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5 Signs You’re With A Sincere Man

Ladies, do you want to know whether your Significant Other is sincere? Is that a significant YES? No problem! We have five signs today to show that your man is a fountain of truth. We know you are champing at the bit to find out, so let us look and see what they are.

5 Signs You’re With A Sincere Man

“Honesty is the best policy.” – Benjamin Franklin

1) He empowers you.

He sings your praises, both in your presence and your absence. He knows you like the back of his hand and what you are capable of, and will stop at nothing to make sure you meet your goals, whatever they may be. When an honest man gives a compliment, you know deep down that what he says is for real. There is no ulterior motive for what he says.

On the other hand, a man who gives you a backhanded compliment does so to change and condition you in some form or other. Examples of which could be:

– “You’re pretty for an *insert descriptive word here* girl.”

– “You’re a good driver for a woman.”

– “You finally look as good as you did when we first met!”

sincere man

2) He fights fairly.

Too many people resort to name-calling and the dreaded blame game, which can put the “mental” in “detrimental” in terms of any relationship, let alone a supposedly loving one.  Here are some examples from Hey Sigmund‘s Karen Young that sincere people do to fight fairly:

– “Don’t fear conflict.”

Conflict is normal and healthy and is an opportunity for growth. Fearing it will just make you avoid it, thus issues will fester and worsen.

– “Attack the issue, not each other.”

You are both on the same side, so tackle what is wrong with the situation, not your partner. If you go after your partner, resentment can creep in and withdrawal can occur.

– “Stay with the issue at hand.”

No veering off on a tangent or winning the argument with the oft-used “I’m right, you’re wrong!” spiel. Look to conflict resolution, not cheap points scoring.

– “Be open about what you need.”

After all, nobody on this planet can read your mind. Bottling things up is hazardous and can lead to imploding with some ugly consequences.

– “Stay away from “always” and “never” in fights.”

These two evil twins are more dangerous than Ronnie and Reggie Kray in their heyday. All these words do is add fuel to the fire. They are off limits in all circumstances.

good man

3) He wants the same things as you.

Imagine the scenario: You have been dating him for a while now and are dying for him to get down on bended knee and pop the question. At a dinner at your married friend’s house, he declares the question you want so badly is out of the question for him. How do you feel? How do your friend and her husband feel for you?

A sincere man with good intentions tells you exactly what he wants out of the relationship with no stone unturned. Do you both want to marry? Do you both want kids? What are your professional aspirations for each other? Do you agree on living arrangements? If you do not know this by now, ask him and see how he reacts.

4) He prioritizes the relationship over other things.

He makes sure that things do not interfere with the integrity of the relationship with you. He lets you know of his plans to go out with the lads to let off some steam if you both have already had a date night(s) earlier in the week. Finally, he will steer clear of temptation with other women, because he is mature and would never risk what he has at home. Of course, he would also let you let your hair down with the girls so YOU can let off steam.

On the other side of the coin, if everything else is higher than you on his priorities list, then you need to watch closely at what he does and how he acts and decide whether if this is justified or not. If not, you need to know if this will change shortly or if you are flogging a dead horse.

He’s just an all-around good guy.

5) He is a good communicator.

This one has been left until last for a reason. If there is only one point you can take away from this article, let it be this one.

According to a survey undertaken by YourTango asking mental health professionals, the biggest reason cited for divorce was “poor communication” at an overwhelming sixty-five percent.

He knows how to get his point across effectively and hides nothing, no matter how far into your relationship. As he is a man, he will most likely be direct and upfront in his communication style, as no mincing with words applies here. There are no assumptions between you. As there are no assumptions of any kind in the way, it gives both you and his peace of mind to enjoy being together.

sincere compliments

Final Thoughts on Falling in Love With a Sincere Man

These five signs spell one word that we, at Power of Positivity, L-O-V-E. This is precisely how your sincere man feels about you.

10 Foods That Make You Healthier (That Cost Less Than $1)

Is this even possible nowadays? Surely the only foods that cost less than a dollar is a burger from McDonald’s or other fast food outlets?

This article is mainly written based on figures in the United States of America, but they should be of similar value in local currency worldwide. It costs a minimum of US$10.51 per day in the USA for Western food, which translates to $325.73 per *month. For Asian food, it costs US$8.30 daily, making the *monthly spend $257.38.

