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10 Regrets You Don’t Want In 10 Years

Growing up, we don’t think much about how our lives will play out. We don’t have to think about the future because we only care about living for today. We don’t have to worry about money because we don’t have to earn it. We don’t care about anything except the present moment, because we have not learned about regrets. And we haven’t yet known the horrors and atrocities of the world. All we care about is having fun with friends, watching our favorite TV shows, and digging up earthworms. Ah, those carefree days – it’s fun to reminisce from time to time, right?

We all want to turn back the hands of time sometimes, back to those days where nothing mattered. However, how about living a life where we don’t have the constant urge to be elsewhere? How about living for today so that we don’t have regrets later on? Simple ideas, in theory, we know, but hard to actually practice.

Well, we believe in taking baby steps to get where you need to be. If you don’t like your life now, you can always change it. If you looked back on your life as it is 10 years from now, would you like what you see?

If not, we’ve come up with this simple list of things you might regret 10 years from now, if you continue living the life you do now. This article isn’t meant to make you feel bad about your life, but rather, to make the changes necessary so you won’t have to live with the burden of regrets later on.

10 Regrets You Don’t Want In 10 Years


1. Not following your dreams.

According to Bronnie Ware, a palliative nurse from Australia, many of her dying patients listed this as their biggest regret. Ware took care of patients in their last three to twelve weeks of life, and heard many stories and confessions from them all. While she said that all of them found peace before their death, listening to their regrets moved her so much that she actually wrote a bestselling novel about it called “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying.”

In the book, she said many of her patients had not honored even half of the dreams they wanted to fulfill, and this caused them to have major regrets before the end of their life. They wanted so badly to knock other things off their bucket list, but they had to die knowing they still had dreams.

10 years from now, do you want to look back and realize that you didn’t work toward your goals? Do you want to look back and see all the time that you wasted wondering if you were good enough to live the life you’ve always imagined? Well, here’s the secret – you can live that life NOW. Don’t want until you’re on your deathbed to think about your dreams; live them now, no matter what you have to do to achieve them. Even if you fail, at least you will have tried rather than giving up before you even started.

2. Working too hard.

Ware said that this regret came in at number two, based on the frequency that she heard it. Unfortunately, many people already work too hard even as teenagers. We’ve been spoonfed a bunch of lies about what will truly make us happy, and based on the declining mental health of much of the world, the answer clearly doesn’t lie in how much money we make or how hard we work. What’s the point of it all, really, other than to line the pockets of the wealthy and allow us to pay our bills? At the end of our lives, we won’t care about how much money we have or what we achieved. We’ll remember the human connections we made, or didn’t make.

We’ll think about the memories we made with loved ones and all of the beautiful people we crossed paths with during our time here. Sure, we all have to make money to survive, but don’t work so much that you forget to build a life outside of your job.

3. Not saying what you truly mean.

Coming in at third on Ware’s list, the patients also regretted holding back their feelings. This really doesn’t benefit anyone in the end, because you’ll end up with repressed emotions that will haunt you until the day you die. The person your emotions are directed toward will not know how you truly feel, and will be left in the dark about any issues you have with them. Lying or covering up with truth does no good for anyone, so say what you mean and mean what you say. Not everyone will like it, but at least you can fall asleep at night knowing you live your truth each day and don’t try to sugarcoat it for anyone.

4. Not staying in touch with friends.

People at the end of their lives also regretted losing touch with friends. In 10 years, will you regret not calling up that friend from high school that you wonder about every day? Will you regret not reaching out to the person in your yoga class that you want to get to know better? Don’t let your fear or doubt control your decisions. Reach out to people and take a chance on a new friendship. Life’s too short to live it all in your head; we all require human connection, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there in order to make new friendships or recover an old one.

