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Do You Fidget? Here’s Why It’s Actually Good For Your Health

Some people just cannot sit still for extended periods of time. They bounce their legs, play with pens in their hand or rock back and forth in their seat. Normally this is distracting and annoying if you are sharing a beach seat with a leg shaker, in a movie theater. But recent research has shown that bouncing your leg up and down while seated has some remarkable benefits to your health.

Do You Fidget? Here’s Why It’s Actually Good For Your Health

Sitting for long periods of time can create deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in your lower legs. A DVT is a blood clot that lodges in the veins in your lower leg. This can lead to swelling of the ankle and pitting edema around the joint. Basically, blood backs up in the veins and prevents fluid from crossing the barrier into the vein, creating the swelling in the area. The pitting means that when you push into the flesh with your finger, it does not immediately bounce back like normal but leaves an indentation. This usually stems from an underlying cardiovascular issue.

When you bounce your leg up and down, you increase blood flow to the area, preventing your platelets from sticking together and creating a clot. The sheer stress of flowing blood keeps the venous walls smooth and prevents clots and other blockages from occurring. The researchers knew that bouncing your leg would have some cardiovascular benefit, but were surprised to find just how much such a small action could have on sedentary people. They tested twelve subjects and had them bounce only one leg on and off for three hours. They then measured the blood flow through the popliteal artery in the lower leg. They found that the fidgeting leg had an increase in blood flow, while the stationary leg had a decrease in blood flow over the three hour period.

While the researchers only tested one leg, they recommend that people who do work while sitting at a desk for long periods of time bounce both legs every few minutes to help promote blood flow to their lower legs. While this is no substitute for regular walking or other exercise, any movement in the legs of sedentary workers is better than no movement at all. You can also do this while watching your favorite television show, at a sports game or even in a long movie. It is also recommended that on long airline flights, you keep your legs moving and get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour.

Cardiovascular disease describes a large range of conditions concerning the heart, and is one of the leading causes of death in the US. Fidgeting at your desk is not a replacement for a regular exercise program and healthy eating habits, but it can help. Another thing that helps with cardiovascular health is to take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator. Get up and move around every hour at your desk for a few minutes during the day, even if you just stand up and walk to the water fountain for a drink or to use the restroom. The body needs to stay moving in order to be healthy, and studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time is bad for your health and can lead to a host of medical conditions.

Related article: 8 Signs You May Have A Blood Clot

Something else that has become increasingly popular is to raise your work station high enough that you can stand at it while you work on your computer. Once the domain of eccentrics like Hemingway, standing while working has been proven to eliminate the health risks of prolonged sitting. Some people have even gone as far as mounting their laptops on a treadmill so they could slowly walk while they work.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

These Vibrational Energy Experiments Prove How The Music You Listen To Alters Your Reality

Water sustains a large part of our human anatomy. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. The molecular structure, H2O, has unique physical and metaphysical properties. Water adapts to carrying all types of information in the body. It is affected by vibrational patterns.

In his famous research, Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered the vibrational properties of how water molecules change in regards to frequency, energy, and sounds. He captured these images in photographs and documented his findings in his book, Hidden Messages in Water. He concluded that water can read and store the frequency and energy of anything. This could be via a physical object or thoughts and emotions.

Water, as it turns out, can be changed by the thoughts that you carry. Dr. Emoto took pictures of the patterns that the molecules created with thoughts, music and other vibrations once the water was frozen. He exposed the water to many degrees of sound, affirmations and prayers.

These Vibrational Energy Experiments Prove How The Music You Listen To Alters Your Reality

The scientist also studied how music affected the composition of water. Water that was exposed to different types of music showed a variety of results. Music that was soothing and relaxing, such as classical, produced lovely crystals, while crystals exposed to heavy metal, aggressive or sad music deformed them. The vibration of music via words or tone changed the water compositions in a drastic manner.

Can you imagine how every thought, sound and environmental change influences your body structure? We can heal ourselves by shifting our thoughts and emotions to positive ones. We can alter our DNA by also changing the music that we listen to. It’s incredibly empowering to be able to adjust our senses, how we think, what we see, and what we listen to in order to heal our bodies. The water in our bodies and in the earth are healed by how we choose to process the things around us.

