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10 Exercises That Relieve Neck Pain

10 Exercises That Relieve Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common problem that many people experience each day. The number of neck and back issues has increased dramatically since people always look down at their phones or other electronic devices. If you’re on a computer for hours, the tension and stress caused by an unhealthy posture can cause tension headaches and even migraines. The good news is that you don’t have to live with that chronic neck pain. You can do simple exercises to help increase your range of motion, ease the sore muscles, and bring relief.

Relieve Neck Pain with These Simple Exercises

Here are ten of the best neck exercises out there. Many of them can be done at home or the office.

neck pain exercises

1. Chin Tuck to Relieve Neck Pain

Tight shoulders and neck pain are commonplace when you work at your desk all day. Thankfully, exercises like the chin tuck can help to alleviate the strain. Your neck will become elongated as you stretch the muscles. It’s helpful to put your fingertips on your chin to push your neck into place. Here’s how:

1. Stand up straight with your hands at your side.

2. Stretch your neck as tall as you can get it.

3. Place four fingers on your chin and push your chin backward.

4. The chin will tuck into your neck and stretch the weak muscles.

5. Strive to hold the pose for three to five seconds.

2. Isometric Neck Pain Exercises

For this exercise, you can sit or stand. The key is to be comfortable to get the best benefit from this maneuver. Here’s how:

1. Get in your comfortable position of standing or sitting. Take your left hand and place it on the left temple.

2. Move your head and push against your left hand. There should be a struggle as the head wants to move, but your hand is holding it back. Hold this stance for 3-5 seconds.

3. Release the pressure, and then do it again.

4. Now move to the right side and do the same maneuver. Once you’ve done the rep for the right, move to the front and then the back.

*The key is to keep your head in a neutral position to ensure your neck tension and stress are worked out of the muscles.

3. Neck Rotation

If you’re dealing with neck pain, you need instant relief. If you’re feeling discomfort or having headaches due to neck alignment issues, you can do the neck rotation anywhere. It can help with swelling and inflammation caused by a slipped disc. Here’s how:

1. Start by standing with your back against the wall.

2. Stretch your hands to the side slightly bent.

3. Now, turn and look over your right shoulder, only moving your neck. Hold it for a few seconds.

4. Come back to the middle, switch and look to the left. Hold this position for a few seconds.

5. Strive for five reps on each side.

4. Shoulder Roll

Shoulder rolls will increase your flexibility in your neck and shoulder area, but it also helps with chronic pain issues. Here’s how:

1. Start in a sitting position on a comfortable mat.

2. Lift your shoulders upwards towards your ears.

3. Next, move the shoulders down toward the back.

4. Roll them up and down for about five to seven reps, and switch sides.

5. Levator Scap Stretch

Do you have text neck syndrome? According to the National Library of Medicine, text neck is becoming a concerning problem among children and adults. Its musculoskeletal pain is caused by constantly looking downward, putting stress on the cervical spine. This exercise can help release this pain. Here’s how:

1. Turn your head to a 45-degree angle.

2. Now, look down towards your armpit.

3. Strive to hold this stance for thirty seconds.

4. Repeat on this side three to five times, and switch to the other side.

*If you want to increase the pressure to get more from this stretch, use your hand to hold onto your head and slightly pull on your head as you look down. If you have intense neck pain, only try to do the simple version until you get rid of the tension and stress in the area.

6. Upper Trapezius Stretch Can Ease Neck Pain

This stretch can bring relief if you’re prone to knots in your neck. Working the upper shoulder and neck can work out those kinks and eliminate headaches. Here’s how:

1. Sit up nicely and straight in a comfortable chair.

2. Turn your head sideways so that your right ear comes down and touches the right shoulder. Make sure your head stays straight and your back doesn’t move. Hold for thirty seconds.

3. Now, switch and do the left side.

7. Anterior Neck Stretch

Do you have range of motion issues? You must freely turn your head to drive and do many other activities. Stress on the neck muscles can limit your motion as the tension is painful. You can help this with a neck stretch. Here’s how:

1. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or standing.

2. Turn your head to the right and look towards the ceiling. If you’re doing this stance correctly, you will feel the tension in the front of your neck. Put your hand on your head to intensify the stretch and push slightly backward. Hold for ten seconds.

