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5 Things To Say When “I Love You” Isn’t Enough

Sometimes, saying “I love you” just doesn’t convey the message we want, as surprising as this may seem. What words could stand up to that almighty phrase that supposedly marks the ultimate level of affection and adoration? Actually, some words, in certain situations, could convey more than “I love you.” It all depends on the context and situation. But if you want to explain your feelings to someone you care for and love, know that you don’t have to be limited by those three little words.

The words “I love you” carry so much meaning behind them, but sometimes, we need something else to fulfill us. The following phrases carry the same message as those three words, just said a bit differently. So, let us explain a bit further; below, you’ll find five unique phrases that you can use in addition to, or in place of, “I love you.”

5 Things To Say When “I Love You” Isn’t Enough

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” —Elizabeth Barrett Browning


1. “I believe in you.”

In a relationship, you must believe in each other and lift each other if you want it to last. In true power couple relationships, both parties genuinely want the best for their significant other, even if it means spending less time with them or making other sacrifices. It seems more difficult to succeed than ever, and saying those four words to your partner can mean the world to them when we have so many obstacles to overcome. Maybe they’ve been struggling with self-esteem issues, saying things like “Can I really do this?” So, be that person that reassures them that they’ve got this, and you believe in them.

2. “Leave the past behind you.”

We all get lost in our past every once in a while. Whether good or bad, memories can eat us alive and cause us to become stagnant. If you notice your partner dwelling too much on past events, remind them to live in the present, because that’s all we’ve really got. Leaving the past in the past will free up a lot of time to spend together as a couple, and to work on making the present an absolute dream to live in.

3. “Because I love myself, I can also love you.”

At the heart of every healthy, happy relationship are two people who have so much love for themselves, that they can’t help but give some of it away to others. Letting your partner know that you really do love yourself will let him or her see that they’ve got a true keeper – someone who values and cares about the person staring back at them in the mirror. Self-love is important in relationships. That’s because you can’t possibly give when your cup is empty.

4. “We’ve got this!”

Accomplishing something together serves as a great bonding experience for couples. If you both have a common goal, working on it together and actually setting out to do what you had planned will help you grow closer. It’s easy to feel lonely and desolate today, so letting your partner know you have their back will mean a lot to them.

I love you

5. “Thank you.”

We say these two words daily when someone makes our coffee at Starbucks or holds the door open. However, have you ever stopped to thank your partner for all they do for you? We thank so many people daily, but how often do you stop and thank our guy or gal for helping, listening to, being there for us, and watching us grow? Your partner, no matter how long you’ve been with them, has helped to shape you into what you’ve become today, in one way or another. They’ve stood by your side relentlessly, even when it seemed difficult. So, saying “thank you” can mean much more than we think if spoken from the heart.

Obviously, you chose your partner for a reason, so let them know how much you appreciate and care for them, whether you say “I love you,” or one of these other heartfelt phrases above.

10 Unique Character Traits of A Virgo

Only a Virgo can understand just how simple, yet complex our personalities are. No wonder we are often misunderstood and withdraw from people who just don’t get us. But, they know that they are pretty amazing people and are able to find a select few trustworthy friends to have around who appreciate them.

Astrology is often thought of as having more entertainment value than science, but psychologists are now looking at astrology as a way to understand people, just like personality theories seek to understand them in the social sciences. There are four elemental groups of astrological signs, of which Virgo is an Earth sign. Many personality theories also group types into four main categories.

Earthy Virgo is the altruistic, other-centered personality type of the zodiac. They want to connect to others and, according to a review in Correlation: Journal of Research in Astrology, they as a personality ‘values his or her membership within a family or community group above all else.’

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Virgo


Our modern astrology system has ancient roots, going all the way back to the time of the ancient Sumerians and may be as old as 7000 B.C.E. In ancient Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, the earliest known image of Virgo was discovered pictured as a woman holding a sheaf of corn. This image dates back to around 6000 B.C.E. In Egypt, Virgo was represented by an upright Isis-type figure.

1. You won’t like a Virgo when we’re angry

Only a Virgo can understand the intense grudge that we can hold, which is the seed for a growing sense of righteousness and vindictiveness, and is eventually harvested by writing you out of our lives completely. And, as the excellent communicators that Virgos are, you also should understand that everyone will know the reason that we curse the day we met you.

