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7 Reasons To Make This Your Selfish Year

All too often in this world, we get called “selfish” for simply doing the best things for ourselves and our lives. However, did you ever stop to think that by being selfish, you might just become the best version of yourself? When we tune in to our highest selves and listen to that inner voice that talks subtly below the chaos of the world, we can learn how to best serve ourselves and others. So, in a sense, selfishness becomes vital to our existence.

If we don’t put ourselves first and figure out what we need to make ourselves happy, we can never rise above the limits we put on ourselves. Yes, outright selfishness, which actually means looking out for yourself regardless of how it affects others, destroys. However, putting yourself first can actually benefit the world, if you do it from a place of love and compassion.


Let us explain further below why you should become a little more selfish in the coming year, and how this can benefit you and the world around you.



Out of all things in life, perhaps our relationships with ourselves matter most. However, for most of us, we neglect this relationship more than all others. We tend to everyone else before ourselves, spread ourselves too thin, and therefore, feel utterly disconnected from ourselves. So much of the hate, violence, oppression, and destruction we see in today’s world is due to this often overlooked but vitally important piece of information: if you don’t love and know yourself, you cannot love and know others. If you don’t take time to heal your inner wounds and uncover your magic, then you won’t recognize this beauty in others, either.

Once you put yourself first, forget about all the pressures of the world for a while, and just sit with your own stream of consciousness, you can begin the process of self-love. Nothing in the world matters more than you, so make it your year to truly create the version of yourself you’ve always dreamed of. No one said it would come easily, but the resulting freedom and wholeness you’ll feel from getting to know yourself and leaving behind negative thinking patterns will make it 1000% worth the journey.


It’s no secret by now; this world could use several, if not dozens, of doses of love. For a concept so important, you won’t hear too much about it in school. Self-love, or love at all, doesn’t get talked about much in the mainstream, yet it matters so much. So focus on loving yourself and others so much that you forget any other feeling exists throughout the year. Love yourself and others so much it hurts, and then some. Too much love can never hurt anyone, so don’t be afraid to dig deep and wash yourself clean so you can begin to open your heart to the possibilities of the world.

It’s all too easy to go on with our normal thinking patterns and destructive habits, but in order to change, you need to start with baby steps. Do one thing per day that makes you feel good, even if it only takes five minutes of your time. Doing things that uplift you and help to increase your well-being will kickstart the whole process of love and compassion for yourself. By having a solid relationship with you, you can then start to see your other relationships go through positive changes, too.


We’ve talked about what you can gain through the process of self-love, but what about what you can leave behind? When you delve into those dark corners of your soul and begin to heal those parts of yourself that have been hurting for so long, you’ll start to see the world in a whole new light. We came into this world as nothing but love and light, but somewhere along the way, we lost that connection. The pain of being alive took over, and we began to lose ourselves in the vicious cycle of paying bills, working, getting into the wrong relationships, etc.

Once you commit to living life on your terms and not accepting anything that doesn’t bring happiness, prosperity, and love, you’ll see so much negativity leave your life.


No one else in this life can make decisions for you. No one can tell you to eat healthily, exercise, meditate, live slowly, breathe, and not sweat the small stuff. However, all of these things will drastically benefit your health, and once you move into a place of self-love and care, you’ll ONLY want the best for your mind, body, and soul. You’ll no longer want to put unloving foods, drinks, and other substances into your body. You won’t want to sacrifice sleep just to get drunk at parties or watch Netflix late into the night. You’ll start to learn what your body craves and your soul needs. You’ll learn to listen to that intuitive voice that knows what will benefit you most.


Before we even make it to high school, we have to start thinking about what we want to become. We have to think about how we’ll earn money, where we’ll work, where we’ll go to college, etc. Somewhere along the way, we bury our real dreams deep within our souls and tell ourselves we’ll touch them again someday. Make next year that someday. Reach through those old cobwebs and reopen that chapter you wrote for yourself long ago. In that chapter, you already knew what you wanted. Before the world told you who to be, you knew what you wanted to become. Don’t listen to the world – listen to yourself. The only person in the world who can make your dreams happen is you, so stop waiting on someone to approve them or validate them.

You have the absolute power to turn those dreams into reality, and the only thing stopping you is the limits you place on yourself. Leave those limits behind this year. Believe in yourself, and tell those negative voices in your brain that you run the show, not them.