Aristotle said, “The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Could he have tapped into the secrets and hidden messages of water? Music can alter the neurotransmitters in the brain and hormones, therefore the water in our bodies is being altered.

Through all the examples that Dr. Emoto used for his experiment, there was a huge change in one type of vibration. Music, words, or affirmations that used the word “Love” became the most beautiful of all shapes. The most powerful effects of crystals was formed when he used the phrase, “love and gratitude.” This suggested that anything that vibrated to a high frequency carried a much stronger energetic influence in the body. Therefore, soft music, love songs and melodies that raise you to feel good also alter your health. For example, the song, “Amazing Grace” has one of the most beautiful crystallized compositions, while the song by Elvis Presley called “Heartbreak Hotel” shows the crystals distorted.

According to ancient studies, A= 432 Hz is said to be the mathematics of universal and sacred geometry. 432 Hz vibrates with the math fundamental to nature. According to Brain T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It’s true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.

There’s a growing musical and metaphysical movement for recovering optimal integrity in the music industry and spirituality through the 432Hz tuning. In April 2008, Dutch journalist Richard Huisken founded the ‘back to 432 Hz’ committee, claiming that this original tuning was used in ancient cultures and is found on antique instruments like the Stradivarius violin.

The sounds you listen to alter your perception of everything around you. As in Dr. Emoto’s studies, vibrations can hurt or cure you. But, how does music affect our bodies?

Music brings about emotional and altered states of reality. Music can make a person feel different things. Dr. Emoto says, “To give your positive or negative attention to something is a way of giving energy. The most damaging form of behavior is withholding your attention.” He also concluded in his research that “Dramatic and sudden changes in the body’s frequency result in great pain and damage. In such cases, treatment must involve equal or stronger frequencies to be effective — often having to do with the scalpel. Sharp instruments, by nature, have a higher frequency….” Therefore, changes in music can also alter your thought processing, your behavior, and your perception to what is your reality.

Related article: Watch: Scientists Explain A Newly Discovered Form Of Water

How we react to the world around us influences our bodies and actions. Picking the type of music you listen to isn’t so much a conscious choice as it is a feeling. Learning to keep your vibrational body intact requires a little work. When you shift your music choices, you are also affecting your body in a metaphysical level. The vibration of your music can make you mentally, spiritually and physically ill or cure you from some major issues. Dr. Emoto says, “Water carries our thoughts and prayers, as you are water yourself. No matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world.”

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Prepare For A Huge Energy Shift on September 16, 2016 – RARE Lunar Eclipse In Pisces

The month of September is remarkable for astronomy and astrology in that there is both a new moon and solar eclipse on September 1st and a full moon and lunar eclipse on September 16th. Not only that, but there is a second new moon in the month of September falling on the 30th. In addition to all of that, as if it weren’t enough, Mercury is in its retrograde path right now through September 22nd. This article will tell you what all of these astrological events can mean for you in the coming month so read on and know how to prepare.

We won’t be able to see the lunar eclipse on September 16th in North and South America, but the rest of the world may be able to. Not to worry, because the moon will be in its new phase, making it difficult to see anyway. The eclipse will also begin during daylight hours for North and South America and after the moon has already set in the East slightly before 8:00am Eastern time, which is another reason why it will not be visible. Although you may not get to see it, the eclipse’s impact can often be felt.


The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on September 16th: Here’s What It Means For You

This will be a penumbral eclipse which means that the moon is passing through the lighter part of the Earth’s shadow, not the darkest part. As a result, those who will get to see the eclipse will only see a slight fading of the light of the moon’s normal light. The eclipse will be visible from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the western Pacific Ocean.

What science tells us about the full moon lunar eclipse on September 16th

Does the eclipse affect human behavior? We believe that it does, but in ways that might not be as noticeable for us as it is for other animals. Most research has focused on the effects of the full moon for humans, which are many, and which happen regularly every month. These can be anything from problems falling asleep during the full moon, to more hospital admissions.

