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7 Traits Women Love Most About Men

7 Traits Women Love Most About Men

Many people might assume that women are superficial and want a handsome man by their side. But, while physical attraction is essential in any relationship, looks aren’t what women value most. If a man has stunning blue eyes but is a piece of work, his eyes won’t score him many brownie points. Instead, a man’s personality attracts a woman more than looks ever could.

Plus, you don’t marry or commit to someone’s looks. Beauty fades in time, but people stay together because they love who the other is inside. This is why it’s not just attractive to be a good person, but it’s essential to search for someone who complements you. For example, women have always loved when a man is kind and intelligent. But this isn’t such an obvious thing anymore.

Most men don’t even present themselves as friendly because society has invented a narrative that women don’t like nice guys. And so, most men believe that women only go for bad guys who are tall, dark, and handsome. This isn’t just a false perception; it also affects how people interact. Most guys are afraid to approach what they deem to be a beautiful woman if they don’t fit the obnoxiously unrealistic beauty standard.

Worse, some girls have also been manipulated by this perception and now believe they want the stereotypical handsome guy. Some girls even go as far as to turn down guys shorter than six feet. But this is usually the case for a minority of women, most of which are young and impressionable. But women who know what they want won’t get hung up on the physical aspect. What they value most is personality.

NOTE: We covered the specific things men love most about women in a separate article.

7 Traits Women Love Most About Men


1.      Thoughtfulness

Women love to know that the man they are dating is thinking about them and cares enough to make some sweet gestures. Being thoughtful is one of the best qualities anyone can have, regardless of gender. But women usually tend to be more naturally thoughtful. And sometimes, that can make them feel like they are the only ones putting in any effort in the relationship.

So, when a man makes sweet little gestures and is thoughtful, that’s a definite plus in any women’s book. Being thoughtful doesn’t mean the man must shower the woman with the most expensive, lavish gifts. Often, giving someone a costly watch can be less thoughtful than giving them something handmade. But thoughtfulness isn’t even about giving.

It’s just about being attentive to others’ needs and thinking about what you can do to improve their lives. It’s about being nice and considerate towards people, especially when they are having a bad day. And women don’t just like to see that you are considerate towards them. They also want to know that you treat your friends and family with the same consideration.

2.      Kindness

As discussed before and contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need to be a tough, bad boy to get girls. And most women are turned off by this kind of behavior. Women prefer a kind man over a bad boy any day of the week. A woman looking for a serious relationship wants to know she’ll be treated with kindness her whole life.

And intentionally acting like a brute doesn’t promise any woman that she’ll be taken care of in the way she deserves. If anything, acting intentionally repugnant is a red flag for women. What women genuinely love is kindness. A kind man is someone ready to love and cherish a woman the way she wants and deserves.

Finding someone kind is like hitting the jackpot for any woman looking for something serious. And, as was the case with thoughtfulness, it’s not enough to be kind to the women you are trying to impress. Women can tell if all that kindness is just an act or if it’s genuine. So, as a man, it’s no use trying to fake it.

3.      Honesty

Most relationships suffer from a lack of sincerity between partners. Even something as damaging as cheating stems from a lack of honesty. Plus, men have a bizarre tendency to lie even when there’s no reason to do so. Sometimes, men lie even if they have nothing to hide or be ashamed of.

Unfortunately, many women have lived through bad experiences with lying boyfriends, and they likely don’t want to repeat these experiences. So, if there’s a quality that’s required by all women alive, that’s honesty. Honesty is the basis for building trust, which is integral to any healthy relationship. No woman likes to be in a relationship in which she has to worry about being lied to all the time.

You won’t be attractive to her if she can’t trust you. No matter how handsome a man might be, he won’t be on anyone’s radar if he is a liar. Women love to know exactly who a man is before committing to them, so they want men to be straightforward and lay things out as they are.

4.      Compassion

If you know anything about empathy, you know this trait is not as developed in men as in women. Women are naturally more empathetic and compassionate. But anyone can work on developing this trait. So, there’s no real excuse for men to disregard anything and anyone around them.

No woman will ever like a man who passes people in need without giving them at least the time of day. A compassionate man will consistently rank higher on every woman’s list. Being compassionate doesn’t only show that you know how to treat other people but also shows her you’ll care for her.

All women want to be treated right by their boyfriends, so they gravitate toward empathetic and caring men. This trait also shows that the man is ready for a serious commitment. More importantly, it shows he can handle taking care of his partner and his kids if he ever has any.


5.      Intelligence

Being intelligent doesn’t mean you have to have the highest IQ known to man. Nor does it mean you have to have multiple degrees at Ivy League schools. But having no general knowledge or being unable to hold a conversation aren’t attractive traits. Women value men who are cultured and care about learning new things.

That said, they won’t ask for men to have vast knowledge about every subject on the planet. You don’t even have to go to college to be intelligent. Women care more about the attitude men have towards knowledge.

If a man blatantly refuses to learn anything, not basic things like how to do his taxes, that’s a clear red flag. But if a man knows how to carry himself in a conversation and is eager to learn new things, women will love him. Plus, women love it when they can learn new things with their partners.

