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How to Train Your Brain To Fall Asleep in 1 Minute or Less

In our constantly plugged-in, fast-paced society today, it’s no wonder why so many people have problems falling asleep. Some doctors and researchers have even called lack of adequate sleep a public health epidemic due to the number of sleep-deprived citizens today. In fact, according to a Gallup report, a staggering 41% of Americans don’t get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

As you’ve probably heard before, our cells regenerate during sleep, allowing us to carry out all the tasks of a day’s work. However, improper sleep can lead to poor mental and physical health. In fact, David Earnest, Ph.D., a professor at Texas A & M University’s College of Medicine, warned that “Sleep deprivation’s effect on working memory is staggering. Your brain loses efficiency with each hour of sleep deprivation.”

Sleep deficiency can lead to chronic health problems, including high blood pressure, obesity, anxiety, depression, heart disease, and cancer, to name a few. Researchers found that the genes affected controlled inflammation, immunity, and stress response.

So, what can we do about this ever-growing sleep problem? For starters, it would help to learn how to fall asleep again, something that came very naturally to us as children. However, due to life stress and all the things that come along with “growing up,” many of us have simply forgotten how to fall asleep quickly. Our minds keep us awake at night, inducing anxiety and restlessness.


How to Train Your Brain To Fall Asleep in 1 Minute or Less

While clearing your mind before sleep may seem difficult, Dr. Andrew Weil recommends a simple breathing technique to help you relax.  He points to the 4-7-8 breathing technique as a natural sleep remedy for the nights when sleep seems to elude you. Below, we’ll discuss exactly how to do this breathing exercise.

  1. First, ensure you have the right posture to allow deep breathing. (Sit up straight, relax your shoulders, etc)
  2. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth. Keep it there throughout the exercise, even as you exhale.
  3. Exhale completely.
  4. Inhale through your nose to a count of four.
  5. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
  6. Exhale through your mouth to a count of eight.
  7. Then, complete the sequence three more times.

It might take a few nights of practice to work, but consistency is key. You might have trouble concentrating on doing the exercise at first, but remember to set aside some time before bed so that you can focus on nothing but breathing.

So, why does this technique work so well, you ask? We have three main reasons. Firstly, it allows you to slow your breathing, automatically making you feel more relaxed. Secondly, you will have more oxygen coursing through your body by taking deeper breaths. Thirdly, concentrating on solely your breathing will teach you mindfulness, which many scientists have proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and racing thoughts.

Maybe we’ve forgotten how to sleep because we’ve forgotten how to breathe, but by practicing this breathing exercise, you’ll fall asleep quicker and have a more restful sleep.

You can also do other things to induce sleep, a few of which we have outlined below.


More Tips on How to Fall Asleep Faster

  • Don’t do any work in your bed. You need to associate your bed with sleep and relaxation, not anything else.
  • Keep the house comfortable. Studies have shown that people sleep better when the thermostat is set to cool.
  • Write down any thoughts you might have before you go to sleep. This way, you can get out all of your stress and frustration before sleep so that you won’t lie awake thinking of everything under the sun that worries you.
  • Remove any distractions. Turn off your cell phone, TV, and other digital devices to prepare for sleep and avoid keeping your mind active.
  • Try to keep your house quiet. However, if relaxing music helps you fall asleep, by all means, turn it on before bed.
  • Have a routine. Our bodies require a specific wake-sleep cycle to function correctly, so go to bed at the same time each night and wake at the same time each morning.

Final Thoughts on Making Sleep a Priority in Your Life–You Deserve It!

Remember, sleep is vital to living your best life, so honor your needs and prioritize your sleep. You’ll feel more vibrant and happy once you have a regular sleeping schedule. Sweet dreams!

In U.S., 40% Get Less Than Recommended Amount of Sleep.
The 4-7-8 Breath: Health Benefits and Demonstration.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How Changing The Clock Changes Your Brain

Daylight savings time is a fairly modern invention and it became a popular idea for practical and financial reasons. When people first used artificial light, they had to either burn either gas or oil lamps. The use of these fuels cost money, and the more dark hours that people were awake, the more money it took to light the home.

