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How To Contact Your Guardian Angel

Guardian angel, spirit guide, spirit animal, higher self – whatever you want to call it, more people than ever wish to contact these otherworldly beings. Let’s face it; life on Earth can seem downright exhausting, confusing, and terrifying at times. But, learning to connect with your guardian angel can help you navigate the turbulent waters and sail to smoother seas once again.

These times can feel very isolating and scary, but our guardian angels want us to know that they are here with us and can help guide us along our unique paths. Maybe you have tried to contact your guardian angels before to no avail. On the other hand, perhaps you are interested in the spirit world but haven’t tried making connections yet.

10 Ways to Connect With Your Guardian Angel

No matter your situation, we will discuss some ways to connect with your guardian angel below.

guardian angel

1. Pay Attention to Your Physical Environment and How You React to It

Guardian angels like to communicate with us through physical sensations at times, so you don’t need to do anything except take note of how you feel. For example, if you start to get goosebumps on your skin for no apparent reason or feel a presence near you, it might be your guardian angel attempting to contact you.

When something in your physical environment occurs without you being able to pinpoint the source, recognize that it could very well be a spirit guide. If we pay attention to our surroundings and focus on the sensations we feel, we can have a better chance of contacting our guardian angel.

2. Meditate and Ask Your Guardian Angel to Reveal Themselves

Our guardian angels contact us in a different realm, so it can take time to receive their messages in our denser reality. However, meditation provides an excellent medium to get in touch with your guide, as this practice increases your vibration. This allows you to access higher realms yourself. During your meditation, ask your guardian angel(s) to make themselves known to you. They might respond immediately, or it could take some time, depending on your readiness to receive the messages.

Guardian angels often don’t make themselves known unless we initiate contact with them, and meditation allows them a way to communicate with us on Earth. During meditation, we can block out worldly distractions and focus on just ‘being’ and receiving messages as they come in.

3. Pay Attention to Repeating Numbers

According to Doreen Virtue, seeing 11:11 frequently means that your guardian angel wants to send you a message from the higher realms. It also means that your thoughts have begun manifesting into reality very quickly. The more you notice repeating numbers, especially 1’s, the stronger the connection between you and your guardian angel.

Learn to slow down and pay attention to these signs, as more and more people notice repeating numbers these days. This shows that our angels, or whatever you’d like to call them, are more desperate than ever to make contact with us.

4. Notice Messages in Songs You Hear or Other Types of Media

Also, if you happen to hear the same song on the radio every time you get in the car, pay attention to its meaning and how it may pertain to your life. Our guides often like to communicate with us through music on the radio, believe it or not. We quickly understand the frequency of music, so this may explain why guardian angels use it to send messages.

In addition, your guardian angels may talk to you through books or TV shows. Perhaps you feel drawn to a specific passage in the book you’re reading or relate deeply to a specific scene in a show. Spirit guides don’t discriminate in how they speak to us, as they know that we sometimes enjoy escaping into fantasy worlds.

5. Ask Your Guardian Angel to Communicate in Your Dreams

They also love to relay messages to us in our dreams since we have entered another reality and don’t have distractions left and right from daily life. In our restful state, we become much easier to contact. Before going to sleep each night, ask them to visit in your dreams, and make sure to write down anything you remember the following day.

Your dream will vary depending on what messages or signs your guardian angel needs to deliver to you. Don’t feel alarmed if you have a bad dream, though; it still offers an essential meaning to your life’s journey.

6. Pray for Their Assistance in Your Life

Doreen Virtue, a well-known psychic, angel healer, and motivational speaker, says: “No angel shall interfere with a human’s life unless asked, with the sole exception of a life-threatening emergency” in her book, Angel Therapy. Just like in real life, to receive help from our angels, we must ask for it first.

As long as you have a genuine need and desire to connect with your spirit guide, they will make contact with you and offer assistance. Remember, they want to help you, so don’t hesitate to call on them for support when you need it most.

7. Cultivate a Relationship With Your Guardian Angel

Just as you put effort into your Earthly relationships, your connection with heavenly beings also requires cultivation. Before work or school each day, take a few moments to pray or talk with your spirit guides. If you form a relationship with these exalted beings, they will make their presence more obvious in your life.

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8. Work on Your Spirituality

It’s difficult to contact angels if you have no connection to your spiritual side. Whether you pray, meditate, do yoga, or practice mindfulness, it’s crucial to develop your spirituality. This will make your energy field more open and receptive to any contact from spiritual beings.

9. Surrender to the Cosmic Order

Creation follows specific laws that make life on Earth possible; however, when people don’t adhere to the laws of nature, discord ensues. If you want to connect more with guardian angels, you should try to align with the spiritual laws of the universe.

Show kindness to others, practice minimalism, give more than you take, and do some form of meditation to cultivate your spirituality. If you surrender to the higher ways of existence rather than following your ego, you will feel more peace in your daily life.

