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11 Signs Your Relationship Is Holding You Down

We like to believe that our partners have our best intentions at all times. We have to believe that they raise us up, never gossip about us, and support our dreams. But, what happens when you start noticing that who they are with others is not how they are with you? You might be in a toxic relationship and don’t even know it. How much are you willing to tolerate before you can call it quits?

Here are 11 signs your relationship is holding you down:

1. You are constantly trying to make your partner happy.

It’s wonderful to make your partner’s life easier and joyful. It’s part of being in a healthy relationship, however, when it’s not being reciprocated, there is a huge imbalance in the partnership. A union takes two people on the same page, striving towards similar goals. You can have different personalities, dreams, and desires but you make each other happy. If your partner is selfish and doesn’t return the gestures, it’s time you take a look at what he or she is doing in your life.


2. Your partner doesn’t support your dreams.

From the moment you met, you shared with your partner certain ambitions, aspirations and goals. Your partner said the perfect things back then. Now, he or she doesn’t care about your dreams. Your partner might even sabotage any chance of you getting ahead while creating a mountain of doubts. This person might cause you stress and anxiety when you start to think of the future. It’s a masterful way of manipulating you. Remember what makes your heart dance with joy and follow that. If your partner isn’t on board, chances are he or she will never be.

3. Your partner is jealous of your career and advancements.

You are a go-getter. You have always achieved great things. You are striving to make something out of your career, but your partner isn’t following this tenacious attitude. He or she will make you question your limitations and capabilities. Someone who loves you will find the means to support you in every way. Your happiness and achievements are just as important to him/her because they are a part of you.

4. Your partner expects you to give up the things that make you happy.

So you used to paint. You were great at creating the most beautiful paintings. Your partner thinks it’s child play and it is a waste of time. Sadly, you believe him/her. You start to give up all the things that made you feel good about life. Partnership isn’t a death sentence. You should still have your hobbies and your play time. If you find yourself avoiding all the little things that brought you happiness, you are stumping your soul’s purpose. A healthy relationship is about allowing each individual to still keep what fulfills them. Your partner might just be a very selfish individual. Has your partner given up the things that make him/her happy?

5. You cannot enjoy other parts of your life.

If you find yourself in a relationship that feels more like purgatory, listen to your inner guidance. Relationships are about joining and enriching the best parts of two people. It’s not about giving up the things that make you happy. So, if you find that you cannot go meet your friends, or spend more time with your family, or even take a hike alone, then you must check the reason you are still with this person. A person who loves you wants you to continue being you. You shouldn’t change the way you dress, the way you talk or what you used to do outside of the relationship.

6. You and your partner are always fighting.

Has fighting become the only form of communication in your relationship? Fighting is a negative reinforcement. It provides conflicts that go unresolved. Usually, the fighting isn’t about one thing. It becomes the only way the two of you can actually talk. Two people who are constantly bickering at each other can never agree or even agree to disagree.

7. Your partner doesn’t touch you.

You used to make love all the time. Between work and family, making love has become almost non-existent. If there isn’t a medical problem, and you have tried everything to spice it up, but he or she keeps rejecting you, recognize it’s not you. Do not own your partner’s issues, but this is a huge red flag in a relationship. It isn’t so much about the sex, as the attention that comes with a touch here and there, a kiss on the forehead, a moment of hugging and cuddling. These things are important in a relationship. We need nurturing and touch from our significant other.

8. Your partner puts you last on his to-do list.

The entire world gets more attention from your partner than you. You have to make an appointment with your significant other to get things done. If this is the case, step back and recognize you are worth more than anyone in your mate’s life. This is unacceptable. When we love another, we want to do things with them and for them. However, you might be in a relationship with a narcissist.

9. You are scared of your partner.

Sometimes we make excuses for our partner’s behaviors. Our gut tells us that this is wrong, the way he or she behaves. However, we continue to put up with it. If you are scared of your partner, then you need to get professional help. Your partner should be the last person in the world you should fear. He or she should be the person who makes you feel safe and secure. If you are in an abusive relationship, there are many ways to get help. Please do not stay for the sake of fear.