6.      Vulnerability

Men aren’t usually taught how to be vulnerable, especially not around a potential romantic interest. Not only that but many men are taught that vulnerability is a sign of weakness. That’s not the case, as it takes a lot of courage to open up and be vulnerable. And this is a trait that is necessary if you want to form a strong connection.

If a guy can’t open up and share things about himself, his relationship with any woman will be superficial. Most women aren’t interested in forming such superficial connections. At least not if they’ve passed their teenage years.

If a man can be vulnerable around a woman, that’s a sign he trusts her and wants their relationship to evolve. Nothing is more attractive than a man who doesn’t hide behind a tough façade. Women love to know everything about the man they are with. So, if a man can give them that, they’ll be well on their way to falling in love.

7.      Curiosity

In this case, curiosity isn’t used in its usual sense, although that’s also nice. But women care more when a man is curious about her. No one likes to share things when they feel the other person isn’t interested in getting to know them. It’s not fun to talk about yourself and be met with a bored stare.

Sure, if a man listens intently, that’s at least something. But women like it when men ask about what they like and who they are. This shows that they are genuinely trying to get to know her. It’s always a good thing to get to know your partner. That’s the only way you can have a harmonious connection.

There is a fine line between being curious about someone and interviewing them. No woman likes to feel like she has to pass a test on the first date. It’s good to ask about her interests. But she doesn’t want to give all her background information, especially when she barely knows her date.


Final Thought on Some Traits Women Love Most About Men

Even though women might seem picky and high-maintenance, that’s usually not the case. Nor are they superficial beings who care about looks, money, or status. For the average woman, these aspects hold little to no weight.

Physical attraction is essential, but she won’t throw away the perfect man because he has a few extra pounds. Women care more about a man’s personality than those other things. Kindness, compassion, and honesty rank high on every woman’s list. This is no surprise that these traits are essential for a healthy relationship.

Any man dating a woman should know that women start looking for these traits as early as the first date. And there’s no way in which men can fake them. At least not successfully and not for long. Women can usually tell when a man is genuine and will write off any man who tries to trick them. But, if you’re a kind and vulnerable soul, you can rest assured. Women love men who can be themselves and are ready for a serious relationship.

3 Signs Someone Is Using the Law of Attraction to Find Love

The law of attraction (LOA) is a philosophy that has been around for quite a few decades. The first mention of the term is dated back to 1855. Ever since then, a movement has been created around this concept. Still, the term remained relatively unknown for a very long time. Even now, most people aren’t aware of what it means or what it aims to resolve.

Because this notion is hardly a standard idea, there is a lot of misinformation around it. Many people claim that it’s just a pretty-sounding rhetoric that doesn’t hold any weight in the real world. Other people even confuse it with terms used in the physics field. But, overall, not many people know what it is.

And those who know only understand the LOA superficially and seem to think it’s nothing more than a placebo effect. But this theory is not just something derived from some magical story. There’s nothing mystical about it, even though it’s based on manifestation. It’s nothing more than cognitive restructuring, which has been proven to work.

But how does the law of attraction come into play when we talk about love? Well, some people use this technique to visualize their ideal partner. They manifest their perfect match and wait for them to appear in their life. Now, that doesn’t mean that they will force someone into existence. Nor does it mean they imagine someone and expect that person to appear on their doorstep magically.

It’s more about envisioning who you want to be with so that you know who you should pursue. Plus, the law of attraction is much more than manifestation. It’s also about changing the way you see the world and embracing gratitude and positivity, which people can use to attract potential partners. So, if you want to know how to spot someone using the law of attraction to find love, keep reading.

What Is the Law of Attraction?

law of attraction

The story of how the LOA became a philosophy is quite intriguing. Back in the 19th century, Phineas Quimby was diagnosed with tuberculosis. There wasn’t any reliable cure at that point, which meant that Quimby was destined to suffer until the day he died. Because he was looking for something to do, he became interested in horse riding.

He eventually realized that the excitement associated with this activity relieved him of his pain. Sure, that relief was temporary, and it wasn’t a treatment for tuberculosis by any stretch of the imagination. But he genuinely felt better while riding a horse than at any other moment of the day. He became fascinated by this discovery and wanted to know why it happened. His theory was that the mind is stronger than the body, which meant people could use their will to induce certain feelings.

For example, if you willed yourself to be positive, you’ll feel happier, even if nothing else in your day changes apart from your attitude. Quimby never used the term law of attraction. His study was actually about mind over body. But his research was the basis for what is known today as the law of attraction.

Understanding the Law of Attraction

An American spiritualist first used the term. But that wasn’t a relevant factor in the development of this philosophy. What was relevant were the findings of Prentice Mulford, who wrote an essay about the law of success.

From that point, this philosophy became somewhat popular, being researched by many people throughout the 20th century. However, it has recently gotten a new life, as the law of attraction (or LOA) has gone through a resurgence. Nowadays, it’s considered synonymous with manifestation. Although that’s not quite all there is to it.

The supporters of this school of thought believe that the law of attraction is always in motion. Even people who don’t know the law of attraction is affected by it in their daily lives. That’s because it’s theorized that everything someone does and believes in determines what they’ll experience. When you think about it, this is not farfetched at all. It makes sense that if you are an active, bubbly person, you will attract people who are the same.

