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4 Reasons Your Hair Is Turning Grey Early

“When your body stops generating melanin, hair presents itself as grey, white, or silver.” – U.S. News and World Report

We all age…it is the natural evolution of life itself. Some choose to navigate through this process with a sense of acceptance. Others choose to “fight,” unable to accept this natural evolution. In truth, there is nothing wrong with either perspective, as we all try to come to grips with the inevitability of aging in different ways.

Which leads us to our hair going grey…

One physical aspect of this natural aging process is the proliferation of greys in our hair – and not everyone likes it. The follicles based underneath our skull age just as we do. When we advance in years, our hair follicles produce less melanin – the pigment that gives our hair its natural color – and grey hair is the natural by-product.

Not everyone develops this physical trait around (or even near) the same time – and scientists still don’t have a good explanation. One consensus that has been reached: genetics probably has much more to do with accelerated greyness of hair than anything.

Racial demographics actually have a lot to say about this trend. Typically, Caucasians begin greying in their mid-30s; Asians in their late 30s; African-Americans in the mid-40s. According to WebMD, over half of all people have “a significant amount of grey hair by the time they turn 50.”

For whites, ‘prematurely grey’ indicates growth of grey hair by 20; for blacks by 30.

As the citation preceding the article’s intro notes, premature greying is mostly genetic. There are, however, catalysts that may expedite the alteration from ones “normal” hair tone to one that conspicuously displays the natural aging process.

Which actually brings us to the point of our article: why some people prematurely grow grey hair. Contrary to popular belief, this physical change of appearance can – in some ways – be attributed to lifestyle and other characteristics.

Here are 4 main reasons why your hair is turning grey earlier than expected:

1. A medical condition

Autoimmune diseases effectually attack cells within the body, and this includes hair follicles, which makes it possible for premature greying to occur. There are other medical causes, as well.

According to WebMD: “a vitamin B-12 deficiency or problems with your pituitary or thyroid gland can cause premature aging.” The good news is – if the condition is treated –  that the physical effects of premature aging (including greying of hair) can be reversed. This said, premature greying of the hair due to medical reasons is thought to be rare.

2. Smoking

According to one prominent dermatologist: “Smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your skin and hair…you may not be able to see wrinkles on the scalp but it’s still affecting all the (hair) follicles.” 

Despite the potential effects of smoking on the aging process, it doesn’t have near as much of an impact as genetics. If premature greying is not a trait that runs in your family, it is recommended to see a doctor to evaluate thyroid health, vitamin levels, and to rule out anemia – a deficiency of red bloods or hemoglobin in the blood.

3. Chronic stress

While there is a bit of a debate on this, some research has uncovered a correlation between stress and grey hair. In a study conducted by cellular biologists at New York University – and published in the journal Nature Medicine – researchers observed the diminution of hair follicles via stem cell reduction in mice placed under stressful conditions.

Again, an abundance of research on the effects of stress and premature greying does not exist. However, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest that there may indeed be a strong link.

4. A Vitamin Deficiency

As mentioned, a vitamin B12 deficiency can accelerate the greying of hair. Vegetarians and vegans, due to their dietary restrictions, may also be at a greater risk for premature greying. Individuals that take birth control pills, and those with gastrointestinal or digestive issues may also be at a higher risk for premature greying.

Related Article: Are You Aging Too Quickly?  These Signs Will Tell You…

Chou, W. C., Takeo, M., Rabbani, P., Hu, H., Lee, W., Chung, Y. R., . . . Ito, M. (2013). Direct migration of follicular melanocyte stem cells to the epidermis after wounding or UVB irradiation is dependent on Mc1r signaling. Nature Medicine, 19(7), 924-929. doi:10.1038/nm.3194
Martin, L. H., MD, MPH. (2014, October 27). Aging changes in hair and nails: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 09, 2016, from
Sashin, D. (n.d.). Premature Graying: Reasons, Options. WebMD. Retrieved December 10, 2016 from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Can You Go 24 Hours Without Complaining? Here’s How. . .

