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7 Reasons Why A Taurus Is The Strongest Lover In The Zodiac

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of dating a Taurus, you know firsthand just how loving, loyal, and hard-working they can be. Taurus’ have many traits that make them great partners, but they don’t just throw their love around to whoever knocks on their door. This zodiac sign enjoys deep, committed, passionate relationships, not just one-night stands or casual flings. Perhaps this desire for a real relationship makes them the best lover in the zodiac because they won’t settle for anything less than a love worth fighting for.

If you’ve dated a Taurus or are currently in a relationship with one, read on to find out just what makes this sign such an amazing partner.

7 Reasons Why A Taurus Is The Strongest Lover In The Zodiac


1. They are intensely loyal.

You won’t find a sign more devoted or dedicated to your relationship than a Taurus. When they find someone that truly makes their heart happy, they wouldn’t want to sacrifice that for anything in the world. A Taurus will stand by your side no matter what life throws at them or the relationship because they can’t imagine betraying someone they love. You won’t ever have to worry about your Taurus having eyes for another man or woman because they don’t believe in sabotaging a great relationship for a temporary lapse in judgment.

2. They have a lot hiding beneath the surface.

When you first talk to a Taurus, they won’t reveal much. Taurus has a very mysterious, distant aura about them, almost as if they won’t really give you the time of day. They don’t mean to seem rude, but they’ve been so used to getting hurt by others and people taking advantage of their kindness that they keep their guard up now. However, once you get to know them, you’ll see what beautiful treasures they’ve been hiding. Taurus has a lot to say and has a very genuine soul, but you just have to peel back the layers a little bit first and give him or her a reason to trust you.

3. They have a strong work ethic.

Taurus’ may seem like workaholics, but being dedicated to a purpose means this attitude carries over into other aspects of their lives, too. Taurus give their all to everything in life, whether that means jobs, relationships, friends, family, spirituality, or something else. They don’t believe in doing something if you only give half of yourself to the task. So they give 110% every time, no matter what. They work tirelessly on whatever they feel called to, including their relationships.

4. Taurus has a mean stubborn streak.

You might wonder how this makes them a strong lover, but hear us out. Being stubborn usually equates to being passionate about something. Think about a time when you stood up for yourself and didn’t listen to what others had to say about it. You probably didn’t want to budge on your beliefs because you knew deep down what you stood for and couldn’t stray from what your heart really wanted. This is Taurus 24/7 – a passionate, dedicated, stubborn person who will stand all alone if they have to in order to protect their own perspective and beliefs.

They have a tendency to see things from only their eyes. But this makes them strong people in general because they have a lot of faith in themselves.

5. They hate staying stagnant.

Taurus, more than almost any other sign, need constant growth in their lives in order to feel satisfied. They need goals, a sense of direction, and a purpose. They don’t wander aimlessly. Instead, they set their eyes on the prize and don’t stop until they’ve won it. They know the value of dedicated action and want to see you achieving your goals, too. In a relationship, a Taurus won’t ever give up on you or your dreams; they will encourage and support you to the finish.

6. Taurus is deeply romantic.

Even though Taurus’ seems simple and by-the-book most of the time, they also have a sweet, romantic side that the right person can easily bring out of them. A Taurus loves the nice things in life, and wants to treat you to some of those luxuries, too. Their generosity and sweethearts make them some of the strongest lovers in the zodiac because they only want the absolute best for you.


7. They enjoy deep conversations.

Taurus only keeps people around who they have real, meaningful relationships. They don’t believe in having hollow relationships with people, because what’s the point in keeping people around if you don’t have a true connection with them? In a relationship, Taurus love to dig deep and pour their heart and soul into a conversation, so if you want to get with a Taurus, be prepared to divulge your darkest secrets and deepest thoughts.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This 8 Year Old Boy Was Starving In An Orphanage Last Year. Watch His Amazing Transformation

After seeing a heartbreaking photo on Facebook of a starving seven-year-old orphan with special needs, Priscilla Morse flew all the way to Bulgaria to adopt him.

When she made it to the Bulgarian orphanage to sign all the adoption papers and finalize the process, Ryan weighed just seven pounds and had extra hair all over his body due to malnutrition. His skin looked ghostly and pale, and due to his condition, doctors didn’t have much hope for him.