5. Not being happy.

We like to think that outside forces control our emotions, but the key to emotional control lies within us. We don’t choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we react to it. Life goes by so fast, so why spend it finding every little thing to complain about? Being happy costs nothing, keeps you healthier, makes life more fulfilling, attracts more positive relationships, and so on. So, unhappiness, then, actually costs MORE in the long run, and can even lead to serious illnesses. Our mental, emotional, and physical health relies on our perception, so if you want to start living a better life now, simply change how you look at things. You’ll discover you have more inner strength than you had ever imagined.

6. Caring too much about what others think.

As a society, we spend a lot of time thinking about what others think of us. However, this does absolutely nothing for our happiness or success whatsoever. What good comes out of fixating on the opinions of others? None. It only drives us insane and leaves us feeling insecure and depressed. So, stop with the madness. Live your truth, work on your life, and stop worrying so much about what everyone else might think. Chances are, they’re so busy with their own lives that they don’t even think twice about yours, anyway.

7. Worrying too much.

We spend A LOT of our lives worrying. No matter what role you play in this world, you have something to worry about. However, will you let this worry take over your life? Will you let the heaviness of the burden drag you down? Or, will you release these worries and realize that this world worries far too much?

At the end of your life, remember that the unpaid bills and debts, what other people think of you, how much money you have, and everything else we worry about won’t really matter. The fleeting nature of life should cause us to shed our worries immediately, but unfortunately, we don’t feel how quickly life goes by until we wake up one day as a 75 year old. Then, we begin to see how small our worries are. But, why not choose to awaken to this truth NOW? Remember: don’t be a worrier; be a warrior!

8. Not taking care of your health.

Everyone likes to think they’re invincible, until they’re not. When we’re younger, it’s easy to think we’ll live forever. It’s easy to think that we can stay up late, eat whatever we want, drink away our weekends, and still think we’ll live to 100. Well, hate to break it to you, but all those decisions will catch up with you someday. Maybe not in 10, 20, or even 30 years, but eventually. So many health problems we face today can be prevented if we just take care of ourselves and honor our minds and bodies, so please give yourself the gift of good health. You won’t regret it later on.


9. Taking life for granted.

Most people take their lives for granted, even though so many little things we experience each day are miracles in their own right. The bees that pollinate the foods we eat, the plants that provide us with nourishment, the air we breathe that gives us oxygen, the water we drink that keeps us hydrated, the sun that shines down on us and gives us life – we should appreciate all of it. Even if you don’t have much in life, you could at least say your thanks for having the basics that the universe provides you with.

Related article: 25 Things You’ll Never Regret Doing

Have an attitude of gratitude, and it will come back to you tenfold.

10. Not living in the moment.

More than anything else, it seems most of us have issues with living in the NOW. We reminisce on the past and wish we could bring it back, or we long for a future that hasn’t happened yet. Either way, we live out of alignment with the present, which means that we’re NEVER truly experiencing life. We’re experiencing moments in our memory, or moments in our imagination. We aren’t experiencing the raw moments, the moments unfolding right before our eyes.

Related article: 5 Ways to Live Without Regrets

If anything, remember that one day, you won’t have any more present moments left to experience. You won’t have road trips to go on, or mountains to climb, or children to kiss goodnight, or a partner to cuddle with. You will have your memories, serving as a reality check. Did you live your dreams, take chances, and say your thanks for every day you awoke? Or, did you file your dreams away in the “Someday” folder, play it safe, and sweat the small stuff?

Above everything else, remember that you and only you have the power to change your life and make it one worth living. It takes hard work, determination, and digging deep in order to live a truly happy, fulfilling life, but at the end of the day, the effort we put in determines the results we get.

If you want to live a life you won’t regret in 10 years, it all starts with what you’re willing to do to make sure that doesn’t happen. You hold the key already, but it’s up to you to find the door.

How to Make Calming Hot Chocolate to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Most of us try to limit our consumption of chocolate, but did you know that certain chocolates can actually benefit your health? Of course, processed forms of chocolate, such as candy bars, can negatively impact your health, so we don’t recommend the things you’ll find in the checkout lines at the stores. If you want to relieve stress and anxiety in your life, however, hot chocolate made with high-quality ingredients, such as fresh cacao, can do wonders for your well-being.

