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What Is Your Flirting Style, According To Your Zodiac Sign?

Reading about your unique Zodiac sign can bring insight into who you are and what you might expect during moon phases and different times of the year.

Many people find great emotional and spiritual fulfillment in understanding their place among the stars. However some don’t believe in it, and that’s okay too. For this reason it’s for entertainment purposes only.

No matter which group you belong to, there are exciting things that you can learn about personality types in relation to zodiac signs. Let us know in the comments if your reveal was a match.

Aries Zodiac (21st Mar-19th Apr):

What is the Ram’s style?

They know what they want and how to get it. We shall call them a competitive go-getter! The immortal words  “Challenge accepted”, were said without doubt with them in mind. The Ram will dazzle, sizzle, fizzle, anything with -azzle or -izzle in it to make you fall head over heals.

Be aware that, like many great offers, this is for a limited time only, as the charismatic, go-getting Ram tends to burn out quickly if they reach no reciprocation, and forget any go-getting if you have just met them.

Signs that might be turned off by Aries:

Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio.

Signs that might be turned on by Aries in the short-term:

Aries, Libra, Capricorn.

Signs that might be turned on by Aries in the long-term:

Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius.


Taurus (20th Apr-20th May):

What is the Bull’s style?

Ever the romantic, the Bull is also rather “touchy-feely” and you just cannot be helped by it, such is their pull – something for which you can thank Venus, their ruler. They are a calm, collected customer until a rival puts their cowboy hat into the ring, so get ready for the rodeo if that happens, partner! They have a subtle approach to flirting with their love interest, happy to wait for the right moment for whatever they have in mind. Once love rivals are cast aside, be prepared for some serious sugar.

Signs that might be turned off by Taurus:

Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius.

Signs that might be turned on by Taurus in the short-term:

Scorpio, Aries, Virgo.

Signs that might be turned on by Taurus in the long-term:

Capricorn, Libra, Cancer.

Gemini Zodiac (21st May-20th June):

What is the Twin’s style?

What a recipe this is: 2tbsp surprise + 1 1/2 tbsp wit + a dash of intellect. Whisk together, add wine for a truly unforgettable evening. There will be lots of deep conversations and heaps of laughter involved, so expect the unexpected. Of course, a Twin is looking for just that – a twin, using intellectual tests to see if they match on that level. Fear not, they like both stimulation of the mind and body.

Should you pass the test, you will get an unlimited supply of the above recipe + an unlimited supply of physical sweetness. However, do be warned that they can be cold from time to time.

Signs that might be turned off by Gemini:

Pisces, Taurus, Cancer.

Signs that might be turned on by Gemini in the short-term:

Leo, Virgo, Scorpio.

Signs that might be turned on by Gemini in the long-term:

Aquarius, Libra, Aries.

Cancer (21st June-22nd July):

What is the Crab’s style?

Scott Joplin’s The Entertainer was composed with our crustacean friends in mind, classy and entertaining. Like Ol’ Blue Eyes himself, they do it their way. They are direct and have flattery and a charming smile in their romantic arsenal, albeit only when they are absolutely sure their interest is interested in them also. They are always standing by for threats to their potential love, yet be entertaining as a means to stave off such rivals. A Crab is fairly inquisitive by nature and this could annoy other signs. It’s up to you, New York…

Signs that might be turned off by Cancer:

Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Signs that might be turned on by Cancer in the short-term:

Leo, Pisces, Capricorn.

Signs that might be turned on by Cancer in the long-term:

Taurus, Virgo, Pisces.

Leo Zodiac (23rd July-22nd Aug):

What is the Lion’s style?

We could write a book about this lot and still it would not be enough. They are always in charge, and boy do they know it. Leos possess a superiority rivaled by none in the Zodiac, they are not the kings/queens of the jungle for nothing. They hardly ever have competition, such is their regal spell on people as a whole. Lions are daringly strong and egotistical, not to mention admirable and able to converse with many suitors with ease. They are intense and dramatic when devouring their interest with affection. That is correct, Leos do not do things by halves. Because of this, they tend to want the whole meal instead of just a scant snack, something long-term with tons of meaning. Thus, they love turning brief flings into something more permanent.

