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3 Ways to Love The Single Life

Even though many people associate happiness with having a significant other to cuddle up with at night, plenty of people still find fulfillment being single. Being in a relationship definitely comes with perks, but maybe some people(especially from the generation of millennials) find that relationships cause suffocation and stagnation. We’ve been led to believe that the single life means loneliness, depression, and constant jealousy over happy couples, but could we find happiness within ourselves, perhaps? Could we find what we need in ourselves rather than seeking it in others? We will leave you with those questions for now, and if you’re currently single, don’t ever beat yourself up or get down about this.

You can certainly enjoy life to the fullest whether you have a partner or not; being single doesn’t have to mean nights alone with only Netflix and a pint of ice cream for company.

Society seems to fixate on having relationships in order to find contentment, but lots of people prove this theory dead wrong.

3 Ways to Love The Single Life

1. Enjoy the lack of commitment by going on dates.

So, let’s start this off with some brutal honesty. Not everyone wants or needs a serious relationship in their life at all times, or even ever. Some people actually feel more content by NOT having a serious commitment. I mean, think about it: no worrying about checking in with a partner about plans, no discussing where to eat, or financial issues, or relationship problems, and no asking anyone for permission. You get total freedom to live life how you want, and meet whoever you want, whenever you want. You can go on dates with whoever you like, and get to know people outside of a relationship.


Maybe you don’t know what you want in a partner, so going on dates will let you figure that out all over again. Do you want a talkative, outgoing person, or a more quiet, contemplative person? You might have no idea, especially if you’ve just gotten out of a painful relationship. Go on dates to find yourself, and find what you like in others. You have no one telling you what to do or who to hang out with, so embrace the freedom for as long as it lasts!

2. Fall in love with yourself all over again!

In a relationship, you can certainly work on yourself, but being single gives you more time and freedom to do so. Self-development allows you to build character and strengthen your understanding of yourself and life, which can actually make you a more whole person. You should think of self-development and self-love as the cornerstone for a good life and successful relationships; perhaps our high rate of divorce today stems from an overwhelming lack of self-acceptance and the desperation to attain it. We all want love, but don’t look within. We all want to find ourselves, but forget to look past our own egos.

Being single gives you a chance to boost your confidence, and do the things that make you feel most alive! You can spend your time however you choose, skydiving, cliff jumping, traveling, taking art classes, learning meditation, building a business, or whatever you want! Knock those things off your bucket list, with or without a partner!

In these trying times, many people just want answers, but find that reality doesn’t provide them with what they seek. Meditation, mindfulness, and spiritual practices have greatly increased in popularity recently, and being single will give you more time to fall in love with yourself by going within. At the end of the day, we all have just ourselves to turn to, so the best thing we can possibly do is to cultivate a healthy relationship with ourselves.

3. Spend time with loved ones.

Maybe being single doesn’t have to mean being lonely; I mean, what about those friends and family we’ve been neglecting? Can you remember the last time you called your parents or made plans to meet up and catch up? Maybe your friends miss you and want to see you soon. We pine for a lover, but we put our other loved ones on the back burner. Take the time being single to deepen your relationship with everyone else in your life. They won’t be around forever, so relish in the time you have together now.

Related article: 5 Lessons to Learn From Being Single

Plus, according to a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, researchers found that single people had more active social lives than people in a relationship. Also, people in relationships tend to feel isolated from their friends since they spend the majority of their time with their partner. Sometimes, all you need in life is great friends and family to get you by.

Not to mention, according to a Gallup poll, over 60% of people ages 18 to 29 identify as single, so maybe most of us just want to enjoy life without the drama for a while, and truly get to know the person looking back at us in the mirror.

Related article: Why Being Alone Is Better Than A Bad Relationship

6 Ways Aggressive People Try to Control You

In every relationship, be it platonic or romantic, boundaries are necessary. People need to still enjoy their freedom and have their wishes respected. Of course, this needs to be reciprocated. You also need to make sure you don’t cross any boundaries. But some aggressive people can’t comprehend this. They don’t want to allow others to be truly free. Or maybe it’s not even that they enjoy taking away others’ freedoms. Some people just display controlling behaviors, which can affect the surrounding people.