Plus, winter is in full swing in most parts of the country, so why not make a nice piping cup of hot chocolate to warm your soul on those bitterly cold nights? We’ll talk more about how to make the hot chocolate below, and what sort of benefits you can expect from it.

How to Make Calming Hot Chocolate to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Even though most hot chocolate contains unhealthy, hidden ingredients, you won’t have to worry about that with this nutrient-packed beverage. You also won’t have to deal with insulin spikes from added sugars, which most packaged hot chocolate will have if you look at the back of the box. Plus, the warming effects of drinking the hot chocolate will help you relax you before you call it a night.

The drink contains healthy fats to stabilize your blood sugar, which will help keep anxiety and insomnia at bay. In addition to providing a source of healthy fats, the raw cacao in the recipe contains magnesium, which helps to induce relaxation. Not to mention, many people lack this vitally important mineral, and not many would object to getting their magnesium in such a delicious way! Plus, the spices, a blend of cardamom, cinnamon, and nutmeg, have anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce anxiety and stress while adding a lot of flavor to your nighttime beverage.

Also, let’s not forget the countless studies that definitively link dark chocolate consumption with lower stress levels and higher feelings of happiness. In fact, one study found that daily consumption of 40g of dark and/or milk chocolate reduced feelings of stress in females. The response of the adrenal gland, which produces cortisol, was much less, and the researchers concluded that the consumption of dark chocolate helped to buffer the brain’s response to stress.

Without further ado, let’s go over exactly how to make your calming cup of hot cocoa for yourself.


  • 1 cup almond milk (or whatever type of milk you prefer)
  • 1 tablespoon cacao
  • One teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ghee (or whatever kind of butter you’d like)
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • Pinch of nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon cardamom
  • 1 tablespoon collagen
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Related article: How To Hypnotize Yourself in 15 Minutes for Stress and Anxiety Relief

Preparation of the hot chocolate

The only part of the recipe that requires heating is the almond milk, so pour it into a pot and heat until boiling. Then, stir in all other ingredients, pour in a mug, and enjoy!

chocolate cake

Experts explain the healthful benefits of eating chocolate cake for breakfast.

If you try out this recipe, let us know how you like it in the comments below!

11 Things Strong Women Do Differently

When you come across a strong woman, you’ll know it the moment she enters the room. Strong women give off a vibe of self-confidence that anyone could spot from a mile away, and she tackles any situation she faces head-on. She might stumble and fall along the path to success, but she never gives up. A strong woman perseveres through the storms life tosses at her, and doesn’t allow a little rain to take away her sunshine. She knows what she wants in life, goes after it, and doesn’t depend on anyone else for what she wants. She stands out because she doesn’t need attention or validation from anyone. Her self-confidence, drive, and ambition come from within, and she’s certainly a force to be reckoned with.

Strong Women Do These Eleven Things Different From Others

Do these sound like any women in your life?

1. She takes some time for self-care.

One of the less obvious keys to success is self-love and self-care because, without those, a successful woman knows she’s already up a creek without a paddle. Successful, strong women know that they can’t possibly reach their goals if they don’t take care of the person in the mirror first. You cannot get from Point A to Point B if you don’t nurture yourself along the journey, and take time out for #1.

strong women

2. She’s not afraid to stand on her own.

A strong woman does not need anyone standing in front, behind, or beside her to get things done. They set their goals, figure out how to achieve them, and then get after it. Simple as that. A strong, successful woman learned a long time ago that no one would come along to save her, so she saved herself. She fights battles, tames dragons, and walks through the fire by herself, without anyone holding her hand. This makes her virtually unstoppable, and she knows it.