Hold your horses, Clint. I feel lucky today. Ten healthy foods cost under US $1. You can get these at the local market, nutrition store, corner shop or smaller grocery store. You clamor, “Go ahead, make my day.”

Here are 10 healthy foods you can get for less than $1:


1. Two cage-free organic eggs – US$0.84

You can taste the difference between eggs laid by truly free-range hens and commercially-farmed ones. How? It is in their diet. The free range hens eat seeds, plants, worms, and insects. The others peck away at soy, corn, and cottonseed. Do not forget that free range means outside on grass, not on a cement courtyard, therefore the food received by the hens is not the same.

2. Raw organic milk, 8 oz – US$0.62

Despite having been slated in the past, raw milk has a plethora of nutrients in it. The bad news is that this particular milk can be difficult to obtain. It tastes better than pasteurized milk and is healthier for you. Here are five health benefits of raw milk: 1) Reduces allergies; 2) Aids in improvement of skin health; 3) Fights nutrient deficiencies; 4) Can be used to make probiotic foods, such as cheese, yogurt, and kefir; 5) No added sugar or other refined ingredients or products.

3. Raw Nuts and Seeds: Sunflower seeds, raw, 1 oz – US$0.82 & Mixed raw nuts, 1/2 oz – US$1.00

Nuts are not good if you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, or excess weight. However, they have high protein levels, perfect for vegetarians or vegans as a substitute for meat. Walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, and Brazil nuts are the best choice, and peanuts are to be avoided due to their content of pesticides. Brazil nuts are good for testosterone levels and sperm production, thyroid protection, Vitamin E, fighting against acne, and nice-looking skin. They also have other properties, such as riboflavin, and manganese, and are high in fiber. Seeds are a little better than nuts due to the lower carbohydrate intake. Take a particular interest in flax and chia seeds. Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder to get the best results from fibers and the healthiest fats. Plant the seed of going nuts for a healthier life!

4. Berries: 1 cup fresh organic blueberries – US$0.95

Berries are very good for you. Blueberries contain Vitamins A and C, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and calcium, and the substance that gives them that dark colour, anthocyanin. They protect us from harmful ailments, such as cancer, brain damage from strokes, urinary tract infections, and health problems onset by age. Other organic berries that can help you are: strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries. Be very pro-berry!


5. One-pound slice watermelon – US$0.59

Harry, look no further than the watermelon for these health benefits: beta-carotene, lycopene, and citrulline. This means that it is good for the circulatory, immune, and even the reproductive system. In other words, it works just like Viagra but without harmful chemicals. “You’ve got to ask yourself one question. ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk?” With watermelon as your tool, you are at least well-equipped for some luck!

6. Coconut milk, 7 oz – US$0.98

Go loco for coco! Used in Thai cuisine for centuries, this article could never do coconut milk enough justice. It has medium-chain fatty acids, known in the medical world as triglycerides, which help raise the body’s metabolism, fight off bacteria, viruses, and fungi, promote thyroid function, and help digestion. Only human breast milk has more triglyceride content.

7. Fresh organic spinach, 5 oz – US$0.95

High in those trusted anti-oxidants and Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC), you can immediately tell spinach is one of the, if not the best veggie out there. ORAC is a measurement to determine how well a food can destroy something potentially harmful in your body. Spinach may be what you have been looking for to improve memory and fight Alzheimer’s disease. It also has folic acid in spades and lutein and zeaxanthin, which lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration. You expected the article to mention Popeye, right? Oops!

8. Garlic, two cloves – US$0.05

Forgive its strong taste and bad smell. Garlic is a big player in the healthy food stakes. When garlic makes a move, everyone notices. Its trademark is an antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic agent, as smooth as 007 himself. The risk of many forms of cancer is decreased, and osteoporosis and hypertension do not stand a chance. Do be aware, however, that garlic has a Cinderella effect on it, with its active ingredient, allicin vanishing after approximately an hour after going under your kitchen knife. And please, do not even waste your time on garlic pills. Fresh garlic only, Mr. Bond!

9. Wild rice, one serving – US$0.99

Would you normally eat grass? No? Do not be fooled by the name of wild rice; it is actually a grass. It comes from the seed Zizania aquatica, indigenous to the Great Lake area of North America. Enough of names from an almost dead language and geographic locations; how can eating wild rice benefit you? Where do we even begin? Niacin, protein, fibre, magnesium, B vitamins, potassium, folic acid, zinc, phosphorus are all present and correct here.


