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Is Social Media Good Or Bad For Your Mental Health?

Social media is everywhere you look, from products with dedicated Facebook pages to politicians and celebrities with twitter accounts. Most of us use social media for what it was intended to be used for – connecting with people we don’t see every day. We use it in moderation and as a way to coordinate activities across multiple social groups such as friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances. For some, it becomes a weird parallel life with total strangers. But is social media inherently good or bad for your mental health?

Here are some ways social media is both good (and bad) for us:


Social media is incredibly addictive. It is so addictive, in fact, that researchers created a scale, the Berge Facebook Addiction Scale, to measure how addictive social media is. Research shows that around 63% of Americans log onto Facebook daily, with most of those logging on multiple times a day. While most people keep a tab open for Facebook all the time to alleviate boredom, the constant positive feedback from likes and comments on posts can make it difficult to step away from the site for long periods of time. People want to be validated and praised, and that is easy to achieve on a site where you can easily create a bubble of like-minded people and close friends who reinforce your own bias and beliefs.

Everyone’s Highlight Reel

Social media has essentially become every user’s highlight reel. It only shows the things we want it to show. We never or rarely show ourselves in a negative light. We post pics of ourselves having a great time in interesting places. We post pics of ourselves that accentuate our attractive qualities or at least minimize our unattractive ones. It becomes very easy to unfairly compare your real, day-to-day life with other people’s highly edited one. We don’t see their horrible bed hair in the morning or smell their pungent morning breath. Instead, you see meticulously crafted avatars that represent what we want to be or look like rather than the real people we are.

People get depressed or become unhappy because they feel that they are missing out on life. They feel that people are having fun without them. You might be having a great, but very normal, day and then see a friend on a trip to Paris and suddenly feel your mood drop out from under you. You start asking yourself questions like, “Why aren’t I in Paris?” “Why am I not wealthy/successful enough to take two weeks off and go to Europe?” You start making false assumptions as you have no idea what they sacrificed to be able to go on that trip. Maybe it was a once in a lifetime trip they spent their savings on because they learned they have cancer. The thing is, you don’t know the whole story behind the trip. Instead, people make an unfair comparison between themselves and somebody else.


Social media can lead to multitasking, which lowers productivity and increases errors as the human mind finds it impossible to focus on two things at once. Our work suffers because we are constantly distracted by tweets, notifications and messages. Our train of thought is constantly derailed by a constant stream of information.


In the last decade or so, bullying has entrenched itself in the internet arena, from common comments trolls to people you know from school or work bullying you over social media. We are all connected through our phones, computer, tablets and television that we can easily connect to other people. Malicious people will use that incredible resource to make other people’s lives miserable for their own entertainment.

Staying Connected

It isn’t all bad, though. Social media has allowed us to share in the enjoyment and lives of our friends, even though we are separated by oceans and continents. Our friends and family can check in with us and get text and photo updates of the milestones in our lives they might otherwise miss out on. You can instantly congratulate folks on their successes and express condolences on their losses. You can make friends with people and share a connection you might not otherwise have been able to meet. You can quickly share ideas and knowledge all over the world. Groups allow you to indulge in your hobbies with other like-minded folks you would have been unable to connect with a decade ago. You can sell things to a wider customer base than ever before.

Despite the pitfalls and temptations, social media really can have a positive impact on your mental health if you indulge it in moderation. Don’t get too caught up in keeping up with the Jones’s and their too perfect highlight reel.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things You Never Want to Tell A Sensitive Woman

We all likely know a sensitive woman. She shelters us from harm, helps us to get through our toughest storms, nurture us, and always offers an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. For many of us, life would prove much more difficult without these beautiful souls around to help us out. They feel things on a very deep level, and although they seem like complicated creatures, they simply get overwhelmed by stimuli very easily.

They don’t mean to make things more difficult, and they certainly don’t want attention or sympathy. Highly sensitive women, in a nutshell, simply feel more. They process things slower, and don’t resonate with the fast-paced lifestyle of today’s world. They often feel like outcasts in this world because they have so many emotions and thoughts at any given moment that it makes life very overwhelming at times. However, they try their hardest to live a normal life, at least on the surface. Beneath the calm waters, though, is a turbulent, ever-changing sea of emotions that most people will never get to see.

Sensitive women already have so much on their plate that they definitely don’t need extra stress or pressure from the following statements or ask them these questions.

10 Things You Never Want to Tell A Sensitive Woman

quotes of acceptance

1. “Why are you so emotional?”

