chance.

Live like you’re in the movie Groundhog Day.

another chance

10. If you still talk about it, you still care about it.

You are giving energy to what you care about by speaking it aloud. That means that if you are still talking about your relationship even though you are suffering, you still clearly care deeply about it.

relationships - care more

11. I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back.

I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust. Plus, it takes only seconds to destroy it. You are a loveable person who deserves the best in life. Accept nothing less!

relationship advice be loved

10 Reasons Every Person Should Know About the Law of Attraction

So are you wondering about the Law of Attraction?

“Doubt and worry freezes people. Don’t sit wondering if you can do something. Just go and do it. Doubt of any kind can be ended with action.” – Bob Proctor

The first half of this article is for those unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction or who wish to know more. Then, the second half discusses ten reasons people should know about the practice.

About the Law of Attraction

In simple terms, The Law of Attraction (LOA) is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we intend. Besides LOA, you might hear the term manifestation.

In the history books, LOA is thought to have spawned out of the New Thought Movement. Furthermore, this philosophical movement supposes that “Infinite Intelligence (is) everywhere, the spirit is the totality of real things, true human selfhood is divine, divine thought is a force for good, sickness originates in the mind, and “right thinking” has a ‘healing effect.’”

In practical terms, LOA teaches the following:

  • People and thoughts form pure energy. Of course, these can be positive or negative. Undoubtedly, individual ideas are the most potent influences in one’s life. Additionally, those thoughts connect with the Universes’ energy.
  • Our thoughts are classified as either “limiting or self-destructive (‘negative’) thoughts” or “empowered, adaptive (‘positive’) thoughts.”
  • “Like energy attracts like energy,” and a person can work on increasing good energy. This knowledge will improve various aspects of life (e.g., health, financial, interpersonal, and spiritual.)
  • Should a person’s usual disposition be negative, LOA teaches the mind to reframe such thoughts. Because they use cognitive reframing techniques, affirmations, and creative visualization, it’s naturally effective.
  • Our thoughts produce energy, which is either “in tune” or “out of tune” with Universal Law. This Law ultimately determines what a person “receives.” It can be good or bad.

law of attractionRationale

Now, regardless of whether one is an ardent believer or a skeptic of the New Thought movement, there is no denying the presence of experts espousing the scientific rationale behind LOA and similar teachings. For example, think of Buddhist Meditation.

Dr. Srini Pillay, a Psychiatrist, Brain Researcher, and professor at Harvard Medical School, writes about LOA:

“Recent brain imaging studies are rapidly showing that the brain does conform to its function to the ‘Law of Attraction’…Anxious people make other people worried, and fearful people make other people afraid. Similar principles apply to happiness, and expected reward, when our brains will light up, centers that correspond to these emotional states in others (do as well)… ‘contagious actions,’ ‘contagious feelings,’ ‘intention action connections and ‘attention action connections all support the ‘law of attraction,”

Dr. Pillay concludes, “Underlying all of these ideas is the notion of connection – we are connected within and without…The depth of our feelings and actions is a critical variable in ‘attracting’ what we want to our lives.”

Things we should know about LOA

It’s helpful to know that LOA practitioners are similar to those who adhere to religious doctrine or other belief systems. Indeed, they often seek to clarify misconceptions about the practice. Rightfully so. They also strive to inform and perhaps guide someone down their life’s path, which may involve the Law of Attraction!

Here are ten reasons people should know about the Law of Attraction

Remember this advice.

1. Universal knowledge trumps ours

Science estimates that the Universe originated 13.82 billion years ago. In that time, forces beyond human comprehension designed and implemented laws that continue to govern the Cosmos. Furthermore, in their 200,000 years on Earth, modern human beings have only scratched a thin layer of the Universe’s secrets.

In other words, the Universe possesses wisdom beyond human understanding. More importantly, we can communicate with this wisdom.

