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8 Questions Women Secretly Want to Ask In A Relationship

At the beginning of a relationship, partners typically ask questions to get to know each other. Usually, conversations revolve around what you do for work, your families, and perhaps past relationships. As time goes on, you feel more comfortable with each other and start sharing things you may keep hidden from others. You might talk about past trauma or secret insecurities, for instance.

Your partner should feel like your best friend, someone you can talk to about anything without judgment. In a healthy, committed relationship, partners will have no barriers to communication and feel secure with each other.

Men and women tend to have different communication styles, with men being more direct. Women aren’t as easy to read sometimes and may withhold information until they feel ready to share.

However, after a certain amount of time in a relationship, a woman will start to have questions for her partner. Below, we’ll go over a few common questions that arise in a woman’s mind when she’s in a long-term relationship.

NOTE: We understand that men, too, have relationship questions. We address the things they hope to ask in a companion article.

8 Questions Women May Have For Their Partner

short women

1.     Where is this relationship headed?

After being together for a few months, your partner may want to know what the future holds. A woman needs to feel secure with her man, and not feel like she’s being strung along. So, she may directly ask you where you see the relationship going, and if you’re interested in taking things further.

If you don’t feel the sparks flying with her, it’s best to end things before they get too serious. After all, there’s no point in continuing a relationship that isn’t meant to last. But, if you do feel something special with her, she will want you to express these emotions somehow.

Every relationship reaches this point where you can either part ways or continue your journey together. It’s a typical question that a woman secretly wants to ask, so don’t hesitate to lay the cards on the table.

2.     Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

If you’re planning a future together, a woman will want to know about your aspirations. If you have a certain vision or goal in mind, it can impact every aspect of your life. For instance, wanting to become an actor or film director may require a move to a different state. Of course, if a woman truly loves you, she will have no issue moving to support your dreams. Questions about the future will inevitably arise in a relationship, and discussing them can help you plan ahead.

3.     What do you love most about me?

In a study on questions that generate closeness between partners, sharing positive characteristics about your SO topped the list. Especially in women who prefer words of affirmation as their love language, kind words can foster a deeper connection. The study found that asking this question early in the relationship may accelerate the bond between partners.

The ability to feel vulnerable forms the foundation of a healthy partnership, but allowing someone into your heart requires trust as well. As soon as you both feel comfortable, share a few things that you admire about each other. Most women secretly want to ask this question, as it reaffirms your feelings about her.

4.     Is there anything you want me to change?

Some women may harbor insecurities about relationships, perhaps due to partners in the past. As such, she may want to ask questions regarding weird quirks or habits you dislike about her. Maybe she genuinely wants to ensure your happiness by seeing how she can improve. Or, it could be a way to ease into a conversation about things she’d like you to change.

Either way, this question doesn’t necessarily signal a problem in the relationship. Being able to talk openly about difficult topics is actually a sign of a thriving partnership, on the contrary.

5.     What life goals do you have?

Questions about the future creep into a woman’s mind quite often in relationships. She will eventually want to know more about your dreams, not necessarily tied to a career. For instance, maybe you have longed to travel the world since childhood. She may share your passion for seeing new places and want to tag along, which means you’re on the same page. It’s important to discuss long-term goals and desires in relationships to gauge how well you mesh with each other.

6.     Do you want children?

Perhaps one of the most crucial questions to ask your partner, the topic of children can easily make or break a relationship. For example, if you want children and your partner doesn’t, that will create tension in the long term. Relationships can only last if both people want the same things in life, generally speaking. So, this question will likely come up in the early stages of a relationship to test compatibility.

7.     What does your family think about me?

A woman will usually want to ask this question to see how well she fits in with her family. Most people have close relationships with their parents and want a partner who can blend easily. When the in-laws approve of a relationship, it makes future interactions much smoother and more enjoyable. So, women naturally want to ensure they’re making a good impression with their partner’s family.