2017 inspiration

None of us is perfect–we all have temptations, vices, and bad habits. We fill voids in our lives with drugs, alcohol, bad foods, bad relationships, etc. We sometimes stay up too late, sleep too little, work too much, and don’t leave nearly enough time for ourselves. All of these bad habits are born out of pain, stress, loneliness, and other negative feelings. However, these bad habits will only destroy us over time and sabotage our chances of true happiness. You have to get at the root cause of these feelings which prompt you to act out these bad habits. Once you can do that, and replace those habits with more loving actions, you have reached a whole new level of freedom.

Please commit to yourself and start replacing those bad habits with better ones. Also, remember to take baby steps and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get it the first time. We’re all human, so go easy on yourself and set reasonable goals.


Mental health is a huge topic of discussion nowadays. All of us go through rough times and get in a bad place mentally. Some of us have severe disorders which make life even harder to deal with. However, no matter your current mental state, self-love can only work to improve it. When you commit fully to bettering yourself and having positive mental health, you CAN and will see changes. It does take perseverance and determination, but simply starting to have positive conversations with yourself and doing activities that promote mental wellness can make a world of difference. Practices such as meditation and yoga, for instance, have proven highly beneficial for many types of ailments and disorders.

However, if you need additional help outside of healing practices and improving your relationship with yourself, don’t hesitate to ask for it. Everyone falls down sometimes and needs help getting back on their feet, and you shouldn’t feel ashamed about that. We’re all in this together, but you have to take responsibility for your own health and realize when you need assistance.

So, our overall message to you this year is this. Get out there and live your dreams, love yourself, do what makes you happy, and don’t ever give up on you. Rekindle that fire in your soul, and don’t ever let anyone extinguish it – especially yourself.

My Wish For You In 2017…

Well, another year draws to a close as we prepare to usher in a new one. Whatever 2016 brought you, whether pain or joy, remember that you can always create a new reality in 2017. You can wipe the slate clean, get back to the drawing board, and manifest whatever you desire as long as dedicated action follows your intentions. Perhaps you did not get what you wanted in 2016, but as long as you continue to work toward your goals and enjoy the ride, then 2017 should have a lot of exciting opportunities in store for you.

You may not have gotten what you wanted in 2016, but as long as you continue to work toward your goals and enjoy the ride, then 2017 should have a lot of exciting opportunities in store for you.

We all lead different lives, but wherever you’re reading this from and whatever path you follow, we sincerely hope for all the love, happiness, and abundance in the world for you next year.

My Wish For You In 2017…

1. Work hard but stay humble.

We all have to work in some fashion to survive, but allow your work to elevate and inspire you in 2017. Quit that job you hate, and try to take more time for yourself. We have become a world obsessed with making our way to the top, but remember that the journey to ‘greatness’ takes immense sacrifice and dedication. Don’t let work overtake your whole life; simplify your life so that you don’t need to earn so much. Stay humble in the journey, and don’t take anything or anyone for granted.

No one wants to work but try to find something you enjoy doing that can also allow you to live comfortably. If you find financial success in 2017, remember to use your resources for the greater good. Love all, serve all, and remember where you came from.

2. Take time for the people who matter most.

Remember that one day when you look up from your phone or computer screen, the people you love won’t be around anymore. So, for gosh sakes, stop what you’re doing and go give your mom or dad a big hug and remind them how much they mean to you. Call your brother or sister you haven’t talked to in a while and ask how things are really going in their lives. Connect with your children after work instead of going straight for the couch to watch the football game. Family and friends mean everything.

The ones we share our world with matter more than anything in this world, much more than money, status, job titles, possessions, etc. When we’re beaten and broken by life and need a place to rest, our family and friends always come to the rescue. So, please, don’t take them for granted. Love them with all your heart, and remember that you can NEVER love too much or too hard.


3. Keep away from drama.

Everywhere we turn these days, drama rears its ugly head and creates unnecessary heartache and stress. If you go on social media, you’ll probably spot drama within 5 minutes of scrolling. Turn on the news, you see people fighting, wars breaking out, and other atrocities. We’ve become obsessed with drama through cultural conditioning, but at the end of the day, what purpose does it serve? Does it make our lives more meaningful? Does it make us happy? Will it help anyone? I think we can answer all these questions with a unanimous “No,” so it makes no sense to continue this horribly destructive and hurtful habit.

Say no to gossip and drama in 2017, and welcome love, peace, and compassion instead. The world needs that from you and all of us right now. Rise above and remember that inside, we’re all the same. In our hearts, we’re all connected, so treat your fellow brothers and sisters just like you’d want to be treated.