The full moon may affect some likelihood of accidents, for people who may be distracted by the full moon and the eclipse as they see it, and also for our pets. In a study of 11,940 cases at the Colorado State University Veterinary Medical Center, researchers found that there was an increased risk of emergency room visits for cats and dogs, 23 percent higher for felines and 28 percent higher for canines on the days surrounding the full moon.

Researchers studied primates and their responses to the natural cycles of sunlight and moonlight. They discovered that for monkeys, and likely for other primates, exposure to moonlight is necessary for their normal behavior. The monkeys were observed to stop moving entirely during the dim light of three lunar eclipses. The eclipses fell during a time when the nocturnal animals would normally be highly active.

What you need to know about the lunar eclipse and your astrological sign

This lunar eclipse falls in the sign of Pisces, which means that for this sign, born February 19th through March 20th, it will have a special significance. Also highly affected by this eclipse will be Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. has the following insights regarding the full moon lunar eclipse on September 16th:

Wild mood swings affecting many people during this time. You may also notice greater relationship instability. People will be more aware of their public persona and how they are perceived by others during the eclipse. We will be driven to seek attention and we may act out because of this need. We should seek to focus on healing inner issues of self-worth so that the self is valued and is not dependent on the opinions of others.

Two stars from the constellation Pegasus are also involved with the full moon lunar eclipse. They will bring good luck to those who are willing to work hard, mental focus and clarity, help for those who are working toward a cause, and both good and bad luck in the form of accidents. Caution is recommended, especially during travel at this time.

The moon’s position relative to Venus may bring people’s desire for justice to a boiling point. Seeking revenge to balance the scales for past hurts is not advisable, now or ever. You may be overly attentive to the needs of others, so feel free to reserve some time to focus on yourself instead.

Mars in Sagittarius at the time of the eclipse is a good reminder to watch your tongue because you may accidentally hurt others with your sharp words when you didn’t intend to.

All of this astrological activity is also happening at a time of Mercury being in retrograde August 30th through September 22nd. Focus on keeping communication lighthearted and positive because you might be pulled into arguments too easily. Prepare for potential delays, frustrations, and lost items. Backup your data often, just to be safe and be extra cautious when planning travel. Keep spending to a minimum and avoid large purchases. The time of mercury retrograde is also a time when you are advised to avoid starting new work or signing any legal documents.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Why Strong People Attract Difficult Relationships

It is never smooth sailing for strong people. They go and tackle every obstacle, solve every problem, pass every test put in front of them. Still, they seem to attract difficult relationships.

Yet they get home only to find out their dearest love is upset with them for having forgot that it was their turn to do the dishes. You would think that their life is all rosy and from the outside looking in, it appears that way. This could not be further from the truth.


difficult times in relationships

Sometimes these relationships are actually the hardest tests that strong people have in their lives. It is not unheard of to have both mental and physical violence in them, along with manipulation and constant rowing.

Why is this?

Why Strong People Attract Difficult Relationships

The answer may lie in the fact that these people are completely in their comfort zones, and this changes when coexistence is in play.

This makes the strong suffer with more baggage to deal with than first thought, having already exorcised their own demons by themselves. There is also the explanation of wanting to go through another process of self-discovery of learning more and growing further via another, like a repeat of the butterfly leaving its cocoon.


There are three types of relationships that strong people are attracted to: the soulmate relationship, the healing relationship, and the karmic relationship.

Soulmate Relationship

They attract this type so much that they have had a few of them. Working on this type requires a lot of it. It is exhausting, stressful, yet it can be rewarding. However, soul growth is the main aim here.

It is in this type of relationship that the aforementioned self-discovery is attained. This is because, when in a romantic union, their flaws are apparent. As understood from earlier, soulmate relationships do not necessarily imply that it will last forever, but the effects of the relationship could.

Healing a Difficult Relationship

Strong people tend to be healers also. They are the go-to person for a consoling hug, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a proverbial sponge to soak up sadness. Therefore, they attract someone who requires this kind of strength.

