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10 Ways to Get The Protein You Need (Without Eating Meat)

Proteins are nitrogenous organic compounds, consisting of long chains of amino acids made up of large molecules. These compounds are essential to the functioning of every living organism, both large and small.

Here are just a few important benefits of protein:

– It comprises the majority of molecular elements that make up our hair and nails.
– Protein aids the body in repairing and building tissues.
– It is a foundational element of enzymes, hormones, and other chemicals within the body.
– Protein is the building block of blood, bones, cartilage, muscles and skin.

Similar to carbohydrates and fat, protein is classified as a “macronutrient;” simply meaning that our bodies require significant amounts of it to function normally. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, the body does not have a “backup supply” when body levels of the nutrient are depleted. Therefore, we must be proactive in ensuring our body gets enough of it.

Meats contain among the highest amounts of protein, and are heavily consumed by individuals on a frequent basis. However, many people – for a number of reasons – do not eat meat. Therefore, it is necessary for these folks to find alternative means of consuming this important macronutrient. Fortunately, there are a multitude of ways to consume protein without eating meat.

Here are 10 ways to get protein without eating meat:

1. Nuts

Nuts are a tasty and convenient ways to get good amounts of protein. Almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts and pecans are all nuts that will do the trick. Peanut butter is another tasty treat that contains a good amount of protein – about 4 grams per tablespoon. Almond butter is also a good choice.

The only drawback to nuts is the sodium content; although such concerns are negligible when consumed in moderation.

2. Green Peas

On this site, we’re a big pea fan…they’re tasty, easy to prepare, and contain a bunch of good vitamins and nutrients (i.e. “micronutrients”). One cup of peas contains approximately the same amount of protein as the same serving of milk – about 8 grams! For those whose palette doesn’t tolerate peas, they can be tastefully added as an ingredient – in a salad or pesto, for example.

3. Tofu and tempeh

Soybean-based products, such as tofu and tempeh, are a couple of vegetarian favorites. A half-cup serving of tofu and tempeh contains between 15 and 20 grams of protein, which is near half the recommended daily amount.
The two products are also quite texturally-versatile; they can be soft or firm, fried or served natural.

4. Leafy greens

Most natural veggies do not pack as much protein as other foods on this list, but some leafy vegetables do contain significant amounts. One cup of chopped broccoli, for example, contains over 8 grams of protein. Additionally, leafed greens are high in antioxidants and other important nutrients.

5. Soymilk

The amount of protein per serving in soy milk is nearly equivalent to regular milk, at about 8 grams per cup. Soy milk (or almond milk) are delicious alternatives to the cow-produced stuff. It can be consumed in any way that regular milk can.

6. Seeds

Sesame, sunflower, squash and watermelon seeds are all terrific protein sources. However, really any type of seed is likely to contain significant protein amounts. Most seed varieties contain about 30 grams of protein for each 100 gram serving.

7. Spinach

It turns out that Popeye the Sailorman turned to that trusty can of spinach for good reason. Per 100 calorie serving, spinach contains about 12 grams of protein. Comparatively, this is more than ground beef which contains 10 grams per 100 calories.

8. Lentils

Lentils are a staple of many a vegan diet. Not only do lentils pack a hefty protein punch (?9 grams/half up) they are also tremendous sources of fiber, containing about 15 grams per half cup serving.

Related article: 10 Things Healthy People Do Differently

9. Seitan

“What-a-tan?” is probably a question many readers are asking themselves. Seitan (see-tan) is a meat substitute that is quite popular with vegetarians. Made from wheat gluten, seitan is often seasoned with salt and other spices. More importantly, seitan is a great source of protein: about 35 grams per half-cup serving.

10. Beans

“Beans, beans, the musical fruit…” sorry. Besides being the subject of a favorite childhood ditty, beans also pack some serious nutrition. They are very high in protein content, particularly black and garbanzo beans. Many vegans love bean burgers – an unconventional, but flavorful burger alternative.

