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28 Signs Someone Is Going to Cheat

If you’re a cheater to someone willing to do anything for you, you’ve cheated yourself out of true loyalty.

Why do people cheat?

This complex question would demand hours upon hours of research and subsequent pontification. Suffice to say that being cheated on sucks (please take it from a man – this particular writer – whose ex-wife cheated on him).

Perhaps a more beneficial angle – particularly for those with a susceptible cheat partner – is to elaborate on the signs of cheating. It is worth noting that not every individual who expresses these behaviors will cheat or has cheated. Many individuals cheat and provide no apparent, outward reason to suspect infidelity.

It is necessary to take deliberate precautions before confronting someone with “evidence” of unfaithfulness. After all, there’s quite a bit riding on the line to be impulsive.

That said, here are 28 signs of a cheater you should (probably) not ignore:

serial cheater

1. They are always coming home late

So your partner used to be a time hawk, constantly nagging you about needing to be (someplace) at (specific time). Conversely, they suddenly disclaim their meticulous time ownership in favor of arriving home late. It could signal cheating.

It makes little sense for someone involved in a relationship to ignore apparent changes to how they manage time. Those who do are often willing and able to precisely explain why such changes are taking place, except for a potential cheater.

2. A cheater safeguards their phone

Nobody likes having their phone tampered with. In a serious relationship or marriage, however, it is not unusual to play with your partner’s phone out of habit. If your partner suddenly and uncharacteristically objects to this by snagging their phone out of your hands, it may be worthwhile to have a constructive dialogue.

3. Unexplained charges or lines of credit

It is common for those in a serious relationship to share financial information – a “My money is your money” kind of deal. So, for your partner to inexplicably have incidental charges to their credit or debit cards makes little sense. Perhaps more deserving of scrutiny is a newly-opened line of credit that was neither discussed with nor approved by their relationship partner.

4. They are distant

There isn’t much that needs to be said about this. After all, you feel the pain more than anyone else. Emotional disconnection is one of the first signs of a cheater. The reason is that separating emotion from action is much easier – and less obvious – than physical separation.

5. They “need privacy.”

Make no mistake: privacy is essential to the well-being of every relationship. However, constantly insisting upon ‘privacy’ in excess is a potential misnomer when the need to say ‘privacy’ was never a prior issue until recently.

6. Sudden and excessive defensiveness

When two people are in a serious relationship for a significant period, each individual’s personality is understood and accepted. It is enigmatic for one person to suddenly delve away from understood personality traits without raising a red flag. Indeed, this red flag may signify a sudden drift away from commitment – and towards infidelity.

7. Changes to dress/hygiene habits

Like many things on this list, this one is based on observable patterns. It is only natural to inquire into mysterious alterations in one’s sense of style or hygienic preferences. With the caveat of a “mid-life crisis,” this conspicuous sign of a potential cheater warrants further inquisition.

8. Intimacy is rare or non-existent

Common sense dictates that two people in love are intimate with each other, both physically and mentally. When one half of the relationship suddenly abandons any sense of bias toward the personal, it is troublesome and hurtful. Drifting away from intimacy may be due to more than one easily-compartmentalized reason, but it may be a sign of emotional and physical disconnect and possibly, cheating.

9. They absolve themselves from your social circle

Know how they used to be all about gatherings and other social soirees? For some strange reason, they don’t seem to be all that interested anymore. The idea of intermingling with your inner circle seems downright repugnant. See, it’s much easier to separate themselves from those close to you than to admit their disinterest in you.

10. They “need to work.”

Okay, so we all need to work for a living, understandably. But, as a couple, you should feel obligated to elaborate on any significant changes to your work schedule. Unfortunately, this is one not-so-subtle excuse that cheaters use to explain away any previously-existent sense of responsibility. Work is a common and convenient excuse for several reasons. It is primarily commonplace for employees to put in extra hours at the workplace, either out of necessity or a sense of obligation. However, when ‘working’ seems to become more the rule than the exception, it is time to have a serious talk.

11. Their Story Doesn’t Make Sense

If your partner’s story doesn’t add up, it’s a good sign that they’re lying. Either they’re setting themselves up for a situation to cheat, or they’ve already started. Pay attention to the details and see if the beginning of their story aligns with the end.

12. They Criticize Things They Used to Love

When a partner starts criticizing things they used to love about you, it’s a sign of pending infidelity. They may have loved your hair long or short, but now tell you it doesn’t look good. Additionally, they might stop loving your natural look.