3. Switch and do the other side.

4. Strive to do three reps on each side.

8. Prone Cobra to Reduce Neck Pain

Neck pain caused by slipped discs and tension is commonplace. Exercises like the cobra help remove the area’s stress by correcting postural imperfections. According to John Hopkins Medicine, many folks develop kyphosis, a rounded curvature at the top of the spine.

There are three kinds of this curvature, and Postural Kyphosis is the most commonly observed. You can correct this by doing maneuvers like the prone cobra. Here’s how:

1. Using a mat or a comfortable spot, lie on your stomach with your arms down.

2. Gently lift your head and chest off the ground while bringing your arms outward. If you’re doing this correctly, your thumbs will be pointing toward the ceiling.

3. Now, squeeze the shoulder blades together and position them as close to the waist as possible.

4. Keep your spine aligned straight, hold for a few seconds, and relax. Try to strive for three minutes of doing this maneuver to achieve the best results.

*If you notice that your back aches while doing this exercise, you can squeeze your glute muscles to release the tension. However, if you don’t feel any stress, leave your glutes loose.

9. Neck Circles

Sometimes getting rid of the tension and stress in your neck is as easy as doing a simple exercise. Neck circles are simple and quite effective. It tends to release pressure and make sure everything is in its proper place. Here’s how:

1. Stand or sit up tall using good posture.

2. Start with your head in the forward position.

3. Now, you’re going to work clockwise. Put your chin to your chest and hold for a couple of seconds.

4. Next, put your ear to your shoulder and hold.

5. The next step is to move the back of your neck toward the back area.

6. Finally, put the other ear on your shoulder.

7. Do three to five circles going clockwise, then you should switch and go counterclockwise.

10. Swan

Tension and neck pain almost always comes with upper back stress too. The swan is one maneuver that will help with alignment issues and strengthen your posture. It targets the back, neck, and spine. Here’s how:

1. Start on the ground using a yoga mat and lie on your stomach.

2. Bring your upper body up at a slight 45-degree angle and raise your feet off the mat. Stretch your arms out in front of you.

3. Move your feet and upper body towards the ground, but make sure you don’t touch the floor.

4. Rock your head and feet back and forth to strengthen the upper back and midsection.

5. Change it up and use your hands on the ground and use them to push off while you lift your legs up and down.

6. Repeat three to five times.

Final Thoughts on Relieving Neck Pain

Chiropractic care is an excellent way to use manipulations to help the body heal naturally. Many of these exercises for neck pain are used during physical therapy. You can learn to live pain-free by simply incorporating a few stretches into your day. Since working on the computer is an inevitable part of many people’s lives, you must find a way to do it and maintain your cervical health–these exercises might just do the trick.

7 Behaviors That Create Anxiety In A Relationship

Globally, millions of people deal with anxiety daily, and it can impact every facet of their lives. Those dealing with anxious thoughts often tend to worry about aspects of their relationships. For instance, they might wonder if their spouse or significant other will eventually leave them due to their anxiety. Or, concerns about becoming overly dependent on their partner might surface. All this overthinking and stress can easily take a toll on even the healthiest relationships.

However, it’s important to remember that it isn’t your fault if you suffer from anxiety. No one asks for a brain that works on overdrive and overanalyzes every conversation, text, or email. Most people with anxiety or other mental health struggles would do anything to free themselves from suffering. But it takes tons of personal development, self-care, and supportive relationships to begin the healing process.

Before you can work on overcoming any issues, you must accept that they exist. Many people in relationships don’t always realize how their mental health can impact others around them. Again, that doesn’t mean they intentionally exhibit these behaviors or want to hurt their partner. However, knowing the behaviors that harm relationships can help you see things from a different perspective.

7 Behaviors That Cause Anxiety In Relationships


1.             Not feeling good enough for your partner.

This one isn’t a behavior so much as a general underlying feeling. Unfortunately, many people with low self-esteem end up having turbulent love lives because of how they see themselves. Creating one with another person becomes challenging if you don’t have a positive relationship with yourself. This is especially true if you have an intimate relationship or are going on dates.

Anxiety can make you feel like you’ll never measure up to your love interest’s standards. Having anxious thoughts can even cause you to avoid relationships altogether. After all, some people believe it’s better to have never loved than to get your heart broken. Not everyone wants an intimate relationship, but for those who do, anxiety can create painful barriers between the admirer and the object of their affection.

