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10 Toxic Habits You Need to Avoid

For our long-term happiness and success, it is essential that we possess enough self-awareness to know when our actions are negatively affecting our lives. Toxic behavior, if repeated frequently enough, can cause irreparable damage to our life. Besides adversely affecting our lives, toxic habits or behaviors can harm innocent people, including those that love and care for us. We must possess the willpower and fortitude to self-correct these toxic behaviors before further damage is done.

Behaviors and habits of a toxic nature, as you will soon notice, are often of the self-inflicted variety. The positive aspect of all of this is that we have the awareness to understand this harmful behavior. As such, we have the opportunity to do something about them. Here we discuss 10 commonly experienced, toxic habits that you need to avoid (or fix). Doing so will bring more meaningfulness to your life, all while dropping the extra “stress baggage” we’ve been carrying around.

Here are 10 toxic habits that you need to avoid:

“If they do it often, it isn’t a mistake; it’s just their behavior.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli

1. Being envious of others

Being envious of another person robs us of our ability to practice gratitude (i.e. “counting your blessings). Not only is this an immature mindset, but it is also an unnecessary and unproductive one.

Some of us take the word “competitiveness” to a whole other dynamic. It is okay (even beneficial) to be competitive in the right environment. Envying others – in any way, shape, or form – without taking action to better our current circumstances is a personal weakness.

2. Lacking self-control

Buddha once said “The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” When our minds lack self-control, it can be adversely affected in any number of ways.

When we lack emotional self-control, we’ll almost certainly lash out at others who don’t deserve it. When we lack mental self-control, we’ll easily give way to impulses no matter how harmful.

3. Playing the “victim.”

Constant complaining often manifests into a sense of victimization. This victimized outlook can wreak havoc in various areas of life: work, relationships, and the concept of self, among them.

When we make an effort to stop the complaints while refusing to view ourselves as a victim of circumstance, we regain a sense of power. With this power, we realize our innate ability to overcome any situation.

4. Not letting go of pain or loss

Letting go – of any kind of emotion or loss – is among life’s hardest lessons. Though letting go of anything can be tough; it is often the healthiest way forward, as we slowly release negative thoughts and emotions that we’ve held onto tightly for so long.

5. Obsessive negative thinking

A continuously pessimistic mindset is highly toxic in nature. It clouds our judgment, pushes others away, and neutralizes much of the joy one should otherwise experience in life.

We must do whatever is necessary to rid ourselves of this type of mindset. Meditate, practice moment-to-moment mindfulness, or make a daily gratitude list.

6. Taking things too personally

The simple fact is that we live in a world that is often cruel and unforgiving. Here’s a truth that’s somehow eluded most of us: what others say and do about/to us is an accurate reflection upon them, not us.

People take things too personally to a toxic level. This happens when they believe others are in “attack mode,” and they’re the target.

Which brings us to…

7. Being judgmental (one of the worst of the toxic habits)

Thinking superficially judgmental thoughts, about anyone, is always a toxic behavior. These thoughts are often unsubstantiated and are almost always an indication of a problem within ourselves. Furthermore, being judgmental drains energy and invokes negative thought patterns.

8. Being cruel to anyone or anything

Cruelty is one of the biggest problems that humanity faces. When humans are cruel, we demonstrate a lack of empathy, respect, and compassion for others. As with many other items on this list, displaying cruel behavior is usually a manifestation of one’s own inner conflicts.

For ourselves, should we discover that we’re acting harsh – in any way, shape or form – we need to “pump the brakes” and regain our sense of compassion. This often means taking a few deep breaths or walking away from the situation.

9. Acting immorally because you can get away with it

Call it cheating, deception, or dishonesty; acting in any way immoral knowing you can get away with it is a toxic behavior. In almost every circumstance, when one chooses to act immorally, another person is susceptible to being hurt.

We all face temptations to which we either deny or give in to. It is up to us to act honestly and with good intentions.

10. Creating a false persona

When we make an attempt to hide part or all of our true selves, we engage in deception. To compensate for any perceived flaws, many people will create a false persona (or “alter ego”).

The problem is that this false portrayal threatens our relationships and further disconnects us from who we truly are. If one is “found out,” they will quickly find themselves on an island.