Sometimes a cheater will criticize your clothing when they once loved how you dressed. They’ll often suggest ways you could improve your look, even if you are uninterested.

13. They Are Always on Their Phone

If your partner didn’t use to use their phone constantly, but they do now, it’s not a good sign. It indicates they’re talking to another person all the time. Being on their phone also shows that they aren’t as interested in you anymore.

Your partner might also use social media more often than before. They’ll post more selfies, comment on more posts, and frequently engage with others. You might notice that someone you don’t know words on or reacts to all of their posts, too.

14. They Ask What You Would do if They Cheated

Anytime your partner asks a question like this, you should put your guard up. The only reason they would ask is if it has crossed their mind to become a cheater. Their questions give insight into things they genuinely think about and show they’re unhappy.

Your partner wants to know how you would react because they’re trying to gauge the situation. It’s not an innocent question, and you should never ignore it.


15. They Don’t Want to Take the Next Step

As relationships develop, it’s only natural to take the next step. The next step in your relationship could be meeting one another’s families or getting engaged. No matter what it is, a potential cheater will avoid it.

When you try to talk about it, they might change the subject or say it’s too soon. You won’t be able to change your partner’s mind, and you likely won’t agree with their reasoning. Sometimes they will even give lame excuses, indicating that they are holding back in the relationship. You don’t deserve this type of behavior, which could be a sign that your partner will cheat.

16. They Resist Joint Purchases

If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, making big joint purchases is common. However, someone who is going to cheat will avoid these purchases. It’s a bad sign if you’re ready to buy a house or car together and your partner doesn’t want to.

Resisting joint purchases isn’t always an issue, but it’s a red flag when it wasn’t a big deal. Committing makes it harder to walk away from the relationship, so they’ll do what they can to protect themselves. A cheater will hesitate to make big purchases to open themselves to another person.

17. They Don’t Mention Things That Used to Drive Them Crazy

No one is perfect, and we all have imperfections and annoying quirks. Your partner likely used to have little things about you that drove them crazy, and that’s normal. However, if they no longer mention or react to those annoyances, it’s a sign they are uninvested.

You might notice that your partner doesn’t tell you to stop your bad habits anymore. The changing reactions indicate infidelity. A cheater stops mentioning these things because they no longer want you to improve yourself. They already have someone else in mind, and your quirks don’t matter to them anymore.

18. They Accuse You of Being Unfaithful

If you’ve never cheated and your partner starts implying that you have, it’s a sign they’re going to cheat. They project their behaviors onto you, allowing them to justify their actions. This projection alleviates their guilt and shame, but you’ll know the truth.

Don’t brush the accusations aside because you know better. You weren’t unfaithful, so start watching for some of the other signs someone might become a cheater.

19. Changing Hobbies and Interests

When a partner suddenly develops different hobbies and interests, pay attention. They might start listening to new music or engaging in new activities. Maybe they’re only expanding their horizons, but it could be that they are a cheater.

When your partner is into someone new, they’ll become infatuated. Their infatuation leads to absorbing the other person’s interests, explaining the sudden change.

Not only will they develop new interests, but they’ll stop being interested in things they used to enjoy. They might stop playing sports or spending time with their friends. Or, they might stop enjoying building and repairing stuff at home.

These changes aren’t a good sign. If you notice them in your relationship, try to discuss the reasoning. Your partner might have a good answer, but it could indicate a cheater if things don’t add up.

20. Their Body Language is Off

You and your partner should have a comfortable routine down. Your body language should be relaxed when you talk to your partner. If you notice that your partner behaves differently, it could indicate infidelity.

Your partner might rock back and forth as you talk if they’re a cheater. This movement shows that they’re hiding something. It indicates they are nervous and hoping the conversation ends quickly. Your partner may also start slouching around you. If their posture was good before, don’t ignore a change. If they slump, it shows they’re retreating because they feel ashamed.

21. They Become Moody Without Explanation

You might notice that your partner is unexplainably angry, frustrated, or moody. Please don’t feel bad because it’s likely that they are projecting their insecurities and fears. It’s not you that they are frustrated with, but it’s the inner turmoil they’re experiencing.

You might notice that a cheater gets mad about things that don’t make sense. It shows that they’re hiding something as they try to hide their nervousness. Unexplained moodiness is often a sign of cheating, so pay attention.

They’ll hide their turmoil by pinning the guilt on you. Your partner might often snap for no reason or point out all the things you do to upset them.

