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Research Reveals: Children Inherit Intelligence from Their Mother, Not Their Father

Until recently, most people believed that both parents have a roughly equal influence on their child’s intelligence. However, should this research be proven correct, it turns out that women have a much more significant impact on their child’s cognitive abilities than men.

Now, it is essential to understand that this research is quite controversial. Most studies claiming to uncover the enigmatic functioning of intelligence often evoke passionate debate. Relatedly, genetics is a highly-complex and multifaceted scientific arena. Scientists continuously conduct research to seek to disavow or seriously alter, any related study before it.

Regardless of the vigorous debate, it is beneficial to present (and interpret) these findings with an objective mind. If anything, this study is fascinatingly entertaining. Ultimately, this is our goal – to entertain. We hope that our readers find this study as intriguing as we have.

The Role of X and Y Chromosomes in Intelligence

Many fathers will hate this, but genetic research has found (people) probably get a lot of intelligence from their X gene, the feminine one. The X chromosome has a thousand genes, and many of them influence cognition. – Dr. Keith Witt

Many people do not have much of a clue about genetics. As such, it’s beneficial to review some essential facts quickly. This will also help you read and fully understand the remainder of this article much more manageable.

  • A chromosome is a thread-like structure consisting of nucleic acids and proteins. They carry genetic information.
  • Every human being carries one pair of chromosomes in each cell.
  • Females have two X chromosomes. Males have one X and one Y chromosome.

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“Conditioned Genes”

Conditioned genes, in the most basic sense, are those that are gender-specific. As a rule, the genetic properties of conditioned genes are either activated or deactivated depending upon the specific designation and, subsequently, the genetic properties being influenced.

Conditioned genes inherently contain a “tagging” system, which is made up of biochemical material. This tagging system allows two important things: (1) tracing to the gene’s point of origin and (2) determining an activated or deactivated state within the body. Activated genes will influence genetic development, while deactivated genes will not. 

To the second point, if an individual characteristic is influenced via the mother, the paternal genes are deactivated. Conversely, if an attribute produces via the father, the maternal genes subsequently deactivate.

The mechanisms of conditioned genes form the basis of the intelligence study.

Findings of the Intelligence Study and Related History

Cognition is thought to be influenced mainly by the X chromosome. Theoretically, women are more likely to affect cognition, as females possess two X chromosomes while men carry just one. Of course, there is much more to the theory than the number of X chromosomes.

This is where conditioned genes (remember?) come into play. Intelligence is thought to be a highly-conditioned gene – a conditioned gene that comes directly from the mother.

In this study, scientists used genetically-modified mice to test their hypothesis. They discovered that embryonic test subjects administered predominantly maternal genetic material developed a disproportionately more oversized cranium and brain while creating a much smaller body. Subjects administered disproportionate amounts of paternal genetic material developed a more extensive body but a smaller skull and brain.

In addition to cranium and brain size, researchers were privy to exciting observations. First, they identified six brain areas that contained only maternal or paternal genes. Second, they found no paternal genetic material within the cerebral cortex – the brain area responsible for executive functioning, such as language, planning, logical reasoning, and advanced thinking.

The idea that mothers disproportionately influence a child’s intelligence is not new. In 1984, the University of Cambridge studied both brain development (termed “co-evolution) and genomic conditioning. Cambridge sciences ultimately concluded that maternal genetics contribute more to the thought centers of the brain.

Fast-forward to today, and similar findings have occurred, like the experiment described above.

In one particularly noteworthy study, researchers at a governmental agency in Scotland followed a group of 12,686 people aged 14 to 22. Researchers would interview the subjects each year while observing intellectual development while considering various factors, from education to ethnicity. The scientists conclusively state that the mother’s IQ was the best predictor of intelligence.


Final Thoughts: Mothers Pass Intelligence on to Their Children

Without a doubt, researchers will continue to evaluate and challenge the findings of this and related studies about intelligence. As mentioned, some people will not accept scientific research that claims the development of intellect.

However, if one conclusion can be reached, it’s this: mothers significantly influence their children’s cognitive abilities.

And it isn’t just genetics, either, far from it. Nourishment and nurturement of a child directly influence their intellectual growth – two responsibilities mainly overseen by the mother. Furthermore, the special bond between a mother and child stimulates them to explore the world and navigate problems.

