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10 Reasons to Drink Green Tea Daily

Tea has been cultivated for centuries, beginning in India and China. Today, tea is the most widely-consumed beverage in the world, second only to water. Hundreds of millions of people drink tea, and studies suggest that green tea (Camellia sinesis) in particular has many health benefits. – University of Maryland Medical Center

Are you a tea drinker? If not, you should perhaps consider the second most popular drink in the world. Tea is a refreshing and delicious drink, yes, but it’s astonishing benefits to human health are perhaps the best reasons to brew.

Black, green, and oolong are the three main variations of tea. Of the three types, it is widely accepted within the medical and scientific communities that green tea is the most beneficial to health. Research seems to prove these claims.

The primary difference between the three tea types – and their respective properties – is a byproduct of processing methods. Green tea’s potent health benefits are attributed to its high concentration of polyphenols – a powerful antioxidant.

All health problems are associated with damage at a cellular level. Cellular bodies are destroyed by a number of things, including free radicals. Free radicals are compounds that harm and kill cellular bodies; resulting in health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

The high concentration of polyphenols within green tea counteracts and neutralizes free radicals and other compounds that cause cellular damage. Thus, it is widely accepted that green tea can prevent or improve acute and chronic health conditions.

In traditional medicine, green tea was used in a number of ways; as a stimulant, a diuretic, an anti-coagulant, and for heart health. Other traditional uses include regulation of blood sugar, improving cognitive functions, treating gastrointestinal problems, normalizing digestive functions, and normalizing body temperature.

Green tea has been studied extensively in both animals and humans, culminating in research that apparently confirms the myriad of health benefits.

Here, we discuss ten amazing health benefits of green tea based on research studies. You may want to get that kettle heated up!

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

1. Diabetes prevention

As mentioned, green tea has been used for years to stabilize blood sugar levels. Many animal studies demonstrate that this inherent property of green tea may be effective in preventing type 1 diabetes. Also, research has shown that the drink may also slow the progression of the disease following acquisition.

2. Digestive health

The high levels of antioxidants in green tea seem to aid digestion. Research demonstrates this digestive function is a byproduct of polyphenol activity – an antioxidant which also has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Also, green tea may reduce inflammatory symptoms of the two types of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease.

3. Anti-cancer uses

Clinical studies suggest that green tea may be a strong anti-cancer agent. Researchers attribute this to polyphenols, which can neutralize cancer cells and prevent cancerous growths. Green tea’s effects on cancers of the bladder, breast, colon, esophagus, lungs, skin, stomach, pancreas, and prostate have all been researched with promising results.

4. Lowers cholesterol

Green tea’s antioxidants may prevent cholesterol absorption in the intestines and expedite the ridding of bad cholesterol in the body. Interesting, green tea demonstrably raises good cholesterol (HDL) in humans.

5. Lowers risk of heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Population-centric studies indicate that green tea’s abundance of antioxidants may impede the mechanisms of atherosclerosis, including coronary heart disease. Additionally, across studies, researchers believe that 3 cups of green tea daily lowers the risk of heart attack by over 10 percent.

6. Improves liver health

The liver is another organ that apparently benefits in a variety of ways from green tea’s properties. First, prolific green tea drinkers are less likely to develop liver problems; reverse the effects of alcohol on the liver, and protect against liver tumors. Scientists attribute these outcomes to plant chemicals called catechins, which are abundant in green tea.

7. Aids in weight loss

Early clinical studies indicate that green tea boosts metabolism and assists in fat burning. Interestingly, green tea combined with caffeine expedited weight loss in moderately obese and overweight demographics. Green tea contains a phytonutrient called EGCG which increases a hormone that promotes satiation, or a feeling of fullness.

8. Reduces inflammation

A number of studies have linked green tea consumption to decreased inflammation in a number of organs of the body. Inflammation of the stomach, bowels, liver, in addition to the reduction of inflammation of body tissue and cartilage, have been cited.

Related article: This Ancient Tea Helps With Anxiety and Weight Loss

9. Improves cognition

According to a study at the University of Basel in Switzerland, consumption of green tea “enhances memory performance, a finding that researchers suggest may have important implications for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, including cognitive impairment.” Dementia is one such disorder where green tea has been shown to have promising treatment potential.