Sensitive people definitely don’t need to hear this. High sensitivity is, in fact, a real, biological trait that about 20% of the population has, according to Dr. Elaine Aron, the leading psychologist behind the study of HSP’s.

So, next time you talk with a highly sensitive person, remember that they can’t help the trait they were born with, and they just want to live a normal life like everyone else.

2. “Why does it take so long for you to get things done?”

Highly sensitive people also process things slower, so they need to take more time to get everything done. They also need frequent breaks, as even small tasks can feel overwhelming. Don’t hound them about how long it takes them to do things; just allow them the time they need to accomplish a task.

3. “Why do you need so many breaks?”

Again, HSPs get tired and overwhelmed easily. They aren’t lazy, attention-seeking, or incompetent. They actually are very intelligent, capable people, but they simply work in a different, slower-paced manner than others. Don’t make them feel bad for following their natural instincts.

4. “You just make life so difficult.”

They don’t make life difficult; they just are more aware and sensitive to the difficulties that make up life. They don’t wake up each morning and strive to make their day any harder than it needs to be – in fact, they wish for the opposite. Sensitive people just have a different “struggle” than some others, but they don’t play the victim and demand sympathy. They just want love, understanding, and support, just as we all deserve.

5. “You just sound like a whiny brat.”

Again, you don’t want to use such harsh language with a sensitive person. If they complain, it’s likely an occasional thing, and they just need to get something off their chest. You have to realize that literally, everyone complains or vents at some point, so don’t make them feel bad for simply being human. Everyone deserves a chance to voice what’s weighing them down, and all they need in that moment is someone to hear them out.

6. “Sensitive people just want attention.”

Actually, sensitive people usually want the opposite of attention. Most sensitive people identify as introverts, and as you might know, being in the spotlight isn’t typical of an introvert. HSP’s just want to live happy, normal lives without being looked at as some sort of alien species. They get stressed out easily by the strain of a fast pace, so understand this before you start putting them down.

7. “You feel/think too much.”

Sensitive people wouldn’t be their true selves if they didn’t think or feel in excess. This is looked at as both a curse and a blessing by many highly sensitive people, but most wouldn’t want to change if they had the opportunity. Being able to think and feel deeply gives them a richer, fuller experience of life as a whole. They get to feel the absolute rush and satisfaction that comes with the good times, and the despair and turmoil in the bad. They get to feel it all, which helps them appreciate the positives in life even more. So, don’t tell them to get out of their head or feelings, because it simply doesn’t work that way with HSP’s.

8. “No wonder you don’t have any friends.”

HSPs can be a bit reclusive, but many have an active, healthy social life. Many highly sensitive people love having relationships with others, but they often have a close circle of friends, and that’s fine with them. Don’t assume things about their life, because it likely isn’t true. Even if they don’t have many friends, this is probably by choice, not because others have found them to be a bad friends.

9. “You make too big a deal out of things.”

They really don’t try to; it just might seem this way to others who don’t have the sensitive trait. Sensitive people feel everything to their core, so yes, a lot of aspects of life seem like a big deal. They have to process so many stimuli all day, every day and decompress after exposure to it all. Sound exhausting? Speaking as a highly sensitive person myself, it definitely is, so please don’t put us down just because we feel more deeply.

heightened sensitivity

10. “Just suck it up and deal with it.”

Perhaps one of the worst responses to give to a sensitive person, this will likely result in getting ignored or getting the door slammed in your face. Sensitive people “deal with it” in the best way they can, and don’t appreciate being told otherwise. Treat them with respect and offer to understand, and you’ll keep your highly sensitive friend around much longer.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Reveal Dogs Understand Better Than People

Are you a dog lover or dog owner? If you are, you have probably asked yourself this question. How much does my dog really understand me? Sure, they’re affectionate and loving. That is something you can ascertain from their behavior – but what about communication? Experts say that dogs understand not only what we say but how we say it.

Research Reveals Dogs Understand You Better Than You Think

Researchers at Eotvos Lorand University (ELU) in Budapest, Hungary have answered that question in a groundbreaking new study. It turns out that our canine friends understand both the meaning and the intonation of the words we speak. In other words, dogs understand both the content of our words and their desired meaning.

We’ll discuss this study and relevant discoveries. Dog lovers, prepare to be overjoyed!

