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11 Signs A Man Respects You In A Relationship

Do you know how to tell if someone respects you in a love relationship? Respect is the profound admiration for someone, their abilities, qualities, or accomplishments.

People with “good, valuable, or important” qualities are another way of describing respect. Respecting someone’s humanity is perhaps the best kind of respect we can give (and receive.) How much more should we respect someone who has given us their heart?

Regarding respect and relationships, having one without the other isn’t possible. The two qualities are mutually inclusive in every healthy relationship.

NOTE: We acknowledge that women display respect in slightly different ways than men. Thus, we address signs a woman respects her relationship in a separate companion article.

Five Reasons Why It Is Essential That Your Man Respects Your Relationship

Respectfulness is a crucial element for building and maintaining a healthy love relationship. It is the foundation of any meaningful relationship and serves as a guiding principle in how partners treat and interact. In a healthy love relationship, respect is essential for fostering trust, communication, and a sense of safety and security.


Trusting your partner

First and foremost, respect is essential for fostering trust in a relationship. Trust is built on mutual respect and honesty. Without it, the relationship is likely to crumble. When partners show respect towards each other, they create a safe space where they can be vulnerable and share their innermost thoughts and feelings. This trust is essential for building a deep emotional connection and for overcoming obstacles that may arise in the relationship.

Better communication to keep the relationship strong

Communication is also essential in a healthy love relationship, and respect plays a significant role in creating effective communication between partners. Respectful communication involves actively listening to each other, understanding each other’s perspectives, and valuing each other’s input. In a relationship where respect is present, partners feel heard and valued, leading to deeper conversations and a stronger emotional bond.

Feeling a sense of security

Respect is essential for creating a sense of safety and security in a relationship. When partners respect each other, they create an environment where each person feels comfortable being themselves without fear of judgment or criticism. This environment allows partners to be vulnerable with each other and fosters a sense of emotional security in the relationship. In contrast, a relationship lacking in respect can create an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty, leading to feelings of insecurity and doubt.

Relationship equality builds both partners

Another way in which respectfulness is necessary for a healthy love relationship is by promoting fairness and equality between partners. When partners show respect towards each other, they treat each other fairly and as equals, valuing each other’s opinions, needs, and desires. In contrast, a relationship lacking in respect can create an imbalance of power, leading to one partner dominating or controlling the other. Such an imbalance can lead to resentment and tension, ultimately damaging the relationship.

Fairer fights

Respectfulness also helps partners navigate those inevitable conflicts healthily and productively. In a respectful relationship, partners work together to find solutions to conflicts, using open and honest communication to address their issues. They do not resort to name-calling, blaming, or personal attacks, and instead, focus on finding common ground and working towards a solution that benefits both partners. This approach to conflict resolution promotes a sense of teamwork and strengthens the emotional bond between partners.

11 Signs A Man Respects You In A Relationship

In this article, we list and discuss 11 signs that the man you’re in a relationship with respects you. Let’s get started!

Respect is not an option in a relationship. It is a requirement.” ~ Anon.

1. He is encouraging

A man who loves and respects you wants what you want. He desires his woman to be the best possible version of herself, something that not only makes you feel good but him as well. He may have an opinion on the matter, but he won’t dissuade you from taking any positive step in your life.

pop quote

2. He respects your time and how you spend it

Another sign of a healthy relationship is regard for each other’s time – whether spent together or apart. Concerning the former, a respectful man is reliable regarding your (and others’) time. He is rarely late; when he is, he has a good explanation. When you need some time, for whatever reason, he is considerate and respectful.

(Note: spending over an hour in the bathroom may be an exception to this rule.)

3. He doesn’t get jealous

He’s devoted himself to you and is confident in your devotion to him. As such, a man who respects you doesn’t get jealous. This quality also speaks to the man’s self-confidence – something (sadly) that is absent in too many. Comment on Brad Pitt’s abs all you want, ladies!

4. He doesn’t try to control you

Controlling behavior reeks of insecurity and, of course, disrespect. As mentioned, thoughtful men are neither of these things. A respectful man who loves you wouldn’t even contemplate taking any action that could be considered controlling. Enough said.