10. Your partner finds judgment and criticism in everything you do.

Manipulation and emotional abuse come in many forms. If you find that your partner is constantly putting you down and making you feel worthless, he/she is not the person for you (or for anyone). You deserve someone who picks your heart up and makes you feel good about who you are. A loving partner won’t be criticizing everything about you. There is a difference between a healthy discussion and being criticized. Your partner should be that one person that makes you feel better than anyone else. Insecurity causes jealousy and judgments. Your partner might actually feel threatened by you and your greatness.

Related article: 5 Behaviors That Attract Toxic Partners (And How To Avoid Having Them)

11. Your partner avoids you.

You have left a hundred messages and texts, but your partner doesn’t answer you. Avoidance is inadmissible in a relationship. When you love another, you make time for them. You make sure they know you exist. If your partner is doing the disappearing act, perhaps this is a perfect opportunity to end things. You don’t need someone who makes you question your behavior, motives, and worth. You work too hard to have to be on top of someone else for attention. You shouldn’t have to beg for love.

When you distant yourself from the focus of a relationship for a little while, you can actually see clearly what is important. You are the only person who knows how you are feeling. Honor those nagging feelings that are whispering to end the relationship. Get help. Seek professional advice and therapy. Ultimately, you know what’s best for you. These behaviors are toxic and needed to be addressed.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs of Toxic Overload In Your Body

Toxin. Toxic. These are scary words. They have been used to elicit fear and anxiety in people around the world for the last few decades. But, what is a toxin? We all know they’re bad and harmful for us, but what exactly is a toxin? A toxin is a poisonous molecule, peptide or protein produced by an animal, insect, plant or microorganism. The easiest way for you to get these into your body is through a bee sting, snake bite, eating a poisonous plant, like hemlock, or by consuming food contaminated with something like salmonella or botulism. When the media says “toxin,” they are usually referring to something called a toxicant.

A toxicant is any toxic substance, but the word has been used to refer to anything artificially made by humans or introduced in the environment by humans. These can range from artificial chemicals in your food to chemical waste dumped into our water supply, as a byproduct of things like fracking, coal burning power plants and industrial manufacturing.

The human body has some wonderful mechanisms for filtering out most toxins that you ingest. The liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract will filter almost all toxicants and move them out of your body through your urine or feces. Materials toxic to the body can build up if one of those three organs are damaged or compromised through trauma, disease or the abuse of alcohol, drugs or cigarettes. You could eat and drink in moderation without any ill effects. The idea that your body could be overloaded with toxins, yet not contract a very serious illness or die, has become very popular in recent years. The idea of toxic overload has been associated with these seven signs.

7 Signs of Toxic Overload In Your Body

1. Insomnia

People with a damaged liver often experience insomnia because the liver affects the level of histamine in the brain. If you have ever taken an antihistamine for allergies and felt groggy or sleepy, it is because histamine regulates your sleep-wake cycles. If histamine levels are off, it could cause insomnia. People with liver disease also tend to suffer from obesity, hypertension and diabetes, all of which list insomnia as a symptom. Alcohol is a toxin produced when yeast turns sugars into energy and excretes alcohol and carbon dioxide as a waste product. Too much alcohol will damage the liver, as well as the brain and kidneys, over time.

2. Lethargy

Highly processed foods and fast food tend to be artificially packed with sugar in order to make them more appetizing. Our body needs sugar in order to function. Sugar is what powers us. It is our fuel. But, simple sugars derived from sugary drinks, candy bars and other highly processed foods tend to displace other foods rich in nutrients. We turn sugar into something useful through insulin. Unfortunately, we can become resistant to insulin. The lethargy you feel is the sugar crash after you have ridden the sugar high. Eating too much sugar leads to weight gain and high blood fats which both contribute to heart disease. Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans.

3. Headaches

Stress releases hormones into your blood stream in order to speed up or alter your body’s normal functions to make you better able to deal with the stressor. Your body normally filters these stress hormones out of your blood stream after a stressful incident. Stress over a long period of time can cause these stress hormones to build up in your system and will trigger headaches and even migraines. The easiest way to treat these headaches is to find a dark, quiet place to lay down and relax for a bit. Finding healthy ways to deal with long term stress is important, as stress is a contributing factor to things like heart disease and stroke.