Every human being has things they want to improve – and such desires and good habits are often admirable.

We needn’t “replace” ourselves. We just need to work on ourselves to the best of our ability.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

FBI Reveals 10 Ways To Get What You Want

Regardless of one’s political stance, there is no denying the FBI’s efficient use of tactical knowledge in counteracting foreign or domestic threats. Aside from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the FBI is second-to-none in its use of deciphering and analyzing intelligence input in its efforts to safeguard the American public. Counterintelligence, the act of “(protecting) against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations…on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons on international terrorist activities” is among the FBI’s many specialties.

In this respect, who better to learn the art of persuasion than from the finest minds within the FBI? Persuasive techniques are utilized in everyday life – from selling a new widget, to the interrogation of those that threaten a nation’s safety.

While reading this article will not prepare you for a role in psychological warfare, the basic premises will improve your persuasive abilities; whether it’s settling down a raucous classroom, or persuading that tough customer to purchase your product.

There’s much to be covered here, so let’s get right down to business.

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, which simultaneously serves as the nation’s prime law enforcement agency. Operating under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI is concurrently a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community.” – Wikipedia

Here are 10 ways to improve your persuasive abilities (also known as “getting what you want):

1. Address people by name

Addressing someone by their name is a means of validation. The other person feels respected, and may even take on a sense of superiority. At the very least, remembering and saying someone else’s name is a sign of connectedness and respect.

The only caveat: don’t repeat their name so much that it becomes obvious (think of a pushy salesman that tries too hard).

2. Do not correct them (even if you’re right)

This one can be difficult, as it is human nature to prove ourselves right; which is particularly the case when we know we’re in the right. According to the FBI handbook, telling someone they’re wrong is counterproductive when attempting to persuade them. Value their ego – no matter how ill-conceived – and focus your listening skills entirely onto that person.

3. Act politely

Despite the “tough guy” persona often displayed on network television, persuasiveness works best when the person is demonstrably polite. Even the toughest bad guys will sense a nugget of respect, making them more likely to adhere to your motives.

4. Put on a smile

Think about the last time you were greeted by someone. It doesn’t matter if it was at your local Wal-Mart or some high-end electronics store. Did they put on a smile? If not, what were your initial thoughts?

The point is that smiling is among the most powerful actions to incite a sense of positivity and openness in others. Of course, this positive mix of emotions can lower someone else’s guard; making them more open to suggestion.

5. Reiterate what they say

Repeating what someone else says is a sign of active listening – a trait that is (unfortunately) not all-too-common in today’s world. FBI agents leverage this uncommon trait to obtain confessions, even from some of the toughest characters around.

6. Make a good first impression

Dress well. Groom thoroughly. Demonstrate the utmost care concerning your appearance. Why? Because first impressions matter more than any other interactions you may have with someone else.

Looking good and feeling confident almost assuredly leaves a rock-solid first impression. You seem professional – and, perhaps more importantly – are treated as a professional.

7. Compliment them

People love compliments, even the tough guys that the FBI must deal contend with on a daily basis. According to the FBI, any compliment or act must, at the very least, appear to be an act of sincerity. Although an effective persuasive tactic on nearly everyone, it’s particularly effective on individuals with high confidence and self-esteem, as it provides a comfortable blanket of reassurance.

8. Move your head

More specifically, tilt aside or lean your head towards the other person. This is a subtle sign of agreement; another way of displaying active listening. Naturally nodding your head in another method of displaying a sense of mutuality. When done correctly, this head movement can improve a sense of trust, (likely) opening up additional options than initially available.

Related article: 5 Ways to Instantly Feel More Confident

9. Forgo the urge to talk

“God gave us two ears and one mouth.” Regardless of personal beliefs, it carries a potent underlying lesson.

Simply put, talking more than someone else – particularly in a situation that requires the effective use of persuasion – demonstrates that what you have to say matters more than the other person.

FBI agents adhere to the 30-second rule; talking for 30 seconds maximum and using one or two straightforward sentences to get your point across.

10. Mimic their behavior

This last tactic is almost as old as psychology itself but is effective nonetheless. Regarding brain physiology, mimicking actions fire “mirror neurons” in the persuader’s brain. Forgoing complex neuropsychological explanation, this complex brain mechanism is one that creates a sense of mutual agreement and trust.

