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12 Habits of People Who Create Their Own Happiness

Carpe Diem means seize the day in Latin. Today is unique and you may never get another one. Enjoy it while it lasts. Happiness has to be seized as well. Happiness doesn’t happen to you, it happens because of you. Other people can’t make you happy. You have to find and seize your own happiness. You have to seize it every day of your life.

Researchers have found that people who describe themselves as happy are in better health, live longer, and have less depression. They also found that 50% of an individual’s happiness level is determined by their genes. So if you have happy grandparents, you can thank them you are a happy person. On the other hand, 40% of your happiness is in your control. Which leaves only 10% of your happiness is based upon your circumstances. Having happiness habits is one way you can improve happiness in your life.

How Does Happiness Impact Your Health?

Happiness gives you a sense of well-being and a purpose in life. It has a profound effect on your over overall health. Here are some benefits of being happy.


  • Better heart health: Happiness benefits your heart, making you less apt to have high blood pressure or heart conditions. They linked happiness to reducing the risk of a stroke. A stroke occurs when there is less blood flow to your brain. People with a more positive view of life were better able to recover from a stroke than individuals who felt negatively about their life.
  • Better able to fight stress: When you have a lot of stress in your life, your stress hormones get released into your body. This can trigger heart problems, autoimmune diseases, and high blood pressure. Individuals who feel more positive about their life have more antibodies that support their immune system and fight off infection and disease. Happy people also let go of stress through exercise or social activities to help them relax.
  • Healthier life choices: Being happy increases the likelihood that you eat a more nutritious diet, exercise, and stay active. Happy people often refuse to retire, because they enjoy interacting with people, the physical exercise, and the mental stimulation.
  • Helps with pain: Did you know if you’re happy you may have less pain? Having a positive mindset can lower your pain, especially in chronic conditions like arthritis.

What are other ways your happiness habits benefit your life?

Besides health benefits, having happy habits can affect your life in other ways.

  • Happy people are better at problem-solving: When you’re happy, negative thoughts or fears don’t hold you down. You’re willing to try things, and even if you fail at something, you see it as an opportunity to learn something rather than a reason to quit.
  • Happy people make good employees: Happy individuals are more productive and can work together with others.
  • Happy people affect those around you:  If you’re a happy person, you affect the people around you positively. You like to help people and you’re good at working with difficult people because they don’t steal your happiness.
  • Happy people may earn more money: Feeling happy with your life means you work hard to get a degree or certification for higher earnings, and you’re willing to take risks to find higher-paying jobs.

Here are 12 steps to seizing your happiness everyday:

Try taking these measure to feel joy.

1. Choose To Be Happy

Happiness is a choice. It doesn’t happen by accident. You decide every day whether you are going to be happy. Nothing outside of yourself can change that unless you choose for it to. Be positive about yourself and your life. Don’t let issues or problems alter your happiness for that day. Treat everyday as a gift that you may not get tomorrow and make the most of it. Make everyday the best day of your life. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”


2. Stop Worrying

If you have the resources to fix something, then fix it. Otherwise, stop worrying about it. Worrying never solved anything. All it does is inhibit your happiness. So do what you can when you can for who you can and let the rest take care of itself. Mark Twain said it best, “Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.”

3. Change Negative Thinking

We are our own worst critics sometimes. When our inner critic raises his head, push it back down and tell it to shut up and sit down. Beating yourself up does not solve the issues or complexities in your life, nor do they contribute to the solution. If anything, those negative thoughts hold you back and keep you from your happiness.

4. Forgive and Forget

Holding onto a grudge does nothing to fix a bad situation and only reminds you of the hurt. Holding onto a grudge just hurts you over and over again without actually changing the person who hurt you. Let it go and move on with your life. Stop dwelling on those old hurts and let them heal with time. Forgiveness is a sweet gift of freedom for yourself, and not necessarily for the other person.