The definition of the word “complain” and relative forms (complaining, complainable, complainer, etc.) according to is: “to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief…to find fault.

The uncomfortable truth is that the majority of us find some “justifiable” reason to complain. Whether or not the situation is warranted or not is irrelevant. Complaining is an attribute associated with weak character, period. A painful truth? Yes, it is… but it doesn’t make it any less of a fact. Why? Because complaining all too often results in an outcome for which we gain nothing. To make it worse, the act of complaining is usually over something for which we can’t control.

About 99.99% of all human beings to have ever existed is guilty of complaining at one time or another. Why? Because it’s human nature.

Humans don’t like discomfort in any way, shape or form. Unfortunately, one of the most common ways to express our discomfort is by voicing our discomfort to anyone who is willing (or, in many cases, unwilling) to listen.

Here’s the root of the problem: complaining achieves absolutely nothing. It’s a worthless behavior with a zero-sum outcome. Nothing is gained, but much can be lost. We’re going to (with our best effort) describe some alternatives to this natural predisposition.

Here are 11 ways to stop complaining:

“If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo


1. Don’t let other people influence your mood.

This one is easy to explain, but difficult to practice. Allowing others to alter your positive state of mind is incredibly easy. Whether it’s your acquaintances, coworkers, and yes, even your friends and family, permitting an individual or group to affect your mindset adversely is a personal liability. Please don’t allow it to happen.

2. When a situation is less than ideal, take a deep breath and look for a solution.

It’s human nature to react to a bad situation impulsively. This is when the conscious decision to inhale deeply can benefit. Deep breathing automatically sets your mind and body at ease; permitting you to make rational decisions to help resolve any situation.

3. Remember that sometimes, being kind is better than being right.

When conflict arises, our inner pride often encourages us to “be in the right.” However, when attempting to resolve an unideal scenario amicably, sometimes it benefits ourselves and others to do so with a positive attitude.

4. Fit some physical activity into your day.

Exercise is one of those activities proven to reap both mental and physical rewards. As it pertains to the topic at hand, exercise is undoubtedly the most advantageous action one can take to balance their state of mind. This includes the mental fortitude often required to resist the temptation to complain.

5. Be kind, loving, understanding, and patient with yourself. You’re doing the best you can.

Self-compassion is critical to avoiding self-criticism. Too often, we discipline ourselves far too harshly, whether this reaction involves complaining about oneself or others. Be compassionate with yourself and with others.

6. Intentionally search for things to feel good about.

Also called gratitude, the gift of recognizing the good things in your life is also key to refraining from the impulse to complain. It’s rather simple. When we are consciously aware of the blessings bestowed upon us, we’re less likely to focus attention on the not-so-good things.

7. Do things that bring you joy.

We all require happiness in our lives. The lack of which often manifests into attitudes of bitterness and contempt. Of course, this often results in us finding fault wherever and whenever we can, justified or not. We must set aside time to do things that bring about feelings of joy.

8. Do something kind for someone else.

Mother Teresa once said: “Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

Small acts of kindness go a long way. Not only for the recipient but also for the benefactor. We find gratefulness in such actions, which puts us in a state of mind that is less inclined to participate in criticism and other negative thought patterns.


9. Don’t forget about nutrition. Bring water and health snacks to keep a positive mood.

Our physical health is intricately woven into our psychological health. When we’re eating right – hydrating, snacking healthily, and consuming nutritious foods – we’re positively impacting our state of mind. When our mind is in equilibrium with our body, we’re much less inclined to engage in counterproductive behavior such as complaining.

10. Allocate time to relax and rewind (R&R)!

A tired mind and body is an underprepared mind and body. Similar to dietary habits, neglecting the need to rejuvenate the mind and body leaves us susceptible to negative behavior. We must prioritize R&R.

