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5 Reasons Women Fall For The Wrong Guys

We’re not here to explain the neurophysiology of attraction – something that’d take far more than one article. Whether, we’re going to provide some rationale for why some women do indeed choose to pair with a man that is “no good.”

“Attraction is not a choice.” – David Deangelo

Whether or not one’s inclined to agree with Mr. Deangelo’s above statement, there is at least some amount truth to it. Otherwise, how can we explain the confusing pattern of women “falling for” a man – and vice versa – who does little else than bring them pain?

Here are 5 of the top reasons women fall for the wrong guy:

1. The “Loop Effect”

This one is relevant to men that can be classified as “playboys” or “bad boys.” Initially, this type of guy will lavishly give attention to his object of interest. However, this undivided attention he quickly takes away; it’s taken away for the sole purpose of inviting a “chase.” Too often, the woman is all-to-willing to oblige.

After a while, the man will “take back” the woman only to repeat the cycle. We call this the “loop effect,” and it’s effective because the woman remembers the initial feelings of elation for having “won back” the bad boy. It is this emotion that makes it tempting to repeat the loop every time the man starts one.

2. Being Nice is Boring

This is a very popular theory that is, in all likelihood, an absolute fact. When we think about all of the nice “things” we’ve accumulated in life, many of them gave us a strong sense of satisfaction in the beginning. Because there is something that clicks in our brain that makes nice things seem “not so nice” after a period of time.

In many ways – as bad as this may sound – much is the same in terms of a woman’s psychological perspective when dating “nice guys.” Really, they’re just not all that fun after a while. Meanwhile, “bad boys” provide a constant challenge with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: the bad boy settles down with them. Of course, this doesn’t happen 99 percent of the time.

3. The Wrong Guy Is More Attractive

Bad boys usually evoke an aura of confidence that woman find instantly attractive. Should the man also have physical appeal, well it’s pretty much a done deal. The Wrong Guy is often condescending and cocky, which some women find instantly attractive too.

Most women ultimately want one person they can spend the rest of their lives with. Before that happens, however, it is common for them to explore their naughty and lustful side. And make no mistake, the Wrong Guy will indeed provide this.

It just doesn’t usually end well.

4. The Wrong Guy Is a Challenge

Another uncomfortable truth: most men have absolutely no idea how to attract women. Nice guys have an innate tendency of “opening up” too soon. They’re ready to give their heart away, and give the woman whatever she desires.

But here’s the problem: it’s not attractive at all. Think of the most popular dude in high school – the stereotypical jock with muscles and a strong personality. Two things are most likely true: (1) the man probably had an indifferent attitude towards girls, and (2) the girls he “got with” were the “cream of the crop.”

An attitude of indifference in a man can be very appealing to women. Indifference means a challenge, and a challenge means a (very unlikely) reward.

Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.

5. Repeating Past Mistakes

In an ideal scenario, the woman will learn from her mistakes and find someone emotionally-healthy for her. Some women, however, never learn – no matter how many times they’ve been left broken hearted and with no man to show for it.

Related article: 6 Ways to Find the Right Partner

There is, however, a worse scenario than mindlessly falling for a someone who continually hurts her; and that is making the decision to commit – even marry – such a man. The only time this is not the case if the man matures psychologically and emotionally, but this doesn’t happen too often.

Dating and casual encounters involve a lot of “time will heal all wounds” reminders.

Committing to the wrong person is committing to pain – and nobody wants that for anyone else.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Types of Toxic People Who Poison Your Life

“When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay about it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth, just like you did.” – Jill Blakeway

From the moment we wake to the time we fall asleep, we’re inundated with negativity. Want to watch some TV? You’ll witness some toxic stuff. Work at an office? No doubt there’ll be coworkers who exude negativity – a common occurrence in the workplace. Toxic people are everywhere – and, unfortunately, there is no escaping that fact.

This constant exposure to negative energy can leave one feeling confused, physically drained, and utterly frustrated. It may even result in a bout of depression, anxiety, or manifest into other mental and physical symptoms.

Sadly, the number one source of negativity (by a longshot) is other human beings. Without properly dealing with such individuals, these folks can have a poisonous influence on anyone and everyone – and this is often their very intent.

Toxic people come in all different forms: loud and quiet; angry and calm; intelligent and dull; eccentric and “normal”…and so on. Identifying a toxic person is not always simple, as many of these types are masters at manipulation.