5. Be Grateful

No matter how little you have or how much you think your life sucks right now, there are always things to be grateful for. Find those things and embrace them like your life depended on it. Recognizing things in your life that are good, beneficial or that make you happy and accepting them will raise your happiness level. When you are grateful, you do not dwell on that which you lack but on that which you have in abundance.

6. Money Can’t Buy Happiness

Money can buy you pleasures but not happiness. Pleasure is temporary and does not fill that hole inside. No amount of money can replace true happiness and contentment. Chasing money is an endless race with no finish line. Focus less on what you can’t have and more on what you do have.

7. Build Friendships

Friendships are the bedrock of real happiness. They will lift you up when you can’t get up yourself. Together you all can achieve what none of you can achieve alone. Build on existing friendships and cultivate new ones. Find friends you can talk to and do things with. A single stick can be broken but a bundle of them cannot. Find strength and resilience together and you can never be broken.

8. Take Part in Meaningful Activities

Stop being a couch zombie and go do something worthwhile with your time. If it was your last day on Earth, would you really want to catch up on a television show? Go do something new, go find your own adventure. Go venture into nature and enjoy the beauty of this life.

9. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Social media only shows you the highly cherry-picked aspects of someone’s life. You never really get to see the nitty gritty of the daily grind. Stop comparing yourself to other people’s highlight reel. Go out there and make a highlight reel of your own. Go do things that make you feel happy not what you think other people will think is awesome.

10. Be Kind To Others

Be kind to others and they will be kind to you. Bring happiness to someone who needs it and you will find yourself sharing in their happiness. Happiness is contagious and you could be a carrier if you really wanted to be. So go spread some love. Your inner beauty and kind soul will become contagious! There is a rewarding feeling of gratitude when you do things for someone who doesn’t expect them.


11. Enjoy Life’s Simple Pleasures

Find enjoyment in the simple things – a great sandwich, a beautiful sunset, a rainy day or a cold beer on a hot day. Take nothing for granted. Hot showers, a warm bed and a roof over your head are indescribable pleasures after you have been deprived of them for a while. Memories cannot be stolen; you will always have them with you, so go make some good memories to carry you through the rough times.

12. Create and Achieve Goals for Yourself

Set small achievable goals for yourself. Give yourself something to strive for, to get out of bed for or to simply make a boring chore a challenge. Achieving goals and accomplishing things make you happy. You have not wasted a day. In fact, you achieved something that was undone before you did it. You made something happen. Every day, find something that makes you happy and make it happen.

Final Thoughts on How to Create Happiness for Yourself

There are so many benefits to being a happy person. It’s true your genetics play a part in whether you’re a happy person, but you have a lot of control over your happiness. These happy habits will raise your happiness meter so you can enjoy the benefits of your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Reveal How Forgiveness Can Improve Your Health

Not only that, your body depends on it.

Let us shed some light on the correlation between forgiveness and good health. You need to be aware of the dangers of holding a grudge and what it means to your body and to know the benefits of forgiveness. According to John Hopkins Medicine, “chronic anger puts you into a fight-or-flight mode, which results in numerous changes in heart rate, blood pressure and immune response. Those changes, then, increase the risk of depression, heart disease and diabetes, among other conditions. Forgiveness, however, calms stress levels, leading to improved health.”

Researchers Reveal How Forgiveness Can Actually Improve Your Health

It is why so many wise people talked of forgiveness, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, Bruce Lee, John F. Kennedy, Buddha, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, and others. Lest we forget, TRUE forgiveness is when you want the best for the person that has wronged you. Research from the Journal of Health Psychology has seen that forgiveness by itself all but erased the connection in stress with mental illness, but they need more research into why that is so. Can forgiveness be learned? Boffins believe so, which is why mental health professionals try to integrate it into therapy sessions and for people to work on it at home.

