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Dermatologists Explain How to Reduce Wrinkles Without Surgery

There’s nothing wrong with getting fine lines and wrinkles; it can even add character to your skin. However, you likely want to reduce their appearance if you’re like many others.

If you don’t like how the lines look, you don’t have to get surgery to reduce them. While surgery is an option for some people, many don’t like the idea. There are natural ways to remedy this sign of aging at home without permanently altering your body.

Aging is inevitable, but you can take steps and make lifestyle changes to reduce the appearance of fine lines. You can use these tips to make a difference and look younger.

How Wrinkles Form

Wrinkles are the fine lines that develop on your skin, specifically on the neck, face, arms, and hands. They’re a natural part of aging, which is why children’s skin looks much different than the elderly.

As you age, your skin loses elasticity because collagen production slows. It also becomes thinner and drier, making you more susceptible to wrinkles. This process often starts around the time you turn 25.

Aging isn’t the only cause, though, as wrinkles can worsen from many factors. These factors include pollution, sun exposure, facial expressions and muscle contractions, and lifestyle habits that you can easily change.

How to Reduce Wrinkles

While wrinkles are a natural part of aging, you have some control over the process. These methods can help you reduce the appearance and prevent new lines from appearing.


1 – Avoid the Sun or Protect Your Skin

Sun exposure is one of the biggest causes of wrinkles. Avoiding exposure is the best option, but if you can’t stay out of it, you should wear sunscreen. It will protect you from skin cancer while also slowing the signs of aging.

Consider sunscreen with an SPF of 30 and 50, even on cloudy days. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can penetrate clouds, so you shouldn’t skip sunscreen on those days. You can also protect yourself by wearing a wide-brim hat, light-colored clothes, and sunglasses with UV protection.

2 – Drink Plenty of Water

Your body needs water for almost all functions, which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It keeps your skin healthy and hydrated, positively affecting the appearance of your skin.

3 – Don’t Sleep on Your Side or Stomach

Studies show that your sleep position can cause wrinkles. Sleeping on your side can increase the lines on your chin and cheeks. Laying on your stomach can cause a furrowed brow from the pressure it puts on your face.

You can reduce these effects by sleeping on your back instead. It limits the pressure on your skin and doesn’t push it in unnatural positions.

4 – Don’t Smoke Tobacco

Smoking cigarettes can quickly age your skin because it releases an enzyme that breaks down elastin and collagen. When these components break down, it causes your skin to wrinkle and become thinner because they’re responsible for elasticity and strength.

Nicotine in cigarettes also reduces blood flow and causes blood vessels to constrict. It limits oxygen flow and prevents nutrients from getting to your skin.

Additionally, the heat from cigarettes can cause or exacerbate wrinkles. The pursing of your lips can also cause premature wrinkling. A study comparing identical twins showed that the twin who smoked experienced more wrinkles than the one who didn’t.

5 – Eat Fish

Cold-water fish like salmon contains lots of protein, which is a building block for healthy skin. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids that nourish your skin and keep it plump. You’ll experience fewer lines and look more youthful.

6 – Increase Your Vitamin Intake

Aside from eating fish, you can increase your vitamin intake in other ways. Studies show that eating habits contribute to the appearance of your skin. Those who consume more red meat and unhealthy snacks have more wrinkles than those who choose healthier options.

Choosing foods high in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties is the best option. They increase skin elasticity and protect you from skin damage and premature aging. These options include:

  • avocados
  • green tea
  • flax seeds
  • olive oil
  • pomegranates
  • fruits and vegetables
  • soy

7 – Get Plenty of Sleep to Avoid Wrinkles

Getting enough sleep is one of the best ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. When you experience a lack of sleep, your body produces too much cortisol that breaks down your skin cells. With plenty of rest, your body will produce more human growth hormone (HGH), keeping your skin thick and elastic.

8 – Wear Glasses to Avoid Squinting

When you squint often, it overworks your facial muscles and causes wrinkles. If you need glasses, wear them to prevent grooves from forming beneath the surface of your skin. Wearing sunglasses outside is also a good idea because it prevents squinting from the bright light.

9 – Relax

Frequent facial tension can cause wrinkles, and learning to relax your face can help reduce them. If you often frown, tighten your lips, or scowl, finding ways to relieve stress and relax your face can make a difference. Consider these stress management techniques:

  • yoga
  • meditation
  • mindfulness
  • deep breathing exercises
  • regular exercise
  • journaling

fine lines

10 – Use Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) at the First Appearance of Wrinkles

AHAs are natural acids that remove the top layer of dead skin cells, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It’s most effective around your eyes and increases overall skin strength and firmness. If you use a strong AHA, it can even stimulate collagen production.

11 – Don’t Wash Your Face too Much!

Overwashing your face can strip it of moisture and oil that protects it from fine lines. Each time you wash your face, it strips a little more of the protection.

Your face needs moisture, and that involves natural barrier oils. If you use soap on your face, ensure it contains moisturizer. Otherwise, switch to using a facial cleanser because it has moisture to protect your face.

12 – Apply Vitamin C to Your Skin

Cream or serum with Vitamin C boosts collagen production and protects your skin from ultraviolet rays. It reduces wrinkles and other signs of again, including redness, inflammation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone.

Not all types of Vitamin C will work, however. Look for L-ascorbic acid for the best results.

13 – Moisturize Your Skin

Using moisturizer keeps your skin moist, minimizing the appearance of fine lines. It nourishes and hydrates, a necessity because your skin dries out as you age. Experts indicate that using a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C is the most effective for reducing and preventing wrinkles.