And you’ll be drawn towards things that fit your personality type. Yes, you probably won’t consciously realize that you favor some experiences over others. But your subconscious makes decisions about you based on your likes and interests. And that’s how the law of attraction fundamentally works.

Using the law of attraction to your advantage isn’t that complicated. It’s mostly about visualization exercises. For example, if you want to attract a certain love interest, you need to visualize exactly how that person would look, act, and even sound. And you’ll be more likely to bump into such a person. But how can you know if someone is using the law of attraction on you?

3 Signs Someone Is Using the Law of Attraction


1. You Think About Someone Using the Law of Attraction More Than You Normally Would

The LOA is always helpful when trying to find a new romantic interest. And one of the main reasons it’s so effective is because it makes others think about you more often than they would otherwise. Again, this doesn’t exactly happen because of some magic. But say someone is manifesting you or someone very similar to you.

That means that when that person who manifested you finally meets you in real life, they will try to make an impression. This concept is best explained through examples. If they meet you in a bar, they won’t just flirt with you for a couple of minutes and move on. They’ll make an effort to get to know you. This also applies in cases where you already know the person who is manifesting you. Maybe they’re someone who you never seriously considered as a romantic partner.

But they started manifesting you and got the courage to be more honest about their intentions. That’s bound to make you think about them more than you would. The law of attraction makes it so that people start being honest with themselves about what they want. They don’t have to say it because their energy will be clear. You’ll be able to tell that some things between you shifted. And that’s going to make you think about them quite a lot.

2. You Want to Talk to Them or Reach Out to Someone Who Uses LOA

When someone uses the law of attraction, they envision the type of partner they want. So, they won’t waste their time dating around and being with people who are not their type. They will go directly to the person who fits their dream partner. And if that person is you, that means they will give you a lot of attention.

This attention will differ from anything you’ve experienced before because it will be much more intense. You’ll be able to tell that they are genuinely interested. They view you as one of the best things that have happened to them, and you’ll know. This energy that the other person has will intrigue you.

And that’s why they’ll always be on your mind, and you won’t be able to forget about them. That’s what makes you feel the need to reach out to them. You’ll want to be near them as much as you can. And you won’t just want to hang out and get a drink. If their manifestation worked, you’d want to get to know them deeply and start creating a connection.

3. You Always Bump into Them If They Use the Law of Attraction

It would be nice if the LOA physicality pulled two people towards each other. But, seeing as manifestation is just cognitive restructuring and not some magic, that pull isn’t physical. That being said, manifestation will make you interested in a certain person. Which means you’ll be much more aware of their presence.

If you randomly bump into them at a coffee shop, you won’t just ignore them and move on with your life. Instead, you’ll consciously acknowledge their presence. Plus, that meet-up will leave an impression. This is why you’ll feel like you always bump into them. Maybe not even because you meet them more often. But because your meet-ups become more meaningful.

Plus, when someone is manifesting you, they’ll want to see you as often as possible, which is why they will likely start hanging out in your favorite spots. If you have a favorite bar, they’ll go there more often than they would normally. Whether they do this intentionally or not that’s up for debate. But still, they’ll be in places where the two of you are more likely to bump into each other. So, if you’re always seeing a certain person, that might be the law of attraction working its magic.

law of attraction

Final Thoughts on Some Signs Someone Is Using the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is a fascinating topic. It’s such an out-of-the-box way of thinking that many people don’t even believe it’s practically possible. Most people believe manifestation would only be possible with the help of magic. But there’s nothing magical about it and the LOA. Or at least it’s a magic trick that everyone can start practicing.

That’s because it’s based on cognitive restructuring. And you have to have faith in the process for it to work. You can’t just give up because your perfect match doesn’t land on your doorstep as soon as you start manifesting. If someone uses LOA to manifest love, you’ll see changes in their behavior. They’ll be more positive and grateful. But, if someone is manifesting you, that’s a different story.

You’ll know it because of the energy you’ll get from that person. You will feel more connected to them, and they’ll always be on your mind. You’ll want to get in touch with them and set a date to get to know each other. And you’ll always seem to bump into each other. Don’t worry; this is not because of some magical formula. It’s because you’ll subconsciously be drawn together.

20 Affirmations Strong Women Use to Be Empowered

Everyone is hard on themselves sometimes, but strong women use positive affirmations to become empowered. Negative self-talk involves being hard on yourself, putting yourself down, or telling yourself that your abilities aren’t good enough. The negativity isn’t unusual, but affirmations can help change the way you talk to yourself.

Empowering affirmations can help you build strength as they encourage growth and self-improvement. When you feel empowered, you can create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Empowerment and strength can help women reach success and achieve their goals. It can be hard to achieve this mindset, and positive affirmations can make a difference. They can help you feel confident enough to face any challenge and overcome adversity.

What are Positive Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive phrases that you repeat out loud daily. You can also write them repeatedly to reinforce them in your mind. The statements help you think positively about yourself and focus on the good in the world around you.