22. They Engage in Lies of Omission

Cheaters tend to engage in lies of omission and operate by only telling you things you need to know. This behavior is not beneficial to a healthy relationship, and it gives them opportunities to cheat.

They might go out with friends and forget to tell you or spend time with new people without mentioning it. If this behavior only occurs once, it might be the truth, but more than that is a bad sign.

23. Their Friends’ Behavior Changes

If you notice your partner’s friends behave differently, it could indicate infidelity. They’ll act weird because they know your partner’s secrets. The friends might not be able to look you in the eye, or they avoid you altogether when they didn’t before.

If you are desperate for more information, confront your partner’s friends. They’ll squirm and might slip up if you ask them directly if your partner is a cheater. Friends usually always know before other people, so don’t underestimate their behavior.

24. They Start Giving You Many Gifts

A partner thinking of infidelity might buy you gifts to stifle their guilt. They buy things to keep you off their tracks, making you think everything is okay. Your partner might give gifts as a genuine way to be nice but look for other signs of cheating to make sure.

25. You Have a Gut Feeling

If you feel like your partner is a cheater, trust your intuition. Before obtaining physical evidence, you will usually know the truth, so don’t ignore the feeling. If you’re picking up on small shifts in their behavior or demeanor, your gut instinct will kick in.

26. They Become Unusually Insecure

If your partner begins acting insecure, but they didn’t before, it’s a sign they might cheat. They might seek validation from other people, eventually leading to an affair.

A lack of self-confidence may encourage your partner to seek compliments and pursue other relationships. Be wary if they ask whether you appreciate them or find them attractive. They may seek the validation they desire from outside sources.

27. They Say Certain Behaviors Don’t Constitute Cheating

Anytime your partner brings up topics involving being a cheater, you should pay attention. They might say that certain behaviors aren’t cheating. Even if they know, you’ll disagree. If they become overly passionate about the topic, it’s a sign that they’re doing something wrong.

28. They Always Ask Where You’ll Be

Some cheaters want to know where their partners will be to avoid them. They want to ensure they won’t get caught sneaking around with someone else. It often shows that they are meeting their lover in public places.


Final Thoughts on Understanding the Behaviors of a Cheater Before It’s Too Late

You know what behaviors are typical for your partner. If you notice sudden changes, don’t ignore them. Everyone is different, and these signs don’t mean your partner is, without a doubt, unfaithful, but it is something to watch.

Many cheaters follow some of these behaviors. You’ll also likely have a gut feeling, and you should never ignore your intuition. Use these signs to recognize issues within your relationship and address them appropriately.

9 Reasons To Eat Honey Daily

The possible health benefits of honey have been documented in early Greek, Roman, Vedic, and Islamic texts and healing qualities of honey were referred to by philosophers and scientists all the way back to ancient times, such as Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Aristoxenus (320 BC). – Joseph Nordqvist, Medical News Daily

For something that tastes so good, honey isn’t consumed all that often. Besides being delicious, honey is also densely packed with valuable nutrition, such as nutrients. Honey is also quite healthy: a tablespoon of raw, unadulterated honey contains 64 calories, and is free from cholesterol, fat, and sodium.

The ideal nutritional composition of honey almost assuredly helps give the natural sweeter its health-promoting properties. Here, we’re going to discuss nine such health benefits of this sweet nectar.

Here are nine amazing health benefits of honey:

1. Relieves allergies

Honey has anti-inflammatory properties that many believe can help with reducing allergic reactions. Honey itself contains traces of pollen that can initiate an immune response when exposed to it. Over time, the body will produce enough antibodies to the pollen, which effectively causes the body to release less histamine. Consequently, the body will exhibit a more limited immune response.

2. Suppresses cough

The viscus texture of honey causes it to accumulate a sort-of coat around the throat area. This coating can help with throat irritation often experienced during a coughing episode. Honey also stimulates the nerve endings of the throat, which serves as a protection mechanism while coughing.

The American Academy of Pediatrics released a comprehensive study pertaining to the cough suppression properties of honey. Using three different honey varieties – citrus, eucalyptus, and labiatae – researchers administered a 10-gram dose to 300 children aged 1 to 5 years. According to the study, “there was significant improvement from the night before treatment to the night of treatment.”

3. Naturally promotes sleep

Honey can be a beneficial for a sleepless night. Consuming honey causes an increase in serotonin and insulin levels, while the body systematically converts them into melatonin – a compound that both promotes and regulates sleep. Consequently, consuming honey improves both the desired duration and quality of one’s sleep.

