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5 Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer Most Women Ignore

Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases worldwide. This life-threatening condition affects one in eight American women and thousands of men. In 2016, it accounted for 30 percent of newly diagnosed cancers. Regular screening can help detect abnormal cells in early stages and increase your chances of survival. Mammograms are the best way to identify breast tumors early when they are easier to treat.

Statistics indicate that more than 40,450 women and 464 men in the U.S. alone died from this disease in 2013. Breast cancer is the primary cause of death among Hispanic women, and the second most common cause of death among Caucasian and Asian women. This form of cancer occurs when breast cells begin to grow out of control. Over time, they form tumors that can be felt as a lump.

However, there are earlier signs that may indicate that something is wrong. A new mole, coughing, fatigue, changes in bowel habits, and other symptoms should be reason enough to visit a doctor. Early detection is the key to recovery.

Most forms of breast cancer are treatable. Screening tests can help detect abnormal cells before they cause signs or symptoms. If you have a family member with breast cancer, regular tests are a must.

Here are five early signs of breast cancer, which often go overlooked:

1. Persistent Cough

Dry cough, shortness of breath, and sore throat may indicate that cancer cells have spread to the lungs. This problem is known as secondary breast cancer and occurs in 60 to 70 percent of women who become terminally ill. Yet, most patients overlook these symptoms because they mimic those of other less serious conditions, such as common cold and flu.

Cancer cells can irritate the pleura (the lining around the lungs), causing difficulty breathing and fluid buildup. Some women may also experience chest pain and hoarse throat that doesn’t subside. If these symptoms persist for more than a few weeks, consult your doctor immediately.

2. A New Mole

Even though moles are usually linked to an increased risk of skin cancer, it’s not always the cause. A study conducted on 5,956 women has found that those with the most moles had a 13 percent higher risk of breast cancer. The risk appears to be higher in pre-menopausal women with many moles.

Another study (the Nurses’ Health Study) performed on 74,523 Caucasian women has shown that the risk of cancer was 35 percent higher in those with 15 or more moles, 15 percent higher in those with six to 14 moles, and four percent higher in those with less than five moles. If you see a new mole on your body, or notice any changes in existing moles, seek medical advice. A mole that starts to itch, bleeds, or changes its shape, size, and texture, may indicate breast cancer.

3. Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common signs of cancer. Although this symptom may also indicate thyroid disorders or hormonal imbalances, it shouldn’t be taken lightly. If it’s caused by cancer, it won’t go away when you sleep more or get plenty of rest. This condition is often accompanied by depression, poor sleep, and constant pain. You may feel weak, tired, and sluggish for no reason.

Research shows that nine out of 10 breast cancer patients experience fatigue during treatment. However, this symptom may also occur in early stages of the disease and last for months after the treatment ends. If you have low energy and feel tired all the time, see your doctor immediately.

4. Digestive Problems

Abdominal bloating, constipation, bladder incontinence, and tenderness are among the main signs of breast cancer. This disorder causes hormonal changes that affect digestion and organ function. Some patients experience loss of bladder control when laughing, coughing, or sneezing. Others report a sudden need to urinate.

Cancer puts stress on your body and messes up your hormones, which can upset the digestive system. Abdominal or pelvic pain, changes in bowel habits, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, and swelling in the abdominal area indicate that something is happening in your body. If you notice any of these symptoms, get some tests done.

5. Back Pain

Eight out of 10 people will experience back pain at some point. Prolonged sitting, poor posture, bad lifting form, arthritis, and injuries can increase your risk of back pain. Unfortunately, this symptom might also indicate that breast cancer cells have spread to your spine.

Cancer-related back pain feels as though it’s coming from the bone, putting pressure on the spine and ribs. Some women have trouble moving around or sleeping at night because of it. The pain can weaken your bones, leading to fractures. Most times, back pain caused by cancer is accompanied by nausea, confusion, thirst, irritability, tiredness, and constipation. The good news is that treatment can be started long before your bones become weak enough to cause throbbing pain and affect your everyday life.