When women need strength and empowerment, they often turn to external sources. They turn to family and friends when they experience self-limiting thoughts. Sometimes they even turn to social media, but it doesn’t help because they must look within themselves.

strong women

Using affirmations helps you positively perceive your self-worth and potential. Positive statements can help you control how you view the world, positively affecting how you see yourself. These are benefits you won’t find from external sources, and they mean more coming from within anyway.

Affirmations involve repeating positive statements to shift your thoughts and find self-empowerment. They help you release negativity, improve your well-being, and show how deeply your thoughts impact you.

These positive phrases are motivating, thought-provoking statements. They work best when you repeat them out loud or write them down to reinforce a positive mindset. The affirmations should be in the present tense and relate to your circumstances.

Positive affirmations can help you overcome self-sabotaging thoughts. They allow you to see your self-worth, potential, and inner strength. It helps resist negativity, no matter what happens around you.

Using positive affirmations can help you improve your self-talk and boost your confidence. It allows you to become stronger, which is why strong women use them. The phrases can work for any purpose, so tailoring them to your needs can help all aspects of your life.

How Positive Affirmations Help Empower Strong Women

Affirmations help build strength and empowerment because they remind women of their capabilities. The phrases reinforce their confidence and strength, reminding them they can do anything.

Positive affirmations help women focus on their goals without getting sidetracked or losing motivation. With their goals in mind and reminders of their strength, they’ll feel empowered to accomplish anything. It also empowers them to take steps toward their goals and gives feelings of power driving them forward.

How Strong Women Use Positive Affirmations

The best way to use positive affirmations is to choose realistic and meaningful phrases. They should fit your specific situation to help you improve all areas of your life. Once you choose your positive statement, it’s best to repeat them regularly.

Repeat the phrases daily, and don’t be afraid to turn to them multiple times throughout the day. Say them with meaning to convince your mind that they are already accurate. Once you believe the phrases, you’ll notice the positive changes in your life.

As you speak the statements, it’s essential that you also feel what you’re saying. When you say the words, envision them moving through your body.

Twenty Affirmations For Strong Women to Be Empowered

Positive affirmations for empowerment can help you make beneficial decisions for your life. The choices can further encourage inner strength, allowing for continual self-growth.

1 – I am setting goals and following my plan.

Strong women tell themselves that they’re setting goals and following a plan. This affirmation helps empower them to keep pushing forward until they achieve their dreams.

2 – I prioritize self-care because I deserve love.

Strength involves knowing that you don’t need anyone else to give you the love you deserve. Strong women know they can give it to themselves through self-care. This affirmation reminds them to take care of themselves before others when things get hard.

3 – I am living in the moment instead of dwelling on the past.

This affirmation can help people remember to release negative thoughts from the past. These thoughts can become all-consuming, ruining your happiness. Using this positive phrase reminds you to focus on what’s occurring in your life now.

4 – I speak my mind and defend myself.

You don’t have to let people mistreat you, and strong women are aware of that. They use affirmations like this to give them the courage to speak up when necessary.

5 – I will learn to process my emotions and cope healthily.

Processing your emotions and coping is one of the best ways to stay strong. It helps you turn to beneficial methods rather than giving in to old bad habits.

6 – I believe in myself and am confident in who I am.

Strong women know that believing in themselves makes anything possible. Repeat this affirmation, and you can also find empowerment.

7 – I focus on the things that bring inner peace.

It’s sometimes easy to fixate on the negative aspects of life. However, strong women use this affirmation to empower them to focus on things that bring positive feelings and peace.

8 – I am happy and in control of my emotions and choices.

Telling yourself that you’re happy makes you more likely to focus on joy. Empowerment comes when you remember that you can control how you feel and what you do.


9 – I stay productive to maintain focus and build self-worth.

You’ll feel empowered and strong when you stay productive working toward your goals. It helps you focus on what’s important, building your self-worth.

10 – I give my best in everything I do.

By telling yourself that you’re giving your best, you’ll be more likely to do so. Strong women know that repeating this affirmation encourages a better chance of success. It reminds them to put in their best effort no matter what they’re doing.

11 – I am using my time wisely because it’s valuable.

Wasting time is one of the biggest things holding you back in life. Strong women feel empowered by remembering that their time is valuable, and they remind themselves often.

12 – I can do anything I set my mind to.

You can do anything you want if you’re willing to work for it. This affirmation reminds strong people that their abilities are far-reaching. It empowers them to keep moving and trying their best.

13 – I am focusing on self-improvement to become the best version of myself.

This affirmation empowers women to work toward self-growth constantly. There’s always something they can do to improve themselves, and they remind themselves of it often.

14 – I release negative experiences and focus on living my best life.

When you can release negativity, it helps you live your best life. You can do things that bring joy and fulfillment rather than fixating on what went wrong.

15 – I am pushing the limits and challenging myself.

Pushing the limits empowers you to learn and grow. You can always do better and become a better version of yourself. Strong women know this affirmation can help them get there.

16 – I deserve happiness and good things in my life.

No matter what happens, you deserve happiness and good things. Strong women remind themselves of this often so they don’t miss out on opportunities. When someone thinks they don’t deserve happiness, they might self-sabotage and miss experiences that could bring joy.

