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10 Habits That Keep Your Relationship Strong

No one’s relationship is 100% perfect, just like no single individual is 100% perfect.

There is always room for improvement. People often don’t realize just how much they neglected their relationship or how little they prioritized it until they lose it. After the breakup mourning period, people tend to get themselves together and put in the effort to make themselves as appealing as possible.

But, when we get into a relationship, we tend to slack off and settle into a routine. We take our partner for granted and accept as a given that they will always be there.

So, how can we step up and secure our relationship into the break-up/divorce proof box?

Here are 10 ways to step up and protect your relationship:

1. Be Thoughtful

Be kind and considerate of the other person’s needs, desires and feelings. Be thoughtful in remembering things like anniversaries and birthdays. Be aware of your partner’s mood and whether or not they had a bad day. Then, do something to cheer them up or take their mind off of stressful things.

2. Be A Cheerleader

Rather than criticize and tear down your partner, build them up and encourage them to take risks. Be their number one cheerleader. No one likes to have an idea shot down or be told they can’t do something. Tell them they can accomplish their goals and encourage them to pursue their goals in the first place.

3. Get A Sense Of Humor

Stop taking yourself so seriously. If you do or say something stupid, then instead of getting upset and embarrassed, laugh it off and make a joke about it. If you or your partner are having a bad day, then go do something fun and goofy. Make each other laugh. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine.

4. Take Care Of Your Body

If you were single, you would want to look and feel your best. So, why is it people feel they can slack off when they land a mate? If you want to keep your partner interested and feel good about yourself, then hit the gym, go walk around the park or get involved in a sport. Eating good food, exercising and get a getting a good night’s sleep can do wonders for your attitude and your relationship.

5. Do Something Spontaneous

We all have routines, and routine can be the death of fun. Break out of your rut from time to time and do something different. Shake things up. Put that excitement back in your life of occasionally not knowing what you will be doing from night to night.

6. Listen To Your Partner

Pay attention to your partner when they are speaking. Get off of Facebook, quit texting your buddy, pause the show you were watching and listen when your partner speaks. No one wants to feel ignored. If you zone out or check out while they are speaking to you, then they are going to get hurt and eventually they are going to stop trying to speak to you at all.

Unplug from the internet and plug into your partner form time to time.

7. Make Your Partner A Priority

If you neglect your relationship, it is going to decay, and before you know it, it will be gone. Make your relationship a priority. Your partner has dibs on your time, so if your partner wants to spend time with you and you want to go do something else, then your partner should win out.

We all need our alone time or time with friends, but if you are prioritizing time alone or with someone besides your partner, then they will start looking for someone who will set them as a priority.

8. Embrace Flexibility

Don’t get attached to a routine or schedule. Be ready to do something spontaneous or change your plans. Improvise, adapt and overcome. Being flexible reduces stress as you are ready to change directions at a moment’s notice. Less stress for you means less stress for your relationship.

9. Take Responsibility

Take responsibility, not only for your actions, but also for your own baggage. We all have it and we all drag it around with us. Take action to address it with your partner and hopefully they will address and take responsibility for their own. Once that is out of the way, then take responsibility for the health of your relationship.

If it fails, it is at least half your fault. If it is to succeed, then it is also half of your responsibility to get it there.

Related article: Psychologist Reveals These 4 Behaviors Are The Biggest Predictors of Divorce

10. Put The Work In

You know what you have to do, but that isn’t enough. You have to put in the work in order to make your relationship better. You have to get up off your butt and make it happen. Life doesn’t happen to you. You are responsible for making things happen in your life. If you don’t put in the work, then you won’t get the rewarding life you want.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things To Tell Your Partner When Your Relationship Is Difficult

If things are tough on the home right now (and have been for some time), do you press the eject button or do you press on in your relationship?

