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11 Things You Should Know If You Love a Pisces

Dating a Pisces may not seem easy at times, but it will definitely be a rewarding relationship. Pisces tend to live in their head more than reality, so getting them to come back to Earth won’t always be a walk in the park. They love to daydream. And they use their imagination to create beautiful things in this world. They have a child-like, whimsical nature that people around them either love or hate, but they don’t bother with people who don’t vibe with them. They are deeply sensitive and emotional, however, so make sure you nurture their humongous, beautiful hearts if you decide to be in a relationship with a Pisces. If you need a few more tips about loving a Pisces, keep reading below.


1. Pisces require tons of love and affection.

Pisces may not tell you they want affection. But they secretly do and wish that you would just intuitively know their needs. Pisces have a giving nature, but they will become imbalanced if they don’t receive much in return. Pisces may not show it, but they love old-fashioned ideals of romance and grand gestures, so if you plan to keep them around, make sure you let them know loud and clear how you feel about them.

2. They love expressing themselves creatively.

Pisces men and women can get bored quite quickly with the world today; they’d rather create something from within their own mind. They can also get overwhelmed with the fast pace of the world today, so they prefer to spend lots of time in their rooms where they have the clarity and solitude to work from their imagination. They may not have a normal job, instead choosing something that allows them to be creative, no matter how much they make from it. If you date a Pisces, remember to honor their creative spirit, and allow them to express themselves fully.

3. Pisces put their relationship first.

As a deep person themselves, Pisces naturally want a committed, serious relationship. They don’t understand the thrill of seeing multiple people at a time, so you won’t have to worry about them having wandering eyes. They will remain faithful and loyal to you, so treat them with the same respect.

4. They need a lot of passion in their relationship.

If you date a Pisces man or woman, prepare to woo and flatter them regularly. They don’t see this as being needy or high-maintenance; they just want to see that you care, and that you still feel the same way about them. Passion doesn’t just have to show itself in the bedroom, though; maybe write or sing them a song(if you’re musically inclined), or cook them dinner one night. Anything you do to show your feelings toward them will be appreciated.

5. Pisces also need deep conversations.

You can’t get by talking about surface-level things with a Pisces; you’ll have to dig deep to keep a Pisces interested. A natural dreamer, Pisces love delving into topics such as outer space, weird creatures of the Earth, aliens, conspiracy theories, spirituality, and intellectual things like these. Of course, they can stand a few simple conversations every once in a while, but for the most part, they crave deep conversations that stimulate their mind and light up their soul.

6. They will put you first, always.

Pisces will always put you first, no matter what. They would give you their last dollar if you really needed it, because they want to see you happy. So, if you have a Pisces mate, make sure you reciprocate and put them first, too.

7. Pisces live inside their heads a lot.

Pisces tend to stare off blankly into space often; they don’t mean to seem aloof or uninterested, it’s just that what goes on inside their minds fascinates them much more than the “real” world does. Don’t take it personally, though; if you want to chat, simply call their name or wave your hand in front of their face to grab their attention. An interesting article from groenerekenkamer explains how a pisces man is like in a relationship.

8. They’d rather stay in than go out.

Pisces love to Netflix and chill – A LOT. They’d rather order some food in and spend quality time with you than get all dolled up and try to fight the crowds and deal with excessive noise. Pisces need a lot of one-on-one time, anyway, so enjoy spending time with your lover doing more quiet activities.

9. They also need a lot of alone time.

Pisces need a lot of solitude in order to balance their energies, especially after going out in the hectic, chaotic world we live in. Empaths and sensitive creatures by nature, Pisces can become quite frazzled from spending too much time in the “real world.” So, give them their space to create, nourish, love, and recharge, and don’t ask them to emerge from their sanctuary too soon. They will come out when they feel ready.

Related article: What Does Your Zodiac Sign Reveal About Your Love Life? 