As lighting technology evolved, electrical bills made for a similar financial problem. By changing the time on the clock, we could save money by keeping the lights on less time that we were awake. At the other end of the clock in the morning, farmers were getting up with first light to work their fields no matter what the clock said.

Daylight Savings Time and Your Brain

Due to the tilting of the Earth on its axis at the Winter Equinox, we in the Northern Hemisphere loose precious hours of daylight while those in the Southern Hemisphere experience the reversed seasons. According to, legislators in Canada were the first to propose that we simply shift our clocks to say that when the nights are too long, we extend waking hours by moving the clock forward an hour.

When the sun would be setting at around 6pm, we shift our clocks to say that sunset is now at 7pm, giving us an ‘extra’ hour of daylight. Time is a fluid concept in the sense that we have artificially assigned a number to the hour of the day. For example, the number 12 represents either noon or midnight. But we could just as easily call noon by the number 4 or 8.

According to the American Journal of Physiology, daylight savings time can have detrimental effects on the human brain, partly due to decreased levels of melatonin. The researchers say ‘We recently reported that humans have mechanisms, like those that exist in other animals, which detect changes in day length and make corresponding adjustments in the duration of nocturnal periods of secretion of melatonin and of other functions. We detected these responses in individuals who were exposed to artificial “days” of different durations.’

Our human senses have evolved to be able to detect changes in the natural light around us. The ability to detect small changes in light resulted in ancient humans developing the ability to increase secretion of melatonin and of other functions as they sleep. However, modern man isn’t adapting well to changes in daylight savings time.

Research shows that our use of artificial light has reduced our natural ability to detect daylight changes as the seasons change. The scientists say ‘The results of this study suggest that modern men’s use of artificial light suppresses responses to seasonal changes in the natural photoperiod that might otherwise occur.’

Circadian Rhythm and Your Mental Health

The amount of daylight we are exposed to can affect mental health by increasing the risk for depression. Depression from a lack of sunlight is a very real mental health condition. Sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder are those who feel the ‘Winter Blahs’ particularly strongly as symptoms that are like those of a depressed mood. The winter season with less sunlight can cause a lack of appetite, lack of energy, lack of desire to do anything, depressed feelings, and withdrawing from social activities.

Related article: 10 Types of Pain That Are Directly Linked To Your Emotions

By manipulating the amount of artificial light that a group of study participants received in the morning, researchers in the American Journal of Psychiatry were able to reduce symptoms of depression that are brought on by reduced daylight. The scientists found that the optimal amount of light was a 250-lux dawn simulation over a 2-hour period of time to reduce the effects of winter depression from a lack of daylight.

Avoiding Mental Health Problems During Daylight Savings Time

To improve your mental effectiveness during waking hours in the darker months and prevent psychological problems, look for light bulbs that give you a full spectrum of light. Using full spectrum light bulbs in light fixtures that you turn on in the morning will help your body to sense the artificial daylight and respond with more alertness.

Related article: NASA Research Reveals How ‘Eating The Sun’ Can Give People Superhuman Abilities

During the winter months when daylight savings time is in effect, try to spend at least 15 minutes outside when the sun is at its strongest, usually between noon and 2pm. A small amount of exposure to sunlight will fulfill your requirements to get your daily Vitamin D benefit. In the winter, even with typical head to toe body coverings, we need only approximately one square inch of skin exposed to the sunlight for about 30 minutes to produce adequate Vitamin D for our bodies.

Improving your diet with foods fortified with Vitamin D or dietary supplements will allow your body to have access to more of the only vitamin that your body naturally produces with exposure to sunshine. This may be necessary, especially in winter months if you limit your exposure to sunlight when it is cold.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
Suppression of men’s responses to seasonal changes in day length by modern artificial lighting
History of daylight savings time :
Dawn simulation treatment of winter depression: a controlled study’ver=2012-10-24-171652-683

How To Make Spicy Turmeric Ginger Tea For Knee And Joint Pain

If you were to Google “turmeric pain benefits” or “turmeric pain benefits study,” you’d be astonished at what comes back. Study after study, institution after institution, confirms and reconfirms the astounding health benefits of turmeric or curcumin.

