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This Two Ingredient Tea Recipe Helps You Sleep DEEPLY For Hours

Many of us, at times, have difficulties falling and staying asleep. Modern society, more specifically its constant distractions; obsession with work hours; 24/7 connectivity, and other influences, has translated into lower quality sleep for many. This easy tea might give you the help you need.

Aside from external factors, our health has a significant influence on our sleep quality. This is especially true for any type of neurological abnormality. When our brain is “off,” too often our sleep quality is as well. Stress, diet, medications, and numerous other influences can interfere with sleep too.

When our sleep quality is poor, many other facets of our life also suffer. We’re less productive, prone to mood swings, cannot pay attention – and many other aspects of both of personal and professional lives are adversely impacted.

So, what do we do? The easiest thing is to swallow some type of pill, be it prescription or over-the-counter. However, both carry the risk of potential (potentially dangerous) side effects.

When we swallow a sleeping pill, we alter our body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. Sleeping pills often work quite well in the short term. But they – like most other types of drugs – can be addictive. The long-term effect is that our body’s natural circadian rhythm is disrupted, making it even more difficult to fall asleep.

This Two-Ingredient Banana Cinnamon Tea Recipe Helps You Sleep DEEPLY For Hours


Yes, banana-cinnamon tea. Not only does this drink induce relaxation and sleep, but it is also healthy and delicious to boot.

Why it works

Bananas contain significant amounts of magnesium and potassium – two very important minerals for promoting sleep. Here’s why: together, they are terrific as a natural muscle relaxer. When our bodies are relaxed, for obvious reasons, it is much easier to fall asleep. Magnesium and potassium also have a sedative effect on the brain, which makes it easier to sleep.

Cinnamon is a great ingredient because it stabilizes blood sugar levels. This is important, as blood sugar levels directly impact the body’s ability to balance hormone production. In some cases, individuals with a blood sugar deficiency experience fatigue during the day. This may induce sleep during daytime hours, but sleep quality suffers during the evening.

Magnesium is actually the most important mineral for muscle relaxation; it is also effective in reducing muscle aches, cramps, and pains. When we are stressed, physiological mechanisms reduce the levels of magnesium. Thus, it is essential that we replenish this mineral. Adequate magnesium levels are important for warding off stress and promoting relaxation.

Potassium mainly serves as a synergistic ingredient in this recipe. In other words, its properties – together with magnesium – magnifies the recipe’s effects. The exact mechanisms aren’t known, but various studies have noted that potassium “significantly (increases) sleep efficiency due to fewer awakenings after falling asleep.”

The Tea Recipe

(Quick note: the banana peel is fantastic to eat, as it contains the highest amount of potassium. Cinnamon will reduce some of the peel’s bitterness.)


  • One unpeeled (preferably organic) banana
  • A small pot
  • One teaspoon of cinnamon (optional, but preferable)


  1. Cut off the top and bottom ends of the unpeeled banana
  2. Put the unpeeled banana into the small pot of boiling water (purified water is preferable)
  3. Boil the unpeeled banana for approximately 10 minutes
  4. Add the teaspoon of cinnamon into the pot
  5. Strain the water and pour it into a mug

For the best results (and the best sleep!) drink at least an hour before bedtime.


Final Thoughts: An Option if You Don’t Prefer a Bedtime Tea

If tea isn’t your thing, you can also eat the unpeeled banana (again, an hour before bedtime). Add cinnamon for some extra flavoring.

Lawyers Reveal The 7 Biggest Predictors Of Divorce

Divorce is more than a sad statistic. Instead, it is a highly personal situation that each person experiences uniquely. Some couples undergo a slow unraveling of the relationship until they reach a final gossamer thread. One day it finally snaps. For others, it is a sudden snap of a rubber band breaking, with a partner suddenly announcing the intent to end things. In such moments, searching for divorce attorneys near me becomes a crucial step in navigating the complexities of the process. If you find yourself in this challenging situation, consider seeking support from an experienced and trusted divorce coach. For guidance tailored to your needs, have a look at this divorce coach who can help navigate this difficult transition.

“My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That’s what happens when you haven’t been home in 18 years.” – Lee Trevino, Hall of Fame Professional Golfer.