In conclusion, women play a much more significant role in children’s intellectual development than most genetic experiments previously thought. However, the findings of these and other studies seem to bolster the notion that our moms give us our brainpower.

Thanks, Mom!


Why Some People Never Change

The more things change the more they stay the same. People are capable of change but most of us do not change significantly outside of a life altering event. Going to war, getting a divorce or the passing of a loved one can sometimes cause us to stop, get out of our routine and take a long hard look at our life.
But to some, even this is not enough to move them from their path. Why is that? Why is it so hard for some people to make necessary changes in their lives?

Here are (a few) reasons people resist change so fiercely.

They Are Afraid of Change

Change and the unknown are scary to most humans. It is biologically hard wired into us. Yes, we like to try new things but once we find something that works for us we tend to stick with it even if it stops working the way it used to. We fear what we don’t know and understand. We like our comfort zone. It is comfortable after all. It is so comfortable that even when we are pushed out of it by circumstance we will jump right back into it as soon as we can. Even if it is hurting us in the long term it is familiar to us and we understand it.

They Don’t Know How To Change

Even if we overcome our fear of change we may not know what we need to do to change. We may lack the resources to develop a plan for change that is going to pay off eventually. In order to develop that plan we would have to some some very deep soul searching and understand who we are and what we really want before we can even start. Some folks are just not that capable of harsh analysis of their actions. They don’t want to look too closely because they are afraid of what they might see. If you don’t know who you are and what you want how can you possibly know what you need to do to change?

They Don’t Know They Need To Change

They don’t think they need to change because what they do is so comfortable it just feels right. You have to look at yourself from the outside to see your own shortcomings and mistakes. People find what works for them and stick with it even though it isn’t the best way to do it or get them the results that they want. Coaches exist in sports for this very reason. Their whole purpose is to be that outside voice to let the player know he is doing something that could be done better or more efficiently. Without someone showing you your shortcomings you will think you are doing the action perfectly because it feels perfect to you. It feels right even though you are doing it poorly.

People Around Them Encourage Them Not To Change

You tend to do the things everyone around you is doing. It is hard to lose weight if everyone around you overeats. It is hard to quit smoking if you live with a fellow smoker. It is hard to quit drinking if you spend a lot of your free time at a bar. It isn’t that the people don;t want to change but they are constantly tempted not to change.

Change Is Hard

Change requires a lot of effort and hard work. Some people are just not willing to sacrifice for the change they want. It is too easy to stay complacent, and not change. Change requires determination and perseverance and won’t accept anything less.

Not Taking Responsibility For Your Mistakes

Before you can change you have to own your mistakes and realize that you need to do something different. It is very easy to blame your failures on others. It is difficult to own those shortcomings and decide that that is not who or what you want to be.

Fear of Expectation

Some people fear that if they do successfully change their situation or their outlook they will be expected to perform at a much higher level. That higher level might require more effort and dedication than they are willing to give.

5 Ways To Argue With Your Partner The Right Way

You are going to argue with your partner, eventually. That is totally normaly.

That’s right. Every relationship will, at one point or the other, have some sour moments where you cannot avoid it.. No matter how long a couple has been with each other, they will always have to deal with one issue or the other at certain times of their union.

Petty things and even bigger issues will come to play, but how couples argue about these issues strongly impacts the quality of their relationships. The most valuable skill is communication, as it can derail any potential disaster. When arguments are well constructed, it helps with a better resolution, making learning how to communicate correctly a very important virtue.

One good thing about conflicts is that when they are handled rightly, they strengthen the relationship. It is a process where the couple can disagree on issues peacefully and come out with a better understanding and resolution of such issues. When this is achieved, it establishes a stronger relationship and instills mutual respect among the couple. Holding onto resentments will only drain the happiness and gradually destroy an excellent relationship.

It is very important to know that an argument is a pathway to a better understanding and growth in your relationship. It is pertinent to understand that your partner is not an enemy to be destroyed but a loved one with whom you want to establish an understanding based on your perspective on a particular subject. Therefore you shouldn’t see yourself as a soldier in front of an enemy; it’s not a war game.

Five Rules to Argue Fairly With Your Partner

While we’re certainly not promoting an argument. But when it does happen, here are five ways to argue with your partner. The right way…

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How you respond is key!

Many people often react rather than respond to issues. It is a very important skill to differentiate between both terms as this will be beneficial to your relationship and even your communication skill generally.