10. Krill oil, two capsules – US$0.84

Are you left wondering, “What on earth is that?” Fear not, dear friends! Krill is a minuscule shrimp or prawn which is normally the food of the great whale, consuming roughly 8,000 pounds of krill EVERY DAY! On to its health benefits for you, how does a healthy heart sound for starters? Or healthy joints? What about fighting aging and having healthy skin? Does being in a better mood sound appetising? And help for the brain and nervous system? For icing on a very healthy cake, how about having a more optimal level of cholesterol?

Total spent = US$8.63

* Assuming the month has thirty-one days.

Other A N., “Food Prices in the United States”, Numbeo,
Other A N.
,, “Ten Healthiest Foods Under $1”, Dr. Mercola,
Other A N., “Brazil Nuts: Health Benefits and Uses” Doctors Health Press,

This Special Bracelet Allows You To Feel Your Partner’s Touch From Anywhere In The World

Long-distance relationships are a challenge that many couples face. Often, a career choice carries one partner away from the other for an extended absence. Couples face the challenge of maintaining a positive presence in each others’ lives when apart. You may be apart from your partner. But now you can feel your partner’s touch from anywhere in the world with a new wearable tech device called HEY by House of Haptics.

Haptic wearable technology lets you reach out and touch your partner anywhere in the world

The physical sensation of touch is one of the ways we communicate intimacy and love. Haptic technology is a way for people to experience social or loving touch through technology. Those who have tried HEY say that they feel a squeeze, a grasp, or a slight twitch that is subtle but noticeable.

Without the need to say something, using the HEY bracelet with your partner can show that you are thinking about them even when you have to be away. The bracelet is starting production after a Kickstarter campaign raised enough money for the product to begin delivery in August 2017.

Creators of HEY say that the technology allows you to feel like you are in touch with the people you love. They say it gives you another way to communicate with your loved ones in addition to the ways you already do now.

As near as a bracelet on your wrist, no matter how far away your partner is

Being separated from your partner means missing the pleasure of physical contact. Physical contact gives us many emotional, social, sensual, and physical health benefits.

Research published by the Association for Computing Machinery found that touch, even by a technological device that could be seen as cold and impersonal, is a unique channel in communicating emotion. Researchers say “the relation of touch to affect is immediate, without the need for… decoding.” Their experiment showed that remote touch with haptic technology helped reduce feelings of sadness when partners were apart and increased feelings of joy.

The bracelet that gives you stress relief from your partner’s touch

A bracelet is just an object, you may think. “It can’t provide the feelings of love that I would get if my partner were here,” you may say. Partner substitutes can help reduce stress through touch. Believe it or not, researchers found that even hugging a person-shaped cushion can reduce your levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Interpersonal touch is a fundamental component of social interactions because it can mitigate physical and psychological distress. To reproduce the psychological and physiological effects associated with interpersonal touch, interest is growing in introducing tactile sensations to communication devices.

The researchers tested stress hormone cortisol levels before and after a 15-minute conversation with a huggable person-shaped cushion and communication device. Conversations with the human-shaped cushion that could be hugged revealed a significant reduction in cortisol levels compared to those who talked only by mobile phone. The research shows that haptic technology like the HEY bracelet can improve social support systems in modern societies by giving the sensation of physical touch.


Association for Computing Machinery Touch & talk: contextualizing remote touch for affective interaction

The Singlemost Important Word You Need to Use To Live A Happy Life

“I refuse to please others at the expense of my emotional well-being. Even if it means saying the magic word–no–to people who are used to hearing yes.

Some of us can give a flat out “no” answer to someone else. Some of us, well, we find ourselves stumbling over our words.

But the ability to deliver a polite yet firm “no” is often necessary.

While it’s usually much easier to give an affirmative answer (i.e. a “yes”) to someone, this habit is counterproductive to our health and well-being. We’ll get to this a bit later.

Know this: the wrong types of people will catch onto your appeasing ways – and are all too eager to exploit them.

A good example of this is the workplace – where almost no one wants to be. If you’re known as a “yes man” (or woman), certain people may take advantage.