4. Treats burns and wounds

It surprises many to learn that honey is a natural antibiotic. Medically, the antibiotic uses for honey span a multitude of both internal and external uses. It is a natural disinfectant against many bacteria, making it a powerful agent against wounds and sores.

In a study published by the British Journal of Medicine, honey was applied to 59 patients that had failed to heal using traditional medicine. Astonishingly, 58 of the 59 patients showed “remarkable improvement” after honey was applied to the wound.

5. Improves memory

Oxidation of the brain can lead to structural damage and cognitive decline. Honey products help in this regard, as the substance contains high levels of antioxidants that may reverse this adverse effect. Honey also helps to absorb calcium – a vital nutrient for brain nourishment. It is believed that these two mechanisms of honey can aid cognition, including memory.

6. Provides energy

Honey can also provide a much-needed energy spike. This all-natural sweetener contains fructose and glucose, which can quickly enter the bloodstream and produce a burst of energy. Even those seeking to gain muscle mass can benefit from the unique energy properties of honey. Honey which can actually help them build bulk via release of insulin-life growthfactor-1 (IGF-1).

7. Treats dandruff

Kind of an odd-one-out sort of deal here, but as already mentioned, honey is a potent natural healer for the skin. In a study published by the US National Library of Medicine, patients that applied diluted honey to areas of flaking scalp three hours before rinsing “responded markedly with application.” In the same study, scalp itching disappeared within one week; skin lesions in two weeks, and some patients even showed “subjective improvement in hair loss.”

honey for dandruff

8. Helps acid reflux

According to RefluxMD, honey supposedly reduces the symptoms of acid reflux. Honey coats the lining of the esophagus, which may lead to soothing of irritation. Consumption of honey is also thought to counteract any internal damage caused by acid reflux. Further, the heavy concentrations of enzymes within honey assists with digestion, which may help to prevent the occurrence of acid reflux. So, forget the Alka-Seltzer…reach for the honey!

9. Strengthens the gut

Honey can be used as a prebiotic, which in turn provides sustenance to the healthy bacteria in our gut. Healthy bacteria are required to properly digest food, absorb nutrients, and equalize the immune system. It is also suggested that honey, because of its prebiotic properties, can deter problematic digestive conditions such as Celiac Disease, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and others.

8 Ways to Relax Your Muscles And Relieve Pain

Muscle relaxers can be helpful in alleviating pain, but patients should be aware of certain potential problems. For example, both carisoprodol and diazepam are classified by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as Schedule IV controlled substances based on their potential for drug abuse and addiction. – Kathee de Falla, Pharm.D.


How many people here have ever experienced severe back/neck/shoulder/whatever pain? Thank you, put your hand down (I can’t see you, anyways). Joking aside, body pain is no laughing matter. In fact, some pain episodes can flat-out suck. Severe back/neck/shoulder/whatever pain even has the potential to be debilitative. Millions of people have lost their quality of life as a direct result of pain issues.

People that struggle with body pain often turn to a doctor for help. To do so, many doctors prescribe what is both widely available and often abused:  muscle relaxers. Desperate for relief, the patient anxiously heads to the pharmacy, where the potent medication is then dispensed.

We’re not here to debate the topic of pharmaceuticals. Most will agree that they have their place for certain conditions. However, many people   – aware of the danger posed by both muscle relaxers and painkillers – search for natural alternatives.

If you are indeed one of these people, then look no further! We’re hopeful that one of these eight natural muscle relaxers described below will ease some – or all of – your pain. You’ll notice that some recommended solutions are preventative in nature. This is by design, as preventive measures are perhaps the best courses of action (or non-action) for keeping pain at bay.

Without further delay, here are 8 all-natural ways to relieve pain in your muscles:

  1. Limit your rest

Provided the existing discomfort is not too severe, it is recommended to move your body – thereby moving your muscles – in order to keep them loose. Doing this reduces pain-causing inflammation and keeps your joints functional.

Your mobility is going to be limited during this time, as such, it is definitely recommended not to engage is any movement that may have caused the initial pain response. Just give the body a bit of time to rest and relax, while mixing in some frequent light movement to expedite recovery time.

  1. Avoid ‘pain-causing’ foods

What you put into your body has a significant impact on whether or not muscles tense up, or whether body pain surfaces. Here are a few foods to avoid in order to keep those muscles limber:

– Alcohol: Can exacerbate any existing inflammation.