17 – I am living my passions and finding fulfillment.

Telling yourself that you’re living your passions can help you focus on the things that bring fulfillment. Repeat this daily, and you’ll remember what’s essential to think about.

18 – I show the world who I am by staying true to my values.

Staying true to your values brings strength and empowerment. Women who repeat this affirmation stay true to themselves and what they believe in, bringing positivity to their life.

19 – I release fear and do things that make me nervous.

Fear can hold you back, and strong women know that pushing through will allow them to experience things they wouldn’t otherwise. When something makes you nervous, this affirmation can help you release the fear and do it anyway.

20 – I learn from my mistakes to maintain power in my life.

Learning from your mistakes promotes self-growth and empowerment. Everyone makes mistakes, but you can still maintain power as you grow.

Other Ways to Find Female Empowerment

While affirmations are a beneficial way to become empowered, they aren’t the only way. You can implement other methods along with the positive phrases, including the following:

  • inspirational quotes
  • mindfulness meditation
  • deep breathing techniques
  • engaging in healthy physical activity

These methods are all ways to encourage a positive attitude and mindset. With a positive mindset, you can make better decisions that help you find strength, fulfillment, and meaning.

strong women

Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Strong Women

Strong women use positive affirmations to be empowered, and you can also do it. The phrases here are guidelines; you can modify them to fit your specific situation. As you repeat your affirmations, remember to visualize that they’re already true. It’ll help you embrace the benefits and turn the words into your reality.

Scientists Use V.R. Games to Diagnose ADHD

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, remains one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in the U.S. Children with the neuropsychiatric disorder may exhibit symptoms such as inattentiveness, impulsivity, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, and disorganization.

They might also have difficulties following instructions and sitting for long periods in class. A child with this mental health condition may experience frequent problems in school, like making careless mistakes on homework or interrupting the teacher.

Young boys get diagnosed with ADHD almost twice as often as girls, with the average age of diagnosis being seven years old. ADHD affects approximately 1 in 20 people under age 18, and about two-thirds of people will exhibit symptoms well into adulthood.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 4-5% of U.S. adults have ADHD. Experts estimate that 8.1% of adults aged 18-44 will experience ADHD at some point during their lifetime.

The typical course of treatment for adults and children includes a combination of medication and therapy. Lifestyle changes such as a balanced diet, exercise, stress management techniques like meditation, and proper sleep can also help.

To diagnose someone with ADHD, doctors refer to the criteria in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth edition (DSM-5). People with ADHD must show a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity over six months to meet diagnostic criteria.

Doctors only diagnose children up to 16 years old with ADHD if they exhibit six or more symptoms in the DSM-5. Adults 17 and older must show five or more signs to meet diagnostic criteria. However, scientists have discovered a surprising new method to diagnose children with ADHD: virtual reality (V.R.) games. In addition to detecting attention deficit disorder, researchers say the tool could have viable treatment applications in the future.

Scientists Use V.R. Games to Detect ADHD in Children


ADHD affects about 6% of children worldwide, a relatively small portion of the population. However, it’s an increasingly common condition due to environmental factors, poor lifestyle habits, technology use, and increased awareness of ADHD. In recent years, doctors have become more adept at recognizing ADHD symptoms in children, which could explain the uptick in diagnoses.

Still, doctors rely on subjective methods to diagnose ADHD, such as questionnaires, interviews, and behavioral observations. Sometimes these techniques don’t accurately portray how children handle everyday life, making a diagnosis difficult. However, a research team from Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, and Åbo Akademi University in Finland may have found a more objective ADHD diagnosis method.

The researchers created a virtual reality game called EPELI that can evaluate ADHD symptoms in children by replicating real-world situations. Then, they tracked the children’s eye movements in the V.R. game and utilized machine learning to detect differences in those with ADHD.

The study included 37 children with a prior diagnosis of ADHD and 36 in a control group. The children played EPELI along with a second game called Shoot the Target. In the second game, the player must find objects in the virtual environment and “shoot” them by locking their eyes on the target.

“We tracked children’s natural eye movements as they performed different tasks in a virtual reality game, and this proved to be an effective way of detecting ADHD symptoms. The ADHD children’s gaze paused longer on different objects in the environment, and their gaze jumped faster and more often from one spot to another. This might indicate a delay in visual system development and poorer information processing than other children,” said Liya Merzon, a doctoral researcher at Aalto University.

Both Children and Psychologists Can Benefit From EPELI

Project lead Juha Salmitaival, an Academy Research Fellow at Aalto, said the game could help motivate children and improve their attention span. “This isn’t just a new technology to objectively assess ADHD symptoms. Children also find the game more interesting than standard neuropsychological tests,” he says.

Salmitaival collaborated with Professor Matti Laine from Åbo Akademi University and Erik Seesjärvi, a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki and clinical neuropsychologist at Helsinki University Hospital (HUH), to bring EPELI to life. Neuropsychologists working in pediatric neurology and pediatric psychiatry at HUH have access to the game.