10. Trust Your Spirit Guides

If you surrender to the cosmic law, the next step is to trust your guides and the messages they send you. They won’t lead you astray; even if a situation seems difficult or scary, your companions have your best interest at heart. We came to Earth to learn vital lessons and work out some of our karma. So, our guides already know what path we should take to become our highest selves. Please put your full trust in the universe because it won’t give you anything you can’t handle.

3 Signs Your Guardian Angel is Nearby

Now that you have an idea of how to reach out to spiritual beings let’s look at how to know when they arrive.

1. You feel comforted and safe all of a sudden.

Maybe you’ve been feeling stressed or disconnected in life lately. However, if you suddenly feel comfort or love pass through you, your spirit guides might be nearby. They want the best for you and hate seeing you suffer. If you have tuned yourself to the frequency of the angelic realms, you can quickly feel the presence of spiritual beings.

2. A butterfly lands near you, or you find other objects like a white feather.

Particular objects and animals have a spiritual significance. For instance, many cultures believe the butterfly symbolizes transformation or reincarnation throughout the world. If one lands on you, it might mean your guardian angels want to send you a message. Perhaps they wish for your spiritual transformation and growth as you enter a new chapter in life.

White feathers can also signify the presence of a loving spirit, as these feathers represent the white wings of angels. They symbolize purity and beauty, two qualities that every spiritual being embodies.

3. You get chills or goosebumps.

Sometimes spirit guides will make themselves known physically. You might get goosebumps on your neck or shoulders if they’re nearby, as their presence causes a vibrational change in the atmosphere. Also, you might feel a tingling on the crown of your head if a benevolent being is with you.

guardian angel

Final Thoughts on Ways to Contact Your Spirit Guides

If you’re a spiritual person, you will want to connect with higher beings to receive important messages. Whether you pray, meditate or practice mantras, you can begin making contact with higher realms with a personal practice. By forming a relationship with these heavenly beings, it will become easier to recognize their presence in your life.

You will start noticing subtle signs of their friendship, such as white feathers or butterflies nearby. They may direct your attention to certain songs on the radio or come into your dreams to contact you. No matter how they connect with you, it’s a life-changing moment when a guardian angel appears in your life.

10 Manners Every Parent Needs To Teach Their Kids

To exhibit good manners is nothing more than consciously understanding the importance of treating fellow human beings with dignity and respect. On the surface, this notion seems rudimentary and straightforward; however, many of our fellow humans lack the necessary understanding, along with the effects of treating people in such a way.

Why is this? Well, as with many cognitive and behavioral traits, its development begins at childhood. The human brain develops at a much quicker pace throughout childhood years than at any other stage of life. This understanding of development makes it all the more important emphasize the golden rule of “treating people how you would like to be treated.”

Any shortcomings in developing the empathetic nature of a child can yield undesirable consequences. Firstly, the child is less likely to exhibit the type of mutual understanding necessary to establish and nurture relationships. Secondly, the child is susceptible to becoming an outsider; one that resorts to isolation rather than social interaction – a genetically inherited element of human beings; traceable as far back as the “caveman” age.

Examining the sociological evolution of mankind throughout history is far (far) beyond the scope of this article. Instead, we have chosen to focus on what mannerisms children should understand in their early years.

Here are ten manners that every parent should teach their children:

‘Good manners: polite or well-bred social behavior. Example: “it’s nice to meet a young man with such good manners.”‘ – Oxford University Press

1. Saying “Please” and “Thank you.”

The simple words of “please” and “thank you” seemingly go a long way in a society inexplicably devoid of such basic, common courtesy. Not only are these basic words polite and well-mannered, but they also help to build a foundation upon which future relationships will be built.

2. Saying “Excuse me.”

People do not appreciate, whether right or wrong, having their personal space encroached upon. Whether it’s accidentally bumping into someone, attempting to get someone’s attention, or navigating through a crowded area, saying “excuse me” is not only polite but also increases the likelihood of someone respecting your right intentions and obliging accordingly.

3. Teaching them not to interrupt

Interrupting someone while they’re attempting to speak is perceived as incredibly rude and ungracious. Teach your child the “80/20” rule or the axiom of “2 ears and 1 mouth.” Active listening is, unfortunately, not a practice that is common in today’s “look at me” society.

4. Teaching the importance of gratitude

A simple thank you note or responding graciously to a gift is a great way of teaching a child the importance of gratitude. As the child develops, parents may wish to embellish upon the importance of being grateful for what one has regardless of circumstance.

gratitude quote power of positivity

5. Learning the importance of hygiene

This is not to say that your child should attempt to remain germ-free. But understanding the elementary rules of “covering your mouth when you cough” or “washing your hands after using the toilet” are subtle suggestions that promote self-discipline and courtesy towards others.

6. Teaching basic “table manners.”

Table manners are underappreciated in terms of teaching a child self-discipline and respectfulness. When a kid sits down to eat, please don’t allow them to leave without excusing themselves, teach them not to reach across the table to grab something, and so on.

7. Holding the door open for others

Wholeheartedly, the act of holding the door open for someone else epitomizes good manners. It also displays respect to others.