Signs that might be turned off by Leo:

Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn.

Signs that might be turned on by Leo in the short-term:

Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio.

Signs that might be turned on by Leo in the long-term:

Gemini, Libra, Aries.

Virgo (23rd Aug-22nd Sep):

What is the Virgin’s style?

How else could a virgin’s style be other than shy and mysterious? They are ruled by Venus, which translates into good communication, usually the non-verbal sort. A Virgo will graft for an interest but, not unlike their Ram counterparts, will not pursue it for too long.

Due to their virginal nature, they naturally exude sexuality and are intellectual beings, thus choosing a partner accordingly. Those chosen by the Virgin are entered into the “sacred circle,” as they tend to choose wisely and with all their heart, which means that they rarely do short-term.

Signs that might be turned off by Virgo:

Libra, Sagittarius, Aries.

Signs that might be turned on by Virgo in the short-term:

Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio.

Signs that might be turned on by Virgo in the long-term:

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn.


Libra Zodiac(23rd Sep-22nd Oct):

What is the Scales’ style?

Libra will weigh the pros and cons of dating a love interest, and the Scales will decide whether to go ahead or not based on whichever holds more weight. This shows their analytical side. After getting the green light, they are attractive, direct, and graceful.

If the Scales decide that the target is very interesting, they will pursue it with passion. However, they might be happy to play the waiting game. They are very eloquent individuals, using words in the name of charm and wit. As they are eloquent, they are talkative about past, present, and future details. Although Libra is a sign of Air, they are naturally passionate folk.

Signs that might be turned off by Libra:

Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn.

Signs that might be turned on by Libra in the short-term:

Taurus, Libra, Aries.

Signs that might be turned on by Libra in the long-term:

Gemini, Leo, Aquarius.

Scorpio (23rd Oct-21st Nov):

What is the Scorpion’s style?

Test your might! They are a mixture of powerful, mysterious, and flirty. The Scorpion is outwardly sexual and will not bother to hide it, such is their master ability to flirt. A Scorpio is, however, very emotional and deep. Those pesky things are also deceptive in pursuit, why do you think their tail is so poisonous?

That venom is like a drug, making you crave more of it and our arachnid friend is only too happy to oblige. Poison by Groove Coverage was a song written especially for them and it is said that James Bond 007’s Zodiac sign is Scorpio. What is it about them that makes them so alluring? Words? Not needed. Body language? Not needed.

They know what they want and how to get it, and pull out all the stops until mission is accomplished, although they may not have a plan of action towards the end goal.

Signs that might be turned off by Scorpio:

Gemini, Leo, Libra.

Signs that might be turned on by Scorpio in the short-term:

Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries.

Signs that might be turned on by Scorpio in the long-term:

Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn.

Sagittarius Zodiac(22nd Nov-21st Dec):

What is the Archer’s style?

Gangnam Style? Nearly! The buzzword surrounding these guys and gals is “carefree”. They love to be spontaneous and have that magnetic personality. Archers love to be the life and soul of the party, yet are rather philosophical beings. Herein lies rough with the smooth, the Yin to the Yang, the night to the day. Sagittarius can also be aloof and distant sometimes, which is a small chink in their lively nature armour.

They tend to be direct flirters thanks to their half-archer side going straight for the target, and love going on adventures thanks to their being half-horse. Care to be whisked away? You might not have a choice, their ruler is Jupiter, after all.

Signs that might be turned off by Sagittarius:

Cancer, Virgo, Pisces.

Signs that might be turned on by Sagittarius in the short-term:

Sagittarius, Scorpio.

Signs that might be turned on by Sagittarius in the long-term:

Libra, Gemini, Leo.

Capricorn (22nd Dec-19th Jan):

What is the Goat’s style?

This is one down-to-earth chappie, being an Earth sign. To the point, frank, casual, with their feet firmly on the ground. They only flirt with intellectuals, so take it as a compliment if the Goat is flirting with you.