3. Strong women do not make excuses.

No matter her life circumstances, she rises with the tides and does whatever she needs to in order to make it to shore. She doesn’t let her mind get in the way of her success, because she knows that she’s more than capable of achieving what she wants. “Mind over matter” is one of her favorite life mottoes, and she certainly lives by it.

Excuses get in the way of results, and a strong woman knows she can’t have both. So, she recognizes that she is her only limit, and in realizing this, she knows that her true power lies in her mindset.

4. She doesn’t waste time complaining.

You can either complain and let yourself be a victim, or you can rise above your challenges and be a warrior. Obviously, she chooses the latter. Although she might get angry or frustrated about something, she doesn’t let it hold her down for too long. She simply gets back up, tries again, and refuses to let petty life problems get in her way.

Complaining only drains her energy, so she chooses to put that energy into something useful and create something out of nothing. She builds castles out of dust because she chooses to make the best of each situation and work with what she’s got.

5. She continually challenges herself.

Complacency is pretty much equal to death in her world, because when you get too comfortable, you stop growing. When you stop growing, you become stagnant, lazy, bored, and depressed. So, to combat these negative feelings, a strong, successful woman will always have goals to tackle. She’ll always have some sort of project or activity going on to keep her mind busy, even if that just means reading one of her favorite books. Whether working on a new business or simply learning a new recipe, a strong woman always challenges herself to try new things and expand her knowledge and skillsets.

6. Strong women stay on top of finances.

Sure, all of us go through hard times in life, and we may even have to start over from scratch at some point. However, a strong, successful woman will do everything she can to stay on top of her money. She’ll cut out absolutely anything unnecessary in order to keep more cash in her pocket, and she won’t buy anything unless she really needs it. She puts that extra money into her dreams, knowing it will pay off in the end.

7. She keeps an open mind and loves to learn.

While strong women tend to have strong opinions and beliefs about things, they also keep an open mind and learn from others. Strong women treat life as a school and know that none of us ever really graduate. Change is inevitable in life, so we must rise to the occasion and use new skills and knowledge constantly if we want to survive. Strong women love to learn new ideas and ways of tackling issues. They are natural problem-solvers and will bury their heads in books and sit in the front row of class to learn all they can to become the best version of themselves.

8. She works to improve all facets of her life, not just her job.

Strong, successful women know that there’s much more to life than just working to bring home a paycheck. If you’re financially wealthy but physically sick, what good does that do for you and your family? Exactly. A strong woman knows she must take time to work on other things in her life besides just her job. So, she makes time for her family and friends, exercises regularly, eats healthy, engages in activities that make her happy and fulfilled, and does whatever she needs to do to be a whole person. She lets her job work her for; not the other way around.

9. She helps everyone around her.

Another facet to success that most people don’t think about is lifting others up around you. After all, what good is a win if you don’t have a team to help you celebrate? Strong women know that there’s more to life than just focusing on themselves, so she gives back to others and hopes that they, too, can reach success in their own lives.

The happiest, strongest people don’t just look out for others and want the best for themselves; they want everyone to get their own slice of the pie, too. No one can reach the top of the pedestal alone, and strong women know that people who work together are more likely to succeed. So, she encourages everyone around her, and may even partner up with some of them in order to achieve her dreams.

10. She manages her time wisely.

The phrase “time is money” still applies today. If you aren’t willing to go out there and make money somehow, someone else will. If you have an idea but don’t act on it, someone else will. Therefore, a strong woman has her priorities straight; she doesn’t waste hours scrolling through endless posts on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, she doesn’t binge-watch entire seasons on Netflix, and doesn’t allow herself to get caught up in the petty drama. She allows herself to have downtime, of course, to catch up on shows and social media, but she doesn’t allow them to overtake her life.

“Work first, play later” is a mantra she lives by so that she spends time on the most important things first. She allows time for work and writes down her goals for the day. Then, when she attends to her responsibilities, she takes time for herself. She finds balance in life through managing her time so that mental burnout doesn’t happen.