This is especially true for the people who are inherently more aggressive. Aggression seems to be linked to a desire to make sure you know of others’ every move. Or rather, people who intend to control others might use force to do it. This happens most often in romantic relationships. At first, this aggressive and controlling behavior might be hidden by your partner.

It’s quite common for people not to notice they are being controlled until it’s too late. Or even if they do notice, they might try to find many excuses for that behavior. Even though you might be in love with an aggressive and controlling person, it’s not worth putting up with that behavior. And the sooner you spot that toxic behavior, the faster you can let go of that abusive person.

How To Spot an Aggressive Person?

sleeping in a cold room

It might seem like spotting an aggressive person is pretty straightforward. They are usually the ones punching walls and screaming at everyone around them, right? Some aggressive people might act like that often. But aggression is more nuanced.

Aggressive people can indeed have these very visible outbursts. And they are more likely to snap in tense situations. Often, these people can respond to certain triggers. But sometimes they can be aggressive in a more subtle way. Aggression doesn’t always have to be physical. It can also be mental and psychological. Screaming and insulting people is still aggressive behavior even though it doesn’t leave a visible mark.

Sociologists, psychologists, and even lawyers have long argued about how to define aggression. It’s a very volatile behavior, and it depends a lot on outsiders’ perspectives. In 1994, specialists defined it as a behavior that is intended to harm someone who doesn’t wish to be harmed. To illustrate this idea, just think about something like boxing. Even though punching people is usually defined as aggression, in this context is accepted.

That’s because both parties consent to the possibility of being harmed. But punching some random person on the street wouldn’t be categorized as not aggressive. That’s because the person being punched didn’t consent to being harmed. Violence is something that specialists describe as a subset of aggression. It’s when the aggression has extreme physical harm as its goal.

Verbally Aggressive People

This definition of aggression is not limited to physical aggression. If someone verbally belittles you, that’s still aggression because they meant to harm you. Emotional aggression is sometimes more damaging than physical aggression. A broken arm heals, but a broken soul can stay broken. It’s also harder to spot because it’s more normalized. Society tends to accept people screaming and insulting others more than they should.

They always dismiss it, saying it’s just a reaction to nerves, an impulsive fluke. So, people tend to accept being occasionally called names. But this can escalate and develop into a toxic pattern. So, the easiest way to spot an aggressive person is to look out for toxic patterns. If someone seems to always throw stuff around when they are mad, that’s a red flag.

If they always get into fights, that’s also a sign of aggression. Or if they always talk badly around others, insult them, or generally use demeaning language, they are probably emotionally aggressive.

6 Ways Aggressive People Try to Control You

lack of motivation

1.    They Always Pick Fights

One of the most common ways in which aggressive people try to control others is by always picking fights. These fights aren’t started because there is a real problem in the relationship. Rather, they’re started by your partner because they just felt like fighting. But engaging in constant fighting is controlling behavior, whether they realize it or not.

When you have to live with the constant fear of some fight exploding around you, you’ll start changing your behavior. You will stop doing certain things that seem to bother your partner, even though there might be nothing wrong with your behavior. For example, you might like going out with your friends often. But you still find enough time to hang out with your partner.

Even though there isn’t anything wrong with your actions, an aggressive partner will still be inclined to fight with you about that. They won’t try to discuss it like an adult. Instead, they’ll just throw insults at you every time you go out. The constant fear of being belittled will probably make you change your behavior. You’ll stop going out, or doing other things that annoy your partner for no apparent reason.

2.    They Guilt Trip You

Aggressive people will not shy away from making you feel awful. They won’t care that you are crying in front of them, as long as they get what they want. Because of that, they will often guilt trip you to make you change certain behaviors.

If they want to spend more time with you, it seems normal to just ask, right? But that’s not what they’ll do. They’ll say things like “well I know you don’t want to hang out with me because you don’t love me anymore”. They might even use belittling language to describe you, or themselves.

Because of how guilty they’ll make you feel, you’ll start giving them more and more. Over time, you will reach the point of sacrificing yourself for them. You will lose all the control you once had in the relationship. Instead, all the control will go to them.