What is Capricorn’s secret? Keep a close eye on this one’s body language! They are dangerous to themselves at times because they may attract the wrong people, due to their mysterious manner. They talk about topics regarding the home, social setting, and worldly achievements.

Signs that might be turned off by Capricorn:

Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius.

Signs that might be turned on by Capricorn in the short-term:

Aries, Cancer, Libra.

Signs that might be turned on by Capricorn in the long-term:

Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo.

Aquarius  Zodiac(20th Jan-18th Feb):

What is the Water-bearer’s style?

These ones like to keep flirting flowing and fluid. They are witty and intelligent and are rather social. They do stand out and are not afraid to let it be known that they are around. Besides that, they tend to go for free spirits with something going on upstairs.

Water-carriers will use body language to captivate and stimulate and are profound in nature thanks to what they have in their possession. They might like fluidity but not to the extent of lying for someone to save face, for these are deeply honest folk.

Signs that might be turned off by Aquarius:

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo.

Signs that might be turned on by Capricorn in the short-term:
Scorpio, Pisces, Leo.
Signs that might be turned on by Capricorn in the long-term:
Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius.

zodiac signs

Pisces Zodiac (19th Feb-20th Mar):

What is the Fish’s style?
Are they a really dishy fishy? Being the mysterious, sensual, deep type, yes! Interests are specifically into their sexuality and imagination, with the Pisces taking said love interests on a journey of the Fish’s choosing. However, they are shy and take time to open up to you, but once they do that, a new dimension of reality is visible with new, exciting, vibrant colors.
The rainbow is just a drop in the ocean compared to what is in store for you in the depths with Pisces. There are also nurturing and intelligent, which is a picture worth a thousand words thanks to the world you see through their eyes. From there, they are able to detect a life partner through instinct. Enjoy the never-ending journey!
Signs that might by turned off by Pisces:
Leo, Virgo, Gemini.
Signs that might be turned on by Pisces in the short-term:
Aquarius, Taurus, Libra.
Signs that might be turned on by Pisces in the long-term:
Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn.

So what’s your flirting style, according to your zodiac sign?
Share in the comments below…

Asking Yourself These Questions Every Day Can Reveal Your Deepest Desires

We like to think that the Universe is not random and that we were placed here with some mission to accomplish before we die. Of course, that leads to many question. That’s because we want to know that our lives held meaning and that in some small way we changed the Universe for the better.

We want to be reaffirmed. Isaac Newton once said

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” Our descendants will stand on our shoulders and carry the torch of humanity even farther than we have. But what is it that we should be doing?

Asking yourself these questions may raise your vibration, and open up an entirely new world (based on how you answer them…)


What Makes You Happy?
This is a pretty simple question though it is sometimes hard to answer. What is it that makes us happy when we do it? Does our current job make us happy? Or does it simply keep us housed and fed?
What Do You Want To Do?
Is there something you have been wanting to do but don’t think you can make it happen? Is there something else you would rather be doing? What would you do if money were no issue?
What Would You Try If You Could Not Fail?
If there was no way you could possibly screw up what would you try to do? Most of us convince ourselves that we are going to fail even before we try. We tell ourselves that something is impossible or impractical. We fail before we even try. But what if you couldn’t fail?
What Makes You Lose Track Of Time?

What is the thing you enjoy so much that the hours just fly by and you never have enough time to invest in that activity? When you enjoy something so much time ceases to exist. You lose yourself in the work. This can ultimately bring about a change in your mental, and physical worlds.

What Are You Good At?
If you are good at something wouldn’t it be a waste if you didn’t do that thing full time? What is it that seems to come easily to you? Are you a leader? A good speaker? Are you really good at math? Ask yourself what you are best at. Is there something you really excel at doing? Finding this can create the shift you’ve been looking for.
If You Died What Would You Regret Not Doing?
If you found out today that you were going to die tomorrow what would have wanted to accomplish before you died? Is there something that you feel you have left unfinished?
Related article: Here are some of the most common regrets of the dying…
What Do People Ask You For Help Doing?
Maybe the thing you are really good at is in high demand. Is there something people are always asking your help with because you are so darn good at it? Maybe they are subtly telling you what it is you should be doing with your life.
What Are Your Values?
These are serious questions. Is there a cause that aligns with your values and beliefs? Maybe you feel that something important has been overlooked by everyone else. Perhaps there is injustice in the world and you would like to change that. Maybe homelessness, poverty, inequality, famine, war, hunger, or human trafficking are things you wish you could end as you find your truest calling.