4. Skin Problems

People have associated skin rashes and acne with the buildup of toxins in your system. Rashes stem from contact with toxins outside your skin (Poison ivy), your body’s attempt to fight off infectious diseases or fungus (Chicken Pox or Athlete’s foot), or from an allergy to something in your environment. Contrary to popular belief, when you sweat, the only things you excrete are water and salt from your sweat glands, and the salt is typically reabsorbed into the body. Acne is a condition when oil and bacteria clog up the oil glands attached to hair follicles and cause them to swell. When your body produces too much of this oil, and/or dead skin cells, they can plug the oil gland and create a breeding ground for bacteria.

5. White and/or Yellow Tongue

A discolored tongue is known as a sign of high levels of toxins in your body. In reality, a “white tongue” is a harmless buildup of dead skin cells, food debris and the mouth’s normal bacteria. But, a white tongue can be a sign of infection or certain precancerous conditions. Yellow tongue is associated with liver disease, if there is also jaundice of the skin and eyes, and could be an indicator of liver or gall bladder diseases.

6. Belly Fat

A recent study in Sweden found a link between the common environmental toxin PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) and belly fat. This toxin is said to increase the rate at which the body stores belly fat. Belly fat lies close to the vital organs and floods the blood stream with free fatty acids. This contributes to insulin resistance, arterial dysfunction, liver disease and other issues. The best way to detox your body is to exercise regularly, eat healthier foods and smaller portions, get some sun, and get better sleep.

7. Feeling Hot

Hot flashes are due to hormonal changes most commonly associated with menopause. Fever is your body’s attempt to kill off invading microorganisms. Feeling hot is not due to a buildup of toxins. And, the idea that you could sweat toxins out of your system is simply untrue. Your sweat is almost entirely made up of water and salt. Using excessive sweating to try and detoxify your system will only cause your kidneys to retain water and, therefore, retain any toxins the kidneys were attempting to filter out of your body.

Related article: 10 Ways To Detox Your Life

The best way to detox your body is by eating a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and lean protein, exercising four hours per week and getting plenty of rest and sunshine. The Mayo Clinic says that most people feel better after “detox diets” because they have eliminated unhealthy foods from their diet high in solid fats and sugar. They also advise that fasting, common of such “detox diets” can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies while colon cleansing can lead to nausea, vomiting, cramping and bloating, which could cause dehydration.

Your body is very good at filtering out toxins from your environment, but poor eating habits, little exercise and actual toxins, like alcohol and smoking, can cripple your body’s natural filtration system. If your body was truly overloaded with toxins, you would most likely be hospitalized or dead.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs You Aren’t Getting Enough Sodium

Your body is essentially a big bag of salt water that requires constant balance to keep you alive. Too much or too little sodium in your diet can adversely affect your health. If you eat too much, which most Americans do, it can lead to things like heart disease, stroke, and arteriosclerosis which is a big word for hardening of the arteries. The thing is, your body needs sodium to function. Sodium is integral to the well-being of your circulatory system and maintains the plasma in the extracellular fluid to allow for sufficient tissue perfusion. It essentially allows nutrients and other materials to move into your cells from the blood vessels and allows the cells’ waste products to pass into the bloodstream, where the liver and kidneys filter it.

Sodium and chloride ions are also involved with the functioning of neurons within our nervous system. They facilitate passing messages from one neuron to another, enabling us to walk, breathe, think and talk. Chloride ions are also involved in the body’s digestive processes by forming hydrochloric acid.

The recommended daily intake of sodium by the American Heart Association is 1500 mg of sodium, while the minimum necessary to maintain life is around 500mg. The average American consumes over 3000 mg, which is at least twice the recommended daily allowance.

If a true sodium deficiency occurs, it causes very specific symptoms of hyponatremia. You’ll likely experience the following symptoms if you have too little sodium in your body.