2. Being overly dependent on your significant other can create anxiety.

Another harmful behavior involves being codependent on your partner in a relationship. This maladaptive behavior usually stems from childhood neglect or abuse, which causes insecure, anxious, or avoidant attachment styles. Those with secure attachments to their parents tend to grow up in stable, loving, supportive homes. However, people with chaotic, unpredictable home lives generally deal with some attachment disorders.

Therapy and self-compassion can heal these deep wounds, but it requires a lot of internal reflection and effort. It’s best to tackle these issues head-on before entering a romantic relationship. Being insecurely attached can cause relationship anxiety because you may project past traumas onto your partner.

3. Depending solely on your partner for happiness.

We naturally want relationships with people who encourage us and make life more enjoyable. It isn’t wrong to seek partnerships with people who add positive energy to your life. However, it becomes a problem when you count on your partner as your sole source of happiness. Doing this puts immense pressure on a relationship and can ultimately drive your partner away.

It’s best to look inward for happiness first; then everything else becomes a bonus. Relationships are much more rewarding and drama-free if you feel complete with yourself. Remember, no one can make you happy except yourself, so don’t look to others to fill the void. Having a meaningful life before looking for romance can help prevent relationship anxiety since you’ll already feel fulfilled.


4. Questioning your partner’s feelings for you.

Sadly, many people with anxiety tend to second-guess how their partner feels about them. In their minds, their significant other is just one step away from leaving the relationship altogether. This ties back to having low self-esteem and never feeling good enough for a significant other. Someone with anxiety might believe their partner can never truly love or care about them.

They may also think their partner is losing interest the moment they need a little space. It’s normal to question your SO’s feelings sometimes, but it can easily become an obsession if you have relationship anxiety.

5. Overthinking everything your partner says or does.

People with relationship anxiety overanalyze every text, email, and conversation between them and their partner. They hang on to every word their partner says, which can quickly become an unhealthy habit. At the beginning of a relationship, it’s natural to wonder how your partner feels and obsess over them. But, over time, not being able to focus on anything else can lead to codependency and relationship anxiety.

6. Purposely sabotaging the relationship.

Unfortunately, another consequence of anxiety is wanting to run the second a relationship gets too serious. Some people feel uncomfortable with intimate relationships because of low self-esteem, childhood trauma, or other reasons. So, when they get too close to their partner, they do anything to sabotage the romance. They might instigate arguments, exhibit passive-aggressive behavior, or distance themselves from their partner.

These behaviors can create tension and anxiety in even the healthiest relationships.

7. Anxiety can make you lose your own identity.

Finally, anxiety can cause you to become overly dependent on your partner, even to the point of forgetting yourself. For instance, you might agree with your SO to avoid abandonment or arguments. If you’re codependent on them, you will do anything to keep them around, even if it means losing your identity. Those with unhealthy attachment styles tend to become enmeshed in their relationships and adopt their partner’s personality, beliefs, and views.


Final Thoughts on Things That Create Relationship Anxiety

Everyone experiences some anxiety in relationships from time to time. It’s normal to get involved with someone and want to share your life with them. However, it becomes problematic when stress and worries overshadow the warm and fuzzy feelings. If you experience anxiety, remember to practice self-care and extend compassion to yourself. Acknowledging how you feel first and treating yourself like a friend can pave the way for healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

6 Signs of True Love Most People Don’t Realize

Ever since you were young, you’ve probably dreamed of finding true love. Even the people who don’t believe in true love have probably had a few moments of yearning. But just because one of humanity’s biggest desires is to find love doesn’t mean people know how to identify it. There are so many layers to love and things that can potentially go wrong that many people don’t want to go near relationships with a ten-foot pole.

But if you ever find someone who completes you, don’t let that opportunity slip away. And for that, you need to learn how to identify it. If you are one of the people who are afraid of love, you will be missing out on experiences that can fundamentally change your life. Being too sheltered means you won’t put yourself out there, which means you won’t have the chance to meet your soulmate. And it would be a waste to go through life without creating a deep, meaningful connection.

But, say you have someone, and you’ve been in a relationship with them for a while. Even then, many people struggle to understand how deep and meaningful that connection is. You can love many people throughout your life, but how can you ensure you’re with the right one? Well, many people wait to feel a spark or to get a sign that they are the one. Sure, these are signs you should look out for. But there are also some signs of true love that most people don’t realize.