2. They’re not naive

The pictorial representation of Virgo may be a virgin, but the people who were born under her sign possess a deep wisdom beyond their years on this planet. Virgos are smart, have many talents, and they can and prefer to do just about anything on their own without help.

3. They love to talk

Virgo is the chatty friend you have who you have to actually tell to stop talking so you can break off the conversation after you dropped 4 hints about needing to get going already.

4. People see them as obsessive, but they aren’t

Only a Virgo would know the difference between being tidy, organized, punctual, methodical, and a perfectionist versus being obsessive about something. Virgos do not think they are obsessed with anything, except for paying all of the bills early.

5. They are always right

Only a Virgo could understand that there’s really nothing amazing to how often you are right, which is all of the time. Virgo is very good at analyzing data and the tiniest details, and if you have happened to bring up a subject that we are passionate about, we will recite all of the knowledge stored in our vast brains.

6. They are never wrong

See above, but if, on the off chance a Virgo is actually proven to be wrong by actual verifiable evidence, they will hate you for pointing it out. Virgos are sore losers and being right is like a game to them, and they like to win.

7. People think you don’t care, but you do, deeply

Virgos tend to withhold their emotional expression so they can be hard to read. Or rather, people tend to think that they’re mad at them by the blank expressions on their faces.

8. Loyalty is the core of their being

When a Virgo loves you, they are loyal to the death. Even a betrayal from a beloved might not be enough to shake off the loyalty. Unfortunately, this also means that the Virgo is one of the only zodiac signs to understand immense heartache, especially early in their young love lives. If a Virgo has experienced loss, they will work to make sure that it never happens again.

Related article: The Best Three Types of Partners (According To The Zodiac Signs)

9. They give their whole heart

If you are lucky enough to earn the love and loyalty of a Virgo, you should count yourself among the very lucky. They never do anything halfway, which includes loving someone else. Virgo jumps into love with both feet, submerging themselves into nurturing the object of their affection.

Related article: 10 Signs You’ve Met An Old Soul

10. The life of a Virgo is lived intentionally

Some people may still be struggling with what they want in life, but only a Virgo could understand that your life goals have been the same since you were very young. As earth signs, Virgos are very rooted in the material world, which means that they value financial security, home, and the people there. Only a unique Virgo could understand how fun it is to save for the future.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Signs of PCOS (And How To Reverse It)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition in which a woman’s hormones are in a state of imbalance. Acquiring PCOS can subsequently lead to the development of other medical conditions as well, including heart disease and diabetes. PCOS can also create more difficulty during a menstrual cycle. Additionally, it may make it harder for women to become pregnant.

The majority of women with PCOS grow a number of small cysts on their ovaries; while these cysts are not harmful, they can lead to hormonal imbalances. Specifically, female ovaries generally produce a limited amount of male sex hormones, androgens. During this, androgens are produced at a markedly pronounced rate. A higher level of androgens in the female body during PCOS may lead to a number of problems.

It often develops soon after a woman’s first menstrual cycles. In other instances, PCOS manifests in later reproductive years as the result of a number of factors. One of the more common causes of developing PCOS later in life is prolific weight gain.

This article discusses eight common signs of PCOS, and five ways to reverse these signs.

Here are eight signs of PCOS:

1. Fertility Problems

One of the more unfortunate implications of PCOS is the inability to become pregnant. According to the PCOS Awareness Association, the condition is among the leading causes of infertility. The degree of infertility experienced is often individualistic; some women are able to conceive with medical assistance, while others may have the ability to do so without intervention.

2. Menstrual Irregularities

According to the Mayo Clinic, problems during menstrual cycles is the most common symptoms. Among the conditions reported: menstrual cycles lasting longer than 35 days; no menstrual activity for four months or longer; less than eight menstrual cycles a year; and prolonged menstrual duration.

3. Excess Hair

Undesirable hair growth – a condition known as hirsutism – can become evident around numerous areas of the body. This condition occurs because PCOS fluctuates androgen levels, the primary hormonal abnormality experienced. Problem areas include the abdomen, arms, back, chest, face, thumbs, and toes.

4. Acne

Acne refers to physical anomalies of the skin, mainly pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. The most common trouble areas for acne are the chest, face, back and shoulders. As mentioned, PCOS throws hormonal equilibrium off-kilter, which can manifest into skin problems.