What Are You Willing To Fight For?

What do you care so much about that you are willing to expend your limited time on this earth fighting to solve or rid humanity of. Are you willing to meet the challenges and obstacles head on and overcome them with perseverance and determination?
What Are You Willing To Sacrifice For?
Are you willing to give up recreational time for a greater purpose? Personal relationships? Kids? Money? What do you feel about so passionately that you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals? Knowing how far you’re willing to go for what you believe in can change your whole life, and the lives of those around you.
What Is Holding Me Back?
What is it that is keeping you from following your dreams? Is it just fear? What is it that is keeping you from committing completely to achieve your life’s purpose?
How Do You Want Others to Remember You?
Most of us will live and die in obscurity and that is ok. We will not be remembered past our kids or grand-kids. But if you are remembered by society and history how do you want the collective memory of humanity to remember you? Your purpose is closely linked with how you want to be remembered. If you want to be remembered as the person who cured cancer or ended world hunger then those things should illuminate your purpose.
That purpose is out there and is waiting for you to find answers to your questions and grow from there.

10 Ways to Feel Better (In 15 Minutes or Less)

Life is busy and it is easy to forget to do things for yourself when you spend all day working and taking care of the family. But doing things for yourself to feel better is essential too. If you break down then you can’t help anyone. You should get into the habit of doing a little self-maintenance every day. Self Maintenance makes sure that you are refreshed and recharged and that you are not going to bit off the head of some random person. Most people would love to take the entire day and relax doing something they want to do. Time is at a premium for most of us, so we can get by with little ways to fill up the old gas tank occasionally during the day.

How to Feel Better in Under 15 Minutes

Here are some ways to feel better and recharge during the day, that only take fifteen minutes or less:

Take a Long Shower to Feel Better

Get in the shower and just relax for ten to fifteen minutes without anyone bothering you or asking questions. Let the water soak into you. Let the steam clean out your lungs and sinuses. When you are done you will be clean and feel refreshed and recharged.

Do A Quick Stretch

Get on the floor and stretch your muscles out. We build up tension all day. Let some of that tension drain away…you’ll feel better for it, guaranteed. Do some Yoga poses real quick and release some of that stress. Stretching is very relaxing and has the added benefit of getting your blood flowing a bit. Once you get that little jump start you will find you have a little more energy.

Grab a Quick Nap

Jump on the couch and grab a short power nap. You may even find it helpful to just close your eyes and fall into a deep relaxation without actually drifting off to sleep. Set your alarm on your phone and just face-plant into the bed for fifteen minutes.

Indulge In Your Favorite Snack or Beverage

Go grab a luxurious coffee or get your favorite tea. Find something you enjoy and treat yourself. Allow yourself some time to sit and savor the food. It doesn’t have to be a meal just a quick little guilty pleasure to boost your spirits.

Go Outside And Sit In The Sun to Feel Better Sooner

Sunshine provides us with vitamin D and can make us feel refreshed when we sit outside and soak up the sun’s warmth. Some depressions have been linked to a lack of sunshine during the winter months. So a lack of sunshine can affect your mood. Working inside all day under artificial lighting it can screw with your moods and energy levels. If you need a quick pick me up go outside and recharge yourself.

Play A Simple Game

Most of us have access to smartphones these days. With those smartphones come a myriad of simple but entertaining and challenging games. Fire up your favorite game and let yourself have a few minutes of simple fun.

Put on Your Favorite Song to Feel Better

Put in your earbuds, head out to the car, and jam out for a few minutes to your favorite song. Music is a universally human experience and can strongly affect our moods. Find a song that makes you happy and rock out for a bit.

Phone a Friend

Call a buddy or BFF and catch up for a bit. Be silly. Talk about something on your mind or just see what they have been up to lately. Our friends can cheer us up or boost our spirits if we are feeling down or drained.