4. Spread kindness as far and wide as you can.

Nothing much is free in this world anymore, except what matters: love, kindness, and compassion. Smiles don’t cost a dime, but can turn someone’s entire day around. Last time I checked, compliments don’t cost anything either but can boost someone’s self-esteem and just make them feel good all around.

So, why don’t we spread more of this good medicine while we can? If every one of us said just one kind thing to someone for just one day, imagine how the Earth’s energy would shift in that 24 hours. Now, picture how the world would look if we made it a habit, a practice, a necessary thing, to spread kindness every day.

We would have a healthier, happier, more vibrant world. 

We would have a world that looked a little less lonely, a little less hurt, and a little more loving. History keeps repeating itself, and our current system doesn’t love and serve all. However, we have the power to change it. Let’s all commit to making these wishes come true in 2017; if we all made just a small positive difference this year, imagine all the good it would do in the world!

So, my fellow humans, my beautiful brothers and sisters full of nothing but love and light, let’s continue shifting this paradigm and stand strong, together as one, to ring in the new year and set our intentions for a better Earth. We’ve got this. YOU’VE got this.

Related article: How Using The Power of Positivity Actually Changes the World Around You

MIT Neuroscientist Explains The Danger Of Multitasking

Earl Miller is a very smart man. So smart, in fact, that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the world, has given Mr. Miller his own lab to conduct research on the brain. One of Miller’s primary research interests is the effect of multitasking on the human brain – and he’s discovered (along with many others) that multitasking is a (very) bad habit. We’re going to dig a bit deeper into his research a bit later.

What is “multitasking”?

People multitask in various ways; so to provide a point of reference going forward, we’re going to clarify. The American Psychological Association (APA) explains the various methods of multitasking:

Multitasking can take place when someone tries to perform two tasks simultaneously, switch from one task to another, or perform two or more tasks in rapid succession.

Despite massive amounts of research explaining why multitasking is counterproductive, people do it all the time – often without realizing it. Why? Because multitasking as an “acceptable,” even a desirable “skill.”

Some quick examples: when applying for a job, one of the requirements is often “the ability to multitask”; at home, we try to manage five different responsibilities at once; when driving, we’ll talk and/or text (!) on the phone…and on and on.

Multitasking doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because it can’t work. It can’t work because our brains don’t work that way. Got all that?

MIT Neuroscientist Reveals The Risk Of Multitasking

“When you try to multitask, you typically don’t get far enough down any road to stumble upon something original because you’re constantly switching and backtracking.” – Earl Miller, MIT Neuroscientist

Miller, along with other neuroscientists, explain that the brain’s attention capacity is limited. The reason: the brain is an energy-hungry organ, and we can only consume and expend so much.

Interesting tidbit: the human brain uses more energy than any other organ, accounting for over one-fifth of the body’s total energy consumption. Like gas in a car, when our “brain fuel” is out, it’s out.

Multitasking expedites the rate at which the brain expends energy, kind of like how “flooring it” in a car wastes fuel. Miller calls this energy expenditure the brain’s “switching cost.” Fortunately, this is one mechanism of the brain that can be mitigated. We can manage some of our brain’s energy.

One of the biggest contributors to this “switching cost” is your smartphone. Speaking of which…

The “Digital Divide”

Part of Miller’s research on multitasking is what he calls the “Digital Divide,” or the effect of digital devices relative to multitasking. His work in this area has actually led to the creation of a Today Show series bearing the same name.

In an interview, when asked about the prolific use of electronic devices Miller replied: “There are downsides to using devices. We are too superficial and we are constantly changing what we pay attention to.

The ubiquitous use of electronics, particularly smartphones, has led to more and more multitasking. Professor Miller states that this is a serious problem: “Our brains are not designed for all this information…yet our brains want to seek out this information even though it is maladaptive.”

Professor Miller explains this maladaptation via the natural evolution of the brain. In ancient times, human beings were required to adapt quickly to sudden changes in the environment, thus “…it was adaptive for out and pay attention to new information.” However, today, “sudden changes in the environment” often mean new emails, text messages or Facebook updates.

What about people who contradict science and think they’re actually good at multitasking? Well, Miller says that you’re probably the worst at it.


Miller’s Recommendations

Though the problems of multitasking may sound complex, the solutions are not. Professor Miller has provided some specific recommendations to help our brains focus:

– First, block out periods of time during the day to focus.

Second, eliminate all distractions from the environment. Stash the phone away, turn the computer off, shut down email and instant messaging, for example.