5 Signs Your Partner Is Gaslighting You

“Gaslighting? What on Earth is gaslighting?”

Definition: Psychological manipulation, intentional or otherwise, to make the victim doubt their own sanity.

Now that you know what gaslighting is? How can you tell if it happening to you? We have no less than five signs to determine whether or not it is. Without further ado, let us give these signs to you.

What Is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that is used to create doubt and confusion in the mind of the victim. It involves the abuser making the victim doubt their own perceptions, memories, and sanity, often leading to the victim becoming increasingly dependent on the abuser for validation and support. Gaslighting can happen in a variety of settings, including romantic relationships, workplaces, and families, and can cause significant emotional harm to the victim.

The term “gaslighting” comes from a 1938 play called “Gas Light,” in which a man manipulates his wife into believing that she is losing her mind by causing the gas lights in their home to flicker. The term has since been used to describe any form of psychological manipulation that causes a person to doubt their own perceptions and memories.

There are several reasons why someone might engage in gaslighting. In some cases, it may be a deliberate tactic used by abusers to gain power and control over their victims. By causing the victim to doubt their own perceptions and memories, the abuser can create a sense of dependency and reliance on them for validation and support.

Gaslighting can also be the result of unconscious patterns of behavior that have developed over time. For example, a person who has been raised in an environment where their feelings and perceptions were not taken seriously may struggle to validate the feelings and perceptions of others. This can lead to gaslighting behavior, even if it is not intentionally malicious.


The Consequences of This Mental Abuse Can Be Profound

Gaslighting can have serious negative impacts on the victim’s mental and emotional well-being. When a person is made to doubt their own perceptions and memories, it can lead to feelings of confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt. Over time, this can erode a person’s sense of self, making them more vulnerable to further manipulation and abuse.

If you suspect that you or someone you know may be experiencing gaslighting, it is important to seek help. But first, you must know the signs of this malicious and manipulative behavior.

5 Signs Your Partner Is “Gaslighting” You

Be on the lookout for these telltale behaviors of a gaslighter.

1. A gaslighting partner makes you apologize for everything

The victim will be dropping many an S-bomb for something they perceive as doing wrong, even if they did nothing wrong at all. What does this mean? The victim takes full responsibility for what goes on between themselves and the perpetrator.

The victims are the ones who “like to keep the peace” so that their perceived unacceptable behavior is kept in check by themselves. Annoying or upsetting the perpetrator (read perpe-TRAITOR) is completely out of the question. Another party bag goodie here is the perpetual walking on eggshells, which is the direct result of “keeping the peace”. As time draws on, the victim turns this behavior into a habit, which itself turns into a vicious circle. Sorry if perpetrators’ bubbles were burst (not sorry).

Do not be sorry for wanting what is best for you.

2. Decision-making is impossible

Such is the hold over the victim by the perpetrator, the poor victim cannot seem to be able to make a decision because of their need to keep the peace and walk on eggshells. One guess who is left to make all of the decisions? With decision-making abilities all in Perpetratorville, all the power and control inevitably follow.

Prince Ea has come out with a video explaining the meaning of the children’s nursery rhyme: “Row, row, row your boat…”. He says “your boat” is your body and by “row”, he says that the nursery rhyme means you are the captain of your own ship. Translation: you have to take control of your own life and not be swayed by someone else. Prince Ea adds that other people can guide you or tell you how to paddle, but this has to come from you.

Decide to take control of your own life.



3. Confusion reigns supreme in gaslighting

The realm of the victim’s mind has a foreign king/queen, and one of the ways to remain as ruler is to keep the oppressed confused. The options are given to the victim leave them confused because in their mind there is only one choice – the option which is suitable to King/Queen Perpetrator.

Instincts tell the victim that something is wrong but the ruler comes down hard on its subject, declaring that said instinct is wrong. Of course, the victim obeys but feels uneasy about it and has a hard time comprehending it all. This confusion spreads into everything the victim does, says, even questioning their own feelings. Desires are banished from the land and hope is thrown in the dungeon.