Rarely Discussed Breast Cancer Signs You Should Be Aware Of

There are many other signs of breast cancer that women tend to ignore. It’s better to prevent this disease in the first place. If you already have cancer, early detection could save your life. The sooner you get a diagnosis, the sooner you can begin treatment.

Related article: 7 Signs of Breast Cancer Women Often Ignore

Menstrual changes, heartburn, upset stomach, lymph nodes in the armpit, and difficulty eating are some of the most common yet overlooked signs of breast cancer. Check your breasts regularly for lumps, hard knots, swelling, and nipple discharge. In its early stages, breast cancer may also cause headaches, loss of balance, blurred vision, constant nausea, difficulty urinating, and numbness anywhere in your body. If you notice these symptoms that don’t go away within two weeks, seek medical help.

Watch out for these signs and let your doctor know about it. Breast cancer symptoms vary from one individual to another. Don’t wait for a lump to show up in your breasts; by that time, it could be too late to get treatment. If you have any signs of cancer, stay calm and talk with a professional. Remember that breast cancer can be successfully cured.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Ways to Stay Mentally Healthy

Mental health in the US has become a major issue in recent years. We can do a better job of identifying and treating those with serious mental issues as a society. But, what can we do in our own personal lives to better our mental health, find stability for our emotions and emotional responses to situations, and lengthen the amount of time our mind stays sharp as we move from carefree youths into old age? We may be sitting pretty right now in the prime of our lives or in our glorious youth, but how can we prevent the onset of mental health issues as we age? It turns out there are some simple and easy things that you can do today that will help you stay mentally healthy and focused throughout your life.

Here are five ways to stay mentally healthy:

1. Take Care of Your Body

Your mind and body are intimately connected and your body’s health can adversely affect your mental health as well. People with chronic health issues are much more likely to fall prey to depression and have much longer and more severe depressive episodes than someone who is physically fit. When your body feels poorly or you are in chronic pain, it can wear down anyone’s mental health and stability. By taking care of your body and getting regular exercise, you also release endorphins into your body that can better your mood and give you more energy. Exercise can also be a healthy way to deal with stress or complex emotions. If you free your butt, then your mind will follow.


2. Watch What You Eat

Foods can adversely affect your mood and this has been proven in numerous scientific studies. Stay away from foods that will alter your emotions or make you feel drained like caffeine, foods high in sugar or simple carbohydrates, fried foods, and alcohol. You are indeed what you eat. Eating healthy foods will make your body feel better and prevent emotional highs and crashes by stabilizing your blood sugar. Remember that mind and body are linked, and what you feed your body, you are also feeding your mind. If you want a healthy mind, then you need to feed it healthy food.

3. Surround Yourself With Positive People

Nothing can be more draining than being around negative people all of the time. Your outlook on life tends to be shaped by the media you consume and the people you surround yourself with. If you are constantly on conspiracy theory websites and only talk with or hang around people who also read those same theories, then don’t be surprised when you start feeling a little paranoid. If you want to have a healthy and positive mental outlook on life, then surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive. Develop relationships with people who are optimistic about the future and are willing to get out there and try to change things for the better.

Optimism, motivation, and positivity are contagious, but so are negativity, pessimism, and cynicism. Choose to be positive in your feelings and emotions and don’t listen to those negative voices in your heart telling you that you can’t, that you aren’t good enough, or that you suck. Instead, tell yourself that you are awesome, that you can make a difference, and that you will succeed. Find others who also believe that they can empower and embolden each other.

4. Set Realistic Goals for Yourself

Now that you are ready to change the world, you can start by setting small and achievable goals. Many of us get motivated and then slam right into the enormity of the tasks we have set for ourselves. Writing a novel is a daunting task when taken as a whole, but if you break it up into thirty chapters of twenty pages each and set yourself a goal of writing a couple pages a day, then it isn’t so monumental. You can write a couple of pages in an hour or two. By setting these small realistic and daily goals for yourself, you can achieve astounding things.