Knee pain on the whole is a very common condition and frequent problem presenting to general practitioners. The overall prevalence of knee pain in the population is approximately 19%.” – Virtual Medical Centre

And here’s another one:

“Several recent studies show that turmeric/curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and modifies immune system responses…A 2010 clinical trial found that a turmeric supplement (provided) long-term improvement in pain and function in 100 patients with knee OA (osteoarthritis). – The Arthritis Foundation

Although ginger is not as widely recognized within the medical community, it too has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. As a side note, ginger is also known to treat acute conditions such as motion sickness, nausea, and digestive problems. Ginger is generally accepted as one of the healthiest foods in existence due to its nutritional density.

Combining these two natural ingredients into a single recipe yields a potent pain-relieving mix. While there are plenty of recipes that provide some pain relief measure, few, if any, are as versatile and powerful as turmeric and ginger tea.

In this article, we discuss how to make this simple and tasty beverage. In as little as 10 minutes, you can be enjoying this wonderful concoction. We’ve supplemented the recipe with some necessary information, including recommended dosages and potential prescription drug interactions (please be sure to read!)

Benefits of turmeric

Turmeric has so many great benefits. Here’s a list of some of the best benefits you get from drinking tea made with turmeric. Some benefits include relief from the following conditions:

pop meme

  • Heartburn
  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Gassiness
  • Liver problems
  • IBS symptoms
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Inflammation
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Bronchitis
  • Respiratory infections
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Diabetes
  • UTI
  • Kidney problems

What causes inflammation in your joints and knees?

Drinking turmeric tea is a great way to fight the inflammation in your body. Inflammation is part of your body’s natural defense system to fight off an infection or injury. But inflammation can damage your healthy tissues and joints, causing you pain. If you suffer from chronic pain that lasts for months or years, it can be debilitating. Researchers are doing studies on the underlying causes of inflammation and inflammatory diseases.  Your inflammation can be due to various things, but here are some possible sources for you to consider. Your inflammation may be caused by

  • Insect bites like ticks or mosquitos
  • Chemicals in the environment
  • Bacteria, viruses, or fungus

Your doctor can do tests to diagnose if you have an inflammatory disease properly. They may not know the cause, but once you understand that you have a disease, it’s easier to know how to treat it.

What diseases cause inflammation?

Certain diseases are known for producing chronic inflammation. Diseases that cause inflammation include

  • Heart disease, high blood pressure
  • IBS
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cancer

If you suffer from chronic knee and joint pain, it could mean that you are in the early stages of one of these diseases. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and what could be causing your inflammation pain. They can do tests to find out exactly what’s going on.

How does the knee work?

Your knee joints are the strongest in your body. Your knees support your leg movements from your thigh downward. You need your knees for movement-everything from walking, running, sitting, and standing-depends upon your knees. Your knee joints include your femur, shinbone or tibia, your kneecap, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Normal knees should work smoothly without pain. As you age, every part of your knee is susceptible to injury and damage. For this reason, it’s important to take good care of your knees.

What are some common knee problems that cause inflammation?

tea for knee pain

Here are twelve proven ways to reduce knee pain.


This type of arthritis is common in the knees. The degeneration of the cartilage causes it in your knee joints as it wears out.  It’s common in middle-aged people who have been active in sports all their lives. Stress on your knees, repeated movement, or injury contributes to osteoarthritis. This stress causes inflammation and destroys cartilage.


Tendonitis is an inflammation of tendons due to overuse because of physical activities like jogging, biking, or jumping. It’s often associated with sports injuries that strain your tendons. Rest your knees if you’re suffering from tendonitis. You can also take Ibuprofen and ice your knees when you exercise.

Torn cartilage

Torn cartilage in the menisci, the part of your knee that acts as a shock absorber and gives you stability, is a common knee problem. These tears sometimes need to be corrected by surgery. Wear a knee brace if you’re prone to tears in your knee. A knee brace can protect your knees from more damage.

Sprained knee

Another common knee ailment is a sprain. Sprained ligaments or muscles around your knee occur from getting hit in the knee or twisting your knee. Your doctor can x-ray your knee to make sure there aren’t any tears. Once they’ve diagnosed the problem as a sprain, you can treat it by following these four practices, remembering it by the RICE acronym.

  • R-Rest your knee
  • I-Ice your knee
  • C-Compression-wear a knee brace
  • Elevate your knee when sitting down.