5. Your opinions are taken seriously

Opinions are a matter of individual perspective and should always be respected. A respectful man actively listens and responds to your opinion. Moreover, the man is interested in what you have to say, regardless of whether he agrees or disagrees.

Speaking of which…

6. He doesn’t escalate disagreements

At the risk of sounding overtly obvious, every relationship has disagreements and arguments. One sign of a real man is respectful behavior – and he’s never inclined to intensify any disagreement or argument. He appreciates and respects the differences just as he does the similarities. Aside from demonstrating his respect, the ability to “agree to disagree” shows his strength and character.

7. He’s an “Honest Abe”

It can be difficult to discern whether or not someone is completely honest with you. However, a man who deeply respects his woman considers dishonest behavior abhorrent. If he says or does something he perceives as inaccurate, he’ll say so.

8. He doesn’t second-guess you

A healthy relationship requires two people to commit themselves entirely – to be selfless. A man who respects you (and vice-versa) will not ignorantly cast doubt upon your choices or judgment. He understands that you possess an admirable ability to think for yourself; otherwise, he wouldn’t be with or respect you to such a high degree.

9. He’ll discuss the relationship’s future

Some men have the impulse to evade discussing “the future.” Perhaps they’re not quite prepared for topics that you may bring up, which may scare them. But a man who respects you will actively listen to your perspective on the future and provide honest feedback, even if it’s not quite what you seek. If he’s ready for the next step, he’ll tell you. If he’s not ready, he’ll still tell you.

10. He spends a good amount of time with you

A man who respects you willingly allocates a generous amount of time to make sure you’re happy. If you enjoy certain activities, he knows and will go out of his way to make them happen. Even if he’s busy, a respectful man will sacrifice time he could spend elsewhere – at work, hanging out with friends, etc. – for you to know that you’re a priority.

11. He respects others

“Others” may be your family, social circle, or a stranger. The respect a man shows to others is equally as important to the respect he shows you. For those in the early phases of a relationship, observing how your man treats others is one of the best indications of his real character.



Final Thoughts on Signs Your Man Respects Your Relationship

Respectfulness is a necessary ingredient for building and maintaining a healthy love relationship. It promotes trust, effective communication, emotional security, fairness and equality, and productive conflict resolution. Without respect, a relationship will quickly fill with tension, resentment, and an imbalance of power. Therefore, partners must practice respect towards each other and make it a guiding principle in their relationship.

Why Crying During Movies Actually Means You’re Mentally Tough

Social scientists know that we tend to have a prejudice against those who cry during movies. Our tendency is to see people who cry as being emotionally weak.

Rarely is crying during movies interpreted as being mentally tough. But if we can set our negative stereotypes aside, we can see how emotional outpourings like crying can help us socially. In fact, it helps connect to others by helping them see how well we relate to their emotions.

Why Crying During Movies Actually Means You’re Mentally Tough

Crying during movies means you have the skills of an empath. Empathy is a skill that allows you to understand how someone else must be feeling based on what you either know about the situation they are experiencing or by their observable behavior.

The character Commander Deanna Troi on the TV series Star Trek: Next Generation is the best popular culture reference to understand what an empathetic or empathic person is like.

Crying during movies means you possess the ability to relate to the emotional state that another person is experiencing based on their situation and facial expressions.

Although you know that this pain belongs to someone else, for example an actor in a movie, you know what it feels like to hurt, grieve, yearn, or rejoice and you can relate to a fellow human being who is showing the same emotion.

Empaths have to be mentally tough because emotional outpourings can drain physical energy. Connection like this to fellow people on the planet is an important social skill that is often overlooked or undervalued. The ability to relate in important ways will help you be successful with your education, career, and romantic partnerships.

soft and strong

Crying during movies connects to emotional intelligence, extroversion, and self-esteem

Researchers studying crying during movies found that several personality traits were found to be associated with crying and sadness. These include empathy, extroversion, femininity, self-esteem, and prior stress levels.