6 Signs of True Love That Most People Might Take for Granted

true love

1.    You Feel Comfortable When You Find True Love

One thing that’s kind of a misconception about a relationship is that they should always be fun and exciting. And that’s important when you are building a connection. Plus, it will keep things interesting down the line. No one wants to be in a relationship that bores them out of their mind. But, while excitement is essential, you can have a fun relationship that doesn’t have a future.

So, this attribute doesn’t necessarily signal that what you have is true love. But the thing that is truly important in any long-term relationship is being comfortable. True love means that the two of you can have just as much fun while doing mundane activities as you would if you were on holiday. Whether bungee jumping or cleaning the house, you should feel content and at ease. But people often take this for granted.

They start to get comfortable but then panic and believe it’s a bad sign. Being comfortable is synonymous with getting lazy. Sure, if you are in a relationship where you never do anything fun or romantic anymore, that’s not a good sign. But if you feel nice and at ease and are content with just being with your partner, that’s a sign of true love.

2.    You Always Want to Be Near Them

This might not seem like a hidden sign of true love, but most people don’t realize its importance. Sure, when you get into a relationship, there will be that thrill caused by the newness. That makes you want to always hang out with your partner. But wanting to be near them has a more nuanced meaning. It’s not just the desire to hang out with them and go on dates.

It’s necessary to be near them, even in a room full of people. When you feel like you always want them by your side, that signifies a truly loving relationship. Imagine that you’re having a usual day. You went to work, and now some friends are inviting you out. But you’d rather be at home with your partner. Or maybe you want to go out, but you want your partner to come too.

If that’s what you feel and your first instinct isn’t to just go out without your partner, that’s a sign. True love is when your partner is the one you call when you have good news, when something bad happened to you or when you just want to talk. If they are always on your mind and whose presence makes everything better, they’re probably the ones.

3.    You Love All Their Little Quirks When You Find True Love

All people have little imperfections that make them unique and set them apart. But they are also the things that can make it hard for others to stand them. For example, being loud can seem endearing to someone you know but completely drive a stranger out of their mind. Your friends and family are most often the ones who accept your quirks. But they will also tell you to keep your mouth closed while you chew.

But when it comes to romantic partners, these quirks can be a deal breaker. But when you find someone who truly loves you, they will fall in love with everything that makes you who you are. If you’ve ever talked with someone who experienced true love, they’ve probably told you stories about these little imperfections. Maybe they were stories about how their partner always left their chocolate wrappers around. And, while that might annoy the living daylights out of most people, they found it endearing.

Those wrappers showed how much they loved chocolate and how happy it made them. And there’s a reason stories like these are always what people choose to share with others. Because when you love someone, these things warm your heart. If you experience something in your relationship, you should hold on to it. You and your partner have a special connection and share real love.


4.    You Want to See Them Succeed

You’ll want to see the other person doing well in a casual relationship. But you won’t be invested in their career or success because you probably don’t care enough to be actively involved. There’s nothing bad about that. Some relationships are not meant to go the distance. And they’re not all going to be with the person you are destined to be with. So you shouldn’t beat yourself down if you aren’t actively helping your partner to reach their dreams.

It doesn’t make you a bad person as long as you’re not actively trying to make things worse for them. But things are a little different when it comes to being in love. When you find your true love, you will want to see them succeed in everything they do. When you are with the person you are destined to be with; you will do anything to see them happy. And you will make sacrifices to see them achieve their dreams.

But, in a healthy, loving relationship, that isn’t one-sided. Your partner will want to see you succeed as well. And, if they are the ones who have to sacrifice something to do that, they will do it. The relationship will be very understanding, with support and love coming from both sides. You will grow together, and the connection will be strong enough to allow you to focus on your dreams and each other.

5.    You Are Vulnerable Around Them When It’s True Love

Most people find it hard to face their emotions and open up around others. Even around friends and family, it can be hard to be completely honest. In most romantic relationships, you might be inclined to keep things light and breezy instead of committing and being vulnerable around someone.

But, when you find the one you are supposed to be with, you will want to open up. It will come naturally instead of having to force it and feeling uncomfortable when talking about yourself. Being vulnerable is necessary to create a strong connection. But you won’t have to force anything when you truly love someone. There won’t be any doubts or overthinking.

Most importantly, you won’t feel scared or ashamed to tell the other person everything about you. This shows that you aren’t afraid of being judged. If your partner opens up and you can have deep, meaningful conversations, that’s a great sign. If you aren’t already head over heels, you will be soon. So, you need to hold on to that connection.