It is time to revolt against tyranny and oppression. Bring back your desires from exile and set your hope free.

4. Changing as a person

Before the “relationship”, the victim was probably an outgoing person with a bubblier personality than champagne. As the process continues within the constraints of the union, the victim loses their fizz in life. That personality starts to gradually become flat, with the perpetrator merrily chipping away at the champagne bottle making cracks.

As this is only happening little by little, the victim initially does not notice any difference. After months, years, or even decades of the same, they wonder what is happening to them and see that they are no longer the same person they once were. They have lost their sparkle.

That champagne campaign is waiting for you again, with an invitation to hangover-free happiness.

5. Withdrawal symptoms of a different kind

Forgive the bluntness of the next statement, but it is a case of being cruel to be kind. The victim turns into a hermit and withdraws completely from the social scene, as they are so overwhelmed and bogged down by what is happening to them.

People start asking questions regarding the victim’s absence. Naturally, as the victim, with an immense lack of self-esteem to boot, does not understand what is going on themselves, thus rendering themselves unable to answer.

Get out there into the not so big, bad world; you never know what will happen when you start smiling.

We leave you with some helpful acronyms. Make of them and do with them what you will:

Life = Leave Injury For Enjoyment.

Peace = Please Enjoy A Chosen Energy.

Joy = Just Overtly You.

Light = Let It Grow High There.

Sadness = Sending Aggravation Down Nearly Experiencing Such Serenity.

Winner = When Intensely Negating Noxiousness Ends Right.

gaslighting phrases

Final Thoughts on Identifying the First Signs of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that is can create doubt and confusion in the mind of the victim. It can happen in any type of relationship and can cause significant emotional harm to the victim. Whether intentional or unconscious, gaslighting is a serious form of abuse that can erode a person’s sense of self and make them more vulnerable to further manipulation and abuse. By being aware of the signs of gaslighting and seeking help when necessary, it is possible to break free from this cycle of abuse and regain control over one’s own thoughts and feelings.

11 Signs You’re With A Good Man

As men, one of our duties is to be gentlemanly to those we encounter. There is perhaps no person that this pertains to more – and to a higher degree – than your partner. Women expect to be courted by, and potentially married to, a good man of high character.

Most people agree that good guys encompass certain behavioral traits throughout a relationship.  This leads to the next question: what character traits make up a “good man”? Well, there are indeed many of them. We’ve narrowed the signs of a good man down to eleven.

In no particular order, here are 11 signs that you’re with a good man:

Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. – Marcus Aurelius

1. He makes you feel beautiful ( inside AND out).

As his partner, the best guy won’t forget about making your feel beautiful. A good man is not content with just saying the words but successfully manifests feelings of beauty within his heart. This includes the way he interacts with you physically and mentally.

good man

2. He evokes a sense of inspiration.

A good man will always possess a solid and unshakable character. As such, by default, he is inspirational in his words and deeds. He never ceases to evoke feelings of inspiration. He will inspire a woman to be the best version of herself.

3. He is supportive more often than not.

A good man understands the importance of remaining supportive and accommodating to a woman’s needs. This doesn’t entail being a “Yes Man,” but someone who can offer support and accommodation when the situation calls for such.

4. He always seeks self-improvement.

A good man never really gives himself too much credit. Though he may be intelligent, a good guy always seeks to self-improve; whether through learning something new, taking on added responsibilities, or getting into better shape, he prides himself on becoming better.

5. He makes you feel safe and secure.

Feeling safe and secure is vital for any woman in her relationship. The man must ensure that such feelings are present. In the event of something unfortunate, he will always stand up for and defend his woman.

6. He always seems to do the “little things.”

Holding the door open, pulling out the chair, feeding the kids, etc., are all trademark actions of a good man doing the little things. He is never too busy to stop what he’s doing and offer a small gesture of assistance.

