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21 Actions That Show Your Partner Isn’t Interested Anymore

As we are all well aware, a relationship is a two-way street; there has to be a mutual and foundational understanding for the entire thing to work out. If this foundational mutual interest does not exist, the relationship will likely deteriorate to a point where it is beyond repair.

Perhaps the most challenging scenario is when one person in the relationship cannot make things work despite all their best efforts. Understandably, this person will often safeguard their emotions by unconsciously enabling denial. “Ah, it’s only temporary” or “He/She will come around.” This is not always the case, however, which is the point of this article.

“I’m not interested in trying to work on people’s perceptions. I am who I am, and if you don’t take the time to learn about that, then your perception is going to be your problem.” – Jim Brown, Former NFL Football Player

We’ll discuss several signs – 21 to be exact – that may indicate that your partner isn’t interested any longer.

21 Signs Your Partner Isn’t Interested Anymore

Here they are, in no particular order.

1. They are always “too busy”

Two people in a healthy relationship always make time for each other, almost without exception. This is evident during conversations when they will quickly disengage and fire some random, unmerited excuse about having to do “something important.”


2. They’re around more when they want something

Many humans are inherently selfish creatures, but a disinterested partner becomes a bit more selfish than most. They have no problem ignoring you 90 percent of the time, but the remaining 10 percent is when they “really need” something. Anger ensues.

3. They’re non-communicative

Communication that is non-existent or highly sporadic is a clear sign of disinterest. After all, who doesn’t want communication with a person they care about?

4. They always talk about themselves…

When there is communication, the topic of discussion always seems to focus on them. This is perhaps most evident when they are on a tirade of something burdensome, like work.

5. …while taking little interest in your life

“How was your day?” is a phrase no longer incorporated by the disinterested one. Instead, they remember they’re disinterested and either shut down or redirect the conversation to numero uno.

6. They’re very controlling

This is borderline abuse, plain and simple. See, they’re not actually interested in you, but they are interested in controlling you. It’s despicable behavior that should signal the victim to run the other way.

7. They’re incessantly blameful

Continuously blaming someone else without merit is often an intentional act to push someone away. It’s cowardly and, again, borderline abusive.

8. They’re frequently disrespectful

Ugh…yeah… someone that isn’t interested anymore can get downright nasty in their mannerisms and other behaviors. Again, this is their character flaw, not yours.

9. They seem to change you…for the worse

It’s not uncommon for someone on the receiving end of a disinterested person’s mischiefs to feel changed. As a result, you may find that you smile less, are more lethargic, and so on. A very unfortunate realization, indeed.

10. They disregard your value

This one truly is troubling. A person that is (1) lacking basic decency and (2) categorically disinterested will have no trouble in devaluing someone else; even someone they used to “care” about.

11. They don’t bother including you

Oh, you used to hang out with each other’s friends? Not anymore. They got a promotion and didn’t tell you? It shouldn’t be a surprise…they’re already disengaged.

12. They’re heavy on the excuses

Similar to empty apologies, excuses are thrown around when we lack any motivation to abstain from such behavior. An interested person doesn’t issue meaningless excuses.

13. They seem less concerned about your welfare

When we truly care for someone else, we make it a priority to concern ourselves with their welfare. Heck, even a stranger can sympathize or empathize with someone else. This is disrespect to the highest degree.

14. They begin ignoring your inner circle

This doesn’t always take place, but ignoring/disrespecting/avoiding your inner circle is an intentional act. It’s effective at provoking anger.

15. They issue empty apologies

Episodes of empty apologies seem to be on a loop when one begins to feel disinterested. It’s simple really: they don’t find it necessary to put meaning behind their words anymore. Kind of similar to how you’re sorry when arriving late at work…if that makes sense.

16. They seem to “forget” a lot

Especially concerning things that they used to remember. When this happens, it is almost assuredly a sign of disinterest. When we’re not engaged, we tend to “hear” more often than listen.