How To Make Spicy Turmeric Ginger Tea For Knee And Joint Pain

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • One cup of water
  • ¼ teaspoon of (preferably organic) ground turmeric
  • ¼ teaspoon of (again, preferably organic) ground ginger
  • Up to a tablespoon of honey to provide some sweetness (optional)
  • A strainer


  • Bring the cup of water to a boil
  • Add the ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and ¼ teaspoon of ginger
  • Reduce the heat to a simmer
  • Let cool for 10-15 minutes
  • Strain mixture to eliminate hardened compounds
  • Sip, and add honey to preferred taste

Additional notes

As many of us are quite busy, some may prefer the convenience of a supplement. Supplements are ubiquitous and sold at most whole food and nutrition retailers.

Both ginger supplements and turmeric/curcumin supplements and are ordinarily sold individually. However, there are a few quality products that combine the two ingredients. Just make sure that you conduct the proper research when choosing the product.

Turmeric/curcumin supplements are very healthy, provided that the manufacturer adheres to sound production techniques.

As with any dietary supplement, turmeric should be consumed at recommended levels. This can be a bit confusing, as turmeric is produced in a variety of ways. The main five turmeric products are:

  • Fluid extract
  • Fresh turmeric root
  • Turmeric supplement with a certain percentage or ratio of curcumin
  • Tincture
  • Turmeric dried root powder.

Recommended Dosage

Per the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), the permissible dosage of each type of turmeric product are as follows (as a ratio of turmeric to curcumin for two):

  • Fluid extract (1:1) 30 to 90 drops a day
  • Dried, powdered root: 1 to 3 grams per day
  • Standardized curcumin powder (1:1): 400 to 600 milligrams, 3 times daily
  • Cut root: 1.5 to 3 grams per day
  • Tincture (1:2): 15 to 30 drops, 4 times per day

Related article: Miracle Drink – NO PAIN In 1 Week (Joints, Legs & Back)

UMMC adds: “Turmeric and curcumin supplements are considered safe when taken at the recommended doses. However, taking large amounts of turmeric for long periods of time may cause stomach upset and, in extreme cases, ulcers. People who have gallstones or obstruction of the bile passages should talk to their doctor before taking turmeric.

We also want to share a few additional ways you can make curcumin tea.

Other turmeric tea recipes to fight your joint and knee pains

Turmeric tea isn’t difficult to make. You can use fresh grated turmeric or ground turmeric. If you choose freshly grated turmeric for these recipes, add an extra amount since ground turmeric is stronger than fresh turmeric.

Milky turmeric tea

This tea is sometimes called golden milk because of its rich yellowish gold color.


  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of  ground turmeric powder (adjust to taste)
  • A pinch of ground black pepper (this is supposed to help the absorption of the turmeric, so don’t leave it out)
  • 2 cups almond milk or coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil or ghee
  • A teaspoon of honey or maple syrup for sweetness (adjust to taste)


  1. Mix all the ingredients. Pour into a saucepan.
  2. Over medium heat, let the tea simmer for 10 minutes. Don’t boil it.
  3. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Serve.

Turmeric and ginger milk tea


  • 1 cup of coconut milk or almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • ¼ inch ground ginger root, grated
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of honey (adjust to taste)


  1. Blend all the ingredients.
  2. Put into a saucepan and heat for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Let simmer, but don’t let it boil.
  4. Remove from the heat and cool for a few minutes. Serve.

Lemon ginger and turmeric tea


  • 3 cups of water
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • 1/ 2 teaspoon of ground ginger
  • 1 lemon, juiced (some people like to grate the lemon rind and put it into the recipe)
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons of real maple syrup (optional). You can use honey if preferred
  • 1 pinch of  cayenne pepper or black pepper (these help the absorption of the turmeric)


  1. In a small pan, add water, ground turmeric, ground ginger, lemon (and rind if preferred), maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.
  2. Simmer over medium heat, but don’t boil. Allow the tea to simmer for 10 minutes, but don’t boil.
  3. Remove from heat and serve.