As the quote above demonstrates, Mr. Lee Trevino has been known to discuss several sensitive topics with a delicate mix of compassion and a sense of humor. Now 77 years old, Trevino has been happily married to his second wife, Claudia Bove, for 23 years. For many divorced people, talking about their experience is anything but humorous. The same goes for divorce attorneys, who often bear the brunt of a couple’s past mistakes. One former divorce lawyer put it this way:

“When I began practicing, I realized something pretty quickly – I could do without the drama and bickering and baggage that people were bringing into their case. I found myself using my psychology skills just as much as my legal skills…I didn’t get the satisfaction…and I didn’t feel I was helping people in a positive way.”

Aside from being life-changing, divorce is often a lengthy process. A divorce lawyer such as this divorce lawyer Poughkeepsie is perhaps the only person to witness the oft-ugly nature of human detachment, aside from the couple themselves.  Nonetheless, these professionals possess a breadth of knowledge about this sensitive subject matter.

Here are the seven leading contributors to a failing marriage, according to divorce attorneys:

So, why do nearly half of all marriages end in divorce? Some divorce attorneys around America even the Naperville divorce lawyers were asked this question.

1. Silence is (not so) golden

At the risk of sounding overly obvious, good communication is vital in a marriage. When this all-important communication factor deteriorates, it’s common for one or both partners to go silent.

Divorce attorneys say this “silent treatment” occurs much more frequently within a failing marriage. Evie Jeang, among the most prominent divorce attorneys in America, states: “This is essentially the kiss of death for couples because it leads to feelings of resentment. Working through issues that arise paves the way for resolution.”

If you have kids, you may want to seek legal advice from child custody lawyers to help you get favorable results on your custody battle.

2. Controlling behavior

Attempting to control one’s spouse, regardless of the matter at hand (e.g., staying out late, unkempt house, etc.), isn’t a good sign for the relationship. Couple this with the fact that controlling individuals rarely change their behavior, and it becomes apparent why cohabitation with such a person is tough.

Controlling money by denying the partner access to, or information about, bank accounts, credit lines, etc., can also contribute to an eventual divorce.

3. Addictive behaviors

Joan Bibelhausen, J.D. and family lawyer, in an article written in Family Lawyer Magazine, states, “In family law, addiction to alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors such as gambling are present in a significant amount of cases.”

Alcohol and drug addiction is a treatable condition; however, the number of untreated addicts far exceeds the number of rehabilitated. Addiction – and its negative consequences – is often too much for the other to handle.

4. Money issues

Ideally, anything finance-related is discussed before marriage, but it is often not. Perhaps the perceived breach of trust is more damaging than any potential financial repercussions (e.g., difficulties obtaining a mortgage).

During the marriage, many money problems occur. Spending too much, making secret purchases, maxing out credit cards, and late bills. All are potential reasons for one partner to consider divorce.

 5. Lack of common interests

“Opposites attract” doesn’t necessarily translate into “Opposites stay attracted.”

Lisa Meyer, a divorce attorney in California, says, “While it’s true that opposites attract, don’t assume the qualities you fell in love with are going to keep a marriage together.”

Different personality types often enjoy different things. When there is a wide “interest gap” between two people, they’ll spend more time apart, which leads us to…


 6. A sense of separation

It is typical in marriage to experience polarizing emotions; among them is a sense of closeness and distance. When this dynamic subsists at reasonable intervals, it can actually be perceived as a good sign. The passion and genuine care for each other are often evident during these times.

Related article: Psychologist Reveals These 4 Behaviors Are The Biggest Predictors of Divorce

However, the “creeping” sense of distance often spells ends for a marriage. Many relationship components, some of them mentioned on this list, can ignite this slow evolution of separation.

 7. The job coming first

“Family comes first” is a tried and true axiom of happy couples and families. When one-half of the marriage suddenly becomes a workaholic, it may be a bad sign. The circumstances surrounding such behavior ultimately determine the relationship’s outcome.

Unsurprisingly, effective communication is vital; when the other half begins to spend a disproportionate amount of time at work sans explanation, the chances of divorce increases significantly.

If You Get Lost Often, Here’s What It Means…

First, for those who did not get the joke, “North” is “go straight,” “South” is “go straight in the other direction,” “West” is “go/turn left,” and “East” is “go/turn right.” Sorry about that. All jokes aside, getting lost can be incredibly frustrating. For those with a bad sense of direction (SOD), going the wrong way while heading somewhere occurs all too frequently.  Unsurprisingly, the brain dictates who has a good or bad SOD. For those of us who fall into the latter category (raises hand), here’s some excellent news:

We can acquire an at-least-decent SOD. This article will discuss some groundbreaking brain research explaining the SOD phenomenon. We’ll also elaborate on ways that we can each improve our SOD (yes!)

