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This ‘Stomach Vacuum’ Exercise Can Melt The Most Stubborn Belly Fat

Stomach vacuuming? No need to worry, it does not involve taking a vacuum cleaner and sticking it to your abdomen. The only thing you will get there is an abdomen free of belly button lint!

This is actually a highly effective exercise for getting rid of belly fat. It works on the transverse abdominals, the innermost abdominal muscle at both sides of and below the better-known six-pack. This muscle group is “a significant component of the core”, according to the Wikipedia page dedicated to the muscle. In his younger bodybuilding days, Arnold Schwarzenneger has been pictured doing the stomach vacuum.

Piqued your interest, have we? Here is the stomach vacuum exercise explained.

The “Stomach Vacuum” exercise is “the easiest way to shrink your waist and melt belly fat”. Here’s how to do it:

We highly recommended that you do this without eating or drinking anything for at least an hour. After a deep five-second inhale, you bring your belly button inside towards your spinal column exhaling as you go. You hold that in for a count to between three and five, before letting go of it and breathing in again as normal. It is possible to do it standing, on all fours or lying down tummy up. You can control this particular workout by either intensity (how hard you pull in the belly button), by a range of motion (how far the belly button is pulled in), or by duration (how many pull-ins you do per set and how long each pull in lasts).

When you do the exercise, it does feel like an actual vacuum with the big exhale and hold. You may do this in conjunction with lifting objects, lifting your arms above your head, sitting down, or on its own. But the exercise by itself is the only one that is not disputed.

What else do we know about the ‘stomach vacuum’?

In yoga, it goes by the name of “Uddiyana Bandha” (UB) or abdominal lock. Authors mention UB in three important yogic texts: Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, Gheranda Samhita, and the Siva Samhita. It is said that it activates the Manipura Chakra, situated behind the belly button.  It is also the centre of vitality, controlling the energy balance to heal and maintain health and, being in the position it is in, plays an important role in the function of the pancreas and digestive organs.

Blockages of this chakra could result in diabetes, blood pressure fluctuations, digestive complaints, and circulatory conditions. When energy from this chakra flows in a free manner, it will always supply the body with vitality and good health. Activating this chakra is not only the gateway to a smaller waist. But it also gives the yogi qualities like clarity, self-confidence, wisdom, knowledge, and more.

Related article: This Simple Exercise Melts Stomach Fat

In simpler form, this practice helps to counteract a big belly by releasing the physical distress caused by the stated possible ailments and replaces them with a body that runs like clockwork healthwise. And, it strengthens the innermost abdominals. It also gives psychological benefits, along with a feelgood factor that was not as present or even unheard of in the past.

Think of it like squeezing an orange. You squeeze out all of the impurities with the help of this simple exercise. Thus, the orange, now lacking its juice, is more svelte because of the squeezing – just like your body.

Therefore, if it is good enough for the bodybuilders and the yogis among us, So why shouldn’t we all suck in that gut?

8 Hidden Things That Can Affect Your Mood

When it comes to moods, humans go through plenty of different ones throughout the course of the day. One moment, we find ourselves sitting in traffic and getting annoyed and impatient, and the next, we make it home to find ourselves relaxed and peaceful once again. Plenty of situations and events can affect our moods, but there are a few smaller things that can alter our emotions and mindset as well.

Watch out for these lesser-known things that can affect your mood, so that you know how to deal with negative feelings the next time they strike.

8 Hidden Things That Can Affect Your Mood

1. Hanging around negative people

We often don’t think about how other people can affect our mindset and emotions, but it’s about time we start. Not only do negative people drain your precious energy, but it makes it that much harder to maintain a positive mindset when you’re surrounded by this type of energy. You may wake up one day and find that you’ve become the very thing you despise, just because of the company you keep.

Make sure you pay attention to how you feel around different people, and adjust your friendship circle accordingly.

2. Watching too many news programs

While the news can provide valuable information about current events, for the most part, news just promotes fear-mongering and dwelling on the negative. If you spend all evening catching up on the latest in the news, you will probably find yourself in a terrible mood afterwards. News programs rarely show any of the positive things happening in the world, so if you want your daily dose of negativity, make sure to tune in.