The benefits are never one-sided, unless the someone in the relationship is taking advantage. If that is the case, abort mission now! Also, if the strong feel emotionally “drained” from constant healing, take a step back and just enjoy being in the company of the other half. That is what life is about, after all.

Karmic Relationship

Baggage from this life is tough, let alone past lives, the breaking of the shackles of things that happened long ago. It can make you feel confused and annoyed, stopping you from moving ahead. This type of relationship can be full-on, especially at the start when euphoria from something new and exciting is at its highest.

There can be an intense pull or revulsion, depending on the mood of both participants of the relationship at the time. Releasing old hurts is very therapeutic and rewarding, which is why the Universe is throwing strong people from one into another, purifying and cleansing along the way.

What can strong people do? In a nutshell:

1. Let go and allow themselves to go into autopilot within the relationship. Like the cliché says: “Go with the flow.”

declutter your brain

2. Move past obstacles hampering their reception of love. Strong people, due to their independence, do not let many in emotionally, therefore minimising the likelihood of being vulnerable.

Related article: High Risk Relationships – How to Tell If You’re In One

3. Let the experiences strengthen them as people and as lovers. Let these experiences nurture them and learn from them.

4. Concentrate on the self. Loving yourself truly will help immensely towards reaching goals within the current relationship.

5. If the relationship is difficult, embrace it and move forward. Sometimes the most difficult relationships are also the most helpful.

14 Reminders For Anyone Suffering From Depression

First of all, sorry that you are going through this and thank you for stumbling across this article about depression. Let us help you so that we can work together to help you feel better. You are an incredibly special person, incredibly cherished by your loved ones and our community, incredibly strong and brave to reach out. Your peace and happiness are your birthright and you are not alone, even if it feels that way. You are incredible, you are special, you are amazing. You truly are. If this humble article can help just one person – you, it will have succeeded greatly.

14 Things to Remember If You Struggle with Depression

Let us go through this list together. We are thinking of you every step of the way.

1. It all gets better

Even if you feel at rock bottom now, whatever life throws at you, you survive. Your wounds should be seen as a way to remind yourself that you did survive, after all, you are still alive, right? The perfect medicine for you from the Power of Positivity clinic is listening to Stayin’ Alive by The Bee Gees. Dosage: whenever you are feeling down. “Whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother you’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive!”

feel tired

2. You are far more than depression

This ailment does not define you as a person. Sure, it can alter your moods but depression is not you and you are definitely not depression. You may have seen Prince Ea on social media. He has done videos on YouTube about a plethora of topics. In one of his latest videos, he talks about depression and, using an analogy of the sky, he says: “YOU are the sky. Depression, frustration, sadness, they are passing clouds. Some are black, some are white. Sometimes they pepper the sky, and sometimes they fill the sky but they always come and go.” Using the MBCT technique mentioned previously, Penman agrees: “The idea is that you come to realise that thoughts come and go of their own accord and that your conscious self is distinct from your thoughts.” Be a warm, sunny day with no clouds!

3. Overthinking is normal

Think about it (not too much, obviously); overthinking is normal in depression, yet it causes problems left, right and center. “Not only does overthinking become a pattern with practice, but the thoughts tend to get darker over time. Negative thoughts about a specific experience can generalize or expand to color other areas of our life, causing us to scrutinize still more troublesome memories—amplifying the negativity,” states Jacqueline Marshall of PsyWeb. She adds: “Overthinking often encompasses our relationships, body image, family issues, career, and finances. It can also center on recent events such as an argument with a co-worker or friend. The things we ruminate about may be real problems that beg for solutions, but overthinking has never solved anything.”

4. Keep doing the things you love doing

Lack of motivation causes procrastination in the nation. You feel like you are not able to do anything, but completing the smallest of tasks can set you up on the road to recovery. Even more so if it is something for which you have a passion. It all comes from within, so find it in you to be the real you. Also, keep your support system tight, whoever that may be. Even if they do not fully understand, they will still help you in any way they can. Keep everyone communicating so that they can help you in the correct manner.