Navigation & The Brain

Research scientists at the University of College London scanned the brains of 16 men and women as they played a computer game that tested their navigational abilities. Some of the experiment’s results are astounding.

Dr. Hugo Spiers, a lead researcher in the study, explains the test’s rationale: “In this test, we were looking to see which areas of the brain were active when participants were considering different directions.” Before the study, the notion that the brain possessed a type of directional “beacon” was mainly speculation.

As it turns out, we indeed have an “inner compass.” Thus, some people get lost. This cerebral compass also readjusts as we navigate through the environment and is located in the same regions of the brain that processes memory – the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex.


Some findings:

Here are some of the research findings thus far:

– “Directional cells” within the brain activate when the head is facing a certain way.

– Hippocampus cells send rapid electrical impulses when we enter a familiar environment, as the brain “tunes into” the location of certain items and locales.

– “Grid cells,” located in the entorhinal cortex, fire neuronal signals in a “GPS-like” way. Thus, it attempts to pinpoint our location at each moment.

Explaining differences that cause some to get lost more easily

Lead author, Dr. Joshua Jacobs, explains the importance of grid cells:

“Without grid cells, it is likely that humans would frequently get lost or have to navigate based only on landmarks. Grid cells are thus critical for maintaining a sense of location in an environment.”

Scientists observed that the brain scans of those who performed well in the simulation exhibited more neuronal activity within the entorhinal cortex. Thus, the researchers concluded that this part of the brain performs “calculations” when attempting to navigate; explaining that this function is more advanced in those with good navigational skills.

In practical terms, for those with a bad SOD, this region of the brain “could not keep up and failed to adjust” to changes in direction.

Improving SOD (so you don’t get lost)

In uncovering the neurophysiology behind navigation, those with a subpar SOD can make changes to improve.

Dr. Spiers explains:

“The hippocampus is crucial for navigation and we use it like a ‘sat nav.’ London taxi drivers, who have to know their way around hundreds of thousands of winding streets, have the most refined and powerful innate sat navs, strengthened over years of experience.”

Our overreliance on GPS systems is also thought to worsen our SOD. The reason is quite straightforward: focusing on an external navigation tool represses the brain’s innate grid cells. In fact, in one study, older adults who habitually used GPS showed less activity and volume of grey matter in their hippocampus.

Aside from paying attention to physical markers while relying less on GPS tools, there are other pragmatic ways of improving our inner “sat nav.”

Chair of Temple University’s department of neurology at Temple University School of Medicine, Dr. S. Ausim Azizi, in an article published by WebMD, provides three ways of improving your SOD:

– Brain Training: The superior way of improving spatial memory is “to engage in activities that specifically involve both objects and coordinates.” The advent of smartphones has produced a number of brain training “apps” that may help develop the brain regions necessary to improve spatial memory, thus, SOD. Or, just carry a map around town, stumble upon a landmark, and try to pinpoint it on the map.


  • Exercise: This recommendation may seem humdrum, but exercise improves blood flow to the brain. Science shows that the hippocampi of adults who engage in regular physical activity possess larger grey matter in this area.
  • Consume antioxidants: As with exercise, antioxidants improves blood flow to the brain. Eating a whole food, organic diet, rich with antioxidants improves blood flow to the brain. As a result, it boosts your memory.

7 Signs Someone Is Trying to Psychologically Manipulate You

People who manipulate others are among the most self-centered people out there. They serve their own interests, and often at the expense of an innocent victim. Methods employed by manipulators can be characterized as abusive, deceptive, devious, and exploitative.

Though their actions are most certainly malicious, manipulators are often both crafty and intelligent. The act of manipulation involves deliberate and complex thought processes. Indeed, only a person that leverages human psychology to their advantage can pull off this feat.

Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics. Harriet Braiker, author of Who’s Pulling Your Strings?

Dr. George K. Simon, a clinical psychologist and world-renowned expert on “manipulators, others with disturbed personalities, and their victims,” cite three requirements for successful manipulation:

(1) Concealing aggressive behaviors and intentions.

(2) Understanding the psychological shortcomings of a victim in determining which method will best achieve desired results.

(3) An uncommon degree of ruthlessness; having no apprehension about inflicting harm upon an unknowing victim.