8.     Why did your past relationships end?

Women who ask these types of questions want to know how they compare to their exes. This isn’t necessarily because they feel jealous or insecure; they just wonder what makes them different. They want to know what you see in them that you didn’t find in your past relationships. Also, in the early stages of a relationship, they may ask this to understand your relationship patterns and habits.


Final Thoughts on Common Questions Women Ask in Relationships

As inquisitive beings, women tend to have a laundry list of questions for their partners. In fact, most people interested in a committed relationship will naturally ask questions to understand their partner better. In the beginning, many couples prefer sticking to small talk and “safe” conversational topics. However, the discussions usually become more meaningful after a couple feels comfortable with one another.

So, if your woman asks you the questions listed above, it may mean she’s interested in something more serious.

10 Signs Your Partner Is Going to Cheat

Do you think your partner is going to cheat?

Many possible life events occur for which we generally do not prepare. For instance, we do not generally expect or look for the death of a loved one, being diagnosed with cancer, falling victim to a mental illness, and so on. The simple yet complex reason for this unpreparedness is that we grow accustomed to a particular way of life. When a formidable obstruction complicates life, we search desperately for answers. We may even feel like losing hope. Hopefully, we will find the wherewithal to search for answers and a solution.

Infidelity is one of those “possible life events” that we don’t prepare for. Finding that a partner is cheating is particularly hurtful because we tend to give our all into a relationship. When you give your love, heart, and soul to another human being, you expect the same in return. You don’t expect your partner will cheat on you. A commonly-cited axiom in the medical community is, “Prevention is the best cure.” Apply this to a relationship with a potential cheater. Why suffer the consequences when they can be prevented in the first place?

Relationships can be extraordinarily complex. Combined with our quirks, precaution is a warranted measure when approaching someone who might tend to infidelity. In this piece, we present ten signs that someone has the potential to cheat on a partner. As with any behavior, it can be difficult to decipher their intentions. At the same time, the more “symptoms” present, the likelier it is that a real problem exists.

That said, here are ten signs of someone who might cheat:

“It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.” – Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

authentic love - cheat

1. Someone who might cheat is emotionally distant

This is pretty easy to observe for the victim but extraordinarily difficult to accept. Emotional detachment from someone you love is like a punch to the heart. Unfortunately, disconnection often preludes a deteriorating relationship. A potential cheat finds it easier to distance himself or herself emotionally from someone than to confront the real problem. It’s a cowardly act, in many ways.

2. Lack of sex or intimacy

When two people are in love, intimacy and sex naturally occur. A partner’s lack of interest in intimacy may be a sign of infidelity. This is especially true if no prior issues existed in this area. If nothing else, this behavior indicates some emotional or physical disconnection. A physical connection is vital in a healthy relationship. If you are facing this issue, you might want to have a serious discussion with your partner.

3. The need for “privacy.”

This is not to disregard the reality that every person in a relationship requires some “me time,” There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. However, when your “other half” constantly says things like, “I need to be alone,” “Just let me be,” or “I need some time to think,” there is almost certainly some problem.

4. A sudden defensive attitude could indicate someone could cheat

Two people in a serious relationship should understand the differences between each other’s personalities. Hopefully, you understand your partner’s flaws and accept them. It is then peculiar for a partner to suddenly become defensive regarding apparent behavior shifts. Rational dialogue is necessary for any relationship; if this becomes a problem, you might consider there’s some issue.

5. Irregular financial habits

Two people involved in a serious relationship understand the importance of monetary resources. Usually, any outgoing money is acknowledged and accounted for. If your partner drifts from this mutual understanding and engages in “splurges” for which they cannot account, it may be a sign of detachment at best – and a cheat at worst.