10. Other possible benefits (many)

In the sake of brevity, we’ll quickly mention some promising research being undertaken. Scientists are currently examining the consumption of green tea and:

prevention of dental cavities

– treatment of arthritis

treatment of genital warts

– treatment of various skin conditions

prevention of cold and flu symptoms

Brooks, M. (2014, April 16). Green Tea’s Impact on Cognitive Function Now Visible. Retrieved from Health Benefits of Tea: Green Tea. Retrieved from
University of Maryland Medical Center. Green tea. Retrieved from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Eating Habits That Shorten Your Lifespan

“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” – Mark Twain

Life expectancy is an important indicator to evaluate the social development of a country. Health and longevity can not only improve people’s life quality but also ensure them to have more time to pursue their life goal…Nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting people’s health. Both malnutrition and overnutrition are risk factors for disease and death. – Zheng, X.Y, et al.: Progress in Research of Nutrition and Life Expectancy

To begin, we’d like to present a couple of interesting statistics.

First, the rates of obesity between the United States and our friendly neighbor to the Far East, Japan.

– A Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30 is considered obese. (BMI is considered the international standard for obesity)

– 3.6 percent of Japanese have a BMI over 30.

32 percent of Americans have a BMI over 30.

– A BMI over 25 is considered overweight.

– 1 in every 4 of Japanese have a BMI over 25.

2 in every 3 Americans have a BMI over 25.

Second, the average life expectancy, in years, in the United States and Japan.

– The average life expectancy in Japan: 85 years (2nd highest in world.)

The average life expectancy in the U.S.: 79 years (42nd in the world.)

The U.S. is not the only country in the Western world to face an obesity/overweight crisis, but we Americans—a people that many around the world continue to look up to–most certainly do not set a very good example.

Why does the U.S., one of the richest and most powerful countries on the planet, have some of the poorest health outcomes among developed nations?

Because of habit. Because of consumerism. Because we’ve bought into the well-advertised notion that convenience is king. Many of us have fallen for such tactics; many Americans–and many in the Western world–continue to believe that all foods, regardless of how it’s produced, or what it’s composed of, is simply a means of sustenance.

But the food we put into our mouths has a grave impact on our present and future health. Despite the proliferation of well-researched intelligence on the importance of nutrition, millions of Americans don’t consider or understand the essential importance of eating habits.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most unwholesome eating habits. Make no mistake, these 5 habits are a severe detriment to our health–and contribute to a reduced lifespan.

Here are 5 eating habits that can shorten your life:

1. Too much sugar

The introduction of sugar has caused the most harm, in terms of health, than any other ingredient in existence. Refined sugars, including processed grains and fructose, contribute to a host of health problems, especially diabetes and heart disease.

Processed foods, including pre-prepared and packaged vegetables and canned fruits–two food categories thought to be “healthy”–are sometimes loaded with sugar. From candy and soda, to microwaved meals and meat products, sugar is added to the majority of “convenience foods” (i.e. boxed, packaged foods).

2. Insulin-resistant ingredients

Yes, this includes sugar-laden foods and drinks. Insulin is the main driver of the aging process, and can also negatively impact numerous physiological functions.

Insulin resistance of the liver manifests into type 2 diabetes; insulin resistance of the brain manifests into dementia (including Alzheimer’s Disease); insulin resistance of the kidney manifests into renal disease–and so on. The point is that insulin resistance can suppress the normal functioning of vital organs; those that sustain life.

Limit sugar, fructose, and artificial sweeteners to prevent this from happening.

3. Trans Fat

In simple terms, trans fat obstructs blood flow and promotes heart disease. Arteries are rendered incapable of producing necessary elements that promote cellular health; in conjunction, these effects can lead to (often sudden) disease, and even death.

Fortunately, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed trans fats from a “safe list” that promulgates the “zero health risk” myth of the substance. Deviously, but predictably, food manufacturers continue to substitute other toxic byproducts that harm cellular health (e.g. ‘cyclic aldehydes’) in place of trans fat.

