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9 Blessings Most People Ignore

9 Blessings Most People Ignore

Many people count their material blessings and forget about the rest. However, remembering that material blessings aren’t everything can help you remember all the other positive parts of your life. Many non-material aspects of your life leave room for gratitude and thankfulness.

Social media might make you believe you must have what others have. Watching others live and develop can make you think you aren’t keeping up or experiencing as many benefits. However, turning away from the highlight reel of social media can help you embrace the best parts of your life.

Taking time to embrace the things you usually take for granted can boost your positive thoughts and happiness. You can have dreams and ambitions while still slowing down and appreciating your daily blessings. It helps you discover what matters on your life journey and see the abundance in your blessings.

When you consider your blessings, you can instantly shift your mindset. It’ll help you turn your day around when things aren’t going well. The shift can help change your life as you focus on positivity and finding happiness in the things that mean the most.

Nine Blessings Most People Ignore

Many parts of your life are worth celebrating and expressing gratitude for. While things don’t always go the way you’d hoped, you still have things others would be thankful to have.

You might believe many things in your life are a given, but that’s not the case. Sometimes you might forget to express gratitude or find the blessings in your life. Either way, knowing the blessings that many people ignore can help you focus on them a little more.


1 – Count Having a Safe Home Among Your Blessings

You might not love where you live, but it’s still a safe place to take refuge from the world. Remember that your home protects you from the elements when you struggle to find positivity in your living situation.

Without your home, you might have to live outside without protection. Many people find themselves stressing about where they live without thinking of the blessing of safe shelter.

2 – Being Able to Make Choices

You can choose what you eat, wear, and marry, giving you a luxury others don’t have. When you have the freedom to decide, it’s a blessing you shouldn’t ignore.

You might take it for granted if you were born with the ability to make choices, but it’s not something everyone experiences. Thinking of it this way helps put into perspective that being able to make your choices is a blessing.

3 – Having Resources at Hand

Life would be hard without all the resources you have at hand. You can quickly search for how to do something online or find answers using your phone.

There are also powerful tools that help you do things you aren’t strong enough to do alone. You have many resources available that people in the past didn’t have, and it’s always a blessing to consider how these resources help.

4 – Friends and Family Are Always Blessings

Your friends and family are sometimes your favorite people and other times the ones who make you upset. However, no matter what happens, you know these people will be there for you when things get hard.

Your friends and family being there whenever you need them are a reason you might take them for granted. When you know they’ll show up for you, it’s easy to be hard on them or forget about how great their presence is in your life.

You might sometimes let little things interfere with these relationships. However, you must do whatever you can to protect these relationships because your family and friends are a blessing.

Rather than letting minor irritations disrupt your relationship, you can remind yourself that your people bring light to your life. Making room for their mistakes and faults can help you cherish each moment with those you love. No one is perfect, and part of appreciating those you love is understanding and supporting one another no matter what you go through.

So, when spending time with your friends and family, focus on having a good time. Laugh, talk, and share your positivity with them when you’re together. You can also cry together as you talk about your problems.

Whatever way you want to spend time with your friends and family, make sure you view them as the blessing they are. They’re the ones who will be there to offer support or cheer you on.

5 – Good Health

Having good health is a blessing that many people take for granted. If your body works as it should, and you experience positive physical benefits that others don’t, it’s one of life’s blessings. Examples of this include the following:

  • being able to walk or exercise
  • having clear vision
  • breathing without issues
  • not being prone to overthinking
  • being able to speak

These things we do each day are actions others wish they could have. When you can’t find any blessing to be grateful for, you can consider your good health.

6 – Having Distant Friends and Family Are Blessings

It might seem unfortunate when you have friends and family who live far away. However, it’s a blessing because it reassures us that we’re not alone when someone from afar reaches out. It likely makes your day when they send a message or call you to see how you’re doing.

While you’d rather have them nearby, it’s a blessing to hear from your distant loved ones. Your loved ones far away still care about you, love you, and remember you.


7 – Having Food and Water

Not everyone has food and clean water, making it a blessing most of us ignore. The World Health Organization states that nearly 820 million people worldwide are without enough to eat. It’s a part of your life that many dreams of.

Having access to clean drinking water is a blessing, too. Many of us have never gone without, so it’s hard to think of it as something to be thankful for. However, many people don’t have easy access to clean water.

8 – Aging

You might dread getting older, but aging is something you should be thankful for. Viewing aging as a blessing can help you embrace each day of your life.

While you might wake up and think of your to-do list, sometimes thinking about the blessing of waking up is better. It can help you focus on positive thoughts throughout the day, seeing the good in the world around you.

