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How to Hypnotize Yourself in 15 Minutes For Stress and Anxiety Relief

Hypnosis is really nothing more than relaxation and concentration. No one can hypnotize you against your will. You are simply relaxing your mind and allowing your powerful subconscious mind to rise to the surface more than usual. Many psychologists believe that your subconscious mind exerts subtle influence over your personality and actions.

Repressed feelings and thought patterns gently affect your decisions without you being consciously aware of why you did something or said what you said. Anxiety and stress can be pushed down and allowed to fester in our mind until they start causing problems. Self-hypnosis is really nothing more than placing yourself in a state of relaxation and then acknowledging the things that are causing us stress. Once we acknowledge our stress and anxiety, we can let it go and break the cycle of negativity. We can then boost our positive outlook by giving ourselves positive messages. Once you get into the habit of daily self-hypnosis and relaxation, you will see your attitude change to a positive and constructive one.

How to Hypnotize Yourself in 15 Minutes For Stress and Anxiety Relief

Start With Deep Breathing

Start by getting comfortable and breathing in deep and slow. Deep, slow breathing will increase your body’s oxygen levels and cause your heart rate to slow down. Breathe in deep and let the air flow out of your lungs in a slow and controlled manner. For the first minute, just focus on the act of breathing and letting the tension in your body relax.

Visualize Yourself Floating On A Cloud

Visualize yourself floating on a cloud. You are surrounded by the cloud and it is warm and soft. Let the cloud absorb your tension and your anxiety. You are safe and nothing can hurt you while you are floating on the cloud. The cloud is peaceful and serene. Imagine reaching out and embracing its warmth and safety.

Monitor Your Thoughts

While you are relaxed, you might find stressful or negative thoughts creep into your mind. That is okay. Allow them to surface and acknowledge that they are there. Do not get caught up into the thoughts as they surface in your mind. Let them come and go as they please. Try to identify the thoughts as either positive thoughts or negative thoughts.

Let Go Of Troublesome Thoughts

Once you have identified the troublesome or negative thoughts, then gently let them go. Do not allow your mind to dwell on them or stay on one thought for too long. Let them come and let the negative ones go and float away from your puffy little cloud. Acknowledge any anxiety or negative feelings that come with the thoughts and gently let them go as well. Keep doing this exercise of monitoring your thoughts and letting go of negativity and anxiety until your mind is clear and free from stress. The point of the exercise is to clear your mind and let the white cloud absorb your stress and anxiety. You want your mind to be a blank slate for the next part.

Tell Yourself Something Positive

Now that you have acknowledged your negativity and stress and then let it go, you should spend some time telling yourself some positive things about yourself and your situation. Even simple thoughts like “I am calm and at peace with myself” or “My thoughts create my life” can have a beneficial impact by bringing your thought pattern around to something positive and breaking the cycle of negativity.

Enjoy The Peace And Tranquility

Once you have relaxed, let the anxiety and stress go and center yourself with some positive or motivational thoughts that will help you enjoy the relaxation and tranquility. Just spend a few minutes enjoying the relaxation and peaceful quiet of the moment. The rest of the day may be filled with hectic work and family life, but for these fifteen minutes, you are free of time and space and relaxing on a cloud. There are no worries or concerns. There is just you and the quiet, peaceful relaxation.

Self-hypnosis can be a wonderful tool to manage stress and anxiety. The only difference between self-hypnosis and regular hypnosis is that with regular hypnosis, you are just permitting someone to bring you to that state of deep relaxation. It doesn’t take hours or a special sofa or bed. It can be done just about anywhere and at anytime.

What Does This Ancient Tibetan Test Reveal About Your Personality?

Have you ever truly taken the time to dive deep and learn more about yourself? This Tibetan personality test can help you do just that, by tapping into your higher self and deepest desires. This test may seem abstract at first, but it will get you thinking deeper and learning more about your subconscious mind. The personality types can get pretty complex, but this test is designed to simplify the topic and help you understand yourself better.

While there are literally thousands of personality tests available online, it’s believed that this particular test was created by the Dalai Lama himself. Whether that’s completely true or not, we aren’t sure, but either way, it’s worth taking to get a new, possibly better perspective about yourself.

To do this test properly, you only need to remember this simple instruction. Don’t think about each answer too much, instead just letting the thoughts come to you and going with the flow.

You’ll also need a notepad and pen to get started. So, without further ado, let’s get on with it!

“Happiness is not something readymade it comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

What Does This Ancient Tibetan Test Reveal About Your Personality?

your personality

1. First, imagine there are five animals standing in front of you.

Remember, just go with it. Imagine that a cow, a sheep, a tiger, a horse, and a pig are currently staring at you, just waiting for you to decide your favorites.