It is very important to think about your situation and what has happened to you, identifying with the causes of your pent-up anger and meeting them head on, dealing with them with self-love. If you must, talk to the people who caused you harm and tell them how it made you feel. Do whatever it takes to free yourself from the chains of anger, the key to unlock yourself is forgiveness. It is good for your health in general and it makes you a more positive-oriented person, with more charisma and a zest for life.

There is a story of Buddha when a man spat in his face while talking to his disciples. He wiped off the spit and asked the man what he wanted to say next. Puzzled, the man was thrown off balance as this was not the usual reaction to being spat in the face. The man returned home and could not sleep that night, clearly consumed by the experience, as he was soaking his bedsheets with sweat. The next day, the man went back to Buddha and threw himself at Buddha’s feet, asking for forgiveness.


Related article: 5 Reasons To Forgive People Who Don’t Apologize

Buddha said that he was not the same man as the previous day, that the river keeps on flowing and is never the same again, for every man is a river and much has happened in twenty-four hours. He added that the man was also not the same. He had changed from being a man who spat in someone’s face to throwing himself to the feet of the person at whom he spat. Buddha finished by telling him to come closer and talk of something else. In this story, forgiveness is implied and not even the precise words are needed to say that you forgive, or you have been forgiven.

We end with this quote from Mark Twain: “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Forgiveness is what you give for having a healthy, happy life smelling of roses.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Lies We Tell Ourselves To Never Believe

This is no word of a lie; we deceive ourselves into believing that we are not good enough or strong enough. This is due to certain lies we believe to be true. So what are the most common lies that we tell ourselves?

5 Lies We Tell Ourselves To Never Believe

1. I’m so fat that nobody will love me.

This is merely social programming telling us that our body needs to be a certain way for members of the opposite sex to notice me. This is absolutely false. According to research by the University of Texas, science proves that the perfect body is not a stick-thin clothes horse, but the bust/weight/hip measurements are 99-63-91. How does that look in real life? Like Kelly Brook, a model, actress and TV presenter. She was voted in the UK’s FHM Magazine’s 100 Sexiest Women in the World as THE sexiest in 2005.

Here are ten more plus-size beauties that are not afraid to show what their mamas gave ’em, listed by The Richest: Katty DeLux, Jessica Kylie, Crystal Rose, Andrea Beth, Genny Miliano, Ashley Graham, Mal Malloy, Olivia Jensen, Crystal McBootay (also known as “Thickness”), Ivy Doomkitty. I must admit, I was LMAO about McBootay but I love her “curvy, thick and proud” attitude. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you sexy thing!

2. I have no willpower.

Will-POWER, baby! You will conjugate that with power: I will power, you will power, he/she/it will power, we will power, you will power, they will power. Just saying the word “power” empowers you, add a “will” to it and you will power through anything life puts in front of you. That is willpower.

For inspiration, copy and paste the previous paragraph onto a new Word document, then print it out and put that sheet of paper anywhere you normally look. Warning: This can produce huge positive effects on your life. Use with extreme gusto.

Joy Manning of WebMD states that “your willpower is in limited supply” and uses the analogy of someone with limited financial resources to make her point. If you have spent all you have, you have no money to spend on anything else. People look for ways to earn more money and you can use the same principal for willpower. Exercising right can lead to healthy eating, healthy eating can lead to an increase in feelgood factor, feelgood factor can lead to more productiveness, more productiveness can change your life completely.

3. I can’t deal with this.

You are not a dealer in a Las Vegas casino, your job is to play the hand with which you were dealt. The Universe takes away our chips to test us. Do you have what it takes to push through life’s tests?

The late master Jim Rohn, who was broke at the age of twenty-five, was later well-known for his public speaking about personal development. He said, “If you want to have more, you have to become more. For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better. For things to improve, you have to improve. If you grow, everything grows for you.” In other words, you CAN deal with this. Just find the willpower to get through it and both you and the house wins (the house being the Universe).