“Hey, can you cover my shift?”

“Can you put in some overtime?”

“Can you help me out with this?”

How many of you have been on the receiving end of such questions? Of course, sometimes accommodation is necessary, and someone does have a legitimate reason for asking. Sometimes, the person is just shirking their responsibilities. Not carrying their own weight.

Chances are, in a current or past place of work, or a different environment, you’ve seen people taken advantage of because of an innate fear of saying no.

Perhaps you’ve been that person.

Here’s Why Saying the Word “No” Is Often Necessary

1. We all have limitations – in terms of energy, time, money, stress, etc. In today’s 24/7, “always on” society, it’s important that we manage such limitations wisely.

2. Not saying no when it’s necessary puts other people’s priorities above our own. This is not an act of nobility, it’s an act of appeasement.

3. We run the risk of over-promising and under-delivering. Not only do we disappoint those to whom we committed something, we’ll stew in our own self-disappointment.

4. Being a “yes man/woman” will make you appear weak and soft. In other words, a perfect “target” for any manipulator.

5. To preserve our psychological health. Committing to something, anything, without the proper resources always leads to a constant state of worry and stress.

things we do for people

Why Saying “No” Is Hard

1. Most of us are good-hearted people. We don’t want to disappoint others by rejecting their request.

2. We overestimate our capabilities. For example, thinking we perform a 2-day task in one day, if we don’t take breaks/go to the bathroom/eat lunch/etc.

3. Assuming the person asking is a friend, the last thing we want is to create friction in the relationship. (But does this “friend” constantly seek your “yeses”? Something to contemplate.)

4. We want to look good – in some way, shape or form. We want to be perceived as a “go-getter,” a “selfless worker” or something to that effect. This may even work for a while; that is until you experience the inevitable effects of burnout.

5. Associating rejection of a request to the rejection of the person. Saying “no” to someone isn’t personal. Provide a brief explanation if necessary.

How to Say the Word “No” the Right Way

1. Obviously, be polite about it. Some people (e.g. the slackers, manipulators) may need a firm “NO,” however.

2. Slow your inner monologue by saying “I need to check, but I’ll let you know,” or “I’ll get back with you, okay?” This does a couple of things. First, it alleviates the stress, anxiety and pressure of having to make an on-the-spot decision. Second, slowing the dialogue allows you to think things through. Can you really adhere to their request and follow through?

3. If a no is necessary because of certain constraints, try to make some time available for the other person. Can you have lunch sometime? Are they free during the next break? This is especially important as a relationship-builder.

4. Trust the person’s ability to deal with a “no.” Are you placating them out of fear of hurting their feelings? Simply say “No, I’m sorry” with a smile and trust in their ability to carry on.

5. Provide a brief, sincere explanation. “I understand. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to give it the proper attention. Next time you need something, check with me. I’ll see if I can help you out.”

6. Don’t stumble or look extra nervous. Appearing stoic yet relaxed while saying no is an absolute must. If you’re not comfortable saying no, it’s likely that you’re going to feel quite awkward at first.

Dr. Judith Stills, in an article written in Psychology Today called ‘The Power of No’ precisely (and correctly) explains:

“Wielded wisely, No is an instrument of integrity and a shield against exploitation. It often takes courage to say. It is hard to receive. But setting limits sets us free.”

There is no shame in saying no. It is your right at as a human being to set boundaries; in fact, it’s not only your right, it’s a necessity to help you experience the joy that is yours.

Young, K., MA. (2016, April 01). How to Say ‘No’. (And why it’s important for an extraordinary life.). Retrieved April 08, 2017, from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Train Your Brain to Be More Creative

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein (both quotes)

Einstein was a unique genius in that he possessed extraordinary (unprecedented?) gifts for the sciences, which may only be superseded by his insatiable creativity.

But this article is not about Mr. Einstein’s creativity – it’s about how we can expand upon our brain’s creative abilities. Creative minds will always be in demand; they are needed as artists, entrepreneurs, innovators, writers, and as individual contributors within an organization.

Here, we present some ways to expand and leverage your mind’s creative talents. It makes no difference whether you’re the next Elon Musk, or some high school student trying to make sense of the world (and your place in it). If you value creativity – and you should – this article will provide some useful tips.