Before throwing your partner’s things in a bin liner and calling a divorce lawyer, let us take a trip to the beautiful islands of Hawaii. Whether you are in Wooloongabba, Wyoming, or Warwickshire, envision the warmth of the sand on Waikiki Beach between your toes.

Feel the refreshing Trade Winds gently blowing. Let your imagination comfort you for a moment and let us be one with the indigenous Hawaiian people, because part of our journey today involves teachings from Ho’oponopono. As we go through the following list, the parts of Ho’oponopono will become apparent and will be explained about how to remedy the difficulty in relationships.

10 Things To Tell Your Partner When Your Relationship Is Difficult

traits in a long-term relationship

1. “What do you need from me right now?”

Here is the typical scenario in Wyoming, Woolloongabba, or Warwickshire: A disagreement or argument brewing. The wife wants to fight. The husband wants to withdraw. She gives chase, hoping for a reaction, and he usually tries to stay silent. Naturally, these roles can be reversed.

Asking your partner the above question subtly tells them that you want to connect, not withdraw or avoid. This will, in turn, calm them down, which gives way to civilized discussion and possible problem-solving.

2. “How can I help to relieve some of your burden today?”

The response could be as simple as a “please listen to me” after a long, hard day or as intimate as giving a nice back rub. This allows your partner to let off steam in whichever way they choose. This shows you are as cool as a cucumber under pressure and not going wild!

Asking your partner the above question tells them that you care for them despite what has gone on between you. You are in a relationship, and both of you have the right to benefits of this relatinoship.

3. “I’m sorry.”

Be specific as to why and how.

Grab your sunscreen and your beach towel, folks. It is time to make our first stop in Hawaii. This is Ho’oponopono Rule #1. Being sorry, or minamina in Hawaiian. You know that you have done wrong and want to right that wrong, which breathes life into the lungs of a relationship, much like the aforementioned Trade Winds in the Hawaiian archipelago. Being specific about why you are sorry is important because it disarms anger more powerfully.

Next, talking about improving whatever foible had been involved can start to melt the Ice King/Queen. Example: “I apologise for not taking out the trash last night, Babe. I understand that the kitchen stinks because of my forgetful actions and I will be more aware next time.”

difficult times in relationships

4. “Thank you.”

Be specific as to why.

Staying in Hawaii for this one. This is Ho’oponopono Rule #3. Being grateful is such an appealing trait and, as such, makes you a more attractive person. It works in Wyoming, Warwickshire, Wooloongabba, or Waikiki Beach. It makes your significant other want to do more things with you and for you because you let them know that you appreciate them. Especially so if you are thanking them for mundane tasks; people do not generally expect thanks for those. This following example is like having your feet caressed by the warm Pacific Ocean waters on a Hawaiian beach. Mahalo!

Example: “Thank you so much for taking out the trash last night, Honey. I really appreciate it when you take the time to do it, even though you had that important phone conference.”

5. “I’m proud of you.”

Give specifics.

Feeling valued by your loved ones will boost an ego, making the smallest of us feel like the tallest. Knowing that your good work is appreciated at home is deeply rewarding. Your source of pride does not have to be big news, like a promotion at work. You can express your pride in them coaching a grassroots sports team, or showing that you noticed when your partner was brave in fear.

Example: “I am so proud of you for sticking up for that elderly lady. Many people would have avoided it, but not my sweetheart. You are my hero.”

6. “Our kids are lucky to have a mom/dad like you.”

Being told that you are a great role model for Trixie and Trevor is the stand-out compliment one parent can give to another, knowing how hard a task parenting is. If it comes from their other half, expect them to do somersaults in the living room. This complement will surely bring a spring to their step!

Example: Thanks for taking the time to help Trixie or Trevor with that homework assignment. They definitely wouldn’t have gotten it done in time without your input. Our kids are lucky to have you”

7. “Please forgive me.”

Tell them why you are asking for forgiveness.