When you respond instead of reacting, it sets you in control of the situation and helps you scrutinize the conflict better. Thus, it becomes easier for you to weigh the options and decide on the right response to manage the conflict. But when you react, you may say some things that you will later regret saying, and the bad side of this is that. You cannot reverse your words later.

This can be difficult to practice in real-time, but you have to learn how to control your emotions and manage your immediate reactions. Anything short of this will only escalate the conflict.

Don’t raise your voice.

Raising your voice against your partner while you are trying to prove a point in an argument is not ideal. It will only lead to more negative reactions. Let your communication be polite and detailed as you try to prove your points from your perspective. On the other side, if your partner is shouting you down you must politely call their attention to it. The tone at which you communicate is very important. Conflict resolutions can only get better when the issues are dealt with in the right manner.

Take ownership of your part.

It is only in the rare case that a person can be without blame on issues. Don’t avoid taking responsibility for your faults. Some people even exaggerate stories so that they can be on the winning side. Remember it’s not a game and that your partner is not an enemy you desire to crush. It’s just a conflict that needs to be resolved. Taking responsibility for your faults in the conflict helps you work things out and both parties can see things from a better side of view and with a better understanding.

Remember that fighting dirty isn’t worth it

Never allow anger lead you to violence or any other form of abuse. Emotional or physical abuse on your partner will only end in regrets. Be careful not to resort to using words hurtfully, trying to put some guilt on your partner.

For instance, you may accuse them wrongly that they don’t show equal lovet he has given up his happiness for you so many times. This will leave them deeply hurt even after the conflict has been resolved. They may see you as an ingrate.

Always remember that there have been good times and there will be more after this conflict has been resolved. Try as much as possible not to leave stains that won’t go away easily.

Related article: Here’s why couples who argue love each other more…

Be the peacemaker

A soft approach will surely put away wrath. When you choose to see the conflict and choose to ensure peace, it disarms your angry partner and presents you to be more reasonable and mindful of the relationship.

It becomes easier for your angered partner to deal with the anger and pain which will, in turn, lead to forgiveness easily. If your partner chooses to remain on the furious side after you have offered peace genuinely, you may have to leave for a while as some people may need some time alone for them to get over their emotions. However, you have done a great deal trying to establish peace and even your partner has that registered in his heart.

Why You Should Stop Crossing Your Legs

Do you often cross your legs while sitting casually or at any event? Well, it’s a common pose that is usually associated with style and feminine culture. Crossing your legs is actually quite common, although it’s not often brought to attention.  It can add style and elegance to your appearance. It has aesthetic value, but some medical concerns must be revealed here.

Here are 5 reasons to stop crossing your legs…

crossing your legs

1. Numbness in the muscles

Crossing the legs exerts pressure on the peroneal nerve at the back of your knee that supplies sensation to the lower legs and feet. If you remain in that pose for a longer time, legs or feet can go numb. It gives a pain like someone is giving pins or needles to your muscles. If it happens, massage the numb muscles vigorously to increase circulation in the veins.

2. Nerve palsy

When you cross your legs for a considerably longer time, it can cause a condition known as, peroneal nerve palsy. It results in a foot drop. During this condition, you become unable to lift toes properly. In a study from South Korea, many patients were examined. Sitting cross-legged for hours caused numbness and foot drop.

3. Raised blood pressure

You may have noticed when a doctor checks your blood pressure, he asks you to sit with legs uncrossed and arms flat. A comfortable pose can bring the blood pressure to a normal level and help check it properly. What happens when you cross your legs often? It raises blood pressure to a certain level. In 2010, seven studies revealed that leg crossing causes a higher blood pressure. In another study, no difference was found. Most of these studies were on a small scale.

raised blood pressure - crossing your legs

In Turkey, research was carried out at a hypertension clinic. It was on a relatively larger scale. But after three minutes, when the reading was taken, the blood pressure got back to the initial levels. Elevated blood pressure was noticed in those people, who were already under treatment for high blood pressure.

Two reasons have been understood about elevated blood pressure when you cross your legs while sitting. One knee over the other, sends blood from the legs to the chest, causing increased amount of blood pumped out of the heart. Consequently, it raises blood pressure.

Another reason is that blood pressure elevates due to isometric exercise of the leg muscles. It increases the resistance to the blood passing through the vessels. This is why, crossed ankles do not give the same effect.

There are several physiological measurements taken in Nijmegen, Netherlands.