17. There’s a lot of sex, but not much more

“Friends with benefits” doesn’t apply here, as you’re supposed to be considered much more. When casual sexual encounters are frequent, but true intimacy isn’t, it speaks volumes about their real intentions.

18. They’re non-committal

When the other person evades anything in regards to commitment, it’s generally not a very good sign. The only exception to this rule is if you’ve been dating for a short period of time while discussing the future together. Other than this caveat, the other person just isn’t interested much.

19. They treat others better than you

The lady at the local grocery store bagging your stuff seems to get better treatment than you do. When he or she is cordial to seemingly everyone else but you, it’s a sign that things are disintegrating quickly.

20. They’re cheating

This one kind of goes without saying. Cheating is a sign of complacency at best and a sign of complete disinterest at worst. Either way, it shouldn’t be tolerated.


21. You always seem to be crying

This is the unfortunate result of any number of behaviors listed here. Feelings get hurt, people get upset, and tears are shed. However, if this happens frequently, it’s time to move on.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Four Unique Salts That Can Actually Improve Your Health

Modern society’s overreliance on processed foods has negated many of the health benefits of minerals. This is also the case with sodium, or salt. While the ubiquitous table salts we consume don’t contain sufficient minerals, natural and unprocessed salts do. Of course, these salts also have the added benefit of making many dishes tastier.

Natural salts contain what are known as trace minerals; minerals that are essential to health but are not commonly consumed. There is a total of 93 trace minerals, and natural salts contain a heavy dose of them.

Here, we take a look at four salt varieties that are healthy and taste really good. Additionally, we’ll discuss some of the myriad health benefits and uses of natural salts.

Four Unique Salts That Can Actually Improve Your Health

salt sodium

Salt #1: Black Indian Salt

“Black salt,” or Kala Namak as it is known in areas throughout India, is frequently used as a spice in Indian and Ayurveda cooking. Interestingly, black salt isn’t black at all. The colors of this delicious ingredient range from a dark-pink hue to a dark violet.

Black salt contains a number of health benefits, but it perhaps most well-known for its detoxification properties. Kala Namak is also terrific for the skin, and is believed to help stimulate hair growth. Some people also state that black salt helps with gastritis.

Black salt has a pungent and distinct aroma, and it said to be a great additive to soups and salads.

Salt #2: Hawaiian Red Volcanic Salt

Hawaiian red volcanic salt contains 80 of the 93 available trace minerals, making it one of the most nutrient-dense natural salts on this list. Hawaiians adamantly believe that this natural salt contains potent healing and detoxification properties, and for years has been used in ceremonial rituals such as purification practices.

While the name may seem hyperbolic, the salt contains a high red volcanic clay concentration. Called alaea by Hawaiian natives, this natural salt is distinctly pink in color.

In terms of dietary uses, Hawaiian red volcanic salt has been used as a natural preservative for many years, particularly in Hawaii. The mesmerizing color and bold flavor has made it a preferred salt for many chefs around the globe. Its use is also incredibly varied; people use it with all kinds of dishes, and even as a topping for ice cream and other desserts.

 Salt #3: Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt

In addition to being another nutrient-dense natural salt, Himalayan pink crystal salt is a history lesson in itself. The product is extracted from antiquated sea bed deposits that are nearly 250 million years old. The salt contains 84 trace minerals and exhibits a wonderful rose color.

Compared to other salts on this list, Himalayan salt is quite mellow in flavor. As such, it is a very flexible culinary ingredient. The salt is used for cooking, curing and searing. In terms of food combinations, its light flavor makes it ideal for a topping on any number of foods.

Himalayan salt, as mentioned, is a powerful detoxifier. It’s often used for salt baths, as it is believed to stimulate circulation and relax muscles. Plus, according to this study, it can actually lower blood pressure. Pretty awesome(and ironic), right?