6.    You Envision a Future Relationship Together

When you are in a serious romantic relationship, you’re expected to have some idea of what your future together will look like. But you’d be surprised to hear that it doesn’t happen that often. Many couples don’t take things that seriously and never make plans. These discussions about the future can sometimes even feel like a chore or something that will ruin the fun.

When there is true love between two people, you won’t want to shy away from such discussions. Quite the opposite, you’ll want to make plans. If your mind starts to wander and you think about where you and your partner will be in a few years, that’s love. You’ll probably have a dream house you want to buy together. You’ll know what pet you wish to have.

Not to mention that you’ll have probably committed to sharing your lives together in a more serious sense already. If you have already moved in together or are planning to sacrifice to accommodate the others, that means something. So, there shouldn’t be any doubts left that you two share true love.

true love

Final Thoughts on Signs of True Love Most People Don’t Realize

True love is something anyone would be lucky to experience at some point. Not anyone has the opportunity to share something that meaningful with someone. And one of the worst things that can happen is missing out on love because you didn’t read the signs well. If you have that kind of connection, don’t let doubts ruin it.

Being truly in love goes beyond looks and physical attraction. It’s about wanting to be near someone and getting to know all about them. It’s about being comfortable, wanting your partner to succeed, and making sacrifices to see them happy. You’ll adore all their quirks and feel safe opening up when you’re in love. Lastly, you’ll plan for the future and work towards achieving your dreams together.

Smart Women Make Self-care a Priority and Don’t Care What Others Think

The demands of life can make self-care difficult to make time for, but smart women prioritize it. They don’t care what other people think when they put themselves first. Smart women know that self-care is necessary for good physical and mental health. As a result, they put forth their best effort to care for themselves.

Self-care means prioritizing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It is essential to living your best life and being the best version of yourself.

Taking care of and prioritizing yourself can help you find success and happiness. It improves your overall well-being while helping you find fulfillment and meaning. Self-care involves self-respect as you learn how essential loving yourself is.

Understanding the importance of self-care can help you change your perspective. You’ll recognize why you shouldn’t care what other people think regarding taking care of yourself. Placing yourself at the top of your priority list can improve your life in ways you never realized.

What Is Self-Care?

Self-care is more than taking bubble baths and pampering yourself, although those things can count. It involves caring for your health, spending time with people you love, and engaging in your passions.

Taking care of yourself involves all areas of your life, including the following:

  • Physical: Physical care involves eating healthy foods, taking care of health concerns, and exercising. It also includes doing things to prevent getting sick and sleeping enough to protect your health.
  • Emotional and mental: Taking care of your emotional and mental health is necessary for preventing depression, anxiety, and other issues. You must relax, ease stress, and enjoy your time without constant stress and pressure.
  • Spiritual: Connecting with a greater purpose in life can help you feel fulfilled as you find meaning. It often involves engaging in a faith system, meditation, and other connection methods.
  • Social: Part of taking care of yourself involves spending time with people you enjoy and care about. Social activities prevent loneliness and encourage fun and happiness.


Why Self-Care Is Hard to Prioritize

Many people struggle to prioritize self-care, but it’s essential to make it a focus. When you recognize why it’s hard to make time for it, you can make some necessary changes.

Since self-care differs for everyone, it requires reflecting on your specific situation to identify challenges and barriers. However, some of the common reasons it’s hard to prioritize self-care include the following:

  • overwhelming workload
  • putting other people first
  • having too many responsibilities
  • experiencing burn out
  • health challenges
  • financial worries
  • lacking boundaries

These obstacles make it hard to prioritize setting aside time for yourself. Essentially, many of the reasons are rooted in a lack of time. By the end of the day, there’s not much time left to focus on yourself and do things that make you feel good.

Why You Shouldn’t Care What Others Think About Your Self-Care

It often seems hard to take care of yourself with all the obstacles you experience. However, if you don’t take the time for yourself, you will experience detrimental effects. You might feel sick, lack energy, and lose motivation if you don’t do things for yourself.

Not taking care of yourself can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. Additionally, it can cause minor issues to see major, and your problems will grow. It can also impact your mood, ability to focus, and efforts when fulfilling other responsibilities.