11. Strong women know how to take risks.

A strong woman knows she must sometimes play on the wild side to get anywhere in life. She knows that without risks, she won’t be able to achieve her goals. However, she takes calculated risks, weighing the options and knowing which steps to take to ensure her success. She doesn’t put all her eggs in one basket, instead prefers to put her assets into several endeavors so that if one fails, she can still pursue the others.

She works smarter, not harder so that her work can actually pay off without leaving her exhausted and lacking resources to continue on her path to success.


8 Things Mentally Healthy People Do Differently

Most times when we hear something, anything, being discussed about mental health, the context is usually negative. For example, we hear news anchors describe a violent act committed by someone with “mental health issues.” Less frequently discussed are the positive aspects of mental health – something that we’d like to focus on today. We believe this to be important, as research shows a steady increase in the proliferation of mental health problems.

More specifically, we discuss how mentally healthy people think.

The rationale for this article is to provide a common set of psychological traits in “mentally healthy” people; traits which can then be used as a sort-of “benchmark” for gaining potential insight into our own mental health.

First, three important side notes: (1) nobody is perfectly healthy, neither physically or mentally, (2) this piece is written for entertainment purposes, and (3) should you believe that you suffer from a psychological disorder, it is recommended to seek out help or talk to someone.

“Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is importance at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.” – U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Here are eight things mentally healthy people do differently:

1. They have a positive social circle

Steven Joyal, M.D., and vice president of scientific affairs and medical development at a non-profit mental health research institute, states: “The idea that social interaction is important to mental and physical health has been hinted at and studied for years.”

A meta-study by Brigham Young University analyzed 148 studies of over 300,000 subjects. They sought to learn if a positive social circle has a direct effect on mortality. Researchers concluded that this positive correlation is a direct reflection of the intangible benefits of an active social circle – namely, a circle that counteracts stress through comfort and companionship.

2. They are proactive, rather than reactive

The inclination to consistently improve oneself, as opposed to simply reacting to environmental stimuli, connects to mental health directly. Having a proactive mindset displays self-awareness and a willingness to work towards a long-term goal.

In short, a proactive mindset manifests into a positive mind state, while a reactive mindset demonstrates a lack of self-control. Furthermore, this trait that often evolves into problems with mental health.

3. They care for their body

Understanding that one’s body directly connects to one’s mind is a vital piece of knowledge. A physically active lifestyle is an ubiquitous tendency among those with a healthy state of mind.

Combining a physically active lifestyle with healthy dietary habits is a clear indication that one is mentally healthy. Those that lack either are more prone to mental health issues.

4. They possess good emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is simply the ability to understand emotions and their subsequent impacts on mind and body. Capably interpreting what’s going on inside your mind and body subsequently enables you to do something about them.

5. They are self-guided and productive

Being able to guide yourself in a positive way is a surefire sign of mental health. People with mental health problems are often a “victim” of their circumstances. In contrast, mentally healthy people are able to understand their situation and make something positive happen.

So set goals and make them a part of  your daily life, You’ll grow more disciplined and mentally-healthy. Giving way to instant gratification and/or always feeling lethargic may indicate a problem.

6. They’re in control of their behavior

The rare ability to resist most temptations and negative impulses is a sign of mental health. Why? Because to do so requires self-knowledge, resilience, and willpower; three attributes commonly absent within those with a mental health problem.

Furthermore, you’re able to consistently adhere to a positive routine. This is important, as a positive routine is often an indication of a positive state of mind.

7. They accept themselves for who they are

Sadly, many people with a negative self-image often succumb to conditions such as anxiety and depression. Having a positive (not necessarily a “high”) sense of self-worth often indicates a healthy state of mind.

It’s important to understand that we all have things we wish to improve upon. The difference lies in the reaction to such desires. Mentally healthy people will devise a plan, whilst those not so healthy will remain in a static state of mind.