– Caffeine: Caffeine is a dehydrator and also can worsen inflammation. It is recommended to limit caffeinated drinks (e.g. coffee) in order promote healthy muscles.

– Sugar: Causes inflammation and a potential pain response.

– Trans fats: Aside from being incredibly healthy, foods that contain trans fats can spur inflammation, worsen pain, and contribute to other counterproductive effects.

  1. Get a Massage

Massages are great as both a prescriptive and preventative course of action. A licensed massage therapist can address the pain area, while also relieving any other area of tension. Those with chronic muscle pain may benefit from more routine visits to a good massage therapist.

  1.  Use Cannabis Oil

Scientific research suggests that cannabinoids suppress the transmission of neurons in pain pathways, which stimulates pain relief. In addition to being shown to reduce long-term pain, cannabis oil is shown as anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Use Essential Oils

Certain essential oils (e.g. peppermint, jojoba, coconut) possess a wide breadth of health-promoting properties. Essential oils are particularly helpful in soothing sore muscles, mitigating tension headaches, and relieving an aching back.

Peppermint is one essential oil that has undergone numerous scientific studies. To this end, the plant has demonstrated relief benefits for symptoms associated with the condition fibromyalgia, including those mentioned above.

  1. Use Arnica Oil

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, patients of chronic neck pain prescribed a treatment regimen of massage therapy with arnica oil, “showed significantly less pain” compared to alternative treatments. Neck pain is far from the only pain type that arnica oil helps to relieve. The oil has demonstrated a number of beneficial health properties – including as an anti-inflammatory – that makes it a useful solution for various areas of pain or tension.

  1. Soak in Epsom Salt

When magnesium levels are diminished, it is common for muscle fatigue to surface. A quick soak with Epsom Salt (just the feet!) can raise the body’s magnesium levels, assisting healthy muscle function. Proper magnesium levels are also important for keeping inflammation at bay. Of course, soaking your feet is a hot mix of water an Epsom Salt naturally relaxes the body and muscles, further supporting pain relief.

  1. Get an adjustment

Ok, so we know that this isn’t necessarily a groundbreaking or novel suggestion, but an adjustment from a chiropractor may be just what the doctor ordered (pun intended). It’s natural, drug-free, and may even be more efficient at relieving soreness than muscle relaxers according to one study.

Related article: If you notice these signs, you need an adjustment

So, if you’re troubled by pain – no matter where on the body – visiting a good chiropractor is one of the wisest moves you can make. You may visit the Hinge Health homepage for assistance and treatment options.

9 Reasons People Fall In Love

Love is tough to understand and even harder to explain, leaving everyone with different ideas. People fall in love for many reasons, with each situation being different.

Researchers have heavily studied love and what it means scientifically and psychologically. They found biological aspects of the emotional response, but there are also scientific reasons why people fall in love.

People talking about falling in love describe it as intense, overwhelming, and fast. They also explain that it feels like fate, but that’s another concept that’s hard to explain. As time passes and a couple becomes more comfortable together, those initial feelings fade into something more comfortable.

Whether you’re looking for a relationship, are in a new partnership, or have been with your significant other for a while, you might want to know why people fall in love. Since the reasons vary, it’s essential to address many of them to help understand.

Nine Key Reasons Why People Fall in Love

fall in love

1. Release Hormones

Many hormones are involved in falling in love for different reasons. When hormones increase, it causes feelings of infatuation or obsession. These feelings are why the beginning of a relationship is so intense and romantic.

When your body releases dopamine early in the relationship, it brings excitement and happiness. It makes you feel good as it stimulates the brain and triggers heightened senses.

Testosterone encourages a person to go after the person they want. It gives people the courage to approach someone they’re interested in. This hormone occurs early in the relationship, as well, and increases sexual desire.

Your brain also produces more serotonin when you’re around someone you’re interested in. It makes you feel good as it encourages a positive sense of well-being. This hormone makes people fall for someone because it leaves them wanting more.

Oxytocin is called the cuddle hormone, and its increase makes you feel close to the other person. It’ll encourage you to make long-term plans with a partner, too. Additionally, being near your crush triggers the release of phenylethylamine, giving you the feeling of butterflies in your tummy.

2. They Feel Lovable

People who don’t feel lovable won’t find romance as easily. Those that feel lovable seem to find love a little easier. When they feel this way, they’re better able to give love in return. Feeling lovable allows them to project that feeling to others, opening themselves to a romantic experience.