#4: Natural Gray Sea Salt

Last, but certainly not least, is natural gray sea salt. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the most nutrient-dense salt on the planet, containing 92 of 93 trace minerals. This salt is unique in many ways, including how it almost perfectly retains its original elemental structure (i.e., all trace elements).

Natural gray salt helps stimulate alkalinity, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system. Texturally, natural gray sea salt is granular and fine. Taste-wise, the salt retains a bit of a “marine-life” flavor, which makes it a good seasoning for bolder dishes, such as lean cuts of beef, cheese, and lamb.


Final Thoughts on These Unique Salts

Unprocessed, mineral rich salts – such as those described above – contain a number of other health benefits not mentioned prior. Here are a few of those said benefits:

– Regulates blood pressure and helps maintain a regular heartbeat.

– Is a strong natural antihistamine; thus, is effective at clearing congestion in the lungs and nasal pathways.

– It is effective at eliminating congestion in the sinuses, as well as eliminating mucus and phlegm.

– Helps regulate blood sugar levels.

– Assists with removal of excess acidity from cells.

– Due to heavy trace mineral concentrations, natural salt ignites the body’s main energy source, adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

– Assists with nerve cell communication, including in the brain.

– Helps maintain strong bones, which may help prevent bone conditions, such as osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

14 Proven Ways to Make Your Child Successful in Life

As a parent, you likely want what is best for your child now and in the future. You want them to be happy and healthy, and you want to teach them how to be successful as they get older. Most parents realize that this goal is more complex than it sounds, but you can learn how to make your child successful in life.

According to recently conducted surveys for kids, many aspects of your child’s life can affect their success, including education, social skills, and fostering their hobbies. It all involves teaching good habits because repeated behavior determines their success. Your child’s environment also plays a role in their chance of success in life.

Learning how to make your child successful in life can help them live a fulfilled, happy, and productive life. As a parent, this is the ultimate goal, and there are proven ways to do it. You can help your child to ensure they are well-equipped for challenges and adulthood.

No matter how old your child is, you can make beneficial changes. As you learn how to make your child successful in life, you will both benefit as you watch your child blossom. Implement some of these proven tips on how to help kids succeed in life, and you’ll quickly see the difference.

How to Make Your Child Successful in Life

Are you a parent trying to set your child up for success? Try these behaviors in the home to raise successful kids.

how to make your child successful in life1. Give Your Kids Responsibilities At Home

Teaching your children about responsibility is one of the best ways to make them successful. When you teach them to be responsible, they realize that they must work to be part of life.

Chores are a great way to give age-appropriate responsibilities around the house. Giving your child chores helps teach them responsibility, encourages hard work, and helps them understand the importance of contributing to the greater good. Some ideas for chores kids can do include:

  • taking out the garbage
  • mowing the lawn
  • doing the dishes
  • walking the dog
  • folding laundry

2. Teach Your Kids Social Skills

Social skills are essential for success, so teaching them to your child early on can help. Social competence can help children cooperate with their peers, help others, understand feelings, and resolve problems. Plus, children with social skills are more likely to have a college degree or full-time job by the time they are 25.

Those with inadequate social skills have a higher risk of being arrested, binge drinking, and applying for public housing. If you help your child develop necessary social skills, they will have a much better chance at a healthy future.

3. Demonstrate High Educational Expectations

While you shouldn’t set impossible educational expectations, you should set high ones. Studies show a positive link between your child’s long-term academics and a parent’s expectations. When it comes to education, you can’t slack off and let your child fall behind.

Your long-term goals for your child tend to predict your child’s math and reading abilities. Think link stems from children’s desire to live up to their parents’ expectations. They can follow their life path, but your academic guidance will help lead them in the right direction.

It is also important to note that your educational level can impact your children. Children born to teen moms are less likely to finish high school or seek higher education. Additionally, a parent’s education level when their child is eight years old can predict their success later in life, too.