4. Low Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D is essential in the prevention of diseases and expanding one’s lifespan. Research has conclusively shown that adequate vitamin D levels protect against numerous fatal diseases, including cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, lung disease and cancer.

Vitamin D promotes brain health by promoting nerve growth and is essential to optimal brain function. Research has shown that seniors with low vitamin D levels double their risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. The vitamin also possesses immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties.

Related article: 5 Foods that Starve Fat Cells

Exposure to sunlight is the ideal method of gathering and storing vitamin D. For whatever reason (seasonal climate, location, illness, etc.) sunlight exposure is not feasible, various high-quality vitamin D supplements will do the job. Foods rich in vitamin D, including fatty fish, dairy products, cheese, and egg yolks will significantly increase ‘D’ levels.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol is not a food, obviously; and some variations of alcohol (e.g. red wine) may produce certain health benefits. Excessive consumption of alcohol, however, is detrimental to overall health.

First, alcohol abuse can damage liver and brain function. Cirrhosis (irreversible scarring) of the liver–is the leading cause of death from long-term alcohol abuse.

Excessive scar tissue causes the liver to become hardened; this can lead to shortage of blood flow to the liver and other vital organs. Cirrhosis of the liver contributed to 1.2 million deaths in 2014, up 150 percent from 1990.

Central Intelligence Agency. (2016). Country Comparison: Life Expectancy At Birth. Retrieved March 31, 2017, from
Mercola, J., DO. (2015, January 14). Foods and Other Lifestyle Factors That Will Shorten Your Lifespan. Retrieved March 31, 2017, from
WebMD. (2017). What Is Cirrhosis?, Retrieved March 31, 2017 from
Zheng, X., Han, Y., Gau, C., Zheng, L., Qiu, Y., & Chen, G. (2014). Progress in Research of Nutrition and Life Expectancy. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 27(3), 151-161. doi:10.3967/bes2014.036
Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2015). The Lancet, 388(10053), 117-171. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61682-2
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Phrases Sociopaths Use To Kill Your Confidence

Sociopaths, in a nutshell, make every attempt to control your life. If you’ve been in a relationship with a sociopath, chances are you often feel on-edge. In fact, you might not quite understand this (often subtle) feeling.

“I have never killed anyone, but I have certainly wanted to. I may have a disorder, but I am not crazy. In a world filled with gloomy, mediocre nothings populating a go-nowhere rat race, people are attracted to my exceptionalism like moths to a flame. This is my story.” – M.E. Thomas “Confessions of a Sociopath.”

Maybe you’ve experienced the feeling of being alone, being wrong, or afraid of making your partner angry. Again, these thoughts and feelings come and go; they are frustrating and enigmatic at the same time.

Having any relationship with a sociopath, no matter how “below the surface” any emotions may be, is a dangerous situation. Here’s an excerpt from a book written by the ex-wife of a diagnosed sociopath:

My breath caught. My chest tightened. Fear welled inside me. I swallowed, trying to coax moisture back into my mouth so that I could speak and conceal how scared I was of Paul in that moment and of what might happen in the future.

How are sociopaths able to maintain relationships? Through fear, manipulation, and demoralization.

Self-doubt is often a close cousin of low confidence. Thus, undermining your confidence is one of the ways that sociopaths are able to keep you trapped in their web of deceit.

So are there phrases sociopaths use to “clue you in” on their real intentions?

Yes – and here are five such catchphrases:


 1. “You’re the one/We’re meant to be.”

At the beginning of a relationship, it is not uncommon for sociopaths (or narcissists) to “love bomb,” or relentlessly verbalize their “affection” for you. In fact, this is not normal behavior. Even in the best-case scenario, the person is off-balance, e.g., a stalker, or “clinger.” In the worst case, well, they’re manipulative control freaks.

“(People) who go ‘too fast’ (defined as whatever makes you uncomfortable), do not respect boundaries. One definition of ‘abuse’ is ‘that which violates personal boundaries,’ writes Dr. Steven Stosney.

2. “You’re misunderstanding me.”

“Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality,” writes Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, sociopaths that utilize gaslighting because “They know confusion weakens people.”