Go For A Walk

Get outside and walk around the block. Take a short hike around the parking lot at work. Walk down to the store or restaurant and grab a quick bite. Get up and get moving to get the blood flowing. Get those endorphins pumping a little. We feel better after exercise or physical activity because our body releases chemicals that make us feel good. The sunshine and fresh air don’t hurt either.

Unplug For A Bit

Information overload is a common problem in our modern world. Take a break from the constant flow of data and opinions and enjoy quiet time. So set aside that tablet, phone or laptop and enjoy the real world.

This 8 Year Old Saw His Friend Denied Lunch Because Of No Money…Then Buys Lunch For Hundreds

We all know that for most people in the world, times are tough. We all are just scraping by, clinging to any piece of hope and inspiration. Many people have had to resort to getting second jobs or applying for unemployment just to make enough money to make ends meet. However, one boy named Cayde, from Michigan, decided to be the light in a very dark world.

Just 8 years old, Cayden Taipalus decided to find a way to raise money for kids in his school who didn’t have enough funds to pay for a hot lunch themselves. When Cayden saw his friend being denied a hot lunch because he didn’t have money in his account, he knew immediately that he had to take action.

8 Year Old Sees Friend Denied Lunch Because of No Money…Buys Lunch For Nearly 300 Kids

A student at Challenger Elementary in Howell, Cayden had to watch his friend eat a cheese sandwich that the school gave him due to the lack of money in his account. 

His mother, Amber Melke-Peters said that Cayden came home that day upset about the situation, and asked her for advice on how he could help his friends so that they could have hot lunches every day.

His mother wanted to get on board with his vision, too, and helped him create a website to raise funds for the children. They both came up with a site name: “Pay It Forward: No Kids Goes Hungry.” Once they got the website up and running, Cayden asked anyone he knew for whatever they could offer to help the children at his school get hot lunches.

However, Cayden didn’t just count on others for monetary help. He actually went out and did some recycling so that he could raise a bit of money on his own to add to the “hot lunch funds.” 

After he helped his friends pay off lunch debts, he asked the lunch ladies to add money to some children’s accounts who needed it so that they wouldn’t have to go hungry anymore.

Since Cayden started his site, he’s raised almost $7,000 and helped over 300 kids get hot lunches. He plans on keeping the site going and continuing to raise money so that more kids can have hot lunches at his school.

“I am so very proud of my son,” Peters said. “He is only 8 years old and to grasp the concept around this is just amazing in my eyes. He has a heart of gold.”

Along with his mother, the staff at Challenger Elementary and so many others feel inspired by Cayden’s selfless actions. He saw a problem and worked hard to fix it so that his friends could enjoy a hot lunch with him.

Related article: Amazing! Here’s How A Teacher Uses Apples To Show How Words Can Hurt

So, we hope that you, too, will find inspiration and beauty in Cayden’s actions, because he shows us that light still very much exists in this world. We can all help out and make a difference, if only we remember to continue looking out for one another and not just ourselves.

If you felt inspired by this, please share it with your friends and family!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs of Breast Cancer Women Often Ignore

When you notice something abnormal on your body, it’s easy to dismiss it and assume it’ll go away on its own. However, it’s essential to your health that you address each indication of something being amiss immediately. Ignoring issues with your body could cause you to miss some of the signs of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer is the second-highest killer of women worldwide and the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. An eighth of all women in the USA will develop it throughout their life, with almost a quarter of a million new cases last year alone. With that being the case, ignoring the signs could be deadly.

Aside from lung cancer, breast cancer kills more women than any other cancer. Women over the age of fifty are more at risk, but 5% of cases occur in women under 40.

Men are not exempt from breast cancer either, but it only affects about one in 833 men in the United States. With women having a much higher risk, women must know the warning signs and have information regarding early detection and survival rates.

Seven Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

If you recognize the warning signs of cancer in yourself, don’t panic before getting medical guidance. These symptoms are merely a guide to help you understand when something might be amiss with your health.

breast cancer cell

1. Lumps in Your Breasts

Breast tissue is naturally bumpy, but harder lumps or ones different from the rest are signs. Likewise, if the area feels other than before, it could indicate cancer. If you notice any change, see a health care provider right away.