Focusing on self-care can improve your physical and mental health, and you can notice the differences quickly. While it’s not always easy to put yourself first, it’s worth it for the benefits you’ll experience. It’ll promote your health and well-being, improving your overall life.

If you’re still unsure if you must prioritize self-care, some of the signs include the following:

  • sleeping too much or not enough, especially when it’s not a common pattern for you
  • worsening mental health conditions
  • lacking motivation or desire to do things you once enjoyed
  • changing appetite, whether eating more or less than usual
  • feeling a constant need to take a break
  • being more impatient than usual
  • experiencing a short temper or agitation when interacting with others
  • getting sick more often than you used to

Nine Signs of a Woman Who Prioritizes Self-Care

While making time for yourself isn’t always easy, some people recognize the importance. Smart women know that taking care of themselves will improve their lives and help them function better. You can identify these people because they behave differently than those who don’t take care of themselves before others.

1 – They Value Their Time

Those who put themselves first don’t agree to do things when they don’t have the time. They know they must save time to relax and recuperate from daily stressors. These people aren’t afraid to say no when asked to add more to their plate.

2 – They Exhibit Self-Respect

A woman who prioritizes self-care and doesn’t care what other people think shows respect for herself. She embraces who she is and feels good about it. You’ll notice that she carries herself well and only engages in relationships that offer what she deserves. These women give themselves the same love they give to others. They know that they deserve it and won’t settle for anything less.

3 – They’re Happy Without a Partner

Women who care for themselves know they don’t need to be in a relationship. You’ll notice that she’s happy when she’s alone. This happiness stems from knowing she can give herself the love she deserves.

She finds happiness by using her alone time to connect with herself. It allows her to reflect on her life and experience growth. She’s also happy being alone because she can experience new things she wouldn’t have otherwise.


4 – They Draw People to Them Without Trying

A woman who prioritizes herself seems to draw people to her. She won’t try to do it, but she’s confident, and people want to be around her.

5 – They Have a Good Sense of Humor

A woman who values herself and engages in regular self-care might have a good sense of humor. She’s likely fun to be around because she takes the time to relieve stress and find fulfillment. Since she knows everything will be okay and sees the joy in all situations.

6 – They Know Their Purpose

When a woman prioritizes self-care, she likely has a clear life purpose. She knows what it’ll take to live her best life and remains focused on achieving it. You might notice that she plans and prepares to make her dreams happen.

7 – They Are Kind to Others

You’ll notice that women who prioritize themselves are kind to others and treat people respectfully. She’ll exhibit compassion and understanding and isn’t afraid to be sympathetic.

8 – They Deal with Their Emotions

Women who take care of themselves acknowledge and feel their emotions without letting the feelings control their lives. She takes the time to understand how she feels and why it’s occurring. Handling her emotions allows her to control her thoughts and adjust her perspective. Instead of suppressing her feelings, she lets them play out and keeps moving forward.

9 – They are Confident and Have High Self-Esteem

People who spend time taking care of themselves know their worth. It makes them more confident and increases their self-esteem. You’ll notice that her confidence radiates no matter what she’s doing or where she is.

How to Prioritize Self-Care in Your Life

When you haven’t prioritized self-care in the past, you might be confused about knowing where to begin. It requires regular commitment, and you can set aside time daily to make it happen. You can start with ten minutes each day, gradually building up the time as you desire.

Self-care differs for everyone, and what works for others might not work for you. It’s essential to identify what brings fulfillment and meaning to your life. Sometimes it also helps to think about why you haven’t prioritized it so far.

Once you learn what self-care is for you, you can focus your self-care routine on those aspects. Some ideas include the following:

  • exercise daily
  • visit your doctor
  • improve your diet
  • get enough sleep
  • take time to pamper yourself
  • spend time outside
  • find a creative outlet
  • write in a journal
  • talk to a trusted friend or family member
  • read a book
  • watch a funny movie or TV show
  • practice mindfulness meditation
  • volunteer
  • spend time with people you love
  • take a class to learn about something you’re interested in
  • set and enforce boundaries
  • stay hydrated
  • engage in hobbies you enjoy
  • sit in the sunlight
  • practice deep-breathing exercises
  • give yourself a chance to heal
  • cook your favorite meal

mental health

Final Thoughts on Prioritizing Self-care

Smart women know that there’s nothing wrong with prioritizing self-care. She doesn’t care what others think about it because taking care of herself is essential. You can also take on this mindset, improving your overall well-being and bringing meaning to your life.