Frequently, due to the clever techniques manipulators use, a victim uncovers their intentions through a simple “gut feeling.” The victim senses something is amiss – a feeling they can’t quite “put their finger on.”

Here are 7 signs someone may be manipulating you:

Watch for these behaviors that reveal a manipulator.


1. They insist on “hearing your story” first

This first tactic is one that many salespeople utilize – and it’s often quite useful. So  just as a salesman will use “prospecting” to “baseline” your thinking and behavior, manipulators will as well. This is a means of attempting to evaluate any perceived strengths or weaknesses. As a result, they will use the insight to give them some kind of “edge” in their manipulative tactics.

A manipulator may do this repeatedly, which opens up an opportunity for you to “turn the tables.” Should you suspect an ulterior motive (or are just uncomfortable), refuse to engage in conversation if or when they prove otherwise.

2. They use “information overload” in attempting to confuse you

Like some textbook narcissists, smart manipulators will overwhelm you with alleged “facts” (e.g. statistics, data, events) that you may know little about. Similar behavior can happen in sales and other business-related discussions, as well.

Unlike a knowledgeable salesperson, however, a manipulator uses this tactic exclusively for their own gain. They’ll make every attempt to establish credibility through their “expert knowledge,” hoping that they’ll be able to control the situation at their will.

If you’re in this situation, it’s a good idea to use your best judgment or simply walk away.

3. They exude negative emotions

Some manipulators may raise their voice while taking when trying to aggressively manipulate someone. Manipulators that engage in this behavior are seeking to get someone to conform to their demands – an ordinary coercion technique for the combative schemer.

When in this situation, it’s best to remain level headed, walk away, or simply “say no” any demands.

4. They make you feel insecure – or try to

Someone that is insecure is often a target for manipulators, as insecurity is perceived as a severe weakness by these liars and deceivers. Manipulators will try different ways of creating a sense of insecurity or inferiority, such as negative humor and sarcasm. They’ll often poke fun at your appearance, work habits, and even your personal life.

So if you can manage to resist punching their smug face, that’s step one. Step two is to (confidently) make it clear that this type of talk is unacceptable and unwanted. Of course, you should just get out of there ASAP if that doesn’t work.


5. They will “play dumb” at times

Professing ignorance is a secret weapon in a manipulator’s arsenal. This is a tactic commonly seen in the workplace, where the con-artist will insist on “playing” dumb – a passive-aggressive technique used to hide something or avoid an obligation. This is similar to how a child will profess inability to get an adult to do something for them they don’t want to do. Sadly, some “adults” do this as well.

So don’t be afraid to call their bluff if you’re confident in your interpretation of their behavior. Refuse to take on responsibilities that are not part of your “job description.”

6. They manipulate facts

Manipulators are, most often, compulsive and pathological liars. It’s no surprise, then, that they’ll twist the truth in an attempt to gain some type of leverage. They’ll blame innocent people, display biases, exaggerate, “forget” important information, make excuses, etc., etc.

This is perhaps a manipulator’s primary weakness. Even the most shrewd schemer is prone to telling a fib that is found out.

Aside from us respecting their basic humanity, manipulators deserve nothing. Compulsive and pathological liars deserve nothing. As such, you are under no obligation to stand idly by while such people spoon-feed you lies.

7. They place undue pressure

Manipulators will apply an excessive amount of pressure on someone in an attempt to get them to make a decision before they’re ready. They’ll often create a false sense of urgency in trying to raise the level of tension. Of course, this is all a sham, a theatrical display with an underlying motive. In fact, the end game is to suppress the victim’s decision-making ability and seize control.

Walk away, run away, or jog slowly in the opposite direction. Refuse to play this type of game.

10 Day Sugar Detox (To Reset Your Mind And Body)

Sugar is most certainly an addictive substance – up to eight times as “addictive” as cocaine; only sugar is not an “emotional addiction,” but a biological one. Those who consume sugar at disproportionately high levels alter the brain’s mechanisms of pleasure and reward. Practically-speaking, they may reach for a stashed soda or candy bar without really even realizing what they’re doing. They’re hardwired for sugar .  At some point in our lives, a sugar detox is necessary to reset our body and brain.

Here are a few statistics to kick-start this article:

  • The average American consumes over 150 pounds (? 69 kg) of sugar per year.
  • An average American child eats over 228 pounds (? 103 kg) of sugar per year.
  • The average American consumes over 146 pounds of flour per year.
  • Flour is known to raise human blood sugar at a higher rate than sugar.