How to Train Your Brain to Be More Creative

1. Forget the outcome

The best creative minds are much more concerned with the process, not the product. By staying in the moment and focusing their attention on the task at hand, a good creator innately understands that a favorable outcome is more likely.

Enjoy the process. The result will take care of itself.

2. Nix the criticism

Personal note: as a writer, I am prone to critiquing my work – and sometimes to obsessive levels. And you know what? When I do this, the quality of my work suffers. I cannot think clearly.

When creators relax (more on that below), and distance themselves from any self-imposed beliefs, the ideas begin to flow. Speaking of which…

3. Relax

Stress is a terrible companion of creativity. The best ideas do not, and cannot, surface when the mind is tense; they must come naturally. Do whatever is necessary to relax. Go take a walk, sit beside a lake or under a tree, meditate, play a video game…anything.

Read up on some of the creative breakthroughs people have had while relaxing; even while sleeping or dozing off. Paul McCartney, co-founder of the Beatles, said of the song Yesterday: “(I) woke up with a lovely tune in my head,” he inquired “That’s great, I wonder what that is.”

The rest is history.

4. Write ideas down

Jotting down creative ideas accomplishes two important things. First, you’ll have a physical record of the idea, making it more plausible that something will come of it. Second, this habit frees up valuable brain resources to piece together other creative ideas.

So, keep a “creative journal” and pen handy.

5. Read, then read some more

Perhaps no other activity stimulates the brain more than reading; making it an irreplaceable activity for creators. When we read on a consistent basis, new neural connections are formed in the brain – a process known as neuroplasticity.

Reading needn’t be a dreadful activity. Find any topic of interest to you, and spend a half an hour reading it each night before bedtime.

6. Listen to Mozart

Speaking of Einstein, he allegedly attributed his creative talents to Mozart, who is considered by many to be the most prolific and influential composer of the Classical era.

Called the “Mozart effect,” an abundance of research exists that shows “Mozart’s music may induce a short-term improvement on the performance of certain kinds of mental tasks known as ‘spatial-temporal’ reasoning.”

7. Meditate

How many of you thought this one was coming? This article simply wouldn’t be complete without discussing meditation’s benefits on creativity.

Meditation is conducive to creative thinking in that the practice quiets and relaxes the mind. According to the University of Southern California, the average person has 60 to 70 thousand thoughts per day.

creative - meditation

Remember what was discussed earlier about the importance of a relaxed mind in creative thinking? Meditation, when practiced effectively, promotes the higher-level functioning of the brain – an essential component to thinking creatively.

8. Lay off the “bad stuff”

Alcohol, cigarettes, refined sugars, processed foods – all ubiquitously consumed, especially in the West – and all counterproductive to sustainable creative thinking.

This “bad stuff” quickly depletes our energy levels; including energy resources within the brain. Laying off of these toxic items will help to sustain your energy and promote a sense of health and well-being. Energy, health, and well-being are important qualities when it comes to creative thinking.

9. Exercise your body and brain

Physical activity is a vital component to maintaining energy levels and health; thus is a potent inductor of original thoughts.

Exercising your brain is just as important. More specifically, puzzles and abstract activities shift the brain’s resources to approach a solution from a different angle. As our brain’s creative neural connections grow, so will out ability to conceive creative ideas.

There are plenty of ways to exercise your brain. If you own a smartphone, plenty of free apps on the market will challenge your problem-solving ability. Or, you can go the ole’ fashioned route and buy puzzle pieces. Lots of ideas here.

Conradt, S. (n.d.). 11 Creative Breakthroughs People Had in Their Sleep. Retrieved February 09, 2017, from
Pryse-Phillips, W. (2003). Companion to clinical neurology. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press.
University of Southern California. Brain Trivia | Laboratory of Neuro Imaging. Retrieved February 09, 2017, from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

20 Habits of People With High Confidence

Have you ever met someone who could mesmerize you with their presence? With the way they talk, walk, stand up, and sit down. You get the idea. Some people exude radiant qualities that attract people. Confidence.

When they talk, they’re captivating. When you speak, they’re listening. There’s a mutual connection – not always in a romantic sort of way – that leaves you wanting more of them.

Tony Robbins is an example of such an individual. Whether or not you happen to be a Robbins fan or not doesn’t matter much. His crowds of followers indicate the man’s attractive qualities that appeal to millions.