Essentially, sociopaths use this phrase to (a) cause someone to question themselves, and (b) satisfy their insatiable need to feel right. They will often use gaslighting to recover from a situation that they believe diminishes (or threatens to diminish) their power.

3. “I hate drama/You’re a drama queen.”

Few other phrases cause someone to doubt themselves more than being labeled a “drama queen.” In reality, this is a phrase that sociopaths use to impart a sense of uncertainty.

The truth is that sociopaths love drama/ That’s because without it, they would not achieve their manipulative and self-serving plans. Think about it: drama is the sociopath’s primary source of ammunition.

Drama is the fuel to their fire. Time to put it out.

rude people

4. “You need me.”

Sociopaths crave control; sensing or knowing that their victim has surrendered their personal will is their foremost desire.

Obviously, sociopaths don’t say this because they want a healthy relationship. What they want is to, again, create an influx of emotions that override rational thought. Remember the words control through manipulation. As a result, you will arm yourself to detect a possible sociopath.

Don’t give in. The fact is you don’t need them. It is essential to separate emotions from logical thinking when dealing with a sociopath.

5. “You’re ignorant/stupid/uneducated.”

This final phrase is included for a couple of reasons. First, to reinforce the fact that sociopaths are capable of abusive behavior. Again, sociopaths have no inhibitions about hurting people emotionally, physically or psychologically.

However, if you combine this capacity for abuse with a sociopath’s sense of superiority, need for control, and ruthlessness in getting what they want. In the end, it’s a play on your emotions capable of spiraling into a dangerous situation.

By preparing mentally, you protect yourself against these self-serving creatures.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Signs of Lyme Disease (And How to Prevent It)

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted through the bite of infected black-legged ticks (on the East Coast) and deer ticks (on the West Coast). The symptoms of Lyme disease are often wide-ranging and may occur anywhere from 3 to 30 days after the bite.

Lyme disease can be particularly difficult to diagnose, as the bacterium responsible for the condition produces symptoms that mimic common illnesses. Symptoms of Lyme disease may be similar to those of a cold or flu. states “Patients with Lyme disease are frequently misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and various psychiatric illnesses, including depression.” As a result of the frequent misdiagnoses and apparent replication of symptoms, some call this disease “The Great Imitator.”

The bacterium that causes the condition can affect the brain and nervous system, heart, and the muscles and joints.

Lyme Disease Statistics

Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 288,000 to 329,000 individuals test positive for the condition each year (based on data modeling estimates.)

In 2015, over 96 percent of all reported cases of Lyme disease occurred in 14 states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

In fact, cases of Lyme disease happen on every continent except Antarctica. As you see from the statistics above, most cases of the condition in the United States occur in the East and Midwest parts of the country.

lyme disease

8 Potential Signs of Lyme Disease

As the condition is often misdiagnosed, the criteria for diagnosing Lyme disease should differ noticeably from that of other illnesses – but it does not. As such, the risk factors and symptoms of the disease are best explained by medical practitioners who specialize in the condition.

1. Exposure

The species of ticks that transmit Lyme disease come from particular habitats. cites “wooded or grassy areas” as the two primary environments where ticks live.

Living, exercising, or spending leisure time (e.g. camping) in wooded or grassy areas is the number one risk factor.

2. Tick bite

As the condition originates via tick bite, you’d think this would be an easy thing to spot – but it isn’t. The reason is that most people who contract Lyme are bitten by an immature tick, which is about the size of a poppy seed. The insect’s diminutive size and painless bite often go unnoticed by the person.

3. Rash

A “red expanding skin rash” is a pretty good indication of a tick bite. The size of the rash can differ significantly from person to person, but it usually swells, and – in the later stages – takes on a “bullseye on a dartboard” appearance.

However, note that one in every three people will not form a rash.

4. Flu-like symptoms

Some people will experience symptoms similar to the flu: fatigue, muscle and joint pain, high temperature (fever), headaches, stiffness in the neck, and body chills.

In fact, mistaking Lyme with influenza is very common. Should these symptoms persist and worsen past three to seven days (the “severe” symptom phase of the flu), Lyme disease is a possibility; especially if any of the abovementioned signs apply.