A study was carried out there to know which of the above two reasons is accurate. According to the research, resistance in the blood vessels didn’t rise when the heart rate was low and legs were crossed. The amount of blood leaving the heart was higher than before. It showed that elevated blood pressure is because of crossed legs pushing blood up to the heart.

When you cross your legs, it causes a temporary increase in blood pressure. But according to the evidence, there are no long-term consequences. People with high risk of blood clots should sit with their legs uncrossed. Because crossed legs can cause a barrier in the flow of blood. It could increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

4. Varicose veins

How are varicose veins linked with sitting cross-legged? The reasons of varicose veins is not clear yet. There are tiny valves in the blood vessels that prevent blood from flowing back in the wrong direction. When these valves become loose, stretched, and weak; the blood can pool. It causes enlarged veins that is known as varicose veins.

Sitting in that pose is not the main factor for causing varicose veins. It is partly because of genetics. It is a painful disease that gets worse during cold weather. But, when you cross your legs, it certainly causes inflammation of the compressed veins.

5. Poor posture

People who remain in crossed-leg pose for several hours develop a poor posture. Their shoulders become round as they lean forward. Obviously, it apparently looks awkward. When the legs are crossed for a longer time period, it makes the shoulder become round. It also makes you lean forward. It affects body posture in an adverse way. And it also gives a stretch to the muscles. When you cross your legs, it can make your posture unattractive. Due to stooped posture, lower back pain and neck pain can also occur. It can also lead to discomfort in the hips.

There is a pelvic imbalance that makes inner thigh muscles shorter and outer thigh muscles longer. It also puts you at a joint displacement risk.

You have read the five reasons to avoid sitting with legs crossed. Decide now to ditch this habit. You can look ritzy and elegant even while sitting straight. The art is to keep the feet and knees close to each other. To avoid the health issues mentioned above, it’s important to improve the sitting and standing posture. Even the way you walk is linked to your health.

crossed legs

Final Thoughts on Why You Must Stop Crossing Your Legs so Much

Some people, especially women always sit with their legs crossed without even realizing they have been in that pose for hours. They must quit this habit instantly to stay healthy. Nowadays, many people have no idea about how to correct their postures. Posture issues may seem minor in the beginning but can cause serious health issues in the long run. Most of these posture issues arise because of excessive use of computer and smartphone technology.

People spend an unreasonable amount of time sitting in awkward positions. Physical activity has taken a backseat and this is greatly affecting the overall health of people across the world. Sitting with your legs crossed does not seem to be a harmful action, but a fair amount of activity should be incorporated into daily life to prevent health issues from arising from this position.


5 Things To Always Keep Secret

It is not advisable to communicate every detail of your life to everyone; sometimes a listening ear becomes a running mouth. Keep your secrets to yourself.

You aren’t lying. Some things are better kept private, don’t you agree? Discussing your personal information with everyone, especially sensitive issues, usually results in disappointment.

Here are five important things that you need to keep secret:

1. Your Innermost Thoughts

Your beliefs about certain topics should remain as your belief system, but not something you try to inculcate into others.

For instance, your thoughts about life or death might bring diverse reactions when you choose to them as a discussion topic.

Learn to understand that your thoughts are your interpretation and not the objective truth. This stance may save you from arguments.

keep secret

2. Your Philanthropy

Helping a person or charitable work improves the development of individuals and our society, but it’s more valuable when you do not seek recognition for such benevolence.

When you try to publicize how you have been helpful, it usually seems like boasting. People might think your intention for such support was to seek popularity. There’s virtue in adding value to people while remaining anonymous.

3. Your Goals

Your plans ought to be guarded with all diligence until you are able to achieve them. Vocalizing your plans might cause other people to steal your ideas and work on them, dealing with loopholes you may not have noticed.

A demoralizing experience like this would make you regret you made your plans known to anyone, so keep them secret. Keep them safe.

4. Your Lifestyle

Certain details about your personality, such as your sex life, religious life, bad habits, etc. are better kept a secret unless you trust the person with whom you’re speaking.

It’s not worth it to put your emotional conditions out to anyone. It might even lead to an argument if others don’t agree with your lifestyle choices.

5. Your Family’s Dirty Laundry

It is disrespectful and unwise to bring stories of conflicts within your family to others. It devalues you as a person and can bring ridicule to your family.

Often, such stories are passed on until, down the line, the true story has change completely. Problems in the home are best resolved in the home; keep family issues within the confines of your home and loved ones.