“Those who are interested can use EPELI as an aid in their clinical work,” says Seesjärvi. “The experience has been very positive. All of the neuropsychologists who answered a feedback survey after the first pilot said they had benefit from using virtual reality methods as a complementary tool in their work.”

Topi Siro, an Aalto graduate now working at Peili Vision Oy, led game development for EPELI.

“The game provides a list of tasks that simulate everyday life, such as brushing your teeth and eating a banana. The player has to remember the tasks despite distractions in the environment, such as a T.V. being on,” Siro said.

“The game measures everything: how much the child clicks on the controls and how efficiently they perform the tasks. Efficiency correlates with everyday functioning, whereas children with ADHD often have challenges,” he continued.

The V.R. Game Could Have Therapeutic Applications for Hyperactivity and Beyond

The researchers noted the potential for V.R. games to help treat hyperactivity or inattention in children in the future.

“We want to develop a gamification-based digital therapy that can help children with ADHD get excited about doing things they wouldn’t otherwise do. There’s already an approved game for ADHD rehabilitation in the U.S.,” says Salmitaival. Currently, the team is working with researchers at the University of Oulu to discuss treatment applications.

Linda Henriksson, a senior lecturer at Aalto University who participated in the study, also believes in the therapeutic possibilities of EPELI. “I see virtual reality as an interesting tool, because it can be used to precisely control what happens in the stimulus world while at the same time collecting information about behaviour in a natural situation,” said Henriksson, an expert in how the brain processes visual information.

In addition to detecting and treating ADHD, researchers have also suggested other potential applications for EPELI. They believe it could be a viable tool for assessing and measuring problems in planning activities for people with autism. It could also help detect language problems, brain trauma, adult ADHD, cerebral palsy symptoms, and memory issues in older people.

“Our partners in Geneva are studying aging-related diseases. Key opportunities on the horizon include early detection of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases,” said Salmitaival.

The research utilized the MAGICS infrastructure, a collaborative virtual technologies project involving three major Finnish universities. The Academy of Finland, the Aalto Brain Centre, and other foundations helped fund the research on using VR to diagnose hyperactivity. The paper appeared in Scientific Reports on November 24, 2022.


Final Thoughts on Scientists Using V.R. to Diagnose ADHD

Scientists developed a V.R. game called EPELI to help diagnose ADHD in children. The game provides various tasks to children to assess their skills and detect ADHD symptoms. In addition, the researchers utilized eye tracking and machine learning to evaluate visual system development and information processing. They hope that EPELI can also treat ADHD and other conditions in the future.

How a Hero Dog Protected Two Girls While Lost in the Woods

There’s a good reason why people often refer to dogs as man’s best friend. They’re some of the most loyal, selfless, loving animals who would do anything to protect their families. Since humans first domesticated dogs over 30,000 years ago, they’ve remained some of our closest animal companions–and, at times, even a hero.

Today, people don’t just adopt dogs for protection but for love and friendship as well. Dogs can help relieve anxiety, depression, loneliness, and the general stress of daily life. They also get you out of the house and encourage you to exercise.

Plus, many breeds are lovely with children and make a beautiful addition to any family. In summary, dogs bring so much joy and meaning to life, making the hard times easier to bear. In life-threatening situations, they often rescue humans who need a helping hand (or paw, in this case). You’ve probably heard stories about dogs who save people from drowning or protect them from intruders during a break-in. If you’re lost in the woods, you can also count on our best friend to save the day.

That’s exactly what happened to two young girls who went missing in November 2022. The story could’ve ended much differently, but the family dog stayed with the girls throughout the harrowing ordeal. He made sure they made it out of the forest without a scratch.

Family Dog Keeps Sisters Safe While Lost in the Woods


What started as a fun adventure quickly became a nightmare for two sisters and their parents. One afternoon, Abigail Bourg, 7, and her four-year-old sister Cecilia went exploring in the woods behind their home. They’re no strangers to the dense Louisiana forest, so their parents initially didn’t think anything of it.

However, alarm bells went off when the girls didn’t return after a while. The girls’ parents, Justin and Mary Bourg, began frantically searching the forest for their missing daughters.

“I just start like running around the whole property — six acres — and that’s when I called [my husband] and said, ‘They’re gone,'” Mary Bourg said in an interview with CBS News.

However, they didn’t know then that the family Golden Retriever Artemis was keeping them safe. He’s now called a hero for sticking by the frightened girls while they waited for help to arrive. Artemis let the girls lay on his belly for comfort and support when they started getting tired.

He also helped first responders locate the missing girls by barking to get their attention. Police, neighbors, and other search team members looked for the girls for four hours. It might’ve taken them even longer if Artemis hadn’t made noise to alert the search team.

The girls had wandered more than a mile away from their home in Folsom, Louisiana. While they knew the woods well, getting lost in an overgrown forest didn’t take much. Thankfully, the story had a happy ending, thanks to the loyal family dog who protected his sisters.

But he kept the search team from getting too close to the girls. Mary told CBS News that when the police and neighbors found the two sisters, Artemis “wasn’t letting them by the girls.”

“He was circling them, growling at the people to protect them,” she said.

Though the search party came to help, Artemis didn’t know better and instantly went into “guard dog mode.” However, the girls later told their parents that the protective Golden Retriever got them lost!