Women who cried during a movie also reported being sad to the researchers afterward. Conversely, men who cried reported no emotional connection to the film.

Mentally tough people usually take the leadership role in social interactions. And that seems to conflict with the image of someone who cries at movies. However, being extroverted was one of the surprising personality trait results of the above experiment.

The researchers found that these personality traits were associated with crying during movies and ego strength or self-esteem levels, which is the mental toughness in knowing oneself to be worthy of respect.

You might say that people who cry during movies have an advantage over others. Picking up on emotional cues based on tone, facial expressions, body language, micro-expressions, and your gut instinct helps you to identify if the people you interact with are pleased or displeased.

Here’s how these observed responses connect to emotions:

Understanding Tone

The tone of voice is crucial to communication, revealing emotions and attitudes that may not be explicitly stated. It encompasses pitch, volume, and pace. Indeed, it can indicate feelings like anger, happiness, or uncertainty. For instance, a raised voice might signify anger or excitement, while a monotonous tone could suggest boredom or disinterest. By attentively listening to the tone, you can gauge the emotional state and intent of the speaker, which aids in better understanding their perspective.

Interpreting Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are powerful indicators of someone’s emotional state. Through facial cues, humans instinctively recognize emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise. A smile, for example, generally indicates happiness or approval, while a frown usually signifies displeasure or concern. Learning to interpret these expressions accurately can provide valuable insight into how someone is feeling, even if they don’t verbalize it.

Reading Body Language

Body language is a non-verbal communication that includes gestures, posture, and movements. Open body language, like uncrossed arms, can indicate receptiveness and comfort, while closed body language, such as crossed arms or avoiding eye contact, might suggest defensiveness or discomfort. Observing body language in conjunction with other cues can better understand someone’s emotional state.

Analyzing Micro-Expressions

Microexpressions are brief, involuntary facial expressions that reveal genuine emotions. They are often difficult to catch and interpret, as they occur fleetingly. These expressions can be crucial in detecting hidden feelings or lies. For example, a quick flash of contempt on someone’s face might go unnoticed in a casual interaction but can indicate underlying negative feelings.

Trusting Your Gut Instinct

Gut instinct, or intuition, plays a significant role in reading others. It’s an instinctive feeling that often arises without conscious reasoning. Trusting your gut can help quickly judge someone’s intentions or feelings. Past experiences and knowledge shape this instinct, and while it’s not infallible, it can be a valuable tool for understanding social dynamics.

This is the kind of information that marketing professionals harness to determine consumer preference for or against a product.


Final Thoughts on Crying During Movies

Crying during movies is part of the experience of totally immersing yourself in a movie. In another study, researchers looked at the illusion of having two bodies simultaneously during a movie. They say that although we know that the movie is not real, more perceptive people are simultaneously aware of being inside the film and outside of it.

This conflict between being both here in the seat of the theater and also participating in the movie experience of the actors can cause viewers to experience “dizziness and nausea, an unsettling yet – to a certain degree – pleasurable feeling, which is significantly intensified in media environments such as 3-D films and virtual reality.”

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Neither Here nor There The Paradoxes of Immersion.

4 Reasons Women are Scared to Date

We all have different perspectives about dating. Some people see it as fun and full of possibilities; others hate it. For the latter group, their glum outlook on dating is understandable, as the path to finding a partner is often a difficult one.  “How many more guys/girls can I deal with?” “What the heck is wrong with me?” “What on Earth is wrong with them?”

For those in a relationship, odds are you didn’t find your partner right away. A few of us have even gone through hell and back before finding our love – a time of tremendous joy accompanied by a sense of relief.

The dating uncertainty has made some people fearful – a natural response to vulnerability. Dating is a risk, plain and simple. For women afraid to date, such feelings must be okay. Be patient and wait for when you’re ready.

This article is for you. Here, we discuss four reasons why women are scared to date. For our male readers, you may find that some of these words describe your thoughts and feelings on the subject of dating, as well.

Here are four reasons why women are scared of dating:

“Dating is a risk, with a great reward, just remember you can keep going, or stop at any time, this is your life.” – Anon.