5 Signs You Aren’t Getting Enough Sodium


Nausea and Vomiting

This is your body’s way of getting rid of some excess water causing an imbalance in your sodium levels.


Your nervous system needs sodium to function, and when levels drop, it will cause headaches.


Your brain needs salt to send messages through its neurons. Without the salt, your brain won’t function correctly and could confuse you.


If your blood sodium levels are off, then your blood’s ability to deliver nutrients and take away waste from your muscles is hampered. This could cause fatigue, as your muscles aren’t getting the energy they need to function.

Muscle weakness, spasms or cramps

If your muscles are not able to get rid of waste products, like lactic acid because of your low blood sodium levels, then those waste products stay in the muscles causing cramps, spasms and weakness.

Hyponatremia can be caused by drinking too much water, especially during endurance sports, which lower the overall level of sodium within the body. While engaging in endurance sports, you are also losing some salt through sweating, which further decreases the body’s sodium level. Dehydration can also cause low sodium levels, as you lose salt through sweat and urine without replacing it. So sip a sports drink with electrolytes or fruit and vegetable juices with salt content.

What Causes Low Sodium Levels?

Low sodium levels can happen from consuming diuretics, antidepressants, and pain medication, which could cause you to sweat or urinate more than normal. Heart, kidney and liver problems can cause you to retain fluid, thereby affecting the salt to fluid balance within the body. Hormonal changes through diseases like Addison’s, which affect the adrenal glands and help regulate the levels of sodium, potassium and water, can lead to low levels. Low thyroid levels can also cause low blood-sodium levels.

Ecstasy can cause fatal cases of hyponatremia when combined with drinking and dancing, which all affect blood sodium levels.

Acute Hyponatremia, where the blood sodium levels drop dramatically in a very short amount of time, can lead to brain swelling, coma and death.

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Eating salty foods may increase brain health, say researchers.

The best way to avoid this is to monitor how much salt you take in and how much water you drink daily. But that’s especially essential when engaging in endurance sports. If your urine is clear, you are drinking too much water and if you are engaging in strenuous endurance sports, drink a sports drink with electrolytes and your water to help replace any lost salt.

7 Reasons You Need Amino Acids For Good Health

The vital importance of amino acids cannot be overemphasized. Quite simply, amino acids are the basis – the building blocks – of all life processes. More specifically, amino acids act as catalysts, allowing the development of proteins within billions of individual cells.

The human body requires twenty types of amino acids to produce protein adequately. Amino acids are categorized as either essential or non-essential. Non-essential amino acids are those the body can naturally synthesize, requiring only sufficient amounts of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. Essential amino acids are acquired through food, as the body either cannot produce them or produces them at insufficient levels.

Amino acids play central roles both as building blocks of proteins and as intermediates in metabolism. – The University of Arizona, Department of Biology

What Are the Amino Acids?

Essential amino acids are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Non-essential amino acids are made up of the following: alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine.

A vast amount of research has confirmed indispensable health properties. Likewise, research has been conducted explaining the dangers of low levels. In terms of treatment, these nutrients improve various health conditions.

This article focuses on the health benefits of amino acids. Further, we’ll go over some good dietary sources of amino acids.

Seven Reasons You Need to Add Amino Acids to Your Diet

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1. Improves brain function

Amino acids – and thereby proteins – are critical to healthy brain function. The brain synthesizes arginine, histidine, tyrosine, and tryptophan to (among other things) balance various neurotransmitters (i.e. dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine). Maintaining healthy balances of these chemicals helps promote normalized cognitive abilities, particularly during environmental and psychological distress periods.

2. Detoxifies the body

Our body relies on a healthy and functioning liver to eliminate harmful toxins. Amines such as arginine, ornithine, and glutamine help stimulate liver detoxification actions – eradicating toxins that threaten our overall health. These amines also help to promote the expedited healing of wounds.

(Important side note: overconsumption of amines can result in excessive production of liver enzymes – an inadvertency that can result in liver damage. When undergoing any detox regimen, it is recommended to seek the advice of a licensed medical professional.)

