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3 Messages You Should Send Your Partner Every Day

When you are in a relationship for a long time, you get to know your partner so well and you are so comfortable, that both of you can sit next to each other without feeling the need to fill the silence with chatter or idle messages. We fall into habits, we say “Good morning.” How was your day?” “What would you like to eat for dinner?” by memory.

It is like we have our own little script from day to day. But, there are some special messages you should make sure you send everyday.

We all want our significant other to send us messages that make us smile and make our hearts open up to joy. However, not all of them have to be a Pablo Neruda poem:

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”

Here are 3 messages you should send to your partner everyday as a reminder that they are appreciated:



1. “Good Morning, Gorgeous!”

Make sure you let your partner know that you still find them attractive. Sometimes this is all a person needs to make it through a busy and stressful day. Most of us are concerned with how we look and feel everyday. This is especially true as we get older and it becomes harder to find time for the gym or a walk with busy schedules and the exhaustion that comes with it.

To have our partner affirm that we are still attractive to them can banish the negative thoughts we have about our bodies for awhile. And, who doesn’t like to feel wanted and needed? Who doesn’t like to feel a little sexy? There is nothing sweeter than the reminder that we are still beautiful in the eyes of our beloved.

No matter if it’s been 10 days or 40 years, we all want to feel special.

2. “Wonder Twin Powers Activate!”

If you don’t get the Wonder Twin reference, Google it. It doesn’t have to be this exact phrase as long as it is silly, goofy, nostalgic, funny and, most importantly, an inside joke just between the two of you. Also, change it up and don’t use the same phrase every day. Be creative. It says to your partner that you are thinking of them and that you are in a good mood. People in good moods are contagious to others, especially your partner. Even if you are in a crappy mood, fake it till you feel it.

It also says that you are in this together and can conquer any challenges as a team. After all, it is the two of you against the world. Humor ignites the beautiful energy of positivity.

Author Tina Tessina, of How to Be a Couple and Still Be Free says:

“If you’re really interested in making your relationship work, little rituals are a great way to do it. Every marriage has what I call a relationship reservoir, or the stored-up emotional energy of the relationship. And although these daily habits are all very simple things, they help fill that reservoir. When there’s a lot of positive energy there, you give each other a little pat on the butt or say, “I’m so glad I’m sharing my life with you,” and you’re storing it up. Then when the relationship is under stress, you’ll have the energy you need to get through.”

3. “I Am Grateful For Having You In My Life.”

Everyone wants to feel that what they do is appreciated by those they do it for. Your partner is no exception, and making sure they know just how grateful you are everyday can ease their daily stress. It gives them a purpose, an answer to the question. Why am I doing this? Indeed, it serves a reminder, from your family, that what you do everyday matters to them and is appreciated. It can really lighten your load when you are feeling burdened by life’s hardships.

There is nothing worse than an ungrateful person, and letting your partner know they are appreciated can prevent feelings of resentment or bitterness at having to work long hard hours, be away from home on business, or work a stressful job. You are giving your partner a sense of relief with those simple sweet words.

Related article: 5 Things To Say When “I Love You” Isn’t Enough

The messages are really unimportant as long as you are letting your partner know that they are loved, appreciated and still bring joy and humor into each others lives. Making sure you let your partner know these things every single day can make a relationship last even through tough times.

Your partner will know you have their back, that you are a team, and even in the toughest times you can still laugh and joke around with each other. After all, laughter is the best medicine!

Related article: 10 Things Relationships Need to Survive

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs Your Job Is Sucking The Soul Out of You

We’ve all been fed the same message throughout our lives: get good grades, go to a decent college, find a great job, settle down, pay taxes and student loans, work your butt off, retire, and then live your life. Sound familiar? Well, for many, it’s a broken record, and they wish they could turn it off somehow. Not just turn off the advice and the dogma, but the rigid system we’ve all been born into. We live in such a conditioned, programmed culture where people feel they have no way out, like they have to follow the lifestyle that’s been forced upon them.

However, you came to this life to feel happy, vibrant, and fulfilled, not beat down and worn out from working 50 plus hours a week in a job you absolutely hate. Maybe generations before us had different ideals, but this generation is the one to stand up and do things our way. We’re all tired of working for the man, giving away 50+ hours of our time, and trying to make ends meet, only to have almost half our dollars taken away in taxes. We’ve all grown exhausted of the rat race, and want a better way.