However, in spite of all this, Priscilla and her husband felt called to adopt Ryan. They both felt confident that Ryan could improve with the proper love and care, and plus, they had both already adopted their seven-year-old daughter McKenzie in 2012 from an orphanage in Russia. She has Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect, but this didn’t stop her adoptive parents from trying to give her the life she deserves. They want the same for their new son, Ryan.

Already after just over a year with his new family in Tennessee, Ryan is showing dramatic improvements. He’s been steadily gaining weight, and currently weighs 23 pounds. He’s starting to babble like a baby and even moves a little bit on his own. He smiles now just like any healthy, happy 8-year-old boy should, and pictures of him taken this month show just how much he’s improved over the past year.

You’ll see in the photos below that, compared to a year ago, Ryan has gone through quite an astonishing transformation.


Ryan in November 2015

After being adopted in November 2015. Ryan weighed 7 pounds.

Taken in November 2016. Ryan now weighs 23 pounds. 

Mrs. Morse told that she first learned about Ryan back in June 2014 on an adoption page on Facebook.

She and her husband David decided pretty quickly that they wanted to adopt Ryan. 

So, toward the end of October 2015, Mrs. Morse flew halfway around the world to Bulgaria to finalize Ryan’s adoption. Due to his worsening health and the doctors’ predictions, Morse thought Ryan might die before she could even finish the paperwork.

‘The first meeting was pretty scary,’ Mrs Morse told Inside Edition. ‘He was bones and skin, he literally looked like a skeleton. The first thing that went through my head was, “he’s going to die.”‘

As soon as she brought Ryan to the U.S. in November 2015, she rushed him to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital where doctors put Ryan on a feeding tube immediately.

‘I had never in my life seen doctors look at a child and burst into tears,’ she said. ‘They did call social services. They said, “I’m sorry, he’s probably going to die.”‘

Ryan spent his first two weeks in America in the hospital, where he was monitored and given the proper care for his condition. Then, he was released and readmitted shortly afterwards for an additional month.

Since coming to America, however, Ryan has gained a considerable amount of weight and shown other signs of improvement, such as losing the layer of hair that once covered him due to malnutrition. He’s also gained color in his lips and skin as his health has improved over the past year.

The Morses have even been able to enroll him in public school where he will continue to improve under the guidance of a special needs teacher.


Doctors have determined that Ryan has cerebral palsy, microcephaly, scoliosis, clubbed feet, and dwarfism, which explains his small size. Despite all of these problems, Ryan has made great progress, all because two people believed in him and literally saved his life.

Related article: This 8 Year Old Saw His Friend Denied Lunch Because of No Money…Then Buys Lunch For Hundreds

‘His progress has been nothing short of a miracle in my opinion. The first time I saw him I couldn’t even formulate a sentence. I was convinced he would die before I got him home and now he is a happy, giggly, active boy,’ Mrs Morse told

Doctors say it may take years for Ryan to make a full recovery, and they still aren’t sure how much he will grow or how well he’ll be able to speak.

However, the Morses have a positive attitude and believe he will continue to improve.

Being adopted herself and having a special needs brother who died at nine years old, Mrs. Morse says she’s inspired to adopt special needs children because of how much her parents loved her brother. 


Ryan posing for a photo with Mom and Dad.

‘I was pretty young when he passed away, [but] I remember how much my parents loved him in spite of all his special needs,’ she said. ‘I wanted to give that to a child that was given up because of his special needs. Everyone is deserving of a family.’

In addition to their adopted daughter McKenzie and son Ryan, they have two biological sons, seven-year-old Jack and 13-year-old Dylan.

Sources: All photo credit goes to

11 Things Men Do If They’re Falling In Love With You

Guys can be as different as night and day. Guys like to think they are simple creatures, but they are just as complex and mysterious as women can be. Indeed, they might be at their most cryptic when falling in love.

Every man has had different experiences with women and deals with them in their own unique way. There are, however, similarities in how men express their love for women.

Here are 11 things men do when they are falling in love with you:

1. He Will Hold Your Purse When He’s Falling in Love

Regardless of what men do for a living or what their place in society is, they, in general, do not want to be perceived as weak, servile, or submissive. If they are holding your purse, they don’t care how others perceive them because they are full of another emotion that is pushing away all other worries or concerns.