It could be a benign breast condition, or it could be a sign of cancer. You don’t want to ignore the change and risk worsening conditions.

2. Redness or a Rash

Abnormal redness or having a rash on your breast or around the nipple is a red flag. If it goes away quickly, there’s likely no cause for concern. However, if it remains, you’ll want to consult your doctor.

3. Nipple Discharge can Indicate Breast Cancer

Discharge from your nipple can occur in any color, and it’ll come out without squeezing or pressing. It isn’t always a sign of cancer, but it can be, so get it checked out right away.

Either way, nipple discharge is abnormal, and you should address the underlying cause. If you notice discharge without squeezing, it occurs in only one breast, or it is bloody or clear, see a medical professional immediately.

4. Swelling in the Armpit or Around the Collarbone

You might notice a lump in your armpit or around the collarbone rather than in your breast. The breast tissue extends to both areas, so don’t ignore them when checking for abnormalities. If cancer is present, it indicates that it has spread to the lymph nodes.

Rather than a lump, you might also notice swelling in those areas. If that’s the case, you should still seek medical care, as swelling sometimes occurs before a lump develops.

5. Change in Size and Skin Texture

Changes in the size of your breast could be the result of hormonal shifts. However, if it isn’t normal for you, don’t hesitate to seek a medical opinion.

Additionally, if the appearance of your skin has changed in some way, you will want to see a doctor. It might resemble the texture of an orange peel, or it could dimple instead.

6. An Inverted Nipple

A nipple that pulls inward is called an inverted nipple. While all nipples are different, and some are naturally inverted, it’s worth seeking a medical opinion to be safe. If yours wasn’t inverted before, but suddenly changed, you’ll want to make an appointment right away.

7. Constant Pain Could Reveal Breast Cancer

Cancer lumps are often painless, but they could result in a dull ache in the affected area. Hormonal shifts or a poorly fitting bra can cause breast discomfort, too, but if that’s not the case for you, call your doctor right away.

Sometimes you won’t experience pain, but you’ll notice a weird sensation. It might feel like tenderness or a prickly feeling, too.

12 Risk Factors That Increase the Odds of Breast Cancer

Some risk factors that increase your odds of breast cancer cannot be changed. You can change some aspects, though, and focus on implementing healthier habits to decrease your risk.

1. Getting Older Can Increase the Chance of Breast Cancer

You can’t control aging, but your risk of developing this kind of cancer increases as you get older. Your chance of developing the disease is higher for women over fifty. It is less common in younger women, but it can still occur.

2. Genetic Mutations

Some women inherit gene mutations like BRCA1 and BRCA2. These mutations cause cell-cycle dysregulation, abnormal duplication, genetic instability, and other issues. Women with these genetic mutations have a higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

3. Age When Menstrual Cycles Started or Stopped

Girls who start their menstrual cycles before twelve are more likely to develop cancer when they’re older. Additionally, women who start menopause after 55 have an increased risk because they were exposed to hormones longer.

breast cancer cell

4. Dense Breasts

Some women have dense breasts, meaning more connective tissue than fatty tissue. When this is the case, it makes them more susceptible to getting cancer. Dense breasts make it harder to detect tumors on a mammogram, too.

5. Personal History of Cancer or Other Breast Diseases

Women who have already had breast cancer are more likely to get it again. A re-occurrence typically happens within two years of the first. Additionally, women with non-cancerous breast diseases are more likely to develop cancer.

6. Family History Can Increase Breast Cancer Risks

Having a family first-degree relative with breast or ovarian cancer increases your risk. A first-degree relative is a mother, sister, or daughter, but it could also be a father, brother, or son. However, if a woman has multiple people on their mother or father’s side of the family who have had cancer, it also increases their risk.

7. Previous Radiation Therapy Treatment

Radiation therapy treats certain cancers and other diseases, but it can also increase your risk of developing breast cancer. If the treatment occurred near the chest or breast before the woman was 30, their risk increases.