Many people view aging as a fearful time of diminishment, powerlessness, and loss. You might even think of it as a time of pain and loss of dignity. However, it can be a joyous part of your life that not everyone gets to experience.

9 – Time

One major life blessing most people ignore is time. You have time to work toward your dreams, to plan and act, and to spend time with people you love. No matter what changes in life, you still have 24 hours each day to make things count.

You might not accomplish everything you planned, and things might take longer, but it is still a blessing that you have those 2 hours to do what you can. Having the opportunity to do something is something to be grateful for.

Don’t waste a moment because even using your time to relax and enjoy leisurely activities is worthwhile. Spend the time how you think is best, and it’s sure to be a blessing that never stops giving.

Why You Must Stop Ignoring Your Blessings…Embrace the Positivity

Focusing on your journey to finding wealth and success can interfere with your present. It can cause you to ignore your blessing and forget the essential things in your life. Your goals can cause you not to appreciate the things you already have and what others only dream of.

Gratitude can help you celebrate and find happiness in the present. Sometimes, your life goes so well that you don’t realize how well you have it.

You sometimes won’t notice the blessings in your life until you lose something or someone you care about. However, when focusing on the good in your life, you’ll recognize how good things are before it’s too late. You’ll be able to make the best choices to help you keep the things that mean the most to you.

How You Can Learn to Appreciate Your Blessings

Having a hard time seeing your blessings often means you should slow down and take time to reflect. Consider the things you have that make your life easier, more enjoyable, or more comfortable. Some of the ways you can learn to appreciate the blessings in your life include the following:

  • make a list of everything you take for granted
  • read gratitude quotes
  • set aside time this week to tell people how they’ve been a blessing to you
  • focus on nutrition and exercise to promote your health
  • repeat positive affirmations
  • find the good in all situations


Final Thoughts on Acknowledging the Blessings Most People Ignore and Embrace the Positive

Life isn’t always perfect, but you have blessings you might not consider. Don’t waste time believing that you don’t have anything worthwhile when you have many things to be grateful for.

You can always find something good about your life, and it’s best to focus on those blessings. Embrace the good things and positive people you have around you. There are more blessings than you might realize, and it’ll help you find happiness and focus on positive thoughts.

California Became First State to Offer All School Children Free Breakfast and Lunch

California became the first state to implement the Universal Meals Program this school year, offering free meals to all school children. The state launched a universal meal plan in 2021, funded mainly by the federal government. 

In 2022, state law mandated that public schools (including charter schools) provide all school children with two nutritious meals daily. State taxpayers fund the program this time around. 

The Universal Meals Program builds on the foundations of the federal National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP). The plan includes three essential features designed to ensure its’ success. 

First, state officials expanded the program to include a nutritious breakfast and lunch for all school children daily. Second, the state expects high-poverty schools to adopt a federal universal meal service provision. Third, the California State Legislature provided additional state meal reimbursement to fund the Universal Meals Program.

California started the lunch program during the pandemic to ease the financial strain on families. However, with the economy still recovering, one out of five school children don’t know where their next food will come from. So school districts in California wanted to do their part to ensure no student experiences hunger. 

Under California’s Universal Meals Program, all school children in grades K-12 qualify for complimentary breakfast and lunch. The Los Angeles Unified School District will offer an additional free meal to students each day. Rising food prices and inflation have left kids in L.A. especially vulnerable to food insecurity. 

Over 81% of students in the school district come from families who meet the income requirements for the federal school meal program. Estimates reveal that 60% of public school students throughout the state qualify for the free meal plan. 

California Provides All School Children With Free Meals

school children

Before the pandemic, L.A. Unified families with incomes between $27,560 and $39,220 had to apply for the National School Lunch Program. To qualify for meal assistance, they had to complete an application at least 30 days before the next school year began. 

However, district officials asserted that the qualification process didn’t consider the city’s high cost of living. Therefore, it kept many families from getting the necessary help. Since the pandemic caused widespread financial hardship, many school districts began offering children free meals regardless of their parent’s income.

Even though school campuses closed throughout 2020, many districts worked hard to keep providing school children free meals. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act permitted the USDA to issue waivers to school districts. The legislation allowed schools to continue offering free meals to students, even off-campus. 

L.A. Unified went above and beyond to ensure students received two free meals daily. In March 2020, the district collaborated with the Red Cross to prepare 60 sites where needy families could pick up meals. When the next school year began, California allocated extra funds so that all school children, regardless of socioeconomic status, could have free meals.