This is to all those creators, dreamers, doers, believers, and trend-setters out there that don’t believe in following societal norms. We have to spend so much time in our lives working, so why not choose something you really enjoy? If you have been thinking of an exit strategy when it comes to your job, keep on reading, because it’s probably time to call it quits.

5 Signs Your Job Is Sucking The Soul Out of You


1. You dread waking up every morning.

If we live our passions, we should wake up each day feeling excited, rejuvenated, and filled with life. Living your passion means never growing tired of your work, because you feel in your heart that you came here to do it. It means living your truth, and not accepting the life someone else designed for you. However, if you don’t get these feelings from your job, then you need to leave ASAP.

If we have to spend so much of our lives working, then why waste all that time doing things we don’t really love? We only get one chance here, so we have to make the most of it. Dreading your job means you definitely need to reevaluate what you want in life, and why you keep going back to the job you hate.

If you’ve grown tired of waking up to a shrill alarm, sitting in traffic for hours, only to sit in a cubicle for 8-10 hours, only to sit in traffic again on the way home, only to have no time for yourself once you get there, then you need to get honest with yourself.

What do you truly desire from this life?

2. You feel shackled to your job because of bills.

Now, this is understandable. We all have to survive, and honestly, most people keep their miserable jobs just because they have bills to pay. Of course, we have to work for basic needs in today’s world, but how about if you look at what you need vs what you want? When it comes down to it, we only need a few things: food, water, shelter, clothing, stable relationships, and a passion in life. A couple of those things don’t require money. What we’re getting at here is, if you want to live a simpler life, then you’ll have to accept downsizing and only buying what you truly need. If you don’t like your job and want to spend more time living and less time working, then just evaluate what you need in life, and how much you have to work to attain those needs.

Can you sell your car, house, or other expensive possessions in favor of traveling or riding a bike instead? Can you room with others so that your bills become cheaper? You can always, always minimize your possessions and lifestyle, so that you don’t HAVE to depend so much on a job to get you by. Plenty of people in today’s world choose to travel long-term instead of staying in one place, and if you do it right, you can actually spend less traveling than you would by working.

In short, live your dreams, and don’t worry so much about money. You can always get rid of bills and minimize your life. Don’t be a slave to the dollar.

3. You only live for the weekends.

Another indicator that you hate your job and need to quit is that you find yourself counting the days until the weekend. You look at the calendar and start to plan out your two days off each week, because that’s all the time you have to yourself. Well, if you find yourself living for tomorrow, then you need to question how you spend today. Why do you keep working if you don’t like it? Of course, money, right? Well, in today’s world, you can earn money in thousands of different ways. Get creative; it’s never been easier to be your own boss, get into investing, and really create your own future.

4. You don’t feel fulfilled by your work.

All of us need a passion and purpose in life. If you don’t enjoy what you spend most of your time doing, then you need to evaluate what you’d rather be doing, and why you work somewhere you despise. Our hearts came here to shine in their truest form, and when you work doing something unfulfilling, you’re dimming your shine. You’re killing that spark inside your soul, and you deserve better.

Most people don’t like their jobs, though; in fact, a Gallup poll found that only 31.5% of people in America are actively engaged at work, and the rest are classified as actively disengaged or not engaged. This means around 70% of people don’t like their jobs, and this is only data from the U.S. Imagine what the global figures would look like.


5. You feel like you’ve lost yourself.

A lot of us in the working world feel a bit lost, and why wouldn’t we? We’ve been thrown into modern enslavement, and many of us don’t even realize this. We spend so much time doing things for other people, making sure the business runs smoothly, making sure the electric company gets their money, but what about us? What about what makes our hearts soar?

Never forget yourself in the rat race, and don’t compromise on your beliefs. You can live life however you choose, so don’t let corporate overlords and others try to dictate your life.

If you feel lost, leave your job and take time to find yourself again. We live in the matrix, it’s true, but we don’t have to attach ourselves to it. Learn to rise above the expectations, the pressure, the stress, and everything else trying to pull you down. You are not just your title, your income, your home, car, reputation, image, and all of those other ways we classify people. You are a cosmic ray of light, and you came here to shine.