10. They wear their heart on their sleeve.

Pisces have big hearts, and unfortunately, a lot of people take advantage of that. If they like you, a Pisces will shyly let you know, and then not sleep, eat, or do anything else until they have won you over. Pisces can sometimes suffer from low self-esteem, due to their quiet, contemplative, passive nature. So, if you really like them, you’ll have to go the extra mile to convince them that they’re worthy of being in a healthy, happy relationship. A Pisces doesn’t let just anyone in, so take this as a sign of trust and proceed carefully. A Pisces man or woman needs reassurance that you won’t just steamroll their heart, so make sure they know your true intentions and feelings. Only get with a Pisces if you plan on committing to them and nurturing their sensitive soul; they have a lot of love to give, so don’t waste it.

11. They greatly value loyalty.

A Pisces needs your word that you will remain faithful in a relationship. If you show your Pisces man or woman that you only have eyes for him or her, then they will stick around for a while. One of Pisces’ greatest pet peeves is seeing someone destroy their relationship for a quick, meaningless fling, so make sure you honor your commitment with your lover and don’t break their heart.

8 Signs You Have A Vitamin E Deficiency

Compared to many other vitamin types, vitamin E isn’t discussed all that often. However, this fat-soluble vitamin plays a number of important roles in the human body. This article discusses such functions in addition to symptoms of vitamin E deficiency. We’ll also provide sources of vitamin E that can be implemented into our daily diets.

The Role of Vitamin E

Among the primary roles of vitamin E is to halt the production of reactive oxygen species, or ROS. ROS forms internally when the food that we eat is converted into energy. ROS can damage our cells through a process called oxidation, and has been named as a potential root cause of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that halts the production or ROS during this oxidation process. Scientists believe that by limited free-radical production, vitamin E may be effective in the prevention of chronic diseases. Additional prevention capabilities of vitamin E are currently being investigated.

Vitamin E is also involved in immune system function. Coupled with its potent antioxidant properties, the vitamin serves as a primary defense mechanism in the prevention of both chronic and acute illnesses. Additionally, individuals with vitamin E deficiency are more at-risk for both infectious diseases and the development of tumors. These risk factors are enhanced during the aging process.

It is worth mentioning that vitamin E deficiency is quite rare, and that consuming just the minimal amount counteracts many associated symptoms. Individuals most at-risk for vitamin E deficiency include: elderly adults, premature and/or underweight infants, those with abnormal fat absorption, people on very low-fat diets, and those with any type of malnutrition.

8 Signs You Have A Vitamin E Deficiency

1. Impaired immune response.

As mentioned above, vitamin E plays a key role in proper function of the immune system. Vitamin E deficiency stunts the immune system response to harmful agents that trigger sickness and disease. As such, a person with a vitamin E deficiency may become ill more often and experience longer durations of illness. Additionally, relative symptoms of illnesses may be exacerbated in those with a vitamin E deficiency.

2. Vision problems

In experimental studies, vitamin E has been shown to “prevent, slow progression of, or improve macular degeneration.” Although the scientific rationale for such properties are inconclusive, it is clear that vitamin E possesses inherent properties that help protect our vision.

It can be ascertained, then, that insufficient levels of vitamin E may inhibit vision ability. This is the result of systemic damage to eye cells caused by free radicals. The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends vitamin E to prevent many adverse eye conditions.

3. Loss of muscle mass

Bodybuilder’s have been singing the health benefit praises of vitamin E for years. As it turns out, scientists and researchers are in agreement with our bulkier counterparts. Specifically, muscle cells have a tendency to tear, requiring an assortment of vitamins and nutrients to aid the healing process. Physiologically, vitamin E ensures that the plasma membrane – an essential component of muscle repair – remains in-tact.

4. Muscle weakness

Not only can deficient levels of vitamin E result in loss of muscle mass, it can also cause our muscles to become frail. The physiological mechanisms that promote muscle weakness is similar to muscle loss: deficiency of E vitamins allows free radicals to attack the innards of our muscle cells. Scientists have also discovered the links between vitamin E and muscular dystrophy and diabetes-related muscle weakness.

5. Balance problems

Neurologically, deficiency of E vitamins may have effects on the nervous system. One particular concern of neurologists is the apparent decline of motor skills. As a result, inadequate levels of vitamin E can lead to nerve degeneration of the hands and feet, impaired reflexes, poor coordination and balance loss. It is believed that individuals with severe E deficiency are more likely to experience coordination-related problems.