7. He is honest and forthcoming.

A great guy will not lie, cheat, or steal, especially to the person he loves the most. He should not hesitate to tell it like it is, whether what he has to say is good or bad.

8. He is never abusive towards you or anyone else.

A good man will never physically, mentally, or emotionally abuse his partner. Ever. Also, he will not instigate an abusive episode with anyone else. Instead, a good guy will use the strength of his character and intellect to resolve conflicts.

9. He stands by you wholeheartedly.

When a good man expresses his love, this love remains through thick and thin. Under no circumstance will a good man neglect you, even in the more challenging situations. A good man will not abandon his duty to stand by you.

10. He works to earn and keep your trust.

A good man understands that trust, like love, cannot be forced; it must be earned. After earning sacred trust, a good man will take such a blessing for granted. Furthermore, a good man never leaves his trust in doubt.

11. He puts you first in every circumstance.

This doesn’t mean that he keels over and appeases to a woman’s every whim. It does mean, in most cases, that a good man will be selfless in his words and deeds. It is a man’s responsibility to put his woman first – a good man often does this.

gentlemanFinal Thoughts on Finding a Good Man

That perfect gentleman can be a rare find today. With toxic masculinity on the rise, it’s no wonder that many people today prefer to stay single. You should not settle–you deserve better. So when you find that true gem, hold on. Compromise, work on building love, and create a beautiful life together.

11 Relationship Tricks That Make You Fall In Love Again

All romantic relationships take work to make it last.

Both parties need to keep watering the plant of love on a daily basis; otherwise, that plant will wither and die. Your question is: “How does one maintain and improve the relationship every day?” I thought you would never ask.

11 Tips to Enhance Your Relationship and Fall in Love All Over Again

These are eleven ways to improve your relationship no matter what:


1. Turn off all phones (or at least keep them on silent with vibrate mode off)

In the realm of human connection, presence is paramount. Every relationship, whether budding or time-tested, thrives when individuals are truly attuned to one another. Consider those moments when you’re engrossed in profound conversation, sharing vulnerabilities, or simply enjoying shared silence. These instances of genuine connection hold immeasurable value. Yet, in our digitally saturated era, distractions are omnipresent. A single ping from a device can fracture a moment, diverting attention and diluting intimacy. It’s not just about etiquette; it’s about fostering depth in our interactions. By consciously minimizing digital intrusions, we prioritize human connection, creating a sanctuary where relationships can flourish. Whether in a tranquil natural setting, a cozy living room, or a bustling cafe, the principle remains: be wholly present and watch your connections deepen and thrive.

2. Going to bed at the same time can boost a relationship

The act of retiring to bed simultaneously is more than just a routine; it’s a symbolic gesture of unity and intimacy. Much like the tenderness of spooning or the vulnerability of post-intimacy conversations, aligning your sleep schedules fosters closeness. Erin Leyba, a contributor to Psychology Today, emphasizes that “when sleep patterns diverge, maintaining a connection becomes challenging.” Beyond the scholarly insights, one must introspect: What activities or habits prevent you from aligning your bedtime with your partner’s? While work obligations like night shifts are unavoidable, other choices, such as late-night television or personal indulgences, can be reconsidered. If circumstances allow, prioritizing shared sleep schedules can greatly enhance relational bonds. Your partner will undoubtedly appreciate the gesture and the shared moments of tranquility it brings.

3. A small gesture telling them you are thinking of them

The power of feeling valued often emerges from the most understated of actions. Realizing that you hold a special place in someone’s mind elevates one’s sense of self-worth and connection. This space offers ample room for creativity and personal touch. A spontaneous message like, “Good morning, dear. Sending a burst of sunshine your way. Cherishing you always,” can be the highlight of their day. Or, the timeless elegance of a handwritten note or card conveys a depth of emotion that words alone might not capture. Such gestures, no matter how small, speak volumes about the depth of your affection and the intention behind your relationship.