8. Exposure to DES

Diethylstilbestrol (DES) external icon was a drug used between 1940 and 1971. It was used to prevent miscarriage but was later determined to increase a woman’s cancer risk. The pregnant mothers who took it have increased risk, but their daughters also do.

9. Lack of Physical Activity Can Make a Woman More Likely to Have Breast Cancer

Those who aren’t active have an increased risk of getting breast cancer. Inactivity means you do less than 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, and experts recommend daily activity. You don’t have to participate in sports or exercise as long as you move in a way that makes you slightly out of breath.

10. Being Overweight or Obese After Menopause

Older women who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of cancer. The risk continues to grow if more weight gain occurs, too. You can make a beneficial change by eating healthy and being physically active.

11. Hormone Replacement and Contraceptives

Taking hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, during menopause increases your risk. Short-term hormone replacement therapy doesn’t seem to cause issues but taking it for five or more years does.

Additionally, some birth control pills raise the risk, too. The risk doesn’t go back to normal until ten years after you stop taking the contraceptive pill. Because the majority of the women who take these pills are young, the risk normalizes before their age becomes a risk factor.

12. Reproductive History

If your first pregnancy occurs after you’re 30, you have a higher risk of developing cancer. Additionally, never breastfeeding or having a full-term pregnancy can also increase the risk.

13. Frequently Drinking Alcohol

Women who drink more alcohol have a higher risk of cancer. The more she drinks, the higher her risk becomes. Limit your alcohol intake to decrease your cancer risk.

Early Detection and Increased Breast Cancer Survival Rates

In the beginning stages of the disease, you might not notice any symptoms. Sometimes the signs are absent altogether, or they are so minimal that a woman doesn’t pay much attention. However, early detection leads to increased survival rates.

If you notice any signs of breast cancer, you must see a doctor right away. The presence of symptoms shows that the disease is actively developing.

Research shows a 90% survival rate when the cancer is diagnosed and treated during the first stage. If treatment doesn’t begin until the third stage, the survival rate decreases to only 40%. Early detection is essential, so monitor your body for the signs of cancer.

You can increase your chances of detecting cancer early by performing self-examinations each month. Try to do the self-exams during the first phase of your menstrual cycle each month. Additionally, regular check-ups with a gynecologist and mammologist are essential.

cancer and breast health

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Signs of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a scary disease, and early detection is essential for increased survival rates. Monitor your body for the signs of cancer, and don’t hesitate to see a doctor right away.

The sooner treatment begins, the sooner you can get healthy again. Knowing the risk factors can help you with an early diagnosis, too, as you’ll be on full alert.

15 Truths You’ll Have to Accept If Your Partner Is “The One”

You have been seeing your partner for a while now, with the star-spangled Honeymoon period over. Things are a-changin’ and you are wondering what is going on in your relationship. Is Trixie/Trevor “The One”?

It is high time to take off those rose-tinted glasses, thinking that everything will run smoothly. Life is never that way and relationships do not buck the trend. These are things you have to put up with to know whether your partner is “The One.”

15 Truths You’ll Have to Accept If Your Partner Is “The One”


1. You will have arguments

Arguments in moderation and with good conflict resolution patterns are healthy for relationships. We cannot naturally tell Trixie/Trevor we love them 24/7, that is not healthy. If this is happening in your relationship, watch out! “A relationship with no arguments is a relationship with a lot of secrets,” says the quote. Could you be in one with lots of secrets?

Related article: Why Couples Who Argue Love Each Other More

2. Sometimes, there will not be a solution

An impasse! Oh no, the proverbial kryptonite for any relationship. Yet it does not have to be. Relationship Breaking an impasse can be fixed in these six steps.

A) It starts with loving yourself and believing in who you are. If your self esteem seems like it’s non-existent, start noticing things that you do like about yourself.

B) Lighten up your thoughts about yourself. If all you are doing is tearing yourself down in your mind, it’s no surprise that other people may not value you the way you think they should. Change your thoughts about yourself to better ones.

C)  Lighten up your thoughts about the other person. Remember why you love this person and don’t constantly repeat in your mind what you don’t love about him or her.