How They Did It

Attila Andics, the study’s lead scientist, and her colleagues at ELU wanted to examine the dogs neural activity to test how they understood communication. To do so, Andics and her team recruited 13 family dogs, mostly consisting of border collies and golden retrievers. Other species included Chinese crested dogs and German shepherds.

To measure brain activity, the team opted to use an fMRI machine. That’s a neuroimaging unit that measures brain activity via blood flow. These imaging devices are commonly used in hospitals that examine the brain.

Researchers determined that the animals needed to remain stationary in the imaging machine for a minimum of seven minutes in order to obtain sufficient measurements. Of course, dogs don’t naturally sit still for that long…especially in some weird-looking tube amongst strangers. To make this possible, the research team brought in trainers who then taught the dogs to remain still in the machine.

Once the dogs were positioned inside of the fMRI machine, the team played a recording of their trainers’ voices. This recording included multiple combinations of both vocabulary words and intonation, including speech that was both neutral and adulatory (e.g. exciting or high-pitched).

Perhaps most importantly, trainers mixed praise words and neutral words with a neutral tone or praising tone. For example, trainers said praise words with a praising tone and a neutral tone; likewise, they verbalized neutral words with a neutral tone and a praising tone. The point was to get a glimpse into whether or not dogs understood the intended meaning.

What Was Discovered

Words are a human invention, and are rarely discovered – in any form – among other species.  Certain species, such as the bottlenose dolphin, make certain noises that function similar to words, for example. However, the production of words, as the term is generally defined and understood, is thought to be limited solely to human beings.

But that doesn’t mean other creatures cannot comprehend what we say. As it turns out, dogs are extremely capable of doing so. Even more impressive, it turns out that dogs process speech in ways that mirror humans. As one researcher states: “The human brain not only separately analyzes what we say and how we say it, but also integrates the two types of information, to arrive at a unified meaning. Our findings suggest that dogs can also do all that, and they use very similar mechanisms.”

The scientist quoted above is referring to the discovery that the left and right hemispheres of the brain – responsible for different speech functions – work the same in both humans and dogs. In humans, the left hemisphere processes words (i.e. what the word means) and the right hemisphere processes intonation (i.e. the “feeling” behind the words.)

It wasn’t until this groundbreaking research that we found that dogs do the exact same thing.

health benefits of sleeping with dog

Great…so what does this mean?

Well, in the simplest terms, this experiment proves that “Man’s best friend” understand human communication exceptionally well. In practical terms, it means that our dogs will often react to our speech depending on not only what we say, but how we say it.

Much like humans, dogs assign the “value” of words (e.g. praise) according to the assigned meaning behind them.

For scientists, this is a breakthrough study of the highest magnitude. “Our research sheds new light on the emergence of words during language evolution. What makes words uniquely human is not a special neural capacity, but our invention of using them,” says Andics.

By the way, dogs are the only known species that understands human communication at such a level…perhaps explaining why they are indeed man’s best friends. Would you agree?

Why Pisces Is The Most Difficult Sign To Understand

Pisces have an imaginative, emotional disposition, often keeping their thoughts hidden from the world. They are gentle, loving, caring folks with a heart of gold but can easily get trapped by their conflicting emotions and thoughts. They live inside their heads a lot and love to escape reality since they have such a deep inner world to explore. Pisces are the zodiac’s dreamers and have a strong creative streak. However, they often feel misunderstood by the people around them, and can easily become depressed if they feel their voice isn’t heard.

Pisces have a lot to offer the world, and we could learn a lot from this highly intuitive sign if we attempt to understand them.

This is the twelfth astrological sign of the zodiac that celebrates its month on the calendar between February 19th and March 20th. Pisces is a water sign associated with sensitivity, compassion, intuition, and creativity. Pisceans are often known for their empathetic nature and their ability to connect with others on an emotional level. They are imaginative and often possess artistic talents, as well as a deep appreciation for the beauty and mysteries of the world.

As with all zodiac signs, the sun sign (Pisces, in this case) is one aspect of an individual’s astrological profile. Other factors such as the moon sign, rising sign, and placements of other planets also influence a person’s unique characteristics and traits.

Why Pisces Is The Most Difficult Sign To Understand


Pisces keep to themselves a lot.

They long for people to understand them. But they don’t always have the words to express their feelings or needs. They certainly spend a lot of time in their heads. That fact makes it hard for others even to contact them. Pisces do open up eventually but give them some time. Treat them with love, respect, and understanding; you’ll have their trust in no time. They just get overwhelmed easily by the world and find solace in their creativity and imagination. Start talking about fantasy, art, or some other creative endeavor; you will see them come to life and join in the conversation!