7 Signs Your Partner Is Your Best Friend

In a relationship, it takes extreme sacrifice, commitment, and unconditional love for one another to work. Above all else, it takes seeing your partner as your equal and not getting into a relationship to gain something from it. Many relationships fail for this reason, in fact – people tend to see a relationship as an escape route from loneliness, as a way to heal or fix themselves, or even as a means of financial security. In other words, most people get into relationships to gain something, not to give something. They want happiness and companionship but don’t consider providing this equally to their partner.

For a relationship to work long-term, both people need first to become friends – the best of friends. They need to get to know one another down to the core and enjoy life together. If you can look at your lover and partner as a friend, you have much better chances of sticking it out long-term.

Relationship and marriage expert Hellen Chen says that 85 percent of relationships end in a breakup, and fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. The numbers don’t look too promising, but this doesn’t mean your relationship will fail. You have to know how to make things work after the initial honeymoon phase passes.

So, if you want to know if your relationship can endure life’s endless pressures, you must ask yourself if you see your partner as a lover and a best friend.

Know These 7 Signs Your Partner Is Your Best Friend

Here are seven signs that your partner is indeed your best friend:

1. You laugh and joke around with him/her more than anyone else.

Sure, life can get in the way of our happiness sometimes. It can steal our joy, beat us down, and leave us to deal with all the broken pieces. However, your partner can pull you away from the seriousness of life for a little while. They know how to make you laugh when you don’t even feel like smiling, and you suddenly forget about all those petty problems that keep you up at night.

2. You can relax and have fun with your partner.

Your partner should make you feel comfortable in your skin and bring out that fun, the crazy side you didn’t even know you had. They care about your well-being and want to see you having a good time. They’re probably your best friend if you feel genuinely happy and carefree around your partner.

3. You can count on them to be there for you no matter what.

Undoubtedly, you can count on your lover to pick you up when life knocks you down and bruises your spirit. When you feel broken and don’t want to keep going, they will stand by your side and do whatever it takes to help you. They don’t leave you when you need them. You don’t feel like a burden to them because they care about you so deeply that they would cross oceans and fight off dragons for you. They would take a bullet for you, carry the emotional weight you’ve been dragging around for so long, and help you pick up the pieces to start over.

Best friends do this for us without question, and if you’ve found a lover you can count on in your life, then you have the best of both worlds, my friend.

4. You can feel comfortable doing absolutely nothing together.

You don’t need to go out of your way to impress your partner. Indeed, you can sit around and do nothing and not have to entertain or keep them occupied. You can ‘be’ together without relying on anything outside yourselves for enjoyment. Their company is enough for you, and vice versa.

5. You can argue with them, but not let it ruin your relationship.

Best friends sometimes argue but don’t let their differences tear them apart. You might hit a few roadblocks in your relationship, but you don’t let them become dead ends. You work through your problems instead of allowing them to end your relationship. Your partner works with you to find a middle ground instead of trying to win an argument to appease their ego.

6. You can talk to them for hours and not run out of things to say.

A conversation doesn’t feel forced with your best friends, and it doesn’t with your partner, either. Why? Because you consider your partner your best friend in the world, and you relate to them on every single level. You could stay up all night talking to them, and only the need for sleep would cause the conversation to end. You enjoy connecting with them and hearing what they say because you relate to them on a deep, soul level.

7. You bring them along to hang out with your friends.

You consider your partner a best friend, so they get to hang out with your friends. Although you have a romantic relationship with your partner, you can also hang out and have a good time with your pals without jealousy or possessiveness getting in the way. You have more fun with your partner around, so you want them to join you at least sometimes when you meet up with friends.

best friend

Final Thoughts on Your Partner as a Best Friend

If you have said ‘Yes’ to most of the points above while reading this article, your partner is your best friend, too!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Signs Someone Is Too Stressed (And Doesn’t Know It)

If you feel stressed, you certainly do not stand alone–the problem is ubiquitous in our fast-paced world.

Most of us accept that stress is a certainty in modern society. We understand that, as we go about our day, we’ll almost certainly encounter a trying situation. Many of us will have to contend with multiple challenges throughout the day. As we’ve discussed, some stress can be a good thing. It motivates us to get things done and is a powerful self-preservation agent. This aside, excessive stress levels experienced continuously can pose a serious threat to mental and physical health.