11. Make sleep a priority

Proper sleep is arguably the most important of all eleven things on this list. Our brain will not (cannot) rejuvenate or reorganize. As such, we are unable to reason – a scientifically proven fact. This goes without saying; If we are unable or unwilling to practice proper sleeping habits, our judgment is severely impaired. The impulse to complain is just one among many other byproducts of sleep deprivation.

8 Muscle Relaxers That Are Completely Natural

Do you use muscle relaxers to relieve soreness? These medications can cause several side effects. Fortunately, several natural alternatives can provide relief without harm. Of course, the need for relief is very real.

Some injuries of the body are a direct result of excess muscle tension. When this tension is extreme, it can cause severe (sometimes debilitating) pain. Numerous back injuries – particularly in the lower-back region – fall under this description. To alleviate this pain, the muscles must revert to their original state – or relax back into position.

There are two options for reducing pain resulting from muscle tension: naturally or medicinally. The former can be time-consuming and extremely painful; the latter usually involves a trip to a doctor. The problem with the second option is that medical doctors – as is the case with many medications – tend to overprescribe drugs with nasty side effects.

Muscle relaxants are one of these drugs.

Four Potential Adverse Side Effects of Commercial Muscle Relaxers

A few known common side effects of muscle relaxants include the following:

  • Drowsiness or dizziness
  • Dryness of mouth
  • Possible addiction or dependence
  • Retention of urine

muscle relaxers

Indeed, they should be restricted, yet, many people return to the doc’s office and get another prescription.

But what if there was a way to relax the muscles and reduce pain without needing a prescription?

As it would happen, many natural muscle relaxants may help. Perhaps the most promising thing: natural relaxants do not carry the risk of dependency. Further, if any side effects do surface, they are far less likely to be severe.

(Side note: severe back pain – particularly debilitating – requires medical intervention. This advice is not intended to substitute for that of medical professionals in this circumstance.)

Eight Natural Muscle Relaxers to Try at Home

Here, we present eight natural muscle relaxers that may help:

“The problem with typical prescription or over-the-counter muscle relaxers is that they do not heal the problem. They just shut off communication between your nervous system and brain…the entire body is affected in ways that are not intended or desirable.” – Dr. Josh Axe

1. Arnica Oil

In a 2013 study published in the journal, the Public Library of Science (‘PLOS’), researchers made some important observations about this versatile oil. Importantly, that the topical application of arnica was demonstrated to be effective in reducing inflammation, pain and muscle damage.

Thymol – a chemical ingredient within arnica – acts upon the body’s inflammatory response. Inflammation of body tissue, of course, is a main driver of muscle tension.

2. Cannabis Oil

Many people in and outside the medical community, have praised cannabinoids pain-relieving properties for years. This mechanism is similar to an Rx muscle relaxant: it suppresses the brain’s pain receptors.

Now, we know that the oil variety has the same properties as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. Professionals note that quality control in particularly important in this product. As such, it’s highly recommended to find a trustworthy distributor.

3. Peppermint Oil

Essential oils are perhaps the most versatile subcategory of oils in the world. Relative to this topic, it has been uncovered that peppermint oil is both a terrific pain reliever and muscle relaxant. In a 2009 study, peppermint oil relieves pain in patients suffering from fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome.

4. Dietary Changes

Certain foods are unofficially labeled “pain foods” for their ability to worsen related symptoms. Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and trans fats are all inflammatory agents. Sugar and trans fats have also increased pain for specific conditions.

A high-calorie diet often leads to obesity, further aggravating pain symptoms.

5. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt effectively increases the body’s magnesium levels, an essential nutrient for preventing pain and certain medical conditions (e.g. fibromyalgia). Furthermore, Epsom salt also contains inherent properties that stabilize the body’s inflammatory response.

6. Staying Loose

When we experience a lot of pain, it is our instinct to rest up. However, with severe pain (e.g. muscle spasms) as the exception, bodily movement is important in limiting inflammation.