14 – Drink Cocoa

Cocoa with the antioxidants epicatechin and catechin can help reduce wrinkles in the following ways:

  • protecting your skin from sun damage
  • improving blood flow to skin cells
  • keeping your skin moisturized and hydrated
  • helping your skin look and feel smoother

15 – Use Retinoids on Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Retinoids, sometimes referred to as retinol, are one of the best anti-aging ingredients, and they come from vitamin A. They increase collagen production and plump the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Retinoids can also increase skin regeneration and create new blood vessels, improving the overall appearance of your skin. Additionally, they can repair sun damage, improve skin texture, and increase hydration levels.

Start with a small amount to check your tolerance. Then, use it only every other day, or it can cause peeling.

16 – Idebenone

This chemical is a powerful antioxidant that can improve skin appearance after six weeks of regular application. Idebenone can reduce skin roughness and improve hydration, resulting in fewer wrinkles. It can also repair sun damage and other skin issues.

17 – Micro-needling

Also known as skin needling, micro-needling rejuvenates our face after being poked with a device with several tiny needles. It creates a small wound in the epidermis, the top layer of your skin. The wound heals quickly and triggers the production of new collagen and elastin.

18 – Chemical Peels

Using a chemical peel can dissolve imperfections by removing the top layer of your skin. With the top layer gone, it leaves room for healthy skin to grow, reducing wrinkles and other blemishes.

How Long Do These Methods Last to Reduce Fine Lines or Wrinkles?

The timeframe for how long each method lasts depends on which option you choose and the severity of your wrinkles.

Protecting your skin and practicing good skincare routines is a daily necessity. Likewise, you must maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated regularly.

You can’t do these things once and expect results. It must become a habit to reduce wrinkles and maintain youthful-looking skin.

However, micro-needling and chemical peels last up to six months before the results fade. Focusing on healthy habits and skincare routines between treatments can help it last longer. The severity of your wrinkles also affects how long the treatment lasts.


Final Thoughts on How to Reduce Wrinkles Without Surgery

While wrinkles are a natural part of aging, you can reduce and prevent the appearance. You don’t need surgery to achieve results. Your daily habits can make all the difference, but you may have to make positive changes.

Focus on a vitamin-rich diet, staying hydrated, and protecting yourself from the sun. Avoid smoking, use your moisturizer, and consider other options for reducing wrinkles. You can make a change and notice a difference in your appearance.

15 Affirmations That Help You Heal From Heartbreak

Healing from heartbreak isn’t easy, although it’s inevitable in some relationships. Heartache might make you feel sad, frustrated, angry, or confused, and that’s okay. However, dwelling on negativity can hinder your healing process, and self-affirmations can help you shift away from that thought process.

Self-affirmations after a breakup can help encourage you to focus on positivity. You can use the phrases anytime throughout the day. They will help you focus on productive and encouraging thoughts that can help you move forward.

You likely want to heal quickly when you have a broken heart, but it doesn’t always happen that way. There’s no timeframe for healing, and everyone will experience a different journey. Affirmations can help you embrace the experience and learn from it as you heal at your pace.

While a breakup is emotionally challenging, it’s an opportunity for growth and new experiences. Repeating positive affirmations reminds you of the blessing you can find, even as you heal your heartache.

How Self-Affirmations Help Heal Heartbreak

A broken heart is one of the hardest things you can go through. You’ll experience pain and deep feelings that take some time and strength to overcome. Using affirmations can help you through the healing journey, but it doesn’t involve suppressing how you feel.

Positive phrases won’t make your emotions disappear or automatically create happiness. Instead, you’ll want to allow yourself to feel the good and bad as they come because it’s the only way to achieve healing.

You can use affirmations that help you focus on slowing down and allowing yourself to heal at your own pace. These phrases can also remind you that you are worthy no matter why the breakup occurred. They also encourage you to love yourself because you deserve time, care, attention, and compassion like anyone else.


Sometimes the negative feelings associated with a breakup can leave you feeling like you can’t do anything. You might not be motivated to work, may not have an appetite, and can often find yourself feeling lonely. Positive affirmations can help you accept your feelings without letting them hold you back in essential areas of your life.

Using affirmations helps you visualize yourself in a place of healing and happiness. Visualization can boost your mood and improve self-esteem as it reminds you of your greatness. Envisioning yourself in your desired situation can help you attract the life of your dreams.

How to Choose Affirmations to Ease Your Heartbreak

Your healing journey will change as you go along, and some affirmations will be best for specific parts. Read through the positive phrases and use the ones that resonate within you the most.

Choose different ones that fit your current feelings and mindset as your journey progresses. Since your situation constantly changes, it’s essential to shift the phrases you repeat so that they help you in every stage of your healing.

Fifteen Self-Affirmations to Heal Your Heartbreak

If you’re ready to shift your mindset and focus on healing, these affirmations can help you start. You can start with one or two and add more as you get comfortable.

1 – I am worthy of love and happiness.

No matter why your relationship ended, know you are worthy of unconditional love. You might forget your worth when hurting from a breakup, but you’re still deserving.

This affirmation can boost your mindset, helping you remember that you deserve love and happiness. Once you remember, you’ll want to love yourself the way you love others.

2 – I love and accept myself as I am today.

Love yourself the same way you care for others. You deserve your love as much as they do, and self-love can help you heal from your heartbreak. Take care of your mind, body, and spirit and experience continual growth.