Which leads us to the final item on this list…

8. They have excellent self-realization skills

The current “situation,” whether good or bad, great or terrible, is more astutely interpreted in those with a healthy state of mind. It’s not altogether more uncommon for a mentally healthy person to find themselves in a bad scenario; they just recognize it sooner and take the appropriate, more productive actions.

Those in a negative state of mind – be it “mentally ill” or whatever – are less likely to realize the adverse situation and do something about it.

11 Sentences That Will Change Your Child’s Life

In our modern world, parents have more challenges than ever before in raising children. Money troubles, the strain of work, too many responsibilities, no downtime, and other factors can be huge obstacles in caring for and raising a child. Plus, many parents are still trying to grow up themselves, thus having to raise children while still raising themselves. It can challenge parents to know the right words or sentences to explain the world.

Parenting has certainly changed with the times, but the values we should instill in our children remain the same. Imagine how different the world would be if all children learned humility, grace, kindness, compassion, generosity, patience, respect, and acceptance of all.

With that said, no matter how much time you spend with your children, taking time to instill these vitally important values in them will allow them to flourish into healthy, happy, respectable adults.

Here are 11 sentences that will change your child’s life:

If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money.” – Abigail Van Buren 


1. “Always give what you can.”

Unfortunately in our world today, we’ve been brainwashed into thinking that looking out for #1 will bring us happiness. We’ve been taught to treat ourselves to the latest phones and other gadgets because corporations tell us we deserve them. However, if we all grow up learning the opposite – to give as much as we can to others without asking for anything in return – we would almost certainly have a kinder, healthier world.

Teach your children that giving is much more important and valuable than receiving because seeing a smile on someone’s face after you help them out brings greater rewards than a new item ever will. This is one of the most positive sentences you can say to your little ones.

2. “Appreciate the little things in life.”

At the end of the day, it’s the little things that will truly fill your children with love and joy, not the big things. The butterfly flitting past them on a walk through the forest, the trips you go on together, the sight of the sun coming up above the horizon before the world begins to awaken – those are the things they’ll remember.

Teach your children what really matters from a young age, and they will remember this for the rest of their life. They won’t be conditioned to chase the wrong things for acceptance or happiness, and will always take time out of their day to simply appreciate being alive.

3. “Don’t ever settle.”

So many people settle in life, either thinking they don’t deserve better, or they simply get tired of searching. If your soul doesn’t truly feel happy, however, then you can always do better for yourself. Settling in life leads to long-term feelings of apathy, complacency, and depression, and no deserves to feel that way, especially your own flesh and blood.

Teach your children to go after what they want in life, and to never give up. Teach them to go after whatever makes them happy, even if it doesn’t make sense to other people. As long as they find fulfillment and love the life they live, they will not end up settling for less.

4. “Be grateful every single day.”

No matter what you’re facing in life, if you have a roof over your head, water to drink, clothes on your back, some food on the table, and loving people around you, you’re doing better than you think. We need to remind our children of this simple fact of life, because our modern culture teaches us that we are lacking if we don’t have all the latest “essentials.”

Teach your children to remain grateful for all the blessings bestowed upon them, and to not desire anything outside of what they truly need. After all, Buddha said it best: “Desire is the root of all suffering.”

5. “Kindness is the greatest gift you can give.”

Kindness doesn’t cost a penny, yet has great value when given in a selfless manner. If we taught our children to love all, serve all, and don’t expect anything in return, they would grow up to change the world by simply living in congruence with their values.

Teach your children to offer kindness to everyone they meet, even if it’s just returning a smile, helping someone put groceries in their car, or even holding the door open for them. Teach them to remain present in the real world happening around them, because people need help every day, and they can offer it if they keep their hearts open.

6. “Treat everyone with respect, even if you don’t agree with them.”

If we look back in history, so many disagreements, battles, and all out wars have happened due to a difference in opinion and lack of ability to find common ground. Imagine how much suffering we could prevent if we all treated each other with respect, regardless of if we agree on every little thing.