4. Reward Your Child’s Achievements

Rewarding your child’s achievements can make them want to continue doing well. Kids love to know when someone is proud of them, so sometimes praise is the only reward they need. Research shows that growth mindsets thrive on praise for hard work and effort.

When they achieve something, consider rewarding them in other ways, too. Ensure the reward is something they will enjoy and want to do again. Some reward ideas include:

  • a new book
  • family game night
  • movie and snack of their choice
  • baking their favorite dessert
  • extra screen time
  • late bedtime
  • any activity of their choice

5. Teach Your Kids To Develop Good Relationships

When your child knows how to develop good relationships, they are more likely to be successful. Strong relationships promote emotional and mental growth, psychological wellbeing, and academic performance. Children that don’t have good relationships are more likely to face legal trouble, perform poorly academically, and struggle with psychiatric problems.

6. Teach Your Kids To Accept Failures

If you teach your kids to accept failure and praise their efforts, they will develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset means that they view failure as a chance to learn and grow rather than the end of their opportunity. When they think this way, they won’t be afraid to try because they’ll know that failure is okay.

While you might want to shield your child from failure, it isn’t beneficial to do so. Protecting them teaches your child that they shouldn’t ever face loss, and they won’t work as hard to reach their goals. Plus, they might not handle it well when they inevitably fail at something.

7. Encourage Your Kids to Love Math

Studies show that teaching your children to love math is a sure way to help them find success in life. Early math skills such as numbers knowledge, number order, and other math concepts predict future academic reading. Not only does it signify future math achievement, but it also leads to high reading levels.

how to make your child successful in life8. Appreciate Your Child’s Effort

By appreciating your child’s effort, you will show them that success doesn’t only come from the final result. Praise their hard work and effort, and they won’t be afraid to try multiple times to accomplish their goals. Appreciating their actions helps them see that failure is a chance for growth and learning.

When your child worked hard at their soccer game but didn’t win, praise how hard they ran. If they did win the game, you should still praise their effort. By doing so, you teach them that their hard work is more important than the result.

9. Teach Your Kids To Be Healthy

Teaching your child how to be emotionally and physically healthy will help them throughout their entire life. Help them learn how to plan and make healthy meals, and teach them about healthy snacks. Additionally, teach them about regular physical activity and all of the benefits it has on your body.

For emotional health, teach them about positive thinking and showing themselves love and respect always. Getting enough sleep is also an important health factor that affects both emotional and physical health.

10. Send Your Kids to High-Education Level Schools

Whenever possible, send your child to schools with a high educational level. Ensuring they have the best chance at learning and furthering their skills is the best way to help them reach success. Plus, high-education level schools tend to have other children with the same mindset, further encouraging your child.

11. Teach Your Kids to Be Gritty

When you teach your children to be gritty, it means encouraging perseverance, helping your child keep pushing toward their goals despite setbacks or obstacles. You can cultivate grit by encouraging your child to practice and find purpose in things they are passionate about. It also involves introducing your child to activities or topics they can continually learn about for years.

12. Allow Your Kids to Make Decisions

If you want to raise a successful child, then you can’t make all of their decisions for them. When they can make their own decisions, it allows them to explore their passions and interests.

One way to allow them to make their own decision is by listening without offering advice. Then, let them face natural consequences, when necessary, without stepping in to fix it.

If you make all of your child’s decisions, it will leave them feeling discouraged and stifled. The long-term effects of making their decisions for them involve them becoming a codependent adult. A codependent adult tends to seek a partner that holds power and control in the relationship.

13. Be Aware Of Your Child’s Environment

Your child’s environment plays a huge role in their chance at success. Children that live in a neighborhood with good schools, career opportunities, and peers that value education affect their success levels.

Plus, studies show that children who received sensitive caregiving in their early years of life were more successful than others. Sensitive caregiving means that the child’s needs were promptly and appropriately addressed.

14. Be A Good Example To Your Kids

Kids tend to copy what their parents do, so setting a good example is essential. Start by managing your emotions to show children how to regulate theirs. Research shows that when a parent handles their feelings appropriately, children are more likely to follow suit.