If you want to steer clear of these feelings, however, simply don’t turn your TV to the news or anything else that dwells on problems and negativity. Or, allot a certain amount of time each day to watching news, so that you don’t become exposed to too much of the toxic information that many news outlets spew.

3. Spending too much time on social media

Of course, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have their perks, but spending too much time on these sites can prove detrimental to your mental and physical health. Not only does social media promote laziness and lack of productivity, but it also disconnects you from others. It puts up walls between you and the rest of the world while you live in a bubble, totally uninterested and unplugged from your environment. It creates a very real barrier between people and can cause plenty of relationship problems as well. Not to mention, science backs up what we’ve thought all along: social media does more harm than good.

In a study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, researchers discovered that social media leaves users feeling unhappy and unsatisfied with their own lives, and this only worsened the more time they spent on these sites.

However, another study found that users who shared more of the good things happening in their lives on their social networks had an increase in happiness and self-esteem overall.

4. Disorganization

You probably already know that external clutter leads to internal clutter, and it only makes your life harder in the end. Having things scattered all over your apartment or desk means that you’ll have to take more time to find what you need, which will result in lost productivity and extra frustration.

Try to commit to cleaning your space at least a few times a week to keep it organized and free of clutter. You’ll thank yourself next time you need a pen or sheet of paper, and find it within only a few seconds of searching on your desk.

5. Staring at screens all day

This sort of ties in to point about social media, because many of us do more online than just scroll through Facebook. We spend time emailing our clients or boss, texting friends, sharing photos, looking up information, watching videos, playing Pokemon, and the list goes on. Many of us could benefit greatly from reducing our screen time and increasing time with friends, time outdoors, time for ourselves, etc.

If you experience technological overload and need a break, then make one. Commit to putting down that phone after a certain amount of time and doing other things instead. Remember the days before smartphones and computers? Of course you do. Pull out that sidewalk chalk or go down to the rope swing at the creek and have a blast. Who needs technology to have fun, anyway?

6. Staying up too late all the time

Staying up late into the night may seem fun and exciting, but it will take a toll on your health before you know it. We need sleep to survive, and many of us don’t get enough of it. Of course, there are conflicting studies out there about staying up late vs. going to bed early, but we all know that too much of something is never good. Staying up late can lead to depression, anxiety, increase in appetite, lethargy, and other pretty serious problems.

If you have a habit of staying up late, try to push your bedtime back by at least thirty minutes or an hour each night. You won’t regret it when you wake up feeling refreshed in the morning!

7. An unhealthy diet

We won’t tell you how to eat, but you want to avoid certain foods in order to have optimal mental, physical and emotional health. Eating too many fried, salty, sugary, processed, or pesticide-ridden foods will negatively affect your health in the long-run, so try to opt for whole foods as much as possible.

Our diet affects our moods more than you’d think, so try to eat like your grandparents did in the good ol’ days, before mass production took a hold of society. Pay attention to how you feel when you eat foods with fewer ingredients, and compare it to your moods and emotions when you eat a lot of unhealthy foods. You’ll likely notice a huge difference.

power of positivity

8. You don’t challenge yourself enough

If you don’t push yourself enough in life, you’ll fall into a state of complacency, and that can lead to stagnation. Challenges and goals serve as a way to keep us excited about life and encourage us to constantly push the limits. If we don’t continue to get better, then what are we doing with our lives? This doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough right now, but all of us could always improve on something.

Related article: 5 Ways to Turn a Bad Day Around

Set goals for yourself regularly, and try your hardest to achieve them. Not only will this increase your mood, but it will hold you accountable for improving your life, and make you a more well-rounded, resilient person.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things Men Should Never Tell Their Pregnant Partner

“It is the most powerful creation to have life growing inside of you. There is no bigger gift.”

­– Beyoncé Knowles

The 9 months that a woman is pregnant is an emotional Pandora’s Box. Elation, acceptance, fatigue, anticipation, sadness, and even depression often occur during pregnancy. Indeed, for many woman, pregnancy is a time of celebration; but, the three phases that make up pregnancy often bring about a number of challenges emotional and physical challenges.