4. Trying something new together

Venturing into unfamiliar territories together is a potent way to fortify your relationship. It’s not about seeking extreme adventures or high-stakes endeavors. It could be as intimate as attending a dance class, trying a new cuisine, or picking up a shared hobby. The joy lies in the novelty of the experience and the memories you create together. By immersing yourselves in fresh activities, you not only discover new facets of each other but also strengthen the bond through mutual growth. Remember, every new experience is a chapter added to the unique story of your relationship.


5. Withhold that criticism within the relationship

Offering feedback within a relationship is an art that demands finesse. Criticism, if not approached with care, can inadvertently erode the foundation of trust and affection. Before articulating your thoughts, pause and reflect on the impact your words might have. It’s essential to communicate in a manner that fosters understanding rather than defensiveness. Instead of direct criticism, consider framing it as a suggestion or alternative perspective. This approach not only promotes growth and understanding within the relationship but also underscores mutual respect for each other’s feelings and viewpoints. Remember, effective communication is less about correcting and more about connecting, ensuring that the warmth and harmony of the relationship remains intact.

6. A little gratitude goes a long way in a relationship

Gratitude, though seemingly simple, carries profound significance in the tapestry of relationships. The words “thank you” are not merely an expression of politeness; they convey acknowledgment, appreciation, and recognition of one’s efforts. Each gesture, act of kindness, or sacrifice made in a relationship is a testament to one’s commitment and care. Failing to acknowledge these efforts can lead to feelings of being undervalued or overlooked. Conversely, consistently expressing gratitude reinforces the bond, creating a positive feedback loop of appreciation and mutual respect. In essence, gratitude is the silent architect of enduring, harmonious relationships.

7. Focus on the positives

In every relationship, there’s a balance of light and shadow. Choosing to amplify the positive moments is pivotal in fostering a nurturing and resilient bond. It’s about consciously spotlighting the affirmative actions and gestures over the occasional missteps. For instance, cherishing thoughtful check-ins during a busy workday, savoring genuine acts of chivalry in everyday interactions, or treasuring surprise gestures at home like an unexpected bouquet. By consistently acknowledging and appreciating these moments, you not only reinforce the value of such actions but also create an environment where both partners feel recognized and cherished. In essence, focusing on the positives is the compass that guides a relationship toward harmony and mutual respect, even amidst challenges.

8. Be vulnerable in your relationship

Vulnerability, often misconstrued as a sign of weakness, is indeed a hallmark of strength, especially in intimate relationships. It entails stripping away the defenses and presenting one’s genuine self, with all its complexities and nuances. By choosing to be vulnerable, you invite open dialogue, fostering a space where both partners can safely express their fears, aspirations, and concerns. This openness can prevent misunderstandings and build a foundation of trust. For instance, if you’re grappling with feelings of insecurity or discomfort in the relationship, addressing them head-on allows for clarity and mutual understanding. While it’s essential to articulate your emotions, it’s equally crucial to do so with empathy and consideration. Navigating sensitive topics with tact ensures that the message is received with the intent it’s delivered. In the grand tapestry of relationships, vulnerability acts as the thread that weaves genuine connection, trust, and mutual growth.

9. Give a gift for no reason

Gifts, irrespective of their size or grandeur, have a unique way of speaking to the heart. An unsolicited token of appreciation holds the power to convey deep sentiment and reinforce the bond you share with your partner. It isn’t always about grand gestures; sometimes, a simple act, like bringing home their favorite treat or penning a heartfelt note, can have a profound impact. Such gestures underscore the thought and care you invest in the relationship, making your partner feel treasured and valued. While extravagant gifts have their place, it’s often the unexpected, thoughtful offerings that resonate deeply. As a guiding principle, aim to surprise your partner with these acts of kindness regularly. By doing so, you continually nurture the foundation of trust, understanding, and affection that your relationship is built upon.