So, follow your heart, give your two week’s notice, and keep on searching, because your purpose is out there. Take back your soul, and follow your bliss. It’s never too late to begin a new chapter.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Exorcist Explains How to Tell If Someone Is Possessed

Of course, most of us would like to believe that people can’t become possessed, and demonic entities don’t exist. After you read this article, you might still hold that belief, and we don’t wish to change your mind. However, if you find the subject interesting, one of the leading exorcists in the world just shared some of his wisdom regarding the topic. Maybe you just don’t know how to spot the signs of possession, so this exorcist will clear all of the fog about the subject.

Exorcist Reveals: If These Things Happen, You May Be Possessed

Father Cipriano de Meo, who has been doing exorcisms for 64 years now, told the Italian Catholic News Agency that you can tell whether you’ve been possessed or suffer from some sort of mental illness based on your reaction to the exorcist and the prayers themselves.

He explained that the exorcist will usually say “a prolonged prayer to the point where if the Adversary is present, there’s a reaction. A possessed person has various general attitudes towards an exorcist, who is seen by the Adversary as an enemy ready to fight him.”

Of course, the adversary here is the demonic entity. Demons fear exorcists and cause extreme reactions in the person they choose to possess, because the demon only cares about keeping its energy intact. If the exorcist expels the demon, it will have no place to call home anymore. Demons feed off the energy of humans, and therefore, can be considered a form of “energy vampire.”

If you are possessed, you won’t respond well to the exorcist’s prayers. It might not happen like it does in the movies, but you will experience adverse reactions to the words being said.

Father de Meo said: “There’s no lack of frightening facial expressions, threatening words or gestures and other things, but especially blasphemies against God and Our Lady.”

In short, you’ll know when something takes over you, because you’ll feel totally out of control and unsettled.

You might still not believe in exorcisms or demons, and of course exorcists themselves understand this. Furthermore, the Catholic Church also knows that those who have a tendency to become possessed and experience symptoms might not actually have a demonic presence inside of them, but may have another mental illness. You probably will never get to see a possessed person in your lifetime (and thank goodness for that).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church talks about knowing the difference between mental illness and demonic possession: “Exorcism is directed at the expulsion of demons or to the liberation from demonic possession through the spiritual authority which Jesus entrusted to his Church. Illness, especially psychological illness, is a very different matter; treating this is the concern of medical science. Therefore, before an exorcism is performed, it is important to ascertain that one is dealing with the presence of the Evil One, and not an illness.”

In 2015, many exorcists gathered at the Vatican to undergo training to understand differences between mental health issues and demonic possession.

In the unlikely event you’d like to become an exorcist yourself, Father de Meo runs a school where you can get the training you need, and has been doing so for 13 years. In today’s world, you might actually get use out of your schooling, because in 2014, the International Association of Exorcists (AIE) found that a rise in occult activity led to a “pastoral emergency”.  

Related article: 7 Signs of a Psychic Attack

How can you avoid getting possessed? Well, the Catholic Church believes it starts with prayer, which leads to a pure, sinless life, according to the church. You should also avoid anything dealing with Satan, revealing the future, or attempting to talk to the dead.

Furthermore, the Catechism states: “Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.”

You can do with this information what you will, and we can’t tell you what to believe or not believe. However, if you or someone you know has ever dealt with demonic possession, we hope you find this information useful and informative.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The Best Way to Boost Your Mood: NOT Taking Care of Yourself

When you have a bad day or just feel down in the dumps, you might treat yourself to your favorite food, sit down in front of Netflix and forget your problems, or socialize with friends to boost your spirits. However, psychologists reveal that the key to feeling happier might lie in a totally differently place than we previously thought. It turns out that a better mood is only one action away, and it really doesn’t take a lot of effort, either.

Psychologists Reveal: Taking This Single Action Is The Best Way to Boost Your Mood

A new study published in the journal Emotion found that treating ourselves will boost our mood no better than doing nothing at all. In other words, we could sit at home and do absolutely zilch, and it would have the same effect on our mood as treating ourselves to our favorite dessert or movie.

Surprisingly, the research discovered that by giving to others, volunteering, or performing acts of kindness, we can boost our mood and overall outlook on life, explained Dr. Katherine Nelson, lead author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.

“I was not surprised that prosocial behavior led people to feel greater positive emotions, and in turn, greater flourishing,” Nelson said.