Teach your children these sentences. They will learn to treat everyone they meet with dignity, compassion, and respect, even if they don’t have anything in common with them. Remember, you can give love to others without first taking the time to wonder if they’re worthy of it.

7. “Follow your heart, always.”

This world can pull you in so many different directions that you can’t even think straight, but the truest compass lies within yourself. If you aren’t following your heart, then you are fighting a battle with your own soul, and the only way to win is to give in. Give in to your deepest desires and what awakens the parts of yourself that have been asleep for years, because that’s the only real way to feel alive.

Teach your children that, regardless of what the world may try to tell them, only they know the real answers. Teach them to look within instead of searching outside themselves for the right path, because their heart will guide the way for them in the end.

8. “Don’t let other people steal your joy.”

There are many “mini-lessons” within this one sentence, as we can interpret it in a few different ways. First, teach your children that caring what other people think is a mental prison they will be stuck in the rest of their lives if they don’t learn to free themselves. How do they escape? Of course, by staying true to themselves regardless of how others may perceive them. Teach them that their own opinion of themselves matters much more than others who don’t know their story.

Secondly, teach them that they are only responsible for their own feelings and emotions, and not to let other people drag them into their own misery. They can’t control situations, but they can take charge of how they react to them.

9. “What you think, you become.”

Another insightful lesson from the Buddha himself, this knowledge still applies today. Whatever you think about comes about, so teach your children to be mindful of their thoughts and try to look at things in an optimistic way. Negativity drains their energy, while positivity adds to it. Teach them to look on the bright side of things, and life won’t seem nearly as challenging.

10. “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.”

This is perhaps one of the most important things you can say to your children before they start growing up and allowing fear to paralyze them. While we should be aware of our surroundings and act with reason, we can’t spend our whole lives in absolute fear of everything around us. We must step outside of our bubble and allow life to happen to us if we ever want to learn and grow. Sure, we might stumble, fall, and run into failures, but that’s inevitable in life.

Teach your children to see opportunities when one door closes, because that just means that wasn’t the right door for them, anyway. Teach them that mistakes are a healthy part of being human, and as long as you learn from them, that’s all that matters in the end.

11. “Treat your environment as your home.”

In these times, this lesson is more important than ever before. If you look around at all the destruction on our planet, it’s largely due to our wasteful practices and mismanagement of resources. You might not realize it, but what we teach our children now will directly impact the future of this planet, so in a sense, you have a responsibility in making sure they have a planet to inhabit. Ask your children, “Would you want to come home to a house full of trash, pollution, and downright mess?” They would probably say no. So, teach them to treat the Earth as their home; pick up trash, only take what they need, and treat the Earth with the kindness and respect she deserves.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs Of A Caffeine Overdose

“Although it’s entirely legal, caffeine found naturally in coffee, and other common drinks is a stimulant drug…It elevates your heart rate, increases alertness, and changes the way your brain and body work in a number of different ways – some that are beneficial but others that might be dangerous.” – Dr. Josh Axe

There’s no question that caffeine – in moderate amounts – can bring certain advantages. The reason that most consume caffeine is simple: it provides a nice energy boost. That said, caffeinated drinks – energy drinks, tea, coffee and others – actually contain several biological compounds that intricately interact many of the body’s physiological mechanisms. According to the Mayo Clinic, the (maximum) recommended amount of caffeine for healthy adults is 400 milligrams (mg). This amount is far less for adolescents, who should consume no more than 100 mg in a day. Of course, the state of one’s health can affect how much, if any, caffeine should be consumed.

As a reference, here are some commonly consumed beverages and their respective caffeine amounts:

Black Coffee (12 oz.): 260 mg

Black tea (8 oz.): 30-80 mg

Red Bull (8.3 oz.): 80 mg

Soda (12 oz.) 30-70 mg

And others…

Dark Chocolate (1.45 oz.): 20 mg

Excedrin Tablet (1 tablet): 65 mg

NoDoz Tablet (1 tablet): 200 mg

What is a Caffeine Overdose?