Large problems are just like a five ton pile of Legos. You can’t lift five tons by yourself, or can you? If you use a bucket, you can move those Legos one bucket at a time. Anyone can lift a small bucket of Legos, right? Over time, you will have moved that five ton pile all by yourself with minimal effort on your part. By breaking a large complex task into very small and achievable goals, you are able to do what you need to do without stressing about it.

5. Learn To Manage Your Stress Better

Stress can be crippling if it is left alone and not dealt with on a regular basis. Chronic stress has been linked to a number of diseases like Alzheimer’s, heart disease, obesity, depression and diabetes. Stress is the number one killer in the U.S. It can make you feel awful, emotionally and physically. The good news is that stress management can greatly decrease your chances of exacerbating these conditions and increase your mental and physical health. Exercise can be very helpful with stress, as can yoga and meditation techniques.

mentally healthy

Part of stress management focuses instead on re-framing the situation you are in that is causing you stress and keeping your problems in perspective. It may seem like the end of the world to you in that moment, but that moment will pass. By managing your stress and keeping things in perspective, you will be able to manage your emotional and physical responses better.

Eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, managing stress effectively, surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting people, and setting realistic and achievable goals for yourself can help you maintain your mental stability, positively affect your mental outlook on life and keep your mind sharp.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Warning Signs Someone Is A High-Functioning Alcoholic

In the stressful world we live in today, perhaps it is no wonder that drinking is on the rise. A recent study showed that high-risk drinking and alcohol dependence are reaching levels that could constitute a public health crisis. What can you do when someone you love is an alcoholic and facing such a crisis? First things first: you need to be aware.

Many people struggle to find time to maintain positive and healthy relationships. A lack of sympathetic friendships and an increased availability of alcoholic beverages create a negative cycle, giving rise to a growing number of those facing alcoholic addiction. After all, you can find bars and wine shops pretty much anywhere. In some communities and cultures, alcohol drinking serves as a status symbol. People proudly drink far more than is healthy, enjoying the taste and effects of drinks without realizing the serious health effects involved in such a lifestyle.

Alcohol addicts also face a stigma in society; alcoholism has an adverse impact on one’s social circle, but that is only the beginning. Alcoholism affects a person’s health in a serious way, potentially causing major diseases to occur. The addiction to alcohol has devastating implications not only on the addict but also on family members and friends. Some alcoholics keep the addiction secret; others openly drink without hesitation.

Those with a secret addiction are often called “functioning alcoholics.” Even if an alcoholic is able to function properly, continue working, or maintain relationships, this doesn’t mean there is no risk involved in over-drinking. Alcoholism is a disease, often leading to a deadly end. Maybe you are wondering if your loved one is struggling with some form of alcohol dependency.

A functioning alcoholic will likely show the following signs:


1. An alcoholic will generally prefer alcohol over food

Often, functioning alcoholics take their drinks instead of (or as) a meal. They have little to no interest in food, instead consuming alcohol at lunch, dinner, or even breakfast. The alcoholic enjoys drinking more than the average person does, and their preference of a wide variety of alcoholic beverages supersedes their desire for any variety of foods.

2. Rare hangover

Drinking alcohol on a regular basis for a long time increases dependency on the substance. It’s constantly in the blood of the alcoholic and never fully leaves their body. For this reason, high-functioning addicts can easily binge drink without waking up with a hangover.

3. Irritability without alcohol

Psychologically, alcoholics depend on alcohol. They become restless and irritable if required to stay away from it for a day or two. When they are asked to abstain from alcohol or can’t drink whenever they want, they become nervous, depressed, and uncomfortable. Because of the sedative effects of alcohol, an abrupt abstinence can cause anxiety, shaking, palpitations, and sweating.

high functioning alcoholic

4. An alcoholic engages in excessive consumption

A functioning alcoholic is not satisfied with one or two glasses of a drink. They always ask for one more. When they have the opportunity to drink alcohol at a bar or party, they tend to drink heavily, behaving as if they will never get another taste of alcohol again. They have a high tolerance for alcohol because they have conditioned their body to function with copious amounts of liquor, beer, and wine.