1. She’s afraid of rejection

In two words, rejection sucks. Unfortunately, dating often involves plenty of it – which quickly becomes disheartening. In essence, being rejected is similar to being told “You’re not good enough.”

In addition to the influx of negative emotions, rejection damages psychological well-being. Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), scientists have found that rejection follows the same pathways of the brain that receive pain signals. Rejection literally hurts from a neurological perspective.

Considering the brain’s tendency to relive adverse life events – and the manifestation of emotional and physical pain that rejection brings – it quickly becomes apparent why a woman who has been hurt would fear the notion of dating.

2. She’s dated a person with serious issues

If you’ve ever been with a woman who you deeply cared for, only to have your chances squashed by some ex, then you understand the immense frustration and hurt that affects both people.

Maybe her former was an alcoholic or drug addict, womanizer, manipulator, narcissist, control freak, or any other one of a thousand things. Unfortunately, she’s still wrestling with the abuse to which she was subjected.

Being the target of emotional, psychological, or physical abuse is traumatizing. Sadly, it’s also far too common. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), 48 percent of women have experienced psychological abuse, 40 percent have experienced emotional manipulation and control, and 19 percent have been physically threatened or harmed.

3. She’s afraid of not being single

There’s a minority out there that loves being single, and the reason is quite simple: they can do whatever, whenever. No partner = no problem. While these women may occasionally “hear it” from their family and friends, it isn’t enough to surrender the awesomeness of “me.” While this perspective is more common in younger women, plenty of happy and successful people have the desire to “get out there.”

For most women who value their singlehood, a time comes when they long for a person to share their life with. This feeling is analogous to dipping your toe in cold water. Jumping in may be refreshing. But first, you’ve got to leap. Remind yourself that there’s no “time limit” to dating aside from those that are self-imposed. Take your time.

4. She is afraid of (a) Commitment or (b) Lack of commitment

While men are usually painted as the more non-committed of the sexes, women can be just as commitment-phobic. Fear of dating, as a byproduct of commitment issues, usually results from one of two things: her fear of commitment or a potential partner’s lack thereof.

There are many reasons for a fear of commitment or being attached to one person for life: fearing the hypothetical ‘end’ of a relationship, not being able to achieve life goals; need for personal space – and so on.

Of the two, fearing lack of commitment from a partner is more ubiquitous. Of the two sexes, it is fair to say that women are considerably more sensitive. As such, women (usually) take breakups harder. Repeated exposure to someone else’s lack of commitment takes a considerable emotional toll, enough to refrain from dating for an indefinite amount of time.

“Dating is a risk, with a great reward, just remember you can keep going, or stop at any time, this is your life.”

There is no shame in admitting that you’re afraid to date – to be vulnerable. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been a victim or if you’re afraid of giving up your own life.

Most importantly, don’t allow anyone else to define happiness for you. Don’t let anyone else tell you how your life “should be.” It’s your life; pursue your version of happiness.


Final Thoughts on Why Women Today Hesitate to Date

The fear of dating is a complex and deeply personal issue for many women. Rejection, often accompanied by emotional pain, can make the prospect of dating daunting. Past relationships with individuals dealing with serious issues can leave lasting scars. As a result, it can be challenging to open up to new possibilities. Some women cherish their singlehood, but eventually, they may yearn for companionship, which can be intimidating. Commitment, whether the fear of it or the absence of it in a partner, can also be a significant barrier to dating.

Remember, there is no right or wrong timeline for dating, and no one should define your path to happiness. Dating is a risk with the potential for great rewards. Still, it’s a journey you can navigate at your own pace. Your life is yours, and pursuing your version of happiness should always be the priority. Embrace your individuality and make choices that align with your desires and aspirations.

5 Exceptional Personality Traits of An Over-Thinker

The act of overthinking is often associated with anxiety; indeed, it isn’t unusual for a person to possess both traits. Though the two “conditions” are rarely mutually exclusive, the “symptoms” are not always the same.