Special Note: Drug interactions with curcumin

Though a natural substance, turmeric/curcumin can interact with certain medications. Individuals prescribed the following drugs should consult a physician before taking turmeric/curcumin in any form:

  • Blood-thinning medications: Turmeric can exacerbate blood-thinning drugs’ effects, making the patient more prone to bleeding. Common blood thinners include Coumadin (generic: Warfarin), Plavix (generic: Clopidogrel), and aspirin.
  • Diabetes medications: Turmeric can enhance diabetes drugs’ effects and increase the risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
  • Stomach acid medications: Turmeric can increase acid levels within the stomach when taken with stomach acid meds. Common medications include: Nexium (generic: Esomeprazole), Pepcid (generic: Famotidine), Prevacid (generic: Lansoprazole), Prilosec (generic: Omeprazole), Tagamet (generic: Cimetidine), and Zantac (generic: Ranitidine).

How can you take good care of your knees and joints?

Your joints need special care to stay strong and healthy. Follow these practices to keep your joints healthy and pain-free.

Keep your weight at a healthy level.

Being overweight puts stress on your knee joints, your back, and your hips. Researchers say that every extra pound you carry puts an extra four pounds of pressure on your joints. Maintaining a healthy weight can keep your joints healthy and strong.


Stay active even if you feel stiff in your joints. Do exercises with low stress on your knees, such as swimming, biking, stretching, or yoga. Start slow and work your way up. If you start too quickly, you can damage your knees or joints. Do yoga or stretching to keep your joints limber.

Healthy diet

Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, and seeds. Don’t skip the fat. Cook with olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil in your cooking. Eat whole grains. These add fiber to your diet.

Wear good shoes

When you jog or walk, be sure to wear good supportive shoes that have a proper arch. Good running or walking shoes must be replaced every four to six months because they wear down quickly.

Improve your posture

Good posture is often overlooked as a natural way to protect and maintain healthy joints. When you have poor posture, you put undue pressure on your joints and muscles. Pay attention to your posture when you’re working out, standing, or sitting around the house. Don’t slouch. Stand straight, allowing your spine to be in proper alignment. Visit a chiropractor to help your posture improve. This natural treatment not only eliminates your back pain but can protect your joints from injury.

teaFinal thoughts on turmeric tea and making other changes for healthier knees

Your knees and joints keep you moving all day long. Taking good care of them is essential to prevent injury or damage over the years. Eating well, maintaining a healthy weight, having good posture, and exercising to stay strong contribute to healthy knees and joints. It’s the little things that add up, so start caring for your joints and knees early on, so you’ll be able to keep doing all the things you love free from pain for many years.

What Is Your True Age, According To Your Mind?

We all have our actual age, and then we have something called our “mental age.” What is mental age, you ask? Basically, our mental age relates to how we think, act, and talk, regardless of our birthday. In other words, some people might call you an old soul if you act older than your age, or a young soul if you act younger than your age.

Today, we’ve put together a little quiz for you to test your mental age. Don’t take it too seriously though; there’s no passing or failing here! Just answer the questions as honestly as you can, and read on to the bottom for your results!

What Is Your Age, According To Your Mind?

1. What color pops out at you most in this image?

age according to mind

A. Dark brown

B. Light brown

C. Green

2. How about this one?

age according to mind

A. Black

B. Light brown

C. Orange/yellow

3. Which is the dominant color in this photo, to you?


A. Blue

B. Green

C. Orange

4. What color stands out the most here?


A. Green

B. Red

C. Yellow

5. I think you get the idea now. How about this one?


A. Green

B. Brown

C. Pink

6. How about here?

mountain age mind

A. Dark Green

B. Lighter Green

C. Red

7. What color stands out most here?

age mind

A. Orange

B. Yellow

C. Green

8. Last question, we promise. What color is most prominent here?

age mind test

A. Red

B. Orange

C. Green

Now, for what you’ve been waiting for: the results!

If you chose mostly A:

You’re an old soul. Your mental age is somewhere around 75-80. You’ve been called wise beyond your years by your friends and family, and they often go to you to seek advice about personal matters. You feel like you’ve been on this planet before. And you don’t really relate to most of what goes on here. You prefer to spend time by yourself doing quiet activities such as writing, reading, walking in nature, or gardening. You love the great outdoors, and find the most peace there.