Now, list the animals in an order that suits you. Whether you list them from most to least favorite or some other way, just write them down in an order that you like.

2. Write one word that describes each of the following.

  • A dog is _______.
  • A cat is _______.
  • A rat is _______.
  • Coffee is _______.
  • The sea is _______.

Remember to just list one word per noun.

3. Link five people in your life to a color.

Each person needs to be assigned to a color from this list below.

  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • White
  • Green

Use your intuition to assign each person to one color from the list.

When you’ve finished, read below to find out what your answers mean!

1. The Priorities of Your Personality Type

If you chose the cow, your first priority is your career. If you chose the tiger, you’re mostly concerned with your self-worth. Chose the sheep? You place love at the top of your priority list. Picking the horse means that family is most important to you, and choosing the pig means you care mostly about money.

Then, you can read even further into it and see not only your first priority, but how you view all the important aspects of your life, and the order of importance for all of them.

2. Your Attitude About Life

  • Dog: Your personality
  • Cat: Your partner’s personality
  • Rat: Your enemies’ personality
  • Coffee: Views about sex
  • Sea: Your life overall

What adjective you chose to describe each noun will determine your attitude about each of these things in your life.

3. Your Attitude Towards People

  • Yellow: Someone who impacted your life positively.
  • Orange: A person that you view as a true friend.
  • Red: Someone you love with all your heart.
  • White: Your true spirit.
  • Green: Someone you’ll never forget.

So, whatever people you associated with each color will determine your thoughts and feelings about each of those people.

Final Thoughts on the Tibetan Personality Test

What did you learn about yourself? Did the results match up with how you view your personality?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things Alpha Women Need In A Relationship

Alpha women portray the strength of mind and independence in every sense of the word. Accustomed to taking charge, they can intimidate some people. Alpha women are confident, ambitious, and unafraid to tell people what is what. That kind of power can be off-putting for some partners who are either overly competitive with the Alpha woman or too submissive. So how can a true Alpha woman maintain a strong and healthy relationship?

10 Things Alpha Women Need in a Relationship:


1. Alpha Women Need To Be Challenged

A partner to an Alpha woman needs to hold his own. The Alpha woman needs someone to compete with, yet someone secure enough in their abilities to be gracious in victory and a good sport in defeat.

2. They Need Trust

They need to know that what they tell you in confidence will stay in that relationship vault. An Alpha woman needs to feel the allowance to be vulnerable and let their guard down occasionally. They need to trust someone not to stab them in the back for personal gain.

3. They Need Respect

The Alpha woman needs her partner to respect her decisions and not second-guess them at every turn. Challenging her before the decision is made is okay, but not afterward. She needs her space and boundaries respected as well. This includes not being lied to for whatever reason. She respects someone who doesn’t belittle her when she is angry or put her on a pedestal she will fall off of eventually.

4. Alpha Women Need Their Independence

They need to be able to enjoy their passions and their friends. Alpha women don’t need a clingy person who can’t survive for a few hours without them. They want someone like them who also has a life outside of the relationship.

strong woman

5. They Need Someone Who Can Keep Up

Alpha women have things they have to do, and they know no one will do those things for them. They are moving at a high speed, time-efficient, and booked solid almost 24/7. Someone who can hang with them and their high-pressure, high-intensity environment is what they are looking for.

6. They Need an Equal Partner

Someone who is an equal partner and carries their own weight in the relationship – this is who Alpha women will respect. They need someone with their own opinions and their ego in a healthy place. In other words, they need someone to walk with them, not behind them or in front of them. Their partner doesn’t need to have the same opinions, hobbies, or friends as they do. Alpha women respect a partner who is a complete and self-sufficient person.

7. Alpha Females Need To Laugh

Like many, alpha women love someone who can make them laugh and lighten the mood in their often stressful and high-pressure lives. They need someone who can bring a smile to their face, tease them and be teased in return without hurting feelings on either side.

8. They Need To Be Called Out When Necessary

This is challenging, but Alpha women need someone strong and secure enough to call them out on their bullsh*t. Someone to remind them that they are not perfect and that they can make mistakes from time to time. Everyone needs their ego checked occasionally, and the Alpha woman is no exception. Their power and personality makes it necessary to have someone who will reign them in a bit when they go off the rails.

9. Alpha Women Need Someone Who Is Informed

To be all of these things, a partner of this strong woman should be informed about things from current events to esoteric knowledge. They need to be able to have an intelligent conversation with the Alpha woman and express ideas on her level. In the age of social media and information bubbles, the partner of an Alpha woman needs to have a well-tuned bullsh*t detector.