3.    They Gaslight You

Gaslighting is one of the most damaging forms of psychological abuse someone can engage in. This is a form of manipulation meant to make someone doubt everything about themselves. The abuser will confuse the victim until the lines between reality and fiction become blurry.

If your partner gaslights you, they might straight up tell you they never yelled at you, even though they might have been screaming only minutes before. They will lie about things that happened, like, for example, telling you didn’t apologize for a mistake you made. They’ll keep saying that even if you show them proof of the apology. They will change the subject when confronted with their lies.

They will always tell you that you are overreacting when you call them out. And it’s quite common for them to call you names and tell you you’re insane. The more you question your actions, the more likely you are to be controlled.

4.    They Intimidate You

Aggressive people often try to intimidate others to get them to do what they want. They are likely to act superior and try to undermine your feelings and reputation. This is a behavior that is just as common in the workplace and other platonic relationships as it is in romantic relationships.

Intimidation is usually done using words, but it’s not so uncommon for things to get somewhat physical. This works best when there is a pre-existing power imbalance in the relationship. If you are just starting out at a new job, your superiors might try to use their position to make you do certain things. They’ll tell you to go get some coffee if you want to show some respect to your superiors.

They might even use threats veiled as jokes. For example, they will “joke” that if they don’t have a report on their desk in a day, they’ll get you fired. These tactics will make you engage in behaviors you don’t want to engage in just out of fear.

5.    They Ignore Your Boundaries

A controlling person will not care about respecting your boundaries, because they know that’s not going to help them get what they want. Or, in any case, they won’t accept healthy boundaries. They will always try to pressure you into sacrificing and giving more.

They will often do things even if you specifically told them not to. For example, they’ll force you to go to a party with them even though you might be feeling sick. They won’t let you go home for the holidays, even if you haven’t seen your family in a really long time. They might even use force to get you to do what they want. And they won’t shy away from insulting you and calling you names.

6.    They Are Moody

Being moody might not seem like a way to control someone else. But it can actually be a powerful, controlling tactic. And it’s something that aggressive people naturally do. A moody person might seem like the sweetest person ever one minute, and the next, they might start acting like a bully. One day they will bring you flowers and take you out, and the next, they’ll act as if they hate you with all their being. Sometimes this behavior is intentional. Other times, abusers do it intentionally. ‘

These mood swings will confuse you and make you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells around your partner. You won’t know whether to stay with them or not. You won’t know how to act and what to say. This behavior is not normal or acceptable, as most people would assume.

passive-aggressive narcissist

Final Thoughts on Ways Aggressive People Try to Control You

Being in a toxic relationship is dangerous, especially when your abuser is aggressive and controlling. And even though people know this, sometimes they don’t know how to avoid being trapped in such a relationship. It’s important to understand and know how to read the signs from an early stage.

Aggression can be both emotional and physical. As long as someone intents to hurt another person, who hasn’t consented to being hurt, that’s aggression. And it can be displayed in relationships as controlling behaviors. A controlling partner will always try to pick fights with you and make you feel guilty about everything. They will try to gaslight you and even intimidate you.

And it’s important to note that intimidation is a tactic even used in the workplace. Aggressive people also tend to be moody and ignore your boundaries. All these signs are things you need to look out for if you want to avoid being in a toxic relationship.

The Top 10 Regrets Of The Dying

As children, we don’t really think much about the end of our lives. Nor do we worry about having regrets later in life.

Instead, we think mostly about what our parents will cook us for dinner, or what friends we will play with tomorrow, or which show we’ll watch on TV later. We don’t think about death very often, simply because we think we have time. As we grow older, the thought of death may enter our minds, but we still don’t take it seriously because we have plenty of years left here, right? So, we live our lives on the basis of denial. We deny our inevitable fate, and gamble with the idea that we have plenty of time to live our dreams. We all live with the hopes of seeing tomorrow, but we’ve only really got today.

We don’t want to scare or depress anyone, but simply awaken you to the idea of following your dreams NOW, so that you won’t have regrets later.