Model good work ethic and achievement, too. Show them that hard work is necessary and that even when things don’t go as planned, you don’t give up. Let your children see you learning from your mistakes and showing the importance of not giving up.

Additionally, show children that when they face conflict, they should resolve it calmly. Model support, compromise, and positivity during the hard times. Doing so will help your child improve their social skills, self-esteem, and emotional security.

how to make your child successful in lifeFinal Thoughts on How to Make Your Child Successful in Life

As a parent, one of your biggest goals is likely to raise happy, healthy, and successful children. By giving your child the tools for success, everything else will fall into place. Learning how to make your child successful in life will change your child’s life for the better. As help prepare your child for success, they will receive mental and physical benefits. Implement some of the tips discussed here, and see which ones help your child thrive.

10 Reasons to Be With The Stubborn One

Stubborn: 1: (a) unreasonably or perversely unyielding; (b) suggestive or typical or a strong stubborn nature; 2: performed or carried on in an unyielding, obstinate, or persistent matter; 3: difficult to handle, manage, or treat. – Merriam-Webster Dictionary

As the Merriam-Webster definition of stubborn conveys, the word often has a negative connotation in modern culture. The truth is that stubbornness is not always a bad thing; a stubborn person can be just as well-meaning and polite as someone less so. Taken a step further, someone who is stubborn can, and often does, have a lasting and positive influence on our life.

When is it “good to be stubborn”? For one: when choosing a potential mate. To be clear, an entrenched line exists between stubbornness and obstinacy. When one refuses to compromise in a relationship; always makes demands; doesn’t display empathy, and so on, that is not stubbornness – that is borderline abuse.

Here are 10 reasons to be with the stubborn one:

1. They have a good sense of direction

Stubborn people are generally not adrift when it comes to life. A stubborn person generally knows what they want, and will go for it. Even if they should fail, their innate “stick-to-itiveness” allows them to get back in the saddle easier than most. The same concept applies for relationships; the stubborn among have a propensity for seeing things through regardless of any relationship obstacles!

2. They continually try to make us better

This one requires a two-part explanation: (1) stubborn people are often insightful when it comes to understanding their partner’s traits; (2) they will attempt to nudge us along the path leading to the fulfillment of our potential. Slacking off? Good luck with that. Not taking care of yourself? You may want to try a little personal upkeep. Well, either that, or you’re just going to hear about it for the remainder of your life.

3. They are keenly attuned to their emotions

The stubborn often possess high emotional intelligence; they understand their thought processes and emotional elements, and are always tuned into them. This trait is also tied somewhat to logical capabilities, as the stubborn tend to provide rationale to why they think and feel certain ways. They’ll indeed become emotional, but they’ll almost always provide an explanation when prompted for one.

4. They bring novelty to the relationship

Okay, here’s a quick experiment: close your eyes and imagine a relationship where a person agrees with everything you say…it sounds ideal, right? But where is the challenge in that? The intellectual rigor? A “Yes Man” or a “Yes Woman” will certainly not provide any of the aforementioned benefits.

5. They are tremendously resilient

We touched on this a bit already, but perhaps more elaboration is in order. Stubbornness isn’t generally an innate characteristic; it is usually the result of environmental factors. More specifically, the stubborn often have had to overcome hardships in getting what they want (see number one!). As a result, he or she has learned to cultivate and strengthen their soul in anticipation of any adversity. Subsequently, the stubborn often have remarkable resilience – a great personal attribute of someone in any relationship!

6. They always “keep things real”

We’ve established by now that the stubborn are strong individuals. This strength also manifests into how they convey their thoughts and emotions. They won’t (ever) succumb to someone else out of hesitance, fear or timidity; as such, they’ll tell you precisely what they feel or think at any given time. This is a refreshing change from the “shielding” of emotions that often accompanies dating and, to a lesser extent, relationships.