In understanding the different types of toxic people, we can effectively prevent or resolve any real or potential conflict. Identifying the problem is the most important step in solving it, and toxic people are no different.

Here are eight types of toxic people (and how they can poison your life):

 1. Those who always criticize

For some odd reason, many toxic people gain something by incessantly critiquing others. Chalk it up to poor self-image; the need to feel superior, or whatever – the reason behind it doesn’t matter; this behavior is as unacceptable as it is toxic.

We all need people in our lives that will “tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear.” Such dialogue is called “constructive criticism,” and is intended to leave us better off. Toxic criticism does just the opposite, and should never be tolerated.

Such people need to hear that their behavior is unwelcome and offensive, and then go about your day.

2. Those who waste our time

Toxic people often seek out attention wherever they can find it. Others may just devalue your time; completely oblivious to the fact that you’ve got things to do. Both groups of people are toxic.

People that waste time for no other purpose than to waste time are toxic; this requires us to set clear boundaries and to stand our ground.

3. Those who continually disappoint us and others

As fallible creatures, we’ll certainly disappoint others at one time or another. Perhaps more than one time – and that’s okay; unless disappointing others becomes a usual habit. Then it’s toxic.

If someone in your life is repeating this hurtful cycle, it is time to do one of two things: (1) tell them you won’t allow it to continue – and if it does, (2) get that person out of your life.

4. Those who always seem to “self-redirect.”

Many toxic people have a penchant for self-centeredness. Anything and everything seemingly revolves around them – and it never stops.

“Self-redirectors” can be deciphered by their “taking” (as opposed to “giving) outlook on relationships. If it doesn’t benefit them, to hell with it. Most toxic people of this nature never change…so just let them go.

5. Those who are obviously indifferent

The fifth sign pertains to people we choose to keep in our life, regardless of their attitude of indifference. When we love/like/care for another human being, and our feelings are not reciprocated by that person, it’s a hard blow.

“Time heals all wounds” is an axiom that certainly applies in this case. You can’t force another person to care. Perhaps the best option is to let go and ride out the pain.

6. Those who protrude excessive jealousy

It’s okay to be a bit envious of a person from time to time. However, when someone is always jealous, it’s tough to be in their presence.

First, they’re almost never grateful for what they already have – and they make this known. Second, they’ll often vocally insult and disparage people who achieve any modicum of success. Finally, should you garner some accomplishment, it makes you an instant target.

Needless to say, those who are excessively envious are toxic. Time to reconsider any relationship with this person.

7. Those who are continually negative

This is self-explanatory. People attached with the “Negative Nancy” label are seemingly always upset at something or someone. They’ll exude a sense of pessimism even if it seems completely unwarranted.

These people are extremely poisonous because negative energy is potent and permeating. We’re much more likely to develop a negative state of mind in the presence of such people.

We need to get out of their presence.

8. Those who “play the victim card.”

Refusing to take responsibility; constantly arguing with others; holding onto grudges; shifting blame to an innocent person. These are all common attitudes and behaviors of someone with a victim mentality.

Not only is this an obvious indicator of an immature mindset, but it also has a toxic effect on others. Nobody wants to be close to someone who refuses to take accountability for themselves.  

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Foods That Starve Fat Cells

In his TED Talk, Dr. William Li passionately discusses angiogenesis and its role in cancer development and cancer recession. For reference, angiogenesis is simply the development of new blood vessels in the body. Dr. Li believes manipulating this physiological function may end cancer and promote health.

As he explains:

Angiogenesis: the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels.

“Anti-angiogenic therapy is the method of cutting off blood supply to the cancer. This can be done because tumor vessels, unlike healthy vessels, are abnormal and poorly constructed, and because of that, they’re highly vulnerable to treatments that target them.”

Deficient and Excessive Angiogenesis

fat cells

For the sake of this article, it is important to explain the scientific rationale linking the consumption of certain foods and “starving off” fat cells. Simply put, imbalances in the production and maintenance of blood vessels can manifest into several diseases and conditions. Angiogenetic imbalances arise from either insufficient or excessive angiogenesis.

Insufficient angiogenesis is when the body possesses too few blood vessels and is linked to several diseases and medical conditions, such as erectile dysfunction, heart disease, inability to heal wounds, neuropathy, and stroke.