6. Cognitive difficulties

Our brains are highly sensitive to the effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. In advanced stages, a vitamin E deficiency can directly impact basic cognitive function. Relatedly, people that test for high vitamin E levels often demonstrate better cognitive performance.

Perhaps the most promising research related to vitamin E and cognition, the vitamin has been shown “to prevent or delay cognitive decline (which) has been tested in clinical trials in both aging population and Alzheimer’s disease patients.”

7. Digestive issues

Vitamin E’s role in digestion is more of a prescriptive one than preventative. In other words, vitamin E deficiency may not tie directly into digestive problems, although it is certainly possible considering the importance of related vitamins. Interestingly, physicians often prescribe high amounts of vitamin E to aid problems with the digestive system. Therefore, if we should experience digestive problems, it may be wise to up our vitamin E intake.

8. Skin problems or hair loss

Certain membranes of our skin are vulnerable to damage from free radicals, particularly the lipids of our skin cells. Skin lipids are susceptible to both internal and external damage, especially from UV exposure and pollutants. As a fat-soluble antioxidant, vitamin E is very effective in counteracting potential damage to skin lipids.

Sources of Vitamin E

It is quite easy to consume the recommended amount of vitamin E. However, here are some foods with high vitamin E content:

  • Nuts
  • Green vegetables
  • Avocado
  • Asparagus
  • Yams
  • Sweet potatoes

In addition to these and other foods, vitamin E can also be purchased as a supplement.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse on September 1st: Here’s What It Means For You

A solar eclipse on September 1st also occurs at the same time as the new moon. And that is something all zodiac signs should know. The shifting energies of the planets that surround us in our solar system have an impact on our lives here on Earth in numerous ways.

In this article, we will explore the effects of the new moon and the solar eclipse on our energies, the effects of a coming Mercury retrograde, and what these astronomical events mean for your future plans in 2016.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse on September 1st: Here’s What It Means For You

Do you notice the effect that the full moon has on your mental and emotional states? It is even possible that your physical body notices these changes in the cycles of the moon as well. For example, a full moon can cause women to ovulate. Or a new moon can bring on a higher frequency of seizures for those who have them. Tides are higher during both the new and full moons. Because water makes up most of our bodies, we may feel the pull of the moon as well.

Scientific effects of a solar eclipse

Researchers have looked at the changes in behavior of animals during a solar eclipse. One study of a captive group of chimpanzees who were kept outdoors at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center was observed during an annular solar eclipse in 1984. The primates definitely noticed the darkening sky and made their way up a climbing structure, facing the darkening sun. Several of them watched the eclipse and stayed up the climbing structure until the end of the eclipse. Other animals may recognize the changes in Earth’s temperature, magnetic field, and gravity during a solar eclipse as well.

Researchers at the National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) in India measured the effect of the annular solar eclipse of 15 January 2010 on the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. There were significant soil temperature changes as deep as 15 meters depth below the soil. The shadow the moon created while passing over the sun also created strong vertical downdrafts which observers noticed during the peak of the solar eclipse. The researchers also say that the eclipse ‘is also found to have pronounced effect on all the surface meteorological parameters for a two-day period.’

With these temperature changes in the soil and air, weather patterns on Earth are affected. Other effects of an eclipse include changes in the normal geomagnetic forces on Earth. Physicists studying the effects of magnetic forces during a solar eclipse in 1999 found that ‘Ionospheric measurements clearly show a decrease of electron density due to the reduced solar irradiation during the eclipse.’

When and where you will see the solar eclipse says that the solar eclipse on September 1st will be a annular eclipse. This means that the sun will appear to have a ring of fire surrounding it as the moon passes between the earth and the sun. The eclipse actually begins on August 31st around 9:00pm Eastern time and ends on September 1st around 3:00am Eastern time. North and South America will miss out on being able to see this eclipse. However, those in Africa may get to appreciate it.

When the eclipse happens, this is what it means for you

The coming solar eclipse is happening in the astrological sign of Virgo. Cafe Astrology says:

‘A Solar Eclipse occurs on September 1, 2016, at 9 degrees and 21 minutes of Virgo, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 4 to 14 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.’