3. Enhances mood

Often, mood swings result from too much stress and insufficient recovery time. This often happens when we perform demanding work and process streams of information without allocating proper time for rest or sleep.

While this may sound oversimplified (and obvious!), it turns out that deficient amino acid levels may exacerbate such mood swing episodes.

Conversely, carnitine and other amines may help balance a brain that is often out of sync – a common byproduct of internal and external stressors. For example, GABA – an amino acid and ultra-popular supplement – inhibits erratic neurotransmitter activity in the brain. The result? Feelings of sedation and well-being.

4. Improves sleep quality

Certain amino acids help to promote sleep by counteracting the cellular toxin ammonia. The breakdown of proteins forms ammonia stunts cellular energy production and. Sleeplessness can result when this breakdown mechanism adversely impacts certain cognitive functions, disrupting our internal sleep/wake cycle.

The amines arginine, glutamine, and ornithine have properties that can assist the body in eliminating ammonia, which may improve sleep quality.

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5. Reduces or eliminates stress

Glutamine is considered among the most important amino acids. Experiments have demonstrated drastic reductions in glutamine levels during physical and/or mental episodes of tension, strain, and stress. Physiologically, ingestion or supplementation of glutamine stabilizes cells of the immune and gastrointestinal systems. This effect strengthens the body’s defense mechanisms, helping to prevent and counteract various symptoms of stress.

6. Promotes muscle growth

Since amino acids are protein’s foundational components, this benefit is no surprise. In addition to promoting muscle growth, they suppress mechanisms that cause muscle tissue deterioration.

One notable amino acid, glycine, has even been shown to help maintain muscle mass later in life. When satisfactory levels penetrate the muscles, overall endurance, strength, and other performance capabilities often improve. This is the primary reason elite athletes and bodybuilders prioritize the consumption of amino acids.

7. Slows and thwarts aging

Ah, yes…we can see your eyes getting extra wide now. And it’s true: regular, adequate ingestion of amino acids can slow the aging process.

The reasons for this are mostly cumulative, and here’s why. As mentioned, they play an essential role in preventing or countering the effects of stress, producing myriad benefits: sharper cognition, healthier skin, more defined muscles, better sleep, improved mood, etc.

Additionally,they strengthen the immune and digestive systems. As a result, we can ward off potentially-harmful health conditions – many of which indirectly age us, both in mind and body.


Final Thoughts: Know Good, Healthy Sources of Amino Acids

There are plenty of foods that are high in amino acids. Odds are you can find something on this list that satisfies your palette.

Here are a few:

  • Plant-based sources: tofu, quinoa, soy, and soybeans. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos is also an excellent product for this.
  • Lean meat: ham, pork, and beef.
  • Poultry and seafood: chicken, turkey breast, halibut, cod, tilapia, flounder, and perch.
  • Eggs and low-fat dairy products.
(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With A Virgo

Virgo might make the best friend of all of the signs of the zodiac. So if you are lucky enough to know one, read this list of  seven things that can help or hurt your future friendship. Think of this list as a kind of care and feeding instructions for the Virgo friendship. In turn, you’ll be blessed by the kind of ‘bestie’ relationship that others will envy.

7 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With A Virgo

Was your friend born between August 22 and September 22? If so, you have the pleasure of calling yourself a friend to a Virgo. In fact, you may have already know some of the unique qualities that set them apart from the rest of the zodiac. In this article, we will look at your role as a friend to Virgo and the seven things you need to know about being their friend.

Research on the effect of horoscopes on relationships conducted by the University of West England found that there was very little effect of daily love horoscopes on decisions that people make related to finding love. However, the research revealed some interesting facts about beliefs in astrology. 72% of the people surveyed believe that astrology is not just superstition, 89% read the horoscopes of people that they had relationships with (including close friends), and 85% feel that the description for their sign accurately reflects their personality.

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1. Virgo always wants to help you

With a Virgo for a friend, you will always be able to speak your mind and air your problems. Need help? Ask a Virgo. They are more than willing to help. Besides, they are so honored that you asked them that they will really shine for you by giving you advice, encouragement, or gluten-free homemade brownies made with a lot of love and locally grown, organic ingredients, which is of course, exactly what you really wanted.