6. Becoming “fashion-conscious.”

We all want to look our best for various reasons, commonly to look respectable and professional. However, an abrupt change in appearance without explanation is uncommon, especially for those who have previously shown little interest in appearance. Those in a midlife crisis often cite a change in fashion as a “motivation” to look younger and more presentable. Of course, the desire to appear more attractive to the opposite sex is a real possibility.

7. They ignore your “inner circle” if they are going to cheat

One telltale sign of a cheater is a sudden disconnection from your circle of friends. This may forewarn a relationship problem. It is much easier and more convenient for a cheat to separate from those close to you than to be upfront about their true feelings. This is even more conspicuous if your partner has always been close to your social circle.

8. They guard their phone and other technology.

Nobody likes having their phone tampered with. However, meditating with your partner’s phone in a serious relationship or marriage isn’t strange. Really, it’s not that big of a deal…unless they either have something to hide or are simply in a bad mood. If your significant other suddenly object to what was not an issue previously, you may consider additional caution.

9. They’re always excessively late

Anyone in a committed relationship will tell you that a schedule is paramount to making things work. This is especially true if someone is married, has kids, or has other obligations for which they are responsible. A sudden abdication of responsible behavior is strange, particularly if that person cannot account for such conduct.

10. “Something came up at work” is an excuse when someone tends to cheat

Things happen at work. Sometimes, we’re asked to go “above and beyond” to do our jobs. Similar to many other things on this list, context is key. Something is likely amiss if your partner cannot explain the rationale behind working late. Having to work is a common and convenient excuse because it is so commonplace. That said, your partner should be able to fill you in on details regarding these work requests.

What Causes Someone to Cheat on a Partner

There are various reasons why a person may cheat on their partner, some of which include the following:

  • Lack of emotional or physical satisfaction in the current relationship
  • Opportunities or temptations outside the relationship
  • Low self-esteem or a desire for validation
  • Lack of commitment or feeling unfulfilled in the relationship
  • Boredom or seeking novelty or adventure
  • Substance abuse or addiction issues

It’s important to note that cheating is a complex issue with no single cause. Additionally, every individual and relationship is unique, and the reasons why one person cheats may be different from another.


Final Thoughts on Understanding Why a Partner Might Cheat and the Detecting the Early Signs

It hurts when one partner decides to cheat on the other. If these behaviors appear familiar or reflect your relationship, know that the cheater is responsible for his or her actions, regardless of any relationship challenges. Have a safe, open-minded conversation–with a counselor if necessary. Uncover the roots of the suspicious behaviors and seek guidance on how to move forward.

Why Nice Guys Really Do Finish Last

Hey you there! Yes, you Sir. Why are you so nice? I hate to break it to you, my friend, but that is NOT what the ladies stereotypically like.

Why? Let us tell you what it means for a girl to come across Nice Guy Nigel.

Why Nice Guys Really Do Finish Last

Neil Strauss, otherwise known in his field of expertise as “Style”, states that:

1) Nice Guys are liars

That is harsh, surely? In fact, it is not. Nice Guy Nigel, from now known purely as Nigel, gets put in the dreaded FRIEND ZONE in one of two ways, states Strauss.

Scenario #1: Nigel asks the girl out but gets the “Let’s Just Be Friends” talk, so he tries to remain in her life hoping that she will somehow change her mind and start to think of him in a more romantic sense, which invariably never happens.

Scenario #2: Nigel does not ask her out but lingers in her life, hoping that she will see him as an adonis and cannot help but desire him, which also invariably never happens. There is a saying from North-East England: “Shy bairns get nowt,” which means that if you do not ask, you do not get.

He remains “friends” with her to upgrade himself to boyfriend on the flight of love, yet neither First Class, nor Business Class are available and the airport lounge is off limits. In fact, Nigel is lucky that he is on the plane at all!