5. Poor Sleep

Insomnia and/or poor sleep is often reported by women with PCOS. It is well-known that many factors affect sleep, although a higher proportion of PCOS patients are likely to suffer from sleep apnea – a condition that interrupts normal breathing patterns during periods of sleep. All-told, PCOS is a common, underlying medical condition for an assortment of sleep abnormalities.

6. Fatigue

Prolonged periods of tiredness are one of the most common symptoms that PCOS patients experience. This is likely due to the complex hormonal fluctuations that take place within this body, which taxes energy reserves. As with the other seven symptoms, fatigue can be an underlying symptom for a number of medical conditions; among these conditions are hypothyroidism, anemia and low vitamin B12 levels.

7. Bloating

Bloating is simply a term used to describe areas of the body that become swollen. This common symptom of PCOS is often accompanied by gastroenteritis (gassiness) and abdominal discomfort. Consuming certain foods often exacerbates bloating symptoms. Examples of foods that provoke bloating include asparagus, beans, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Additionally, dairy products, carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners, and some whole grain foods can also stimulate a bloating response.

8. Depression

Hormonal imbalances are known to sometimes cause mood instability, and PCOS is no different in this regard. Depression is a general feeling of malaise that can persist for days, months and even years; which has also been experienced by some PCOS patients. Depression is considered a serious medical condition, and can severely affect one’s capacity in numerous areas of life. Thus, it is recommended to seek the advice of a licensed medical professional.

How to Counteract PCOS

While there exists no known “cure” for PCOS, there are ways of mitigating the condition. Here are five ways of potentially reversing PCOS symptoms:

1. Exercise

Regular physical activity seems to bring a myriad of health benefits for PCOS patients. In addition to experiencing a general sense of wellbeing, exercise helps to control weight and can ward off depressive symptoms.

2. Maintain a healthy diet

PCOS patients can benefit by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as plant-based sources of fats can help with certain PCOS symptoms. Conversely, foods that are high in sugar, fat and sodium should be eliminated.

3. Abstain from smoking

A correlation exists between higher levels of androgens and smoking. As such, it is recommended for PCOS patients to consider quitting smoking. It is well-known that quitting this habit can be a difficult endeavor; thus it may be necessary to seek medical advice.

4. Lose weight/weight control

Losing unwanted pounds and maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best treatments for PCOS. High concentrations of body fat can result in erratic hormonal activity. The loss of a few pounds can assist with balancing hormone levels and help stimulate normal menstruation and ovulation.

Related article: 10 Common Health Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore

5. Hormonal therapy

After exhausting other options – and if PCOS symptoms persist – it may be worthwhile to consider hormone treatment. Of course, such treatments must take place under the supervision and guidance of a physician. Hormonal therapy often consists of prescribed medications that may help alleviate an assortment of PCOS symptoms.

5 Differences Between ‘Being’ With Your Partner And Actually Choosing Them

Relationships require continuous nurturing and preservation. There will be times we fall into a rut and can’t get out of it. We begin to question why we’re with this person in the first place. We begin to retell stories, focusing on negativity, and the question starts to come up: “did I settle?” There are differences between being with a partner out of necessity or responsibility and that of choosing a life partner who fills you emotionally, physically and spiritually.

So, do we choose partners based on familiarity and attraction, or do we settle into relationships and stay in them out of necessity?

Here are 5 differences between just “being” with your partner and choosing them:

1. Loving someone versus being in love.

The most incredible relationships are the ones that began through friendship. You not only fall in love, but you grow into it because you choose to evolve with it. Whereas, being in love can also end with ‘Not’ being in love anymore. The “being” part can dwindle and disappear. Choosing to be with someone is loving them completely: flaws, attributions, strengths, vulnerability and anything that will come up. Choosing requires a decision to stay, remain, and continue in spite of the ups and downs. Being in a relationship is sometimes a pit stop.


2. Ignorance versus understanding

When you choose your partner, there is understanding. You pick that person for all the reasons that feel comfortable, familiar and acceptable. You create a sense of intimacy that grows with time. Ignorance arrives with just being. In this state of love, you may detach and it may just be an unconscious decision. If you think your partner doesn’t recognize the distance, the parts being ignored, or the withdrawal, you might just have accepted that the person is really not that important. Love doesn’t require such games. It’s either in or out. Yes, there are many levels of commitment and it’s important to figure out what you want. Ignorance is not bliss in love. Choose and decide what you want in a partnership.