4. I’m a victim of my past.

Read that again: I’m a victim of my past. OF MY PAST. This just means that you are victim of the present because of the past. You have let the past define who you are now. If you focus on the past on the footpath of life, you will bump into a lamppost. That will leave an egg on your head and on your face, making bad choices and blaming it all on what happened.

Author Alan Robert Neal said, “The problem with the blaming your present on your past is that history cannot be changed.”

I used to be this way. I was so angry and hurt about what happened to me that I had all of this pent up inside me. It was eating away at my life and it still has an effect on me, even though I have since let go of the pain. I still find it difficult to make friends, even though I am married to the most wonderful partner. It sounds corny but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are a SURVIVOR of the past and a WARRIOR of the present.

5. I can’t go on.

Why not? You have done it all your life. Let that sink in for a moment.

Related article: 10 Signs You’re Losing Your True Self

Going on is what life is all about, its very essence. Life goes on consistently and if you do not move, you remain static and rot away. Without physical movement, your muscles start to become useless and atrophy, slowly KILLING you. There is a song by Gerry and the Pacemakers, the lesser-known group from Liverpool, called, “You’ll Never Walk Alone”. Below are the lyrics to the chorus, which is normally sung in soccer/football matches in Liverpool (England), Glasgow (Scotland) and Dortmund (Germany):

“Walk on! Walk on!

With hope in your heart

And you’ll never walk alone…

You’ll never walk alone!”

Go on then, you are bigger and better than any negative thinking out there. Walk on! What are you waiting for, chief?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Ways to Find The Right Partner

There is no such thing as the “One” perfect partner, but there are some out there that are perfect for you. There are a myriad number of ways to go about finding a partner these days. Work, church, dating sites and recreational activity groups are great places to start. But, you have to know what you are looking for and what to avoid. If you have had a few relationships in the past, you can start by looking at why those relationships failed and whether you tend to fall for the same type of person that ultimately never works out. Are you making the same mistakes over and over again? Take a hard look at who you are choosing and why, then do something different. Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result is the definition of insanity, and you might be doing the same thing in your relationships.

Here are six ways to find the right partner for you:

1. Avoid Mr. and Mrs. Wrong

The best partner for a fulfilling relationship is one who is warm, cooperative and emotionally stable. This might seem a little boring at first, but consider car crashes for a second. They are exciting, but would you want to be in one? Exciting times can be dangerous times. Do you want a long-lasting, productive and mutually beneficial relationship? Then, you need to look for the personality traits that will lead to that outcome. The highly attractive but moody artist might seem exciting and sexy until you have endured one of their violent mood swings. Dangerous, exciting and unpredictable might be thrilling, but it is also emotionally exhausting. You want someone who is going to fill your emotional cup, not drain it.

2. Find Someone You Can Talk To

Being able to talk with your partner about important topics is probably worth more than physical beauty, money or power. If you can’t open up with your partner and have them do the same, then you aren’t in a positive relationship. You might fight and bicker from time to time, but you are open and honest about what you are feeling and what you want out of life. There are no surprises for either of you.

3. Avoid Deal Breakers

You might want a family and they are adamantly against it. Maybe they smoke and you can’t stand smoking. There are some things that are just deal breakers, and you should stick to your guns. They may be perfectly acceptable in every other respect, but these things are important to you and will cause issues in the future. There will be recurring arguments and fights over these things, no matter how perfect the relationship is otherwise. There are plenty of people out there that possess the same qualities without the deal breakers, and you shouldn’t stop looking until you find that person.

4. Find Someone Who Makes You Laugh

Some say that laughter is the best medicine, but it is also the best relationship glue. There are going to be tough times, and someone who can take your mind off stressful or emotionally difficulties is worth their weight in gold. Find someone who makes you laugh just about every day. If they can make you laugh at silly or not so obvious things, then it means you are mentally on the same wavelength. It means you see things in a similar way and that your beliefs and desires are pretty similar. It also means they don’t take themselves too seriously and are more laid-back and forgiving.