8. Responding to someone else’s question

Children have a short attention span. This is not to be considered a maladjustment of any kind. Their brain is still developing, after all. However, encouraging a child to respond to an adult’s inquiry is a terrific way to teaching them the importance of attention, discipline, and respect for authority.

Speaking of which…

9. Emphasizing respect for teachers and authority

An orderly society requires individuals who adhere to authoritative figures. Teachers, policemen, and those who carry the burden of enforcing societal order should be treated with respect.

What better time to teach this important aspect of society than during childhood? Emphasize the importance of respecting elders, raising a hand during class, and politely entering and exiting the classroom, which are just a few ways to encourage respect for those who keep our society in working order.


10. Teaching the importance of cleanliness

Whether it’s assigning chores, insisting they clean their eating area at the table, or picking up toys in their bedroom, cleanliness is a close relative of orderliness. Children learn by what they see and are instructed to do. As such, insisting upon a clean and orderly environment that involves their participation is a great way of establishing a good sense of manners.

3 Ways To Melt The Most Stubborn Belly Fat

Stubborn belly fat can make you feel less than comfortable in your skin. If you hope to melt it away, understanding how it forms is an excellent starting point to making a change.

The fat contents in food are either visceral fat or subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is stored in the abdominal cavity, meaning it’s around several essential internal organs, such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines. This type of fat responds well to exercise and a healthy diet.

Subcutaneous fat doesn’t respond as well to diet and exercise, but you can get rid of it. This type of fat is simply the excess fat lying directly underneath the skin, mainly in the stomach and abdominal areas.

In this article, we focus on how to melt away this stubborn type of body fat. As with any exercise and nutritional regimen, we must remain dedicated and focused on sticking with the process.

How to Eliminate Stubborn Belly Fat

get rid of belly fat

1. Aerobic and Interval Training

As subcutaneous fat is much harder to shred than visceral, we must allocate more time to aerobic training – or cardiovascular exercise (cardio). Harvard Medical School recommends at least 30-minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise. Intermittent exercise sessions (two or three days per week, for example) will not yield many measurable decreases in subcutaneous fat levels.

The American College of Sports Medicine states it may take between 60 to 90 minutes of aerobic training, up to five times per week, for some individuals to lose weight. The good news is that you don’t have to do the entire duration all at once. You can eliminate subcutaneous body fat in multiple workout sessions throughout the day.

An alternative to moderate-intensity cardio is interval training – a more intense form of cardio. Interval training is just alternating the high-low intensity of each movement during the workout. The main benefit of interval training is that you can expedite the fat-burning process – an excellent solution for those dealing with a tight schedule.

2. Weight Training

Though cardio and interval training are thought to be the best method of eliminating subcutaneous fat, experts state that we shouldn’t be dismissive of weight training – and its myriad benefits. The main advantage of weight training is that it boosts metabolic rate and burns calories, even while at rest.

Some experts cite weight training as superior to aerobic activities when you want to burn subcutaneous fat. Interval training using weights is a better method for burning subcutaneous fat than interval training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) alone.

Regardless, weight circuit training will target all the main muscle areas of the upper and lower body. You will efficiently reduce the fat composition within these areas. The result will be that your body shreds fat and, eventually, appears more toned.

3. Strike the right nutritional balance

You can’t melt felt with exercise alone, and you must implement a healthy diet, too. Most scientific studies comparing the rate of subcutaneous fat loss and diet conclude that nutrition trumps exercise in almost every way.

A rigorous exercise regimen cannot overcome the bad foods we eat. For subcutaneous fat to shred, we must strike a balance between the two. You can’t undo bad dietary habits with a demanding exercise routine.

This idea is perhaps best illustrated by an important observation that you can lose weight by diet alone. However, you cannot lose weight with bad dietary habits with an exercise routine, no matter how challenging this routine may be.

The simple solution is to research and read up on ways to implement a healthy diet with an acceptable exercise regimen.

15 Foods to Help Shrink Belly Fat

Eat these foods to help melt away that stubborn fat.

1. Garlic

Studies show that garlic helps boosts visceral abdominal fat loss. Garlic contains allicin, a compound with antibacterial effects. It also helps reduce unhealthy fats and cholesterol in the body.

2. Red Bell Peppers

Bell peppers contain high amounts of Vitamin C, an essential nutrient for fighting fat. Three cups of red bell peppers will give you three times the necessary amount of the vitamin, making it an ideal addition to your diet.

If you often experience stress, your body can produce more cortisol, a hormone that triggers fat storage. Vitamin C can alleviate the effect, helping you keep the fat at bay.

3. Avocados

Avocados contain healthy monounsaturated fats, preventing blood sugar spikes. Blood sugar spikes trigger your body to store fat, so stopping the spikes is essential. Avocados also help your body absorb carotenoids, helping fight cancer cells.

4. Chickpeas

Chickpeas contain fiber, protein, and immune-boosting antioxidants. This healthy food can be a wholesome snack, or you can use chickpea flour to bake some sweet treats. It’s a versatile ingredient, so learning to implement it into your diet can be life-changing.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt helps prevent bugs that cause bloating because it encourages the growth of good gut bacteria. This food offers carbs and protein, stabilizing insulin and preventing the storage of calories as fat. Yogurt is a good option because you can implement it into any part of your diet, including meals and snacks.

6. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts keep you feeling full for longer and are effective in reducing fat. They contain Omega-3 fatty acids, tightening the belly and reducing inflammation. Rich in monounsaturated fats and phytonutrients, they help you melt the most stubborn belly fat.

Nuts also have high protein content, allowing you to burn excess fat. Additionally, they contain phytic acid, folic acid, and phytosterols that prevent fat storage.

Seeds are also effective for melting fat, as they provide zinc and fiber. They also boost your immune system, giving you more energy and improving overall well-being.

chia seeds

7. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains cocoa butter, a monounsaturated fat. It is heart-healthy and contains stearic acid, a fat that doesn’t elevate fat levels in the blood as much as other fats. Dark chocolate also contains fiber, an essential nutrient for weight loss.

8. Tuna

Tuna is full of healthy fats and Omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains protein, making you feel full and preventing cravings throughout the day. You’ll find that you don’t eat as many mindless snacks after eating tuna, immensely helping your weight loss efforts.

Tuna not only burns fat, but it also helps with muscle building. It is a versatile option for losing weight without going hungry.

9. Whole Grains

Whole grains are fiber-rich and keep you feeling full for longer times. You can choose from oatmeal, brown rice, and so much more. It keeps your insulin levels low, preventing fat storage. Consuming whole grains instead of refined can make a huge difference in your weight and fat loss efforts.

Whole grains lead to weight loss and decrease LDL or bad cholesterol. It also improves your body composition even when a person’s weight stays the same.

10. Fruit

Most fruit can help melt stubborn body fat, making it an essential addition to your diet. Blueberries are full of fiber and antioxidants, and they contain less sugar than most other fruit. They are satisfying but sweet, making them a perfect snack or dessert.

Citrus fruit is also beneficial, as they combat bloating and fight antioxidants and inflammation. Plums also help, as they contain Flavonoids which help fight fat. Additionally, plums contain pectin, a fiber that reduces fat and blocks fat absorption.

Red grapes are another beneficial fruit because they have high levels of phytonutrients and flavonoids. These phytonutrients burn fat, and the phytonutrients prevent fat storage. Grapes also have a low glycemic fruit, improving insulin sensitivity and regulating blood sugar levels.

Apples also reduce fat and promote weight loss. They contain ursolic acid, triggering your body to burn more calories and generate heat. Apples also contain pectin, helping remove excess fat from the body.

11. Matcha Tea

Matcha tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), catechin that burns fat. It has more fat-melting properties than green tea, making it a superior drink for your diet.

12. Olive Oil

Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats, satisfying cravings and regulating your cholesterol levels. While it doesn’t sound like you can do much with olive oil, there are plenty of options.

You can use olive oil with lemon as one of the most purifying remedies. It eliminates toxins from your body, allowing you to eliminate fat.

You can also use olive oil with ginger because ginger is a natural fat burner. It has a thermogenic effect and is easy to add to your diet. Incorporate it in your salad, and it’ll be easier than you ever imagined.

Another option is to consume olive oil with cucumber. Cucumbers have lots of water, making them low in calories while still containing high levels of fiber. The fiber eliminates toxins, and the olive oil works its magic simultaneously.

13. Kale and Spinach

Kale is a leafy green that is fat-free and low in calories. It also contains Vitamins A, K, C, B6, Calcium, Potassium, and magnesium. These nutrients and vitamins make it great for melting stubborn belly fat.

Spinach is another leafy green that is low in calories and promotes melting fat. It prevents fat storage and triggers the body to burn fat for energy. You don’t have to consume a large amount because two cups of spinach are enough to give you a nutrient boost.

14. Beans

Beans play a role in weight and fat loss as they are loaded with soluble fiber. The fiber eliminates inflammation in your digestive system, allowing you to melt fat regularly.

15. Eggs

Eggs are full of protein, allowing your fat to be used for muscles instead. They are a perfect option for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and can even be a filling snack. Eggs are full of muscle-building protein and fat-burning compounds, so don’t miss out on the benefits.

belly fat

Final Thoughts on Melting Stubborn Belly Fat

Melting stubborn belly fat isn’t always easy, but you can make it happen. Follow these tips to make a beneficial change in your life. Once you start melting fat, you’ll feel better about yourself and your life. You don’t have to sacrifice good food, as there are plenty of options for every food group.

10 Hidden Anxiety Triggers You Need to Avoid

Anxiety seems to be a near-universal condition. However, not all those with a diagnosis share the same anxiety triggers.

In the United States alone, approximately forty million adults – or eighteen percent of the population – suffer from an anxiety disorder. However, these numbers come as no surprise to most people.

The truth is that society is somewhat to blame (not to negate our sense of responsibility.) In fact, our society built a 24/7 “constantly connected” infrastructure that permeates our schools, businesses, and elsewhere. Many people are under constant pressure to succeed, most ironically by leveraging this very infrastructure. Of course, this expectation only exacerbates the problem.