It is true that those with anxiety and those that overthink have persistent thoughts. The main difference is that many (not all) overthinkers are known to possess some exceptional personality traits and abilities. Contrast this with anxiety, which almost always has a negative connotation.

In this article, we discuss five benefits of overthinking. In the interest of intellectual honesty, we’ll also go over when you may be overdoing it – and how you can mitigate some of the stress that comes with overthinking.

The 5 personality traits of an over-thinker include…

1.  Creativity

In an article published in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, researchers conclude an existing link between higher brain activity (“self-generated thought”) and creativity.

While the authors do concede that a link exists between overthinking and neuroticism, they also note that “Existing neuroticism models cannot explain its link to both unhappiness and creativity.”

Self-generated thought (SGT), a trait seemingly hardwired into an overthinker’s brain, can stimulate the imagination.

2. Problem Solving

When overthinkers observe a problem in their external environment, they possess a unique ability to turn inwards and find a solution. In a way, this internal “switch” is a 360-degree turn from their default mode.

Albert Einstein may be considered history’s greatest mind. But what many people do not know is that Einstein was an obsessive overthinker. He could not not think about the phenomenon that is a beam of light. Eventually, due to his obsession, Einstein discovered the theory of relativity – the universally-recognized equation E=MC².

loud mind

3. Detail Orientation

When overthinkers harness their attention, it’s an incredibly powerful thing. Though not all overthinkers have tremendous attention to detail, many do because of their ability to center their attention on something that looks “out of place.”

Of course, upon noticing the out of place “something,” an overthinker cannot feel at ease until the out of place is, well, “put back into place.”

While the late, great Steve Jobs may or may not have been an overthinker, he certainly exhibited the obsessive attention to detail typical of one. Consider this snippet from an article published by Business Insider:

Steve Jobs was a true obsessive.

He pored over every tiny detail of every product, every ad, every store, every thing related to Apple.

For instance, when Apple was starting to open new retail stores, his ad partner Lee Clow said, “Steve made us spend a half hour deciding what hue to gray the restroom signs should be.”

4. Academic Achievement

In an article produced by Time’s Higher Education, author Daniel Nettle writes:

“it is quite plausible that being high in neuroticism (a trait associated with overthinking) will be associated with signature strengths as well as vulnerabilities. Researchers have found that high scorers often strive hard, even in the absence of external reward, the fear of failure, of failing behind or to counteract the hazards they sense ahead,”

(This) anxiety…is undoubtedly toxic in the wrong circumstances, but is also the greatest tool of the scholar.”

In short, an overthinker can achieve tremendous academic success. In fact, it is not uncommon to see these “neurotics” obtain a prestigious position at some of the world’s most prominent universities.

5. Introspection

Introspection, defined as “the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes” is something that overthinkers excel at.

Similar to the other four things on this list, an overthinker must be able to channel this internal energy to experience positive change. Introspection, in a sense, is what allows someone to pinpoint their weaknesses and work towards correcting them.

This actually leads to our conclusion…

Overthinkers can be their own best friend or worst enemy. Continuous, scattered thoughts produce little to no value, regardless of one’s innate intelligence or personality.

Within everyone who overthinks is tremendous potential. Whether or not this potential is realized depends, more or less, on one of two things: (1) the individual realizes this potential, or (2) someone sees and convinces the person of their giftedness.

Alexander Graham Bell may have said it best:

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought into a focus.”

Baer, D. (2014, May 9). Here’s How Being Neurotic Can Make You More Successful. Retrieved May 7, 2017, from

Perkins, A. M., Arnone, D., Smallwood, J., & Mobbs, D. (2015). Thinking too much: self-generated thought as the engine of neuroticism. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(9), 492-498. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2015.07.003
Times Higher Education. (2007, August 10). You don’t have to be neurotic, but it helps. Retrieved May 7, 2017, from
Yarow, J. (2011, October 27). Shade Of Grey Apple Should Use For The Bathroom Signs In Apple Stores. Retrieved May 7, 2017, from

Who Should You Never Date, According To Your Zodiac Sign?