Do you have anything you’d like to add to this list? Add it in the comments below or on Facebook!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Ways to Spot A Narcissist

“Obsession with everything related to self-importance” is a simple and concise way of defining a narcissist. Indeed, these individuals are completely enamored with their own (false) self-perceived worth.

A quick Google search will display several synonyms of narcissism, among them: conceit, egoism, egotism, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-centeredness, self-love, self-obsession, self-regard, vanity. Self, self, self…a pretty obvious recurring theme…and undoubtedly true.

One thing that narcissists aren’t necessarily is self-revealing. It is true that many narcissists do indeed display their penchant of self-everything; something made obvious by the incessant self-talk, self-promotion, or other ongoing diatribes pertaining to…you guessed it…themselves. When such conspicuous dialogue does not naturally occur, you will witness them trying to grab attention wherever and whenever possible.

But not all of them.

In true narcissist-like form, some of them will conceal their manipulative talents quite well. In fact, many people who consider themselves to be excellent judges of character can have difficulty in seeing a narcissist for who/what they really are. Their true identity may eventually reveal itself to some, but to most others, narcissists may appear driven, charismatic, ambitious, disciplined, and even fun.

Understanding what constitutes the personality disorder (i.e. symptoms) is the first step in identifying a narcissist. With said knowledge in-hand, one is perhaps better equipped to identify a potential narcissist and respond appropriately.

So, what should you look for?

toxic traits

Here are 9 ways to spot a narcissist:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning in early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. – American Psychiatric Association

1. Envies others and/or believes they are to be envied

Undercover narcissists (UCs) are quite adept in refraining from overt displays of envy or jealousy. That said, UCs may just peel back a layer and reveal their envious nature through sarcasm or another form of cryptic dialogue. It’s also common to see slyer narcissists glaring, furrowing their brow, or something else while non-verbally communicating their underlying envy.

2. Exaggerated self-importance

We touched on this a bit already in the intro. UC’s, and narcissists in general, possess an undeserving sense of self-importance. To them, they’re simply superior. Just call them a perfect genetic arrangement. In essence, this is what narcissists think of themselves. UC’s may not be as outward with such views, but they’re bound to surface sooner or later.

3. Preoccupation with status symbols

Name any type of status symbol – money, fame, fortune, beauty, intelligence, success, power – and odds are that the UC is darn near obsessive with one and probably more of them. To a UC, status symbols really are symbolic of one’s worth as a human being. Further, the UC is more likely to attribute such qualities to themselves without merit.

4. Requires constant admiration

Call it “center of attention” or “attention hog.”

Still, a UC needs to feel constantly reassured of their own importance. Didn’t notice the new clothes? A UC will nudge your attention to their wardrobe. Hear about their promotion? Oh, you didn’t…don’t worry, they’ll tell you about everything; including, of course, the all-important pay increase.

5. “Takes” often, “Gives” little

No real surprise here. UCs are takers is just about every imaginable sense. They’ll gladly take your time to ask a favor that they’ll probably never return. On the other hand, maybe they’ll ask to borrow something, money even, and never give a second thought to returning what’s rightfully yours.

6. No sense of empathy

Most human beings possess an innate sense of caring for others, their situations, and their difficulties. There’s something within our genetic code that permits our brain and body to “experience” what others are going through, or have gone through. UCs really don’t seem to have this particular genetic makeup.

7. Displays an “elite” status

Possessing an insatiable desire for status symbols – coupled with an extreme view of self-importance – it is only natural, then, that the UC thinks of themselves as elite. Furthermore, due to their nearly-flawless nature, UCs believe that only those of similar status are really worthy of their time. Pretty much anyone else is viewed along the same lines as a serf.

female narcissist

8. Strong sense of entitlement

Quick question: what does the earth revolve around? Well, the sun of course! Check that. The sun and narcissists, our fault. But joking aside, in a UCs world, people, events, time, etc. all revolve around them, and must be willing to accommodate them in the fulfillment of their needs and wants.

9. Shows arrogance and haughtiness

So this trait is not a real big surprise, is it? Indeed, nearly every inward and outward motive of a narcissist is bound together by a tightly-knit weave of arrogance and superiority. The degree to which a UC displays such entrenched attitudes is quite individualistic. However, most will eventually succumb to their inner monologue and let their arrogant outlook be known.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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