10. Alpha Females Need Someone With Tact

Most importantly, they need someone with tact, someone who knows when to have that intense talk about something important and when to let it go. They need someone who can handle their moods and emotions without ruffling feathers. An Alpha woman needs someone thoughtful and sensitive enough to pick up on how she is feeling and broach difficult subjects in private.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Kids’ Drawings Are Being Turned Into Beautiful Jewelry Parents Can Wear Forever

Any parent will tell you that one of the greatest parts of parenting is seeing your child express their creativity in their own unique way. If you have young kids right now, then you probably can’t wait to see what art projects they bring home from school each day, simply because they created it themselves and it came from their own imagination. Now, imagine that you could turn those precious drawings into a timeless piece of jewelry that will always remind you of your child.

Kids’ Drawings Are Being Turned Into Beautiful Jewelry Parents Can Wear Forever

A Turkish jewelry company has now made this a possibility, helping you to keep your child’s artwork alive through beautiful, handmade bracelets, necklaces, cufflinks, and ornaments.

Many times, a lot of our child’s memories and creative projects get forgotten and tossed aside as they grow older, but now, you will never forget the special art that your child creates!

Yasemin Erdin Tavukçu and Özgür Karavit founded their Istanbul-based company, Tasarim Takarim, two years ago. These two artists have enjoyed every piece of jewelry they’ve created in that time, saying that they make “a single moment of someone’s childhood timeless.”

Tavukçu decided to start making jewelry from children’s art after seeing her own daughter, Serin, making her own artwork. She partnered with Karavit, a goldsmith and sculptor, to turn her dreams into reality. Now, the two receive artwork from parents all over the globe.

All their pieces are made of either gold or silver, and no two pieces of jewelry are identical. According to Tavukçu, they have to brainstorm to come up with unique ways of making each piece since all of the art is so different.

Related article: 3 Habits That Make Parents Have Better Relationships With Their Kids

These pieces of jewelry don’t just benefit the wearer, however. You’ll also get to witness your child’s face light up at seeing you wearing their artwork as jewelry! For Tavukçu and Karavit, they agree that their favorite part of the business is simply witnessing a child’s happiness over seeing their art turned into jewelry.

If you want to get a piece of your child’s art turned into jewelry yourself, check out Tasarim Takarim’s Etsy page. It takes about a week on average, and will cost anywhere from $100-200.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Sleeping With Your Dog

Ask any pet owner about the notion of sleeping with their dog, and you’ll likely get one of two responses: they do, and they love it; or they don’t, because it’s nasty/disrupts sleep/etc.

From an evidentiary standpoint, the data appears to support the former group. Many studies have been conducted that confirm the health benefits of sleeping with dogs. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published the opinion that sleeping with one’s beloved canine can bring forth a number of benefits.

And there appears to perhaps be something to this. Nearly 50 percent of all dog owners sleep with their pet. As an aside, this is one area where the Chihuahua, Poodle, Schnauzer, and Terriers have the advantage: over 60 percent of small dog owners sleep with their furry, compact friend.

Dog owners that sleep with their pet may already be aware of the things on this list. Some of you may just start inviting Fido under the covers.


Here are 7 amazing benefits of sleeping with your dog:

borzoi dog

1. A dog provides comfort

If you’ve ever cuddled with a dog, you can probably attest to the fact that there is just something so comfortable about the experience. Simple things like listening to the dog’s breathing, feeling their fur, etc., can bring about a strong sense of comfort. When this feeling is carried onto the bed, it may provide additional benefits. This may mean improving sleep, or strengthening the special bond that you have with your pet.

2. They improve sleep quality

In many cases, the physical and mental benefits brought about by a dog’s presence in the bed can result in better sleep. In general, dog owners feel a sense of calm and assurance when their furry companion joins them in the bedroom. Interestingly, some insomniacs have reported an improved sleeping experience once their dog began sleeping in their bed.

Of course, this can swing both ways. Some people simply don’t sleep well with their pet, and vice-versa. Still, it doesn’t hurt to give it a try.

3. They relieve distress

Most dogs naturally have an exceptionally attentive nature. They love being close with their owners. This fact, combined with the usual comfort that a dog provides, can be a great stress reliever.

The use of therapy dogs is a common practice for this very reason. Therapy dogs will often follow their owners into bed for treatment purposes. It makes sense, then, that your beloved pet can provide similar benefits.

4. They give us warmth

There really isn’t a whole lot of science behind this one. Dogs are just comfy creatures; their warm-bloodedness, rhythmic breathing and propensity for close physical contact are enough to manifest a feeling of comfort in just about everyone with a pulse.