Related article: 10 Reasons Single-Tasking Is Better Than Multitasking

– Third, if you find it difficult to concentrate at any point during the day, it may help to take a short break and move your body. Miller states: “Increasing blood flow to your brain can help restore focus.”

Other recommendations: avoid multitasking completely and focus on one (and only one!) thing at a time. When we “single-task,” the brain is less prone to make mistakes and we’re likely to be much more productive.

Finally, Miller adds: “I know all these things and I am as guilty as anyone else.”

We all are, Professor…we all are…

Holohan, M. (2016, January 27). Multitasking doesn’t work: Why focus isn’t just hocus-pocus. Retrieved December 20, 2016, from
O’Hare, R. (2016, December 08). Why multitasking is BAD for your brain: Neuroscientist warns it wrecks productivity and causes mistakes. Retrieved December 20, 2016, from
Stewart, A. (2016, December 12). MIT neuroscientist warns about the risks of multitasking. Retrieved December 20, 2016, from
Multitasking: Switching costs. (2006, March 20). Retrieved December 20, 2016, from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The 3 Most Important Gifts You Can Give This Year

We would like to take this opportunity show our humble gratitude to you, our loyal readers, for the the kindness, compassion, and love you have shown us throughout this entire journey together. We thank you for sharing our articles and other posts on social media so that other people can read and enjoy them.

We wish you a very merry festive period, surrounded by all the wonderful things that this time of year brings with all the people you love. We hope that you receive all the gifts that you have wished for throughout the year.

You have already given us many gifts this this year, and we would like to give you three gifts in return. If you would like to return or re-gift them, we will not be upset at all. On the contrary, we will be delighted (and there’s no receipt needed)!

The Most Important Gifts You Can Give This Year Are…

Kindness – “Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.” – Plato

“Charis” or ????? is the Greek word for “kindness”. In Ancient Greece, the greatest act of charis was “xenia” or ?????, their concept of hospitality. According to the Wikipedia page dedicated to it, there were two basic rules of xenia: the respect afforded by the host to the guest; and vice versa. The host was to “provide him/her with food, drink, bath, and gifts when they leave.” The guest was to “be courteous to the host and not be a burden. The guest should also provide a gift if they have one.”

Jumping forward millennia, let us take a look into why you should give the gift of being charitable or kind. David R. Hamilton Ph.D. of the Huffington Post has the inside scoop:

1. Kindness makes us happier.

2. Kindness gives us healthier hearts.

3. Kindness slows aging.

4. Kindness makes for better relationships.

5. Kindness is contagious.

Compassion – Here is the Cambridge Dictionary definition of the word: “a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them”.

You may have seen someone who is in a rut and going through some tough times. You listen to their story and it moves you, and you get into the groove of helping. Again, we delve into why you should give this gift, so we let Emma M. Seppälä Ph.D. of Pyschology Today take it away:

1. Compassion makes you happy.

2. Compassion makes you wise.

3. Compassion makes you attractive.

4. Compassion gives you time and money.

5. Compassion boosts your health.

6. Compassion uplifts and spreads.

7. Compassion is 100% natural.

Love – “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” – Oscar Wilde

No need for boffin analysis here. It is what these holidays are all about. With love coming in all shapes and sizes, being together with your loved ones at this time is the most rewarding thing you can do for all concerned. However, love is for everyone every day so we need to nurture this behaviour and carry it into the new year and beyond.

In summary, give to yourself and others this festive period by giving these three powerful gifts. You are like a candle, for when you give your light to another person, they receive light also. Therefore, you give and receive at the same time, giving light to another and receiving joy within your soul. Happy holidays at all!

Unknown author. Xenia (Greek), Wikipedia
Hamilton D R (Ph.D.), 5 Beneficial Side Effects of Kindness, Huffington Post
Seppälä E M (Ph.D.), The Best Kept Secret to Happiness & Health: Compassion, Psychology Today

10 Important Signs Your Body Is Asking For Help

When we think of intelligence, the human brain comes to mind – and rightfully so. However, it this sells the rest of our body short, in a way. The fact is that our bodies are also brilliant.

One way such intelligence manifests is how the body responds to internal stimuli. Despite of the millions of processes taking place within the body at any given time, we have an inherent ability to ‘feel’ when something is wrong.

The important question to ask, then, is how well do we pay attention to such feelings. The simple answer is that some are very attuned to bodily signals, while others are borderline neglectful.

As a result, one can confidently postulate that human health has become much more complicated, expensive, and intrusive because of our unwillingness or inability to understand the body’s attempt to communicate.