Asking for forgiveness and giving it is one of the hardest aspects of a couple’s relationship. To take the edge off, we are back in Hawaii with Ho’oponopono Rule #2. This is the continuation of Number 3, mending the damage already done, but Operation Kala is well underway. It is like climbing the Diamond Head volcano on O’ahu; it is an arduous, sometimes scary journey, but the view from the top is spectacular.

Example: “Please forgive me for eyeing that Hawaiian lady in the grass skirt. I was insensitive and made you uncomfortable.”

8. “I love you.”

This can never be said too much, but tell them exactly what you love about them.

Unfortunately, this is our last visit to the Hawaiian archipelago with Ho’oponopono Rule #4. This is the sunset on a beautiful day of learning and discovery. To say “I love you” (or in Hawaiian, “Aloha no au ia ‘oe”) is sacred within a family. Saying it often adds up in the brownie points chart. Do not forget to be specific about why you love your darling.

Example: “I love you because you are such a gentleman with my sister.”

Time to board the plane in Honolulu and get back to reality, unless Hawaii is your reality in which you are one lucky son/daughter of a gun!

9. “I’m going to make more of an effort to …”

This is important because your beau/belle deserves a partner who is always changing and growing as a person. They will, in turn, become a better partner. How much of a difference would it make to your relationship if you say you will change for the better and then back those words up with action?

Example: “I will make more of an effort with the kids’ homework. I know I should have practiced Trixie’s twelve times tables with her yesterday. I will come home early today and help her with spelling.”


10. “Thank you for being someone I can respect.”

What are the odds on a relationship staying alive with someone you do not respect and admire? “Without respect, there is no love,” says the old adage. Knowing that you are respected at home breeds self-esteem, which can be transmitted into other areas of your life. A respected person is a happy person, after all.


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Ways Successful People Learn Differently

We all want to be successful in what we do. But what makes successful people different from the masses? What do they do differently than the rest of us? The biggest thing is that they practice and train constantly in their chosen field. They also practice and train in a very mindful and purposeful way. They analyze their performance soon after and find places in that performance where they can improve. Many use the training cycle to improve. After you perform, you analyze that performance and look for mistakes or things you could have done better or more efficiently, then you go back and you train with a purpose in order to rectify those mistakes. While that basic training cycle is the foundation for success, successful people go even further.

Here are five ways successful people learn and train differently than the rest of us:

1. They Extend

At a certain point, the amount of effort to improve the things you are already great at exponentially increases. You see diminishing returns. The key is to practice the things you are bad at. Take your worst techniques and train to make them better. Take something you cannot do and train to do it. Successful people extend their reach beyond the point they currently can. They try to accomplish things they have never done before. They constantly push themselves into unknown territory, and they do it slowly and incrementally until they have pushed their boundaries past what they could do previously.

2. They Train Step By Step

The key to training is to train in small but attainable steps. Once you have analyzed your mistakes, look at them and try to break the task down into the smallest possible chunk. Focus intensely on these small chunks and then try to bring these chunks together until you can perform the task better than before. Push your abilities incrementally. The goal is to slowly increase your skill until you can do the task faster, more efficiently and more accurately. Any progress is progress, no matter how small.

3. They Train With Purpose

When you train, focus your attention and training only on the small aspect you wish to improve. You may want to be faster and more accurate in your task, but it is hard to train for both speed and accuracy at the same time. First, train for accuracy until you are as accurate as you want to be. Once you have achieved that, then start increasing the speed of the task while trying to maintain your established level of accuracy. Train one thing you want to improve, and only that one thing until you can achieve it with consistency.

4. They Analyze Performance Immediately

Immediately after you perform your task, whether it is giving a speech or installing a new radiator, write down in a notebook all of the things you could have done better or more efficiently. When you train that skill or attempt that task in the future, then look at your notes and try to eliminate those deficiencies. If you wait a day or more, then you will forget the little things that will be fresh in your mind immediately after you perform that task. A good idea is to keep a notebook where you not only log your mistakes while performing the task, but also log your improvements when you do that task again. Every time you perform that task, you will identify things you can do better next time. 