7. They are deeply caring

Are there stubborn people who are also detached from most everyone? Sure there are, but they are in the minority. Remember, people are stubborn because they embody strongly-felt emotions. This characteristic causes them to feel emotions – sadness, anger, and love – more deeply than many others.

8. They incite passion

Number 7 segues quite nicely into another important emotion in relationships: passion. Relationships are shallow minus moments of passion; however, this is rarely the case for those in a relationship with a stubborn person. Why? Because the displays of deeply-felt emotions will translate into times of passion – for the relationship, and for the things that you both mutually value. (And, yes, this applies to bedroom activities as well!)

Related article: 6 Behaviors People Think Are Negative(That Are Actually Positive)

9. They exude confidence

This one really is a no-brainer. Traits of stubbornness have a strong correlation with confidence, and confidence is a potent attraction mechanism. Given that the stubborn have confidence in the things they say and do, it is natural that his or her confident characteristics will often surface in other ways too. This is fun…and it also leads us to the next item on our list…

10. They keep things interesting(!)

With a stubborn person as a partner, there is no shortage of things interesting. Will you fight and argue? Yeah. Will you clash over things? Certainly. Will you ever be bored and complacent? No, and no.

11 Things Men Do When They’re Truly In Love

We men are not great at expressing our emotions in words. We are more comfortable with deeds and actions than trying to express complex emotional states we are already uncomfortable examining. We are raised to be strong and unshakable bastions of safety that our friends, family, and lovers can retreat to when they are in pain or danger. Being vulnerable and open to love is difficult for us, but not impossible. It is fairly obvious when we have opened the castle gates of our hearts and let someone in. Here are some signs that you live in that heart castle.

NOTE: We cover the behaviors of a woman truly in love separately if you want to know the signs.

11 Acts of A Man’s True Love

romantic quotes

1. He Loves and Respects You For Who You Are.

In a culture of superficial beauty and disposable relationships, when a man truly loves you, he loves all of you, not just your beauty. He loves you for who you are. He loves your flaws as well as your virtues. He respects your decisions and choices in life.

2. He Is Your Biggest Cheerleader.

When a man loves you, it isn’t enough for him to be successful on his own; he also wants you to be successful in whatever you choose to do. He is your biggest fan and most vocal cheerleader. He believes in you and what you can accomplish. He lets everyone know how awesome you are.

3. He Protects You.

A man places himself between danger and that which he loves. He shields you not just from physical harm, but also emotional traumas. Always vigilant and always on guard, he is ready at a moment’s notice to place himself in harm’s way. He does not raise his hands against those he loves. It would never cross his mind.

4. He Steps Up.

When times are tough or there is a tough decision to make, a man steps up and takes action. He does not shift the responsibility to others. He takes responsibility. He makes any sacrifice necessary. His personal comforts and safety are secondary considerations. When things go wrong, he takes the blame and the responsibility for making things right again.

5. He Values Your Opinion.

When a man loves you, your opinions matter to him. He may not give a flying #$&@ what anyone else on Earth thinks, but what you think of him matters greatly. What you think about political, religious, or business matters matter to him. What you think the two of you should paint the bedroom matters to him. Your opinions on all things great and small are important to him.

what men do when they're in love

6. He Listens.

When you speak, he stops what he is doing to listen to you. What you have to say is important to him, even if it is trivial day-to-day stuff. He pays attention to you because you are the most important person in his world.

7. He Remembers.

He remembers things like your favorite color, how you like your coffee or what types of books you are into. He remembers because you are important to him. It may seem trivial to you, but to him, you are the focus of his world. He is your biggest fan and remembering how you like your ice cream is just natural.

8. He Goes Out Of His Way.

If you need him, he will stop what he is doing and go out of his way to help you. He will drive an hour to fix your printer that isn’t working and then drive back an hour to go to work. You are important to him, so he will find a way to make it happen. It is no trouble. It is an act of devotion.