10 Common Regrets People Have At The End of Their Life


1. “I wish I lived for myself more”

According to Bronnie Ware, a palliative nurse from Australia, many of her dying patients listed this as their biggest regret. Ware took care of patients in their last three to twelve weeks of life, and heard many stories and confessions from them all. While she said that all of them found peace before their death, listening to their regrets moved her so much that she actually wrote a bestselling novel about it called “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying.”

In the book, she said many of her patients had not honored even half of the dreams they wanted to fulfill, and this caused them to have major regrets before the end of their life. They wanted so badly to knock other things off their bucket list, but they had to die knowing they still had dreams. Don’t die with your dreams still in your heart. Don’t die knowing that you lived for someone else’s dreams and stuffed yours under the rug. Live life the way you want NOW, and don’t wait for anyone’s permission.

2. “I wish I didn’t work so hard.”

Ware said that this regret came in at number two, based on how often she heard people say this. We all work too hard in today’s world, but for what? We all want to reach some goal, some achievement, some number in our bank account. However, what will all this really mean? Sure, we may have security and pride knowing that we can afford certain things or have a specific title, but humans need more than that. We thrive on emotional connection and love, both of which require other people.

In the end, you won’t remember how much money you made or how far you got in your career; you’ll remember the people you made connections with, and how they impacted your life. You’ll think about the memories you made and all the laughs you had with those you loved. We have to work to survive, but don’t work so much that you forget to build relationships and a life outside of your job.

3. “I wish I didn’t hold back my feelings.”

Coming in at third on Ware’s list, the dying patients also regretted holding back their feelings. They wanted to keep the peace and not rock the boat, so they settled for repressing their feelings. However, this leads to a limited and very resentful existence. You will come to resent those you keep feelings from, because you obviously have an issue with them but choose not to voice it. This results in bottled up feelings that can even lead to mental and physical illness.

Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes. Even if you lose friends or a relationship, say how you feel. You may lose someone, but no person on this Earth is worth holding back your feelings for. This will only haunt you in the end.

4. “I wish I stayed in touch.”

People at the end of their lives also regretted losing touch with friends. They missed their companionship and wished they had put more effort into keeping in touch. We may take our friends for granted now, but remember, they won’t always be around. If you miss a friend, try to get back in touch with them via Facebook, email, text, or some other form of communication. They probably miss you too and would love to hear from you sometime. Friends help us get through life, and stick with us through the ups and downs. Life may take you in different directions, but it doesn’t have to alienate you from them. Pick up the phone and chat with them for a bit; you will never regret reaching out.

5. “I wish I was happier.”

We like to think that outside forces control our emotions, but the key to emotional control lies within us. We don’t choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we react to it. Life goes by so fast, so why spend it finding every little thing to complain about? Being happy costs nothing, keeps you healthier, makes life more fulfilling, attracts more positive relationships, and so on. So, unhappiness, then, actually costs MORE in the long run, and can even lead to serious illnesses. Our mental, emotional, and physical health relies on our perception, so if you want to start living a better life now, simply change how you look at things.


6. “I wish I cared less about what others think.”

Again, why care so much about the opinions of others? Keep in mind that most people probably don’t think about you as much as you’d like to think, so stop worrying so much. Other people have so much going on that they probably don’t fixate on how you live or the decisions you make. Live in your truth, and don’t worry yourself with what others think; that’s their problem.

Live authentically, simply, and happily, and do what feels right for you. As long as you feel happy with yourself, nothing else matters.

7. “I wish I didn’t worry so much.”

We spend A LOT of our lives worrying. No matter what role you play in this world, whether you’re a mom, student, daughter, son, father, CEO, banker, farmer, janitor, etc, you have something to worry about. However, will you let this worry take over your life? Will you let the heaviness of the burden drag you down? Or, will you release these worries and realize that this world worries far too much?

At the end of your life, remember that the unpaid bills and debts, what other people think of you, how much money you have, and everything else we worry about won’t really matter. The fleeting nature of life should cause us to shed our worries immediately, but unfortunately, we don’t feel how quickly life goes by until we wake up one day as a 75 year old. Then, we begin to see how small our worries are. But, why not choose to awaken to this truth NOW? Remember: don’t be a worrier; be a warrior!