3. Forgiveness versus holding a grudge over the small stuff.

Choosing a partner means that you also grow with all that comes up. You forgive. You accept things in each other. The state of being in a relationship can be harmonious until something disturbing comes up. Then you begin to shift from being happy to being whatever. You start to focus on the small stuff. You can’t get past the circumstances, events, and challenges. And, every relationship has them. Decisions need to be made. How you perceive them is how you will react. You can either choose to move on and forgive, or you can surf the emotional waters of uncertainty by just being in the moment.

4. Standing versus falling.

In the book, The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck describes love as:

“The will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth. . . . Love is not effortless. To the contrary, love is effortful. . . . Love is an act of will–both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love. . . . The act of falling in love is an act of regression. . . Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience. Falling in love is not. . . The person who truly loves does so because of a decision to love. . . . True love is not a feeling by which we are overwhelmed. It is a committed, thoughtful decision. . . Commitment is the foundation, the bedrock of any genuinely loving relationship. . . . it is our sense of commitment after the wedding which makes possible the transition from falling in love to genuine love.”

When you choose to love, you end up standing. Being is the act of falling in love which consists of overwhelming emotions. But, you can begin with the falling in love and safely land standing up right next to the love of your life. Just because you began a relationship by being in love, falling deeply, doesn’t mean that you won’t choose to stay in love.

Relationship Therapist Deidre Wallace shares:

“We usually choose people or friends who we have something in common with. And it’s not just our friends but also our partners who may share similar experiences albeit unconscious. And if what we share is unconscious, what is shared may not be so obvious. It may only become clear once you’ve spent time communicating and delving into one another’s pasts that similarities are picked up. Sometimes it may take years before you realize all the reasons that attracted you to someone. So we surround ourselves with people who are similar to us in experiences, background, class, and culture and so on. Which is why the saying, ‘Birds of a feather flock together’ makes sense. We are mostly attracted to people who share what we know and what is safe. Safe because what we know, we feel comfortable with.”

5. Choosing a lifetime adventure versus being on a short expedition.

Life is a constant flux of choices, decisions, obstacles, lessons and experiences. When you choose love, you are electing a lifetime adventure with all that it may entail. Being can start to feel like a short journey until the heart decides it has had enough. You begin to fill presence with other things. Even though you might feel committed, the compromises for remaining can be too much to handle. Your sense of ‘being’ can be substituted by circumstances.

Related article: 11 Signs Your Relationship Is Doing Well(Even If You Don’t Feel Like It)

Whether you choose to be in a relationship or you live day by day in the act of accepting whatever shows up, love is the strongest emotional bond there is. When you truly love your partner, you can overcome anything. Love will test our strengths, courage, and weaknesses. It will turn us upside down, right side up, and into a ball. When in doubt, always choose love. If you aren’t happy in a relationship, decide whether you want to stay, leave, or be in constant indecision. Love is intense, beautiful and satisfying. Just as Dr. Seuss said, “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

10 Reasons Why Most Men Can’t Handle A Strong Woman

What makes a strong woman? Among other factors, her struggles, sacrifices, and selflessness play a huge part. A strong woman has endured pain, overcome heart-wrenching experiences, and allowed herself to be led by forgiveness.

A strong woman has swum in deep and treacherous waters and held her breath as long as possible. This type of woman is self-sufficient, independent, loving, and does not fear showing vulnerability.

If the woman you love fits the above description, consider yourself privileged. The strong woman knows that one moment you are the teacher, and the next you might be the student. She understands and is okay with this, but sometimes the man in her life fails to share this understanding. So, how does a strong woman keep a man? Can you handle a strong woman in your life?

10 Reasons Many Men Cannot Handle a Strong Woman

Here are ten reasons why most men can’t handle a strong woman:

strong women

1. A strong woman doesn’t need a man to fight for her.

A man needs to feel wanted. He needs to know that he is battling for his woman’s eternal love and admiration. A strong woman will show you that she loves you, but she’s also independent and can manage independently. The strong woman is willing to fight for both of you, but she doesn’t need a man to fight her battles for her. If she has a problem, she deals with it.

A strong woman doesn’t sit and wait, as a victim, for a man to find the solution. Some men can’t handle this strength. If you choose to remain with this type of woman, be willing to walk beside her . . . not in front of her, pulling her to where you think she should be.

2. A strong woman knows what she wants.

Strong women know what they want, how to attain it, and remember all they had to endure to get whatever they have. A woman like this knows what she wants. If she likes a man, she will go after him.