Nelson also explained that she found it interesting that directing positive actions toward ourselves shows no improvement in our mood at all, which stands in stark contrast from what we’ve been led to believe. Commercials and advertisements constantly tell us to “treat ourselves,” but now we can see that this won’t really make a difference in how we feel. Nelson’s findings show that treating others instead of ourselves leads to greater psychological well-being.

The researchers gathered 473 volunteers and separated them into four groups, with each group assigned to different tasks over the course of six weeks.

One group had to complete acts of kindness that would improve the world, like picking up litter. The second group performed acts of kindness for others, such as buying lunch for a friend or helping a family member with chores.

The third group had to treat themselves to something, such as a day off work or working out more. The researchers made the fourth group the control group, which meant they didn’t have to change their daily routine or tasks.


Prior to and after the study, all participants had to fill out a questionnaire to assess their psychological, emotional, and social status. They also kept note of their emotions throughout the course of the study.

Not surprisingly, the researchers found that participants who performed acts of kindness, whether for others or the world at large, experienced more positive emotions than the group who treated themselves as well as the group who changed nothing.

In fact, the people assigned to complete more self-serving behavior reported no improved well-being or uplifting emotions. 

“Doing things for others offers people opportunities to feel greater positive emotions, such as joy, contentment and love,” Nelson said. “People could feel greater positive emotions, and in turn psychological health, because by being kind to others, they are nurturing social relationships, or they could feel greater pride in themselves for doing a good deed.”

In fact, previous studies show that volunteering or helping others not only helps your mental state, but it can also improve your physical health. For example, this study from Carnegie Mellon University, published in the journal Psychology and Aging, found that adults over 50 who volunteered regularly had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure than non-volunteers.

Related article: 6 Ways To Be The Change You Want To See In The World

The groundbreaking study led by Dr. Katherine Nelson shatters all our previous beliefs about how to achieve happiness. We constantly get told to look after ourselves, treat ourselves, and put ourselves first, but now we see that science blows that idea right out of the water. If you want to improve your mood, maybe try volunteering at a local homeless shelter or animal shelter, or even just cook dinner for your friends one night.

It only makes sense that helping others can help us, because when we cause someone else to feel better, we can’t help but feel it in our hearts, too.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The Behaviors of People Who Make The Best Friends

In the age of having thousands of Facebook “best friends,” real friendships built on respect, a common bond, and shared memories are indeed a rarity. However, friendships allow us to have a connection with another human being, have a support system, and share memories with someone else. Friendships are vital to human existence, and certain habits can actually make you closer to some than others.

If you want to polish up your friendship skills, you might try the following things to become the best friend anyone could ever have.

9 Behaviors of People Who Make Fantastic Friends

best quotes on friends

1. They accept you as you are.

People who make the closest friendships don’t try to change others; they simply accept them, flaws and all, and enjoy getting to see another perspective of the world. Friends don’t always have to agree on everything or have the same personality; diversity makes the world go around, and true best friends know this. They embrace people’s true self and find the positives in everyone they meet.

2. The best friends stick with you no matter what.

Fairweather friends don’t sit well with those who know what friendship is really about. This is the person who would go to your house at 3AM if you needed to talk, and not complain about it. The best friends don’t just act like a friend when it’s convenient for them; they always have their friends’ backs, no matter the situation.

3. They encourage you to grow and learn as a person.

They feel happy when you succeed and want you to become the best version of yourself. There’s no jealousy or competition in a real friendship, and the best people out there would never dream of such animosity being present in their relationships. Real friends want to see you do well, not see you fall.

4. The best friends make others feel comfortable.

You can share anything with these types of people, and not feel awkward about it. The most treasured friends out there feel comfortable in their own skin, and make the space available for others to feel the same. In their company, you feel totally free and happy, not like you’re being judged or critiqued. If you want to become the best friend ever, first be a friend to yourself and love the person staring back at you in the mirror.

5. They put in the effort.

These people actually show interest in the friendship, and you don’t feel like you constantly have to call or text them to hang out or simply chat. We all lead busy lives, but the genuine friends don’t leave their pals in the dust. Friendship is a two-way street, and the best friends out there would never make anyone put in all the effort in the relationship.