3 – I am complete without a romantic relationship.

You don’t need a partner to complete you because you are whole as you are. This affirmation can help you find happiness as you remember you don’t need anyone to provide it.

You are enough, even when you feel miserable from heartache. This affirmation reminds you that you’re enough and can encourage you to focus on your individuality, strengths, and interests. You’ll begin trusting yourself as you see what you’re capable of on your own.

4 – I am focusing on self-love to heal my heartache.

Loving yourself is one of the best ways to heal your broken heart. Prioritize taking time for yourself, and use this affirmation to help you feel good about it.

You can put yourself before others as you heal, and prioritizing your needs is essential. Be compassionate to yourself like you’d treat a friend or loved one. Taking care of yourself will help you remain positive and embrace the learning opportunities from your breakup.

5 – I am letting go of things from the past that causes heartbreak.

Ruminating over bad times from the past can prevent you from healing. This affirmation can help you focus on the present, embracing your new journey. It also allows you to open yourself to new opportunities and experiences.

6 – I am stronger today than I was yesterday.

You might not always notice, but you get stronger every day. You got through yesterday, and you can do even better today.

7 – I am using this heartbreak as a new beginning.

While the end of your relationship is brutal, you can think of it as a new beginning. You can use it to do something new to improve your life. Now is the time for a fresh start with the knowledge of all you learned from your relationship.


8 – I am taking my time to work through the healing my heartbreak.

Be gentle with yourself as you heal because it takes time. You can’t rush the process, and it might take longer for you than it did for others.

Some days you’ll feel like you did little more than breathe, and that’s okay. Take your time and heal on your terms. You’ll have good and bad days and can handle them as they come.

9 – I trust that there’s something better for me.

This affirmation can help you believe everything will work out for the best. You’ll sometimes feel impossible, but repeating this phrase will remind you that happiness will come.

A breakup doesn’t mean you’ll never experience love again. Instead, it means that there’s something better for you that you haven’t discovered yet.

10 – I am healing and moving forward.

This affirmation can remind you that your heartbreak will pass, even if it’s not happening quickly. Everyone heals at different paces, and it isn’t something you can control.

Use this phrase to reaffirm that healing is occurring and you’re moving forward. This affirmation can encourage you when you feel like you’ll never find happiness again. It can also inspire you to accept new opportunities.

11 – I am learning to trust myself more each day.

After a breakup, you might be afraid to open up to people. You might question your ability to choose loving people who won’t leave. If you struggle with this, then this affirmation can make a difference.

12 – I feel a little better daily as I heal my heartache.

Heartbreak can make you feel miserable sometimes, but you can trust that you heal your heartache daily. This affirmation can make you feel like each day you get through is a step toward healing, helping you find peace and reassurance.

13 – I am feeling all my feelings of heartache and working through them.

While you might want to suppress your emotions, it won’t help you heal. It’s essential to allow yourself to feel, even when it’s uncomfortable. Once you process your feelings, you can let them go and move forward.

14 – I forgive my ex for the heartbreak I feel.

It’s easy to blame your ex for your misery, but it won’t help you heal. You will likely experience anger and resentment, too. This affirmation can help you forgive your ex and regain control of your feelings.

15 – I am excited to become the best version of myself.

When you’re in a relationship, you can’t spend as much time growing as an individual. In a relationship, you must put some time toward your partner that you could use for self-improvement.

Now that you’re single, you can put all that time toward self-growth. You can work on yourself and become who you want to be, not who you think you must be for a partner.


Final Thoughts on Self-Affirmations to Heal Your Heartbreak

Repeating daily affirmations can help you embrace your situation and work toward healing the heartache. You may not experience benefits immediately, but you’ll notice them with consistent repetition.

The best way to use these affirmations is to say them aloud, but it’s not the only way. You can also write them down or recite them in your mind. Self-affirmations for healing from heartbreak are beneficial for moving on. You can check out this article to learn other ways to reclaim happiness after a breakup.

10 Biceps Exercises to Melt Arm Fat

Melting arm fat is possible by doing regular biceps exercises. Not only does it melt fat, but it also results in toned arms and strengthened muscles. Melting fat can be tricky, especially when targeting specific areas. Luckily, you can try these biceps exercises to help you achieve your desired results.

There are many exercises you can try that target the biceps. However, you can’t do spot reduction. You must work out all muscles to burn fat and tone your body.

Identifying Your Biceps and Their Functions

The biceps are the two sections of muscles between your elbows and shoulder. They consist of a long and short head, but they connect at your elbow. Some of the functions of these muscles include the following:

  • Bending and extending your arm
  • turning your arms to make your palms face upward or downward
  • lifting and pulling
  • supporting the shoulder blade when carrying things

As you work on melting arm fat with biceps exercises, you’ll want to target different parts of the muscles. Doing a few of the workouts discussed below can help you get the most out of the exercise.

biceps exercises

Ten Biceps Exercises to Melt Arm Fat

These biceps exercises can help you melt fat and experience toned arms. Toning and strengthening also help burn calories and lose or maintain weight. You can do these exercises at home, with some requiring no equipment and others needing dumbbells or resistance bands.

1 – Arm Circles

This exercise can help burn fat while toning and shaping your arms. You can use weights, but you don’t have to. Another option is to hold a water bottle in each hand while doing the circles.

  • Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Extend your arms straight out to your sides at shoulder height.
  • Do ten to fifty small circles by rotating your hands forward.
  • Then do another ten to fifty small circles backward.