Since the state launched the Universal Meals Program, parents won’t have to worry about budgeting their children’s meals. They can feel assured knowing that all school children will have at least two nutritious meals at no cost. 

School districts will automatically enroll students in the program, but students’ participation is optional. Cafeteria workers will serve any students who ask for the program. 

 School breakfast and lunch must meet specific nutritional requirements. For instance, current nutrition guidelines recommend consuming no more than 30% of daily calories from fat and less than 10% from saturated fat. Regulations also mandate that lunches provide one-third of the dietary intake of protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, calcium, and calories. 

California School Districts Don’t Skimp On Taste 

While meals must meet federal nutrition requirements, individual school districts can decide what foods to serve and how to prepare them. Café LA, L.A. Unified’s food services division, said it surpasses USDA requirements for balanced, healthy nutrition. 

 The district explained that all foods are low in sodium and have no trans fats, nitrates, or sulfites. They also come with a serving of fresh vegetables and fruit, which ensure school children receive essential nutrients. 

 Students seem to enjoy the healthier offerings, including mango smoothies, ramen, berries, and a turkey, ham, and cheese croissant. 

 Other California school districts have also started providing students with more nutritious options. Merced Union High School District (MUHSD) became one of the first districts statewide to implement the Universal Meals Program. According to MUHSD’s Director of Nutritional Services, Erin Tassey, the school district believes all school children deserve access to healthy food. 

In an interview, Tassey told ABC 7 News, “When a student would come through a lunch line, and they were considered to be a free student, it would create definitely a barrier with getting meals during the day.” Now, students can enjoy two nutrient-dense breakfasts and lunches daily without worrying about how to pay for the food. 

 Yohan Zuzlewski, a student at the district, used to pay for his school lunches. Since the Universal Meals Program was established, he feels thankful for the opportunity. “I remember when I was in elementary school, I had to pay for lunch and I really did not like that,” he told ABC 7 News. “It is nice to know that this benefits everyone overall.” 

During the first week of school in 2022, he enjoyed a hearty, delicious slice of pizza baked with whole-grain bread. Luckily, students don’t have to sacrifice taste with healthier dining options. 


Final Thoughts on California Offering All Students Free Meals

California became the first state nationwide to offer all school children complimentary breakfast and lunch. They will receive free meals regardless of their parent’s income or ability to pay. The program is a massive relief for middle-class families who previously didn’t qualify. Many families have struggled to keep up with rising food prices and inflation, putting children at risk of food insecurity. Thankfully, the Universal Meals Program in California ensures children can focus on learning instead of where their next meal will come from.

Researchers Find Link Between IBS and Depression

A Tokyo University of Science study found that psychological stress and depression can contribute to IBS symptoms. That’s not surprising since the gastrointestinal system and mind are intricately connected via the gut-brain axis. Therefore, any mental distress will inevitably affect the body and vice-versa. The toxic amount of stress in today’s world contributes to numerous diseases, including IBS.

However, researchers did not find a clear link between IBS and chronic stress until this study. According to research, irritable bowel syndrome affects about 11% of the worldwide population. This relatively common condition impacts the stomach, intestines, and gastrointestinal tract. While symptoms vary, most people experience the following signs of IBS:

  • abdominal pain and cramps
  • bloating
  • gas
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • increased mucus in stool
  • incomplete bowel movements
  • changes in frequency and appearance of bowel movements

While IBS is a chronic condition, most people can manage symptoms and lead a typical life. Lifestyle and diet changes, stress management techniques, and medication can help alleviate symptoms. However, some people experience more severe symptoms such as vomiting, weight loss, rectal bleeding, and anemia. If you notice any of these signs, please make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

IBS symptoms can range from unpleasant to debilitating, but the latest study yielded promising results. The research published in Frontiers of Neuroscience found that mice subjected to psychological stress had IBS symptoms but did not experience inflammation or damage to the gut. Researchers also discovered possible treatments for the condition that warrant further research.

What the Study on IBS and Depression Revealed


The study’s author, Akiyoshi Saitoh, Ph.D., a professor at Tokyo University of Science, revealed more about the groundbreaking research. In an interview, he said the animal model study marks the first to link diarrheal IBS-like symptoms with mental stress. In the study, researchers found that mice that experienced chronic social defeat were more depressed.

Chronic social defeat stress (cSDS) describes a model of depression where mice are subjected to repetitive bouts of defeat during fights. The mice who experienced higher psychological stress showed increased visceral pain-related behaviors and altered gut motility. Interestingly, the mice that directly experienced physical stress showed no IBS symptoms. Only the mice that witnessed aggressive encounters exhibited gastrointestinal irritability.