5. Get help

We want to help you by pointing you in the right direction, and that is towards being proactive in your recovery by way of meditation. Science backs this up with, according to Danny Penman, PhD, of Psychology Today, “a long lasting solution to the spiral of sadness”. The suggested course of action is using mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which “marries Eastern meditation with Western cognitive therapy”. Penman adds: “The MBCT technique is simple, and revolves around “mindfulness meditation“. In this, you sit with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing. Concentrating on the rhythm of the breath helps produce a feeling of detachment.” This is followed “by gentle question-and-answer sessions modeled on those in cognitive therapy”.


6. You are not alone

You aren’t alone in your fight against depression. There are people around you who love you and are with you in the battle. They may not totally understand what you’re going through, but they love you. These people want to help you any way they can. Even at your lowest, you’re important to them. You are a good person who is worth not feeling alone in this battle. So, never give in to the lie that you are alone.

7. You have more control than you feel you do

Depression sucks. It feels overpowering, but you can control each day’s decisions. Even the smallest control is still some level of control.  Depression may try to tell you things, but you don’t need to believe it. Remember, you drive your life, not depression. Even if you make small decisions about what to wear, what to eat, and where to go, this gives you control over your life. You can get together with people and talk to them. Don’t believe that you are out of control and there’s nothing you can do. You drive your life, not depression.

8. Don’t do things to make others happy

When you struggle with depression, your friends and family will have a lot of opinions about what you should and shouldn’t do. Suddenly, everyone’s an expert on the subject of depression. Even though these folks’ hearts are probably in the right place, you don’t need to feel pressure to do what they want. Most people don’t understand what it’s like to be depressed. The most important thing is that you are getting the help you need from professional counselors or whoever you’re getting help from, and following their advice. Take your time, and if necessary, ask people to please stop giving you advice.

9. God hears your prayers

Prayer is powerful. Don’t underestimate the power of your prayers. Researchers found that one-on-one prayer intervention improved depression and anxiety. It also increased spiritual experiences and feelings of optimism in people suffering from depression. Whether or not you’re religious, it’s worth finding a praying friend to pray for you. And it’s worth pouring out your heart to God. You never know, he might just surprise you with answers.

10. Allow others to love you

When you’re struggling with depression, it’s hard to let people into your world. It may be hard for you to trust people because you’ve been hurt in the past. But it’s worth it to reach out and allow people into your life. There are probably trustworthy people who want to love you and help you. They may be cringeworthy, but that’s okay. Imperfect people may be your best supporters and friends during your tough times. Family members trusted friends, and even your old gray grandma may be exactly who you need to love you and make you feel better about yourself and the world around you.

11. Write about your feelings, it’ll help you

There is something special about putting down your feelings on paper. Whether you write a story, a poem, or just a few lines about how you’re doing, it’ll help you feel better. Studies show that people who struggle with depression decrease their symptoms when they express themselves through writing. You can write in a paper journal or an online journal. Wherever you decide to write, it’ll be a therapeutic exercise and allow you a free expression of how you’re feeling and what’s on your mind. So, start writing today.

12. Never give up

Keep fighting, no matter what you’re facing. It’s not time to lie down and give up. No matter how scared you are, or how much you feel like quitting.  You may feel you’re in the fight of your life today, but tomorrow will be better. Today, try to take care of yourself with these things:

  • Try to do a little physical activity outside, preferably
  • Try to eat regular, healthy meals
  • Do something, even if it’s a little thing. Take out the trash or load the dishwasher. Little activities matter.
  • Go to bed on time
  • Try to connect with someone else. Talk to someone.
  • Don’t make any big decisions until you’re feeling better
  • Don’t drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs. They will only make you feel worse.

13. Celebrate your small victories

Even small victories are worth celebrating. Getting out of bed is a victory. Brushing your hair, getting dressed, and going downstairs are all victories. Take note, you’re still in the battle, and you’re killing it. Give yourself a pat on the back. These small victories are huge. Congratulations!

14. Feeling are facts

Even though your feelings are legitimate, they’re not necessarily factual. It’s easy to confuse the two. But facts can be proven and validated. Feelings, on the other hand, can change depending upon the circumstances. It doesn’t mean your feelings are worthless, but it’s important to not take them seriously. Don’t make decisions based on your feelings. Try to get the facts, then decide if you should make a decision.