10. Plan a holiday (or holistay)

Setting aside dedicated time for one another is the lifeblood of a thriving relationship. While grand global adventures have their allure, the essence lies not in the magnitude of the getaway but in the shared experience. A weekend retreat, perhaps to a serene beach or a tranquil lakeside, offers an opportunity to reconnect and rejuvenate. If a staycation is more your speed, curate a cozy evening at home with cherished movies and comfort food, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and relaxation.

Ultimately, the destination or activity matters less than the intention behind it. The goal is to immerse yourselves in moments of togetherness, celebrating the joy, understanding, and love that define your bond. It’s about cherishing the present, creating memories, and deepening your connection.


11. Make your intentions known (again)

Remember the start of your relationship? All those sweet words and promises? It’s important to keep that going, even after the newness fades. Think of it like this: just because you’ve been together for a while doesn’t mean you should stop trying. You should still “court” or date your partner like you did in the beginning.

“Courting” means showing love and wanting a future together. So, make your partner feel special. Do little things for them, tell them you love them, and show them they matter to you. It’s all about making sure they know you’re still all in, just like you were on day one.

Keep showing your partner you’re there for them, and your bond will only get stronger. Thanks for reading, and here’s to keeping the love alive in your relationship!

11 Ways to Teach Children To Stay Away From A Toxic Life

The first five years of a child’s life are critical for development. The experiences children have in these years help shape the adults they will become. More than anything else, your relationship with your child shapes the way your child learns and grows. – Australian Government, Department of Social Services

The years that span childhood are disproportionately formative on the type of character a human being will develop. Early childhood years, in particular, play a key role in determining the child’s outlook on the world.

Sadly, it can be very difficult to raise children in society today, the reason being that our world is inundated with toxicity from seemingly innumerable outlets. So, the question becomes: “How am/are I/we supposed to raise a child in this toxic environment?”

The answer is not nearly as simple as the question. The simplest way to answer would be: with diligence. As a parent, you must understand the type of environment that your child is exposed to – both in and out of your presence.

As you investigate this environment, you will no doubt encounter people that are harmful to your child. While it is not our place to judge, we do believe it is imperative that a child is not exposed to such people at an early age; an age when they are growing, learning, developing. As they mature, they’ll be in a better condition to counter these dangers themselves.

We’ve come up with 11 ways that you can teach your child to keep toxicity away from them:

teach children

1. Limit the amount of mass media exposure.

Much of the media produced in society is laden with negative energy. This includes television, music, video games, and movies. As such, it is important to limit a child’s exposure to such media until they are of age to understand and interpret its meaning.

2. Take your child out into nature.

If you were to look inside many homes today, you’d see children planted in front of the T.V. After all, it’s easy for a parent to simply say “Go watch TV,” effectively minimizing any “distraction” the child may be. However, taking the child out into nature, where there can see animals, plants, trees, etc. is nourishing to their soul. Make it a point to get out into beautiful nature often.

3. Keep your child away from drama.

Speaking of media, have you ever noticed just how much drama makes up modern “entertainment?” We’re not here to judge; if this is something you enjoy, by all means take it in. However, as mentioned prior, a child does not have the capacity to separate what they see in-person from what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

4. Do not drink heavily/do drugs around the child.

Again, we’re not here to judge. Our society has taken some progressive steps in terms of marijuana use; whether or not you desire to teach your child about this is up to you. However, drinking heavily and engaging in heavy drug use around a child probably isn’t the best example to give.

5. Be responsible about your own conduct.

This one really doesn’t require too much of an explanation. As adults, we should be mindful about our conduct around children, as they will say and do what is seen and heard. Try to set a good example for acceptable behavior.

6. Abstain from swearing around your child.

During early childhood years, your little one is acquiring and interpreting language at exceptionally high levels. It is important, then, to minimize the amount of cursing and other negatively-charged language around a child. If need be, simply step out of the room and continue on.

7. Be generous, and teach your children likewise.

Can you imagine what this world would be like if all adults raised their children to be generous? Much different than today, almost assuredly. Generosity is one of the most beautiful human acts; warming the heart of both giver and recipient. What better way to teach your child to be generous than to allow them to see you being just that?