Excessive angiogenesis – an excessive production of blood vessels – has also been linked to several diseases and conditions. Arthritis, blindness, cancer, endometriosis, and multiple sclerosis have all been associated with excessive production of blood vessels.

Obesity = Excessive Angiogenesis

Obesity – the mass accumulation of fat cells – is a byproduct of excessive angiogenesis. As such, measures can be taken to counteract the effects. “Like tumor cells, fat cells grow when blood vessels grow,” says Dr. Li.

Dr. Joseph Mercola, a world-renown osteopathic physician, and surgeon, concurs: “…obesity is also largely dependent on angiogenesis.” Dr. Mercola goes on to explain that fat cells, like cancerous cells, can potentially be eliminated through diet.

What does this mean? Simply that we can starve off fat cells through proper dietary habits. To accomplish this, we must eat foods that inhibit abnormal angiogenesis (i.e. anti-angiogenetic foods).

Here are the five foods that will effectively target the blood supplies of fat cells:

“By indirectly targeting fat cells, through their dependence on blood supply, we can actually starve them to death.” – Dr. Mitchell Gaynor

1. Curry

Curcumin is the ingredient that gives curry its yellowish hue, but this is far from its only property. Curcumin is a potent polyphenol, and increasing scientific research continues to reiterate its cancer-fighting properties. Recently, supplemental research has attributed these properties to the compound’s anti-angiogenetic properties.

In one 2009 study, scientists at Tufts University concluded: “The curcumin suppression of angiogenesis…with its effect on lipid (fat) metabolism…may contribute to lower body fat and body weight gain. Our findings suggest that dietary curcumin, present in turmeric, may have a potential benefit in preventing obesity.”

2. Garlic

Ajoene is a sulfuric compound found in garlic, which gives the food its fat-reduction properties. At the genetic level, ajoene activates hydrogen peroxide, initiating a process resulting in fat cell death (i.e. apoptosis). In conjunction with its anti-angiogenetic properties, garlic is considered one of the most potent fat-burning foods in existence.

Aside from its fat-burning properties, garlic is one of the most nutrient-dense foods out there and is linked to no less than eleven proven health benefits.

3. Almonds

In his TED talk, Dr. Li presents a PowerPoint slide ranking 27 pharmaceutical drugs and dietary factors by their anti-angiogenesis properties. In the first spot is Vitamin E. “Vitamin E outperforms the greatest drugs on earth…(they) blow away any man-made attempt to kill tumors,” said Li.

As almonds contain the highest levels of vitamin E (7.3 mg per 1 ounce serving), they are probably the most potent fat-burning food in existence. Additionally, almonds contain high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Spinach

We should include some leafy greens on this list for their fat-burning properties and cumulative health benefits. Using this barometer, spinach far outperforms any other vegetable – and 99 percent of other foods and food types.

starve fat cell - spinach

Reforming to Vitamin E, spinach contains the second-highest level of any food (6.9 mg per serving.) Of course, they’re exceptionally nutrient-dense; rich in antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins.

5. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, particularly oranges and tangerines, are among the strongest fat-burning foods out there.

In an article titled “Citrus Fruits shown to be Antiangiogenic and Reduce Risk for some Cancers,” the author cites several studies naming the anti-angiogenetic properties of citrus fruits. Citrus has an abundance of two flavonoids – nobiletin and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – proven anti-angiogenic.

The article also cites a link between citrus fruit consumption and reduced instances of certain cancers, “including lung cancer and colorectal cancer, among people who consume large amounts of citrus on a regular basis.”

Other Tips to Help Starve Fat Cells and Reshape Your Body

As you eat well to begin transforming your body, keep these additional tips in mind.

1. High-intensity intermittent exercise

High-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) has been found an effective way to melt fat cells. This exercise involves repeated brief sprinting at a high intensity followed afterward with a low-intensity exercise or rest. How long you sprint or rest can vary.

2. Fast-paced walking

Fast walking helps you get in shape. Keeping a fast pace as you walk revs up your metabolism to burn fat cells. Try brisk walking for at least thirty minutes daily. You can break up the time, walking for fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening. Try running interspersed during your walk to kick up your metabolism even more.

3. Biking

Whether you ride a standard or stationary bike, cycling is a great way to melt fat cells. It increases your heart rate and burns calories. Biking helps you lose weight in your waist and thighs. Be consistent. Bike at least three days a week to melt away belly fat.