Of course, elevated stress levels are felt by the body. When in a state of panic, the brain will release adrenaline and cortisol (aka, “the stress hormone”) into the bloodstream. Under normal circumstances – and in the presence of a real threat – this hormonal response enables us to “(curb) functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight-or-flight situation.” In other words, we can proactively deal with the threat in such circumstances.

Overexposure to adrenaline and cortisol hormones, however, can adversely impact nearly every system within the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, overexposure to cortisol increases the risk of numerous health problems, including anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain, and memory and concentration impairment.

Eight Signs Someone Is Too Stressed

In this article, we discuss eight of the most common physical impacts. We’ll also provide tips on coping effectively with problems in our lives.

it will pass

1. Headaches happen when stressed

An article states that headaches are more likely to occur when facing intense pressure. Furthermore, stress is the number one cause of tension headaches. The most common type of headache, tension, can cause either mild or intense pain in the neck, head, and behind the eyes.

It can both create and exacerbate other types of headaches, including migraines.

2. Digestive problems

When the brain opens the hormone floodgates, the digestive system undergoes a kind of initial “shock.” Medical experts have uncovered an intricate connection between the brain and the digestive system, which helps to explain why stress can cause many digestive problems to surface. Chronic stress can also worsen certain conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

3. Frequent colds and infections

Stress causes our circulatory system to kick into overdrive (due to increased heart rate). This physiological effect can suppress the immune system in conjunction with a rise in blood pressure. Of course, this weakens the immune system’s ability to seek out and neutralize illness-causing bacteria and other agents.

4. Weight gain from being stressed

Although stress reactions are more commonly associated with weight gain, a minority of individuals experience fluctuating weight – and even weight loss. That said, elevated levels of cortisol “has been shown to up appetite, drive craving or “junk” food, and make it (easier) to accumulate belly fat.”

5. Stomach issues

As mentioned, stress reactions can throw the digestive system through a loop. Therefore, stomach problems are among the most commonly cited symptoms of those with high-stress levels. Nausea, indigestion, cramps, and aches are all potential stomach-related problems resulting from a stress reaction.

6. Fatigue

Emotional, mental, and physical stimuli can cause stress that interrupts our body’s normal functioning. The presence of stress increases pressure and tension levels within the body, making it more prone to fatigue and potentially manifesting into mental or physical exhaustion.

7. Chest pain or palpitations

Daily pressures create anxiety, and anxiety creates stress. This frustrating mental cycle can cause chest tightness and/or pain. Additionally, chest pains are often frightening experiences – and this reaction further exacerbates the stress/anxiety that is present.

Chronic stress is itself a risk factor for heart disease and heart attack. Recent research studies also link this response to the mechanisms for blood clotting, which can cause moderate to severe heart problems.

8. Loss of sex drive when stressed

For both men and women, the desire to engage in sexual intercourse can be hampered by a hectic life. The simple reason is that stress hijacks chemicals in the brain responsible for stimulating sex drive. Chronic stress can lead to problems in women’s ovulation and lower sperm count and fertility in men.


signs of being stressed

 Final Thoughts: A Few Easy-to-Follow Tips to Deal With Life When Stressed Out

While stress may be unavoidable, many ways exist to lessen its effect on our minds and bodies.

Here are a few of the best ways to counteract it include the following:

  • Writing for ten to fifteen minutes a day in a daily journal. This helps to organize our thoughts and may provide you some relief.
  • Talking to family, friends, or a professional about your feelings is a healthy way to relieve them.
  • Doing something enjoyable, such as a hobby, creative activity, or volunteer work.
  • Focusing on the present by practicing meditation and guided imagery.
  • Exercising regularly, is one of the best ways to manage this issue. Stretching can reduce muscle tension, a byproduct of elevated stress levels.
  • Practicing breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and yoga can help relieve the pressure.
  • Getting a massage, trying aromatherapy, or music therapy.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

If You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night, This May Be Why (According to Science)

If you wake up in the middle of the night is no big deal. We all do it from time to time. Is it annoying? Absolutely. We all need a quality 7 to 8 hours of shuteye. But your eyes popping open at midnight, 2 am, 3 am, etc. generally doesn’t indicate anything health-wise.