The first five years of a child’s life are critical for development. The experiences children have in these years help shape the adults they will become. More than anything else, your relationship with your child shapes the way your child learns and grows.

Australian Government, Department of Social Services

8. Embrace truth. Always.

Truth is positive energy; lies are negative energy. The simple act of telling the truth should be commonplace in our society, but it isn’t. Always tell and teach the truth, and demand that your child does the same.

9. Diligently choose the people allowed around your children.

Of course, toxic people are devastating to a child’s positive energy. As such, it is crucial to limit a child’s observations and interactions with people who are positive and that you know well. As the child develops, they’ll be in a better position to evaluate character.

Related article: Research Reveals Parents Who Raise ‘Confident’ Kids Do These 10 Things

10. Teach your child about energy forces.

At this age, you’re probably not going to lecture the child on the Law of Attraction. That said, it is tremendously beneficial to teach your child the rudiments of positive and negative energy. Exactly how you go about this is completely up to you, and there are many ways to do this.

11. Always send and receive love to and from your child.

We saved the best for last. Nothing can come close to replacing the power of giving and receiving your child’s love. We’d go so far as to state that this, in itself, it the single most important element of teaching your child how to mitigate toxicity as it manifests throughout their lifetime.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Why It’s Healthy To Miss An Old Relationship (Even If You Don’t Want It Back)

Do you reflect back and miss an old relationship?

Say what?!

Why on earth would you miss Ed if you broke up six months ago? Then again, you did spend last year’s spring break in the Caribbean with him. In fact, it was the wildest time ever and you just cannot get the good times out of your head. Not to worry, lads, you can substitute ‘Ed’ for any other name. You did receive imagination as standard, after all!

Is this OK? Of course. So, where do I draw the line? The old road has too many potholes to be traveled on, which is why you left it in the first place. Therefore, getting to Miss-Him City is fine but reaching Lake Want-Him-Back further on is a no-no.

Why do you miss Ed?

The old saying goes, “Sometimes, it’s not the person you miss. It’s the feeling you had when you were with them.” Like last year’s spring break is one small example of this, you miss the sharing of everything: laughter, crying, talking, falling out, making up, making out, that late “false alarm” (phew!), and plenty of others. You may have spent years or even decades with Ed; all of this cannot and should not be forgotten, for it has helped you grow and become the person you are today.

Why It’s Healthy To Miss An Old Relationship (Even If You Don’t Want It Back)

It is natural to miss the “routine” of your old relationship. You had a certain comfort, a familiarity, a home. But not every home provides a healthy and nurturing environment. You know you deserve better; still, moving on is a struggle. That’s typical human behavior.


letting go giving up

Learn the difference between giving up on love and letting go (in a healthy way!).

A Suggestion:

Hold a funeral in your mind and “mourn” the death of the relationship. It can be as short or long as you want, within reason. You do not want it too short not to let him go completely, nor too long to cling to the last thread of hope that you will get back together with him. Removing items that remind you of him is also important. These are props only for the lovesick, emotional hooks to reel you back. To be free from this torture, you must burn, delete, throw in the trash, and do what is necessary to release yourself. This can be part of your “ceremony” or after it. At the end of the day, they were a part of your life, but not anymore.

The Rewards for Moving On

Unlike on a laptop, there is no “undo” option for the past. Once it is done, it cannot be undone. Moving on is so painful but so rewarding. When you allow it to pass, you let a new world of dating possibilities into your life. Fred has liked you ever since you met a few years ago at the coffee shop, but you friend-zoned him for some reason. Ted keeps texting, but you “love him like a brother,” and Ned went to that concert with you just after your break-up, but it “was not the right time to start dating again.” Think Penny and Leonard of The Big Bang Theory.

Remember, the word ‘miss’ signifies this: The relationship missed the target set by you.

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