2) Nice Guys want us to feel sorry for them once the inevitable happens

Nigel believes that he is investing in a “relationship” when the girl only thinks of him as a friend, if anything. It is about moi with Nigel and his ilk. “How dare she take advantage of my good nature?” he writes on social media. “I was always there for her when she needed me. *sob*” In other words, he is upset about being “led up the garden path” by her, even though she has specifically told him that she is not interested or does not even know he is her suitor. What a horrible person she is for making Nigel talk awfully about her!

3) We should listen to the ladies’ point of view

How do they feel about Nigel? They feel betrayed, hurt, and believe that he lied to them. They let a guy into their lives, telling him their deepest secrets and sharing sensitive, personal things with him, all because of this pseudo-friendship and the gaining of information on them just to sleep with or be in a relationship with them. Yet Nigel is the “innocent victim” in this and the ladies are the mean ones. Of course, rejection hurts and everyone experiences it. It hurts on so many levels with so many types of relationships, not just romantic ones. However, you cannot condone this kind of behaviour, from others or yourself. Strauss should know; he WAS Nigel on plenty of occasions. The writer of this article is also a man.

In summary, there are two things to consider:

I) There is nothing wrong with being real friends with women, Nige. Women are some of the most sensitive, caring beings this world has to offer. Who knows? If you treasure that friendship with her, you may even find that she will set you up with a good friend of hers or a work colleague. There are many options out there, and not every woman in the world will be repulsed by your true self.

Related article: 5 Reasons Women Fall for The Wrong Guys

II) Being honest and having integrity and courage can lead you to what you want. Generally speaking, when you treat a woman as a woman instead of as an assault course, she will open up to you genuinely and treat you in the same manner, be it as REAL friends, as friends with benefits, as lovers, or indeed as a couple outright.

Go on, be the man!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

A Thank You To My Low Maintenance Partner

Do you remember our song? Thank You by Dido. It fits us to a tee. Even though if everything else goes pear-shaped, you make life great. I remember when we looked into each other’s eyes when we sang in unison: “Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life.”

You make it that way because I can always rely on you. You make me feel loved and you give me so many things, tangible and otherwise, that I am forever in your debt. Yet all you ask of me is my unconditional love and everything that comes with it. However, it has not always been plain sailing for us. The challenges we have faced, the arguments we have had, the crying, the jealousy, the to-ing and fro-ing, have been hard but we always manage to pull through the other side and the tunnel always gives way to the light. You have seen me at my brilliant best and at my ultimate worst, and I with you. Most couples would have broken up under so much pressure, but we stuck to our guns and fought the good fight.

You are so low maintenance, like the cactus in the living room. You remind me so much of that plant, being so tough, adaptable, and prickly on the odd occasion. You exist on the neglect that I sometimes show you, but you really do thrive on the tender loving care you receive from me. I observe you both from afar and up close because you are my best teacher, and I your willing, somewhat clumsy student. By learning, I can help you flourish more, as well as helping myself.  If I have seemed a little off with you or neglectful lately, please accept my apologies.

The gratitude pouring through me now is not sudden, believe me. It has been building up ever since we had that big row a few months ago about you forgetting the anniversary of us first getting together and I accused you of cheating on me. You have been working tirelessly on work, household chores, paying the bills on time, and most of the time I shunned you but I never ignored what you did. Yet you never said a word, never an utterance from your mouth.

Related article: How to Tell If Your Partner Is Your Soulmate (Or Not)

From now on, I will do my utmost to love you, support you, make sure you are fine, understand you, dedicate more time to you, and everything in between. It is my way of saying thank you to you for the rest of our days as we grow old together, having grandchildren and great-grandchildren and telling our story to them of how strong you have been. I know that I have not done that enough. You deserve more from me and that is how it will be from now onwards. It pains me to admit that I have not been there when I should have, but I admire how you never complained and just “got on with it”. I am crying about it as I write now. Then again, you were always the strong one between us but I know that you will appreciate more from me. Let me start by saying:

I love you. Je t’aime. Te amo. Aku cinta kamu. Ich liebe dich. Seni seviyorum. Te iubesc. Volim te. Phom rak khun. These are only nine languages saying the same thing, but not even all of them can describe how I feel.