Many of us like a sense of warmth when we sleep, which explains the two or more blankets/comforters/etc. found on so many of our beds. Accompaniment of your dog, then, makes perfect sense!

5. A dog can help with depression

Dogs often both give and receive a sense of unconditional love and loyalty. Someone with depressive symptoms is often void of this feeling, or doesn’t experience the feeling nearly enough.

sleeping with dog - stress reliever

It is also common for someone experiencing depression to have difficulty sleeping. Put two and two together, and a dog’s presence may just help alleviate some of those symptoms.

6. They provide a sense of security

Speaking of innate canine traits, many of them have a keen sense for protection. This fact, in conjunction with most dog’s excellent sense of sound, can evoke strong feelings of security and well-being.

While most of us love sleep, it is definitely when we are at our most vulnerable. Most break-ins and other crimes occur during late night and early morning hours. This is where having a dog to provide an added layer of security can help!

7. And…the dog benefits, of course!

Come on… SURELY you didn’t think we’d leave out a man’s best friend?

Your pup absolutely loves spending time with you. They also deeply miss your presence when absent. Why not give them the special feeling of sleeping with the person they love most in the world?

It will also assuredly deepen the already special relationship that you two have. This benefits both you and your pet!

11 Behaviors Women Show When They’re Truly In Love

Women tend to be much more in touch with their emotions, and yet, they sometimes keep those emotions close to the chest. They don’t want to give too much away too soon. They are subtle and complex in their signals. Sometimes, guys feel like they have to be mind readers to figure out what is happening inside their women. But, when they are falling in love, they let their guard down, and the signs become more apparent.

Here are 11 things women do when they are falling in love:


1. She Cuts Out Other Guys

It is not uncommon for people to have more than one dating situation going on at one time on the dating scene. But when a woman starts to fall for someone, they cut out those other suitors. They are no longer accepting applications. The position has been filled. I appreciate your interest.

2. She Uses The Royal We

She starts thinking of you two as a couple and refers to you both in conversation as a single unit. You will notice that she uses the royal we. “We would love to attend” “We brought you a housewarming gift” She starts thinking of you as part of her team.

3. She Makes Plans For You Both

She starts making plans for you both to do things together. Besides that, she doesn’t just plan to go on vacation alone or with her friends. She plans to go on vacation with you. She plans to go to dinner with you. She’ll assume that you will want to do those things together. She is thinking of you and her as a team.

4. She Gives Meaningful Gifts

She doesn’t just give you a throwaway gift that anyone could have gotten for you. In fact, she puts a lot of thought into what you want, what you like, and what you would most enjoy. She listens when you mention that you like a specific band, tv show, style of clothing, or sports team. And she pays attention to the details and gets you something that fits you perfectly. It is the thought that counts, and she is thinking about you.

5. She Finds Your Quirks Endearing

Your friends may joke about your quirks. Your family may find those quirks annoying as hell. But she loves those weird quirks about you. To her, they are what makes you so uniquely you. She falls in love with those little quirks of yours.

6. She Thinks About You All The Time

She can’t stop thinking about you. She’ll become distracted because she is daydreaming about you and her. She finds concentrating hard because you keep popping up in her day-to-day thoughts. Also, she lets you know she is thinking about you. She will text you or call or DM to let you know she is thinking about you.

7. She Acts Silly

Your lady turns into a giddy schoolgirl when you are around. She feels awkward and clumsy. Perhaps she giggles about things that she usually wouldn’t. Her love and joy bubble up from within, and she cannot hold it in any longer.

8. She Misses You

Yes, you just saw each other five minutes ago when you walked into the kitchen to heat that burrito, but she already misses your company. She wants more of your time together. She wants more of that emotional high from being around you.

9. She Can’t Get Enough

Because being around you is intoxicating to her, she wants to spend a lot of time with you. She’s thinking about you all of the time, and she misses you intensely when you are gone. She wants to keep that high going, so she will be slow to say goodbye. She’ll linger long after the date is over. She will squeeze as much time as she can out of you before you have to go. She’s addicted to you and her growing love.

Related article: 11 Things Men Do When They’re Truly In Love

10. She Is Self-Conscious

She wants to look her best for you. She’ll take forever getting ready, picking out her clothes, doing her makeup, and ensuring everything is perfect. She feels self-conscious because she wants to knock your socks off when you see her.

11. She Tells You How She Feels

The biggest and most stressful thing (for her) is telling you how she feels. This is a big step as it makes her vulnerable to rejection if you don’t feel the same way. It takes a lot of courage to admit your feelings, but when she is in love, she doesn’t care. She has to tell the world how she feels about you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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