2. Always keep their confidences

A Virgo is loyal, but only if you are too. Betraying the trust of a Virgo will get you sent to a special place on their list of people who no longer exist to them. Be true to your Virgo if you want to keep being friends with them.

3. You might have to pry them out of their comfort zone

One of the most frustrating things about being friends with a Virgo is that they are so comfortable in their home space that getting them to have an adventure with you might be like pulling teeth. Your Virgo friend will ask you a million questions about the fun event that you have planned before they even agree to consider going. Help them out by putting them at ease and telling them that you’ll be there by their side to keep them safe.

An Indian researcher looked at the correlation of depression and astrology and found several planetary influences that can be associated with symptoms of depression. Some of the personality traits of the zodiac that are related to depression include social isolation, family and employment problems, financial problems, childhood problems, stress and health problems, and a drive toward materialistic desires. For your Virgo friend, their tendency toward being homeward bound is just in their nature and shouldn’t be interpreted as depression.

4. Make sure that your Virgo friend feels appreciated

Virgo is sensitive to your actions, inactions, words, and what is left unspoken. You have to tread lightly when it comes to accidentally hurting their feelings. The good news is that you can usually get them to smile again with a small gesture of appreciation that is meaningful to them. Even buying a favorite candy for them is appreciated by Virgo for any gift-giving or spontaneous occasion.

5. Their loyalty is forever

Virgo will always be your friend and that’s one of the great things about having them for a friend. Of course, we have already mentioned the one exception to this rule in number 2 above. Do not betray your Virgo friend or they will forget that they ever knew you.

Related article: 11 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

6. Virgo is your secret weapon

Do you need to know if someone is lying, need help to figure out a ridiculously difficult problem on your homework, or you need to build a time machine? Well, you are in luck! Virgo is probably your best bet for a well thought out solution. At the very least, your Virgo friend will have given it more time and effort than any other astrological sign.

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Related article: 10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Virgo

7. Virgo can be easily embarrassed

The sensitive nature of Virgo means that they often take things personally, even when that was not your intention. Also, they feel the gaze of people around them more than other people do. But they might take that personally too. Virgo is usually wondering if everyone is staring at them and assumes that they are. You can help your friend out by letting them know that they look perfectly normal to you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Behaviors That Keep People From Finding Relationships That Work

Love, the elusive force that drives us, elates us, and leaves us longing for companionship. In the depths of our hearts, we yearn for a relationship that brings joy, understanding, and fulfillment. Yet, despite our fervent desire for love, could it be possible that our behaviors are unwittingly hindering us from finding that perfect partnership we seek?

As we navigate the intricate labyrinth of relationships, we must delve into the hidden patterns and subconscious actions that may sabotage our quest for lasting love. Join us on this captivating exploration. This article will uncover the ten behaviors that may unknowingly obstruct your path to a relationship that aligns with your deepest desires.

Prepare to unearth the truths about your attachment style. We will explore how your childhood experiences shape your adult relationships. Discover the profound impact your judgmental tendencies can have as we unravel the enigma of deal breakers and the art of fair evaluation. Dare to challenge the standards you set for yourself and others as we dissect the fine line between healthy expectations and unrealistic fantasies.

We’ll navigate the treacherous waters of jadedness together, exploring how the ghosts of past heartbreaks can cast a shadow over new connections. Delve into the depths of self-esteem and self-love. We will uncover these factors’ profound influence on our ability to attract and sustain meaningful relationships.

Finally, brace yourself as we confront the paralyzing fear that keeps you from embracing true love. We will also dive into your unspoken fears:

  • Fear of commitment
  • Fear of vulnerability
  • And the fear of what lies beyond the horizon of a promising connection.

10 Behaviors That Keep You From Finding A Relationship That Works

Is it possible that your behavior might be keeping you from finding a relationship that works?

Although you might think you are ready for love, there are some ways that we self-sabotage our desires regarding relationships. Let’s look at the ten behaviors that keep you from finding a relationship that will suit your needs.