After observing repetitive instances of social defeat, the rodents began displaying depression-like symptoms. For example, they isolated themselves from the group and had a reduced ability to experience pleasures. Researchers believe that disruptions in the communication between the brain and intestine may explain these troubling symptoms. The gut produces 95% of the body’s serotonin, and stress can easily prevent the digestive system from functioning correctly.

For example, high cortisol levels triggered by chronic stress put you in a heightened state of awareness. As your body prepares to respond to a perceived threat, it redirects blood flow away from the digestive system to the brain and large muscles. So, if you experience persistent stress, your gut health will inevitably suffer because the body prioritizes more essential functions.

Psychological stress can also lead to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. People with IBS suffer from mental disorders at a higher rate, suggesting dysregulation of the gut-brain axis.

The Impact of Emotional Stress on Gut Health


For the study, scientists used the chronic vicarious social defeat stress (cVSDS) model to analyze the effects of psychological stress. This model focuses only on emotional stress and eliminates possible effects of physical stress on gut health.

Next, the Japanese research team used this model to study 5 to 6-week-old adolescent mice. Researchers subjected the mice to either cSDS or cVSDS for 10 minutes daily for ten consecutive days. On the day after the study ended, the mice subjected to both forms of psychological stress had elevated stress hormone levels.

Also, animals exposed to only cVSDS during the experiment showed altered intestinal motility. Specifically, they exhibited increased intestinal peristalsis — intestinal muscle contractions that help food pass through the digestive tract. Rodents that experienced heightened emotional stress also had greater instances of IBS with diarrhea than the control group.

Possible Treatments for Symptoms of IBS

Scientists have not been able to establish the physical cause of irritable bowel syndrome. However, they believe animal models that include features of IBS and mental disorders like depression can help uncover the causes of both ailments. Animal studies can also help establish connections between mental and gastrointestinal disorders.

The new mouse model will help explain the mechanism behind IBS by connecting the nervous system and the gut. Researchers are currently exploring the brain regions that contribute to developing IBS. They hope their findings will lead to improved treatments for the condition.

In the meantime, they wanted to investigate the impact of herbal medicines on irritable bowel symptoms. For this study, researchers examined how a traditional Japanese herbal medicine called keishikashakuyakuto impacted intestinal motility in mice. The herbal mixture contains ginger root, cinnamon bark, jujube, peony root, and glycyrrhiza.

Two days after exposure to cVSDS, the mice treated with keishikashakuyakuto had fewer IBS symptoms and reduced intestinal motility. However, researchers noted that future studies involving humans are necessary to validate the findings. Still, the results are promising for those who suffer from IBS-related depression and other mood disorders.


Final Thoughts on Study Linking IBS and Depression

You might not think gastrointestinal disorders like IBS have anything to do with depression. However, the gut-brain axis makes the two conditions more interconnected than you might imagine. The gut houses almost all of the body’s serotonin, so our gastrointestinal health directly impacts brain functioning. Many of the diseases in the modern era stem from gut dysbiosis due to poor gut bacteria diversity.

We have less robust microbiomes because of elevated stress levels, nutrient deficiencies, sedentary lifestyles, and urban living. Therefore, all the diseases we see today, including IBS, are symptoms of one overarching problem: a disconnection from nature. If you want to reduce symptoms of depression and other diseases, focus on healing from the inside out. Herbal remedies such as the one listed above, along with adequate sleep, a balanced diet, exercise, and stress management, can help restore your health.

How to Train Your Brain to Crave Healthy Food

So, you want to eat more healthy foods, but the cravings for snacks and junk seem overwhelming. We’ve all been there, trying to improve our lives and health with so many temptations calling our names.

It seems easier to give in to our vices in modern society, but they only provide temporary happiness. Long-term fulfillment comes from self-control and discipline, which doesn’t sound very enticing to many people.

However, by eating healthy foods and taking care of yourself, you’ll feel a subtler, more permanent type of happiness. Sense pleasures, such as food, drinks, TV shows, and even relationships, are all fleeting in nature. The only permanence lies in the soul; believe it or not, eating well takes you closer to your inner self.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we owe it to ourselves to care for our temporary vessels. Eating fresh, light foods like fruits and vegetables will make your inner light shine much brighter. Even if you don’t care about spirituality, nutritious foods also enhance mental and physical health.

If you struggle to follow a balanced eating plan, please don’t give up. Below are a few tips on rewiring your brain to crave nourishing foods.