“Prevention is the best cure” is a universal axiom within the medical community, including within the mental health sphere. Understanding what “triggers” specific symptoms or conditions can – in some instances – drastically reduce the likelihood of a sign or episode.

Here, we focus on ten established “triggers” that are known to induce anxiety symptoms and anxiety conditions. We hope that, by understanding what provokes anxiety, we can better mitigate any adverse consequences.

Here are ten common anxiety triggers that we need to avoid:

Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice.
It knows all your insecurities and uses them against you.
It gets to the point when it’s the loudest voice in the room.
The only one you can hear.
– Unknown



1. Alcohol

Consumption of alcohol, as it relates to the onset of anxiety, is a “Catch-22.” After a period of dealing with stress and its related stressors, some will turn to booze to calm themselves down.

As a depressant, alcohol can “accomplish” this task – but only temporarily. After this initial period, alcohol becomes the catalyst for anxiety – and this is the actual danger in relying upon the substance to ease anxious thoughts and feelings.

Finding a more constructive and sustainable outlet is strongly recommended by medical professionals.

2. Inadequate nutrition/diet

Our brain is a “hungry” organ in that it requires specific nutritional components – at adequate levels – to function correctly. Further, as the brain uses up much of our body’s resources (i.e., energy), our gray matter must receive said nutritional components in the right amounts.

A typical “Western Diet” is heavily processed, lacking nutritional value to provide for the brain and body sufficiently. According to Dr. Eva Selhub, Contributing Editor at Harvard University’s Health Publications:

“…studies have compared “traditional” diets, like the Mediterranean diet and the traditional Japanese diet, to the typical “Western diet” and have shown that the risk of (mental illness) is 25% to 35% lower in those who eat a traditional diet.”

Nutritionists, dietitians, and other health professionals recommend minimizing the consumption of processed foods and increasing the amount of whole, natural foods we eat.

3. Anti-social behavior

Depending on one’s personality, the desire to engage with fellow human beings can fittingly range on a scale of 1 to 10. Introverts, for example, require sparse social interaction, while extroverts require social interaction as a means of energy and motivation.

Secluding oneself to the extreme, however, can cause some unintended consequences. Too much solitude, particularly for introverts, can result in some serious overthinking – a prelude to an anxiety episode.

This is a highly individualistic and subjective recommendation, but we should seek some social outlet to better our mental health.

4. Certain sensory inputs

Certain lights smells, or sounds can (sometimes, inexplicably) negatively affect our state of mind. In addition to being an annoyance, they cause a stress reaction – and, more specifically, an anxiety reaction.

Noise, especially loud or blaring sounds, can activate and heighten the activity within the amygdala – a part of the brain responsible for the “fight or flight” response. Smells and sounds are much more nuanced but trigger anxiety in some.

Understanding and accepting the notion that certain stimuli can provoke an anxiety response, we are better equipped to manage our environment.

5. Overworking

The determination to push ourselves and create a better life is a respectable trait. However, some individuals possess a drive that – at a certain point – becomes more of a liability than an asset. Such folks do not “live in the moment” of any marked success but instead succumb to the “next big thing.”

Constantly working to achieve this “next big thing” can alter brain chemistry to where any perceived “setback” can ignite a sense of anxiety.

Practicing mindfulness, meditation or gratitude can help keep things in perspective.

6. Lack of sleep

Sleep is essential to the normal functioning of the brain. When we deprive ourselves of this vitally-important state, many unintended consequences can surface. This includes, of course, adverse psychological outcomes.

Lack of sleep often leads to an inability to sleep, aka insomnia. Ultimately, our mental and physical health suffers as a result.

If getting a good night’s rest becomes a consistent problem, you must seek medical advice.

7. Low blood sugar

The brain is a hungry organ; it requires a steady supply of glucose and other nutrients to function correctly. We’re susceptible to diabetes-like symptoms – shakiness, dizziness, weakness, etc.

Furthermore, low blood sugar creates unnecessary stress for the brain. As a result, the brain will perceive this inadequacy as a threat, which can trigger an anxiety episode.

The solution is to consult a physician, nutritionist, or another expert who can recommend a dietary regimen that benefits your unique needs.

8. Poor stress management

Without an excellent ability to manage stress, we’ll quickly succumb to anxiety triggers – both internal and external. Stress creates and exacerbates thoughts and feelings of anxiety, making stress management a priority for those who desire to alleviate anxiety and its associated symptoms.

Practicing mindfulness and deep breathing can help in dealing with these triggers.

9. Negative thought patterns

Negative thoughts breed negative thoughts, the consequences of which can be devastating. As necessary, negative thought patterns tend to worsen over time, resulting in a negative spiral that some cannot manage to get out of.

Positive activities can counteract some or all of the anxiety experienced due to such thought patterns. Sports, meditation, or yoga are all activities that can reduce negative and anxious thought patterns.

10. Loss of direction

Those who once had “a vision” for their life – and (realistically or perceivably) saw this vision crumble – are prone to experiencing high levels of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.