“He’s got a free pass for a while,” Justin Bourg said. “I won’t be fussing at him for chewing up blankets and shoes.”

Other Times Dogs Came to the Rescue


1. A dog saved his owner, who fell from a ridge in California.

When a 53-year-old man fell 70 feet in Tahoe National Forest, his heroic dog saved his life. The California hiker fell from a steep ridge, breaking his hip and several ribs in the accident. Unfortunately, the man didn’t have a phone to call for help, only his loyal Border collie, Saul.

Thankfully, someone at his camp allowed him to use a phone and call 911. But his pup led volunteers to the injured man after a seven-hour search. According to rescuers, the dog ran to them in “true Lassie fashion” over 200 yards through thick brush and rough terrain. Saul led them back to his owner, lying in the dirt on a camouflage tarp.

The crew brought the man to a sheriff’s helicopter half a mile away, which airlifted him to a nearby hospital. Thankfully, his injuries weren’t life-threatening, and he reunited with his hero dog Saul the following day. He felt so grateful for his four-legged best friend and rewarded him with plenty of pets, dog treats, and a “well-deserved dinner.”

2. A golden retriever saved his mom from a snake bite.

When Paula Goodwin took her dogs for a walk, she was unpleasantly surprised to find a rattlesnake on the trail. However, her golden retriever pup Todd jumped out in front of her so the snake could not bite her. He endured the snake’s wrath instead, but thankfully, he survived the bite and became a hero.

3. One hero saved a 3-year-old girl from abuse.

A puppy named Peanut arrived at the Delta Animal Shelter in dire condition. Tragically, she’d come from an abusive home and suffered from broken legs and ribs. However, a loving family adopted her shortly after, and she got a second chance at life.

Everything came full circle when she helped a young girl escape abuse. The dog alerted her owner to a naked, cold, 3-year-old girl curled up in a ball. The man immediately wrapped her in a sweatshirt, brought her inside, and called 911. When first responders arrived, the little girl could only say one word — ‘doggie.’


Final Thoughts on Heroic Dogs Saving Lives

Not all heroes wear capes, but they deserve just as much credit as Superman. Countless times, dogs have come to rescue humans in life-threatening situations. When two girls went missing in a Louisiana forest, their dog stuck with them until help arrived. The family and first responders now call Golden Retriever Artemis a hero due to his bravery and nobility. Do you have a personal story about your dog coming to the rescue? Please share your story with us in the comments!

15 Behaviors That Reveal an Unhealed Man

Most people have experienced trauma, and sometimes an unhealed man carries the pain into adulthood. People often experience barriers when trying to move on and heal from trauma. It prolongs the healing and growth necessary to let go of how the hurt affected them.

Sometimes trauma occurs after a stressful event, emotional neglect, excess criticism, or lack of support. When this happens, your brain goes into survival mode and adjusts to keep you safe. Even after the experience ends, you can feel stuck and struggle to let go.

Even if you talk about what happened, he might have lingering trauma that shows up in his life. It’s a trauma response based on how the brain learned to protect him, and it doesn’t always turn off. The effects often happen subconsciously, so he might not realize it’s still present in his life.

Understanding the signs of an unhealed man can help you learn to experience growth in overcoming trauma. If you have a relationship with an unhealed man, it can help you understand him and why he behaves the way he does. It can also help you encourage them to find a way to heal.

The Long-Term Effects of Hurt and Unresolved Trauma

It’s sometimes hard to recognize the signs unless you know what to look for. Many people experience dissociation that leads to blocking out part of the event, although their subconscious remembers the hurt.

When this happens, it can be hard to move past it because they don’t realize there’s something they need to heal from. Then, they don’t realize that their behavior stems from the trauma.

The effects of unhealed trauma can affect every aspect of a person’s life. It harms their well-being, relationships, career, and health. Identifying the signs is essential to finding a way to heal.

While this article discusses unhealed men, they aren’t alone. Women can have unhealed trauma that affects their life, and it’s discussed in another article.

unhealed man

Fifteen Behaviors Revealing an Unhealed Man

A man might not remember his trauma, but the signs may still be present daily. Some of the most common behaviors that reveal an unhealed man include the following:

1 – An Unhealed Man Might Struggle to Ask for Help

Men with unhealed trauma often struggle to ask for help when necessary. They’re not good at opening up to others even when it could make things easier.

Not asking for help is especially true when it’s regarding their trauma. They might stay silent and suppress their feelings rather than ask for support. It’s sometimes that they are afraid of appearing weak, scared of rejection, or worried about judgment from others.

2 – They Constantly Worry About the Future

People who have unhealed trauma worry about the future. They overthink every aspect, looking for dangers or problems before there’s any evidence of an issue.

While planning for the future can be helpful, an unhealed man will worry in unhelpful ways. Their worrying doesn’t produce new insights that can improve their situation. Instead, their worrying leads to anxiety about things you can control and may never happen.

3 – A Hurt Person Fears Abandonment

Someone with unhealed trauma might experience a subconscious fear of abandonment. This fear often originates during early experiences when parents are far away or when they think their parents won’t return.