How to Rewire Your Brain For Health

Whether you realize it or not, your brain requires immense energy to function correctly. In fact, the brain uses more energy than any other organ, accounting for roughly 20% of the body’s total consumption. That equates to around 400-500 calories per day, although it varies from one activity to another. Simply put, it takes a lot of energy to think! That’s why most people crave high-calorie, dense foods after a long day of mental exertion.

Unfortunately, these fatty, high-carb foods don’t promote optimal health in the long term. While they provide a quick burst of energy, they come with many downsides, such as an increased risk of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and more. The mind and body need balanced energy sources from carbs, fat, and protein to function properly. Most Americans eat far too much of the first two and not nearly enough of the latter.

However, protein helps with many critical functions in the body and promotes weight loss. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, so your body will have a stable, long-lasting energy source. Not to mention, a high protein intake increases metabolism and reduces hunger signals. So, one way to reduce cravings and train your brain to eat healthy involves upping your protein consumption.

Foods that contain the most protein include the following:

  • Eggs (6 grams per large egg)
  • Almonds (One ounce = 6 grams of protein)
  • Chicken breast (26g for 1/2 a breast)
  • Cottage cheese (One cup provides 28g of protein)
  • Greek yogurt (7oz provides nearly 20g of protein)
  • Dairy milk (One cup contains over 8g)
  • Lentils (About 1/2 cup of cooked lentils contains 9g of protein)
  • Lean beef (A 3oz serving provides about 25g)
  • Salmon (1/2 a fillet offers 30g of protein)
  • Cod (A whole fillet provides 41g)
  • Turkey breast (A 3oz serving contains 25g of protein)

Learn to Associate Healthy Food With Positive Outcomes

Another way to rewire your brain for healthy eating involves changing your perception of nutrition. Equating nutritious foods with rewards such as weight loss, compliments from friends, and enhanced energy motivates you to adopt healthier habits. One study confirmed that we could train our brains to desire nourishing foods with this simple trick.

For the study, researchers showed photos of healthy and unhealthy foods to overweight and obese adults. The healthy foods included lean meats, fruits, and vegetables, while harmful items included burgers, chips, and cakes. Next, the research team analyzed their brain activity using an fMRI machine.

Not surprisingly, brain areas associated with rewards lit up when participants looked at the photos of unhealthy foods. The participants also said they craved these foods more than the nutrient-dense options.

For the next portion of the study, some participants went on a low-fat, high-fiber diet for six months. The participants also had counseling sessions to help them practice positive lifestyle habits. After the follow-up period, many participants lost weight compared to the control group.

Researchers scanned their brains again to see how they would react to the food pictures. This time, when they showed participants unhealthy food photos, their brains’ reward centers had less activity. However, viewing healthy foods activated their reward regions more than before they began the diet.

Scientists believe that since the participants experienced positive changes associated with healthy foods, they no longer craved anything else. They saw firsthand how the greasy, fattening options created disease in the mind and body. Therefore, burgers and fries seemed less appealing once they noticed the benefits of eating salads, fruit, and other nutrient-dense foods.

Lessons to take away from the study:

Participants began attributing the unhealthful foods to adverse outcomes, such as weight gain, energy loss, and low self-esteem. Healthy foods became more enticing as they associated them with positivity, compliments from friends, and looser-fitting clothes. So, this study offers several important lessons to remember if you want to rewire your brain for health.

  • Change the way you think about natural foods. Most people think of fruits and vegetables as bland or unpalatable. However, offering gratitude to the universe for providing foods to maintain your body puts things into perspective. It also will make unhealthy foods less desirable over time.
  • Remember that small changes lead to significant results. In the age of instant gratification, it helps to remember that nothing worth having comes easily. It takes consistent effort over a long period to see results, which turns many people away from healthy lifestyles. They want rewards quickly, not realizing they won’t gain anything by giving up before they’ve even started. So, make sacrifices now if you want to reap the benefits down the road. Your hard work will pay off eventually!

Final Thoughts on How to Crave More Healthy Foods

Sadly, many people quit their diets and exercise routines before seeing results. The modern era has ruined the idea of willpower because we’re obsessed with instant gratification. However, if you want to rewire your brain for health, you must consider long-term results. By sacrificing destructive habits and remaining persistent, you can achieve improved well-being.

13 Signs of Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent personality disorder is real, but few understand how it affects them. Do you feel you lack the knowledge, agency, and confidence to navigate the world independently? Do you often experience anxiety and panic when there are no other people around you to turn to? Does your loved one seem overly reliant on you and exhibit signs of distress when left alone? These co-dependent behaviors could be early red flags.