5. Facial weakness

This is definitely a scary symptom. Indeed, it is one that should raise the alarm. Numbness and weakness of facial muscles often result from nerve damage. Also called Bell’s palsy, these symptoms affect only one side of the face.

Numbness or weakness of the face is a medical emergency.

6. Respiratory or cardiovascular problems

Symptoms of respiratory or cardiovascular problems include chest pain, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. Medical professionals refer to the cardiovascular problems associated with Lyme as Lyme carditis. That term indicates a rapidly-progressing disturbance between nerve connections within the heart’s tissues.

Even if these symptoms are subtle, which they often are in the beginning, you should seek help from your doctor.

7. Problems with concentration or memory

Executive functions within the brain can be affected during the later stages of Lyme disease. Generally, concentration and memory problems co-occur with limb pain and facial weakness.

8. Inflammation

Inflammation resulting from Lyme may cause arthritis symptoms. Severe joint pain, swelling (especially in the knee area), numbness/tingling in the hands or feet, or “shooting” pains are potential indicators of Lyme disease.

If knee pain and inflammation become severe, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen/Aleve may temporarily relieve the pain. However, it is in your best interest to seek medical guidance.

Preventing Lyme Disease

The National Health Service (NHS) of the UK recommends the following preventative measures:

– avoiding long grass while walking

– wearing appropriate closing (long-sleeved shirt, pants) in tick-infested areas

– using insect repellent on exposed skin

– inspecting your skin for ticks, including around the armpits, groin, and waist area

– examining your children’s head and neck areas, including their scalp

– inspecting your pets to ensure ticks are not present on their fur

Kind Barbers Help Autistic Kids Feel Safe By Cutting Hair Anywhere

“Autistic children (can) often find having their hair cut extremely distressing because of sensory challenges associated with the condition. This means that when (they) are having their hair cut, the feeling of hands running through the hair landing on the face or body and the noise of scissors can cause distress.” – Meleri Thomas, National Autistic Society

For parents with an autistic child, routine parental responsibilities can prove exceptionally difficult. One such routine? Getting their children’s hair cut.

Per the UK National Health Service, autistic children display the following behaviors:

– “reacting unusually negatively when asked to do something by someone else”

– “not being aware of other people’s personal space, or being unusually intolerant of people entering their own space”

– “preferring to have a familiar routine and getting very upset if there are changes to this routine”

These are perhaps the biggest problems when a parent takes an autistic child to the hairdresser. A regular haircut usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes while remaining still in a chair – something that autistic children have an exceptionally difficult time doing.

For hairdressers, there’s also an inherent risk. After all, cutting hair requires the use of scissors – and a sudden jerk can injure the child. The difficulties and risks a hairdresser must deal with have led to many within the profession turning away autistic kids.

Fortunately, there are some hairdressers with the patience, heart, and skill to tend to these special children’s needs.

Donncha O’Connell: “We do have a few kids with special needs coming in. You take your time. (I) find that if you’re relaxed around them then they generally don’t have an issue.”


(Picture: Facebook/Evan O’Dwyer)

As with many autistic children, 16-year old Evan O’Dwyer has his “safe places” – one happens to be the backseat of his Mother’s car, where Evan enjoys eating and even getting dressed.

When the young man objected to getting his hair cut in the shop, barber Donncha O’Connell was unflappable. He grabbed his tools while following Evan to the back of the car. Apparently, Mr. O’Connell’s kindness and warmth left a lasting impressing on young Evan.

“Evan for the last 14 years has gone back to the same place. I just found there was something about Donncha. He’s so laidback. He’s so good,” says Evan’s mother, Deirdre.

Mr. O’Connell just takes it all in stride: “I’ve never cut anyone’s hair in the back of the car. (It’s) not a huge deal. Obviously, it’s a big thing for Deirdre. You do what you have to do.”

“Evan can decide where and when he wants to get his hair done, but we go with it.”

James (Jim) Williams: “I want barbers and hairdressers to understand autism. (It) changed my whole aspect of the world.”