As men, it is our job to be our utmost supportive and helpful during our woman’s pregnancy. First, it is essential that we are willing to understand what pregnancy entails. Second, we must use this knowledge to emotionally support our partner during a difficult time. Lastly, we need to watch the hell out…


Many a men have found themselves nearly castrated for saying or doing something perceptibly offensive during a woman’s pregnancy. We’re here to help with this. Don’t become castrated.

With that joyful note, here are 10 things that men should never tell their pregnant partner:

1. “You are getting big!”

Uh-huh…good luck with that, bro. This really shouldn’t have to be said: don’t comment on a woman’s body during pregnancy. Pregnancy involves a human being growing inside of an expandable womb – of course she is going to get bigger.

Just do yourself a favor and don’t say anything about it.

2. “You shouldn’t be exercising/standing up/doing anything.”

The woman is pregnant, she is not incapacitated. Your partner knows exactly what she should/shouldn’t be doing at any given time. Women have procreated for millions of years; having evolved a keen intuition concerning how/what her body is doing.

No need to advise her on this.

3. “Don’t eat (insert food here).”

This is nearly as bad as #1. Your partner is pregnant, so she needs to account for both her nutritional needs and those of the developing child. It’s perfectly normal – in fact, healthy – if she eats a bit more than she did pre-pregnancy.

Again, if you want to avoid being verbally castrated, stay away from anything involving her diet and/or food.

4. “I wish you could drink with me.”

Guess what? Your partner probably wishes she could have a cocktail or two, as well. But there’s this whole “birth defects from alcohol” thing that is preventing her from doing so. Most times, this is said with genuine intentions; we do miss enjoying the little things, like having an adult beverage, with our significant other. That said, stay away from saying this.

5. “I wish you could eat (insert food here).”

There are some foods (e.g. seafood, poultry) that women are best abstaining from while pregnant. The simple reason is that contracting food poisoning, although the risk is small, can be deadly to the developing child. She may or may not want these foods, but it’s best just to not mention them.

6. “Why is the house such a mess?”

It’s no secret that a woman’s energy is often depleted during pregnancy. It’s much, much easier to become fatigued or exhausted during pregnancy, as the body is undergoing drastic changes. This makes it more difficult to keep up with routine work both in and out of the home.

Instead, just help your partner pick up once in a while…she’ll appreciate that.

7. “Baby names? Again?”

It’s common for pregnant women to discuss baby names with their partner. Sometimes, the woman wants to discuss them quite often. There really isn’t an excuse for a man not engaging in this conversation.

For God’s sake man, she’s carrying around another human being 24/7 for 9 months…the least you can do is indulge her with some good baby names.  

8. “I don’t want to shop for baby stuff.”

That’s too bad, bro, you’re going to be a dad. Get used to sharing some shopping responsibilities once in a while. We guarantee that she truly appreciates the efforts you’re making to lessening her burden during pregnancy.

If this doesn’t matter to you, then look at it this way: if you’re shopping for baby stuff, and you’ve been a good boy, maybe she’ll let you pick something out for yourself. Just sayin’.

Related article: 10 Things to Look For In A Life Partner

9. “What’s taking so long?”

Ohhh, man…you’re asking for it. Hopefully, these words are never uttered from your mouth.

Can you imagine having a developing, moving child – often wreaking havoc on your body – with you, constantly, 24/7? Us men find it difficult to get moving when there’s a football game on T.V…so, we probably wouldn’t do too well carrying around another human being.

10. “You’re sleeping too much.”

This one is commonsensical. You probably don’t come close to uttering this phrase. You’re much too intelligent; understanding that a woman’s body needs to constantly recharge during pregnancy. You know that sleeping often during pregnancy is an overall health benefit for both her and the child…Right?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

45 Year Study Reveals What It Takes to Raise Highly Intelligent Children

In Summer of 1968, John Hopkins University (JHU) professor Julian Stanley met a 12-year old named Joseph Bates. The child grew bored of the overly simple work that his school mandated he churn out day after day. Bates, as it would turn out, was a gifted child. However, little Joseph did not receive encouragement from the staunchly-traditional education system. Indeed, the school did not recognize or cultivate intelligent students.