If this is the case, you or your loved one might have an anxious personality disorder known as a dependent personality disorder (known as DPD). While it is normal for everyone to be somewhat dependent on others, researchers and psychologists categorize it as a mental health disorder when this dependence reaches a level of extremity.

Suppose you are mindful that this disorder may impact you or your loved one. That is already a big step towards further research and determining if you should take the next step in seeing a professional to get a diagnosis or further insight. Seeking help can be scary, and it is less intimidating when you have done some background research about the obstacles you face in your daily life. Read on to learn about some critical signs of dependent personality disorder.

13 Signs of Dependent Personality Disorder

dependent personality disorder

1.      Codependent Personality Disorder Fears Separation

Most people can feel the fear of separation at some point in their lives. Whether entering a long-distance relationship or sending their child away to summer camp, it can be hard to be separated from your closest loved ones. However, people with dependent personality disorder feel this fear to the extreme. Like other anxiety disorders, such as separation anxiety, a dependent personality disorder can cause individuals to panic when they are separated from those they love. In addition, those with a separation anxiety disorder might also experience co-dependent behaviors that indicate a dependent personality disorder.

2.      Difficulty Making Decisions Without Input From Others

Life runs its course due to a series of decisions we make as individuals. Although this gives us the power to shape our future, it can be daunting for those with a dependent personality disorder. While it is normal to feel nervous when making a life-altering decision, experts say that those with dependent personality disorder have difficulty making simple decisions like what to eat for dinner or where to hang out with a group of friends. Often this leads individuals to rely on those around them to make simple decisions.

3.      Difficulty Starting And Maintaining Close Interpersonal Relationships

Those dealing with the symptoms of dependent personality disorder are not the only ones who might experience the negative impact of these symptoms. It is normal for friends, family, and romantic partners to struggle if their loved one is diagnosed with this disorder. Studies show that many people with this disorder experience relationships differently than people who do not have this disorder. It can drain loved ones when you and they feel you cannot be left alone. Most people need personal space and time alone to reflect and re-energize. Because of this, relationships often do not last long, adding to the fear of abandonment experienced by many with this disorder.

4.      A Co-Dependent Person May Transfer Responsibility To Others

According to the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases, people with dependent personality disorder tend to transfer responsibility to those around them. Not only does this mean that they will avoid taking responsibility for their past actions due to fear of consequences and rejection, but they will also delegate matters that require a responsible adult to deal with to other people in their lives.

5.      Lack Of Confidence In Their Judgment And Abilities

Several measurements of dependent personality disorder include a lack of confidence as a sign of the disorder. This can manifest in a variety of ways. Some might lack confidence in their judgment of conflicts, other people, or new situations. This is closely related to the inability or difficulty to make decisions. Another way that lack of confidence could exist is by doubting your abilities. If you feel that you are ill-equipped to do jobs that you have been trained to do or speak on a subject you know a lot about, this can be a sign. It might be as drastic as a lack of confidence regarding your identity and what kind of person you are.

6.      Codependent Personality Disorder Causes Difficulty Expressing When They Do Not Agree With Someone

Because people with dependent personality disorder place so much value on the other people in their lives, this can lead to fear surrounding speaking up during disagreements. This is also known as passivity in interpersonal relationships. The fear of separation and being alone can lead to them avoiding conflict because they do not want the other person to leave them. Unfortunately, this can lead to unhealthy and toxic relationship dynamics.


7.      Doing Things That They Do Not Want To Do To Make Other People Happy

Like avoiding disagreements, people with a dependent personality disorder might take it as far as acting in ways they do not wish to make those they depend on happy. This can be extremely harmful to both parties. For example, if your friend wants you to do an activity that you are uncomfortable with, it is not an option to sit this one out. You feel like your co-dependent friend relies on you to do everything they ask of you.

8.      Co-dependent Personality Disorder Means Deep Fear Of Being Alone

For people with this disorder, dependency leads to the fear of being alone. This fear can take several shapes and forms. Not only will a person be fearful when faced with being alone, but even the prospect of being alone in the future can cause significant distress. They might frequently and actively fear the death of their loved ones or the end of a relationship.

9.      The Fear Of Rejection

All of us are familiar with the feeling of being rejected. Whether it is a job that we are not hired for, a school program we did not get accepted to, or our crush not wanting to go out on a date, it is normal for rejection to be upsetting. However, people with a dependent personality disorder might avoid trying new things or accomplishing their goals due to their constant fear of rejection. Someone without this disorder might be able to overcome the feeling of rejection within a few days. However, the negative impact on someone with a dependent personality disorder or a co-dependent personality could be crushing and have a long-lasting effect on their confidence and self-worth.