If you chose mostly B:

You’re a vibrant, outgoing person, and prefer being around people. Your mental age is around 35-40. You have a fairly young spirit, but have a maturity about you that helps you remain balanced in life. You do enjoy the social scene. But you don’t allow yourself to go overboard when it comes to going out. You also take care of responsibilities. Perhaps you enjoy decorating your home, and allowing your creativity to flourish in whatever you do. You likely have a leadership role at work, because you do very well in dealing with people and taking the reigns when you need to. You stand out in the crowd, and you carry yourself very confidently.

If you chose mostly C:

You’re a very young soul. You have a mental age of around 5-10. You don’t take life too seriously. Instead, you feel compelled to follow your intuition and heart wherever they may lead you. You don’t really get along with people your age, and actually find yourself playing with the little ones whenever it comes to choosing between them and the adults. You just don’t have much to talk about with older people, because you feel like you came here to simply play, laugh, and love. People are drawn to you for your infectious smile and laugh, and your ability to see the bright side of everything and cheer others up when they’re feeling down.

What About a Combination?

If you chose a combination of answers: Eh, no worries. Your mental age likely changes depending on the seasons. Sometimes you feel like a kid, sometimes you feel like an old man/woman, and sometimes you feel somewhere in between. That’s perfectly normal, and most of us probably feel this way.

Lao Tzu’s Four Spiritual Rules Of Living

Lao Tzu, one of the greatest Chinese masters to live many centuries ago, created the Four Cardinal Virtues, or rules of living. When practiced, they can provide a life of true peace and purpose. Lao Tzu believed that centering one’s life around these virtues would allow one to access true wisdom from the universe and align oneself with Source energy.

“When you succeed in connecting your energy with the divine realm through high awareness and the practice of undiscriminating virtue, the transmission of the ultimate subtle truths will follow.” Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu means ‘Old Master,’ and many believed he had attained the highest state of consciousness available to man, which would make him a God-realized being. The Four Cardinal Virtues in the Tao Te Ching a religious text full of Taoist teachings and principles. The Tao (also known as the Way or the Dao) contains ancient universal wisdom in a very cryptic yet profound format. It invites seekers of wisdom to go within and find spirituality through their own interpretations of the book.

If you seek answers to life’s questions and want to impart on a spiritual journey, you might want to refer to Lao Tzu’s ancient teachings to help guide you through the world’s chaos into a place of true peace.

Here are Lao Tzu’s spiritual rules for living:

“To realize the constancy and steadiness in your life is to realize the deep nature of the universe. This realization is not dependent on any transitory internal or external condition, rather it is an expression of one’s own immutable spiritual nature. The only way to attain the Universal Way is to maintain the integral virtues of the constancy, steadiness and simplicity in one’s daily life.” – Lao Tzu

1. Reverence for all Life

The first cardinal rule states that we should respect all life forms in the creation and not seek to dominate or control them. We first must love and honor ourselves, and then this love will flow outwardly toward all beings. In this world, we must depend on other life forms for sheer survival, which means we must treat them with respect, kindness, and gratitude. Lao Tzu believed we can all live in peace and harmony if we remember this spiritual rule of living first.

2. Natural Sincerity

This virtue manifests as honesty, simplicity, and authenticity. It states to stay true to who you are and not allow outside forces to sway you. Own your true nature, and don’t let others tell you who to be. Once we can come into a place of realness and sincerity, we can begin to understand what we need to remain happy and peaceful, and we can extend this to include others who might struggle along their path. Live in your truth, and everything else will fall into place. Plus, you’ll inspire others along the way to also show their true selves and live authentically. Allow your thoughts and actions to align, and you’ll come to know the meaning of sincerity.

3. Gentleness

In the world we live in today, we greatly need this virtue to be practiced more often. Gentleness means being kind to all life and not coming from a place of egoistic desires. When we practice gentleness, we give up the need to be right because being kind is more important than being correct. When we’re sensitive to other people’s needs and throw away the desire to control or dominate them, we can live in harmony with one another. Many people mistake being gentle and kind as weak, but this is only because we live in a world full of inflated egos. Practice gentleness, and you’ll awaken yourself and the world to what truly matters.