9. He Loves Enough To Let Go.

When a man is secure in his love for you, then he has no problem with you hanging out with your girlfriends for the evening. He is not clingy and demanding of your time. He understands you are busy and have a life of your own. We all need our time apart with our friends to do the things we are passionate about.

10. He Misses You.

When you have to travel for work or to visit family, he misses you when you are gone. He thinks about you while you are away and will send goofy little notes to let you know you are on his mind. He will be glad and excited to see you when you get back as well.

11. He Feels Your Pain.

If you are hurting, then he is hurting as well. It is like he can physically feel your pain. We men are meant to protect our mates, and if they are hurting, then we have somehow failed in protecting them. He wants to soothe your pain and shield you from harm. He doesn’t want to see you hurting or in pain.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

18 Life Lessons To Learn From Arnold Palmer

The King has passed. Long live The King.

Condolences go out to the friends, family, and fans of seven-time major champion Arnold Palmer on behalf of Power of Positivity. The golf legend was eighty-seven years old. Let us celebrate his life from quotes direct from the horse’s mouth, using no dog legs.

These life lessons can be applied to any activity or profession, so pay close attention to one of the truest darlings ever to grace an 18th or 19th hole.

18 Life Lessons To Learn From Arnold Palmer

Take this life advice from Palmer.

The Front 9:

1. “Golf is a puzzle without an answer. I’ve played the game for 50 years and I still haven’t the slightest idea of how to play.”

This comes from his humble background of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. No expert has all the answers all of the time and can become stuck in certain situations, no matter how seasoned the expert is. Therefore, if you do not have the answer you seek, do not be disheartened.

2. “It’s a funny thing, the more I practice the luckier I get.”

This could not have been better put. When you do something on a consistent level, you raise your performance to a whole different level. If you do not get to your target straight away, keep going. You will get there, no matter how slowly you go to achieve your goals.

3. “The road to success is always under construction.”

Never to rest on his laurels, Gary kept on playing tournament golf until as late as 2005, a full 50 years after his first tournament win in the 1955 Canadian Open. We, too, must keep playing our natural game and keep forging the right road designed for us, by us. Both success and failure are part of the road, but the journey on the road is the essence of life.

4. “I’ve always made total effort, even when the odds seemed entirely against me. I never quit trying; I never felt that I didn’t have a chance to win.”

Ah, the never-say-die attitude. A winner always believes that they can win, even though the situation seems hopeless. All greats have persistence in their locker and it is something that is not taught, for that special something is engrained within the quintessential winner. Is it inside YOU?

5. “On the Old Course at St. Andrews: This is the origin of the game, golf in its purest form, and it’s still played that way on a course seemingly untouched by time. Every time I play here, it reminds me that this is still a game.”

This quote is a beauty. Life is not meant to be taken so seriously, yet we are sometimes in awe of how life is so much greater and older than us. It serves to remind us how lucky we are, regardless of problems in our lives or in the lives of loved ones. This was The King’s version of looking up at the stars, such was his love for golf and its traditions.

6. “Hit it hard, go find it and hit it hard again.”

If you are going to do something, do it with all the gusto you can muster. Only you can define how much effort you put into whatever you do, so do not do it half-hearted. Doing things in a half-hearted manner is par for the course, but those who put their hearts and souls into what they do get the green jacket of life.

7. “Success in golf depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind and character.”

Winners create their reality before anyone else has seen them lift the trophy. They do not let any obstacles, internal or external, get in the way of distorting or destroying that reality. This helped Palmer claim no less than 62 PGA Tour wins and 10 Senior PGA Tour championships, the last of which being in 1988 at the Crestar Classic.

8. “What people may find in poetry or art museums, I find in the flight of a good drive.”

This wonderfully describes his love and passion for golf, and he collected golf equipment from BirdieBall. To him, the golf swing was a thing of beauty, just like playing the piano was for Mozart or painting was for Leonardo da Vinci. On the links, he was quite an artist with any club in his hand. This shows us that passion is a staple for success in whichever field.