Pisces like to escape reality quite often.

Pisces can become quickly disinterested in the modern world. That’s because it seems so regimented and exhausting to them. The world moves so fast that they have a hard time keeping up, so they often like to escape into the comfort of their thoughts. Pisces don’t mean to seem aloof or rude, but the world tires them and drains them of their inspiration. Understand this about them, and you’ll have a much easier time hanging around your Pisces friends when they enter their dream worlds.

They want to get close to people, but feel afraid of getting hurt.

Because Pisces have such a nurturing, caring nature, people often take advantage of their kindness. They want close relationships, but because they’ve been burned so much in the past, they can’t seem to rid themselves of the fear of getting hurt. If you give them a chance, however, you will open yourself up to the possibility of a beautiful, fulfilling relationship with them, whether romantic or platonic in nature.

They wear their heart on their sleeve.

Pisces are highly emotional creatures and give their heart away to whoever they feel deserves it. They fall in love easily, and because of this, they get hurt easily, too. They try to see the best in people and continue to do so even after they’ve been hurt. However, once you do get on their bad side, they will forgive but never forget. Pisces have high expectations in relationships and get let down often due to their standards. They want to believe in the good in people, but after getting burned so many times, their patience and hope start to dwindle.

The Pisces needs a lot of alone time.

Pisces get drained very easily by all the stimuli in today’s world. They need plenty of time to decompress and recharge from all the conflicting energies out there. However, they also crave connection, support, and love from others. So they need a healthy balance of alone time and social time. No matter if you’re a friend or lover of a Pisces, remember to never let them get too far away. After all, Pisces wouldn’t survive without their relationships but wouldn’t function properly without solitude. Honor their need for quiet time, and remind them that you’ll be around when they feel like coming out of their blissful sanctuary.


8 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re a Pisces

They’re highly independent.

Pisces loves close relationships, but at their core, they function best alone. The expectations in relationships can cause overwhelm them sometimes. So they need time away to recharge and focus on what makes them happy. They don’t want to alienate themselves from others. But sometimes, they don’t have the energy available for anyone but the person looking at them in the mirror. They don’t like to rely on others. Instead, they prefer to use their own resources and energy to get things done.

5 Signs You Love Someone Who Doesn’t Deserve You

You never appreciate what you have until it is gone sometimes. Some people never appreciate you, even when you are gone. They are so self-serving and self-centered that anything that isn’t of direct and immediate benefit to them does not even appear on their radar. Indeed, they are so in love with themselves that none is left over for you.

No matter how hard you try, no matter how flexible or understanding you are, and no matter how much you love them, they will never change who they are. They will not magically wake up someday and fully appreciate what a wonderful person they are with. They will never embrace and reciprocate your love because they have nothing left over for you after their enormous love of self.

All of their time, interest, love and affections are turned inward on themselves. Like a black hole, they suck you in and devour the emotions of everyone around them.

Here are 5 signs that they don’t deserve you:


1. They Lie To You and Cheat On You

They break your trust and they lie to you, never revealing where they are going or who they are seeing.

Undoubtedly, they lead a double life and use you to support the other. They lie to you because you are not important to them. Only they are important to themselves. Everyone else is to be used and discarded to further their pleasure.

They don’t love you enough to be honest with you and are not considerate enough to end one relationship before starting another.

2. They Are Takers and Not Givers

People in a mutually loving relationship, to some extent, are givers. They give their time, resources, love and space to their partners. With a giver, everyone is taken care of and happy. With a taker, only half of the relationship gives everything while the other partner mooches off them.

Like a black hole, they suck in resources and give nothing back in return. It is a one-way street with them. It is either their way or the highway.

You need someone who can accept that you are your own person with your desires, emotions, and needs. You need someone who gives back to the relationship more than they take away from it.

3. They Belittle You

They are so wrapped up in their own life and desires that they are unimportant in their internal world. Most of the time that is kept inside their heads. That lack of respect leaks through in belittling comments when they are emotionally unstable or upset.

It is one thing to tease your partner a bit and be teased in return, but when they are mean-spirited comments solely intended to hurt you, it is time to go. Someone who loves and respects you isn’t going to tear you down, and they certainly would never think of doing it in front of other people.

A black hole, however, will tear you apart and break you down because that is in their nature.

choose a partner

4. They Cannot Be Counted On

They cannot be counted on to support you or to be where they are supposed to be, when they are supposed to be. These black holes live in their own world and cannot see past their own massive ego. They will forget important dates. They will miss special activities like your children’s sporting events or plays because they are wrapped up their world.