Successful people are ones who actively look at the bright side, work to make things better, and believe in the power of unconventional thinking.

An important note to make is that analyzing your mistakes is important to improvement and to success, but do not become obsessed with them. Do not let your mistakes beat you down into negativity. Mistakes can be fixed and failure is not fatal. It is easy to let mistakes or failures drag you down. Don’t let them. They can be improved with practice, and you will improve if you train with purpose and aim for small achievable goals.


5. They Change Up Their Practice Sessions

While still focusing on the task you want to improve, sometimes it helps to change up the way you practice that task. Try performing the task as slowly as you can so you can analyze each individual motion or segment of the task in detail. Try performing the task as swiftly as you can while just trying to achieve raw speed. Discard speed and practice maximum accuracy. Try to accomplish the task perfectly with no mistakes. Try to accomplish the task without making any mistakes without any regard to speed. Use video or audio feedback as a means to improve your performance of the task. You will see things in a video of yourself that you didn’t even realize you were doing. You may feel like you are doing it correctly, but then watch yourself on video and you will immediately notice mistakes that you can then train to eliminate.

Related article: 10 Things Financially Successful People Do Differently

Keep practicing. Change it up occasionally. Think about how you can do the task better. Break it down into smaller tasks if possible. Push yourself beyond what you think you can do, but the biggest thing is to keep trying. Training is winning and losing is learning.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Habits That Make Your Brain Work Better

In a hyper-competitive world overflowing with information, our brains need to be able to keep up and outpace our competitors. Who doesn’t want their brain to process faster, remember more information or be able to come up with elegant solutions to complex problems? Cogito ergo sum. I think therefore I am. Our brains more or less define our existence and who we are. So how can we get our brains to work better, faster and more efficiently?

Here are seven habits that will help improve your brain function:

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercising promotes blood flow, cardiac health and releases beneficial hormones and proteins into your body. These hormones and proteins protect your neurons, which are the cells that make up most of your brain, and encourage them to multiply and make new connections. Studies have shown that exercise helps you learn faster and remember more information. Further studies have shown that exercise helps your brain work faster and more efficiently.

2. A Good Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep can help you integrate experiences and learning you experienced throughout the day and increase the retention of information. Your brain replays events from the day and helps commit them to memory during sleep. Lack of sleep inhibits brain function and slows down your thinking and ability to retrieve memories. Sleeping helps you feel refreshed and focus on solving complex problems without the fog of mental exhaustion.

3. Focus On One Task At A Time

You can do one thing really well or three things poorly. Focus on one task at a time so you can apply your brain’s full potential to solving that problem before moving on to the next problem. Don’t divide your mental energy among several things, but instead focus like a laser on one to the exclusion of everything else until it is accomplished. In this way, you can maximize your brain’s efforts for the best outcome.

4. Maintain Motivation

Staying motivated helps to limit distractions and to maintain focus on your objective. Listen to some motivating music when you feel discouraged. Watch a motivational speech from your favorite movie to help you get your energy up. Do whatever it takes to keep your mental energy up and working towards finishing your task or moving toward your objective. If you need a break from your work, then get up and take a short walk to clear your mind. Go get something to eat and get your body recharged to try and maintain that motivation to finish your work. Sometimes, a fresh start is really what you need to finish.

5. Limit Distractions and Excess Information

We are surrounded by information these days and it is easy to get sidetracked by social media or news. It is easy to get sidetracked by watching videos or reading articles when you should be working or thinking about something else. When you are working on your project or task, try to limit outside distractions. Turn off your Wi-Fi, turn off your TV, turn off that podcast and concentrate on what you are doing. Limiting distractions helps to maintain focus and keep your mental energy up by not wasting that energy processing unnecessary information.