2 – Isometric Biceps Hold and Pulse

This exercise requires constant tension in a contracted position until it leads to muscle fatigue or burnout. Reaching muscle fatigue helps melt fat and strengthen or grow muscles. Isometric biceps hold and pulse requires two dumbbells.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart while engaging your core.
  • With your palms facing outward, place your hands at your sides while holding a dumbbell in each hand with an underhand grip.
  • Lock your elbows by your sides, and curl your arms to a 90-degree angle.
  • Keeping your arms at a 90-degree angle, squeeze your biceps while moving the dumbbells an inch back and forth in each direction.
  • Continue this exercise until your muscles get fatigued, making sure to keep your shoulder blades down.

3 – Biceps Curls with Dumbbells

With this exercise, you’ll need dumbbells or bottles filled with water. Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand straight with your chest up.
  • Place your arms at your sides with your palms facing forward, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Keep your upper arms still while curling your weights toward your shoulders by bending your elbows.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat the movements as much as possible.

4 – Crossbody Alternating Curl

Once you’re comfortable with the biceps curls, you can challenge yourself with the crossbody alternating curl. Here’s how:

  • Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell (or end of the resistance band) in each hand at the front of your thighs.
  • Tighten your elbows to your ribs, and keep them there throughout the exercise.
  • Raise your right hand to your left shoulder.
  • Return to the starting position, and raise your left hand to your right shoulder.
  • Repeat this movement until your muscles get fatigued.

5 – Plank Up-Downs

This exercise targets your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and core. It helps melt fat and tone your muscles.

  • Place your palms flat on the floor and use your toes to hold up your lower body.
  • Your spine should be straight, your knees flexed, and your neck in a neutral position.
  • Shift your upper body support to your left palm, and make a fist of your right palm.
  • Bend your right elbow, and place your forearm on the floor. You can bend your left elbow a little if you need support during this movement.
  • Now, bend your left elbow and make a fist as you place that forearm on the floor. This position is the elbow plank.
  • Once you’re in the elbow plank position, return to the starting position by placing your right palm on the floor first. Then, place your left palm on the floor again.
  • Repeat the movements for at least three sets of ten reps.

6 – Wall Push Ups

Doing wall push-ups works your shoulders, lats, biceps, and triceps, whereas a traditional push-up only targets your triceps and core.

  • Stand about one to two feet away from a wall.
  • Place your palms on the wall, slightly more than shoulder-width apart, with your fingers pointed up.
  • Bend your elbows and move toward the wall until your chest and chin are close. Don’t move your legs as you change position.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale as you push your body away from the wall.
  • Move your body back to the wall, and repeat the movements for three sets of ten reps.

7 – Hammer Curl

A hammer curl requires two dumbbells, or you can hold water bottles in each hand instead.

  • Stand straight with your chest up, and hold the dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing your body.
  • Curl the weights toward your shoulders by bending your elbows and keeping your upper arms still.
  • Return your arms to the starting position.
  • Repeat these steps as often as possible, resting between reps if necessary.

8 – Chin-ups

This exercise targets your upper back and shoulders and is an intense workout for your biceps. You’ll need a chin-up bar or something similar that can hold your body weight.

  • Grab the bar with an underhand grip, keeping your palms facing you and your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Hang from the bar with your feet crossed.
  • Then, bend your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and lift yourself until your chip is above the bar.
  • Hold yourself there for a moment before lowering yourself to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement as many times as you can.

You might not be able to do a chin-up at first, or you might only accomplish one. That’s okay because you can build your strength and challenge yourself to do more as you get better.

9 – Curtsy Lunge with Biceps Curl

The curtsy lunge works more than just your biceps because it also targets your inner thighs and gluteus medius. Since it targets many muscles, it has quite a bit of fat-burning potential. It requires two dumbbells, but you can replace those with full water bottles.

  • Stand up straight, with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Pick up a dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang at your sides.
  • Using your left leg, take a big step back and cross it behind your right leg.
  • Lower your hips by bending your knees until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. You should look like you’re bending into a curtsy.
  • Simultaneously, move your weights toward your shoulders by bending your elbows.
  • Return to the starting position by driving through your left foot and pushing off your right toe.
  • Do it five to ten times on the same side.
  • Switch to the other side, and repeat the movement another five to ten times.

10 – Biceps Curls with a Resistance Band

This exercise is slightly different when you use a resistance band, but it has the same effect. Here’s how to do it:

  • Place the resistance band beneath the arch of your food.
  • Grab each end of the resistance band with your hands at your sides, palms facing forward.
  • Tighten your elbows at your ribs while bending your arms until your hands reach your shoulders.
  • Lower your hands back to your sides, and repeat the exercise.
  • As you do this exercise, don’t bend your body. Your arms should be the only thing that moves.

Preventing Injury with Biceps Exercises

When you work out or exercise, avoiding injury is essential. Your biceps can be vulnerable to tears or injury, especially for middle-aged people. Some of the ways to prevent it include:

      • Choose weights that aren’t too heavy. You’ll know they’re too heavy if they cause you to lose control or overextend your arm.
      • Use fluid, controlled movements instead of jerky, sudden ones.
      • Do dynamic stretches before your workouts to loosen your muscles.
      • Use static stretching after your workout.
      • Follow proper technique and form.
      • Take time to relax and recover. Aim to do biceps exercises no more than three times a week.
      • Don’t do more sets than you can handle, especially if you plan on working those muscles often.