6. The best friends make you come to life.

Your genuine and closest friends make you feel refreshed, inspired, and vibrant about life. After hanging out with them, you feel more alive than before, not drained and depressed. They don’t spend their time complaining and moaning about problems. Instead, they truly relish every second they spend with you, and care about you having a good time.

7. They always tell you the truth.

The best friends don’t beat around the bush; they tell it like it is, even if the truth hurts. They just want the best for you, so they don’t believe in sugarcoating anything to make life easier. You can always count on this person to tell the absolute truth, and truly care about your well-being.

8. Best friends cut you some slack.

These people know perfection doesn’t exist, so if you make a mistake, they won’t make a huge fuss about it. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around them; you can be free to be yourself without the fear of judgment or ridicule. If you slip up, you can count on this person to help you back on your feet, not criticize you for falling in the first place.


9. They never gossip about you.

Real friends would never dream of engaging in the toxic practice of gossip, because it does nothing but bring everyone involved down. If they need to talk to you, they do it face-to-face. You can always count on this friend to have your back, and not turn on you when you need them most.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Here’s How Only Two Mindsets Decide The Fate Of Your Relationship

We all strive to have a healthy, happy relationship, but did you know the key to having just that lies mostly in your own mindset? Many of us would like to think that our partner’s behavior and actions solely determine our happiness in a relationship, but we also play a part in that partnership’s health. We will likely bring that into our relationships if we have a negative attitude about life and ourselves. If we have a closed mind, we won’t have the willingness to change and compromise if we need to.

Our mindset determines essentially everything else because our mind creates our reality. What we think, we become. So, just like a healthy mindset allows you to make strong friendships and create the life you want, it also brings healthy romantic relationships into your life. We will explain below why a good mindset is critical in relationships.

Your Mindset Is Critical In The Success of Your Relationship. Here’s Why…

bad relationship

The healthiest relationships are comprised of two whole, healthy, happy people who just want the best for themselves and their partners. A lot of the discord and problems in relationships happen when two broken people come together and expect the relationship to fix them. They have a negative mindset but expect that being in a relationship will somehow transform them into a positive person. Sadly, it just doesn’t work like that.

If you want a successful relationship, your mindset plays a key role. In fact, Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck studies fixed and growth mindsets extensively and how that plays into relationships. First of all, what are fixed and growth mindsets?

She explains the difference:

“In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort. They’re wrong.

In a growth mindset, people believe their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have had these qualities.”

So, in a growth mindset, you have a person who wants to become better, achieve more, and put in the effort and dedication required to reach their goals.

This can be applied to relationships, jobs, intelligence, etc. These people believe they can do better and don’t wish to remain stagnant. Those with fixed mindsets believe they can’t change, so they don’t try.

Why does this apply to relationships, you ask?

Well, think about it. If two people have a fixed mindset, meaning they don’t think they can develop any of their qualities, they will become complacent. They will accept mediocrity and not push one another to become better. They will suffer from low self-esteem. As a result, they will fall into the mentality that they have reached their peak. They don’t want to work on themselves, so how can they work on an entire relationship?


When interviewed on a podcast, Carol stated, “When people are in a fixed mindset, hard work means you’re just not good at this. Because people who are really smart or talented don’t have to sweat. And when we’re told we’re so smart as kids, we come to equate that with not having to work hard like these ‘lesser’ people. But, wow, does that curtail your chances in life!”

She goes on to explain how this mindset can affect relationships.

“If something goes wrong, who’s to blame? Am I the deficient, bad person, or are you the deficient, bad person?” says Carol. “Every relationship has its ups and downs, so when you’re having a down, does this mean the relationship is inherently bad vs. good? In a fixed mindset, we’re always judging. Who’s good? Who’s bad? Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Who’s to blame? Is the relationship good or bad? This is not the optimal way to be. Instead, in a growth mindset, you understand that if you face and discuss an issue, then the relationship can get even stronger.”

Basically, what fixed vs growth mindsets boil down to is that one is focused on getting better and being open to change, while one is closed off to change and can’t see the bigger picture. It comes down to this thing we know as the comfort zone: will you stay there, or will you take your chances and see what else you can find outside of familiar territory?

Everything in the universe continually expands, so if we don’t go along with this energy, we will contract, which leads to complacency and closed-mindedness. Commit to a growth mindset, and see not only your relationships but your whole life, take flight.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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