Here is to you. You are my other half, my love dove, my everything, my soulmate. Thank you for everything!

Love always,

Your Soulmate

11 Signs The Law of Attraction Is Working For You

The now very popular idea called “The Law of Attraction” says that you can attract either negative or positive experiences or people into your life based on your thoughts and intentions. Whatever you think most about will eventually manifest into your life. So, if you focus on problems, you will have more of the same. If you focus on solutions and the good things in your life, you’ll find opportunities.

Our thoughts have always created our reality, and the concept isn’t really new. However, The Law of Attraction, greatly popularized by the book and film “The Secret,” is simply a phrase to describe this universal truth.

So, how do you know if the law of attraction is working for you? 



“What you resist, persists.”

You know this truth, and therefore, don’t fight the changes in your life. You’ve probably noticed by now that life always changes, and we can either fight it or embrace it. However, when you resist change, you only recreate more of the same negative experiences in your life because you can’t let go of the past. Change happens for a reason, usually to clear out negativity from our lives and replace it with positive people and experiences.

You feel totally open and ready for change, because you know it will help you learn and grow on your journey.


It might seem like a strange confirmation that you’ve mastered the law of attraction, but falling asleep with ease means you have less stress in your life. You don’t have so many thoughts keeping you up at night, and you’ve finally found peace in your life. When people achieve their dreams and feel true happiness in their heart, they tend to have much less trouble falling asleep at night.


You know that your thoughts create your reality every single day, so you keep your attention toward the now so you don’t get too wrapped up in the past and future. We can’t attract what we want in the past or the future; we only truly have this moment right now, so we have to work from a place of presence.

You’ve mastered the art of living in the moment, and because of this, you have a stronger connection to the universe and all of its mysteries.


You don’t fear talking to the universe, spirit guides, angels, or even yourself in order to clear a path for you in this life. You have crystal clear goals, and you know what you want in life. Because of this certainty in what you want, the universe can more easily help you along the way.


The law of attraction only works based on the thoughts and intentions you set. So, if you emit positive energy and try your best every single day, you’ll likely feel better overall in your daily life. If you’ve been feeling more lighthearted and free lately, then the law of attraction is probably working for you.


While happiness is certainly important in life, having peace is equally vital. Once you start working with the law of attraction and do your part in improving your life, you will start to find peace. It all starts with the person in the mirror, of course, and actually taking steps to achieving your desires. Always follow your heart, and you’ll find peace in the unfolding of your destiny.


While everyone deals with obstacles in their lives, you have started to notice more and more open doorways. You feel lighter, healthier, happier, and keep attracting the right people and places into your life. You start to notice that the good in your life finally outshines the bad.


If you have mastered the law of attraction in your life, you’ll notice an increased sense of ‘knowing.’ Basically, this means that you will be more in tune with yourself and the universe, and you’ll start to understand what you truly need to become the master of your life. You’ll move through life with ease, using your intuition to guide you along the way.


When you follow the law of attraction and its teachings, and use it for good and not evil, you’ll notice all sorts of signs and symbols that point toward success. You’ll start meeting the right people, having better experiences, and life will just seem to ‘sync up’ for you.


Plenty of people use the law of attraction to gain more money, because that would make all of our lives easier, right? If the law of attraction is working in your life, you’ll notice more opportunities for financial abundance. Maybe you’ll finally get that record deal you’ve been working so hard towards, or get that business off the ground that you’ve been toiling away at for months. Anything is possible, as long as you have the right intentions and never give up.


You start manifesting your dreams and desires at a much faster rate. You focus your intentions on what you want, and you don’t stop holding that frequency until you achieve it. As you build momentum and start creating a life you love, the universe will continue to bless you with more abundance, happiness, and joy. You’ve probably seen some major changes in your life recently, and everything seems to finally be falling into place for you.