Final Thoughts on Caring for Yourself During Depression

Depression is an uphill battle for many people. Although it can be debilitating at times, there are ways you can take care of yourself during depression. Remember that you’re not alone. There are people who love and want to walk this journey with you. They may not understand what it’s like to go through depression, but it’s good to have a shoulder to lean on when you’re having an especially rough day. There are many things you can do to exert your control over depression, such as writing down your thoughts, praying, getting some exercise, eating well, and getting together with other people. Even if you don’t feel like doing these things, try to do one or two of them. Even small victories are still victories and worth celebrating. Most of all, you’re worth celebrating and your life is valuable. So, hang in there and don’t give up in the battle.


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Researchers Reveal The Only Thing Someone Who Truly Loves You Wants In Return

Your presence is presently requested. A present is not required, so just put that phone down and skedaddle (after reading this highly informative article, of course!).

The gift of face-to-face human interaction is yours by right. Sure, the distance covered thanks to today’s cutting edge technology has diminished greatly, yet paradoxically the same technology has put us further away from those whom we are with in a closer physical proximity. In other words, it brings us closer to Ed and Ted in Peru and Cebu respectively, but we are sailing away from Ned after we decided against his idea of a drink at the local bar. We would rather “like” a picture on Facebook of a dog “driving” a car… in Madagascar!

There was a young man on Facebook,
Who said to Tommy: “I’ll just have a look.”
But Tom was enraged,
While he scrolled down the page,
For more than five hours the young man took.

The Only Thing Someone Who Truly Loves You Wants In Return

You can physically hug a laptop or a Smartphone, just like you can hug a tree or a human being. Try not to laugh! Hugging technology, though, just does not have the same endorphin-releasing benefits as giving someone a hug (or even hugging a tree for that matter). It is also much easier to understand people face-to-face: intonation of words, body language, mood detection, lies. With communication through messengers or phone calls to a lesser extent, things can be misconstrued, which can cause tempers to flare up in an instant. Watch out for autocorrect; romantic relationships have ended just because of a misunderstanding caused by autocorrect. What about sending messages to the wrong people? Apologies galore!

Then there are Emojis, those mostly yellow faces showing happy, sad, angry, excited, and now there are SYMBOLS, HAND GESTURES, and even FLAGS. According to Emojipedia, there are 1,394 normal Emojis, 435 modified Emojis, and 22 Sequences and the most popular in 2015 is the laughing face. Yet these Emojis, ironically enough, can be and have been used by people without emotion attached to them.

In terms of human interactions, face-to-face (and/or body-to-body!) connections are the equivalent of using the elevator and technological ones are the equivalent of taking the stairs. You can start off and connect electronically, but sooner or later, that must be translated into physical presence. Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) are the perfect example. “LDRs are not more prone to break-ups than normal relationships,” states Long Distance Relationship Statistics. With that said, it takes on average 4 1/2 months before a LDR breaks down and 40% of all LDRs end in a break-up, it adds. The end goal of a LDR is to see each other at some point after a generally specified timeframe. This could be anything between once every fortnight and once a year, and sometimes less.


Let’s turn our attention to the tangible – presenting presents or money. To buy a little something is not essential but can help with the “absence makes the heart grow fonder” part of interpersonal relationships. However, gifts can never replace basic emotional and spiritual ties between people. What they can be is supplements to the bond, like taking vitamins in tandem with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Naturally, if there is an exchange of material goods and/or money for time spent or other activities, this would be a business transaction and would be foolish to think differently. For everything else, there’s MasterCard?v

His girlfriend Ann is a peach,
Deep in his pockets he has to reach
In the club without champagne,
It’s called on the account of rain,
For her to stay Rob must beseech.

Related article: A Beautiful Message for Anyone Trying to Find Love…

In essence, love of the true variety is measured in time spent and memories shared with the other person or people in question. Technology is a back-up plan or a substitute and material objects are a supplement to the real deal. Love is:-

Of the

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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