Joseph Bates was eventually enrolled in a computer science program at JHU – a move that the child’s parents hoped would provide an adequate challenge and proper cognitive stimulation. However, even a difficult class at one of the United States’ most prestigious universities was not enough. Eventually, the child ended up both enrolling at JHU and teaching advanced programming language to graduate students.

Observing the failure of traditional education to identify and cultivate gifted children, Stanley developed the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY), which would eventually revolutionize the way that gifted children are sought out and nurtured.

“I don’t know of any other study in the world that has given us such a comprehensive look at exactly how and why STEM talent develops.” – Christoph Perleth, Psychologist at the University of Rostock (Germany)

45 Year Study Reveals What It Takes to Raise Highly Intelligent Children

SMPY has been conducting childhood intelligence studies for over 45 years and is recognized as the preeminent source by many to develop the intellects of children. SMPY has produced several hundred scientifically-rigorous studies on a myriad of topics related to childhood intelligence.

Perhaps the most important work of SMPY is related to the identification and cultivation of gifted children in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM. People that have been identified by SMPY have gone forth to leave significant impacts on a variety of fields. Pioneering mathematicians Terence Tao (winner of the 2006 Fields Medal), and Lenhard Ng were involved with SMPY, as were business magnates Mark Zuckerberg and Sergey Brin. Lady Gaga was also a SMPY pupil.

raise intelligent children

What SMPY Discovered

SMPY followed the achievements of 5,000 precocious youths up to the peak of their respective careers. Researchers discovered that their subjects societal influence far outpaces those of non-subjects; namely, numerous innovators in the fields of science, technology and culture (e.g. Zuckerberg) were all supported in their early years by JHU’s Center for Talented Youth, an adjunctive entity of SMPY.

In published studies, SMBY theorizes and proves that childhood intellect has a disproportionate influence on eventual success. Here are the key findings of SMBY’s research:

  1. Inherited intelligence is a stronger indicator of success than repeat practice or socioeconomic status.
  2. Provided that a gifted child develops properly, they will likely make a significant impact in their chosen field of endeavor.
  3. There exists no one single factor that can determine a person’s success; there are outliers in each intellectual tier.
  4. Proper nurturing of gifted children is important to the future development and competitiveness of respective societies.
  5. Gifted children can accomplish many foreign tasks, and complete work that they had no previous knowledge of (This is especially true with gifted young mathematicians).

Nurturing an intelligent child

“Setting out to raise a genius is the last thing we’d advise any parent do…(it) can lead to all sorts of social and emotional problems,” says Camilla Benbow, dean of education and human development at Vanderbilt University (which oversees SMPY initiatives).

Instead, Benbow and her talent-development researchers came up with a series of recommendations for parents of gifted children. The goal, states Benbow, is to inspire both achievement and happiness in smart children. Here are some of the points of emphasis given to parents of gifted kids.

  • Use labeling words such as “gifted” or “special” with precaution. Labeling a child often can lead to emotional distress.
  • Allow the child to experience intellectual endeavors on their own. This conveys that failure and risk is vital to the learning experience.
  • Focus on emphasizing effort, not innate ability. As mentioned, various factors determine someone’s relative “success,” not just inherent intelligence.
  • Encourage the child in intellectual areas of interest. Don’t force them to “be something” they’re not.
  • Collaborate with educators to plan a path. Gifted children often feel a strong sense of boredom or uncomfortable routineness with assigned work. Come up with a good, well-balanced educational plan.
  • Convey emotional and intellectual support. Such an approach will help with developing the child into a well-rounded person.
  • Expose the child to diverse experiences. Children with high intelligence often require novelty to sustain motivation.

Final thoughts on raising intelligent children

SMBY is simply one of the many entities that studies childhood intelligence. The word “intelligence” often provokes differing thoughts and emotions, and for good reason. Indeed, despite the tireless research conducted by a number of great minds, no true consensus exists as to what constitutes real “intelligence.”