5. Opposites Attract


This is an old cliché, but it is a cliché for a reason. If you are too similar, then the things that annoy you about yourself will only get reflected back and magnified by your partner. You will drive each other nuts. You will also tend to get bored if they are exactly like you. It is good to have different strengths and weaknesses than your partner. Try and look at it this way. A battery has two poles – a positive and a negative. It could not work if both were positive or both were negative. The positive and negative complement each other, which helps make a battery powerful. Relationships are the same way. Your strengths should complement your partner’s weaknesses and vice versa. This will make for a powerful bond and a productive relationship.

Related article: 10 Behaviors That Keep People From Finding A Relationship That Works

6. Don’t Rush

You are a couple of months into a new relationship and things are going great. You want to move in together and get hitched because you are madly in love. If this is true, then giving it some time to mature will only strengthen your bond, not weaken it. Take the time to get to know the person before rushing into a life-changing partnership. Good relationships, like scotch, only get better with age, whereas bad relationships can sour and turn to vinegar after a time. Find out which it is before jumping into anything permanent.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Things You Need to Know Before Leaving An Abusive Relationship

This is a subject that few will dare talk about for obvious reasons, and we are sorry to you that this is something you are going through right now in your life. You feel trapped because they know how to act and are expert liars; I know because I am a male survivor of domestic abuse on more than one occasion, and it is even harder for a man to open up about this.

Before leaving, let us crack on and list the five things to know.

Here are 5 things to consider before leaving an abusive relationship:

1. Leaving is only the first step in recovering from an abusive relationship.

Unfortunately, this is very true. It is a lengthy, arduous journey that we all must take. It will take courage and time to heal, especially when your soon-to-be ex starts telling people how you were the bad egg in the relationship, the weakest link, the one who screwed it up. This is not the case, for the relationship has two participants. The pain of ending something you have had for a period of time is excruciating because you have invested your time and feel like this time has been wasted.

Not so, because now you know what NOT to tolerate. A relationship is supposed to make you happy, not miserable. We must ask ourselves: Is this what we had in mind when we were kids wondering how our future husband/wife would be? The change, including in ourselves, is a must.

2. You may develop PTSD.

This is not a dead certainty, but it is likely to occur, so be prepared. We could be talking about this topic all day, but we will briefly go over how to get over this disorder. Tiny Buddha’s Tom Leveen tells us the steps to take to overcome PTSD:

1) Name the trauma – I kept the darkest parts of my past to myself, worried about how I would be perceived. But the more frequently I share my story now, the more validated I feel. It becomes increasingly apparent that I’m not some kind of freak or aberration.
2) Accept that you “earned” the diagnosis – Frank’s life is Frank’s life. Your life is yours. PTSD and anxiety are not a human being’s natural state of being. Something bad happened to you, and that is not okay. It left a lasting, damaging impression. The only way to begin moving forward, to reclaim our lives, is to let the truth of our story exist in its own authentic way without comparing ourselves to others.
3) Being scared versus being afraid – Being scared is a natural and healthy response to danger. Scared is an adrenalin dump, preparing your body to fight, flee, or freeze. If you are scared, there’s probably a very good and sane reason. “Afraid” is something different. Afraid is how you do life. It’s how you process the world around you: family, friends, career, hobbies, pets . . . everything.
4) The need to forgive – It’s not enough to say the words, even if it’s face-to-face. What matters is that we truly release them and want the best for their lives. That is how we can know we have forgiven them. When we can do that, their power over us and the power of fear begin to wane.

3. Friends and family that you expect, or need, support from may not be capable of providing it.

A problem shared is a problem halved? Not necessarily. People can only relate to you through their own experiences and knowledge. This is the core reason why support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous exist. It is the very reason why I am writing this article. How can you expect someone who has a happy past and present empathise with you? This is YOUR life, to do whatever it is you want or need to do. In your life, your needs come first.