It is a good idea to continue normal daily activities if possible. Should pain surface, adjust accordingly by going at a slower pace.

7. Visit A Chiropractor

Some studies show that effective chiropractic techniques, such as a general body “adjustment,” can be more efficient at reducing pain than prescription medicine. Chiropractors (most of whom possess doctorate degrees) tend to treat patients without drugs.

8. A Massage Therapist

Likewise, a licensed massage therapist may alleviate tension and pain without needing drugs, surgery, or other “traditional” medical interventions.

In a 2011 Taiwanese study, scientists tested the effects of massage therapy on a group of cancer patients. The team was specifically testing the muscle pain and muscle relaxant effects of therapy if any. The scientists concluded that “results from this study support employing MT (massage therapy) as an adjuvant to other therapies in improving bone pain management.”

muscle relaxers


Chandola, H.C., Chakaborty, A. (2009, October). Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrom – A Dilemma. Indian Journal of Anesthesia, 53(5), 575-581
Jane, S., Chen, S., Wilkie, D. J., Lin, Y., Foreman, S. W., Beaton, R. D., . . . Liao, M. (2011, July 29). Effects of massage on pain, mood status, relaxation, and sleep in Taiwanese patients with metastatic bone pain: A randomized clinical trial. Pain, 152(10), 2432-2442.
Lauche, R., Materdey, S., Cramer, H., Haller, H., Stange, R., Dobos, G., & Rampp, T. (2013, June 07). Effectiveness of Home-Based Cupping Massage Compared to Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain—A Randomized Controlled Trial (J. Miles, Ed.). PLoS ONE, 8(6). Retrieved December 13, 2016, from U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Muscle Relaxants. (2015, May 22). Retrieved December 13, 2016, from
Russo, E. B. (2008, February). Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 4(1), 245-259. Retrieved December 13, 2016, from U.S. National Library of Medicine.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Is Your Texting Style, According To Your Zodiac Sign?

As you might already know, our zodiac sign can tell us a lot about ourselves and our personality. While our zodiac sign shouldn’t define us, it can determine little things about our temperament and how we respond to the world around us, including how we talk to others. In this day and age, many of us talk to our friends and family through text messaging, just so we can keep up with our loved ones despite our increasingly busy lives. You might not realize it, but you have a unique texting style that might be at least partially attributed to your zodiac sign.

For example, a Cancer might type out long paragraphs to the person they’re talking to, as Cancers normally write much more efficiently and easily than they can speak. Whatever your zodiac sign, you can find more information below about how your birthday might relate to your texting style.

What Is Your Texting Style, According To Your Zodiac Sign?


Virgos love to analyze situations and thoughts, so they tend to speak and write very logically and thoughtfully. They think everything through thoroughly, so expect an educated, logical response from them.


Taurus love to get to the point quickly, and often don’t say very much. Their quiet personality comes through in text messaging, as they tend to type short sentences and use emojis to explain emotions. They enjoy talking more in person as opposed to texting, so if you want to have a deep conversation, arrange to meet somewhere private in person.


Capricorns, another Earth sign, see things logically and rationally. They make eloquent speakers as well as writers. This means you can expect a great conversation either way, as they enjoy both forms of communication.


The feisty lion loves to have the spotlight and their confident attitude can be felt for miles. In text message, they’re fun, sassy, and bold, and don’t hold back their thoughts or emotions.


Aquarius love having thoughtful, deep conversations. They don’t really like small talk; they want to talk about the deeper things in life. They are passionate, determined people – the visionaries, dreamers, thinkers, believers, and innovators. They have a lot of zest for life, and you can easily see that in their texting habits.


Scorpios don’t really like technology too much for the most part, and they tend to keep to themselves a lot. They have a lot of secrets buried within them, and they are deeply emotional, sensitive people. They love deep conversations, but you’ll do better to talk to them in person if you want to truly get to know them.