6. Play Challenging Puzzle Games

In your free time, try playing challenging puzzle games that require creative thought and intense concentration. These types of games can increase our mental abilities and encourage creative solutions to difficult problems. These types of games will also better your task-switching skills and increase your ability to adapt to new situations and problems. Challenging games push your brain to think more creatively, think faster and process information better. Games can be integral in maintaining brain health and even preventing diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.

Related article: Doctors Explain How Choosing Your Words Actually Changes Your Brain

7. Manage Your Stress

Stress can severely inhibit your ability to think. By managing your stress well, you increase your brain’s endurance and ability to think when under pressure. Make sure to take time for yourself during the week to relax or relieve stress. Get a massage, go for a relaxing walk in the park, or relax with a light read on the couch. By managing your stress, you limit the release of cortisol which can wear away at the short term memory part of your brain. Immediate stress also reduces your ability to think clearly by releasing hormones and preparing you to fight or flee. Those hormones can also elicit emotional responses such as anger or fear, which further reduce your ability to think clearly. You think best and most efficiently when you are calm and your emotional state is balanced.

3 Reasons People Have Negative Thoughts (And How to Avoid Them)

Everyone has negative thoughts throughout the day. How positive our lives are is determined by how we deal with those unwelcome negative thoughts. You can ignore them, you can accept them as truth or you can confront them head-on in a rational way. These negative thoughts can drag you down and suck the life out of you if you let them, affecting your self-confidence and self-worth. Negative thoughts can rob us of our full potential as human beings and can create a “black hole” of self-fulfilling prophecies.

Unlike a real black hole however, you can escape this one.

Here are three reasons people have negative thoughts (and how to avoid them):

1. Fear of The Future

People naturally fear the unknown and the unknowable. People have tried to predict the future for all of human existence, from looking at cracked turtle shells to observing the flights of birds to throwing sticks or bones on the ground. Perhaps most of all, people fear the future and what it might bring. Will it bring fortune? Or disaster? Science has gotten pretty good at predicting outcomes in the short-term within a closed system like elections or the weather. But the average person really worries about the future and spends a lot of time thinking about what is going to happen in the short and long term for them.

Many people try to maintain a positive outlook on the future and think that they will succeed or achieve some goal they have set for themselves if they just keep trying. Others are plagued by thoughts and fears of failure and disaster. We waste so much time and energy worrying about things that haven’t happened yet and may never happen. We are paying interest on a credit card we haven’t used yet.

The future doesn’t exist. Fear of the future stems from a perceived lack of control over your future. One of the best ways to retake control is to make a plan for the future. A step-by-step road map for where you want to be next month, next year or next decade. No plan survives contact with an enemy and our enemy is the fear of the future. But a plan of action gives us some measure of control over our life. We know where we want to be and more or less the steps we need to take in order to get there. Outline small, achievable and short term goals that will lead to a larger more complex long-term goal. A plan will help reduce the fear of the future, and by extension, reduce the number of negative thoughts that pop up from time to time.

2. Anxiety About The Present

We not only fear the future, but we worry about the present. We worry about whether the kids made it to school alright, about things that are happening at work when we aren’t there, about whether we left the lights on in the house or whether we locked the car door. Worry is an extension of fear, fear that we are forgetting something important. We are so overloaded with information, much of it needless or useless, that we have a hard time remembering the things that are actually important to us.

The fear of forgetting something important combined with daily reminders on the news of people making those rare but catastrophic mistakes due to forgetting eat at our minds. We are so pressed for time that forgetting to do something sets back our very tight schedule the next day, and if it happens too much, then we are hopelessly behind on the things we need to get done. So how do we combat that fear?


The easiest way is with organization and routine. Make a to-do list for the day before you get started. Make a master to-do list for the household so that partners and children know what needs to be done and who needs to do it. Eliminate the anxiety by taking back control of your daily life. Don’t feel that you have to do everything yourself and delegate some things to the rest of the family. If we are all pulling together, then the load is that much lighter for everyone.