This leads us to the topic of today’s article: signals the body sends that may indicate a need for help; whether this help means medical intervention, dietary changes, or a need to re-evaluate one’s way of life.

Why is this important? Well, for many reasons, but preventing illness or disease may be among the most crucial. We must pay due attention to what, how, and when our body is communicating to us to successfully deter, and hopefully prevent, health conditions that threaten our existence.

“The human body and mind are tremendous forces that are continually amazing scientists and society. Therefore, we have no choice but to keep an open mind as to what the human being can achieve.” – Evelyn Glennie

10 Important Signs Your Body Is Asking For Help

Without further ado, we present 10 signs that your body may be signaling for help. Unsurprisingly, many of these signs revolve around dietary habits, as will be explained below.

asking for help

1. Persistent dry skin

Dry skin is often uncomfortable and annoying. Our largest organ, the skin, will crack, itch, and scale if we are not consuming enough vitamins – particularly, Vitamin E – in our daily meals. Try adding more fish, nuts, and healthy oils to your diet to alleviate some of these symptoms.

2. Brittleness of the hair and/or nails

Like dry skin, brittle hair or nails usually indicate a nutrient or vitamin deficiency. Low calcium and/or vitamin B levels can cause these areas to crack, dry, and scale. The solution is to include one or more of the following: whole-grain bread, whole grains, milk, legumes, or potatoes.

3. Increased desire or consumption of sodium or salty foods can mean your body lacks minerals

Most minerals have a salty composition. So when the body craves salt-laden foods (e.g. potato chips, peanuts, dry meat, etc.), it is often an indication that additional mineral supplementation is needed. Also, craving salty foods may be a sign that there is inflammation or an infection somewhere in the body.

4. Increased desire or consumption of sugary foods

Similar to other cravings on this list, the impulse to eat more sugar generally indicates a lack of proper dieting. This aside, there are plenty of ways to counteract these cravings: drink lots of water, eat fresh and leafy greens, and/or eat more healthily and frequently.

5. Increased desire or consumption of raw foods can meed a problem in your body

Raw foods (e.g. sushi, sashimi, cheese) may indicate some imbalance within the gastrointestinal or digestive system. The reason: raw foods are effective in alleviating uncomfortable conditions such as gastroenteritis or cramping. Supplement these foods with fresh and leafy vegetables, and fruits.

6. Increased desire or consumption of seafood

Here, the problem can be two-fold; either there is a lack of nutrients or minerals (most likely protein) or some iodine deficiency. Seafood – in many forms – is a healthy dietary choice. However, be sure to include fresh cuts of meat or poultry, or some sort of substitute for vegans/vegetarians, to ward off such cravings and balance your diet.

7. Psoriasis can signal a problem with the body

Similar to other manifestations of dry skin, the presence of scaling or psoriasis on the arms or elbows is indicative of insufficient vitamins and/or minerals. Vitamins A and C are common culprits. This in mind, try to include foods such as apricots, carrots, or oranges.

8. Cramping, Poor Sleep or Insomnia

Of all symptoms, these three are often the most troublesome. Magnesium – a known inhibitor of neuronal activity, and potassium – an important nutrient for brain, heart, and muscle health, can alleviate many of these ailments.

Foods such as green and leafy vegetables, almonds, nuts, apricots, plums, bananas, and many others, can help suppress or eliminate such physical and psychological symptoms.

9. Bleeding from the mouth or gums

Bleeding of the mouth or gums often occurs because of a lack of vitamin C. However, ensuring the proper practice of oral care is essential as well. Vitamin C can be found in many sources: fruits (especially oranges), veggies, and garlic.


10. An increased desire for sour foods or beverages

Hormonal changes in the body (e.g. in pregnant women) can result in desiring more sour foods or drinks. Additionally, the ingredients contained in sour foods stimulate the liver and gall bladder – potentially indicating a problem with one or both.

Healthy sour sources include cranberries (or cranberry juice), lemons or limes.

Kapner, M., DDS, Zieve, D., MD, MHA, & Ogilvie, I., PhD (Eds.). (2016, February 22). Bleeding gums: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from
What does craving sour foods mean? (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Things To Never Do Before You Go To Sleep

Sleep is increasingly recognized as important to public health, with sleep insufficiency linked to motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters, and medical and other occupational errors. An estimated 50-70 million US adults have (a) sleep or wakefulness disorder. – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Obesity. Smoking. Sleeping. What do these three things have in common? Each is considered a public concern or epidemic by the nation’s leading public health organizations.