8. “I wish I took better care of myself.”

If you don’t have your health, you have nothing, so make sure to look after yourself. After someone else must take care of you due to not taking care of yourself, you pretty much have no freedom left. You have to live with illnesses and ailments that probably could have been prevented simply by taking care of your health. You only have one body, mind, and spirit, so take care of all of them now to ensure that you can enjoy life even in your older years.

9. “I wish I didn’t take life for granted.”

Many people actually take their life for granted and don’t appreciate all the little things around them that make up their environment. The bees that pollinate the foods we eat, the plants that provide us with sustenance, the air we breathe that gives us oxygen, the water we drink that keeps us hydrated, the sun that shines down on us and gives us life – we should appreciate all of it. Even if you don’t have much in life, you could at least say your thanks for having the basics that the universe provides you with.

Related article: 25 Things You’ll Never Regret Doing

Have an attitude of gratitude, and it will come back to you tenfold.

regrets of the dying

10. “I wish I lived in the now”

More than anything else, it seems most of us have issues with living in the NOW. We reminisce on the past and wish we could bring it back, or we long for a future that hasn’t happened yet. Either way, we live out of alignment with the present, which means that we’re NEVER truly experiencing life. We’re experiencing moments in our memory, or moments in our imagination. We aren’t experiencing the raw moments, the moments unfolding right before our eyes.

If anything, remember that one day, you won’t have any more present moments left to experience. You won’t have road trips to go on, or mountains to climb, or children to kiss goodnight, or a partner to cuddle with. You will have your memories, serving as a reality check. Did you live according to your dreams? Did you live the hell out of this life and leave no stone unturned? No matter your age, you can choose to live life fully right now. Don’t wait until it’s too late and all you’re left with is regrets. Say no to regrets, and say yes to fulfilling your greatest destiny.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The Difference Between Giving Up on Love And Letting It Go

Maybe you just got out of a bad relationship and need closure, or maybe you started giving up on love a long time ago. Whatever your situation, maybe this perspective we will provide about love can help you on your journey. Love can feel like a battlefield, an all-out war against your happiness. It can feel like the highest cloud or the deepest cut in your soul. It can feel liberating or suffocating.

We all want love, but sometimes, we forget that love comes with a cost. It doesn’t just mean butterflies and rainbows. Sometimes, it means blood, sweat, and tears. It means sacrifice and commitment, courage and compromise. It means being willing to stand on the front lines and show up in your most authentic form. Sometimes, the magnitude of what love entails can overwhelm us, causing us to retreat and give up on it altogether.

We naturally want to run from pain, but when it comes to love, we can’t shut out the discomfort forever. We can’t forever lock ourselves in a room with steel walls and shelter ourselves from the entire world. While love can hurt, it can also heal. It can break your heart, but it can mend it, too. No matter your stance on love, hear us out for a second.


What’s the difference between giving up on love and letting it go?

Okay, we will start with the former – giving up on love. Giving up means shutting yourself out. It means backing away from any possibility of love instead of convincing yourself that true love doesn’t exist. It means accepting a life of hate and loneliness because when you give up on the idea of love, you give up on hope. You accept that love doesn’t exist, so you settle for less. You settle for feeling a constant hole in your chest, for feeling numb and lifeless. Without love, we cannot survive. So, when you give up on it, you die a slow, painful death. You end your life while still existing on this planet, and that seems far worse than actually dying.

None of us can truly wrap our heads around love because we don’t have all the answers. However, we have bodies with arms that we long to wrap around someone else. We have hearts that long for connection, intensity, and passion. We have our breath that we long to share with another. And we have stories on the tips of our tongues that need telling, and deep down, we desire someone to open up to. We want someone to hear us, to know us, to understand us. Usually, we want that someone in totality, in an all-encompassing way. We want romance, commitment, safety, and honesty.

We want someone to make us feel comfortable, to make us feel like love doesn’t have to be complicated. So why do we turn our backs on this possibility when we all desire much more?

More than 7 billion people live on this planet, and right now, many feel broken-hearted, scared, and alone. You might be among these people, so listen if you’re hurting. Don’t give up on love because by doing this, you’ll give up on a chance to connect with another on a deep level. Shallow relationships will only satisfy your body and mind temporarily, and they will leave you feeling empty at the end of the day.