These folks tend to be highly competitive and goal-oriented individuals. Therefore, losing your sense of purpose is devastating. Similarly, others who “lose their way” tend to experience bouts of anxiety.

Indeed, mindfulness, meditation, and practicing gratitude can help put things in perspective. Practice sitting in silence consistently. As a result, you may find the ever-elusive answer to this complicated problem.

These Habits Help You Avoid Your Anxiety Triggers

anxiety triggers

1. Poor health triggers anxiety

Your physical health can impact your mental health. Poor health causes you to feel lethargic, be tempted to overeat, and to feel depressed. Therefore, it limits your ability to work and go to school. Living day in and day with poor health could be one of your hidden anxiety triggers.

2. Too much alcohol

Alcohol is a known depressant. Large amounts of alcohol can cause feelings of sadness and depression. While drinking alcohol, people have reported that they sometimes feel nervous and anxious. So the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you will develop temporary anxiety and depression symptoms.

3. Poor diet

Your diet is an essential factor in your mental health. What you eat impacts your body, but a poor diet also hurts you mentally. There’s a clear connection between what you eat and the risk of depression. Studies show that a healthy diet is associated with a lower risk of depression and its side effects.

4. Dehydration

Dehydration is another one of the anxiety triggers you may have overlooked. Water, in many ways, is a nutrient for your brain. Not drinking enough water causes your brain to work slower and not function properly. If you’re feeling anxious, try drinking extra water to see if it helps you feel better.

5. Lack of sleep

Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Anxiety and sleep disorders go together. Sleep deprivation makes you prone to worry, fear and sadness. Even people who don’t usually experience anxiety have feelings of anxiety when they’re sleep-deprived.

6. Negative thoughts

Your negative thoughts could be one of your anxiety triggers. If your thoughts are rooted in pessimism, it will negatively affect your mental health and how you feel.  It’s easy to allow negative thoughts to repeatedly cycle through your mind until you feel anxious and depressed. Breaking the negativity is key to letting go of your negative thoughts.

7. Social isolation

Did you know loneliness and social isolation are proven anxiety triggers? Prolonged isolation can harm your mood. It puts you at risk for mental and physical health problems like

  • Depression
  • Substance abuse
  • Anxiety
  • Dementia
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes

8. Fluorescent bulbs

Did you know that those fluorescent bulbs you shop under at the store and sit under at work or school could trigger your anxiety?  Fluorescent bulbs have higher levels of blue light. Blue lights interrupt your ability to sleep. They also flicker more than other light bulbs, which leads to stress or anxiety for sensitive people.

9. Some medications

Certain over-the-counter or prescription medications can trigger anxiety symptoms. The ingredients in these medications cause you to feel uneasy. These feelings lead you to feel anxious or unwell. Medicines that cause you to feel unwell include:

  • Cough medicines
  • Decongestant medications
  • Birth control medications
  • Weight loss medications

10. Caffeine

You may have heard of the caffeine jitters. These jitters make you feel almost the same as if you experienced a frightening situation. Your heart beats faster, your hands will get clammy, and you feel ready to run away.  Caffeine is a stimulant. It sets off your fight-or-flight responses, which can trigger your anxiety and, for some people, cause an anxiety attack.

9 Habits To Help You Avoid Your Anxiety Triggers

Now that you understand some of the leading causes of your anxious feelings try making these changes to your routine.

1. Stay hydrated

Being thirsty can lead to stress and trigger anxiety. Even mild thirst can lead to calm anxiety. Increase your water intake with these suggestions.

  • Keep your water bottle with you all the time.
  • Drink some water every time you go to the bathroom
  • Order water when you eat outside
  • Drink water after you work out
  • Serve water at mealtimes
  • Eat water-filled veggies and fruits
  • Drink herbal teas

2. Avoid too much alcohol

If you know it may tempt you to drink too much, try these tips when you’re going out for a drink.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach-Eat a light meal before you drink alcohol.
  • Drink water and alcohol together-For every alcoholic drink you have, drink a glass of water.
  • Sip your drink-Take your time and drink slowly.
  • Limit yourself to only one alcoholic drink per hour
  • Set a limit on how you drink at one sitting

3. Understand how God cares for you

Understanding how God cares for you can give you hope and peace of mind. Your spiritual health is closely related to your mental health. When you nurture your relationship with God, it helps you trust him in those things in life that are out of your control. Your growth in understanding God and how he’s working in your life through:

  • Read scripture-Read Psalms for comfort
  • Give your troubles to God-Choose to pray about your worries. Ask God to help you trust him with the outcome.
  • Find a faith community-Find other people of faith who will help you grow in your relationship with God.

4. Stay healthy

Stress from an illness throws you off both emotionally as well as physically. Good self-care helps you stay healthy. Follow these self-care practices for optimum health and less anxiety.