Call it confidence, charisma, allure, charm, magnetism, etc.; some people have that “it” factor that others love.

20 Habits of People With High Confidence

In this article, we discuss ten behaviors of people with a high confidence level. Let’s get going!

1. The correct body language exudes confidence

Those with a high level of confidence exhibit this trait in how they carry themselves. This isn’t to say that confident people feel confident at all times, but they understand the importance of appearing that way. Furthermore, they know that posture strongly correlates with feeling – a mind and body connection.

2. A sincere interest in others

Many of us try to think of a response while someone else is speaking. We do so because “uncomfortable silence” is something that feels unnatural and unaccommodating – a byproduct of social pressure that is not accurate in the least. Genuine sincerity bypasses the need to sound exciting and uses that energy to invest in others.

3. Being curious

Having a one-sided conversation is not attractive (or respectful). People who understand that everyone has a story, and takes this perspective with them, are more likely to attract others. Encourage someone to talk about themselves, and don’t sweat the details of what they have to say.

4. Sharing the spotlight

Confident people aren’t usually too concerned with being at the center. Forget the image of the high school jock in the hallway; the most confident men and women are also some of the most selfless. They’ll generously share the spotlight, heaping deserved praise onto worthy recipients and making an effort to lift the spirit of others.

5. Having a powerful message

Well, having a powerful statement with the proper purpose, that is. Some personal stories are inspirational (e.g., Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey) and conveyed with a selfless and humble disposition. By all means, tell your story but try to contextualize it to benefit someone else.

6. Show confidence by being an active listener

Expressing interest and asking questions makes people feel special and put them at ease. Let people speak without interrupting. Follow up their statements with clarifying questions as needed and place a high value on what they say.

In other words, talk less and listen more.

7. Forgetting the need to be right

Okay, more science-based stuff here. In a study conducted at Emory University, the brain’s primitive “fight or flight” response activates in proportion to their interest in the topic at hand. The need to feel right is ingrained within the human brain, especially when passions are stoked – and this is true regardless of evidence or rationale.

The most confident people will suppress many of these primitive emotions, choosing to engage and sustain a conversation with someone regardless of their opposing viewpoints.

8. Start with a positive mindset

Starting the day with a positive mind makes navigating the day much more manageable. We’ll begin conversations on a positive note, act more respectfully and sincerely, and leave a positive impact wherever we go.

9. Displaying vulnerability

Contrary to what many people still believe, showing vulnerability is not an act of weakness. It is a very human activity that is both charming and compelling. Being vulnerable has a way of establishing trust and revealing a sense of confidence. Displaying vulnerability also delivers a powerful message: that it’s okay to be less than perfect and that we needn’t be so hard on ourselves.

10. Smile to display confidence!

No big surprise here. Confident people are more self-assured – and in many cases, happier – than other, less certain personality types. Even a slight smile will immediately lower many people’s guard, making them more willing to listen to what you say. They’ll also have an established sense of trust when it’s time for you to attend.

intensive exercises

11. Secure in Their Knowledge and Abilities

People with a high level of confidence have worked hard to get where they are. They have the knowledge and skills that they have learned over time. Since you are self-sufficient, you know that you’ll always find a way to manage any situation.

If you aren’t happy in your present position, you know that you can make a change. Perhaps you are among the folks who step out on faith for a different career move. Even if you lose your job tomorrow, you have enough confidence to find something similar or with higher pay.

12. Sets Goals and Accomplishes Them

Another way that people build their confidence is by setting and accomplishing goals. According to an article published by the University of Michigan, establishing goals helps develop more clarity for the future. Plus, it offers better insight to decide what’s essential and not.

When you set realistic goals, you feel a great sense of success with each one you accomplish. Then, you are more apt to believe enough in yourself to set the bar higher. Each accomplishment gives you more satisfaction and self-assurance.

13. Pays Attention

Confidence doesn’t come when folks ignore others. Just think of all the information and skill sets you’ve learned from people. You also build stronger personal and professional relationships when you pay attention to the thoughts and ideas of other individuals.

The whole idea is to be “present” at the moment. Not only are you actively listening, but you’re also showing empathy. You’re present in the situation, and you’re not thinking about what’s for lunch. You let other people know that if something’s important to them, it’s important to you.