3. Shame In Your Past

Sometimes we do things that we aren’t very proud of. We do things that we are embarrassed about. We do things that don’t turn out the way we thought they would. Shame of those past mistakes or failures can bubble up on occasion. When they do, we can wallow in them like a pig in the mud or we can acknowledge that they happened and refuse to let them drag us down. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect. So why do you expect yourself to be perfect?

The best way to deal with mistakes is to learn from them. Look at what you did and then ask yourself what you could have done differently or better in that situation. Once you have your answer, then put your past behind you. It is gone. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it. Don’t beat yourself up for making a mistake unless you have failed to learn from that mistake.

Do you keep making the same mistake over and over again? What can you do to break that cycle of behavior? Maybe avoid places or people that are involved in you making that mistake time and again. Avoid behaviors that lead to the mistake in the first place. Take back control of your present by learning from your past rather than chaining yourself to it. Once you have broken the chains to your past by learning from your mistakes, you are free to pursue your future and to enjoy your present.

18 Mistakes Men Make In Relationships

Men are simple creatures, or at least in our minds. We want to Fix, Fight, and F—, and not necessarily in that order. We have a hard time processing our own emotions, much less the feelings of others. So we tend to chug along like a train moving down our selected path, steadily pulling a lot of weight behind us. And so, men make mistakes in their relationships.

Women, on the other hand, are pilots in their acrobatic aircraft. While they are not the most efficient mode of transportation, the ride is thrilling and exciting. They are all over the place and revel in twists and turns. We revel in our strength and work while women zip around, driven by their passions. The biggest mistakes men make are in not understanding our partners and what they need from us.

NOTE: We acknowledge that women also make miscalculations–check out their common errors in our separate article.

Eighteen Common Mistakes Men Make in Their Relationships

If issues creep into all your relations, it could be due to some harmful actions you’ve developed. Here are the ten biggest mistakes men make in relationships, and it’s time to evaluate and make some changes.  Note: We are aware that women, too, have ways they can err in their romantic lives. However, female behaviors generally differ from the mistakes men make–and we cover those errors in a separate article.

1. They Think They’re The Sea And Not The Mountain

Like a mountain, solid, stable, and safe men attract more women. You can shelter under a mountain against a storm. The hill is seemingly forever. On the other hand, the sea is unpredictable, dangerous, and constantly changing. Women tend to be like the sea in that its depths are unknowable, and their emotions are as ever-changing and irresistible as the tides. That is probably why women often prefer the mountains and men love to sit by the sea. When men act like the sea and not themselves, it throws women off and scares them with our dangerous unpredictability.

mistakes men make

2. Men Try To Control The Wind

The wind drives sea states, and women are driven by their emotions. When you are on a ship at sea, you cannot control the wind, and when you are in a relationship with a woman, you cannot control her emotions either. The best thing you can do is ride out the storm as best you can. If you try to sail against it, you will get pounded and broken. When a woman is in the throes of powerful emotions, it is best not to try and stop them or control them but ride them out with her. Provide a sheltered harbor where she can seek refuge from her storms.

3. Guys Don’t Admit Their Fears

Another one of the mistakes men make (though they don’t admit it!) is showing fear.

Some women like to have safety and security. When we are afraid or insecure, they can smell it. Whether we are scared of commitment, trying new things, or afraid of her, they will know and be turned off by it. Everyone fears something, but the key is not to let the fear show through. Courage is not the absence of fear but the act of overcoming fear. If we are courageous, they will see it and be comforted. Women want a hero who will fight at their side, not a coward who hides behind them.

4. They Succumb To Target Fixation

Men tend to focus like a laser on their objectives. We find a target, hunt it down, and take it. We do not multi-task very well. That’s because we tend to fixate on that target to the exclusion of everything else. Whether that target is work, sports, or something else, we can take our women for granted by not acknowledging them. Spread your attention around and ensure you find a balance between work and your partner. They need attention too, and if we don’t give it to them, they will find someone who does.