All zodiac signs should prepare for the energy of the eclipse and the new moon to open new opportunities. This shift can bring a new experience will last all the way until February 2017. September 1st will be the start of the new phase of our lives, but the fulfillment of this fresh start will not be completed for a month or longer. Use this time to be open to new experiences and embrace the coming change with an open mind and heart.

moon zodiac

Other positive changes that are brought by the new moon and solar eclipse on September 1st. For instance, we gain clarity about our future goals. Also, we gain a better understanding of the direction of our lives. We may have some additional energy from Mercury going into retrograde on August 30th. However, Mercury will bring us important information that is brought to light which may affect our decisions about future plans.

7 Ways to Peacefully End a Toxic Relationship

Ending a toxic relationship is one of the best things you can do for yourself, but is there a way to peacefully end it that won’t leave you feeling emotionally drained and negative? If you and your partner are in a battle to the end, it isn’t likely to be a happy ending, but leaving with your dignity intact and feeling positive about the future is about the best you can hope to achieve.

You are worthy of love and if you aren’t getting that from your partner, you should seek it elsewhere. Read our 7 ways to peacefully end a toxic relationship below and apply some of this advice to get out of a miserable, toxic, loveless partnership.

7 Ways to Peacefully End a Toxic Relationship


1. Accept responsibility for your part

You probably don’t want to hear this, but you are not blameless when it comes to being in a toxic relationship. This might mean that you should have spoken up when things were just a little annoying, but before they became emotionally draining. No matter, your partner is not the only person in the partnership so you play a part, and you are accountable for that role. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you won’t allow yourself to be treated badly in a toxic relationship ever again, because you are worth more.

2. Surround yourself with positive social support

Your social support system will be very important to you now as you seek to peacefully exit your toxic relationship. Bounce concerns off of your friends and ask for their input. You will probably be surprised by how helpful people can be when they know that their friend is suffering.

3. Be objective about the relationship

Try to look at the relationship as if you were setting each person up on a date for the first time. What do the two of them have in common? How about their differences? If you met your partner today, would you be attracted to them? Would you even be friends? These objective, outside observations will help you to gain perspective on your toxic relationship.

4. Identify and express your emotional states

Anxiety, stress, feeling worthless, hopelessness; all of these are negative emotions that you need to be able to recognize in yourself. When something doesn’t feel right, put a name to it. Say “I feel depressed when ___ happens” or “I am angry about _____.”

Being able to name your negative emotions is a good start to knowing that there are too many of them and that you want them to be positive emotions like joy instead. To peacefully end a toxic relationship, tell your partner that you feel __ and you want to feel happy instead.

Researchers looked at adolescent relationships and depression and found that keeping silent about feelings was a cause of depression for many teens. The research done by Queens University of Charlotte, North Carolina and the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee say that teens limit ‘self- expression in order to avoid conflict or possible dissolution of an intimate relationship, (e.g., ‘I don’t speak my feelings in an intimate relationship when I know they will cause disagreement.’ ‘I rarely express my anger at those close to me.’ ‘I think it’s better to keep my feelings to myself when they conflict with my partner’s.’ Avoiding expression of emotions is repression, which leads to resentment about not being understood by your partner and feelings of hopelessness that things will never improve. Speak up.

5. Find what you are lacking that is keeping you from leaving

There’s a reason that you are staying in a toxic relationship. It could be simply a matter of having housing, but something is making you stay with your partner. Once you know what it is that is keeping you there, ask yourself, “If ____ wasn’t an issue and I had that on my own, would I still choose to stay?” If the answer is no, it’s time to find a way to get what you are missing so you can move on.

6. Find a lesson in the distress

Leaving a toxic relationship rarely creates positive emotions. While you are in the midst of emotional distress, think about the relationship as a lesson for future relationships. One of the best ways to peacefully end a toxic relationship is to find a way to walk away having grown as a person and learned something about yourself.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota looked at people who were experiencing a breakup and their reported levels of personal growth after the end of a toxic relationship. The research participants who had the most personal growth were people who were rated highest in agreeableness. People who are agreeable tend to be kind, warm, and cooperative and, they seek out social relationship support after a breakup.

toxic relationships

7. Forgive your ex completely

Harboring feelings of anger, hurt, regret, or resentment will only hurt your own mental and psychological well-being. In order to help yourself heal completely, you will have to let go of the negative emotions that will otherwise hold you back. This can be a difficult choice to make because you may feel justified in feeling the way you do, however, your emotional state is a choice.