4. Some will not want to hear or believe your story.

Maybe it is happening to them but they do not have the courage to speak out. Maybe your abusive partner has spun a web of lies so convincing that people think you are making it up. Whatever it is, people tend to steer clear of negativity by nature. However, do not be afraid to tell your story if it helps you in life. The movie Forrest Gump is a story made famous by the title character telling his own story.

Related article: Why It’s Hard to Walk Away From a Broken Relationship

5. There is potential for re-victimisation from lawyers, therapists and the court system that do not understand domestic violence.

Brace yourself! These people may reopen old wounds, unwittingly or intentionally. You have to be able to deal with how others perceive your struggles. Remember to be on your guard against your soon-to-be ex-spouse’s divorce lawyer, as they could use their lawyer to further abuse you in a legal way. Use domestic violence professionals where possible so that you are prepared for anything intentional. Sadly, anything accidental is beyond anyone’s control and cannot be helped. It is handy to bear in mind that your struggles do not determine who you are, but you can use them to become stronger. Do not let them define you!

6 Habits of Toxic People (And How to Avoid Having Them)

Ladies and gentlemen, ready to perform on stage with her hit single “Toxic”, please welcome – BRITNEY SPEARS!

Well, that was a nice dream; now let us get down to business about what it says on the tin, the Six Habits of Toxic People – And How to Avoid Having Them).

Toxic people drive us crazy, do they not? Oops, I did It again… I wanna scream and shout and let it out that toxic people have these six awful habits, and we tell you how to best avoid them yourself.

6 Habits of Toxic People (And How to Avoid Having Them)

All eyes on this!

toxic people

1. Pick on insecurities of their chosen victims

Instead of helping people and listening to people while vulnerable, they use these touchy subjects to their sadistic advantage by reminding you of what it was and everything that went on in the lead up to it, during it, and the result of the event. Sorry, ladies, but the whole fashion industry preys on your insecurities, according to Arnold Wolf of the Monterey Herald. “The constant renewal of desire depends on several elemental aspects of human nature. The tribal instinct makes us want to conform,” he argues. He later states that if you don clothes considered out of fashion, it leads to negative feedback from others more suitably attired socially. The whole idea is to make you seem out of touch with today.

Here is an off-the-top-of-my-head example: “Get with the times, square Sam! That coat is so last year, get a scarf.” Sam, do not be bullied into wearing a scarf if you do not want one. Remember, you wear the clothes, the clothes do not wear you. Does anyone remember the movie called “Loser”? It is the same with other toxics, like an emotionally abusive partner, using whatever they have to hand against you. If it is status, they will tell you how they are well-connected and how they can use those connections. If it is power, they will talk about how they can use that position. The buzzword here is one Wolf used, conform.

Hit me baby one more time, NOT! The show must go on…

2. Take your seats; it’s showtime!

On the subject of shows, not unlike Britney, toxics love audiences, too. They want to make sure you know they are the ones who matter and they do this in the form of grandstanding. To the toxics, it does not matter if their audience is street full of people or just one person, all that matters is that SOMEONE is listening. Anyone can grandstand, at any time, in any place, in any situation. Britney Spears herself does it as a job, but she also does it with the lyrics in her songs. I, myself, am doing it right now by using her lyrics in this article to help raise awareness about toxic people, but that’s my prerogative.

She’s so lucky, she’s a star. But she cry, cry, cries in her lonely heart thinking: “Why does it always happen to me?”

3. Points scoring and one-upmanship

The point of this petty exercise for toxics is to feel superior. Note the word “feel” because they are anything but. Anything and everything is considered competition and, naturally, they have to win. If you told your toxic significant other that you just won a camera, they will have told you that they won a state-of-the-art professional Canon in the past, instead of congratulating you. This is a put-down, a master manipulator technique. They also use nasty little comments and destructive criticisms. An example of this is: “How can anyone like that Adele? Her music is so boring and you are a giant douche for listening to it. I love rock ‘n’ roll!”