“Gentleness generally implies that you no longer have a strong ego-inspired desire to dominate or control others, which allows you to move into a rhythm with the universe. You cooperate with it, much like a surfer who rides with the waves instead of trying to overpower them. Gentleness means accepting life and people as they are, rather than insisting that they be as you are. As you practice living this way, blame disappears and you enjoy a peaceful world.”Wayne Dyer

“My religion is very simple, my religion is kindness.”Dalai Lama

lao tzu quote

4. Supportiveness

This virtue implies that we must support all life forms, including ourselves. When we first attend to supporting ourselves, we can more easily help others we encounter along our life’s journey. This final cardinal virtue states to love and serve all, regardless of what we can get from it. We can shift from a place of receiving into a place of giving without wondering what we can get in return. This virtue comes naturally to us, but this world we’ve been born into tells us to focus on ourselves and become happier. In reality, many people do not feel fulfilled following this path. So, by putting ourselves aside and living to serve others, we may find a life of true purpose and joy by striving to make other people’s lives a little easier.

“The greatest joy comes from giving and serving, so replace your habit of focusing exclusively on yourself and what’s in it for you. When you make the shift to supporting others in your life, without expecting anything in return, you’ll think less about what you want and find comfort and joy in the act of giving and serving.” Wayne Dyer

Let these four virtues fragrance your life, and notice the grace and ease that will come your way. Each one of these virtues brings in the way of being that is light, graceful and flowing and will help you shed destructive, self-defeating patterns that sabotage your inner peace and happiness.

“The four cardinal virtues are a road map to the simple truth of the universe. To revere all of life, to live with natural sincerity, to practice gentleness, and to be in service to others is to replicate the energy field from which you originated.” –  Dr. Wayne Dyer

10 Tips For Creating More Happiness In Your Life

I think it’s safe to say that we all could use a little more happiness in our lives. We spend so much time searching for this seemingly elusive feeling, but usually come up empty-handed. So, how can we fix this tiresome pattern of searching but never finding? How can we truly break the cycle of unhappiness and frustration, and move into a place of bliss and freedom?

Well, we don’t claim to have all the answers here, but making a few simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference. We have so much power in our minds to actually create happiness, so we want to help you realize this gift and utilize it to your full potential.

In this article, we’ll discuss a few helpful ways to create more happiness in your life, starting today.

10 Tips for Creating More Happiness In Your Life

1. Find happiness by releasing the things you cannot change.

“If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.” – Dalai Lama

Simply put, worrying does nothing except add more stress to your life. If you can fix something, then do not worry about it, but come up with solutions instead. If you cannot fix it, then don’t worry about it. Easier said than done, we know, but writing down the worries on your mind can help to alleviate them.

Make a list each day of the things that worry you, and then decide how many of those you can actually do something about. If you cannot feasibly change something, then cross it off your list. Take the problems left on your list, and come up with actionable steps you can take to greatly reduce those stressors. Once you can see all of this on paper, you can begin to sort out all the thoughts in your mind and compartmentalize them so they don’t seem so overwhelming.

2. Move your body for greater happiness.

It’s been said over and over again by countless scientists and researchers that we MUST exercise in order to remain healthy. There’s no way around this, unfortunately, but the key is to find some sort of exercise that you actually enjoy doing. Something that doesn’t feel like drudgery, in other words. Maybe you don’t know what you even like to do in terms of exercise, but the fun is in the process of figuring this out! Stay away from things you already know you won’t be able to stick to, and focus on trying new forms of exercise that you can at least tolerate.

Many people enjoy taking Zumba classes, for instance, because they still burn a ton of calories, yet you can have fun doing it in a group setting. Or, if you need to let out some aggression while getting a workout, try out kickboxing classes. If you enjoy the outdoors and being on the water, try kayaking. We have endless choices for exercise, but it’s up to you to decide what type of movement and activity you can commit to on a regular basis.

3. Make better dietary choices.

As you probably already know, you can’t out-exercise a poor diet. As much of a perfect world as that would be, our bodies simply cannot process certain foods efficiently. We, too, are animals, and we require certain vitamins and minerals in order to function optimally. Highly processed, overly sugary or salty foods are hard for our bodies to break down, and in terms of nutrition, they tend to have very little. Stick to mostly whole foods, and limit consumption of red meats, sugary or salty foods, alcohol, and other substances that have little nutritional value.