10.  You Find It Difficult To Start New Projects

People with dependent personality disorder frequently have difficulty starting new projects, especially if they create them independently. If you want to do something as simple as a DIY home decor project or as complex as writing an in-depth novel and feel an impending dread when faced with the idea of starting it, that could be a sign of this disorder.

11.  The Need To Always Have At Least One Close Relationship

Because it is so difficult for people with a dependent personality disorder to be alone, they enter co-dependent relationships. A co-dependent relationship occurs when two people involved in a relationship rely on each other to function in everyday life. In the case where one of those relationships ends, it will not be long before a person with dependent personality disorder finds someone else to depend on if they can. If you find you are frequently cycling through romantic partners or close friends with no breaks for self-reflection in between, this could be an indicator of dependent personality disorder.

12.  A Co-Dependent Person Readily Trusts Others, Even If There Are Signs They Are Untrustworthy

This is one of the signs of dependent personality disorder that lead to many individuals with this disorder being taken advantage of. If you quickly trust people you have just met and don’t recognize when someone does not have your best interest in mind, that may be a sign. People with dependent personality disorder are so quick to trust because of the fear of being alone and rejected.

13.  Difficulty Completing Daily Tasks Without The Help Of Others

Sadly, a dependent personality disorder can negatively affect the quality of life and daily functionality. A lot of people with this disorder have trouble taking care of themselves. It can be challenging to perform basic tasks such as cleaning, cooking, exercising, and sleeping. The results of this can also make it difficult to maintain steady employment. Unfortunately, this symptom of the disorder can further exasperate dependency on others.

dependent personality disorder

Final Thoughts On Some Signs Of Dependent Personality Disorder

You might have this disorder if you could relate to any signs of dependent personality disorder covered in this article. However, it is essential to note that not everyone with dependent personality disorder experiences all of these symptoms. This disorder can impact two individuals in entirely different ways. For example, you might rely on others and lack self-confidence but can still function daily.

On the other hand, you might have difficulty with everyday tasks and maintaining relationships, but you can function pretty well in your day-to-day life. For someone to be diagnosed with dependent personality disorder, they must exhibit five or more of the signs listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. If you only have one or two of these symptoms, then you might be experiencing a different mental illness or a level of anxious feelings that are not out of the ordinary for the average person.

Acknowledging that these symptoms may also be related to other mental illnesses is valuable. If you suspect you might have this disorder, the best action is to see a mental health professional for an assessment. It is also worth it to do further research on this disorder and see if there’s any way you can alter your daily habits to mitigate your signs and symptoms until you find a course of treatment that works well for you.

12 Tips to Be More Romantic with Your Partner

Having a loving relationship where you care for one another is beautiful, but it doesn’t automatically make it a romantic connection. Showing love and romance is more important than vocalizing it. You can say many things to your partner, but your actions will always speak much louder than your words.

When you first started dating, you wanted romance, love, and the butterflies to go along with it. However, things change after you’ve been married for a while or in a committed relationship. You get into a comfortable groove because you’ve been together for so long, and you no longer need to do extraordinary things to get them to love you.

Twelve Ways to Show Your Partner More Romance

Showing love and affection shouldn’t stop whether you’ve been together two years or fifty. Your partner needs to know how you feel about them, and you want to keep those romantic fires burning. Here are some simple ways to give your partner more romance and enhance connection.


1. Whisk Them Away for a Romantic Weekend Excursion

There’s not a loving relationship around that couldn’t benefit from some alone time. Why not plan an impromptu trip and make all the plans for a weekend with just the two of you? Get a babysitter for the kids, take personal days at work, and carve out some time in your crazy schedule to be together.

An old-fashioned road trip is good for the soul and is very romantic. Sometimes you must get away from all the noise and the daily grind and spend time together.

2. Make Romance With Your Partner Your Highest Priority

Schedules are always chaotic, and you might be unable to devote the time to one another you would like. However, you must be flexible and show up when they need you.

Give your partner the courtesy of making them a high priority. They need to know that you will be there when they get an award at work or a company holiday party. Showing up means more than all the verbal flattery you give because you make sacrifices on their behalf.

3. Shower Them with Compliments

Complimenting your partner is something you should do every day. When you’re in a loving relationship, you want to ensure they know how you think and feel about them. You can certainly go overboard with the compliments, and they can come across as fake.

Consequently, you need to pay attention if they’re trying a new hairstyle or have a new outfit. Make a conscious effort to notice all those little things and tell them when they look stunning. Showing love doesn’t always have to be some grand gesture, and sometimes it’s just the simple things that mean so much.