Positive Energy in life

4. Weight training

Weight training is a great way to burn fat cells. Aim for three days a week of weight training mixed with cardio experiences the other days. The best weight training exercises include:

  • Lunges
  • Dumbells
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Push-ups
  • Chin-ups

5. Running

Running or jogging is an exercise many athletes use to build strength, and stamina and keep their weight down. It’s relatively inexpensive, requiring good shoes and comfortable clothing. Aim to run or jog for twenty to thirty minutes at least thrice weekly. You can use a treadmill if you have it, but many runners enjoy being outside. If you’re running outdoors, try running on a given surface like grass to avoid injuries in your joints or feet.

6. Jumping rope

Jumping rope is an overlooked fat-burning exercise. It was fun as a kid, but you can use this high-intensity exercise to get into shape. All you need is a good jump rope and some supportive shoes. Skip, jump or run for short periods for two minutes. Change the routine and add high-intensity parts to rev up your metabolism and melt fat cells.

7. Battle ropes

Battle ropes are popular high-intensity workouts. They challenge your entire body as you slam, swing, and shake the thick ropes. Most athletes add squats, jumps, and lunges to their battle rope routine. This exercise ramps up your heart rate and burns fat.

8. Don’t sit around

You can melt fat cells by simply not sitting too much. Prolonged sitting diminishes your body’s ability to burn fat. Your blood pressure goes up, your blood sugar increases and your metabolism slows down. Try to stand at work, at home, or at school. If you live close enough, walk to the store or school. Avoid long periods of television watching. Or if you’re watching a show, do some sit-ups, jog, or lunges while you watch.

fat cells

Final Thoughts on Starving Fat Cells

Exercise boosts your metabolism, melting fat cells. Thus, you will look and feel your best. Try any of these exercises to speed up burning fat and getting into shape.

Powerful Advice From A Woman Who Came Back To Life After Dying From Cancer

We all wonder what will happen to us when we leave this world, and no matter how much we think about it, none of us truly knows the answer. Unless, of course, you’ve died and come back to life.

Many of us can’t even fathom what life after death will entail, but one lady who literally came back to life after dying from Stage 4 cancer says she had a very enlightening and surreal experience on the other side.

We will talk more about her inspiring story below, and how her experience changed her life for the better.

Powerful Advice From A Woman Who Came Back After Dying From Cancer

After being diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and fighting the cancer for four years, Anita Moorjani actually died and came back to life, seemingly healthy and without any cancer. Doctors couldn’t believe it, but they think Moorjani’s body responded quickly to the chemo, which brought her back to life.

However, when Moorjani woke up one morning and realized she couldn’t move her body, her husband rushed her to the hospital. The doctors gave her only 36 hours to live, as the lymphoma had worsened to Stage 4 cancer. Her organs had already begun to fail, and things started to look pretty grim for Moorjani.

After she eventually lost consciousness, Moorjani realized she still could comprehend her environment and maintain awareness. She heard the conversations between doctors and her husband, and could even see her brother preparing to board his flight in India to come visit her in the Hong Kong Hospital.

However, the rest of her story is what made her experience so life-changing:

“… I actually “crossed over” to another dimension. I was engulfed in a total feeling of love. I also experienced extreme clarity of why I had cancer, why I had come into this life in the first place, what role everyone in my family played in my life in the grand scheme of things, and how life works in general.”

“The clarity and understanding I obtained in this state is almost indescribable. Words cannot describe the experience. I was at a place where I understood how much more there is than what we are able to conceive in our three-dimensional world. I realized what a gift life is, and that I was surrounded by loving spiritual beings, who were always around me even when I did not know it.”

Not only had Moorjani technically died and come back to life, but the cancer that killed her had totally disappeared. Doctors couldn’t believe it, and actually made her stay to take a battery of tests before they released her.

“The doctors were very confused, but told me it must have been a rapid response to the chemo. Because they themselves were unable to understand what was going on, they made me undergo test after test, all of which I passed with flying colors. Clearing every test empowered me even more! I had a full body scan, and because they couldn’t believe they didn’t find anything, they made the radiologist repeat it again!”

Others who have died and come back to life or had a near-death experience usually report similar feelings and experiences. The International Association for Near-Death Studies classifies a near-death experience (NDE) as “a distinct subjective experience that people sometimes report after a near-death episode. In a near-death episode, a person is either clinically dead, near death, or in a situation where death is likely or expected.”