Sagittarius are highly adventurous, fun, outgoing people. They will make you laugh in one text message and then in the next, ask you to go on some sort of excursion with them. They get easily bored and need stimulation from activities and people, so don’t expect long messages. Texting gets old quickly for them; they’d rather see you and create memories together.


Gemini, just like their sign suggests, can have a split personality when it comes to texting. They can either type out long, thoughtful responses or short, hurried answers depending on their mood.


Libras need balance in everything, including texting. They might text you a lot one day and then not respond the next, but don’t get angry with them. They just need their time and space away from technology for a bit, but they don’t mean to ignore you. They have a sweet, caring personality and will get back to you shortly.


The most sensitive sign in the zodiac, Cancers will pull at your heart strings with their messages. If you have a problem and need to talk about it, a Cancer will be there, no questions asked. They spend a lot of time in their heads and therefore, need to write or type out their thoughts. However, be prepared to do a lot of reading, because Cancers have a lot to say, and they write much more effortlessly than they can speak.

Related article: What Is Your Flirting Style, According to Your Zodiac Sign? 


Pisces, another water sign, are also deeply emotional, sensitive creatures. Their emotions and thoughts run deep, and they love to share them through writing. They’re gifted with words, and they come as a natural form of self-expression. They, like Cancers, need writing as an outlet for their constantly conflicting, complex feelings.


Aries have a playful, bold personality that comes through easily in text. They love to use fun emojis and icons to get their ideas across. They aren’t big on long conversations, though, and would rather see you in person for a night out on the town.

NASA Research Reveals How “Eating The Sun” Can Give People Superhuman Abilities

Welcome to Chez Soleil, may I take your order? Oh, what do we recommend? “Eating the sun”.

Eating the sun? What have you been smoking, writer? Not to worry, dear reader, you will not be vaporised or burnt to a crisp by this. It will not even give you indigestion! Let us give you a taste of what is to come.

The process of sun eating is also known as the HMR Phenomenon, named after Hira Ratan Manek. Manek is the man The University of Pennsylvania studied with funding from NASA 24/7 for a hundred days. Can you guess what happened? He could survive largely on just light, though he did consume small quantities of buttermilk or water during this time.

“Pull the other one, writer,” you say. Before you click away or close, give it a chance and keep reading.

This “eating the sun” malarkey is not actually malarkey; it is also known as sun gazing. It is an ancient practice going back thousands of years used in various ancient cultures, though mainstream media highlights risks towards the skin, such as skin cancer. In Hong Kong, women between the ages of twenty and thirty do this also as a substitute for food. So, how does it work? Sun gazing does exactly what it says on the tin, with people looking at the sun. This happens one hour after the rising of the sun or an hour before sunset, when Ultraviolet rays are at their lowest and you do not burn your eyes when the sun is at its strongest. It is highly important to keep to these suggestions as it could cause damage to the retina and therefore, potential temporary or permanent blindness.

Superhuman Abilities gained from the sun-munch:

– Loss of appetite (as seen above)

Increase in confidence

– Easy problem-solving

Natural healing or disappearance of diseases and “negative qualities”, mental or physical

What are the effects of “eating the sun”?

1-3 Months: The pineal gland or “third eye”, along with the hypothalamus or pathway to the brain from the eye are charging up, akin to a cellular/mobile telephone getting charged. After those initial three months, energy from the sun begins reaching your brain. After this period, the aforementioned energy gets stored in all cells of your body. Once all cells in the body are purified, your job of sun gazing is done and your brain is charged at maximum capacity. You will sense a natural increase in confidence and a knack for problem-solving, as tension has been kicked to the curb. Mental ailments dissipate and are replaced by a positive, vibrant energy and “spiritual knowing”.

3-6 Months:

Now that mental issues have cleared up, the body turns to healing the physical. As all the colours of the sun reach the brain, all parts of the body are restored to full clean bill of health. According to Colour Therapists, when a disease is present it is because a certain sun colour is lacking. For a certain part of the body or body system, there is a certain sun colour. Here are some examples of this: the liver needs green; the heart needs yellow; the kidneys need red. Let us make the suggestion of autosuggestion in order to determine whether any ailments or weakness are still lurking within you. This is to aid the return to wholeness.