Statistics aside, high sugar intake – in its various forms – is detrimental to human health.

“The facts are in, the science is beyond question. Sugar in all its forms is the root cause of our obesity epidemic and most of the chronic diseases sucking the life out of our citizens, our economy, and increasingly, the rest of the world. You name it, it’s caused by sugar: heart disease, cancer, dementia, type-2 diabetes, depression, and even acne, infertility, and impotence.” Mark Hyman, M.D.

So, the question is what to do about it. Well, as with any addiction, it is necessary to flush the substance from the body with the aid of the following sugar “detox”

Here’s the 10 day sugar detox plan you’ll want to follow:

This brings us to the article’s main topic – a 10-day sugar detox. It is beyond the scope of this article to detail the precise means of an elaborate detoxification program; instead, we will provide 10 generally-accepted detox principles that can be completed in a 10-day period.

sugar detox

1. Decide (and commit) to doing a sugar detox

Make a strong commitment to detox from sugar by understanding its ramifications.

Dr. Mark Hyman, the author of The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet, asks us to answer the following questions to help with this decision to detox:

  • Do you have belly fat?
  • Are you overweight?
  • Do you have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes? Does either condition run in your family?
  • Do you eat when you’re not hungry?
  • Have you experienced “food guilt”?
  • Do you experience brain fog, memory or mood problems, gas, reflux, joint or muscle pain?

In answering in the affirmative to one or more of these questions, you may benefit from a 10-day sugar detox.

2. “Go Cold.”

Similar to many other addictions, the best way to stop is to “Go Cold,” or “Cold Turkey.” Immediately refrain from eating all variations of sugar, flour, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods.

Sticking with real, fresh, whole foods will both benefit your health and help you navigate the 10-day detox.

3. Don’t reach for those drinks

The dangerous thing about sugar-laden beverages (juices, sodas, sports drinks, sweet teas) is that sugar consumed from these products is streamlined into your liver; this increases cravings for unhealthy (read: sugar- and carb-laden) foods.

Gatorade: 14 teaspoons of sugar. A 20-ounce soda: 15 teaspoons of sugar. Forget about it.

4. Get enough protein

Eating protein at every meal, especially at breakfast, is vital to keeping blood sugar levels in check, eliminating cravings, and maintaining good overall health.

Good protein sources include seeds, nuts, fish, chicken, or grass-fed meat. A single serving of protein is about 4 to 6 ounces (the size of your palm).

5. Eat plenty of (good) carbs

Actually, you can eat as many carbs as you’d like. Just ensure that they are the right types of carbs. Eating starch-laden foods is a big no-no during this process. Foods in this category include potatoes, beets, grains, and squash. Beans are optional, although abstaining from them for this detox is advised.

Eat non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, collards, asparagus, green beans, kale, onions, tomatoes, fennel, eggplant, artichokes, zucchini and peppers; these are all decent sources of healthy carbs.

6. Eat good fats

As with protein, eating healthy fats at every meal is critical during this detox. Snack on nuts and seeds; supplement meals with extra virgin olive oil, avocados, fish, and other good types of omega-3 fats.

Fat is necessary as it normalizes blood sugar and sustains our cells.

7. Have an “emergency kit.”

The world-renowned alternative health advocate, Dr. Deepak Chopra explains:

“You never want to be in a food emergency when your blood sugar is dropping…You need an emergency food pack…I have one filled with protein, good fats, and good snacks so I never have to make a bad choice.”

The contents of your “emergency kit” do not matter, permitted that they meet the criteria explained here.

sugar detox

8. Breathe mindfully

Cortisol is the stress hormone that can trigger feelings of hunger (often of the sweet variety.) It is important to learn how to counteract this physiological response by breathing mindfully.

In addition to curbing feelings of hunger, some studies demonstrate that mindful breathing alters metabolism “from fat storage to fat burning.”

It’s quite simple: “Simply take five slow deep breaths – in to the count of five, out to the count of five, five times.”

9. “De-inflame.”

According to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, proper dietary habits lower the risk of heart disease and inflammation.

The study cites refined starches and sugar consumption as a catalyst for an inflammatory response, recommending “the choice of healthy sources of carbohydrate fat, and protein,” as opposed to refined sugars and starches, to counteract unhealthy inflammation.


10. Get quality sleep

According to the Mayo Clinic, 7 to 9 hours of sleep is recommended for adults (younger groups require more).