1. You’ve yet to heal from the hurt of your childhood

Psychologists call your adult relationship style your ‘attachment style’ and say that how you bond with a romantic partner is based on how you learned love as a child. If your childhood years were not happy, it takes a lot of healing to find a relationship that works.

Psychologists at Texas A&M University, who looked at 144 dating couples found that those with anxious or avoidant attachment styles had more negative emotions and fewer positive emotions in their relationships.

The partners with secure attachment styles were the ones who had the most positive emotions and the least negative emotions during their relationships.

2. You apply the deal breaker rule to every date

Man Hands, Close Talker, and the Double Dip were all reasons that characters on the TV show Seinfeld had to dump their dates. If you give your dates deal-breaker status based on their negative behavior, that is totally unfair.

Sure, we all have deal breakers that will get under our skin so we know to avoid those types of people, but you’re not perfect either. Labeling your partner’s negative behavior while ignoring their positive traits is not giving them a fair deal.

This may be one behavior that is keeping you from finding a relationship that works. Try focusing on the positive aspects of your next partner.

3. Your standards are too high

You are looking for a never-married lawyer in his forties who graduated from Yale and has a mansion, convertible, and perfect abs?

Looking for someone who is either out of your league or would have no reason to find value in you as a partner is one possible reason you haven’t found a relationship that works.

4. Love has made you jaded

You are stuck in the negativity, regret, and resentment about your past relationships, which is keeping you from finding a relationship that works. Who wants to be with someone who is only focused on the negative?

No one you should want to be with, that’s for sure. Try to find the lesson from these past loves, let go, grow, and open yourself up to only positives.

5. Low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is one possible trait that keeps you from finding a relationship that works. It’s hard to love someone else fully until you can say the same about your relationship with yourself. Let’s focus on you for a while and then look for romance.

6. You’re afraid of what would happen if you did find the right person

Fear is not uncommon for those who are single, and in this case it’s the fear of finding a relationship that works. Sometimes you fear losing your freedom, or losing the potential for another romantic partner who could be even better and who might come along when you aren’t available.

Sometimes, a fear of success keeps you from true love.

7. You’re pursuing someone who isn’t single

Maybe he or she will leave their spouse, but in the meantime, you’re tying yourself up with someone who isn’t available, which means you are also not available to find someone looking for you.

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8. You think you have to give up who you are to be in a relationship

You should never have to sacrifice your personality for a romantic partner, so resolve never to let that happen and be ready for a love where you can still be yourself AND be in a relationship that works.

9. You keep repeating the same behaviors in relationships

Similarly to your attachment style, if you are repeating old patterns of unhealthy relationship behavior, you may have some personal growth before you can be in a relationship that works.

Living in the past will not work for you in a relationship. Your partner wants you to live in the here and now with them, and if you can’t let go of old, negative habits that don’t serve you, you can’t have a healthy relationship.

Researchers at the University of Rochester and the University of Georgia looked at mindfulness and relationship satisfaction and found that ‘greater practice of mindfulness on a given day predicted improved relationship happiness, stress coping efficacy, and lower relationship-specific and overall stress.’

Letting go of the past, and avoiding worrying about the future, keeps you mindful and aware of the joy that is found in each moment with your romantic partner. Of course, that is a great way to have an emotionally healthy relationship that works well for both of you.

10. You find it hard to trust

We get it; putting yourself out there to potentially be hurt can be emotionally scary, but you have to take a risk if you want the big payoff. It’s better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all. To have a deep love, you first must have trust, because that vulnerability to being hurt is a requirement of love. Otherwise, you share a closed heart with someone, keeping you from finding a relationship that works.


Final Thoughts on Behaviors That Block You From Finding Loving Relationships

Finding a relationship that works can be a complex journey influenced by various factors. However, addressing certain patterns and behaviors can increase your chances of building a fulfilling and successful romantic partnership. Recognizing and addressing these potential obstacles can enhance self-awareness and improve your relationship choices. It will also increase the likelihood of finding a loving and compatible partner. Remember to be patient, kind to yourself, and open to the journey of love and growth.


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