6-9 Months:

After six months of healing itself, the body then starts to turn its energy to helping the body do other amazing things. For example, the need for food at seven-and-a-half months begins to lower and those in the know suggest that food is not actually needed, only energy emitted from the star of the show – the sun. After nine months, all cravings, smells, and general desire for food simply disappear and people sense a “charge” in the brain. When this charge is reached and you have done the maximum of forty-four minutes of sun gazing, you stop immediately.

What happens after the sun munch?

Related article: Here’s Why You Need To Stop Using Sunscreen…

We turn our attention away from the sun and focus more on the Earth, barefoot walking for forty-five minutes per day for six days straight to be precise. However, if this is done for a year solid, you have reached the pinnacle of life, with only 3-4 days a week to maintain the above abilities, and then some.

Superhuman Abilities gained from the barefoot walk after the sun-munch:

– An increase in:

a) Intellect

b) Memory

c) Navigational capabilities

d) Telepathy

– The possibility of FLIGHT!

– Having your body in MORE THAN one place at a time!

It is certainly a contraversial topic. What are YOUR thoughts on this? One thing is for sure, you cannot have fries or sauce with your order, should you decide to consume at Chez Soleil.


House L. Sun eating in China sees women stare at the sun to lose weight.
Daily Mail Australia
Unknown author. NASA confirms – Super human abilities gained.
Mirror Spectrum
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Swimsuit Ad Stuns The Internet Honoring Beautiful Stretch Marks

Lane Bryant, a company dedicated to promoting body positivity and celebrating plus-size women, recently posted an ad of a stunning swimsuit model. She shows us that stretch marks are nothing to be ashamed of.

Women who wear a bigger size often get bullied and humiliated both online and in the real world simply for their body type and size. Well, the woman you’ll see below bares it all. Moreover, she looks simply beautiful while doing it. Indeed, she proves how anyone can have body confidence and feel great in their skin.

Denise Bidot, the plus-size model, featured in the photos, even has her campaign called There Is No Wrong Way To Be A Woman. Lane Bryant posted the photos on their Instagram feed recently. Denise wore a nautical bikini and cover-up that perfectly accentuates her curves and shows off her stretch marks to the world.

lane bryant swimsuit stretchmarks

Notice that in the photo above, Lane Bryant does not attempt to hide Denise’s stretchmarks or photoshop them. Why? Well, because all women are beautiful. Thus, we should honor and appreciate them just as they are, without the pressure to change. The company’s entire philosophy is built upon celebrating woman of all sizes, and showing the world real, untouched beauty.

Denise even posted the photo to her personal Instagram page with the following caption:

“Loving this new image and how real it is. Thank you Lane Bryant for loving my body, stretch marks and all.”

Brian Beitler, CMO and EVP of marketing at Lane Bryant wrote in an email to Huffington Post, “We at Lane Bryant simply believe that all women should be seen and celebrated as they are. Society and the media continuously project an unrealistic and frankly outdated beauty and body standard.”

Beitler’s entire mission is to help women feel confident and happy with themselves and their bodies, but only hopes other companies will get on board. “Our hope is more brands will follow suit, not just in terms of shooting women without retouching, but being much more celebratory of all shapes and sizes and bodies,” Beitler told SELF. “That’s the real intent here.”

stretch marks swimsuit ad

 Denise simply wants to continue spreading the message of self-love and body positivity. She also hopes to inspire all women to love themselves truly. After receiving dozens of positive comments on the image, “from women who have stretch marks [and] who don’t have stretch marks,” Bidot told SELF that she thinks women have finally begun to embrace themselves. “Oh, okay, I can be this way, and it is wonderful,” she said. “And there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Related article: 5 Reasons To Stop Bodyshaming 

* All image credit:
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