Do you use the Law of Attraction in your life? Let us know in the comments!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Anger Management Tricks That Make You Peaceful Again

Having a good anger management strategy is essential for maintaining a balanced life. Anger is a natural emotion and, of course, everyone experiences it from time to time. Still, when it gets out of control, it can have severe consequences for our physical and mental health and our relationships with others.

But first, it’s essential to recognize that anger is a normal and healthy emotion. However, when it’s not managed correctly, it can lead to adverse outcomes, such as increased stress levels, anxiety, and depression. It can also affect our ability to make rational decisions, communicate effectively, and maintain healthy relationships with others.

By developing an effective anger management strategy, we can learn to recognize our triggers, regulate our emotions, and respond to challenging situations more productively and positively. This managed response can help us to reduce our stress levels, improve our overall well-being, and cultivate healthier and more emotionally fulfilling relationships with those around us.

What Is Anger Management?

Anger management is discovering the things that cause your anger and strategizing to learn how to calm your emotions and release the negativity. It does not mean you should never feel angry; instead, it acknowledges it as a typical emotion and masters how to express and let it go.

Anger management is about learning how to deal with anger. Many of us have either experienced recurrent bouts of uncontrollable rage or known someone close to us who has. Tragically, the result of elevated, uncontrollable anger is too often emotionally and physically harmful. Many deaths at someone else’s hands have stemmed from “fits of rage” or something similar.

We all experience this surge of anger – to various degrees – occasionally. Perhaps it’s when someone cuts us off in traffic, a family member instigates conflict, or a co-worker refuses to work together amicably. The temptation to resort to anger is highly compelling in these and many other scenarios. Should a strong surge of anger arise, it’s best to accept its presence and handle it. This point brings us to the topic of this article: managing anger productively.

Let’s get down to it.

Here are five anger management techniques that’ll help keep you at peace:

anger management

1. Identify a possible anger management outlet

Rather than focusing on what made you angry, make a conscious effort to resolve the issue. Is your child’s erratic behavior making you upset? Find something that will keep them occupied. Is your friend or family member doing something that pushes your buttons? Calm down and have a constructive dialogue or set some definite boundaries.

Remain consciously aware of the fact that unchecked anger resolves nothing. Indeed, the result is often much worse. Breathe deeply, maintain some self-discipline, and think of a rational solution.

2. Forgive and (maybe) forget

Forgiveness is one of the most potent antidotes to resentment. Allowing anger and other negative thoughts and feelings to distort and disrupt daily life ultimately leads to nothing more than bitterness, anger, and pessimism.

If you can forgive someone who brought about feelings of anger, you’ll both learn a valuable lesson. For you, the ability to forgive will reemphasize the truth that nobody can determine your state of mind. For the offender, your tolerance may be enough to remind them of the importance of remaining true to their word.

Should such a person repeatedly betray your sense of compassion, it’s probably time to reconsider the relationship. Depending upon the frequency of mistrust and the nature of the offense(s), prioritizing forgiving rather than forgetting may be the best (and healthiest) solution.

3. Improve your listening skills

Honing your listening skills may seem irrelevant, but hear us out. When we’re active listeners, we instantly improve the communication between the other person and us. This builds trust, and this trust can help mitigate potentially hostile thoughts and emotions.

Demonstrating to another that you’re genuinely listening accomplishes three things: (1) it shows that you care, (2) it shows that the other person’s thoughts and emotions matter, and (3) it establishes or reinforces feelings of empathy. Sometimes, a person that’s all worked up needs to be understood. Active listening accomplishes this need for understanding and much more.

4. Practice relaxation for anger management

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), relaxation techniques, mindful meditation, and deep breathing exercises may help diffuse angry thoughts.