She will not wait for the man to make the first move. Strong women have tenacious personalities that can be highly intimidating for some men. They aren’t submissive. They love wholeheartedly and also can continue exploring the world with a man or not. It takes a self-confident man to allow this type of personality to take charge.

3. A strong woman will require honesty and vulnerability.

Men have a hard time opening up to complex questions. Strong women dive into the depth of hurt, traumas, and life-changing experiences. They require a man who can be honest and vulnerable because they have endured so much and want to believe they are not alone. They need to know that their mate can be available to navigate the ocean of uncertainties and travel the edges of madness.

Strong women don’t fear the past. They excavate and search for those things that make us human. The strong woman will always find a strong man to stand tall with her in the face of adversity. Men tend to avoid vulnerability because it makes them feel weak. If you want to gain the admiration of the strong woman in your life, do not fear moments of vulnerability.

4. A strong woman is not intimidated by intimacy.

The strong woman will challenge a man in the most intimate of ways. She will require intimacy in all forms, from conversation to making love. She will hold nothing back.

Because a strong woman is comfortable with her femininity, she will expect her man also to be open to all aspects of intimacy. She requires passion and desire to feel like she’s the one.

5. A strong woman can see through lies.

Strong women are honest and expect complete trust in a relationship. They can sense lies instantly, so don’t try to sugarcoat a white lie. Don’t give the strong woman in your life any bogus explanations.

She can act as a human lie detector. Being in a relationship with a strong woman requires no holding back. She will never tolerate a sense of falseness and selfishness. If you can’t be with her ultimately, she will have no problem moving on.

strong women

6. A strong woman requires integrity and consistency.

Women who have inner strength cannot tolerate irregularity or indecisive personalities. They want to know that the man they love has integrity and respect, and is a man of his word. If they start to feel that their man is pulling away, they will react accordingly and have no problem letting him go if they feel they are being played.

They want to feel like they are loved unconditionally. They will have no issues setting that matter straight if they feel disrespected. The worst thing you can do to a strong woman is make her feel weak.

7. A strong woman is intense.

A strong woman has endured extraordinary challenges and obstacles in her life. In other words, she is strong for a reason, because she has had to be powerful during extremely dark moments. Having come through, she knows she can endure anything else in her path, but this kind of intensity is oftentimes difficult for a man to understand. It’s intimidating because of all the emotions and thoughts that come with this type of persona.

The strong woman is willing to share her scars, and expects you to do the same. There are no secrets in her world.

8. A strong woman will not wait for you.

This type of woman will follow you to the depths of hell if she knows you are committed to her. However, when you start to pull back, she will let you go. She will not wait for a man to decide if he wants her or someone better. Strong women don’t play little, girly games. You are either in or you are out. They will face hurt, heal from their wounds, and get back up ready to conquer whatever is next.

9. A strong woman will love you unconditionally.

The love you receive from a strong woman is faithful. Like mothers with children, the strong woman will nurture and love her man fiercely. When she feels that love in return, she will do anything to make him feel loved. The strong woman in your life will support, help, and fight for you to get what you deserve.

Some men can’t handle this kind of unconditional love. They get frightened by the intensity and depth of giving. Often, men flee from a strong woman in this stage. Regardless of how deeply she loved you, she will let you go if this happens. She knows her worth.

10. A strong woman will show you who you are.

It’s hard to accept the things we don’t like about ourselves when someone points them out. A strong woman will speak up about those parts in her man that need addressing. She will also help show you how amazing and powerful you are. She will stand by you and show you pure acceptance and confidence.

Some men cannot handle the emotional chaos of this type of demeanor. For this reason, strong women will find parnters of equal strength; the weak ones won’t make it past the first few dates. Weak men don’t know what to do with the honesty, strength, intelligence, and independence that is portrayed by a woman of strength.

On the other hand, a strong man was likely raised by a strong woman. He knows how to either deal with the nights of the soul that arise in any relationship or leave. Barry Paul Price writes, “Dating a strong woman is not something every guy can handle. He has to be confident in himself as a person, and as a man. Men must feel capable of meeting a woman’s needs. Traditionally, we did that providing financial security and physical protection.