5. Guys Invest Too Heavily In One Place

Like target fixation, we men tend to invest in the places where we will see the biggest payoff. That may be work, hobbies, or something else. We need to have a diverse portfolio, if you will. We must invest time and energy in our partners, work, and recreational pursuits. Women who feel too interested in work or hobbies will feel neglected and unwanted. So, spread the love around.

6. They Are Indecisive

Be bold and decisive. Women love a man who can make a decision. To them, it is a sign of strength and responsibility. When we refuse to make a decision, we are avoiding responsibility for that decision. Please don’t put it off; make that decision and live by it. Being decisive is a sign of stability and commitment. Both of these things are desirable for women because it means a safe and stable family environment. An assertive man is a strong and stable one. Indecision is tantamount to weakness and instability.


7. They Are Oblivious To Her Emotions

We are sometimes oblivious to women’s emotional states because we are often oblivious to our emotional states. We don’t care that much about how we feel about things. It isn’t essential to us, so why is it so important to women? Because emotions drive them. It isn’t something that occasionally happens to them; it IS them. Try to be more alert to their feelings and be there to comfort and shelter them rather than try to fix them. They don’t need fixing; they need acceptance.

8. They Want To Fix Things That Aren’t Broken

Men are natural fixers. We like fixing things. If we see a broken item, it becomes an underachieved goal, and we must reach that goal if we can. Repairing something makes us feel like we accomplished something. We feel better about ourselves and the universe when things are fixed and put back into order. Women are not things to be fixed. We cannot fix the things they come to us with emotionally. They may seem distressed and bubbling over with emotions, and we naturally want to improve that situation and make it better and more ordered. They don’t come to us with this stuff to fix. They want to be comforted and validated. So don’t try to fix it; listen and try to understand.

9. Some Keep Secrets in the Relationship

Part of being in a committed relationship is sharing things. Did you know that keeping secrets is a form of lying? You’re being dishonest about something by not telling her.

It’s referred to as the “sin of omission” in James 4:17. The Bible states that someone who knows to do right and doesn’t do it sins. While you’re not going to be stoned like in Biblical days, it certainly can put distance between you and your partner.

You’re shutting them out when you hide things about yourself that they have every right to know. Being in a committed relationship means you can tell them everything, and you’re free to be vulnerable. The problem is that if the things you hide are significant and they find out, it could be the reason they walk away.

10. Guys Don’t Communicate as Well as Women

Communication is one of the biggest mistakes men make with their partners. Women are better communicators by nature, and they’re also better at reading verbal cues than men. However, that doesn’t mean that a man is off the hook because it’s not something they are comfortable doing.

Gary Smalley, the author of Making Love Last Forever, addresses this issue in his book. A woman speaks over 25,000 words daily, but a man only speaks around 12,000. It’s proven that men have less to say than their counterparts, but you must use your words wisely.

Learning to communicate is imperative, especially when women value this dialogue with their partners. You can’t expect to have a healthy connection with one another if communication is lacking.

relationship mistakes

11. Not Spending Enough Time with Their Partner

Men must understand that women need to be nurtured and attention. While it’s okay to go out, hang with your buddies, and spend time apart, you must make sure things like date night are top priorities. A lady won’t stay in a situation where she doesn’t feel valued, respected, and wanted, and plenty of other guys will give her the time she desires.

12. Men Get Too Comfortable Too Fast

While feeling comfortable with your partner is great, you want to take your time with things. Bad habits like passing gas, burping, or leaving the lid up on the toilet seat are things you do once you’re in a committed relationship.

There still needs to be some mystery between you in the beginning, and you need to be more secure in your connection before you spring all these habits on her.