To truly feel alive, we need love, and lots of it. Maybe instead of giving up on love, you could try letting it go instead?

Letting go of love means you still believe in it, but you must allow it to move on. This can apply to that ex-boyfriend or girlfriend you still look at pictures of and dream about every night. You want that feeling back, so you don’t want to give up on love. You want to let a person go that meant so much to you so that you can heal. Letting go of love means liberation while giving up on it means imprisonment. Releasing a toxic relationship allows you to create space for the right person to enter your life, while giving up on love entirely shuts EVERYONE out, regardless of their attitude about love and life.


Final Thoughts on Knowing the Difference Between Giving Up and Letting Go

So, the next time you feel threatened or in pain by love, ask yourself: “Will I let one person or situation cause me to abandon love altogether, or can I let that person go while still keeping the possibility of loving another in my heart?” 

Love can live on even amid pain, but it can’t live in a heart full of resentment. Choose to love yourself and love others despite how they treat you, and you can finally escape the battle between love and pain.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs A Broken Relationship Is Still Worth Saving

How could you know if your broken relationship with your partner is worth saving? Is there a sure sign of things being beyond repair? We will look at some of the symptoms of broken relationships that can be revived, and some advice on how to save your relationship.

5 Signs A Broken Relationship Is Still Worth Saving

You and your partner have had your ups and downs, but lately it seems like you’re in a deep one. Not every crisis has to mean the end of a partnership though. All of the time that you’ve put into this pairing is an investment that you want to see a return on. Don’t walk out yet if your broken relationship is still worth saving.

1. You still trust your partner

There cannot be intimacy without trust and there cannot be a good trusting connection without open communication. Open communication is not about nagging or criticism; it is about expressing your feelings so you can both get what you need, and hopefully, what you want from the relationship. If sex has declined, it’s not the end of your relationship. You can still have intimacy without intercourse through touching, and that might build enough trust to lead to being able to have more sex.

2. You’ve survived challenges with respect for each other

Coming through the fire has made you stronger, not weaker, and your love for each other can still be enough to save the relationship. Read below about the power of touch and positive communication to heal your relationship. You’ve been through some hardships, but you’ve made it through the rough parts by each others’ side.

Related article: 7 Ways to Peacefully End a Toxic Relationship

How your partner handles stress is a great determination of their character and it reveals a lot about them to you. If you survived a challenge and can look at your partner with respect for their courage, composure, and ability to find humor, you are a lucky person because your broken relationship is still worth saving.

3. You still believe in the power of love to heal

Love is one of the most powerful forces on the planet, and we don’t use it as much as we should. Give hugs, kisses, gentle shoulder rubs, and caresses to your partner as often as you think about wanting to do it. Physical contact helps stimulate the release of oxytocin and that makes couples bond more strongly.

Oxytocin is called ‘The Cuddle Hormone’ for a reason. It helps mother and child bonding, as well as romantic couple bonding. Oxytocin may also help with healing, literal wounds in the body, and with emotional ones also, so hug it out. Researchers looked at couples and their levels of oxytocin while they talked. They found that positive communication patterns where couples could be upbeat with each other had the highest blood levels of oxytocin. The study also found that higher oxytocin levels had the power to heal. You can literally heal your broken heart with oxytocin.

4. You acknowledge that you also played a role in whatever broke the relationship

Maybe you did nothing wrong, but you didn’t believe yourself worthy of love, so you couldn’t truly receive the love that your partner was giving you. has a great way of putting this; ‘open yourself to embrace the fact that the other person is truly and actually madly in love with you and is ready to cross any physical or emotional barrier for you. This moment of clarity is the reality of every strong relationship.’

How can you fix whatever is broken if you won’t acknowledge that it needs to be fixed? There are two people in every relationship and both contribute to the health and security of the partnership. Neither one of you is blameless but neither one of you is completely to blame either. If you say nothing else, say these four sentences to your partner often; ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘Please forgive me.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘I love you.’