A few of us, however, seem to wake up at the same time, every night. Coincidence? Perhaps. After all, the brain often has a mind of its own, and counting “ticks and tocks” while setting its strange internal alarm isn’t beyond comprehension.

When we have an established routine, our brains will adapt and remind us of what needs to be done and when. This is a scientifically-proven fact.  It’s when our brain and body is all of a sudden thrown off course that we take notice. This includes an enigmatic sleep/wake cycle.

Chinese medical texts dating back to the 13th century observed circadian rhythms far before Western medicine. The main difference is its premise – that our internal energy (called chi or qi) moves throughout various body points at different times during the 24-hour circadian cycle.

Internal energy disruption at any point during the circadian cycle can manifest into emotional, mental, or physical health problems. This is a potential health issue, as each system within our body must be able to recover and regenerate.

Here, we focus on circadian theories as proposed by Chinese medicine. More specifically, the Traditional Chinese Organ Body Clock. We’ll discuss a few abnormal sleep patterns and the rationale for each.

If You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night, This May Be Why

“A circadian rhythm is any biological process that displays an (oscillation) of about 24 hours…These 24-hour rhythms are driven by a circadian clock, and they have been widely observed…”
Edgar, R. & al (2012)

1. Problems falling asleep between 9-11 PM

During this two hour window, arteries and blood vessels are highly active. Problems with either arteries or blood vessels can indicate a myriad of health issues. Problems with adrenal glands, metabolic function, immune system, or thyroid could be the underlying cause. Psychologically, elevated stress levels, confusion, or paranoia may also prevent you from falling asleep.

Solutions include meditation, deep breathing, or some other type of relaxation exercise.

2. You Wake between 11 PM and 1 AM

Most people with advanced knowledge of anatomy and physiology (e.g. internists) know that the gallbladder is most active at night; especially during this two-hour window. Between 11 PM and 1 AM, the gallbladder is actively breaking down any fats consumed during the day.

Psychologically, judgmental feelings towards self or others; a sense of resentment; and a lingering inability to forgive someone can trigger wakefulness during this time.

Solutions include a leaner diet, meditation, and the practice of acceptance and forgiveness – of both yourself and others.

3. Waking between 1 AM and 3 AM

Between the hours of 1 and 3 AM, the liver is busy flushing out any harmful toxins (read: Alcohol). Certain medications can also force the liver into overdrive, making it difficult to stay asleep. Nutrition and dietary habits are imperative as well.

Some say that this time correlates with underlying feelings of anger and guilt. When our mind and body experience the sensations that anger and guilt produce, it is very hard to stay asleep.

Solutions include a healthier diet (get rid of excess fats and simple carbs); reducing alcohol consumption, especially before bedtime, and practicing being mindful.

4. You wake between 3 AM and 5 AM

The lungs are busy distributing oxygen to other systems in preparation for the day ahead. Like the liver, the lungs also work to expel accumulated toxins. Individuals with lung problems are susceptible to coughing and wheezing during this window.

Feelings that may be involved include melancholy and grief. Depressive symptoms can also be triggered during this period.

Solutions include a healthier diet (consuming foods that promote lung health); quitting smoking, and finding a healthy outlet for any underlying feelings of grief, sadness or depression.

sleep deprivation study5. Waking between 5 and 7 AM

Between the hours of 5 and 7 in the morning, our intestines are in cleaning mode. Ever wonder why you head to the toilet first thing upon waking up? Well, there you go. Okay, and the fact that you haven’t “gone” in 8 hours – but, anyways…

It is during this window of time that our minds transition to “work mode.”  Feelings about one’s lack of progress or anxiety about the upcoming workday can trigger wakeful impulses.

Ensure you drink plenty of water, as this helps with intestinal cleansing. Make sure your nutritional priorities are in order, as well. As for the negative thoughts, practicing moment-to-moment mindfulness and gratefulness will help ease some of these worries.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

25 Ways to Find Happiness (Without Chasing It)

Everyone tells us to just “be happy,” but how can we attain happiness without faking it? We can’t always feel happy, as humans have complex, varying degrees of emotions. However, we can aim to feel happy more often, can’t we? Of course, anything less than that would prove detrimental to our mental, physical, and emotional heath.