D) Know that you have choice. It may not seem that you have choice about your situation but you actually do.

E) Shift your attention to your heart as you listen to the other person and if your mind starts churning, bring your attention south. Find a place inside you where you know that you have choice and you are just listening to try to understand.

F) If you need to set healthy boundaries with this person, do so from a place of loving inside yourself–and from a place of knowing what you will and will not stand for.

3. The Golden Rule is mandatory

Imagine a loved one being on death’s door, what would you expect from your other half? To be there by your side, supporting you. You have to give the same if the shoe was on the other foot. Relationships are about give and take, the giving and taking of centre stage.

4. Changes in your relationship

Not to see changes in the relationship is a very short-sighted way of looking at it. The word “change” is very scary to people, so here it is known as the evolution of the relationship. One cannot argue the existence of evolution, just like how bread becomes stale or how we go from being cradled in the arms of our parents to travelling the world.

5. Your partner may not pick up or return your call

The first thing you think of doing is freak out, is it not? Sending dozens of messages and constant calling will just make you seem needy, which will scare them off and that will turn into a vicious circle. Follow the Power of Positivity’s Love Clinic advice and take a safe dosage of chillaxapil and be tranquil. They could be in a very important meeting or a family might have an emergency and cannot take your call.

6. No real listening at times

Listen up, people! Thank you for your attention. We have to know that people are sometimes away with the fairies, without the need of alcohol or other substances. According to Leon Watson of the Daily Telegraph in the UK, “Researchers surveyed 2,000 participants in Canada and studied the brain activity of 112 others using electroencephalograms. The results showed the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in 2000, or around the time the mobile revolution began, to eight seconds. Goldfish, meanwhile, are believed to have an attention span of nine seconds.” Fancy a snog from your pet goldfish?

Related article: Why most men don’t “hear” women

7. Less frequent compliments over time

No more “looking sexy, hot stuff” type of comments or messages lately? It happens, especially if you are going through a bad patch. All you can do is try not to worry if Trixie/Trevor still fancies you, they are still in a relationship with you. Again, evolution of relationships comes into play and we must accept it. Go with the flow, Jo(e).

8. More practicality than romance

More sweatpants than hotpants, more cookie than nookie, more pay stubs than back rubs, less sugar than “open me this jar”. Again, evolution is at the forefront and these are the natural course of events. It is not to say that this is a bad thing, but men should check their drawers for clean women’s underwear and their bathrooms for that UTO (unidentified toothbrush object).

9. Cooking for them will be more of a must than a pleasure

During the courting phase, you would happily get in the kitchen and knock up a saucy pasta and a sweet dessert, washed down with a full-bodied red and a night cap. Now all you get is the classic Mac ‘N Cheese and a pudding cup, washed down with a few bottles of beer, no night cap. At least the company is not bad.

10. The ever-present “me time”

Unless you are Siamese twins, how can you possibly not want to enjoy the joys of time away from loving dearest? Sure, you were inseparable at the start, but that was during the courting stage. Ever since you love doves cranked it up a notch on the serious-o-meter, the “w” in “we time” turns upside down. There is just no reason you need to feel guilty about spending time by yourself. Being alone is good for you, no matter how

11. Public displays of affection (PDAs) decrease

PDAs are less seen in the relationship than UFOs (unlike the UTO in Number 8) and Casper the Friendly Ghost. OK, that was an exaggeration, but the decrease is noticeable – most of all by you. It is easier said than done but do not take it personally. Evolution does not do personal, it is a one size fits all system.

12. Hearing “Sorry” more than “I Love You”

This is true love. Hearing this tells your partner that you value the relationship more than being right. Is that not being in an adult relationship is all about? This actually says “I love you” louder and better than the phrase itself. Fellas, if YOU hear this, you have hit the jackpot!

Related article: 12 Psychological Reasons People Fall In Love

This is a cliche for a reason, every cloud has a silver lining. As Vincent in Collateral says, “Now we gotta make the best of it, improvise, adapt to the environment, Darwin, s**t happens, I Ching, whatever man, we gotta roll with it.”

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