Who you should be in a relationship has been covered before, but which zodiac sign should you avoid? That is a very good question, indeed.

The intention of this piece is not to be negative in any way, only to serve as a warning from what could potentially be a mistake on your part. After all, we want to see you beaming with happiness and light.

With that out of the way, it is now time to sit back, relax, maybe grab a nicely chilled beverage from your fridge, and read on. Here comes the answer to your question.

Who Should You Never Date, According to Your Zodiac Sign?

Aries (21st March – 19th April)

You’re the independent Ram. You do your own thing and that is not negotiable. You have no time to think about someone being too clingy. This will lead to you feeling smothered and there is no way you will sacrifice that independence for anything. A potential partner either toes the line or walks away.

Taurus Zodiac Sign (20th April – 20th May)

Stubborn and jealous Bull, stay clear of anyone who “owns it”. Yes, you are attracted to these larger-than-life people but the very thought of you sharing your special someone rightly or wrongly sets off alarm bells in your head. That is an animal trap best avoided.

Gemini (21st May – 20th June)

Although the Twin likes to show their love and enjoys a decent social life, someone alike is a no-no. The relationship would turn into a competition, instead of you two savoring what you have. In your case, the old adage fits for a reason, “Opposites attract.”

Cancer (21st June – 22nd July)

Unfortunately, the Achilles heel of the great Crab is mood swings and trust issues. You are also very much in tune with your feelings, therefore not having those taken into consideration and accepted by your partner is a dealbreaker. Someone saturated in secrecy gives you suspicion, so solely you must say “See you!” for your mind would go into overdrive and that particular road would lead to someplace ugly.

Leo (23rd July – 22nd August)

You love to give love, majestic Lion/ess. However, not without receiving love in return. If you feel that this is the case including in public, regally walk away. The same goes for someone who does not support you emotionally or “bigs you up”. As the ruler, you deserve greatness bestowed upon you and you love to share it with the ruler of your heart.

Virgo Zodiac Sign (23rd August – 22nd September)

Ah, the people-pleasing Virgin. This is how you are on an emotional level. It is best advised to stay away from those who have great difficulty in communicating and people who do not “have it all together” like you. You do not have the time to sift through a train wreck.

Libra (23rd September – 22nd October)

You tend to tip the Scales in the showboating stakes, being a very outgoing and sociable soul. If you find yourself in a relationship where you feel insecure and that your self-worth is through the floor, run for the hills pronto.

Scorpio (23rd October – 21st November)

The deep, yet assertive and sexy Scorpion takes no prisoners. You know what you want and know exactly how to get it. If your partner is not up to par with you, it is time for them to walk the plank. Being a strong sign, you dating someone that is unable to handle your character is like Arnold Palmer playing a round of golf with Captain Hook!

Sagittarius (22nd November – 21st December)

Archers do not like wallflowers. Plain and simple. You are loud and proud and not afraid to show it. You want to show off your love interest to friends and family, yet they are content to hang back because they are nervous. The shy type, the introverted, the ones who seldom come out of their shells, need not apply here.

Capricorn (22nd December – 19th January)

No guts, no glory! The controlling Goat is another one who should give the shy, quiet ones a wide berth. If you see that your significant other is unable to speak up from your usual stubbornness, then you should back down from further romantic liaison.

Aquarius (20th January – 18th February)

A typical Water Carrier likes solitude and shies away from the social limelight. If you date someone like you, you do yourself no favors at all. You two will end up not doing anything to create memories and boredom will set in rather easily. There is a brave new world out there, and doing the humdrum dance with Denis/e decimates your chances of seeing it. Do yourself a favor; date someone different to you.

Pisces Zodiac Sign (19th February – 20th March)

Our Fishy friend is profound and sensitive. Those who are less than empathetic and/or have an ego greater than the Burj Khalifa are not the catch of the day. Too many jokes could spoil the party for you because they might be taken the wrong way and your feelings may not be spared.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things To Always Look For In A Relationship

Have you ever wondered why nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce? Relationship experts are too quick to point out why married couples split – information that may or may not make a difference for someone seeking to avoid the “Big D.” So what do you look for in a new partner?