  • Lower your alcohol intake
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Stay active
  • Get your blood pressure checked regularly
  • Avoid sugar and high fats
  • Don’t smoke

5. Relieve your stress

Stress buildup leads to anxiety triggers. You can relieve your stress by doing these activities:

  • Being outside in nature
  • Exercising
  • Walking
  • Reading
  • Yoga
  • Social interactions
  • Owning a pet
  • Growing in your faith with God

6. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can make you more anxious. So even missing as little as one hour of sleep can make you feel more stressed and irritable. It affects your memory and even your muscles. People who struggle with anxiety feel the effects of sleep deprivation more than people who don’t have anxiety. Create a bedtime routine to help you sleep better, such as

  • Keep your bedroom dark and cool.
  • Avoid eating food or drinking alcohol too close to bedtime
  • Take a bath or read a book to relax before you go to bed
  • Avoid using your computer or smartphone close to bedtime
  • Take a calcium-magnesium supplement to help you sleep

7. Avoid negative thought patterns

Sometimes, the same way that you think can make you more anxious. When you’re focused on the negative things in your life, it affects how you feel about your life. It’s easy for your mind to wander, causing everything to look darker than it is. The next time you feel alone, sit down and make a list of all the people in your life. This could be your family, friends, church friends, people in your groups, or school. This can help you fight the lie that no one cares for you.

8. Avoid too much caffeine

Limit how much caffeine you drink. Curb your caffeine habit by following these simple tips:

  • Drink herbal teas during the day
  • Shorten how long your coffee brews
  • Read the labels of your drinks. Even some coffees contain caffeine
  • Drink a smaller cup of coffee
  • Limit how many cups of coffee you drink each day

9. Stay socially active

Staying socially active is one way to break your anxiety. Avoiding people is harmful to your mental health. Even if you don’t feel like it, try to get out with friends or family several times a week. Other ways to stay socially active include:

  • Attend church meetings or Bible studies
  • Join a book club or hobby group
  • Talk to your neighbors
  • Join your co-workers after work for a drink

anxiety triggers

Final Thoughts On Identifying Your Anxiety Triggers

It may surprise you how your everyday life experiences can be anxiety triggers. Simple things like being dehydrated, not eating well, or even missing out on some sleep, can trigger your feelings of anxiety. You can avoid these anxiety triggers by following some tips listed here.

Researchers Reveal The Secret ‘Lazy’ Habits That Make You More Creative

Do people call you a daydreamer? If so, you are probably a person with creative thinking skills.

Definition of DAYDREAM : a pleasant visionary; usually a wishful creation of the creative imagination – Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Re-read the definition of daydream above. Do you notice any word or phrase that in some way relates to the title of this article? The one that catches the eye is “wishful creation of the imagination.”

People daydream in a variety of ways and for many reasons. For example, many us will daydream at work or while doing something tedious. Desiring to escape the monotonous boredom that is work, we’ll allow (or not allow) our minds to drift.

It’s a pleasant escape. A “breakaway” from the routineness of life. Of course, as with most attempts to escape the drudgery that is work, daydreaming is frowned upon. Most people consider daydreaming a “lazy” habit – a waste of time. Well, such notions are completely untrue.

And according to recent research, the act of daydreaming can spark creativity. In fact, according to an article published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, daydreaming may actually be one of the best ways to be more creative.

Researchers Reveal This ‘Lazy’ Habit Is The Secret To Unlocking Your Creativity


If you think the mind grinds to a halt when you’re doing nothing, think again. Spontaneous thought processes – including mind-wandering, but also creative thinking and daydreaming – arise when thoughts are relatively fee from deliberate and automatic constraints. Mind-wandering is not far from creative thinking.

The above is a word-for-word summary of a study undertaken by the University of British Columbia (UBC). The underlying message throughout the study is quite simple: that thoughts are dynamic and flowing, even in states of rest:

“Mind-wandering is typically characterized as thoughts that stray from what you’re doing…but we believe this definition is limited in that it doesn’t capture the dynamics of thought,” says Kalina Christoff, lead researcher and professor of psychology at UBC. In other words, the notion that daydreaming is the habit of a lazy mind is simply untrue.

The authors take this a step further, proposing that mind-wandering/daydreaming is actually our default mental state: “…we propose that mind-wandering isn’t an odd quirk but rather, something that the mind does when in enters into a spontaneous mode,” says Christoff.

Perhaps the most astonishing proposal of the study, however, is that creativity and novelty could not exist without spontaneous thought. Humans couldn’t paint masterful pieces, write beautiful poetry, or discover the next breakthrough medical cure without this capability.

Daydreaming is essential to the creative process because it frees up cognitive resources that would be directed elsewhere. The brain is “freed” of its responsibilities, and given the opportunity to explore the abstractions it otherwise would not. The ability to think in the abstract, of course, is the foundation of creative thought.


The Caveat of Being a Creative Type

Of course, constant daydreaming can be counterproductive to our efforts – even to our health. Researchers involved in the study say that permitting the mind to constantly drift aimlessly can manifest into a mental illness, such as anxiety, depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The reason: “Sometimes the mind moves freely from one idea to another, but at other times it keeps coming back to the same idea, drawn by some worry or emotion.”