2. Initial resistance is common

LOA practitioners face the same opposition we all do when introduced to a new way of thinking. Learning and understanding the concept of LOA or being inspired by its teachings and methodology is not the same as true belief. It’s normal and healthy to question things. This is something that the LOA adequately addresses and encourages.

3. Our “inner world” requires evaluation and work

Thus, to change our thoughts – thus, our circumstances – we must evaluate and work on our inner world of thoughts and beliefs. Of course, “work” in this sense means acknowledging any internal turbulence or negative thinking patterns and addressing them.

4. “Divine” timing is everything

LOA teaches that there’s a plan for everyone’s life and that the manifestation of this plan requires patience. Furthermore, the intentions we’ve set for our life may not come to fruition until we acquire specific knowledge that the Universe necessitates.

The word Divine means different things to different people. For some, it’s universal energy; for others, it is fate, karma, or a Creator. You may call this force whatever you wish, but you can’t deny its presence!

law of attraction

5. The Universe requires our participation

Some religions teach “complete surrender” to a Creator. And others forbid specific acts, calling them “sinful.” However, the LOA teaches no such dogma. Instead, it does compel individuals to make their intentions known to the Universe. Thus, they believe in co-creation. Because of this belief, they form a partnership with the Cosmos’ energy to achieve our aims.

6. Don’t fake your emotions

Law of Attraction encourages the honest expression of emotion to acquire the things which we seek. A founding tenet of LOA is that the Universe sends back the energy it receives. Therefore, it’s good for those to wait until they’re happy or at peace before making their intentions known.

7. LOA isn’t intended to manipulate

A small minority within the LOA community believes that Universal Law can be used to control others. This viewpoint is not only woefully inaccurate. Additionally, it insults those who use LOA’s methods to better themselves and their world.

8. Letting go is a necessary skill

Since what we receive from the Universe depends on the energy we emit, letting go of internal conflict is a skill we must all learn. Many who practice LOA are minimalists and don’t require much to love; thus, they’re less vulnerable to being hurt by external influences. They’ve mastered the skill of letting go.

9. You have a spiritual support system

Many within the LOA community are very spiritual people. This deep sense of spirituality involves believing in immaterial, good forces such as angels or spirit guides. Moreover, these forces can reassure someone of their path and reinforce their faith.

law of attraction

10. NOT everything that happens in life is your fault

One common misconception people have about LOA is that it teaches people to believe everything wrong in their life is of their own doing. However, what Law of Attraction does explain is transcendence. This is the belief that the Universe helps us learn, grow, and fulfill our destiny. However, practitioners still acknowledge that some things are out of our control and indeed beyond human comprehension.

10 Reasons People Annoy Their Partner (And How to Avoid it)

Ask anyone (even yourself) to define a good partner. What comes to mind? Common interests? Total honesty? Someone they can be themselves around? Plenty of intimacy? It may just be the idea of a solid, happy, and healthy relationship.

All of the above-mentioned “answers” are common and predictable.

But what many people don’t contemplate are the dynamics that exist within an intimate relationship. There comes the point when the “boring” and “unsexy” things about someone become anything but, and the “little peccadillos” become major annoyances.

Using information gathered via a nationwide survey of 1,035 couples, we list the top 10 things a person does that annoys their partner. As we’ll see, the answers are a mix of “big” and “small,” obvious and obscure. Regardless, we’ll see that the little things do indeed matter – both for better or for worse. (Why does that sound familiar?)

Here the ten things that annoy your partner:

“It’s great to find that one special partner you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Rita Rudner


1. Having selective listening (40%)

Get ready for the shock of your lifetime. Ready? People don’t always fully listen. A mind-blowing revelation, we know.

To be more specific, selective listening is unconsciously applying filters to whatever is said. We use selective listening to get a “general idea” or “summary” of what our better half is saying.

Needless to say, our partner doesn’t appreciate when we halfheartedly listen while they’re speaking – especially if we’re zeroed in on something (read: multitasking) else of relative unimportance.

Solution: read up on active listening and give it some practice.