Doctors think Moorjani had a near-death experience, but even though others have had similar experiences, Moorjani’s is even more surreal since she actually died and came back to life.

Related article: Powerful Advice From A Dying 24 Year Old

If you’d like to hear more about her experience and story, you can watch the video below, where she explains how dying and coming back to life totally changed how she sees the world and what she considers important in this lifetime.

Have you ever had a near-death experience? What did you learn from it? Share with us in the comments below!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How to Make Smudging Sticks to Clear Negative Energy Around You

Smudging dates back to the times of indigenous tribes in America, and this ritual of using the sacred energy of plants is now available to anyone who wants to try it out in their own lives. Native Americans actually called this practice the “Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing,” and would place herbs and resins in a special bowl, light them, and call upon the spirits within the plants to cleanse a space, person, or object.

In today’s fast-paced world, we now have more portable options, such as smudge sticks. Smudge sticks are made of bundles of dried herbs bound together by a thread. You still light them and set an intention for the practice, and you can take them with you wherever you go. If you sense bad energy in a new place, you can simply pull out a bundle of sage or whatever herb you prefer, and begin the healing ceremony.

Everything on this planet vibrates with a subtle energy, and we have the power to transform this energy based on the own frequency we emit. If we have the intention of spreading love and compassion, and healing the Earth along our journey, then we can literally change the vibration of the planet over time.

To get a better idea for the power of plants, ancient tribes have used smudging for such purposes as:

clearing negative energy

– mental, emotional and physical healing

protection and guidance

– religious ceremonies


– consecration

You might have heard more about smudging in recent times, but it’s hardly a New-Age idea. People have been using this method of healing for thousands of years in order to cleanse energy and keep connected to Mother Earth.

Not to mention, one study even proves the benefits of smudging. According to a landmark study done in 2007, medicinal smoke can completely eliminate adverse bacteria from the air within a confined space. The study cites:

“We have observed that 1 hour treatment of medicinal smoke emanated by burning wood and a mixture of odoriferous and medicinal herbs (havan sámagri=material used in oblation to fire all over India), on aerial bacterial population caused over 94% reduction of bacterial counts by 60 min and the ability of the smoke to purify or disinfect the air and to make the environment cleaner was maintained up to 24 hour in the closed room. Absence of pathogenic bacteria Corynebacterium urealyticum, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens, Enterobacter aerogenes (Klebsiella mobilis), Kocuria rosea, Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae, Staphylococcus lentus, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. tardicrescens in the open room even after 30 days is indicative of the bactericidal potential of the medicinal smoke treatment. We have demonstrated that using medicinal smoke it is possible to completely eliminate diverse plant and human pathogenic bacteria of the air within confined space.

So, not only does smudging help with cleansing negative energy, it also eliminates harmful bacteria from your immediate environment! Of course, no studies exist to prove the expelling of negative energy, but that’s something you have to feel on a personal energetic level. Many people, however, can attest to the feelings of peace and positivity they feel after smudging their living or work space.

Smudging can also help you to feel more connected to the Earth from the simple act of touching and burning the plants. Many people lack a direct connection to the Earth, so smudging can certainly help you to gain energy directly from nature, as we used to do before modern times.

How To Make Smudge Sticks

smudging sticks

You can either buy smudging sticks at a local natural shop, or make them yourself. To make them, you’ll simply need to cut the plant material of your choice into sticks about 7-10 inches long. Then, measure a piece of thin cord or thread that’s 4 times the length of the cut branches. Bundle the branches together, and then start wrapping the thread tightly around the base of the bundle. You want the tips of the branches to point down. Slowly make your way toward the tip of the branches while wrapping the cord around the bundle and pressing the branches together firmly. Work your way back toward the base, and then tie the cord together. You can trim the edges if you prefer, but this step isn’t necessary. Set the smudge stick out to dry for 7-10 days.

Plants to Use For Smudging

The following list is a sample of plants commonly used in smudging:

sage  — negative energy clearing
sagebrush — to treat wounds + headaches + colds
cedar leaf — cleansing + purification
pine needles — cleansing + purification
balsam fir — cleansing + purification
sweetgrass — healing + purification + brings positive energy
mugwort — lucid dreaming + purification + calming
juniper — cleansing + purification
holy basil (tulsi) — purification + calming
rosemary — protection
lavender — calming
mullein — cleansing sickrooms + heals/improves respiratory function
rose petals — meditation + calming + attracts love
desert chaparral — negative energy clearing + protection + calm
peppermint — healing + protection
yarrow — eliminates toxins from the body
lemon balm — spiritual cleansing + calm

How to Smudge

First, you’ll need to light the tip of the smudge stick. Once it has a nice flame, blow it out so the smudge stick is smoking. To catch the ashes, bring along a bowl or other fire-safe container. Then, you simply set your intentions, and fan the smoke around the room or person you’re cleansing using either a feather or your hand.

clear negative energy

Have you ever tried smudging before? Let us know in the comments below!