James Williams, the owner of a barber shop in Wales, Great Britain, says “Some hairdressers refuse to cut the hair of autistic children. That’s because they will scream and respond badly, but I’m trying to get the message out there that they shouldn’t be turned away.” He adds “One of the biggest arguments I have with other hairdressers is when they make someone with autism sit in a chair to have their hair cut.”

Mr. Williams has cut a child’s hair in some interesting places: lying on the floor, sitting on a desk, on a windowsill, and in a car. How does he do it? “I try to pick up on the child’s emotions.”

One of William’s clients, a 5-year old boy named Seb, had a bit of a hard time at first. “To start with, he would walk around the salon with James following him cutting it when he could. Now he sits in a chair with his iPad and, for the most part, allows Jim to do it,” explains his mother Claire, “Although Seb still grumbles Jim will joke with him.”

Mr. Williams plans to create a map of hairdressers where autistic children “are actively welcome” and publish it online.

Web Sources:

Why Your Body Needs A Hug Every Day

“It is a great day to give someone a hug. Isn’t that every day?” At Power of Positivity, we think it is every day.

Do you want to feel on top of the world today? Give a hug to a loved one. The tighter, the better. “Mental hugs” do not count; they must be physical! Now we know that a hug can make us feel great, but why does the body need this?

Why Your Body Needs A Hug Every Day

“A number of studies now showing that this simple act of kindness may have benefit to those who give, and those who receive,” affirms Liz Bonis, medical reporter of Local 12 News Cincinnati.

It sounds grand! However, what are these benefits? It increases the body’s production of oxytocin, which explains why hugs make us feel great, as mentioned previously. Let us examine what oxytocin is and what its bodily benefits are. Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter which helps the emotional centre of the brain with feelings of happiness and reduction of stress and anxiety. Look lively, ladies – it has been shown that oxytocin makes men more affectionate and bond better.


Do you want better sex, fellas? Hugging has also been proven to increase sexual performance, so it is the body’s very own viagra. The Big O – that is Oxytocin in this case, brings to the table far more than just making you bond more or enjoy quality sex. It aids the curtailment of cortisol, the hormone to deal with stress which can harm the body if it is present for long periods of time. So this combination can lead to better sleep. One other way the Big O and hugging combine so well is that helps protect against heart disease, according to research by the University of North Carolina. This happens because those who do not hug their romantic partners have a raised heart rate by ten beats per minute.

A Study Proves it

One such study that Bonis from Local 12 News Cincinnati describes is the one by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It suggests that hugging and social support will make you less likely to be ill due to stress. CMU conducted an experiment to prove this on 404 healthy adults. For each of these test subjects for fourteen evenings without fail, questionnaires were on the pulse for social support and interpersonal conflicts and hug frequencies were noted by the team via telephone interviews.

After those two weeks elapsed, they were all intentionally exposed to the common cold virus and monitored in quarantine to look at the infection as a whole, signs and symptoms. The results showed a lowered risk of infection associated with aforementioned conflicts due to social support. Hugs made up roughly 33% of the total protective social support, a considerable amount by all accounts. Among those infected with the common cold, symptoms were milder for those who received social support and engaged in frequent hugging, regardless of whether or not they endured any conflict. Unlike pills and other forms of medication, hugs cost nothing in terms of your wallet. How is that for a great feeling?

In brief, hugging makes you feel positively happy, healthy, sexy, and smiling with help from our Big O, without leaving a hole in your pocket in terms of having to buy medication. Unfortunately, we are not able to give you a hug to say thanks for reading, but what we can do is encourage you to go hug crazy with friends and family and even people you do not even know. If you wish, you can blame Power of Positivity for your sudden enthusiasm for a simple, everyday act that creates so many feel-good vibes. Go on, catch the Hug Bug and release the Big O into the world!

Bonis L., “Health Alert: The benefits of hugging”
YouTube video
Local 12 News Cincinnati
Rea S., “Hugs Help Protect Against Stress and Infection, Say Carnegie Mellon Researchers”

Carnegie Mellon University
Linser S., “Hug Therapy: 6 Little -Known Benefits of Hugging”

True Stress Management
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