Just tell them to hush, just stop because now you are stronger than yesterday.

4. Marginalisation – out in the cold

Another tactic they use is this one to make the victim a VUP – a very unimportant person. Social exclusion is very damaging to the VUP, saying things like: “You are not invited, VIPs only.” The VUP can be excluded because of “social class, race, skin color, educational status, childhood relationships, living standards, and personal choices in fashion (see above in Number 1)”, according to the Wikipedia page devoted to social exclusion. It is a psychological form of bullying, where the VUP feels left out of the clique. A small trick here, the “I” and the “U” are next to each other on your keyboard, remember that.

No, they were not born to make you happy, just themselves.

5. Hardball bedlam

Their way or the highway. All or nothing. No in between, and the gloves are off now. Where is the fun for them if you are not fully compliant? So their way is “do as I say or I walk away”. Then come all your foibles in one long, fat list bigger than your arm to make you feel bad and make the atmosphere shaky, with suspense unfolding before you apologise and start shaving your head – at their request! Enjoy doing thy bidding for thine master/mistress.

You are not a slave for them.

6. Mind games


Toxic mind games everyone should know:

Everyone knows mind games when they are taking place. There are seven normal types of mind games people play, as assessed by Gerald Schoenewolf, PhD, of PsychCentral:

a) Disqualifying: This is a method of saying something hurtful to someone and then, when they become hurt, doing a double-whammy by making it seem you didn’t at all mean what they thought you meant.
b) Forgetting: Passive-aggressive personalities play this game. Basically they forget important things like appointments, promises, paying back loans and the like. You wait for them to remember but they don’t, and when you bring it up they reply, “Oh, I’m so sorry, I forgot.” After having to bring it up several times you start to get annoyed. Then they reply, “Oh, I’m really sorry. Are you angry? You seem angry.”
c) Persecuting: Sometimes people project their hatred onto others and persecute them. They are either unaware of their own hatred or they think it’s justified. Once they begin projecting, they look for reasons to persecute.
d) Guilt-tripping: The game here is to make someone feel guilty unless they do what you want them to do. A wife calls her husband a “sexist,” and at first he may protest, but eventually, in order not to be a sexist, he tries to be the kind of husband she wants. A husband tells his wife she’s frigid because he wants her to feel guilty about not having sex with him.
e) Gaslighting: The term “gas-lighting” comes from the classic movie with Ingrid Bergman, in which her husband tries to make her think she’s going crazy because she’s seeing things (such as the gas lights going on and off). When she sees the lights going on and off, he says he doesn’t see that at all. Some very disturbed people use this technique on a hated relative. They say and do things and then deny they ever said them.
f) Shaming: People who play the shaming game express their anger by looking to catch people they don’t like saying or doing something they consider inappropriate. It is the opposite of idealizing someone; it is demonizing someone.
g) Pretending: Pretending can take various forms. A man can pretend to be interested in a woman in order to get laid. A woman can pretend to be attracted to a man in order to lead him on, thereby acting out anger. People can pretend they’re not angry when in fact that are very angry. People can pretend to be your best friend in order to get you to trust them while they hide their real motives. Good pretenders are good actors. Sometimes they even convince themselves that they’re sincere.

Sometimes you run, sometimes you hide, when they come out to “play” day or night.

How to avoid toxic feelings and the bad vibes they bring:

The best way to deal with them is to ignore and avoid if you can. As it is easier said than done, they will push you to the limit and try your patience. If you stay the course, the toxic will just get bored and move on to their next target. It is nothing personal to do with you, they are fighting their own demons and taking it out on you. You can try talking to the toxic tactfully, and explain to them that what they do hurts you. Whether they listen to you or not is another kettle of fish.

Now that you are stronger than yesterday, we hope that you are addicted to us because you know we are not toxic.

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