Caffeine overdose occurs “when someone takes in more than a normal or recommended amount.” These amounts, as mentioned, are 400 mg for a healthy adult and 100 mg for an adolescent. Children, for obvious reasons, should not consume any caffeine.

As stated, moderate amounts of caffeine are not typically dangerous – and can be beneficial to us. However, excessive levels of caffeine in the body can be harmful. This can be explained by caffeine’s effect on the body.


– Raises blood pressure

– Affects the Central Nervous System (CNS)

– Alters hormonal balance

– Affects blood sugar levels

– And many others ( lists 17 specific effects of caffeine on the body)


As with many acute conditions, the associated symptoms of a caffeine overdose can range from minimal (barely noticeable) to severe (even fatal). In most cases, after caffeine is excreted from the body, the symptoms will naturally dissipate.

Most people understand their tolerance for caffeine, which mitigates most cases of caffeine overdose. That said, we’ll discuss five of the more common symptoms of caffeine overdose, along with some other relative information.

5 Symptoms of Caffeine Overdose

1. Irregular heartbeat and palpitations

Unsurprisingly, as caffeine is a CNS stimulant, one of the first things it does is increase blood pressure. According to, “If you have irregular heart rhythms, caffeine may make your heart work harder…ask your doctor if caffeine is safe for you.”

Caffeine’s effect on the cardiovascular system correlates with the amount of caffeine ingested. Overdoing on the substance, in rare instances, can “cause death due to convulsions or irregular heartbeat.”

2. Increased Thirst

Counterintuitive as it may sound, caffeinated drinks can ultimately increase thirst. In the case of a caffeine overdose, this symptom can manifest into dehydration – a potentially dangerous (even fatal) condition.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that consumption of caffeinated drinks does not sufficiently meet your body’s need for fluids. “Drinks with caffeine do not help meet your water requirements,” as they increase output (frequent urination – another symptom of over-caffeination). 

3. Headache

The correlation between caffeine intake and headache occurrence is hard to explain. However, all of a sudden consumption of caffeine beyond tolerated levels can increase pressure, which can result in a headache.

Also, suddenly stopping or reducing caffeine intake can cause headaches. Ironically, many of the over-the-counter (OTC) headache remedies (e.g. Excedrin) and prescription drugs for eliminating headaches contain caffeine.

4. Feeling “The Jitters.”

Caffeine reaches the brain very quickly, acting as a CNS stimulant. One of the first sensations caffeine creates is an increased sense of alertness. In excess, however, this benefit can manifest into an unwelcome case of the “the jitters.”

“The jitters” is basically a sense of nervousness and uneasiness. We may subtly shake and feel on edge until the effects wear off.

5. Nausea, Diarrhea, and/or Vomiting

Ingesting caffeine will increase the levels of stomach acid; this typically will create a heartburn sensation or upset stomach. In most cases, this is a simple and subtle symptom that dissipates as the stimulant regresses in the body.

However, physical withdrawal from caffeine can induce other gastrointestinal (GI) problems, including nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea can occur both during a caffeine overdose and the period of withdrawal.

Treatment of Caffeine Overdose

Just ingesting “too much” caffeine does not necessarily indicate the need for medical intervention. Many of us have had one-too-many cups of coffee and just “waited it out.” Drinking water, light exercise, and eating foods high in magnesium or potassium, can help minimize many less severe symptoms.

Related article: These Things Happen To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Coffee For 7 Days

In the event that any of the above-mentioned (and other) symptoms become severe, it is wise to seek medical care. The attending physician may perform one or more of the following:

– Prescribe charcoal: this prevents the drug from entering the GI tract.

– Prescribe a laxative: induces methods of excreting caffeine from the body.

– Administer a gastric lavage: insertion of a tube to flush caffeine out of the stomach.

Heart rate may also be monitored via an electrocardiogram (EKG). Breathing support may be administered, if necessary.

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