Look to what grows naturally on this planet, and fuel your body with that. It might take discipline, but the health benefits you will notice are going to be worth it, one thousand times over.

4. Practice mindfulness.

In our crazy, fast-paced world, we can easily become imbalanced and out of touch with ourselves. No matter what you have going on in life, you must take time to simply breathe and focus on the present moment. Even if you don’t like meditation, you can practice mindfulness at any given moment of your day without having to sit cross-legged on the floor in a quiet room away from society. You can bring awareness to your mind and body at any point during your day; in a work meeting, in the car on the way home, at the grocery store, during your workout, etc. Mindfulness simply means becoming aware of your thoughts and centering yourself within the present moment.

Once you practice this more often, it will come more naturally to you, and you’ll feel much more relaxed and balanced as a result.

5. Get rid of clutter to boost happiness.

A cluttered outer world becomes a cluttered inner world, so try out minimalism in order to clear out unnecessary items and bring more space into your environment. Plus, you could sell some of the things you don’t want, which would put more money in your pocket, too. We all just want more space, both mentally and physically, so one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to achieve this goal is to get rid of material items.

Creating more space in your environment will allow you to have more space in your mind, as well. Plus, you won’t have the burden of having to maintain and pay for all of the items you used to own, which will eliminate a great deal of stress.

6. Start appreciating the little things in life.

One main reason many people cannot create happiness is that they focus so much on what they don’t have, that they lose sight of what is already in their possession. Even if you own nothing, you can appreciate the miracle of being alive. You can be thankful for being above ground and having air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat.


At the end of our lives, we won’t remember all of the cool gadgets we bought or the fancy houses we owned. We will remember our relationships with others, and the quality of life we lived. So, instead of always wanting more, learn to be happy with less. Be IN this world, but not OF it. It still holds true that the best things in life are free, so don’t let society tempt you with the illusions of happiness they want to sell to you.

7. Volunteer your time helping others.

We create much of our own unhappiness by dwelling on ourselves and our own problems. One easy fix for this is to give back to our world so that we can become a little less burdened by ourselves, and help others along the way. We’re all just walking each other home, so don’t get so caught up in your own world that you forget about the world outside yourself that desperately needs help, too.

8. Try new things.

Much unhappiness breeds from boredom and complacency, so to combat this, start changing things up a little. If you’ve always wanted to learn martial arts, look for a class in your area and try it out. We are our greatest obstacle, so stop letting your mind tell you what you can and cannot do. You are your own limit, and the only way to move past it is to challenge it, and go after what you want even if you have insecurities or doubts about what you can accomplish. Once life starts to feel dull and mundane, it’s time to start doing things that you enjoy again. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone, because once you do, you’ll start developing a whole new sense of self-confidence and break the cycle of unhappiness as well.

9. Disconnect to reconnect.

As you have probably already noticed, we’ve become a very disconnected society. Sure, we’re more connected to each other in the virtual world, but we’re growing apart faster than ever in the real world. We spend most of our days engrossed in various screens, from our TVs to our phones to our laptops. When did we let it get to this? Our greatest asset in life is not our online image or status, but our real-life friends, family, and lovers. We must rely on other people in order to survive, so creating distance from them by way of social media and other online distractions only separates us further from what we need to truly be happy.

Related article: 25 Ways to Find Happiness (Without Chasing It)

Learn to put down the technology and talk to the people around you. We are social animals, and this hasn’t changed since the birth of early humans. We need each other, so don’t let the trends of today take away from the connections you share with others.

10. Get lost so you can find yourself.

Remember when you were a little kid running through fields of sunflowers, splashing in puddles after a rainstorm, and exploring the woods behind your house for hours on end? You didn’t have to be somewhere at a certain time, except at the dinner table in time for supper. You could get lost in nature and explore to your heart’s content, and you loved every minute of it. So, why can’t you do that now? On a day when you have time, drive to a nature spot you’ve always wanted to explore, and lose yourself once again. Run through the forest, jump in the river, lay in the sunshine among a bed of soft grass, let the wind whip through your hair, and enjoy the natural world like you used to, before you forgot about the importance of playtime.

Your inner child is calling out to you, so it’s time to answer its calls and be a little kid again, if only for a day.

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