Something that’s far less discussed is the vetting process known as dating. The word “vetting” may sound callous when describing dating, but isn’t that REALLY what it is?

Sure, dating can be (and should be) a fun, non-committal, “this may or may not happen” type of thing, but for most people, a date is a potential partner.

It’s too easy to say, “you should wait for this, this, and this before committing yourself.” While such a statement may be well-intentioned, it’s worthless unless you provide some substance; in other words, why “this, this, and this” may be important attributes to look for in a partner.  Every person is different and looks for different things (really complicated, we know.)

We don’t pretend to be relationship experts – we are not. We don’t provide “one size fits all” advice – and we won’t do so here.

“An objective mindset” is not a particularly sexy or exciting thing to recommend for daters. (And, remember, it is only a recommendation.) BUT, when it comes to relationships, objectivity is underrated. Practicality is underrated. Cohesiveness is underrated.

Here are 10 (possible) things to look (and not look) for in the right partner:

1. Having the “Essentials” in Common

We’re glad you asked. The “essentials” are things like: where to live, children or no children, religion or spirituality, the use of money, a sense of a “shared purpose,” etc. (Some even put political views on this list…)

Take the five things important to you and see how your date checks out. Just don’t interrogate them or give out a creepy vibe.

2. Be Wary of a New Partner Who Wants to Rush to the Altar

If you’re on a first date and the word “married” escapes your date’s lips once, it should be a wrap. (Minus the apparent exceptions, like marriage being a topic of discussion.)

Most people rushing to get married become reasonably apparent during the first date or two. The odds are that they will be a pain to date, much less marry.

3. Find a Partner Who Puts a Smile on Your Face

A sense of humor is compelling – and a shared sense of humor is even more so. Finding someone who can get you to smile and laugh on a bad day deserves some consideration.

Humor can overcome many of life’s most formidable obstacles, not to mention that laughter brings lots of fun to a relationship.

4. Someone Who Listens to You

As a relationship progresses, this quality becomes more important than anything else. If you can’t have a good conversation with your partner, it’s going to be a rough ride no matter the circumstances.

5. Someone with the “Intangibles.”

Again, thanks for asking. Intangible personality traits: kindness, honesty, generosity, integrity, and empathy.

“What intangibles are important to me?” is an excellent question before each date.

6. One Who Can Abstain From Lust

Physical solid attraction creates tunnel vision – we pay less attention to what someone says and does. Resisting this strong sense of magnetism and being discreet and respectful is an excellent sign.

7. Ability to Dismiss First Date Infatuation

When we immediately hit it off with someone, it’s tempting to allow passion to creep in, which can cloud our judgment. If you have an ideal first date, great! Do yourself a favor and don’t become full of anxiety, which can come as desperation. Hopefully, the other person reciprocates.

8. If You Can’t Look Past the “One  Thing,” Don’t

It doesn’t matter what the “one thing is” – a lack of attraction, bad chemistry, a “red flag,” whatever. That “one thing” will likely make progression in a relationship difficult, if not impossible.

9. Find a Partner Who Will Love You for Yourself

The other person will like your authentic self, or they won’t – it’s that simple. In the event of the latter, shrug it off and look forward to when someone loves the real you. Whatever you do, don’t compromise or put on a façade.

Believe us. It’s worth the wait.

10. Someone Compassionate, Kind, and Loving

Sort of a no-brainer here, but plenty of folks have ended up with someone who exhibits zero of these traits. Do yourself a favor and observe how the person interacts with strangers. This is often a good indication of their character.

11. A Partner Who Doesn’t Have A lot of Baggage

Emotional baggage can be detrimental to a relationship. When someone has been hurt so deep into their soul that it changes them, this will directly affect anyone with them in the future. For instance, someone cheated on is more likely to fear going through that pain again. So, they might be a little overprotective and controlling to keep history from repeating itself.