2. Shop For Feminine Hygiene Products

If they are falling for you, then you could ask them anything and they will do it to earn your affection. They don’t care about appearing weak or uncomfortable. They only want you to be happy and if feeling uncomfortable for a few minutes in the grocery store is all it takes, then consider it done.

3. He Remembers the Little Things if He Is Falling In Love

When he really cares, he remembers how you take your coffee. He remembers your favorite restaurant, your favorite food, or your favorite TV show. He remembers your birthday. He remembers because you have become very important to him and will become a bit of a fanboy of your life.


4. He Brags About You

He constantly tells others how great and wonderful you are. He is proud to have you on his arm. He thinks that you are the best thing since sliced bread and will let everyone know it.

5. He Listens Carefully

When you are talking, he will listen very carefully to you because he wants your attention and everything about you is interesting to him. He is becoming a fan boy and will soak up everything there is to learn about your life and who you are.

6. He Teases You

Guys tease each other to show affection. If he teases you a little, he is showing you he cares. He is trying to start a fire by striking little sparks. He will also laugh it off when you tease him in return.

7. He Sacrifices for Your Happiness

He will drive two hours round trip to fix your printer for you before heading off to work. He doesn’t mind because you are important to him. Your happiness is becoming more important than his own comfort. He will go out of his way to make you happy, even if he sacrifices a bit of his own happiness to do it.

8. He Goes The Extra Mile if He Is Falling in Love

It isn’t enough to go out and get you dinner – he will drive across town to get dinner from your favorite restaurant. If he is falling for you, then he will go the extra mile to make even small things super special.

9. He Thinks You Are Beautiful When You Think You Aren’t

You know those mornings when you roll out of bed, shuffle to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee while scratching your forehead and sporting hair that looks like Medusa’s old wig? Yeah, he still thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world even when you are absolutely convinced you look like a train-wreck. It doesn’t matter to him. He only sees the perfect you.

10. He Cares About Your Friends and Family

When he falls for you, then your tribe becomes his tribe. It is hard to explain, but people and things that are important to you become very important to him. He wants to protect you and knows that if your friends or family are hurting, then you will be hurting.

He will walk into hell and back to make sure that you do not get hurt, even obliquely through your family. He will make himself available to them, help them do chores or fix things, bring them dinner, drive them home or take care of them as if they were his family.

11. He Lets Himself Be Vulnerable

When he really loves you, he will let himself be weak in front of you because he trusts you implicitly not to take advantage of that vulnerability. Guys, in general, wear emotional armor all of the time and feel very uncomfortable taking it off. If he takes that emotional armor off and lets you inside, then he really is falling in love with you. Psychologists note that gentlemen often struggle with opening up to communicate. So when you crack open that shell, it’s a sign of true love.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Relationship Experts Explain What To Do When The One You Love Doesn’t Love You Back

An unreciprocated love. Been there, done that, got a few too many T-shirts. Breathe calmly, take a healthy dose of chillaxapil and read on about how to handle when the one you love does not love you back, no matter whether your love interest is/was Kimmy or Jay.

There is a story earlier in the year that emanated from China where a guy declared his love for a girl with a huge sign and 999 pomelo fruits all carefully arranged into the shape of a heart. She declined his interest and just wanted to remain friends. So what happens when our love and admiration for a particular person is met with, at best, a lukewarm response? We wonder why and then do everything in our power to attempt to change their minds. However, you know in your heart of hearts that this will not change anything and you will likely only make matters worse for you. Yet, a romantic rejection is the worst because love is such a subjective matter and we place so much importance to our emotional state, even to the most hardened of men.

The painful feelings of unrequited love

Let us identify the feelings of rejection. Here is a basic list of them:

  • Sadness
  • Emotional distress
  • Inadequacy
  • Anger
  • Revenge

It is only natural to feel sad after rejection. According to relationship expert, Ellie Prior from Your Relationship Matters, “being very emotional “locks” your attention on all the negativity which is also not helpful to yourself.” Prior continues, “I have seen men and women reject the most beautiful/thoughtful/fantastic partners.” You were the one who invested in this crush on Kimmy/Jay. This will turn into emotional distress because you are wallowing in self-pity. Self-pity translates into feelings of being inadequate for this crush and possibly those in the future, therefore your inadequacy makes you angry and out to get revenge. What do you do when wanting to exact revenge on someone with whom you are angry in a romantic sense? You will get dressed to the nines in search of someone else by wanting to attract someone new.