The APA provides some specific practices that may help:

  • Breathe deeply from the diaphragm, as “chest breathing” will not promote relaxation.
  • Repeat reassuring words, such as “take it easy,” “relax,” and “I’m in control” may help. It is recommended to practice deep breathing during this exercise.
  • Use imagery, visualize something that provokes relaxation – either from experience or imagination.
  • Nonstrenuous exercises (e.g., yoga, meditation, tai-chi) can assist with relaxing the muscles while promoting relaxation.

5. Cognitive restructuring

Angry people tend to swear, curse, or act erratically when confronted with a stressor. The problem here is obvious – such behavior fuels bitter notions and renders impossible any potential solution.

Cognitive restructuring involves nothing more than changing the way we think. This method is so effective, as it pertains to anger management, because thought processes are instantly dramatized and exaggerated when we’re angry.

Here’s a practical example. We’re waiting in line at our favorite coffee spot when the customer who is facing the cashier complains that their order is messed up. Understanding that resolving this problem will take time, a cynical monolog begins to surface in our minds. Instead of saying, “This sucks,” “I’m going to be late,” recognize the situation and rationally replace them with something like, “This situation is out of my control,” “I’ll remain calm, and they’ll eventually figure it out,” etc.

When we make a conscious attempt to rationalize such thoughts, a favorable outcome is much more likely.

6. Meditate daily

Meditation is focusing your mind and body into calmness and relaxation. It helps you increase your focus, deal with stress, and improves your general health. Those who practice meditation receive numerous health benefits, such as

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Diminished side effects of a chronic illness like cancer
  • Helps with IBS symptoms
  • Helps women going through menopause
  • May help you quit smoking
  • Some say it helps attention disorders
  • Lowers your anxiety

Studies also found that meditating daily decreases anger as well as reducing your concern about your anger. It’s a healthy anger management strategy to regain your peace and calm.

let go of negative feelings

7. Practice anger management with humor

It’s been said that laughter is good medicine. Researchers suggest this is true. They found that laughter and fun have psychological benefits.  Laughing changes your brain’s chemicals to relieve stress and help you better deal with pain. It’s essential to find ways to laugh. Laughing at situations that tend to make you angry or upset is a good way to diffuse a situation. Try to incorporate laughter into your life. Read funny books, watch a funny video or movie. Allow the excellent medicine of your laughter to relieve your stress and anger.

8. Find a resolution

Lashing out in anger is never a good idea. If you’re angry about a situation or mad at someone, allowing time to cool down before responding is crucial. Seek to resolve the situation in a calm, self-controlled way. Take a walk outside or go shoot baskets on the basketball court for ten to fifteen minutes. Take a deep breath, so your mind and body to return to a peaceful state.

Once you’ve calmed down, voice your concerns in a peaceful way. Use non-attacking language, don’t get defensive, but speak truthfully. Anger rarely solves problems. Keeping a few strategies in your pocket will be useful when you’re tempted to erupt into anger.

9. It’s okay to step away (at least for the moment)

Taking a break before you get angry is a healthy practice. Maturity is knowing yourself well enough that you can step back to gain control. Reacting in anger rarely solves a problem but often creates more problems. So commit to not give in to your anger, but to step away until you’re calm enough to talk with the person or to solve the situation in a quiet way.

Some therapies suggest deep breathing exercises or visualizing yourself in a relaxing place like a beach or the mountains to help you relax and let go of anger. It allows you to step away without actually going anywhere.

10. Work off the steam with exercise

Studies found that exercise can help with anger management. Aerobic exercise reduces anger in kids and adults and diminishes and protected them against the physical side effects of rage, like high blood pressure and cortisol overload.

Whether you jog a couple of miles a day or take classes at your local gym, getting aerobic exercise consistently is a great way to manage your anger and protect your health. Exercise releases endorphins that affect your brain. They trigger positive effects equivalent to that of morphine.