Some of the signs a man has a fear of abandonment include the following:

  • need to be in control
  • being afraid to open up
  • feeling unworthy
  • seeking any attention from others, even if it’s unhealthy or toxic
  • insecurity and comparing yourself to others
  • coping by exhibiting addictive behaviors

4 – An Unhealed Man Might Not Handle Change Well

Change can be scary for anyone, but someone with unhealed trauma can struggle more. It can lead to negative feelings and cause them to lose trust in their life experiences. Not handling change can indicate the need for inner child healing because change often indicates negativity for them.

When things go well, the person might expect change to disrupt happiness. While change can be a good thing, they rarely view it that way because they’ll feel like losing the good parts of life.

5 – Hurt Men Are People Pleasers

Trauma can make someone overly agreeable, trying to please everyone to win their approval. They’ll pretend to agree with someone to keep the peace, even if they have a differing opinion. It also can lead to the person putting their needs last so that other people like them.

These people often struggle to say no, even when they have other things going on or should focus on themselves. They feel like making others happy is a way they can stay in control.

6 – A Man May Seek External Validation

When someone seeks validation from external sources, they likely have unhealed trauma. They might struggle to confront others and often change their thoughts or beliefs to make people like them better.

These people will want others to validate who they are, even if that means giving a false representation of themselves. They believe their self-worth is attached to how others think of them and often make decisions based on what others think.

7 – They Look for Love from Toxic People or in Places They Shouldn’t Seek It

Looking for love from the wrong people or wrong places indicates unhealed trauma. They might look for love from everyone they interact with, including colleagues, supervisors, strangers, or anyone else.

Trauma also might make someone cling to toxic or abusive people. They are more likely to engage in these unhealthy relationships when it mimics experiences from their past.

8 – An Unhealed Man Has a Fear of Failure or Success

For an unhealed man, their fear could go either way. They might be afraid of failure or success, depending on their situation.

The person’s fear of failure can overpower their desire to succeed. They’ll miss growth opportunities because they are afraid they’ll fail if they try. It’s a sign of insecurity that stems from trauma.

On the other hand, unhealed trauma can contribute to a fear of success. The person might hold themselves back because they’re afraid of what will happen if they achieve the goal. They’re scared they’ll lose whatever gets gained from becoming successful, so they sabotage their chance.

unhealed man

9 – They Often Experience Shame and Self-Blame

Many people with unhealed trauma view themselves as worthless because of shame and self-blame. It often occurs because of sexual violence, intimate partner abuse, or childhood abuse. These experiences are dehumanizing and humiliating, resulting in shame.

When someone experiences shame, it often triggers self-destructive behaviors. A man with shame might take part in self-neglect, perfectionism, or suicidal thoughts. They might blame themselves for things that aren’t their fault, feel like they deserve poor treatment, or believe they aren’t good enough for happiness.

10 – A Hurt Man Is Codependent

Trauma can lead to codependent relationships where an unhealed man feels dependent on another person. Experts indicate that some codependent behaviors include the following emotional neglect or abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, or sexual abuse.

These experiences lead to feeling like they deserve the harmful situations, and they’ll place another person’s reality above their own. The person will choose someone who either confirms their sense of victimization or mimics similar behaviors. An unhealed man might also accept the consequences of their partner’s actions rather than having their partner deal with them.

11 – They Struggle with Concentration

The damaging psychological effects of trauma often lead to trouble concentrating. A man who can’t seem to focus on one thing at a time might be unhealed. Sometimes they’ll even experience gaps in memory, going as far as blacking out.

12 – They Lash Out and Hurt People

Someone with unhealed trauma often lashes out at the people they care about. Intense emotions can lead to pushing their loved ones away and isolating themselves. They also might become out of control and overly sensitive. It’s not unusual for them to lose their temper, break things, or harm themselves.

13 – They Have Low Self-Esteem

Trauma can trigger low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. Experiencing neglect as a child or being hurt by someone they loved can lead to a man having low self-esteem. He’ll struggle to feel good about himself as the trauma disrupts his self-image.

14 – An Unhealed Man Does Not Tolerate Conflict Well

While most people don’t enjoy conflict because it’s uncomfortable, unhealed people struggle more. It triggers hypervigilance, sometimes causing them to feel panicked or overwhelmed. They’ll do whatever they can to stop the conflict from happening, potentially damaging their relationships.

When they avoid conflict, it can lead to not communicating to overcome problems. They’ll let issues fester rather than discuss things and move forward.

15 – A Hurt Man Often Experiences Numbing Emotions

An unhealed man might numb their emotions with food, drugs, or alcohol. They sometimes self-medicate to suppress lingering feelings from their trauma. Their unhealthy coping methods might make them feel ashamed, but they still turn to them when they feel bad.


Final Thoughts on Behaviors of an Unhealed Man

An unhealed man will exhibit many behaviors that indicate he hasn’t healed from his trauma. Identifying these signs can help you understand why he behaves in specific ways. It can also help him realize he should find ways to heal.

Reaching out for professional help can encourage healing and increase self-worth. Finding guidance is one of the best ways to determine how to move forward and find happiness and peace.

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