What to do about rejection from Kimmy/Jay:

We all know the end goal is moving on and feeling better about yourself, ready for the next Kimmy or Jay. The question is, how do we get there?

secret love

Here’s how to handle it when the one you love doesn’t love you back:

“Yet but three come one more.
Two of both kinds make up four.
Ere she comes curst and sad.
Cupid is a knavish lad.
Thus to make poor females mad.”
– William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

1. Understanding rejection of your love

How can you understand someone rejecting you romantically? Even the very best suffered rejection at some point – watch the movie Casanova starring Heath Ledger and Sienna Miller to get an understanding, not only for the ones interested in Giacomo Casanova but also for the title character. The good news is that sometimes rejection is not always permanent or it is a case of one door closing and another (better one!) opening.

2. The power is in what way you react to it

We know that it is hard to swallow. You give the rejection so much power that it consumes you, eating away at your happiness. So what if you made a dog’s dinner of your approach? Do not rub salt in your own wounds and whine about it! You have to be as keen as mustard to taste all of life’s flavors, so it is in your best interests to cook up a real storm in your life. So take a cookery class, have some friends over for a few beers or glasses of wine, go to your favorite restaurant and order the most expensive meal on the menu, treat yourself to that thing you have had your eye on for ages. Once you see that life is not all sour, you will be sweet.

3. The learning curve of love

Although this is counter-intuitive, one of the ways to objectively view a lack of reciprocated love is to learn from it. Look at how you were acting around your person of interest. What would you have done differently? How can this painful experience help you grow? Remaining calm and doing this will help you in the future so that you will either be happy or be in a better place if another rejection is forthcoming.


4. Rejection means you are living your life

Walt Disney had no imagination, the Beatles would never make it in music, Albert Einstein would never amount to much. We have all seen the meme. Know this; rejection is a part of life and it will happen from time to time. It is up to you to keep searching within you, to never be discouraged from living your life to the fullest. Keep going; there is always someone who will appreciate you.

5. The only approval worthy of your time is your own

Most people look externally for this. Thankfully, the only person from whom you need acceptance is yourself. This will always overcome the pain of romantic rejection and fear thereof. Remember that self-love has a certain magnetic power attached to it like a magnet. Take a leaf out of Whitney Houston’s book as she sings Greatest Love of All. “Because the greatest love of all is happening to me. I found the greatest love of all inside of me. The greatest love of all is easy to achieve. Learning to love yourself, It is the greatest love of all.”

Imagine a beautiful flower in a garden and a child rips the flower off its stem, the part that has been ripped off eventually dies and the child is long gone, yet the stem does the only thing it knows how: grow another beautiful flower. It achieves that feat thanks to its roots. In this scenario, you are the stem, the child portrays the one who rejected you, and the flower is the love that you have for someone.

There is one thing for sure: there is absolutely no rejection here. We love you, no matter what!

Chen M. & Chen D., Man Rejected by “Dream Girl” After Confessing His Love with 999 Pomelos Double Chen News, YouTube video.
Prior E., Feeling rejected because of your partner’s infidelity? Your Relationship Matters
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Types of Pain That Are Directly Linked To Your Emotions

A quick note before we discuss the types of pain. It is extremely important that any severe physical symptoms must be attended to by a licensed medical professional, such as a physician.

If there is a mental aspect to virtually every type of disease, isn’t it then rational to assume there is a mental aspect to virtually every type of physical pain? The simple truth is that mental states affect physical states and vice-versa.

Traditional medicine has labeled this the psychosomatic effect. Interestingly, the specialty of psychosomatic medicine is the latest sub-specialty in psychiatry to become board-certified. Board-certified physicians comprise the “best of the best” in 24 different medical specializations (e.g., neurology, dermatology, psychiatry, etc.) As necessary, these medical specialties are universally recognized by the medical and scientific communities as vital to public health.

Indeed, pain can be caused by emotional and mental states. In science, it has been demonstrated that both mental or emotional and physical pain activates the same areas of the brain: the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex. So – a physiological connection between brain and body exists as well.

Here we are going to discuss ten different types of pain that are directly linked to feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Equipped with this knowledge, one can begin to make whatever adjustments necessary to feel better (we’ll also provide some recommendations).