Final Thoughts on Biceps Exercises to Melt Arm Fat

If you want to melt arm fat while exercising your biceps, these moves are the way to go. Pick one or two to start, and switch them up occasionally. That way, you can see what you like best and determine what your body responds well to.

Remember to avoid injury because pushing yourself too far won’t help. It’ll only result in tears, injury, or missing out on exercise time while you recover. You can melt arm fat while toning your muscles, so stay dedicated to these as you work on making a difference.

7 Ways to Recover from Ghosting

Almost everyone has woken up to realize that the person they care about has suddenly decided to start ghosting by not responding to texts and calls. No matter how hard you try to track them down, there’s just no way to make them communicate with you. They don’t even have the courtesy to leave a goodbye message. Instead, they decide to disappear and leave you ghosted without any closure.

And this can happen in any romantic or platonic relationship. Even friends can disappear without any notice. Ending a relationship and disappearing, also known as “ghosting.” This is a form of emotional abandonment where one person suddenly disappears from a relationship without explanation. Plus, that person stops all communication with the other.

Ghosting can be hurtful and confusing for the person on the receiving end, as they may not understand why the other person has disappeared or stopped communicating. But it’s become more prevalent in the last few years because people are trying to take the easy way out. Many people are afraid of taking accountability for their decisions.

So, they find it easier to disappear and indirectly break up with you or end your friendship. Depending on your connection’s seriousness, ghosting can affect you with different degrees of intensity. You might be lucky and get over it in a few days. But, in most cases, you will need time to recover from ghosting. Then, you will need to proactively find ways to give yourself the closure you never got from the one who left.

7 Ways to Recover from Ghosting


1.      Allow yourself to grieve

Ghosting can be a painful and confusing experience. After experiencing ghosting, it’s essential to allow yourself to grieve the loss of the relationship. This can be a difficult and painful process, but moving on is necessary. Grief can manifest in many ways, such as sadness, anger, confusion, and betrayal.

It is essential to acknowledge and validate these feelings rather than try to suppress or ignore them. It’s also necessary to give yourself time to grieve. There is no set timeline for how long it should take to heal, and it’s different for everyone.

There are many ways in which you can grieve. Some people find it helpful to write their feelings in a journal. Others meditate or work out. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and relax you is essential. Remember that healing takes time and that it’s okay not to be okay. Give yourself the time and space to process your emotions and grieve the loss of the relationship.

2.      Talk to someone

Talking to someone about being ghosted can be a helpful way to process your emotions and gain a different perspective. It can be helpful to share your feelings and thoughts with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. When talking to someone about being ghosted, it can be helpful to express your feelings honestly.

Your emotions will range from anger to sadness and denial. But no reaction is too much for such an emotionally taxing experience. Seek validation and support from the person you are talking to. Listen to their perspective, which might get you closer to the closure you need. Plus, they can help soothe you but also help you create a plan for moving forward.

Finding someone you trust and feel comfortable talking to about your experience is essential. They can offer a different perspective and help you to process your emotions. Talking about it can help you to understand your feelings better and gain closure, which is essential for healing.

3.      Practice self-care

After going through something so stressful as ghosting, you will probably get into the habit of neglecting your needs. That often happens when people are depressed or feel like everything is spiraling out of control. Plus, if your partner ghosted you, they were probably a toxic partner. So, there might be other things they did that made you forget about your needs.

You can do many things that fall under the umbrella of self-care. Surround yourself with people who care about you and can provide emotional support. Be kind and understanding with yourself. Remind yourself that you are not alone in this experience and are not at fault. Do things that make you feel good, such as reading a book, watching a movie, or going for a walk.

Self-care refers to the actions and practices individuals can engage in to maintain their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. So, you can do anything you want if it betters some aspect of your life. For example, if staying in bed and reading a book makes you happy, you should do that. But also make a conscious effort to be active and stay as healthy as possible. For example, eating healthy and walking a few times a week will instantly make you feel better.


4.      Reframe your thoughts

Reframing your thoughts is a mental technique that involves looking at a situation or problem differently. This is meant to help you change how you feel about it. It can help reduce negative emotions and increase positive ones. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of a situation, try to find something positive about it.

Try looking at a situation from a different point of view. Imagine how someone else might see it or how you would see it in the future. It can be challenging to deal with being ghosted, leaving you feeling rejected and unsure of what went wrong. One way to reframe your thoughts is to remember that being ghosted is not a reflection of your worth.

Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your life and the things that make you happy. Additionally, try to avoid dwelling on the situation and instead focus on moving forward and meeting new people. It’s also a good idea to take some time to reflect on what you want in a relationship and what you are looking for in a partner to be more selective and attract the right person.

5.      Learn from the experience

To learn from the ghosting experience, reflect on why the relationship ended, and communicate clearly and respectfully with future partners is essential. It is important to remember that ghosting is not an appropriate way to end a relationship. Be mindful of how your actions may affect others in the future.

If you’ve been ghosted, you know just how badly it hurts, so make sure you don’t ghost anyone in the future. It is essential to reflect on why the relationship ended and identify any patterns or red flags in your past relationships. Talking to a therapist or counselor to work through your feelings may be helpful. They can help you learn how to communicate more effectively in future relationships.

6.      Focus on your goals

After getting ghosted, it can be easy to get caught up in feelings of rejection and disappointment. However, it is essential to focus on your goals and not let the experience hold you back. Reflect on what you want in a partner and what you value in a relationship. This can help you identify patterns in past relationships and make better choices in the future.