If you need them, they will not be there for you because it is an inconvenience to them. You need someone you can count on to be there when it matters. You are there for them, so why can’t they be there for you?

5. They Are Selfish Rather Than Team-Oriented

You are a team. You will succeed or fail together. If one person on the team wins, then the team as a whole wins. We perform individually but win as a team, or at least, that is how it should be. A black hole is called a singularity for a reason. Nothing can get close to them without being destroyed in the process.

These people are so self-oriented that they need to win to puff up their ego – an ego so fragile that it cannot stand seeing someone else do well even if it’s their significant other.

You need someone pulling in the same direction as you and willing to put in the effort to see the team succeed, even when they will get no glory from it.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Signs Your Friend Has A Crush…On You

We like to think that we understand our friends quite well. In almost all cases, this is true. But what about when feelings of love begin to surface? In this case, things can get a little trickier.

Perhaps you’ve thought, at one time or another, that a friend might just think of you in a way that is a bit more serious. Emotions can be very difficult to decode unless one has a keen sense for observation and intuition. This is particularly true if one happens to have a very close (think ‘BFF’) relationship with a person, as behaviors that may signify love or infatuation are more commonplace and accepted.

In order to decipher friends’ emotions, it is necessary to watch how they behave around you. Again, this is not as easy as it sounds. Some people have a way of masking their emotions; providing little evidence that anything is out of the ordinary.

Here are 10 such signs that your friend may be crushing on you:

That said, there are ways to determine whether a not a friend is infatuated, maybe even in love, with you.

just friends1. They’re super concerned with their appearance around you

One of the more obvious ways to know your friend is crushing on you is if they suddenly become meticulous with their appearance. This is especially the case when they know you are going to be somewhere, and make the extra effort to look their best.

2. They always seem to be looking at you

If you notice that, all of a sudden, your friend begins peering at you, it may be a sign you’ve become more attractive to them. A usually reliable sign is if they seem to do this at the expense of pretty much everyone else in the room. They may even lower their eyes or look elsewhere if you look back.

3. They “avoid” you in public

If you are among other friends and this one particular friend purposely avoids you, it may be a sign of a crush. To rule out animosity as an impetus, notice how they act when you’re together again. Do they all of a sudden get super friendly like they never avoided you in the first place? They probably have a crush and don’t want others to know about it.

4. They begin to imitate you

Imitation (or synchrony) is one of the strongest indicators of attraction. This has been demonstrated in a number of scientific studies involving psychology and mechanisms of attraction.

So, if you notice that your friend all of a sudden mirrors your body language or other behaviors it may be a sign that they’re attracted to you.

5. They love to keep you guessing

If your friend suddenly begins taking you aback – by gifts, food, or something else – it may be a strong signal that they’re attracted. Frequency is important here, as by nature, some people are just supremely generous. But, intuition and common sense will stimulate the notion that they’re acting strangely.

6. They “become available” when you’re around

Here’s another obvious sign, as when we’re attracted to someone we always want to be around them. So, if your friends tell you that he or she decided to go somewhere after your name was mentioned…well, that’s a pretty good indication. They also never seem to miss even the most insignificant of events when you’re around.

7. They suddenly become shy around you

This is different for everyone, but sudden shyness may be a sign of attraction. The best explanation is that they’re probably coming to grips with the complex thoughts and feeling that accompany crushing on a friend…or they’re just plain nervous around you now. Either way, it may be a good indicator.

8. They go “above and beyond”

Friends usually lookout for friends…we all know this to be the case. But, if this one particular friend begins to do things that defy the “friend zone,” even if that means sacrificing something themselves, it may be a sign that they’re falling for you.

Related article: 12 Body Language Signs That Show She Is Falling For You

9. They’re always laughing at your jokes

That terrible joke you told after one-too-many adult beverages…the one where almost no one laughed? Except for, of course, your potentially-infatuated friend? That could be a good sign that they’re thinking of you in more intimate terms. As with many things on this list, frequency and suddenness are good barometers.

your new crush10. They touch you every chance they get

If your friend is either touching you more than usual or making an effort to close the distance between you, it may be a good sign that they’re crushing. This may show up in obvious ways: hugging, rubbing, etc.; or it may show up in more subtle ways, such as “accidentally” bumping into you, or constantly brushing against you in a crowded place.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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