14. Knows How to Process Negative Feedback

No matter how much confidence you have, you’ll always face criticism. It’s impossible to please everyone all the time, and you see the futility of trying. Perfectionism isn’t based on reality and does nothing but erode your self-esteem.

However, you’ve realized the secret to sorting constructive criticism from hateful comments. Although constructive criticism can sting a bit, it’s offered kindness to help you do better. Mean-spirited criticism is usually based on negativity, jealousy, and not understanding.

You take constructive criticism and use it to be more successful. When you reflect on the past, you can see your progress. Then, you push hateful criticism to the side and don’t let it get to you.

15. Not Afraid to Learn New Skills

It’s a sign of a highly confident person when you believe in your abilities. However, you’re never so self-assured that you’re above learning new skills. You realized a long time ago that there’s always room for improvement.

It takes a lot of courage to go back to school or learn new skills from generous mentors. Since you’re already solid in your current skill sets, your confidence drives you to learn more. The more you know, the more life satisfaction you have.

The more confident you are, the greater your thirst for knowledge. You try to learn something new every day. Boredom is your greatest enemy, and you fight it by keeping your body and mind active.

16. Doesn’t Procrastinate

It’s difficult for people to be confident when constantly avoiding responsibilities. Some people think why they should do something today when they can put it off till tomorrow. Unfortunately, tomorrow doesn’t come, and they feel worse about themselves.

A study published by the National Library of Medicine discusses a possible link between procrastination and self-esteem. They found evidence suggesting that people with higher self-efficacy tend to have higher confidence levels. Therefore, according to the article, these people tend not to procrastinate as much as those with lower self-esteem.

So, you can be more confident when you do things promptly instead of avoiding them. Once you’ve completed a dreaded task, you may realize that it wasn’t as intimidating. You’re more likely to accomplish your goals and believe in yourself more.

17. Is Always Willing to Help Others

An undeniable sign of a confident person is your willingness to reach out to others. You have enough trust in your abilities that you’re not afraid to help those who need you. Plus, you’re not so high and mighty that you can’t do the most menial tasks as a helper.

If you’re one of these self-assured people, volunteering for worthy causes is important to you. Whether you’re a reading tutor at the library or a volunteer at your local soup kitchen, you have a helper’s heart. You’re there to build other people’s self-esteem and encourage them to set and reach their goals.

18. Shrugs Off Failure

One of the greatest misconceptions in the world is that failure is permanent. However, confident people have learned that failure is only one puzzle piece. Instead of allowing it to define your life, you use it as a learning curve to do things better.

Think of where the world would be if every successful person gave up after their first attempt. Most inventions and other technological advances wouldn’t be here. Fortunately, these creative minds learned from their mistakes and made their dreams a reality.

The difference between success and failure is that you get up and try again. You may have some people in the background with negative comments, but you ignore them as your confidence guides you. You focus on positive results and keep working until you achieve them.

19. Stands Up for Principles and Values

Confidence ensures that you don’t need to belittle others to stroke your ego. On the other hand, you needn’t let people walk all over you. Having the ability to stand up for yourself shows that you won’t allow others to create your self-esteem.

You’re not too intimidated to enforce boundaries in personal and professional relationships. While you’re recognized as a thoughtful individual, your generosity isn’t to be taken as a weakness. When necessary, you can assert your rights and politely put rude people in their place.

20. Make Decisions with Ease

Indecisiveness is often a product of low self-esteem. Some people aren’t sure enough in themselves to make the most straightforward decisions. They are chronically second-guessing and mistrustful of their gut instincts.

When you are confident, decision-making isn’t as mentally exhausting. Even when your decision is life-altering, you trust in your ability to choose wisely. You often seek guidance and research to reach the best-informed decision.

Let’s say that you’ve always dreamed of starting your own business. You believe you can do it by judging by your past successes and learning from mistakes. Success must begin in your mind before it is manifested.

You’re also less likely to battle regrets of “what if” and “if only.” You don’t allow indecisiveness to stand between you and your dreams. As a highly confident person, you needn’t worry about the fear of missing out on anything.

confidence quote

Final Thoughts on Learning to Have High Confidence

Becoming a person with high confidence is a journey, not a short jog. It comes with experience and internalizing each success, no matter how small. Self-esteem is a gift you give yourself, and nobody can take it from you.

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