5. Memory loss and weak brain function

Alcohol directly affects the nervous system. The addict can black out after consuming too many glasses at one time. They tend to be oblivious of what’s going on around them while they indulge in drinking. If you ask a functioning alcoholic what happened at the bar, they will not likely be able to recall because the drinking impairs their memory.


6. Denial of reality

When a person takes alcohol in an excessive amount, he (or she) never admits to having a serious issue. Such people often avoid any conversation about alcoholism, unwilling to discuss the addiction with anyone. They may grow irritable or angry if asked about how much they drink or confronted about quitting it.

Because addicts don’t want to lose their favorite pastime, they don’t admit to any habit of binge drinking. They try to deny the reality and keep on telling a lie when asked about their behavior.

7. Senseless justifications

Functioning addicts have excuses for their binge drinking. They give illogical reasons why they drink heavily, such as, “I drink because I’m stressed out at work,” or, “I just want to relax with my friends.” They will have a reason at the ready if confronted about their addiction. If someone informs them of the health hazards and social implications of alcoholism, they find excuses that border on irrational. They might say, “I’m depressed and need a sip to lift my mood.” Others might tell you it tastes good.

8. The alcoholic will hide the alcohol

Functioning alcoholics usually keep their drinks in a secret place. They don’t want others to see the alcohol, and often drink alone in their house or office, choosing a place where no one can see them. Some of them have a habit of stashing drinks in the car and having a back-up supply in the desk at their office. Hiding alcohol is a major sign of alcoholism, according to experts. While they engage in binge drinking, taking in more of it than friends or co-workers are aware of, alcoholics want others to remain unaware of their addiction.

9. Behavior changes

A person highly addicted to alcohol experiences mood swings. Their behavior can change significantly when they drink. A typically soft-spoken person can become suddenly aggressive or short-tempered due to chemical changes in the brain. They may also make impulsive decisions while under the influence of alcohol.

The social circle of an alcoholic is affected by the addiction. Alcoholics frequently fail to be interested in the happiness or pain of the people around them. Their addiction can cause them to become careless and selfish, sometimes seemingly unable to feel emotions. This emotional lethargy is a serious sign of alcohol dependency.

Final Thoughts on How to Get Help for a High-Functioning Alcoholic

It’s important to consult a health care professional if you believe your family member or friend suffers from an alcohol addiction. In order to effectively overcome unhealthy drinking habits, expert help is recommended. Alcohol rehab services and centers all over the world specialize in treating alcoholics and other addicts. These centers offer therapy, diet guidance, exercise classes, lifestyle modifications, and other techniques. They create awareness in the alcoholic about possible health threats of excessive alcohol consumption.

If, by reading this article, you realize that a friend or family member of yours might be struggling with alcoholism, it would be best to consult an expert or locate a support program in your area to help your loved one with the difficult issue he or she is facing

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things You Should Always Be Able to Talk About With Your Partner

Partnerships require diplomacy and tact. They also require a basic respect of the other person and their thoughts, feelings, opinions and goals. While most couples will eventually fall into the day-to-day discussion topics of work, family and news, couples should always be able to talk about more serious topics, even if they are uncomfortable. Sharing your concerns, ambitions, thoughts on world events, and opinions on major decisions should be a common, everyday thing with couples. If you are in a relationship and want a deeper conversation than “what do you want to eat for dinner?” here are some things you should always be able to talk about with your partner.

10 Things You Should Never Have A Problem Discussing With Your Partner

1. Goals

What are your goals for yourself and your relationship? These can be tricky and might change over time, and that is okay. Letting your partner know where you see yourself in the future and where you see the relationship is a good habit to get into. Communication is important, and goals like starting a family, moving somewhere else or changing careers is a huge step that should be discussed with your partner before you do anything. After all, it is their life too, and they get a say in where the relationship goes next.