“Psychosomatic means mind (psyche) and body (soma). A psychosomatic disorder is a disease which involves both mind and body. Some physical diseases are thought to be particularly prone to be made worse by mental factors such as stress and anxiety.”

Here are ten types of pain due to feelings, thoughts, or emotions


1. Back pain

Areas of the back and shoulders are arguably where we feel muscle tension the most. For years, chiropractors, osteopaths, and other medical professionals have been explaining the stress/anxiety connection between back pain and mental/emotional health.

Making matters worse, this type of pain is cyclical. We begin to stress and worry about back pain, which tenses back the muscles; the muscles tense, and then we feel things like frustration and anger.

2. Headaches and migraines

Dr. Christina Peterson, a board-certified physician, writes: “Stress comes in many varieties, including time stress, emotional stress, and the stress of physical fatigue…and (these) emotions pack a wallop for the migraine sufferer.” Furthermore, emotions like anger, anxiety, crying/sadness, and depression trigger headache pains.

The good doctors recommend practicing relaxation techniques, meditation, and seeking a counselor’s help if this pain doesn’t subside.

3. Neck pain

The buildup of emotions, specifically negative emotions, can affect virtually every body area. According to Calm Clinic, neck pain is one of the most common complaints of people suffering from anxiety-related disorders.

Of course, it is nearly impossible to explain every one of the multitudes of ways that anxiety can manifest. Financial problems/worries, relationship problems, sadness, fatigue, etc.

4. Shoulder pain

Many kinesiologists believe that our shoulders are the area of the body most prone to feeling the adverse effects from pressure. Ever wonder where the axiom “Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders” comes from?

Us too. But it turns out there is a whole lot of truth to it.

5. Stomach aches and cramps

Our poor stomach is where we house most of our worries, fears, and anxieties. Experiencing these emotions repeatedly, without surprise, can cause stomach aches and pains. In fact, as it turns out, chronic stress can develop into stomach ulcers.

6. Elbow pain and/or stiffness

Dr. Alan Fogel, in a piece published by Psychology Today, writes, “All emotions have a motor component.” The elbow is no different. While medical conditions such as arthritis and others may be the reason for pain or stiffness; mental states such as anxiety and depression can also manifest in strange areas…including the elbows.

7. Pain in hands

Similar to the elbows, pain in the hands can arise from legitimate medical conditions. In fact, some even say that hand pain may result from feelings of isolation or confinement. As Dr. Fogel said, every one of our emotions manifests into a physical symptom…so, anything is possible, right?

8. Hip pain

Besides a documental medical condition, some type of emotional trigger is almost assuredly the cause of hip pain. The human body has more nerve connections in the hip than we would think; so distress can manifest into physical pain in this area as well.

9. Knee pain

The rationale given for knee pain experienced from emotions is pretty much the same as that given for hip discomfort. Of course, there are many nerve endings in the knee; hence, more of a brain/body connection. As such, it is perhaps more likely that emotional triggers such as anxiety, fear, depression, etc. will manifest into knee pain than other, less sensitive areas, such as the hip.

be kind

10. Foot pain

Here’s what one podiatrist says about the relationship between mental/emotional states and foot pain: “Stressed people present with a wide range of biomechanical issues. I am not trying to be a guru…but I am convinced there is an anecdotal connection between lower limb and foot presentation and their emotional status.”

Experts at Columbia University admitted that “there’s some evidence that there are psychological conditions that may be associated with physical symptoms” and that treating the real cause of the pain may be the answer.

Related article: This Simple Mind-Body Exercise Reduces Negative Thoughts and Improves Health

After investigating the physical pain or stress, it’s worthwhile to do the same with any emotional state(s). What are you feeling?

Relaxation techniques (e.g. progressive muscle relaxation), controlled breathing, meditation, guided imagery, and many other techniques and practices exist to help people who are experiencing both physical and/or emotional pain.

8 Signs Someone Is Suffering From Anorexia

If you or anyone you know suffers from an eating disorder, then you know the mental, emotional, and physical scars that accompany it. While anorexia might seem like a physical disease, it all begins in the mind and slowly breaks down the body. Anorexia is not a choice, a lifestyle, or a trend. It is a serious, potentially life-threatening illness that requires treatment of some form.

Sadly, a review of nearly fifty years of research confirms that anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental disorder. Furthermore, this mortality rate is twelve times higher than the death rate of all other causes of death for females between the ages of fifteen to twenty-four years old. 