While it might be hard to find the time to take care of yourself, it’ll make a difference in your life. You won’t regret the time you spend on yourself once you experience the benefits.

Self-care means different things to everyone, and it’s essential to determine what it means to you. Then, you can focus on doing things that’ll bring fulfillment and joy to your life. You’ll find happiness and improved physical and mental health, making it one of the best things you can do for yourself.

A Gifted Man Does These 10 Things Without Trying

What makes the difference between an average versus a gifted man? Is there something supernatural about their superior intellect and talented capabilities? Maybe it’s because they’ve learned how to use their gifts and turn them into expert skills.

Some people go to school for years and still lack basic understanding. On the other hand, some have successful lives without ever walking into a college classroom. It all depends on how they use their knowledge that makes the difference.

Bright guys won’t use their intellect to make others feel inferior. They realize that knowledge is a blessing to be shared by all. The men who understand this truth have real wisdom and know how to use it.

Have you ever wondered why you scored high in high school French but only remembered a few phrases? You may have high grades in foreign languages but lose them if you don’t use them daily. Likewise, men can’t be successful if they don’t apply themselves and be diligent.

NOTE: We acknowledge that gifted women have unique traits and habits and celebrate them in this companion article.

Ten Habits and Behaviors of a Gifted Man


Every brilliant male mind is different, but they still have things in common. They must practice daily to keep their brains sharp and to stay on their destined path. Here are ten things that exceptional men often do without thinking.

1. A Gifted Man Started Their Journey Earlier

Men who are gifted now were probably intelligent as children. According to an article published by Psychological Bulletin, you need the training to become an expert. However, genetic factors also play a role in all proficiency levels, from beginner to expert.

It’s typical for gifted men to reach their infant milestones early. Their parents may report that these guys learned to read and write earlier than their peers. Much of their intellect comes from genetics, and if the parents have higher IQs and are overachievers academically, it’s only natural that it’s passed on to the children.

Ironically, the second generation maybe even more intelligent than their parents. They may graduate from school and college but never stop learning. Their intellectual journey will continue their entire life.

2. Talented Men Ask a Lot of Questions

Have you ever heard the old saying that the only inappropriate question is the one that isn’t asked? Gifted men have lived by this adage since childhood. Their curiosity might have been exhausting for their parents and teachers.

They were never content with “because I said so.” Their hungry brains want reasons and examples. If someone can’t tell them why they’ll keep asking and working until they find the answer. Gifted children often need special classes in school and things like a 504 plan because they become very bored with traditional studies.

Their minds need to be challenged in ways the average student doesn’t require. It’s not uncommon to see behavior difficulties often misdiagnosed as ADHD in childhood, but it has nothing to do with neurological problems.

This attention issue comes from not being challenged and stimulated enough. They aren’t satisfied with the status quo and crave more knowledge. Plus, they make a habit of listening to others with more experience and skills to improve their talents.

3. They Have a Wide Range of Interests

One of the most celebrated minds of the Renaissance is Leonardo da Vinci. Not only was he a master painter, but he became proficient in many other studies, like math and science. Leonardo imagined and sketched 12 inventions that became a reality centuries after he passed.

Your fellow may not be Leonardo da Vinci or Mozart, but their interests are as varied as their talents. Gifted men don’t always concentrate on one specialty. Even if they have mastered one skill, they’ll work to become proficient in others.

4. A Gifted Man Might Have an Unusual Sense of Humor

A guy with the gift of laughter and good humor is indeed blessed. They often have an unusually dry humor that not everybody gets. Their plays on words, puns, and references sometimes aren’t intentional and can have the whole room laughing.

Conversely, men with brilliant talents don’t always understand other people’s humor. Have you ever told your man a joke that you thought was hilarious, and they looked puzzled? Everyone has their brand of humor, and you’ll soon learn how to laugh with each other.

5. They Have Vivid Imaginations

Gifted men learned long ago that imagination is a powerful tool. Where would the world be if it weren’t for the men and women who follow their dreams? Brilliant guys combine visualization, talents, and skills to bring their imagination to life.

They don’t just recognize their dreams and leave them dormant. Instead, they follow their instinct and think of ways to achieve them. You’ll probably notice that they are adamant about making lists and vision boards to stay on track.