4. Have Technology Free Periods to Increase Romantic Time

Showing love and being romantic is challenging when your nose is buried in your cell phone. Learn to put the phone down and go for periods without technology, as it will do wonders for your connection.

A loving relationship is one where you give your partner your undivided attention. Sure, there are times when you need to use your phone, but it’s best to have spaces where there’s no technology. An article published by the Greater Good Science Center discussed a study regarding cell phones ruining relationships.

These little devices disrupt present-moment, in-person connections. You’re good at connecting with people on social media and through texts, but how do you do when you’re in person? Nothing is more aggravating than trying to talk to your partner, but they’re too busy on their phone.

5. Place Random Sticky Notes Around the House

Romance doesn’t have to cost much money or take time. You can do small things that have a huge impact. One thing you can do to impress your partner is to leave sticky notes around the house for them. Remind them of your feelings and how much they’re adored by putting random notes from the heart around the home.

6. Star Gaze

There’s something powerful about laying under the stars on a blanket with the one you love. They will love a romantic date where you look up into the heavens and dream about all the places you can go and see together.

Many people are amazed at the sky above them, as its vast size and stunning beauty are too much for words. Showing love doesn’t require you to say a word, as you can gaze and dream together.


7. Do Extra Chores to Give Them More Free time

When you think of romance, you don’t think of chores. However, it’s often nice to help take some of the load from the other person. When you pitch in and help more, they will have more time to spend with you.

You should take on their chores for a day or two, so they can reconnect with you. If your partner is stressed out because they feel overloaded, romance is the last thing on their mind. A loving relationship means you help one another out when the burden gets too heavy.

8. Use the Power of Touch

There’s a lot that can be said about the power of touch. Did you know that communication is often called “energy therapy?” According to the University of Minnesota, people are energy fields, and you constantly interact with those around you and your environment.

You can use this energetic interaction to help bring harmony and peace to your partner. If you’re having a bad day, have you noticed that your partner’s touch makes everything seem alright? When you touch your partner in some gentle way, you’re helping them to release feel-good endorphins that bring calm.

It doesn’t have to be a hug, as something as sweet as holding their hand can often be just as beneficial. Touch should always be incorporated into any loving relationship.

9. Steal a Romantic Kiss

You can’t steal affection if it’s someone you’re romantic with, but it certainly takes things to another level when you give them a quick kiss. When you whisk them to the other room and steal a kiss while the children are none the wiser, it puts some excitement into your relationship. Tell them that you couldn’t wait a moment longer and wanted to feel the touch of their lips.

10. Take Charge and Be Decisive

Every couple has decisions that they must make. If you’ve struggled over a sure thing, why not take charge, and make the decisions? Some people find it very sexy when their partner removes them from the stress of the decision-making process and takes control.

This will only work in some situations, as you can only choose to move across the country with their input, but you can take control of the more minor things that weigh you down. It’s very romantic when you take charge and remove mental stress from your relationship.

11. It’s Romantic to Try Exciting Ways to Say You Love Them

Saying “I love you” is necessary for any romantic relationship, but you don’t always have to use the same verbal expression. What if you changed things up a bit? Why not find new and exciting ways to tell your partner how you feel about them?

Showing love sometimes means thinking outside the box and looking for new and innovative ways to tell them what your heart feels. Sending flowers, cards, and candies and drawing them a picture is a way to express your feelings. Additionally, there are many other ways that you can explore to let them know you’re crazy about them.

12. Tell Them All the Reasons You Love Them

Relationships are never easy, and romantic ones require the most work. When was the last time you sat down and told your partner all the reasons you love them so much? You can show love by taking them on a weekend getaway, but you need to vocalize why they’re so special.

Tell them you see a twinkle in their eye when they look at you. Make sure they know your heart still skips a beat when they walk in the room. You want to help increase your partner’s self-esteem, and you want them to know that all those little things they do still make them so attractive in your eyes.


Final Thoughts on Being More Romantic

If you’re in a loving relationship, consider yourself lucky. Some people search all their lives trying to find what they’ve discovered. If you want to keep your partner happy and have a healthy, loving relationship, you must put real work into your connection.

Showing love takes effort; sometimes, you must think outside the box. Some folks believe that romance happens in the bedroom behind closed doors, but you should know by now that being romantic is far beyond what happens in bed. If you want your relationship to stand the test of time, you will turn off the cell phones periodically, go away for romantic weekends, help relieve their stress, and ensure them every day of how much they mean to you.

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