2. Health

Always keep your partner in the loop if you are having health issues, even if they are relatively minor. No one wants to be blindsided with poor health in their partner. Health conditions can require extensive help from a partner if they are serious and they should be kept in the loop in case something unexpected happens.

3. The Future

Similar to goals but a little less concrete, the future can hold many different things for couples. Where do you both see yourselves in five years? In ten years? Do you want kids? Do you want to live in the city or the country? Make sure that both you and your partner are on the same page. Needs, wants and interests change over time, and so this conversation should happen periodically just to make sure you both know where the other person stands on important matters.

4. Happy Times

Happy times are great and can be a real morale booster after a tough day. You and your partner should always be able to reminisce about emotionally significant moments in your relationship. Remind each other of inside jokes and funny, embarrassing stories about each other. You should always be able to laugh with each other and remember the good times.

5. Difficulties

If you are having a difficult time with something, then talk with your partner. Your partner should be a safe zone where you can vent, get things off your chest, or express your frustrations with the world. You don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders alone. You are stronger together, and if you share the weight of whatever you are carrying, then the load becomes lighter for both of you.

6. Their Feelings

Some folks are better than others when it comes to sharing their feelings. If you cannot share your feelings with your partner, the person you have chosen to share your life with, then something is wrong. Your partner is the one person you should be able to be vulnerable with and let them inside your emotional world. You need to be able to tell them how you are feeling and why you are upset.


7. Fears and Concerns

There are a lot of scary things in the world, and relationships can be scary in and of themselves for some people. You should always be able to discuss your fears and concerns with your partner. If you both are communicating well and often with each other, then this should be no big deal and your partner will most likely be understanding and supportive. But, if you fear or concern comes out of nowhere because you kept it to yourself until it became an issue, it might cause a greater problem than it should have had it been dealt with early on.

8. Finances

More marriages are destroyed by finances than any other thing, mostly because one partner is kept out of the loop about how good or bad the finances are. Major financial decisions should be made by both people in the relationship and each should be kept aware of the other’s financial situation. Everyone goes through tough times and your partner will understand that. Keep them in the loop and work together to solve any problems that arise.

Related article: 10 Things Men Should Never Tell Their Pregnant Partner

9. Current Events

We are a connected society and most of us know quickly when anything significant happens in the world. You should always be able to talk about major events in the world with your partner. Even if you disagree on politics or religion, you should at least be able to have an adult conversation and, if necessary, agree to disagree without causing hurt feelings.

10. Honest Feedback

We all screw up from time to time and we all can be better people. You should be able to both communicate and receive honest and constructive feedback from your partner. Be adults and understand they just want you to be the best person you can be.

5 Diseases That Can Grow In Your Body When You Don’t Sleep Enough

Sleep is certainly an enjoyable and relaxing activity. It is also one of the most essential activities for protecting us from both our mental and physical diseases. Closing our eyes for at least a few hours every night allows our body to reboot and recharge after a long and strenuous day. The body and the all-important brain undergo several vital processes during sleep that are critical to human function.

It makes sense, then, that sleep deprivation can cause serious problems. In many ways, we can feel the problems shortly after waking up. We can’t concentrate and are extremely slow in starting our day. When this happens daily, our short- and long-term health can suffer serious consequences.

Years of scientific research have been conducted that demonstrates what goes on when we don’t prioritize sleep – or, to be fair, when one can’t sleep due to medical reasons. This research shows that sleep deprivation can cause several serious, and potentially life-threatening, health problems.

Here, we discuss five dangerous conditions or diseases that can surface due to insufficient sleep. We’ll follow up this material with five ways in which we can all improve both the quality and quantity of our shuteye, as recommended by the National Sleep Foundation!