Here are 25 ways to find happiness (without chasing it):

1. Be thankful

Pennsylvania University psychologist Dr. Martin E P Seligman experimented on 411 people by making them write about early memories every week, testing on positive psychological interventions. When the weekly assignment was to write and deliver by hand a letter of gratitude to someone who was not properly thanked for their kindness, subjects developed an immediate, immense increase in happiness, with the impact more significant than any other intervention. The effects lasted for a month. You must exude an attitude of gratitude, dude.

2. Look within

As the title suggests, you are not able to chase happiness. You have to look from within. As Buddha wisely said: “There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.” Walk on, Mr./Mrs./Ms. Walker.

3. Be the light for others

You make other people happy this way, you make yourself happy also. You can do this in any way possible, from saying thank you to the barista at the coffee shop to volunteering at the local care home for the elderly. Be the one at the end of someone’s tunnel.

4. Stay active

When your mind and body stay still, they go stale. It is a well-known fact that muscles start to atrophy and wilt away when the body is still for too long. Go for a walk, do a crossword puzzle, work out at the gym, read a book (or e-book for those with a Kindle), go on holiday, and explore what other parts of the world offer. Alexander the Great’s teacher and philosopher stated, “Happiness is a state of activity.”

5. Let go of the past

Holding onto past pains only prolongs it. It has gone, and you can do nothing about it, except learn from it. It is now hi-STORY, a true story that involved you. But no longer. If you still feel the hurt from the past, see a licensed professional who will be able to help you.

6. Bury the hatchet

If you have done something wrong, it is advantageous to you to make amends. Saying sorry for your misgivings relieves you of bad tension towards that something you did, healing you and the other person in question.

7. Enjoy nature

Many people enjoy sun, sea, and sand on the beach while on holiday. What a beautiful way to get in tune to nature. Think how kids enjoy building sandcastles or how surfers enjoy the waves on a sunny day. Of course, you might be a countryside person who loves farms or a river person who loves white water rafting. Enjoy staring at the stars, appreciating the beauty of the moon, loving the magic of sunrises and sunsets, and playing in the sand and soil. Animals count as nature, too.

8. Self-defense

Dee Hunter was the victim of bullying throughout school, including having “a knife pulled on me. I also had petrol poured on me and someone tried to light my hair.” Now thirty-two, she has her own martial arts business in Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, with Darren’s elder brother. By doing this, she has been nominated to win the “Unsung Sporting Champion” award in local newspaper’s Evening Chronicle Champion Awards. Feeling safe in this world is a basic right for anyone. How can anyone be happy if they are constantly living in fear?

9. Enjoy time with real friends

These are the people who make life worth living. Take a look at your Facebook page and see how many of your “friends” are actually your friends. If you have no friends, get out into the world and make some. When you have friends, make sure they are people you can depend on. They will tease you, defend you, make you laugh, spend time with you, and enjoy life with you.

10. Always be willing to learn

A mind is like a book, it is only valid when open. How do you think the most successful people are successful? They always learn something new and apply that something to their lives that make them how they are. Educational entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki said, “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. Those who avoid failure also avoid success.”

11. Eat and drink healthily

Organic, natural foodstuffs make your body function at optimal level. Without wanting to go into the carnivore/vegetarian/vegan debate, if your body absorbs too much processed or otherwise unnatural foodstuffs, your body will give you warning signs of any impending dangers. Likewise for excess or lack.

12. Be your most important project

At age twenty-five when he met his mentor, Earl Shoaff, Jim Rohn was a hard worker from Idaho who was in debt. At the end of his life, he was keynote speaker for Herbalife. As he came to excel in public speaking, he came up with some great quotes, such as:

– “Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each day wisely.”

– “Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and demands to perform are high.”

– “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune.”

– “Work on your philosophy, work on your attitude, work on your personality, work on your language, work on the gift of communication, work on all of your abilities and if you’ll start making those personal changes, I’m telling you, everything will change for you.”

13. Go with the flow

According to Edward Phillips M.D. of the Harvard Health Publications, flow is when:

– You lose awareness of time.

– You do not think about yourself.