Remind yourself that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Strive to find someone who will treat you well in the future. But you might not be ready to jump into another relationship so soon after being ghosted. You might benefit more from focusing on other aspects. Focus on your personal and professional goals and take steps to achieve them.

This can help you stay motivated and move on. Learn new skills or take up a new hobby. This is an excellent way to focus on something positive and give you a sense of accomplishment. Focusing on your goals can help you move forward and not let the experience of being ghosted hold you back. Be patient with yourself and take things one step at a time.

7.      Avoid reconnecting with the person who ghosted you

Avoiding reconnecting with the person who ghosted you can be difficult, especially if you still have feelings for them. It can be frustrating not to get any explanation if you’re unsure why the relationship ended. However, avoiding reconnection is often the best course of action to move on and heal.

Ghosting is a form of emotional abandonment. Because of that, reconnecting with the person who ghosted you can prolong the healing process and the pain. Reconnecting with the person who ghosted you can give them the impression that you’re still interested in them. They may not take your feelings seriously, which can help you further.

Reconnecting with the person who ghosted you may not provide the closure you need and may prolong the uncertainty and confusion. It can give you false hope that the person may change and come back. But it is best to accept that they ghosted you and move on. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Accept that reconnecting with the person who ghosted you may not be in your best interest. If you’re struggling with reconnecting, consider talking to a therapist or counselor for guidance.


Final Thoughts on Some Ways to Recover from Ghosting

Recovering from ghosting can be a difficult and painful process. However, it’s important to remember that ghosting does not reflect your worth. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. And most importantly, you deserve to move on and be happy, even if you didn’t get the conventional closure you might have needed.

Allow yourself time to feel your emotions. It’s okay to be sad, angry, or confused, and it’s essential to acknowledge and process these feelings. Engage in activities that make you feel good, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends and family. Avoid contact with the person who ghosted you. This will give you space to heal and move on. And, if you still struggle, it’s always a good idea to reach out to someone for support.

15 Affirmations to Help Appreciate Life

Affirmations are simple, positive statements that can help you appreciate your life. Appreciation influences a positive mindset and attitude, allowing you to see the good in the world. Living a life of appreciation and gratitude can help you make a habit of positivity, allowing you to live a happy life. It takes practice, but you can make positive thinking your default process.

Life can get hard, and you don’t always get what you hoped to have. However, learning to appreciate life no matter what happens can help with positive thinking. These affirmations encourage you to focus on the good parts of your life, even when things are imperfect.

What Science Says About Using Affirmations to Appreciate Life


The Law of Attraction states that what you put into the universe becomes your reality. Affirming your appreciation helps you exist in a powerful state of gratitude that offers positivity.

Science backs the work of affirmations, showing that they can help improve your well-being and mental health. Using affirmations to appreciate your life can get paired with writing a gratitude list.

Experts indicate lists can help increase happiness, positivity, and well-being. Pairing a list with affirmations is powerful and can encourage appreciation and joy about all the good parts of your life. Positive affirmations can rewire your brain to focus on positivity and resist negative thoughts. The more you practice repeating these phrases, the stronger your habits become.

How to Use Affirmations

You can use affirmations at the end of your day as you get ready for bed. The positivity from your phrases will stay with you throughout the night and help you start your day with gratitude.

You can also repeat the affirmations in the morning as you prepare for your day. It reinforces the positivity from the night before and encourages appreciation.

You can choose positivity or negativity, experiencing whichever thought cycle you decide. The only difference between positive and negative people is how they respond to their experiences.

You can learn to view a bad day as one situation rather than a reflection of your overall life. Likewise, you’ll learn to see the good things around you even in a difficult situation. You’ll know that tomorrow is another chance for a good day rather than a never-ending cycle of bad experiences.

When you begin practicing affirmations, you might feel self-conscious about repeating them. However, it becomes easier and more natural the more often you do it. You can also choose other options, such as journaling. Writing your affirmations is relaxing and reinforces the phrases you want to use to rewire your thought process.

Fifteen Affirmations to Help Appreciate Life

Using affirmations encourages appreciation and positivity while improving your well-being. Some phrases you can start with include the following:

1 – I am practicing self-love and self-care.

You’ll learn to appreciate life more when you care about and love yourself. It’ll help you see the good around you as you ease stress and accept things you can’t change. You’ll feel better physically and mentally, reassuring you that you can handle anything.

2 – I am learning and becoming the person I want to be.

No one is perfect, and you’ll always have more to learn. As you go through your day and things don’t go as planned, you can address what you can do better. From there, you learn and grow, getting closer to the person you want to be.

Each moment is a learning opportunity if you pay attention. This affirmation helps you find the good in not getting everything right the first time. It also allows you to show appreciation for each learning opportunity.

3 – I live a meaningful life with a purpose.

Remembering that you live with meaning and have purpose allows you to feel good about your life. It also helps you focus on positive thinking as you consider how you can move forward and get closer to your goals.

4 – I deserve beauty and excitement.

If you feel undeserving, you might let life’s beauty and excitement pass you by. This affirmation reminds you that you are a good person and deserve the good things in life. It’ll help you appreciate the world, embrace the opportunity, and love life.

5 – I have the tools I need to overcome obstacles.

You have everything you need to overcome hardship and setbacks. Use knowledge, expertise, and anything else you already have to keep progressing.

As you get closer to your goal, you’ll obtain more tools to help you along. When you acknowledge that you already have what it takes, you’ll experience gratitude for the chances that are open to you. Before you know it, your positivity and optimism will attract more of what you want and need.