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

19 Surprising Things That Damage Your Eyesight According to Ophthalmologists

Your eyes are a complex part of the human body, so you must take care of them. There are many things that damage your eyesight, and knowing about them is the first step to taking care of your eye health. Surprisingly, many of these eye-damaging habits can harm your vision.

Research shows that 80% of your memories and the things you learn occurs through your eyes. Plus, most vision-related problems could be cured or prevented with proper care of the eyes. With this being the case, protecting your eyes can make all the difference in your life.

You can’t always control changes in your eyesight, but you can avoid damaging it further. Once you know the things that damage your eyesight, you can make the necessary changes to improve your health.

19 Surprising Things That Damage Your Eyesight

Protect the health of your eyes by knowing what can affect eyesight negatively.

things that damage your eyesight1. Rubbing Your Eyes

Rubbing your eyes, particularly when itchy, can damage your eyesight by exposing your eyes to germs. Plus, rubbing causes unnecessary pressure and can cause damage to the surface of your eyes. Research shows that excessive eye rubbing can cause corneal damage and break the vessels around your eye.

Check to make sure there is nothing in your eye, and flush them gently with water. Rubbing your eye when something is in it can cause the debris to get further into your eye. If you need some relief, use a cold compress instead of rubbing your eyes.

2. Excessive Screen Time

Most people look at a screen multiple times each day. It’s a normal part of life, but spending too much time can cause eyestrain. When you’re looking at a screen, you are less likely to blink, causing you to have dry, red, and itchy eyes.

Vision problems related to screen time have become so common that experts have started calling it Computer Vision Syndrome. If you have to look at a screen for an extended time, take frequent breaks to rest your eyes.

3. Smoking

Smoking causes many health problems, and damaging your eyesight is one of them. The chemicals found in cigarette smoke can damage tissue and cause macular degeneration, leading to vision loss. It can also cause cataracts and glaucoma.

While it isn’t always easy to stop smoking, doing so is essential to your health. Start by decreasing the amount you smoke each day until you can quit.

4. Unhealthy Diet

Your eyes need specific nutrients and vitamins to stay healthy, including vitamin C, zinc, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids. Nutrient deficiencies can cause blindness as it damages the optic nerve.

Some of the foods that contain nutrients for eye health include:

  • leafy greens
  • seafood
  • nuts
  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • beans

5. Not Wearing Eye Protection

Not wearing eye protection is a sure way to damage your eyesight. When swimming, wear protective goggles to keep chemicals, dirt, and anything else out of your eyes. You should even wear eye protection when doing yard work like mowing the lawn.

Anytime debris can potentially get into your eye, take precautions and use eye protection. Some other instances that require eye protection include:

  • working on home improvement projects
  • using chemicals
  • working on a vehicle
  • using cooking oil
  • playing sports
  • while at work

6. Lack Of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can make your eyes red, puffy, and itchy. A lack of sleep will cause eye twitching, dry eyes, blurry vision, and pain. These symptoms will cause temporary damage to your eyesight, but the damage can become permanent.

If your lack of sleep goes on for too long, your eyesight can become permanently damaged. It can even lead to popped blood vessels and light sensitivity.

7. Excessive UV Exposure

UV rays damage your eyes just as much as they damage your skin. Make sure to wear sunglasses when you go outside, even if it is cloudy, and never look directly at the sun. Please pay attention to the sunglasses you get, though, because not all of them offer protection from UV rays.

8. Missing Regular Eye Doctor Checkups

Skipping eye doctor appointments is one of the biggest things that damage your eyesight. Preventative care can prevent and treat many vision problems. Make sure you get your eyes checked once each year and visit the ophthalmologist anytime you think something is off.