Not feeling lovable exudes a lack of confidence, potentially repelling love interests. Those who love themselves and feel lovable are more likely to find a healthy, loving relationship.

3. Scent

Your body releases pheromones that affect your behavior and how people feel about you. When people smell your pheromones, they feel closer to you. Pheromones are a person’s unique scent that lingers in sweat and bodily fluids.

Research indicates that the scent of someone’s pheromones can play a role in falling in love. It is one of the first subconscious factors in initial attraction to another person.

Some studies even show that women are attracted to the pheromones of a man with whom they can have healthy babies. Women prefer the scent of a man with disease-resistant genes, indicating that it’s human nature to mate for reproduction.

4. The Body’s Reward System

When your brain uses chemicals as a reward for stimulation, it can make you fall for someone. It produces happiness and satisfaction, encouraging positive feedback on the situation. Once you experience the reward a time or two, you’ll start receiving it while anticipating an encounter.

5. Their Upbringing

Your early life teaches you quite a bit about relationships, including what to expect from them and how to maintain them. It also shows you your role in relationships as you watch the adults in your life handle their partnerships.

People often fall for someone similar to their parents because it’s all they know. They know how to handle that type of relationship and situation, so they are drawn to it as an adult.

Another aspect of your upbringing that can contribute to your love life is your parent’s age when you were born. People respond best to someone close to that age range because they sense more of a bond. So, if you were born to older parents, you might fall for someone of the same age range.

6. Unusualness

People are more likely to fall in love in an unusual or unfamiliar environment. The unusualness arouses them and can spark a passion for another person they’re with. This reason is also valid for dangerous or scary situations.

7. Fulfilling Needs

Many people find love as a way to fill needs in their life. They might need companionship, love, sex, or other things. When they meet someone who can fulfill their needs, they could quickly fall for that person.

Some people need a relationship, and their options are more diverse, for good or bad. No matter the need, there’s a good chance of love when they find someone who can fulfill it.

fall in love

8. Attentiveness

Attentiveness plays a role in falling in love because people need attention from their partners. The more you pay attention to someone, the more likely they will fall for you. Likewise, you’re more likely to fall in love with them when you keep your attention on that person.

When someone is attentive toward you, it has the same effect. Satisfying each other’s need for attentiveness will likely lead to deeper feelings between you.

Attentiveness shows that you’re interested in the other person, what they do, and the things they say. When people feel heard and seen, they’ll be more open to a deeper connection, and things will escalate naturally. They’ll know they can turn to you, giving them a sense of security.

9. Appearance and Attractiveness

Studies show that people are often attracted to those who are equally attractive. Desirable characteristics vary for everyone, but they play a role in each situation. Being attracted to someone releases hormones in the brain, making love feel like an addiction.

The people you’re attracted to can also result from your life experiences, which is why your taste differs from others. The faces you were exposed to as a child and the relationships you had to play a role in who you love as an adult. When you have a positive relationship with someone, you’ll subconsciously be attracted to some of their facial characteristics.

People are drawn to and develop deeper feelings for those similar to other people in their lives. This is also why people judge faces that are different from everyone else.

10. Non-Physical Similarity

Sometimes people fall in love because of things they have in common, including beliefs, personality traits, and ways of thinking. Couples that love each other tend to have more in common, although they will have a few differences.

Having similar life views is essential because it shows a possible future together. If you didn’t have the same outlooks on life, you likely wouldn’t fall in love. Lasting relationships rely on similar perspectives on life, and you’ll subconsciously look for someone similar.

11. Familiarity

While people sometimes fall because of unusual environments, they still strive for familiarity. When people fall for each other, it’s often because they’re familiar. They might have become familiar by spending time together or living close to one another.

However, with online dating becoming more common, there are other ways to develop familiarity. People can now become familiar with one another by simply thinking about the other person. The more often they communicate, the more likely they find love.

12. Societal Influences

Some people believe that no one would find love without societal influences. They would still develop close bonds with others, but things like love stories increase the expectation. It makes people look for passion, companionship, and commitment in another person.

Additionally, people often find romance because the people around them encourage it. They deal with friends and family telling them to go after or become serious with someone. Putting this idea in their mind can work, making people fall for one another.

reasons people fall in love

Final Thoughts on Reasons People Fall in Love

Falling in love is a crazy experience and different for everyone. It’s hard to pinpoint why someone falls for another person, but these reasons here are common. Whether your hormones make you fall in love or it’s something else, the experience is exciting and joyful.