According to the Wright Foundation, each person has some degree of emotional baggage. However, it’s imperative to unpack those bags if you ever intend to move on with your life. This can be done through many outlets, including therapy. Consequently, it’s essential to be honest with anyone you enter into a relationship with, as they need to know your issues upfront.


12. A Person Who Has Common Interests

While they say that opposites attract, you need to have some things in common to enjoy time with one another. If you don’t like to do any of the same things, one of you will be sitting and waiting for the day to end while the other will be aggravated that you don’t enjoy the same stuff. The other option is to do things apart, and that’s only good on occasion. To be a strong couple, spending time together is essential.

13. Strong Family/Friend Support

You can always tell a lot about a person by how they treat their friends and family members. Did you know that narcissistic people often have poor relationships, if any? If a person doesn’t want you to come home and meet the family after months of dating.

14. Treats Others with Respect

One exciting way to tell how someone truly is on the inside is to watch how they treat others. It doesn’t matter that they act like you’re the best person in the world if they tell off the waitstaff for an order mix-up. Watch how they interact with customer service people, their families, and coworkers.

You want someone kind, and old habits don’t die hard. Just because they seem kind and genuine to you at the moment, it doesn’t always mean it will stay that way.

15. Respects Your Boundaries

Any healthy relationship has boundaries. These limitations keep you safe and secure, and if they genuinely want to be with you, they will respect them. If you have a rule that there will be no intimacy for a couple of months, they shouldn’t be pushing you to do something that makes you go beyond your limits.

When someone truly cares for you, they will respect the morals and boundaries you’ve established, too, will have limits.

16. Does the Little Things

While trust, honesty, and integrity are all part of the foundational building blocks of a relationship, you also need someone who does the little things. Something sweet tends to solidify the relationship when someone makes your coffee before work, sends flowers, scratches your back because it calms you, and cares that your car is warm on a cold winter’s morning.

17. Wants to Spend Time with You

Relationships require a lot of time and effort, and if you don’t take the time to nurture your union, it will fall apart. Look for a mate willing to spend time with you even if it means they must let some things go. Remember that a person will always make time for the important things to them, so don’t accept the excuse that they’re too busy.

18. Stability

While love and intimacy are all good, romance without finance isn’t happening. If you want someone who will make your life easier, you will pick a stable person. A sound person has a degree, job, and life in order. The last thing you need is someone who is a complete mess and couch surfing as they need to fix themselves before they can ever bring someone else into their life.

19. A Partner Who Has Empathy

It would help if you had someone who gets you on an emotional level. Sympathy is one thing, but having empathy takes it to a whole new dimension. You want a person that puts their arms around you after a hard day and lets you cry on their shoulders.

An empathetic person knows that there are times when you need personal space, and there are times when you need someone to cuddle with you. Whenever you’re experiencing loss or other emotional pain, they listen to you and don’t try to minimize your feelings. They may not have all the answers, but they offer you the gift of their presence.

20. Find a Dependable Partner

Did you know that the best ability is dependability? You want a partner who shows up when they say they will. If they say they’re going to take you on vacation to the mountains, that vacation is as good as done.

You want someone you can depend on, and their words are gospel. Otherwise, it causes a rift under the surface when one partner is dependable and the other is flighty.

21. Someone Not Afraid of Commitment

It’s often the case that people are afraid of commitment. Some people won’t classify your relationship as anything other than friends, and that hurts. You want an available person who is not scared of taking things to the next level with you.

22. They Have Lots of Friends of the Opposite Sex

Of course, it’s wonderful to have friends of the opposite sex. However, it’s a red flag when the person you’re interested in is texting and calling members of the opposite sex too frequently. It can indicate that someone is a player, or it can signify that they have other issues going on under the surface.


Final Thoughts on Finding a Wonderful New Partner

When you find someone who completes you in every way, you’ve found a gem indeed. People often become satisfied with unsatisfactory relationships because they don’t think they can do better.

It’s often the case that it’s easier to settle for someone that isn’t your perfect match because you feel it’s better than being alone. However, the only thing worse than being single and alone is being with the wrong person, and waiting for the right one is worth the wait.

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