The slightest deviation from this recommendation can adversely affect the hormones that suppress appetite; often resulting in a craving for refined carbohydrates and sugar.

When the body is not well-rested, we’ll (often subconsciously) pick and choose foods that provide a quick boost followed by a “crash.” Adequate sleep is considered the best way to counteract these effects.

Giugliano, D., Ceriello, A., & Esposito, K. (2006). The effects of diet on inflammation: emphasis on the metabolic syndrome. [Abstract]. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 48(4). Retrieved February 14, 2017.

How To Let Go And Move On From Toxic Friendships

Us humans, by nature, are highly social creatures. Most of us appreciate and enjoy being in the company of our social circle – a quality that allows us to share personal experiences with others. A good example of this common characteristic is the relatively recent explosion of various social networking tools; something that illustrates the strong human desire for social belonging and interaction. Toxic friendships don’t help us reach that goal…at all.

“Relationships are – not surprisingly – enormously important for health, and there are lots of studies on the biological processes that account for the link between relationships and health.” – Dr. Arthur Aron, director of the Interpersonal Relationships Laboratory at Stony Brook University

Evolutionary scientists and neuroscientists cite the evolutionary processes of the brain to articulate the mechanisms that drive one’s need for social inclusion. The neocortex, the outermost layer of the brain, is much larger in humans than in other mammals – and is the main component that stimulates “higher social cognition…as well as empathy and theory of mind – the ability to understand the feelings and intentions of others.”

“…the ability to understand the feelings and intentions of others” encompasses our ability to empathize” – an important aspect of maintaining healthy relationships.

This is a function where some fall short.

Despite the overwhelming neurobiological evidence concluding the human need for social inclusion, it says nothing about the desire to establish and maintain healthy relationships.

As we are all now well-aware, relationships – and hence, people – can be counterproductive to our mental and physical health.

In this article, we focus primarily on friendships, the type of relationship when some of us interact the most. More specifically, we’re going to discuss what constitutes a “toxic friendship” and how to rid yourself of this type of person.

What ARE “toxic friendships”?

To answer the preceding question, it may be advantageous to explain what a friend does:

– A person that makes you happier.

– A person that raises you up.

– A person that sticks with you “through thick and thin.”

– A person that will be honest with you, no matter how difficult it may be.

– A person that sees your potential, even if you may not.

– A person that encourages you to be your best.

Toxic friendships avoid doing these things.

They’ll hurt you, and rarely apologize; they’ll expect your loyalty without reciprocating the same; they’ll take and take, but never give; they’ll create and escalate drama; they’ll take the spotlight from you (and others) and put it back on themselves…and on.

In other words, their actions and words do not remotely demonstrate what a friend is and should be.

Why “breaking up” from toxic friendships can be hard.

Remember the quote defining one aspect of friendship: “…the ability to understand the feelings and intentions of others”?

Well, ironically, this virtuous quality dwelling within the majority of us can make it difficult to “end it” with those that lack such a mindset. Regardless of the toxic person’s tasteless actions, behaviors and words, some of us find it hard to “confront” such a person in fear of hurting them.

Why it’s not necessary to “break up.”

Assuming that the toxic person’s offense was not so egregious as to confront and end it then and there, we can choose instead to divert and revert our energy towards others.

toxic friendships

Among one of their many negative traits, toxic people can quickly diminish our energy levels. Toxic people do this in one of two ways: through your interactions with them or your anticipatory response to anything they may throw at you in the future. “What will I do if he/she does this/that?,” “How can I act in a way that doesn’t hurt them?” These are all questions that victims of toxic friendships often ask themselves.”

Related article: 5 Types of Toxic People You Never Want In Life

Well, we’re here to tell you that this expenditure of energy is unnecessary. Instead of depleting your finite energy reserves, make a conscious decision to spend more time with those that lift you up.

Forget the common perception that a “line must be drawn” if you do not wish to attempt such (although you may if desired.) Make a conscious choice to reduce your energy on a toxic person, and spend it on a great person or friend who exudes the qualities that you want in a companion.

Spend time and energy with people that make you feel better!

Johnson, T. D. (2011, March 01). Healthy relationships lead to better lives. Retrieved February 13, 2017, from
Vrticka, P. (2013, September 16). Evolution of the ‘Social Brain’ in Humans: What Are the Benefits and Costs of Belonging to a Social Species? Retrieved February 13, 2017, from
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