6 – I am doing things that feel good for me.

You’ll enjoy life more when you do things that make you feel good. Whether it’s taking care of your physical or mental health, you must prioritize yourself. This affirmation can remind you that it’s okay to take care of yourself and do what you feel like doing.

7 – I am appreciating another chance to live and enjoy life.

Each day is a new chance to enjoy life and spread love. This affirmation reminds you of the gift of another day, allowing you to appreciate the very act of living.

It can be easy to forget this positive aspect, but this affirmation reminds you to appreciate it. When you can express gratitude for another chance, you’ll learn to express gratitude for the other small blessings in your life.


8 – I can create the life I desire because I have freedom and power.

Many things in life might feel like they’re out of your control, but you can choose the life you desire. You can change your path anytime and begin working toward the life of your dreams. This affirmation reminds you that you have the freedom and power to change your life and offers the motivation to do so.

9 – I am thankful for the small steps I take toward my dreams.

Every achievement gets you one step closer to your dreams. You might get discouraged if it seems like you haven’t made enough progress, but you must consider the small steps. Repeat this affirmation to encourage yourself and remember all that you’ve accomplished so far. It’ll help you appreciate your life and all the positivity to come.

10 – I am thankful for the people who make my life better.

Express gratitude to people who help you enjoy your life and support you. These people change your life in ways you may never realize. This affirmation reminds you to be thankful for who you have and recognize the positive difference they make.

11 – I appreciate every experience because it helped me become who I am today.

Your life experiences shaped your personality, thought processes, and values. Without the good and bad, you wouldn’t be yourself. While you may have wanted things to turn out differently, it led you to where you needed to be.

12 – I acknowledge the benefits of my daily life.

When stress weighs on you, this affirmation can help you think of all the good parts of your daily life. From the place you live to the food you eat, there’s always something to embrace and appreciate. Consider the things you enjoy most about your day and recall those as you repeat the phrase.

13 – I am thankful that forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor exist.

Without these positive aspects of life, it would be hard to get by. You might not immediately list them when thinking of what you’re grateful for, but they’re a big part of how life turned out.

Consider the times you’ve been forgiven, dared to do something scary, or when people have been grateful for you. Likewise, recall the love and humor you experience that helps you find joy and meaning.

14 – I accept challenges as opportunities for growth.

You won’t always easily accomplish your goals, and that’s okay. Each mistake, setback, or failure is an opportunity to grow. This knowledge can help you appreciate life because you can improve and learn more.

15 – I choose my reactions to what other people say or do.

You can’t control what others say or do, but you can choose how you react. Choosing your reaction allows you to take control of yourself and the situation.

Being able to decide is one of the best parts of life, and it can help you appreciate your situation more. It also allows you to ignore what people say about you or what you believe about yourself.


Final Thoughts on Affirmations to Help Appreciate Life

Using positive affirmations helps you appreciate your life, enjoy the journey, and focus on positivity. You can make it a habit, encouraging appreciation during the good and bad times. Once you commit to practicing affirmations, you’ll notice an improvement in your life. It’ll help you remember the best parts of your life and that things will get better when you feel lousy. Use the affirmations that resonate within you the most and add more or switch it up as you become comfortable.

You’ll love the difference that positive affirmations make in your life. It’ll help you find everything you’re looking for while also allowing you to appreciate your life.

11 Ways to Deal With a Manipulative Girlfriend

Are you in love with your girlfriend, but you’ve grown weary of her constant manipulative behavior? Maybe you’ve been together for a while and don’t know how to address the issue. How can you discuss the behavior, help the manipulator to make changes, and keep the flames of passion alive?

Almost everyone has dealt with a manipulative friend, family member, or love interest at some point. They may pretend that they care about your needs. However, they’ll use mind games, guilt, and even threats to get you to do their bidding.

Everyone’s guilty of sweet-talking their partner into doing something for them. Maybe it’s asking them to do a chore you dread or to buy you something you’ve always wanted. That’s not “using” your lover if they go the extra mile for you.

However, some people need to be the center of attention, and the relationship becomes one-sided. They may constantly whine about their problems, what they need, and what you should do for them. They may use all sorts of emotional and psychological digs to make you do what they want.

In such a toxic relationship, you may be a pawn for your partner, and it’s a horrible position for you. Soon, it seems like you’re more of a concierge than a lover, and you feel used, neglected, and bitterness creeps into your relationship.

NOTE: We acknowledge that boyfriends, too, can be master manipulators. However, we covered them separately due to the differences in male behaviors.

Eleven Ways to Cope with a Manipulative Girlfriend


If you’re in a relationship with a woman who is always taking and never giving, trying to ignore their behavior won’t work. Here are ways to confront her, insist on changes, or cut your losses and walk.

1. Be Honest and Direct With the Manipulator

Manipulators work best by being vague and causing confusion. If your girlfriend is trying to take advantage of your kindness, don’t get caught in her web. Be direct and ask her what she wants without beating around the bush.

Mind games are a waste of time, giving her more leverage against you. If she continues to be vague and ingenuine, she’s playing you. Sometimes, the most potent message you can send after their ploy is to say nothing.

2. Set Clear Boundaries With a Manipulative Girlfriend

When you have agreed to clear limitations, your partner will know when she’s pushing too hard. According to a document published by the University of Kentucky, having boundaries helps to keep both partners physically and mentally healthy. If not, it’s like opening your door for whoever wants to enter.