The initial feelings of love change, but it doesn’t change the reason for the deep connection in the first place. While these reasons aren’t accurate for everyone, you’re likely to relate to a few of them.

If you’re looking for a partner, remember these reasons and stay open to love in relatable situations. However, if you’re already in a relationship, see if you can pinpoint why you and your partner fell for one another. There’s still a long way to fully understanding love, so don’t stop here.

7 Ways to Put Your Metabolism into Fat-Burning Mode

According to WebMD, metabolism is “the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy.” You consume a food or drink, metabolic processes mix the calories derived from the food/beverage with oxygen, and the byproduct is deliverable energy to your body’s cells. That burst of energy can help kick your fat-burning mode.

One’s basal metabolic rate – or the number of calories needed to sustain energy functions – accounts for approximately 70 percent of all the calories we burn every day. 70 percent! Therefore, it is important to ensure that our metabolism is in working order.

We’ll see that nutrition and metabolism are inextricably linked; often feeding off one another, and playing key roles in our overall health. Today, we’re going to discuss metabolism a bit further. More specifically, things that we can do to transform our metabolism into a fat-burning machine.

Let’s get started!

Here are 7 ways to get your metabolism firing:

“The excitement of vitamins, nutrition and metabolism permeated the environment.” – Paul D. Boyer

Many of us may not share the exuberant enthusiasm that Mr. Boyer does about health and metabolism. Or maybe you do! Regardless, both are essential to a healthy and happy life.


  1. Get more shut-eye to kick up your metabolism

The amount and quality of our sleep has a big effect on metabolism. People who are deprived of sleep unknowingly alter their appetite/hunger hormones, increasing the likelihood of either overeating or eating unhealthy foods.

In a study undertaken by Stanford University and the University of Wisconsin, adults who slept for five hours or less per night tested for higher amounts of ghrelin – a hormone that stimulates feelings of hunger. Additionally, these individuals tested for lower levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin.

Sleep professionals recommend adults get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Younger demographics (i.e. young adults, teenagers, school-age children, preschoolers, toddlers, infants and newborns) require anywhere from 8 to 17 hours per night, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

  1. Get moving

Physical activity plays a direct role in how well your metabolism functions. This is mind, you should make it a priority to get daily exercise.

We’ve said this many times, but it bears repeating: exercise need not be a chore. There are plenty of things one can do to get the recommended amount of physical activity: aerobics, jogging, running, swimming, tennis, walking…the list goes on. All of these activities get your heart rate and metabolism going.

Also, it is completely fine to break exercise up into two (or more!) sessions. Ideally, you should aim for 60 minutes of physical activity every day, but any amount of exercise is better than zero.

  1. Wake earlier for a healthier metabolism

You know that you’re waking up too late when there’s just enough time to perform all the essentials before heading out the door. Here’s a big question: are you making time for breakfast?

It may sound redundant, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this includes for your metabolism. Even a quick, nutritious breakfast is okay. Grab some oatmeal or a cereal bar if you have to.

Of course, get some exercise if possible!

  1. Eat, eat, eat!

We really should get away from the “three square’s a day” line of thinking. The reason? Because its healthier for your overall health, including for your metabolism, to eat 5-6 small meals.

Eating healthy foods five or more times per day boosts metabolism by providing a steady influx of energy. Compare this method to three large meals, where we often feel stagnant and fatigued afterwards.

Of course, eat mainly healthy and nutritious foods (e.g. fruit, nuts, vegetables, etc.) when following this eating schedule.

A bonus: eating more often throughout the day boosts your brainpower, too!

  1. Drink more water

Water really is a magic elixir; it contains no calories, yet it is invaluable to health.

The effects of dehydration are potentially detrimental to our health goals, including the goal of healthy eating. Physiologically, our brains have a way of interpreting thirst for hunger, and we’re more likely to crave unhealthy foods.

Here’s an idea. The next time that you are experiencing untimely hunger pangs, drink an 8- to 12-ounce glass of water and wait 20-30 minutes. If you’re still hungry, by all means eat something, but try and make it something healthy.

  1. Reach for some calcium

Research shows that calcium can boost that all-important basal metabolic rate we discussed earlier. Of course, this can manifest into weight loss as well.

One researcher, Hang Shi at the University of Tennessee, says of the findings: “High-fat dietary calcium can establish obesity, but it’s surprising that low-fat calcium may help reduce body fat. The effect is very significant, much more than we imagined it would be.”