More recently, as women have expressed themselves with more independence and toughness, men aren’t sure how or when they’re needed by their woman. He ends up feeling unsure of his value and significance in the relationship. Many women tell me their man’s emotional support is just as important as financial and physical contributions. Unfortunately, men are not used to identifying masculinity with giving emotional support.”

strong women

Final Thoughts on Whether You Can Handle a Woman of Great Strength

Do you have the strength to support your woman of strength in the way she most needs it? Strong women have no time to play games. If you can handle the intensity, love, and honesty she will provide, you might be the partner who can complement this type of woman.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Research Shows Parents Who Raise Successful Kids Do These Things Differently

Kids will define what success looks like to them as they grow up, but parents who raise happy, healthy, and independent kids do these ten things differently from other parents. Your role as a parent lasts a lifetime, but your role in their development is crucial. How can you balance molding them and letting them develop themselves?

Research Reveals: Parents Who Raise ‘Successful’ Kids Do These 10 Things

Let’s look at ten things that research shows parents who raise successful kids do differently.


1. Let kids fail once in a while

Persistence is what parents who raise successful kids teach when they allow kids to fail in small ways without rushing in to rescue them—learning to get back up after a fall builds determination to carry on.

2. Teach the meaning of gratitude

Spend time with those who have less, lost, or fighting a battle beyond what your children have to deal with in their young lives. Seeing that what you give them is more than others have can be a valuable lesson in gratitude and humility that parents who raise successful kids teach early on.

3. Teach them to be their own best friend

You won’t always be there to pick them up after they are lonely and need comforting. Kids who don’t learn to rely only on other people to comfort them are independent and more likely to succeed.

4. Teach kids the value of hard work

Chores are the kid equivalent of adult work, and allowances are the kid equivalent of a paycheck. No work, no pay means that you are teaching consequences for behavior that will serve them well in the real world.

5. Don’t let them settle if you know they are capable of more


Researchers from the University of Minnesota and the University of Miami School of Medicine looked at parents who teach competence and resilience in their kids to help them be successful. We can say that a kid learns to be competent when they can adapt successfully to changes. For example, schoolwork gets more challenging as they progress or when they have to make new friends due to a move. We have already talked about resilience in our first list topic about overcoming failure.

The research found that knowledge rapidly expands for children, and the brain changes in both structure and function as they learn. The researchers listed these characteristics of parents who raise successfully resilient kids:

  • Good intellectual functioning
  • Appealing, friendly, easygoing disposition
  • Self-efficacy, self-confidence, high self-esteem
  • Talents
  • Faith
  • Close relationship with a caring parent figure
  • Authoritative parenting: warmth, structure, high expectations
  • Socioeconomic advantages
  • Connections to extended supportive family networks
  • Bonds to pro-social adults outside the family
  • Connections to pro-social organizations
  • Attending effective schools

6. Praise their efforts, not the results

Researchers looked at parents who raised successful kids based on their academic performance and found five family and home environmental factors that affect student achievement in school and academic performance. These five factors are:

  • Parent expectations and attributions
  • Structure for learning
  • Safe home environment
  • Discipline
  • Parent involvement

Parents who do these things differently match their school expectations but aren’t necessarily focused only on grades. The amount of effort that each student puts into their work can be different based on intelligence so praise their actions based on your knowledge of their skill level.

7. Help them find their identity separate from you and their peers

One of the most basic functions of parenting is to raise independent young people. As a result, you have to allow them to be different from you. Parents who raise successful kids enable their children to form a separate personality from themselves early in their development, and they respect these differences.

8. Teach kindness, respect, and manners

These three traits, probably more than any others that they will learn will help your kids to be successful in their lives.

9. Teach honesty and integrity

All of us lie, but kids learn about lying at a vulnerable age. They see that a lie might keep them from getting a punishment, so the lie has a built-in reward. Eventually, you will catch them in a lie like the one raising successful kids. When you see them, point out what happens when they lie as far as the impact on others’ lives, rather than focus on the punishment or evidence.

10. Teach them to stand up for themselves and others

Kids get pushed around a lot by bullies, authority figures, adults who don’t know them, and people who want to take advantage of them. Of course, you protect your kids from stranger danger, but knowing that they know how to reject mistreatment will help them succeed in many important ways when you aren’t around.