It’s essential to establish your boundaries early in the relationship. Have a deep and candid discussion about what you’ll tolerate and expect from her. If your girlfriend becomes manipulative, remind her of your boundaries and be firm about them.

3. Learn How to Say No to Manipulative People

One of the most powerful words in the English language is “no.” Yet, people often hesitate to use it because they want to please others, especially their partners. Manipulative relationships often involve taking advantage of the one who’s the people pleaser.

Saying “no” instantly empowers you and lets others and your partner know you’re not a welcome mat. When you politely but firmly decline unreasonable requests, it gets easier to say “no.” You needn’t feel guilty for letting your girlfriend know how you feel and want to be treated.

Let’s say your girlfriend likes to attend late-night parties, and you must get up early each morning for work. Even though you explained your feelings, she uses guilt and tears to make you go with her. It’s okay to decline, as it’s easier for you to socialize on the weekends.

4. Try to Stay Calm Around a Manipulator

How can you not take your partner’s tactics personally? She may try to manipulate you with sarcasm or crocodile tears. It may become a heated argument if you allow yourself to be caught up in the emotion.

Instead, try to be calm so you can think clearly and handle the situation best. Their ploy might be to aggravate you to the point of giving in to their demands. Walk away, allow time to cool off, and make rational decisions in the heat of the moment.

Try to recognize the strategies she uses as emotional triggers. She may resort to insults or throw some of your past mistakes in your face. Point out these triggers, and don’t fall into this obvious trap.

5. Be Your Advocate

When someone truly loves you, they have your best interests at heart. However, manipulative people often use their partners for their good. That’s why it’s crucial to stick up for yourself.

Don’t be embarrassed or intimidated to say how you feel. Being confident in yourself will demand the respect you deserve. A genuine lover won’t try to push you past your limits. If your girlfriend does, be your advocate and say something.

Instead of being argumentative, try addressing the action and not the person. For example: “When you tell me that I don’t love you unless I do what you want, it makes me sad and frustrated.” It’s often best to discuss these problems when you’re not already in an argument.


6. Be Aware of How a Manipulator Treats Others

Toxic people take advantage not only of their partners but everyone else in their circle. Please pay close attention to how she interacts with friends, family, coworkers, and the public. Is she courteous to clerks and others who work in public, or is she demanding and condescending?

How does she talk about others? Does she sweetly smile face-to-face with others and then talk bad about them behind their backs? Does she value privacy, or is she constantly divulging things told to her in confidence? Be assured that if she’s talking about everyone else, she’s talking about you too.

7. Explain the Behaviors to Her

Sometimes, your girlfriend might not even be aware of their manipulative behavior. Calmly explaining how their words and behaviors make you feel can be a revelation. She can see what she’s doing and try not to repeat it in the future.

Just be sure not to be confrontational or judgmental of their character. Even the best people can be manipulative occasionally. If she gets defensive, try to stay calm and bring out the issue so it can be resolved.

8. Identify the Guilt Trips of a Manipulative Girlfriend

Toxic people are often travel agents when it comes to guilt trips. When your “no” isn’t firm, they figure a little guilt will go a long way. They prey on your sensitivity to get their way.

For example, say you and your girlfriend have discussed moving in together. You’ve agreed on a monthly budget and know how much rent you can afford. You tour an apartment you love, but it’s way over budget, so you must pass on the place.

After discussing the budget issue, she gets upset and tries to manipulate your emotions. She may say, “If you loved me, you would,” or “You don’t even care about my happiness.” She knows how to push all the right buttons to get you to cave to her demands.

However, it would help if you never allowed someone to push you into a situation that’s not right for you. Identify the guilt trip, and don’t fall for it.

9. The Problem is Theirs, Not Yours

Dealing with a toxic relationship can weigh heavily on you physically, mentally, and spiritually. You may begin to think that you’re the problem and just overreacting. Unfortunately, that may be what she wants you to consider.

An article published by the American Sociological Review discusses the critical elements of gaslighting. It’s psychological abuse that a toxic person uses to make someone intimate feel like they are to blame and are out of control. They try to blame you or minimize your feelings and may even do it in front of others.

She may say that you can’t even take a joke if you get defensive. However, you have a right to assert your boundaries. It will only worsen the situation if you make excuses for your girlfriend’s manipulative behavior.

10. Re-evaluate Your Relationship With the Manipulator

It’s not easy to give up on a relationship, especially one that’s lasted for a while. However, there comes a time when you must decide between a toxic partner and your well-being. You owe it to yourself to do an honest reevaluation of your relationship.

Be genuine and ask yourself some difficult questions. Does your girlfriend love you, or does she only love what you do for her? Can she make fair compromises, or has your relationship always been one-sided?

After thorough soul searching, ask her the same questions. Can she answer truthfully, or does she get defensive and start the blame game? Are you genuinely happy, or are you just going through the motions?

11. Maybe It’s Time to Walk Away

How did you answer those tough questions? Maybe you’ve talked to your girlfriend about these issues, and she tried to change them for a while. What if the change was short-lived, and she’s back to her toxic, manipulative behavior?

You needn’t spend the rest of your life being pushed into situations that you don’t like. If there are no changes, it’s time for you to walk away with your dignity intact. You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who’s not taking advantage of you and gives you respect.


Final Thoughts on Coping with a Manipulative Girlfriend

A loving, healthy relationship is a two-way street and often calls for compromise. No room exists for a manipulator. If your girlfriend has manipulative behaviors, don’t be afraid to bring it out into the open. If she genuinely loves you, she will apologize and do their best to stop and make the relationship better.

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