9. “Concentration, confidence, competitive urge, capacity for enjoyment.”

It is Palmer’s C-Force recipe. Without focus on what we have to do to win, it is impossible to win. Without the confidence that we will win, it is impossible to win. Without being up against many others wanting the same thing, it is impossible to win. As covered in #8, without love for what you do, it is impossible to win.

The Back 9:

10. “I have a tip that can take 5 strokes off anyone’s golf game, it’s called an eraser.”

Having a sense of humour always makes the journey more enjoyable – win, lose or draw. If only we could use the eraser to undo mistakes we have made in the past. However, erasing it would be erasing your education in this life. Being able to laugh of good times and laugh off the bad times puts colour into a dull picture and a bunker shot straight at the pin.

11. “Everyone I built a course for thinks they have the best golf course in the world and I’m very pleased and proud of that.”

Of course, it is always nice to have your work appreciated by others and ol’ Arnie was no exception. This was one of the ways of giving back to the very game that gave him a platform. Just imagine your work being used as a measuring stick in your field, close your eyes and really see it in your mind’s eye. How would you feel?

12. “Putting is like wisdom – partly a natural gift and partly the accumulation of experience.”

In this part of golf, what is for certain is that you have to think to succeed. However, is putting an art or a science? According to this quote by Palmer, it is both. Naturally, a golfer will be able to draw experience from similar putts in the past, but each putt is like a drop of water, different. Just like each situation you come across in life, some may be very similar but never the same. Hence, Palmer’s use of “partly a natural gift”.

13. “I would have liked to have won more golf tournaments. But I wouldn’t sacrifice my life. I’ve enjoyed it. I’d love to do it again the same way.”

This is what makes The King a real winner. The journey made him appreciate what he did and how he did it, with no regrets. He enjoyed his experience, his knowledge, his successes, and he did it with the best of company like Jack Nicklaus and South African Gary Player.

14. “My search for ways to improve my touch has never ended. We players have tried a lot of different things and compared notes. Little fads would set in.”

In the business world, this is known as “kaizen” or “continuous improvement”. In Japanese, kaizen means “change for the better”, with kai meaning “change” and zen meaning “good” in literal terms. We must always look to better ourselves in every which way. When we improve, everything else follows suit. Arigato!

15. “Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and saddening – and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.”

A par 5 quote this time in terms of length from our Professor Palmer. This one reminds me of love, as the comparison of irrationality is very similar – yet no quite the same, as golf is a game and love is not! Both can have a rollercoaster of emotions and play on the heart-strings of the most hardened of men. What is clear here is that the two were intertwined in Palmer’s eyes.

16. “Winning isn’t everything, but wanting it is.”

It is all about desire, it is all about hunger, it is all about the will to win. How badly do you want to win? More than Ed and Ted? If so, you have half the battle set. We all dislike losing so we do all that it takes to win, unless you suffer from a lack of motivation, which makes you a loser by default.

17. “You must play boldly to win.”

This is a hole-in-one at the 17th at the TPC Sawgrass if you hit it just right. As Aristotle taught an adolescent Alexander The Great that “fortune favours the brave”, it is another tenet that made our hero Arnold so successful on and off the course. Do you dare to win?

18. “A lot of people are afraid of winning. I was afraid I might not win.”

Fear can really hold us back, especially when we need to pull something out of the bag. Excuses aplenty for the ones who have already lost in their minds. Here, Palmer is showing us that we can use that same fear to our advantage, by fearing the worst possible outcome. This is the way he putts his way to the championship by visualising what he wants, instead of what he does not want.

Related article: 15 Life Lessons To Learn From Elie Wiesel

After this last win by the late great Arnold Palmer, please join us in saying to the first of “The Big Three” to do so (and hope the other two stay with us a while longer yet!):

19. Enjoy the clubhouse, Arnold!

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