9. Wearing Contact Lenses Too Often

Keeping contacts in for too long can cause loss of vision and scarring. Experts say that leaving them in for too long also restricts oxygen exposure that can damage your eyesight. Damage also occurs when you wear contact lenses too often, as you don’t give your eyes a chance to breathe.

things that damage your eyesight10. Sleeping With Your Makeup On

When you don’t remove your makeup at night, it increases your risk of eye damage. It allows bacteria and parasites to grow along your eyelids and eyelashes. Then, the organisms secrete toxins that get into your eye and cause irritation, redness, and itching.

If this process happens too often, it can cause permanent damage to your eye. It can damage the area that secretes tears, causing chronic dry eye and other problems.

11. Overusing Eye Drops

Eye drops can offer temporary relief occasionally, but overusing them can damage your eyesight. These drops constrict your blood vessels, and overuse can lead to even more redness. The American Academy of Ophthalmology explains that eye drops don’t improve your eye health and can cause irritation when used too often.

12. Wearing Contact Lenses In Water

Swimming with contact lenses in your eyes can cause an infection because it allows bacteria to get in. You can develop a rare infection from an acanthamoeba, which is a microorganism that lives in freshwater. This infection can cause permanent damage to your vision.

If you can’t see when you’re swimming, try using prescription swimming goggles instead of wearing your contacts. Take your contact lenses out before you take a shower, too.

13. Sleeping With Your Contact Lenses

You might be tempted to fall asleep with your contacts in when you’re exhausted, but it can damage your eyesight. Sleeping with your contact lenses in your eyes can cause infection, chronic dry eye, and microscopic damage to your cornea. Ophthalmologist Benjamin Bert at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center explains that sleeping with contacts in your eyes can also cause ulcers.

When you sleep with contact lenses in your eyes, bacteria can cling to the lens. Plus, it limits the amount of oxygen that can get to your cornea. A lack of oxygen causes the growth of abnormal capillaries as an attempt to replenish oxygen levels.

14. Undiagnosed Medical Conditions

Many medical conditions can cause vision loss and other eye problems. When the health concerns are undiagnosed and untreated, it can lead to complicated issues for your eyes.

Diabetes can cause diabetic eye disease, which is one of the leading causes of blindness. Additionally, high blood sugar can cause blood vessels to leak into your eye. A study published in The Journal of Ophthalmology explains that sleep apnea can also cause damage, as it increases the risk of developing glaucoma.

These medical conditions aren’t the only ones that damage your eyesight, either. Visit your doctor regularly to keep up with your health and get the proper treatment.

15. Not Following The 20-20-20 Rule

The 20-20-20 rule is a method to relieve eye strain for people that sit in front of a computer all day. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that for every 20 minutes of screen time, you should shift your eyes to an object 20 feet away from you. Then, keep your focus on that object for at least 20 seconds.

This rule helps with readjusting your eyes and giving them a moment to relax. As you look at the object, remember to blink. Blinking cleanses and lubricates the surface of your eye, promoting eye health and protection.

16. Using Expired Makeup

Use fresh makeup to preserve healthy eyes.

Wearing expired makeup can spread bacteria and increase your risk of developing an eye infection. Expired makeup can also cause eye irritation and redness. Consider replacing your mascara and other makeup items every three months.

17. Stress

Research shows that chronic stress increases cortisol, a stress hormone that negatively affects the nervous system. When your nervous system isn’t functioning correctly, it can affect your eyes and brain, causing vision problems.

Find healthy coping techniques to help you overcome stress in your life. Consider things like exercise, spending time with your friends or loved ones, or practicing meditation.

18. Excessive Drinking

Drinking too much alcohol can cause vision problems related to dry eye. Many reasons factor into this, but watch for the signs and consider if you’re drinking too much. Symptoms of dry eye include:

  • stinging or burning sensations
  • light sensitivity
  • redness
  • eye fatigue
  • discomfort when wearing contact lenses

19. Dehydration

If you aren’t drinking enough water, your eyes are often one of the first things to suffer. When the eye surface is dehydrated, it can cause damage to your vision. If the dehydration lasts too long, it can cause cracks and scar tissue development.

things that damage your eyesightFinal Thoughts on Surprising Things That Damage Your Eyesight According to an Ophthalmologist

There are a surprising number of things that damage your eyesight. Knowing and understanding potential risks can help you maintain or improve the health of your eyes.

Every time you do one of the things that damage your eyesight, you are causing further problems. If your lifestyle habits are damaging your eye health, protect your eyes before the condition worsens.

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