To be more specific, the correct term for this sleep epidemic is sleep deprivation or sleep deficiency…and many of us have this problem. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) reported in 2014: “Forty-five percent of Americans say that poor or insufficient sleep affected their daily activities at least once in the past seven days.”

Unfortunately, it’s getting worse. In February of 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 1 in 3 adults do not get enough sleep on a regular basis. Sleep deficiency/deprivation has serious consequences – both for the individual, and for society.

Most importantly, lack of rest can seriously affect our health. According to the CDC:

“Persons experiencing sleep insufficiency are also more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, and obesity, as well as from cancer, increased mortality, and reduced quality of life and productivity.”

Despite a prolific amount of scientific research, there are still plenty of people who think that lack of sleep is no big deal. Part of this can be attributed to the fact that information pertaining to sleep’s effects on our health is not widely disseminated. When’s the last time a commercial or public announcement was made about the importance of sleep?

This said, one of the main reasons for America’s insomnia problem is our propensity for engaging in bad habits prior to going to bed

We discuss 5 such habits in this article. Each of the 5 has been researched – and subsequently proven – to adversely affect both the quality and duration of sleep.

Without further ado, here are 5 things to never do before you sleep:

1. “Binge watch” TV

How many of us have TVs in the same room where we sleep? (Me too).

We work hard, are time-constrained, and want to find a way to actually enjoy ourselves for a bit. “What better time than to watch some Netflix than bedtime?,” we think. And about two-thirds of us watch TV an hour before bed time.

The problem with watching TV is that it (literally) stimulates the brain. W. Christopher Winter, MD and sleep specialist explains: “The bright light of TV stimulates the brain, which can affect the secretion of melatonin, a hormone necessary for quality sleep.”

Do this: As tempting as it may be, shut the TV off at least an hour before bedtime.

2. Update Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat/anything

Our desire to constantly interact with our social networks is seemingly insatiable. It’s so, so easy to just reach for our smartphone and check email, texts, Facebook, or just browse the web.

Similar to watching the tube prior to bedtime, smartphones also stimulate the brain. The blue light produced by many electronic devices interrupts the body’s natural sleep/wake clock – also known as circadian rhythm.

But unlike that TV remote we always lose, our phones are usually within an arm’s reach. Life is so hard these days, sheesh

Do this: A part of us may die inside, but the solution here is to bid the phone “night-night” and stash it.

3. Munch on fatty/spicy/sweet foods

Two reasons not to do this: (1) sweets like cookies, cupcakes, juice, etc. can bring “unwanted guests” like ants and flies and (2) they keep us awake. Which one is worse? Heck, they’re both worse.

Foods that are spicy or laden fat can trigger our stomach to respond with lovely acid reflux. Of course, our innards don’t take a particular liking to stomach acid entering the esophagus when trying to sleep.

Do this: Try to eat no later than two hours before bedtime to allow for proper digestion. Limit the aforementioned foods during this time.

4. Drink or eat anything with caffeine

Come on, folks. We all know better than this.

But in our defense, it’s not always simple as abstaining from coffee or soda pop.

Some ‘decaffeinated’ coffee can actually contain up to 20 milligrams of caffeine. While this may be 4-6 times less caffeine than in a regular cup of joe, it can still keep you awake. Caffeine can actually stay in the body for as long as 12 hours.

Related article: 5 Diseases That Can Grow In Your Body When You Don’t Sleep Enough

What about chocolate? Well, aside from the discussion about eating sweets before bedtime, certain types of chocolate contain caffeine. 100 grams of dark chocolate, for example, contains over 40 grams of the stuff.

Do this: By all means enjoy coffee and chocolate, but do so during the day.

5. Not having a bedtime routine.

Look, we all want to accomplish what we can, when we can. It can be tempting to “get a head start” on the day ahead; but it isn’t a good idea to do anything that requires significant brainpower before nodding off – and any activity too stimulating makes it difficult for the brain to do just that.

The brain needs a period of time to unwind and prepare for sleep.

Do this: Take at least 30 minutes and do something relaxing to invite a good night’s sleep. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016, February 16). 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. Retrieved December 14, 2016, from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015, September 3). Insufficient sleep is a public health problem. Retrieved December 14, 2016, from
Schultz, R. (2013, September 18). The Worst Thing You Do Before Bed. Retrieved December 14, 2016 from
The National Sleep Foundation. (2015). Lack of Sleep is Affecting Americans, Finds the National Sleep Foundation. Retrieved December 14, 2016, from
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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