5. Imagine yourself separated

Are you happy or sad thinking about breaking up with your partner? If you are happy, you will be smiling as you think about it. If you’re not smiling, it’s a sign that your broken relationship is still worth saving. A breakup can lead to a major depressive disorder or depression, which is a terrible consequence for your mental and physical health.

Researchers looked at when depression was most likely to develop for teenagers. They found that ‘The severing of a romantic relationship in the past year may set the stage, or at least one stage, for developing MDD (major depressive disorder).’ Depression can kill and it is nothing to brush off. Extreme sadness is common for people going through romantic relationship difficulties. If you feel depressed, seek help sooner rather than later. Text ‘GO’ to 741741 for the text crisis line or call 1-800-273-8255.

Related article: High-Risk Relationships: How to Tell If You’re In One

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs of an Unfulfilling Relationship

Do you ever question if your relationship is on the right track? Or, if you are compatible enough to sustain the rocky waters? Relationships don’t always sail smoothly. We hit deep waters, struggle through compromising, truth, and hardship. There’s more than just being a team. Relationships require the ability to be vulnerable, open, and passionate. Otherwise, they become unfulfilling.

Here are 7 signs of an unfulfilling relationship:

Sometimes there is an imbalance in all these characteristics and love is simply not enough to sustain the ride.

1. You are not their priority.

It is expected for people in long term committed relationships to have interests outside of their partnership. You both are individuals with work, hobbies and friends that are not intermingled with your significant other. But when your partner is always doing stuff without you, or prioritizes work and friendships over your relationship, that’s when problems arise. If you both are doing things together because there are no other plans with friends, family and work, and not because you specifically planned for time together, then your partner may not be a high priority in your life. People want to feel special and not like they are the consolation prize.


2. They have no goals or dreams for the future.

Goals and dreams are a sign of what a person finds important in their life. If you and your relationship are not among your partner’s future plans, then what are you doing together? If it is just a fling or uncommitted dating relationship, it is understandable not to plan your future around your significant other. However, if you have been together for more than a year and there are still no plans for the future, then you have an issue in that relationship. If your significant other is a priority in your life, then they are an integral part of your future plans. If there is no plan, even a basic one, then there is really no future.

3. They are never there for you.

If they are never there to back you up when you need some help, then what is the point of having them around? You are a team and you are fighting for your future together. If you drop everything and go help your partner when they ask for help, then they are a priority to you. If you need help and they can’t be bothered, then you are not a priority to them. Do you really want to be with someone who has better things to do than be there for you when you really need it?

4. You don’t do things together in an unfulfilling relationship.

If you would rather spend time with your friends and family than with your partner, then there is obviously a disconnection between the two of you. You shouldn’t be involved so much with your own life that you and your partner are not spending some time together. If you are not spending time together, then why are you together in the first place?

5. You stay because of fear of being alone.

The irony of this is that you really are alone already. You just have the veneer of a relationship. If you are not their priority, you don’t spend time together, they are never there when you need them and there is no talk of a future together, then you are already single you just haven’t admitted it to yourself. You will never find Mr./Mrs. Right if you are in a dead end relationship with Mr./Mrs. Wrong.

6. You feel like you are always doing things for them.

People in a relationship need to pull their own weight. They need to pay half the bills, do half the chores, and meet you halfway emotionally. If you are giving constantly and they are not reciprocating, then you are dating a vampire. Vampires may be sexy right now, but ultimately they are heartless, blood sucking parasites. Find someone that does stuff for you just as much as you do for them.

7. You are always questioning your happiness if you are stuck in a relationship that is unfulfilling.

If you look at your relationship and ask yourself “am I happy?” “Is this what I want?” then maybe you are unsure. It is normal to doubt every once in a while when things are tough. But if you ask yourself these questions a lot, then maybe you aren’t happy and you just can’t admit it outright. Figure out what makes you happy, and if your partner isn’t doing the things that lead to you both being happy, then maybe it is time to move on.

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Most of us stay in unfulfilling relationships because of inertia or fear. You only have one life. Why waste it and your partner’s lives being with each other if you aren’t happy? Change sucks and dating can definitely suck. But you will never be happy unless you embrace your fear and pursue that happiness.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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