Helping them to stand up for other people when their rights are being abused is helping to raise successful members of a healthy society that work together for the common good. Kids who reject not only bullying of themselves but bullying of others are, and good kids who successful and future-minded parents raise.

father daughter

7 Signs of Well-Adjusted Kids

1.     Well-adjusted kids do well in school and put effort into their work.

Well-adjusted children care about their performance in school and do their best on assignments. This doesn’t mean they will always get straight A’s; it’s the effort and thought that truly counts. In general, successful children do well in school because their parents were involved from the start in their academic success. The parents may have helped them study for tests, created flashcards, or gotten a tutor to guide them in a challenging class.

Most parents want their children to succeed academically, but it takes a tricky balance of discipline and love from an early age. Being too hard on children will cause them to rebel and not care about assignments. However, going easy on them and letting them do their own thing may make them lazy. So, parents are responsible for instilling persistence and work ethic in their children.

If they’ve done an excellent job of parenting, their child’s academic success will reflect that. Of course, we’re not saying that all of the child’s success falls on the parents. However, studies have shown that activities such as reading to your child each day enhance literary and language skills.

Reading to them also develops their cognitive abilities. For instance, reading to children around age four results in them scoring higher on reading and writing tests at age eight. This holds across various socioeconomic statuses, research shows.

2. They have empathy for others.

Well-adjusted kids are emotionally stable and have compassion for others. Their parents raised them with love and care so that they can extend that empathy to their classmates, too. Children who grew to not just look out for themselves but for others in their community will likely become upstanding citizens as adults.

Teaching them that they’re part of society will help them work with others for the common good. Kind children are also more likely to stand up for others when they see them being mistreated. If we want a more caring, empathetic society, it all starts at home. Well-adjusted children know that their words, actions, and behaviors have an effect on those around them. As such, they do their best to act selflessly and open their hearts to the injustices happening in the world.

3. Well-adjusted kids have high self-esteem.

Children raised with care and compassion will learn how to love themselves and have confidence in who they are. Parents should raise their kids in a loving, warm, safe environment and foster a healthy, open relationship with children. Studies show that children who have friendly, supportive parents have better well-being and coping skills later in life. On the other hand, being raised in a chaotic, stressful environment can adversely affect children. They may have trouble in school, difficulty maintaining jobs, and have turbulent relationships.

Well-adjusted children will have confidence in themselves because their parents gave them proper guidance from a young age. Children with high self-esteem won’t be as emotionally reactive and will have the useful tools to make good decisions in life.

4. They show gratitude often.

Stable children will also feel more grateful for the life they’ve been given. Parents who wish to instill this quality in kids may take them to homeless shelters or soup kitchens to volunteer or spend time with those less fortunate. If children can see firsthand what others go through in life, they will be more humble and empathetic.

Having them meet people from all walks of life may encourage children to participate in social work or other humanitarian efforts later on.

5. Stable, well-rounded kids know the value of hard work.

Children raised to perform chores, and other responsibilities will quickly learn that nothing in life comes for free. They have to work to obtain the necessities of life and anything extra they may want. Giving them an allowance for doing certain chores will teach them the actual value of a dollar. As they get older, this will help them manage money and instill a work ethic as they enter a career.

This doesn’t mean children should do every chore in the house, but just a few to teach them fundamental responsibility. Taking out the trash, loading the dishwasher, and sweeping the floors are a few ways they could help around the house. Also, if children grow up with a pet, they will learn how to care for something outside themselves. This offers another great way for them to learn responsibility.

6. They aren’t afraid of failure.

Helicopter parenting teaches children to fear making mistakes and steals their confidence from them. On the other hand, studies show that moderate parental involvement teaches children to take the lead and figure out tasks independently. Taking a step back from parenting and allowing kids to be independent fosters resiliency and self-confidence.

Children who are raised to take risks and navigate problems on their own will feel more comfortable and self-assured as adults. Parents of stable children will teach them to value effort over results because mistakes are inevitable in life. It’s your attitude about failure that determines your next step.

positive affirmations for kids

Final Thoughts on How Parents Who Raise Successful Kids Do Things Differently

Studies show that parents who raise successful kids follow a similar blueprint for childrearing. They give their children guidance, but they don’t smother them. They show their kids love and compassion but also reprimand them when necessary.

Parents of successful children set boundaries and give kids rules to follow to instill a sense of responsibility. They also stress the importance of doing well in school, not just getting good grades but also learning the basics in life.

These parents also allow their kids to fail and don’t wish to raise perfectionists. This way, children will learn from their mistakes and not take life too seriously. After all, no one reached success without a trail of failures behind them.

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