Sleep plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

First, here are the five conditions or diseases:


1. Alzheimer’s

In a 2013 study conducted by John’s Hopkins University (JHU), researchers concluded that poor sleep habits can be a cause of Alzheimer’s Disease (ALS). Furthermore, this same study concluded that lack of sleep can expedite disease progression. The study was initiated by previous research, positing that sleep was essential to eliminating waste-like buildup that accumulated in the brain called “cerebral waste.”

The 70 research subjects involved in the JHU study were between 53 and 91. Subjects that continuously reported poor sleep showed a disproportionate amount of beta-amyloid in areas of their brain. Beta-amyloid is a compound substance that has been directly linked as a definitive indicator of ALS.

2. Prostate Cancer

In a study consisting of 2,425 Icelandic men between the ages of 67 and 96, researchers discovered that men with sleep problems were 60 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer. Shockingly, this number increased two-fold when participants reported difficulty staying asleep. Furthermore, researchers discovered that sleep deprived males were more susceptible to the cancer advancing to the late stages.

Scientists attribute the correlation between cancer and sleep deprivation to low melatonin levels. Melatonin is an important chemical for suppressing tumor growth. When this chemical is too low – as it is with people who are sleep deprived – it becomes possible to accelerate cancerous growths.



3. Cardiovascular Disease

In simple terms, poor sleep is absolutely terrible for heart health. Poor sleep has been linked to cardiovascular disease for years; however, it wasn’t until just recently that scientists discovered a stronger correlation than before. In a 14-year study of 657 Russian men, two-thirds of those that experienced a heart attack also had a sleep disorder.

Additionally, subjects reporting a sleep disorder were 2.6 times more likely to develop a myocardial infraction, and 1.5 to 4 times more likely to experience a stroke.

4. Obesity and Diabetes

Loads of research had already concluded that a link existed between diabetes and poor sleep habits. However, a University of Chicago study further extended this link to include potential obesity – a condition known to precede diabetes. Researchers discovered that little sleep can exacerbate the accumulation of fatty acid levels within the blood, negatively altering how the body regulates blood sugar.

In the study of 19 men, researchers discovered that those who slept only four hours over a three night span had higher levels of fatty acid within the blood – up to a 30 percent increase over subjects who received 8 hours of sleep.

5. Suicidal thoughts or Suicide

While this isn’t a disease and is more considered an illness, this one is both surprising and extremely disturbing. In a 2014 study conducted at the Stanford University School of Medicine, researchers found a correlation between lack of sleep and the incidence of suicide. During the 10-year study, 20 of the 420 participants that committed suicide reported having suffered from poor sleep. Ultimately, researchers concluded that individuals who lack sleep are 1.4 times more likely to end their lives. Additionally, this risk increases with a combination of advanced age and stress levels.


Final Thoughts: Tips to Improve Your Sleep

It is quite clear that sleep is essential to our health and wellness. It is a crucial activity for reducing the risk of many diseases and conditions. For this reason, we’ll list a few ways to improve sleep quality, as the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) suggested.

Here are the five tips:

#1 Develop and maintain a sleep schedule; make it a priority to wake up and go to bed simultaneously every night, even on the weekends.

#2 Relax every night before bed. Try to practice a routine activity (e.g. reading, meditation) as a habit every night before falling asleep.

#3 Exercise daily. Exercise is an indispensable activity for improving sleep. Do anything to get your body in motion and break a sweat.

#4 Look at your sleep environment. Is your room at the right temperature? It should be between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit (?16-21 degrees Celsius). The room should be cool, free from light, and isolated from noise.

#5 Look at your pillows and mattress. Are they conducive to good sleep? If not, many bedding stores with knowledgeable staff can provide some suggestions.