  1. Eat some spicy food to fuel your metabolism

For those of us who love a spicy dish, this is some welcome news. Spicy foods and ingredients may boost your metabolism.

It works like this: when we eat spicy foods, our internal body temperature rises. When our body temperature rises, heat is released. Consequently, our metabolic rate rises and burns stored fat as energy.

Also, spicy food has been known to increase feeling of satiety, or fullness.

5 Secrets to A Lasting Relationship

It is a cliche to say that relationships are hard and need to be worked on daily. It doesn’t mean that the sentiment is untrue, but a fundamental law of our nature. Individual people are as unique as anything can be in the vast and diverse Universe. For two individual people with their own goals and priorities to hitch their destinies together and pull in the same direction for decades is no small feat of endurance.

It requires a few things in abundance to complete that journey to its inevitable end. Much of our society views relationships as either disposable or possessing an expiration date. Couples who stay together to the end view their relationships as forever and irreplaceable. But, how do you build a relationship that lasts forever?

Here are five ‘secrets’ to a great and lasting relationship:

1. Trust Is Key to a Forever Relationship

If you have ever watched a child build an elaborate building out of wooden blocks or some contraption out of Legos, only to smash it apart in a second of gleeful destruction, then you understand the fundamentals of trust. It takes a long time to build and an instant to destroy. You and your partner have to trust each other. With your secrets, with your money, with your heart and with your very life. You build trust one brick at a time and you refuse to give in to that base desire to destroy it completely. You earn trust every day like interest on an investment. The longer you let it build, the more it is worth in the end.

2. Openness And Acceptance

It is easy to withdraw into the fortress of your heart and protect yourself. But, it is cold and lonely in that castle surrounded by high walls and a deep moat, yet you feel protected and safe. High walls and safety could also describe a prison, and that is what that fortress is. Freedom comes with risk. When you open your deepest feelings and hurts to your partner, you open yourself to risk, but also to liberation and acceptance. We are not perfect and we have all done things we are not proud of. Acknowledging our partners’ faults and accepting them for who they are without attempting to change them to fit our definition of perfection is to let ourselves be accepted in return. We grow to know each other and our imperfections and accept them and ourselves for who we are and what we are together.

3. Unconditional Affection

Once we have established trust, opened our hearts to our partners and accepted them and ourselves for who we are, then we can love them without conditions. We love them even when they fail. We love them even when we are angry with them and when they don’t deserve it. It is easy to love someone who is perfect. Loving imperfect people is all we have. Love is like water, eternal and nourishing. Water will wear down the mountain eventually. Love will seep into the cracks and break that hard shell apart. Some people walk a desert, stumbling around looking for an oasis to get a drink of water. Be that oasis for your partner. Be that cool drink on a hot and dry day.

4. Sacrifice Occurs in a Healthy Relationship

Sacrifice is the ultimate expression of love. You give up your deep personal desires in order to satisfy someone else. In great relationship,s the two people in that relationship sacrifice for one another in order to bring happiness, fulfillment and security to each other. It may be small daily sacrifices, like doing chores when you really want to lay down and read that new book. It might be passing on that promotion or new job so your kids can finish out the school year with their friends. Perhaps it might be going to your in-laws for the holidays when you would rather be anywhere else. When you love someone without conditions, you give up some of your personal desires in order to build or maintain your relationship. Yes, sometimes we need to be a little selfish so we can recharge or heal, but when you are both feeding each other, than nobody starves.

5. Till Death Do Us Part

The biggest secret is that both of you are in it to the end, come hell or high water. There is no quitting on each other. If your partner is having a hard time moving forward, then you carry them until they can. You do not leave people behind. Some people, though, see relationships as too hard or requiring to much sacrifice, or they think the grass is always greener on the other side. It is just being selfish. People are going to change over time and things will be tough. But, if we are open in our desires and wants, if we are honest and trust our partner, if we love them no matter what and are willing to sacrifice our desires to bring them happiness, then we can overcome any hardship life throws at us.

Related article: 10 Reasons People Fall Out Of Love

Our partners are going to piss us off or hurt our feelings on occasion. Any two people who know each other for a long time are going to disagree or say something hurtful. What makes a great relationship is seeing past the small hurts and annoyances towards the longer journey. Being there to pick someone up when they fall means that they will likely be there when we eventually stumble and face-plant into the road. Some days you carry your partner and other days they carry you. The key is being committed to the whole journey and not just the fun parts.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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