While research is ongoing regarding the causes of anorexia, researchers believe it occurs from a combination of genetics, stressful life events, personality traits such as low self-esteem and perfectionism, extreme dieting that can cause changes to the brain’s chemistry, and societal and personal pressure to stay thin.

Anorexia is not something to be taken lightly. If you or anyone you know suffers from anorexia, please seek professional help. Your life matters, and you don’t have to allow an illness to rule your life any longer.

The following list is not exhaustive, but these are the main signs you need to look out for in yourself and others who might be suffering from anorexia.

8 Warning Signs of Anorexia to Never Ignore

1. Weight loss

This is probably the most obvious sign of anorexia. While it is a mental illness, anorexia is most easily characterized and recognized by excessive weight loss and self-starvation. In the mind of someone who suffers from anorexia, they are overweight and the only way to lose excess weight is to starve themselves. They see no other option as a viable one and restrict calories to sometimes nothing in order to have a sense of control.

If you notice extreme weight loss in yourself or someone you know, seek professional help immediately. Do not wait, because every second matters when it comes to someone suffering from anorexia.

2. Excessive exercise

People who suffer from anorexia almost always have an exercise routine, but it easily becomes an obsession. They feel that they must work out for hours on end at times in order to burn all the calories they’ve consumed throughout the day, and then some. It’s a constant battle between food, exercise, and body image, and for people suffering from anorexia, they see no end in sight. Every day is a struggle and a game of numbers.

3. Very poor body image

Another key sign of anorexia that we briefly mentioned above is a distorted body image. People with anorexia look in the mirror and see an overweight person, when in reality, the person staring back at them is barely alive. However, even when everyone else sees a thin person standing before them, an anorexic person will see the opposite.

They never feel good enough in their own skin, no matter how thin they become, and put great pressure on themselves to keep excess weight off.

4. Obsession with counting calories

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with counting calories if you do it with a healthy mindset. However, it becomes a problem when your whole life becomes a number’s game. When you can’t consume any food or drink without logging it in a calorie counting app and comparing it with how many calories you’ve burned so far. When you find yourself fearing food and mealtimes instead of looking forward to them.

People suffering from anorexia cannot consume anything without logging the calories somewhere, because in their mind, calories are the only thing they can truly control and restrict.

5. Frequent chest pains

Chest pains associated with anorexia are fairly common. According to a cross-sectional survey of 54 patients, 87% of people who suffer from anorexia experience chest pains. These can be caused by a number of factors, including, but not limited to, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, GERD, anxiety, an abnormal heart beat, or other complications with the cardiac, gastrointestinal, or pulmonary systems. The root cause of chest pain is often due to low potassium levels, as potassium helps the heart beat at a normal rhythm and keep electrolytes balanced.

If you experience regular chest pain, please get it checked with a professional immediately.

6. Digestive issues

When you starve the body of nutrients for a prolonged period of time, digestive issues can happen quite easily. IBS, GERD, bloating, constipation, and other major digestive problems are common in people with anorexia.

7. Hair loss

Another major sign of anorexia is significant hair loss. Every part of the body requires nutrients, including the hair, so hair loss ensues when the body doesn’t get the nutrition it needs. Protein stores become depleted in a state of malnutrition, and the body uses this protein for the most essential functions only. Since hair isn’t essential to our body’s functioning, it’s one of the first things to go when the body is in a malnourished state.

Related article: 5 Reasons to Stop Bodyshaming

8. Isolation/withdrawal

This might not be a direct sign of anorexia, but it’s certainly a red flag. People with eating disorders often don’t like to eat socially, as they want to avoid any questions from others about their eating habits. Not to mention, those with anorexia also tend to suffer from some other mental disorder such as anxiety and depression, which are characterized by isolation and withdrawal. People with anorexia might hide away due to lack of energy as well. More often than not, however, the main reason for isolation is to avoid eating in front of others, as everything dealing with food is stressful and fear-inducing for those suffering from anorexia.

We cannot stress enough that if you or someone you know is suffering from anorexia or any other eating disorder, you should get professional help immediately. Anorexia CAN be treated, but the first step is to admit to needing help. If you need immediate assistance, please call the National Eating Disorders Association(NEDA) hotline at this number: 1-800-931-2237. 

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