– You’re not interrupted by extraneous (unrelated) thoughts.

– You’re active.

– You work effortlessly.

– You would like to repeat the process.

He states that “the good news about flow and happiness is that you can increase the amount of flow experience in your life and reap the benefits,” though he does also mention that it is innate for some people, while others need to work on it.

14. Know that pain does not last forever

Bad things are bound to happen from time to time but they pass. They may pass quickly or gradually. The secret is to carry on regardless. It may be an unsuccessful job interview or that you fell over grazing your knee. All these pass for you to accept something better in life, so get ready with your arms wide open.

15. Get out of your comfort zone

Good things feel uncomfortable to do at first until you get the hang of it. Get acquainted with feeling uncomfortable and take risks in life. When people do not take initiative in life, they have become static. Get that adrenaline rush going – ask that cute person out; conquer your greatest fears; learn a new skill; live life to the maximum.

16. Smile

Why so glum, chum? Most of the time, there is no need to look like a bulldog chewing a wasp. A smile can bring the feelgood factor into your life, and even be the start of something beautiful, like a new romantic relationship. Smiling is the gateway drug of being happy, so take it in as many doses as humanly possible.

17. Accept differing opinions

You might not agree with what the other person is saying but it does not make them a bad person for it, unless they force their beliefs onto you or insult yours. There is not enough of this in the world. Furthermore, when can you agree with everyone all the time anyway?

18. Meditation

Meditation does these five things:

– It gives you a great start to the day.

– Increased positivity.

– More self-confidence.

– Reduction of anxiety.

– Affords you a deeper connection within yourself.

Remember, there is but one letter between “meditation” and “medication”.

19. Honesty

It is indeed the best policy. Lies only serve to distort or cover up the truth. According to Silvia Mordini of Mind Body Green, “In yogic terms Truth, known as Satya, can be defined on three levels: 1) that we speak the truth in what we think; 2) what we feel and 3) what we do.” She states that truth influences happiness by these means:

– Truth is peaceful and grounding.

– The truth reveals freedom, with nothing to hide.

– Truth transforms, revealing your best intentions and shift towards making changes to live an inspired life.

– Truth awakens us to have courage to be honest and forthcoming.

– The truth makes it easier to live life being yourself, not faking being someone else.

20. Always look to inspire

Go all in-spiring! Always try to have that sparkle about you. You never know what idea or situation could arise from a touch of magic inspiration. It could be from something as simple as giving a cup of coffee to someone.

Related article: Researchers Reveal the Singlemost Important Thing You Need to Be Happy

21. Always be open to inspiration

On the opposite side of the spectrum to the last point, have your eyes peeled for some juicy inspirational goodness. Listen intently to what the Universe is telling you and act accordingly.

22. Reward yourself

Even for the little stuff like doing the washing up or picking up the leaves in the garden in Autumn. Who is the most important person in your life? Yourself, of course. This is an absolute must for your happiness to balance out pleasure and pain, but do not go over the top with it. No shopping sprees for women who filed their nails!

23. Value your time

Let your time be spent doing meaningful things and do not let someone else rob you of it. As stated above, you are unable to get back time. It is always best to use it as wisely as possible.

24. Do things you are passionate about

There is no point in doing things you do not like doing. If you want to be a graphic designer, why are you flipping burgers at McDonald’s? If you want to be a comedian, why are you a number-crunching accountant, like Jim Carrey’s father? Or if you want to skydive, what are you waiting for? If you want to play in the park with your son, what is stopping you? Stop making excuses and make it happen!


Be your authentic self always. There is no point being someone else, as you do you so well.

Other A N., “In Praise of Gratitude”, Harvard Health Publications, Dickinson K., “How a Newcastle woman who beat the bullies is helping other young people do the same”
Evening Chronicle, Jimenez J., “10 Unforgettable Quotes by Jim Rohn”
Success Magazine, Meurisse T., “9 Jim Rohn Quotes That Will Inspire You To Work Harder on Yourself”
Pick The Brain, Phillips E., “Go with the flow: engagement and concentration are key”
Harvard Health Publications, Hull N., “5 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life and Make You Happier”
Tiny Buddha, Mordini S., “5 Ways Honesty Can Make You Happy”
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