2. Snoring (39%)

Did you give snoring much consideration when you were in the dating phase? Probably not. Yet, it’s the second most annoying behavior according to their partner. (Wait until you see what it ranks above.)

We’re here to help; not criticize. Snoring occurs when air cannot pass unobstructed through the nose and throat during sleep. It’s a physiological thing and requires some intervention.

Solution: There are plenty of ways to fix snoring; from using a body pillow and good sleeping habits, to using nasal strips and staying hydrated. Read up and find what works for you.

3. Being a control freak at times (26%)

It doesn’t matter if we’re in a long-term relationship or not, people despise any and all “authoritarian” type behavior – and understandably so. We may be able to put up with an overzealous boss, but we shouldn’t have to from our partner.

Solution: for the recipient, maintain your calm and assert your ground. For the controller, they’re your g-dang lover – ease up; or educate yourself on what it entails to be a “control freak” and do something about it. 

4. Not being as financially responsible (20%)

The good news is sucking at money management is less annoying than snoring. The bad news is that financial stress is the leading cause of divorce.

Marriages or any other long-term relationship that does persevere through money troubles is because (a) the more financially literate spouse takes control, or (b) the financially-illiterate spouse changes their ways.

Solution: See (a) or (b). When in doubt, choose (a). Money issues are not a reason to put your relationship at risk.


5. Bodily *ahem* peculiarities (19%)

Yes, we’re referring to excessive burping, cursing, farting, nose-picking, or any other immature, unhygienic behavior. This problem has more to do with the venue than the act itself. Everyone burps, curses, farts, and picks their nose – but not everyone does so within eyesight or hearing capacity of another human being.

Hate to be nitpicky (no pun intended), but repeated behavior of this type has no place in a civil society much less a relationship.

Solution: just go somewhere else and “handle your business.” That’s all.

6. Not contributing to household chores (18%)

Moern men are expected to participate in household duties. Sure, some men work full-time, and the woman stays at home and handles domestic stuff. That’s different.

Failing to contribute, in any meaningful way, to responsibilities around the house is plain lazy.

Solution: designate who is responsible for what at a given time. Stick with that schedule and be accountable.

7. Being “a slob” will annoy your partner (17%)

Yes, this means throwing your socks everywhere, not aiming for the toilet seat, leaving your dirty dishes around, etcetera, etcetera. Being a complete slob is inexcusable in a relationship; acceptable in a frat house, not so appropriate in a house-house.

We all differ in our interpretation of what is “clean.” Some habits are ingrained and need a simple reprimand from their partner.

Solution: resolve to clean up and remind yourself of this commitment. Just make an effort – your partner will appreciate it.

gross habits

These fifteen gross habits probably really annoy your significant other.

8. Working too much (16%)

This is a tough one to explain, as each situation is different. We may work hard out of necessity or out of trying damn hard to give the family a good life.

The simple fact is that we need money to survive and meet our basic needs. In reality, we don’t need much more than that, no matter what our consumerist-driven society tries to sell us.

Solution: we can’t provide a blanket “prescription” for this situation. Everyone has different needs. The only thing we can recommend is to evaluate the reasoning behind the excess workload. Is it palatable or does something need to change?

9. Not getting along with in-laws (8%)

In-laws, depending on circumstance and perspective, can be a source of distress for someone. For example a quiet, reserved and modest person who is forced to continuously meet up with an inherited family who – at least on the surface – is comprised of bombastic, egotistical, status-driven knuckleheads, probably doesn’t get along too well.

Solution: look for the positive qualities in every individual. Take some one-on-one time and REALLY get to know them. What comes out of their mouth may surprise you. Or just ignore them. Whatever works.

10. Forgetting an anniversary will irk your partner (5%)

Your eyes do not deceive you. Forgetting an anniversary ranks last on this Top 10 list. That said…really?

Solution: remember your anniversary date – or any important date, for that matter. Mark it on a calendar, set a reminder on your cell, or post-date an email to yourself. Remember the important stuff and when it happened.

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