Broussard, J. L., Chapotot, F., Abraham, V., Day, A., Delebecque, F., Whitmore, H. R., & Tasali, E. (2015, February 22). Sleep restriction increases free fatty acids in healthy men. Diabetologia, 58(4), 791-798. Retrieved November 11, 2016, from
Scutti, S. (2013, October 23). Alzheimer’s Disease Linked To Poor Sleep. Retrieved November 11, 2016, from
Sigurdardottir, L. G., Valdimarsdottir, U. A., Mucci, L. A., Fall, K., Rider, J. R., Schernhammer, E., . . . Lockley, S. W. (2013, May 01). Sleep Disruption Among Older Men and Risk of Prostate Cancer. Cancer 

Prepare For A Huge Energy Shift On November 14th – RARE “Beaver Moon”

Those that appreciate a beautiful night sky will be in for a treat. On November 14, the moon will be in the closest proximity to Earth in 70 years. In being so close, it will provide some delightful visuals for stargazers and non-stargazers, alike. The “Beaver Moon” gets its name from a time of year when early colonists and indigineous tribes set their beaver traps. More specifically, they needed to set them before the land froze over. During the colonial period, beavers were treasured for their exceptional and warmth-giving furs.  

Unfortunately, there will not be any large rodents crawling on the moon’s surface.

What NASA Says About the Beaver Moon

Of course, NASA has provided plenty of information on the Beaver Moon, saying: “The full moon of November 14 is not only the closest full moon of 2016 but also the closest full moon to date in the 21st century. The full moon won’t come this close to Earth again until November 25, 2034.

The Moon’s orbit path around the Earth is elliptical, and one side of the orbit’s path (called “perigee”) is closer than the other by about 30,000 miles (50,000 kilometers). On the shorter path, the Earth, Sun and Moon align in what is called “syzygy” in astrological terms.

The end result is a “perigee” moon, or in common parlance, a supermoon. Or, as NASA cheekily refers to as “an extra-super moon.” An “extra-super supermoon” materializes when the moon becomes full on the same days as its perigee, or when the moon’s orbit is at its closes to the Earth’s surface.

A “supermoon” is actually a term derived from modern-day astrology. This terminology received popular attention in recent years as moon sightings became more and more spectacular. Furthermore, the science around the phenomenon was more widely disseminated…putting more souls into the “stargazer” camp.

Also called a perigee full moon, a supermoon can be up to 14% bigger than a full moon. Adding to the spectacle, a supermoon may be 30% brighter than a regular (or apogee) full moon. The clearer that the sky, the more visually stunning this moon will be. An overcast will slightly dim this beaming moon, but it will still be spectacular. That said, please let the sky be clear!

In addition to the scientific rationale for the supermoon, the history surrounding the Beaver supermoon makes the occurrence all the more special. Following the date – November 14, 2016 – the moon will not get closer to the Earth for another 28 years.  

Around this date, November 12th, the Taurids Meteor Shower will also take place. This meteor shower occurs once a year, and are a visual feast as well. According to, the meteors “as remnants left behind by the passage of the Comet known as 2P/Encke.” About 10 to 15 balls of flame (literally) streak across the sky each hour.

A supermoon will appear one more time in 2016 – on December 14. Make sure to mark your calendars!

How to See History

North America and Europe:

According to experts, the moon will become full on November 14 at 8:52 EST in the U.S. and 1:52 pm UTC, internationally. Those that wish to see the supermoon in the North America and Europe will probably get the best view on the evenings of November 13th and 14th.

Related article: How Does The Moon Affect Your Zodiac Sign? 

On the West Coast of US, those that rise early will probably be able to witness the moon at its fullest around 5:52 am PST; about 28 minutes before the sun rises.

In Asia:

Readers and sky gazers in Asia will be happy to hear that they will likely observe the moon at its absolute fullest. The anticipated time is 9:52 pm Hong Kong Time, 7:22 pm in India.

Get out there!

Even if you’re not a huge fan of stargazing, sky gazing, call if what you will…this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the moon in all of its glory. To witness history.

And if what NASA and other scientists say is true, the privilege of seeing this beautiful moon may just make lovers of the sky out of us all.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2016) 2016 Ends With Three Supermoons (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 9 November 2016).
Wright, P. (2016) November’s ‘beaver’ Supermoon will be the biggest in almost 70 years. Available at: (Accessed: 9 November 2016).
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