9 Things You Need To Know If You Love A Virgo

Yes, you can consider yourself a lucky person indeed if you love a Virgo, but there are at least 9 things you need to know about if you plan to keep them a happy partner in your relationship.

Let’s explore the unique traits of a Virgo partner and your role in making them a very happy earth sign.

9 Things You Need To Know About If You Love A Virgo

If your partner was born between August 22 and September 22, they were born under the astrological sign of Virgo. This sign that may require extra special care in a relationship because they can tend to be emotional. But it is also one of the most memorable partners you will ever get to experience. Here are the 9 things you need to do if you love a Virgo.

1. Be patient about their rants

A Virgo can be very passionate about many things, both good and bad, and as the lucky person who loves a Virgo, you get to be the ear for all of their excitement, frustration, and grief. This sign is ruled by the planet Mercury, and the winged messenger of the Gods is quick to spirit away Virgo’s messages of unhappiness so they will quickly change back to a smiling state. In the meantime, listen patiently if you love your Virgo partner.

2. Be respectful of the unique traits of Virgo

The same research team also found that ‘Awareness of one’s own and one’s spouses’ sun sign will significantly interact with astrological compatibility to predict marital satisfaction such that those who report awareness of both signs will be most strongly influenced by astrological compatibility.’ So, knowledge of your own astrology plus that of Virgo’s is helpful for relationship health, and that is going to be good for both you and the Virgo that you love.

3. Learn to love being organized

If you are not a neat freak, find something that you can enjoy organizing so that your Virgo can see you are making an effort. Of course, you’re probably doing it wrong and the Virgo that you love will just have to come and do it over again, but even that will give them great pleasure.

4. One wrong word can kill a Virgo

As a very sensitive sign, you must watch every word out of your mouth if you love a Virgo. He of she picks up on your subtle body language and knows you are upset before you have had a chance to even recognize your own emotional state. Virgo has a good memory too and they will remember the words that you say in anger and bring them up six years later when you hurt them again. Best to avoid that in the first place by watching your sharp tongue.

5. Try to be a little more like Virgo

If you love a Virgo, it might be best for both of you if you can see your way to being just a little more Virgo-like for the harmony of your relationship. Researchers at Northern Illinois University tested astrological compatibility as it relates to marital satisfaction. The research showed that couples were more satisfied in astrologically compatible relationships than in those with lower astrological compatibility.

6. Never try to cheat on a Virgo

If your relationship carries the expectation of monogamy, you need to stick to that or get out of the relationship because this sign is an excellent deception detector. This is because Virgo is highly sensitive to their partner’s every movement, tone, habits, patterns and changes.

Research on how horoscopes affect women’s relationships conducted by the University of West England says that there was very little effect on horoscopes affecting the relationship decisions that women make. However, the same research also found that 85% of the women surveyed think that the description of their sun sign accurately reflect their personality. This means that 85% of Virgo women believe themselves to be highly sensitive to cues by their partner. You can’t get away with anything, even if you try.

7. Virgo has a healthy sensual appetite

The sign of Virgo may be depicted by the virgin holding corn, but he/she is definitely more experienced in the art of making love. He or she loves sensual things and has a sensitive manner. Make the love environment pleasing to the eye, ear, and nose in order to arouse your lover.

Related article: How Do You Show Anger According To Your Zodiac Sign?

8. Virgo doesn’t do anything halfway

As the perfectionist of the zodiac, your lover is more likely to spend a good deal of time finishing things rather than leaving anything undone. If you love a Virgo, you may need to use your skills in patience because otherwise, you may get frustrated by the amount of time that they spend on making the bed, folding laundry, or anything else that they do.