This aside, we do understand that both inherent intelligence and environmental factors are influential in a child’s cognitive development. All children, regardless of innate ability, require stimulation via learning, as well as a loving and stable home environment to reach their full potential.

The fact that institutions such as SMPY and others exist ought to be encouraging. Gifted children have the potential to become tomorrow’s great scientists, artists, mathematicians, teachers, engineers, government leaders, and so on. It’s up to us to ensure the young children that make up the gifted demographic receive the nurturing and wholeheartedly embracing their intelligence.

10 Ways to Tell Your Partner You Love Them (Without Saying A Word)

We tried to profess love without using words. Alas, everything we tried did not seem to work, thus we shall do it with their aid – so you will not need them.

Tell your partner “I Love You” (without a word) by doing any of these things…

1. Cook a meal they love

They do say that “the quickest way to a person’s heart is through their stomach,”  such is the way we do not distinguish between sexes.

Even if you are no Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen, just popping their favorite food in the microwave speaks volumes about how you see your honey bunny and where you are as a couple.

love2. Make sure that their clothes are clean

Unless your significant other is insignificant to you, you would want their clothes smelling fresh for the next time of use. Washing, drying, ironing, and putting them back in the closet. Fellas, sometimes you must pull your finger out in this department, too.

3. Turn on the outside light (and leave a love note) if your other half is working late

If you show this simple gesture, they don’t need to whip out their phone to know exactly where the door lock is. It also illuminates the vicinity so they are not walking into complete darkness. How depressing is it to come home to that?

And the love note? They’ll be happy to read it (and have the light to do so)…

4. Put fresh towels out for when the working day or night is done

This is very similar to #2. However, we do not usually use towels as clothes this time unless you two are all alone! Nothing says “I Love You” quite like leaving clean towels ready for when they are needed the most.

5. Designate a date night

Ensure all other distractions, including kids, pets, in-laws, meddling mothers, are out of the way. Focus on each other on your date night.

Everyone wins if you could get them together so you two love birds can enjoy some “us” time! Quality time together refreshes the relationship and allows you to do this not customarily allowed when you are not alone.

6. Wear an outfit they love to see you wear

We all love a woman/man in uniform. Her in a sexy nurse’s outfit, him in fireman’s garb. Let us get those pulses racing, the nurse’s bedside manner will see to that! The fireman will whip out his hose and put out all fires of desire, too! It is suddenly getting hot in here…

7. Give them an unexpected hug and kiss

Who does not love some unexpected sugar? This could make someone’s day, especially those hugs and kisses from behind. They do not only feel good, they are also good for our health. According to Dr. Mercola, a ten-second hug a day can “lower risk of heart disease, reduce stress, fight fatigue, boost your immune system, fight infections, ease depression.” Now imagine what kissing can do…

8. Send them a sweet text message

What exactly to send them, only you know. What we do know is that they will be made up about getting that message from you. Be as creative or as crazy as you like; they will be guaranteed to be smiling all day long and might even send something back if they get the chance.

9. Do something with them that they love doing

For him: Watch the game with him wearing his team’s colors. For her: Go to the ballet with her wearing a nice suit and Italian leather shoes. Of course, these suggestions can be changed to suit all tastes. If you go with them to do something they love, they will love you even more for it. It is a question of making an effort for your boo.


10. Be spontaneous with them (if you can)

Being spontaneous with your squeeze means you both can let your hair down and enjoy life. Taking that impromptu trip makes you love your life with them, a nice little road trip listening to your favorite songs and singing along to break the humdrum routine. At the end, you can laugh and say you cannot believe you did that. We only get one life, so enjoy living a life you love with your favorite person with you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

20 Things Every Man Should Stop Doing In His Relationship

A man has two options in a relationship: Either stand up and be the man she needs or sit down, so she can see the man behind you.

Women fall in love with a man because of his character. Women also stay in love because of the man’s character. As men, our character should not change simply because we are now officially “in a relationship.” The truth is, you can lose the woman by doing so…quickly.

It is our duty, as men, to be upright and honest in everything that we do. Not just in a relationship, but outside of it. It goes without saying that your woman deserves a man with such traits of honesty and goodwill.