13. Focus on Lust Rather Than True Intimacy

Being together feels amazing, and lust is a part of any connection. The beginning seems to be more special as everything is new and fresh. However, one of the biggest mistakes guys make is focusing on the act rather than the intimacy.

Intimacy is more than linking physically, as it’s about your souls connecting on a higher plane. Your lady desires those intimate moments where you hold her, look deep into her eyes, and kiss her like she’s the most treasured person on earth. Anyone can have a physical relationship but having a spiritual one brings things to another level.

14. Never Apologizing or Admitting They’re Wrong

You have a macho side that doesn’t want to admit when you’re wrong, but you must learn humility. If you’ve done something that’s hurt her or caused an issue, you must be brave enough to stand up and admit wrongdoing.

According to a study conducted by the Greater Good Science Center at Berkley University, the number one reason why men don’t admit fault is they lack self-awareness. Some guys have a blind spot and don’t think they’ve done anything wrong. It’s essential to accept responsibility and apologize. The most powerful words you can learn in your relationships are “I’m sorry.”

15. Let Past Hurts Dictate Current Circumstances

Everyone comes into a relationship with a certain amount of baggage from the past. If you had a partner previously that lied, cheated, stole, or did some other horrible things to you, it’s only natural that you would be a little leery of opening your heart once again. The problem with letting the baggage weigh you down like this is that you’re casting a shadow of doubt over your current partner.

The lady you’re with now may be the perfect person for you, and she might never do those things that a previous woman did. However, you will push her away if you judge her by what other people did to you. You need to learn to release emotional baggage, and counseling with a qualified therapist can help you let go of things and focus on healing.

16. Men Don’t Plan for the Future

Men look at the here and now with little forethought for the future. Consequently, when your girl met you, she already had her dream home, your kids’ names, and your future. While one party tends to push the envelope one way, the other person goes too far the other way.

There must be a way to meet in the middle. Some relationships aren’t meant to last long, and others are written in the stars. It would help if you let your partner know your intentions upfront so that she knows what to expect.

While you don’t have to start planning a wedding on the first date, you will know soon enough if this person is your future. Making plans for tomorrow is essential, as the days sneak up on you quickly.

17. Lies and Relationships Are a Toxic Mix

Never, ever lie to your partner. Even a little white lie can have huge repercussions. Always be honest, even when it’s hurtful. Statistics reveal that the average person lies 1.65 times each day.

Most lies are told because a person is anxious and afraid. The problem with lying is that it breaks trust; it’s hard to rebuild once you break trust with your partner.

18. Some Men Cheat

Cheating on your partner sends all sorts of messages to her that she’s not enough. The most common reason people cheat has nothing to do with their partner and it’s more about issues within themselves. However, she will see that infidelity as a red flag that she’s done something wrong. She will blame herself, even if it wasn’t her fault.

Cheating is one of the worst things you can do in a relationship, as it destroys the other person’s esteem and breaks trust. According to a study by Health Research Funding, men are 74% more likely to cheat than women, and 60 % of all infidelity starts at the place of employment. Though the odds aren’t in your favor, you can be part of the 26% of men who don’t fall into this trap.


Final Thoughts on the Mistakes Men Make in Relationships

Making mistakes is part of being a human, as there’s no such thing as a perfect person. Accidentally buying bread when there’s a new loaf in the pantry is a blunder you can handle. Consequently, some men make more serious mistakes, and when it comes to relationships, these wrongdoings aren’t so forgivable.

Being in a relationship means that you learn and grow each day. If you’ve been in a toxic situation before, you know what to avoid in your next partner. Some guys have a challenging time settling down and finding the right person.

If you’ve noticed that your relationships don’t last long, are troubling, or don’t have any substance, it could be that you’re the problem. Men make mistakes in their relationships. Admitting that you’re to blame for things in your love life is a bitter pill, but the good news is that you can fix it. You must work for love and happiness, but it’s worth your effort.

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