Related article: How Does The Moon Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

9. Virgos need alone time

Virgo is sort of the introvert of the zodiac, except when it comes to you, their partner. But if you love a Virgo, be sure to respect their need for alone time. Some of this time may be spent doing methodical things, but some may be spent reading or on hobbies that you don’t share in.

4 Ways To Reprogram Negative Subconscious Thoughts

You might be aware of your conscious thoughts throughout the day. But while your subconscious mind is running the show behind the scenes, you can help reprogram thoughts to work for you both while you sleep and while you’re awake.

4 Ways To Reprogram Your Subconscious Thoughts

Stress can take a toll on our mental processes and our ability to think clearly. As a result, productivity at work, our mood, and our behavior can be affected by stressful and negative thoughts. For example, if you feel stressed out, your thoughts might race about the event. Moreover, you may neglect healthy self-care as a result and eat junk food.


Being aware of negative thoughts that are in your conscious mind can help you to control your behavior so that it will not negatively impact your health.

1. Change your reaction or response to stress

When something stressful occurs, like a traffic jam, our reaction to the stressful event is often the cause of the problem. For example, we can say ‘This is going to make me late for work. ‘

But the traffic jam is still something that is out of our control. All we do is focus on the negative, thus we feel even more angry. Instead, we could say ‘At least I have a little time to myself before work.’

By changing our response we are able to change how ‘the interactive influence of environmental demands and personal characteristics on the initial reaction to stressors and how this reaction affects thoughts, feelings, and action.’ This finding comes from a research study by the Department of Psychology at Saint Louis University where self-management training was used as a technique for people in the workplace to manage stress.

2. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP uses the power of the language that we use with ourselves to reprogram subconscious thoughts. For example, if you ask yourself ‘Why do I feel so angry?’ your thoughts are focused on the anger or the negative emotion, rather than what you do want, which is the opposite.

NLP also helps people to set positive goals that are focused on what they do want, not what they don’t want. Other techniques from NLP include imagining someone bothering you as a photograph in black and white and picturing the photo moving away from you and appearing smaller. Other NLP techniques include hearing your critical inner voice in a humorous cartoon voice instead. For example, if you tell yourself ‘That was stupid,’ imagine Shaggy from the TV cartoon Scooby-Doo saying it next time instead.

NLP may help reduce symptoms of clinical anxiety, depression, phobias, and other troubling psychological problems. A joint Croatian and Austrian study on patients coming to therapy for various psychological problems found that neuro-linguistic programming therapy was able to significantly help reduce clinical symptoms and increase the quality of life.

3. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Traumatic events can leave people with post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. Even small traumas like seeing a car accident happen near you. But not being involved in it can affect your mind in negative ways. You may notice more irrational fears than usual, for example, being afraid of driving when you have no reason to be concerned. Depression, phobias, obsessive-compulsive behavior, anxiety, and trauma are all psychological problems that can be helped by EMDR. You can find a trained EMDR clinician through this link.

In EMDR therapy, patients watch a screen where lights move around and they track the lights with their eyes while trying to remember the past events that bothered them. The treatment is a way for patients to bring up their negative emotions about the past. Furthermore, distracting them with something that makes it difficult to focus on the negative thoughts. The combination of these things, trying to remember and trying to pay attention to what is on the screen are hard for the brain to reconcile. What happens is that the negative thoughts lose to the pattern of eye movement.

You can try this therapy at home by looking up links for EMDR on YouTube. This self-therapy to reprogram your subconscious is not for those who have undergone intense trauma because the memories could disturb them. Instead, find a therapist who works in EMDR who can teach you how to manage negative memories.

4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) says ‘CBT works by changing people’s attitudes and their behavior by focusing on the thoughts, images, beliefs, and attitudes that are held (a person’s cognitive processes) and how these processes relate to the way a person behaves, as a way of dealing with emotional problems.’

Related article: 8 Signs of Stress Sickness

To use the technique of CBT to reprogram your subconscious thoughts, first, we have to identify negative thoughts, like ‘I am worthless.’ Second, you question the thought by saying ‘Why would I think that about myself?’ ‘Who told me to think that way?’ Third, we replace the negative pattern of thoughts with positive ones like ‘I am very capable. Everyone makes mistakes, but I have learned from mine and I know that I can do this.’

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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