The solution, then, is to recognize when thought patterns become negative and discover something else to occupy it. Another idea is to allocate a certain amount of time each day to allow our minds to wander simply, preferably when we are in a positive state of mind.

Elaborating further, the research team is exploring the very real possibility of a link between mental illness and the normal variation of thought processes. In essence, that there is some part of each one of our brains that resembles what are thought of as disorders, including ADHD and anxiety.

The interesting thing? These “illnesses” can produce excellent and creative things. As one of the study’s researchers says: “The anxious mind helps us focus on what’s personally important; the ADHD mind allows us to think freely and creatively.” Not only is this very well put, it’s very true.

Daydreaming is looked down upon because our society has become so task-oriented. We have jobs, families, and other responsibilities. Our 24/7, “always on” society has made us productive and prosperous while shunning our propensity to dream.

Some of the most brilliant minds to have ever existed were daydreamers: inventors, artists, writers, poets.

Albert Einstein, arguably the greatest scientist to have ever lived, once said:

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

9 Natural Ways To Prevent Cavities and Relieve Tooth Pain

Tooth pain is both an incredibly annoying and ache-ridden experience. It can result from several things: dental decay, injury, and infection among them. Often, tooth pain is exacerbated by one or more activities, such as: biting and chewing food, oral contact with hot or cold foods, swelling of the gums, and so on.

Developing cavities is also a common cause of tooth pain, and usually results from progressive tooth decay. Cavities occur when enamel (the hard, outer layer) of the teeth is exposed to acid-producing bacteria, which forms a sticky layer of plaque. Left untreated, this bacterial film effectively erodes the minerals contained in enamel.

The best way to counteract tooth pain is – you guessed it – to prevent it in the first place. This is achieved through good oral hygiene habits; such as brushing twice a day, using mouthwash, and flossing regularly.

That said, tooth pain can still surface despite the practice of regular oral hygiene. To complicate matters, treating the root cause (no pun intended) of tooth pain can be expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that may be successful in alleviating some of that dastardly pain.

 Here are nine natural remedies for tooth pain and cavities:

A word of caution, first: you may need to try one, two, or even more remedies to discover what works for you.

1. Cold or ice water & lemon juice

Lemon juice has proven to be an effective cavity fighter. Mix some of this potent juice with a glass of cold or ice water and rinse 3-4 times daily.

Also, ice may be used as a pain reliever. Wrap a few cubes in a hand towel (or paper towel) and apply to the area near infected tooth. This should relieve and numb some of the pain.

2. Cranberry juice

Per the Dental Health Magazine, drinking 3-4 ounces of (sugar-free) cranberry juice can help prevent some of the bacteria that causes tooth decay.

Consumption of cranberry juice may complicate the health of individuals with kidney disease, and potentially those on blood thinners. As such, it is necessary to consult with a health professional in these circumstances.

3. Take Vitamin D

Some research exists showing that people with higher vitamin D levels are at lower risk for developing gum disease and other conditions. The solution here is quite simple: get out into the sun! For some reason, if sunlight exposure is not possible, prioritize the vitamin in your diet or supplement it.

4. Apply alcohol

No, we’re not suggesting that you drink booze to relieve the pain. Applying (not consuming) alcohol-heavy substance (e.g. vanilla extract) can relieve tooth pain in the short-term. Simply apply a small amount directly onto the problem site to provide some relief.

5. Tea tree oil!

Dental Health Magazine also recommends applying tea oil to help promote oral health. While the pain relieving properties of this essential oil are up for debate, it does serve the role of preventing serious dental conditions such as gingivitis and gum disease.

6. Rinse with salt water

The combination of warm water and salt (preferably, sea salt) has shown to alleviate some forms of tooth pain. The prescription here is quite simple: mix a small glass with a teaspoon or two of salt and rinse for 30 seconds. Of course, do not swallow! Gross…

7. Brush with mustard oil

Okay, so this suggestion doesn’t sound all that appealing… but mustard oil is another oil product with pain-relieving properties. Mixing mustard oil with lemon juice (of course!) and brushing 2 or 3 times per day may alleviate tooth pain. Those with cavity problems should consider brushing with the combination immediately prior to brushing with toothpaste to counteract symptoms.

8. Wheatgrass?…

Yes, wheatgrass…or wheatgrass juice. Like most items on this list, wheatgrass contains elements that promote pain relief. Wheatgrass is different, however, in that it can be either chewed or consumed as a drink. Wheatgrass also contains preventative elements that may be beneficial for averting tooth decay.

9. Lemon!

Okay, about time we went ahead and gave lemon its due credit. The fruit contains potent anti-bacterial properties that are beneficial in many ways… simply chewing on a slice of lemon can bring clean up some of that bacteria. Mixing lemon – in the form of lemon juice – and brushing your teeth has additional benefits such as preventing cavities.

Related article: Oil Pulling! Have you tried the newest trend for a clean mouth and gums?

10 Reasons to Try Oil Pulling

Cavities. (n.d.). October 26, 2016, from
Common Dental Symptoms – Info From Endodontists | AAEorg. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2016, from
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