This article discusses 20 things a man should stop doing in a relationship. This notion assumes that you still indeed love the woman. Bearing this in mind, it is important to cease character-damaging behavior before it’s too late.

NOTE: If you want to know the actions women must stop for a successful relationship, we cover them in a separate article.

20 Things Every Man Should Stop Doing In His Relationship


1. Don’t stop getting to know your partner.

Just because you’re together don’t mean that inquisitiveness stops. Don’t become too complacent by thinking you know everything about her.

2. Don’t underestimate the importance of your partner’s work.

Whether your partner is a stay-at-home mom or a full-time office worker, don’t neglect to recognize their hard work.

3. Don’t go straight for the couch after getting home.

This is such a common behavior for us men! We have a long day and can’t wait to flop onto the soft cushions of our couch. If she’s home, give her a kiss and ask about her day.

4. Don’t put work before your partner.

Many men take it upon themselves to provide the best possible life for their partner. While this is admirable, don’t allow your work to distract you from what’s truly important.

5. Don’t pretend to be listening when you’re not.

“Uh…uh-huh…sounds good.” Meanwhile, you didn’t listen to a word that she said. Maintain eye contact, engage in conversation, and show her that you’re really good listener.

6. Don’t become a closed book.

When life gets difficult, it’s so easy for us to just shut down. But us men have to remember that someone is depending on us to be physically and mentally present.

7. Don’t critique or criticize your woman in front of others.

When there’s tension between you and her, it’s important to remain calm and collected. Don’t allow yourself to say something, especially in front of others, that you may come to regret.

8. Don’t preemptively mention “breaking up/divorce”

Breaking up is serious, and divorce even more so. These words should never be muttered in haste. Doing so can even end a salvageable relationship.

9. Don’t procrastinate with your household duties.

If it’s your responsibility to take out the garbage after dinner, do it. If you said you’d clean the garage this weekend, do it. Be a responsible man around the house.

10. Don’t forget to communicate your whereabouts.

Communication is the backbone of any relationship. When a man doesn’t clue his woman in on where he’s going or what he’s doing, it’s incredibly disrespectful.

11. Don’t purchase anything major without first discussing it.

Oh, you want that new TV? Is that new suit catching your eye? That’s cool. What isn’t cool is purchasing something costly without first discussing it with your lady.

12. Don’t hone in on other women for too long!

Beautiful women are almost irresistibly eye-catching. A first look – even a short “trail” – is natural. However, it’s probably best to check your woman-watching in front of your woman.


13. Don’t force her to make all the important decisions.

Not all decisions can be made together, for whatever reason. However, when it comes to something significant (e.g. your kids, the house), you must be willing to expend some brainpower and help with the decision.

14. Don’t react impulsively while arguing.

This one spells (unavoidable) danger. When our temper rises, we have a tendency to allow our brain to check out. This can lead to hurtful words being uttered without thinking. Allow yourself to cool down.

15. Don’t take advantage of her kindness.

One reason you probably fell in love with your woman is her sweet nature. Women can be very caring and generous; but this doesn’t give you the right to take advantage. Reciprocate kindness, as well.

16. Don’t forget to plan an evening out, on occasion.

Gosh, it just seems that we’re so busy all the time. When we’re home, it can be so tempting to want to just “Netflix and chill.” This is cool most of the time, but don’t forget to add novelty by taking her out on the town on occasion.

17. Don’t expect her to tend to your every need.

Somewhat related to #15, it is important to not anticipate her meeting your every need. As men, we must take it upon ourselves to be responsible. This means caring for ourselves, in many ways, like we did before we met her.

18. Don’t accuse her of anything without evidence.

This one is another potential backbreaker. Accusations, especially of the serious kind (e.g. cheating) can irreparably damage a relationship. Make sure you have clear evidence of the offense.

19. Don’t insult her man friends.

Odds are she probably has a male friend or acquaintance that may rub you the wrong way. You can verbalize these concerns without insulting her social circle.

20. Don’t attempt to control her.

As partners, you should both understand that time apart is both healthy and necessary. When she tries to have a night to herself, let her without becoming a master.

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