11. Choose your words wisely

We talk all day to our friends, family, and co-workers. We talk about the weather, the ups and downs of the stock market, or our recent purchases at the store. We’re naturally communicators, but sometimes we don’t think before speaking. We’re prone to vent when we get frustrated. Words can be uplifting or harmful.

Choosing your words wisely is a helpful anger management technique. This activity forces you to stop and think before you speak. It gives you a few minutes to reflect and choose your words correctly.

Anyone who has been hurt by something someone has said knows how important it is to choose your words carefully. It takes practice and self-control not to give in to your impulse to announce the first thing that comes to your mind. But as you develop this technique, you’ll not only lower your angry reactions, but people will value what you have to say more. Your words will have more weight without being harmful.

12. Choose an attitude of gratitude

Gratitude is being thankful or appreciative. The habit of being grateful, studies found, improves your feelings of well being and helps you better deal with stress. It also influences your health in these ways:

  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Enables you to deal with fear and anger
  • Helps you deal with a chronic illness like cancer or HIV infection or diabetes
  • Fights depression

Many people create a gratitude journal to record their gratitude. List things you’re thankful for every day. You may feel grateful to have finished a project at work or thankful you had a chat with a friend.

Thankfulness has no size limits, both big and small things matter. Over time, you’ll find yourself looking for things you’re grateful for as you practice daily gratitude. Plus, a journal is a great way to remember all the many ways you are blessed. Counting your blessings is a great way to fight anger and regain peace.

gratitude meme

13. Identify the positives

Are you a “glass is half empty, or glass is half full” kind of person? Depending on how your view life helps you deal with anger and stress. Staying positive can affect your health and your mind. Studies show that those who are more positive in their outlook are more resilient when experiencing difficulties in their life.

They’re also more creative and apt to find solutions to problems. Look for the positives in your life. Choose to see situations as not as bad as they could be. Step back and see something good, even amid a chaotic situation. There’s always a silver lining hidden in the dark clouds.  Putting your situation in perspective can keep you from getting anxious or angry.

It’s also helpful to choose to acknowledge what you can control and what you can’t control. This can help you let go instead of giving in to anger.

14. Recite a calming mantra or prayer

Prayer or a calming mantra helps reduce stress and anger. One study found that these two increased hope and reduced anxiousness in patients who had heart problems. Focusing on your issues and onto something outside yourself calms your heart and mind. It gives you peace. Whether you pray or chant, find time every day to practice this habit. Find a quiet area outside or in a private corner at home to do this.

Add some pictures of nature, plants, or a small water fountain to add to the calm atmosphere, so it’s easier to pray or chant. Turn off your phone and computer. Make a conscious decision to set aside the time every day for prayer or mantra. It can change your life.

15. Identify the triggers that make you angry (and avoid them!)

Everyone has different things in their life that triggers anger. It can be big or small, but you know yourself well enough to know what makes you upset.

You may find it irritating when people don’t answer their emails promptly or when someone leaves their stuff all over the place. Whatever triggers your irritation and anger, find ways to avoid them. You can’t stop people from not doing the stuff they do or don’t do, but you can choose your response. Look for creative solutions to help you avoid triggers.

Maybe you only look at your emails once an hour or ask someone else to be the “bad guy” that forces people to answer your emails. By removing yourself from the situation, you create a way to avoid getting angry but still solve the problem.

anger managementFinal Thoughts on Mastering Anger Management

Anger is something familiar to us all. Learning how to manage your rage takes strategy and self-control practices. Positive things like exercise, prayer, and laughing help stave off your anger. Writing down what you’re grateful for or stepping away when tempted to be angry is also simple but effective practice. Whatever you choose to do, stay with it for several weeks. Don’t try to implement all the suggestions at once. Pick one or two at first. You’ll be surprised how you handle things differently by instituting a few changes. Little changes often produce significant results. So don’t give up, hang in there and find the best ways for you.

More importantly, when we practice the techniques described above, we invite peace and contentment instead of anger and other negative states of mind.

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