6. They’re Often Introverts

Some of the most gifted minds aren’t among the noisy crowd. Instead, you’ll often find them alone, lost in their thoughts. They usually crave solitude to listen to their inner voice and create positive affirmations.

An article published by High Ability explains that although introverts are a minority in society, most are gifted people. At least 75% of individuals with an IQ above 160 are loners. They often go within to discover new ideas and abstract inventions.

These guys aren’t anti-social, as they can be just as warm and friendly as anybody else when necessary. However, they prefer to keep their distance and only be occasional extroverts.

7. Talented Men Are Passionate About Their Ideals

While many aspirational men are usually introverts, they still have a voice and know how to use it. Maybe they have strong feelings about injustice, poverty, or other global issues. They’ll use their passion as an inspiration to make a difference wherever they go.

These men will risk life and limb for what they believe. They’re not worried about being famous or offending others. They’ll use their talents, skills, and hard work to accomplish their ideas.

Consider men like Copernicus, one of the brightest geniuses in history. His elevated intellect and intense studies led him to believe in a heliocentric solar system. According to Britannica, Copernicus’ theory clashed with the scientific and religious views at the time of a geocentric one, where the planets go around the sun.

He was so passionate about his work that he was willing to risk ex-communication, jail, and possible execution for blasphemy. Such passion and direction bring a better understanding of the natural world. People with these abilities will continue to improve science, medicine, and other disciplines.

8. They Have the Mind of an “Old Soul”

Have you ever met a fellow who seems like he just stepped out of a time machine? Their appearance, fashion, and conversation aren’t congruent with the present. Listening to their ideas and dreams is like listening to a person who lived centuries ago. Most of these men will confess they’ve never felt comfortable in their own skin.

9. A Gifted Man Can Turn Adversity into an Advantage

Another habit of gifted men is their persistence and optimism. Consider how easy it would have been for Edison to give up after so many failures. Instead, he kept experimenting until his first light bulb was a success.

Another man of science to consider is Albert Einstein. While developing his theories of light, space, and time, his fellow scientists held him in contempt. According to History, their doubts fueled Einstein’s drive to continue his work and prove his theories.

Brilliant fellows don’t allow failures to stop them from trying. They view failures and adversity as rungs on the ladder of achievement. They usually shy away from pessimists who try to suffocate their positive energy.

10. They Are Highly Intuitive

Women are generally more intuitive than men. A study published by the University of Granada suggests that biology makes women more perceptive and less reflective. However, gifted men are often more sensitive than their average peers and may have stronger emotions.

Instead of conveying what they think, they’ll often go on feelings. They aren’t afraid to take chances and listen to their gut instincts. Not only are they often highly intuitive, but they can also be more empathetic than their friends.


Final Thoughts on Things Gifted Men Do

Since the beginning, men and women have used their natural gifts to improve their lives. Successful men train themselves to believe in their dreams and work hard to achieve them. Their talents and expertise improve their life, and it’s a blessing to others in their community.

Researchers Reveal Ultra-processed Foods May Cause Colorectal Cancer

Ultra-processed food can cause many diseases in the mind and body, including colorectal cancer. Unfortunately, many Americans consume these foods daily since they’re convenient and don’t require preparation. However, they end up paying the ultimate price regarding their health.

The prevalence of prepackaged and instant meals makes it difficult to adhere to healthy eating habits. But researchers from Tufts University and Harvard University hope their findings will encourage Americans to eat more nutritious foods. Their study discovered a strong association between a high intake of ultra-processed foods and heightened colorectal cancer risk.

The research team found that men who frequently consumed heavily processed foods had a 29% higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. However, they didn’t make the same discovery in women. Colorectal cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer in the U.S., partially due to the abundance of processed foods. The findings appeared on August 31, 2022, in the BMJ.

“We started out thinking that colorectal cancer could be the cancer most impacted by diet compared to other cancer types,” said Lu Wang, the study’s lead author and a postdoctoral fellow at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts. “Processed meats, most of which fall into the category of ultra-processed foods, are a strong risk factor for colorectal cancer. Ultra-processed foods are also high in added sugars and low in fiber, which contribute to weight gain and obesity, and obesity is an established risk factor for colorectal cancer.”

The team evaluated responses from over 200,000 participants — 159,907 women and 46,341 men. Data spanned three extensive studies performed over 25 years that analyzed volunteers’ dietary intake. Each participant received a food frequency questionnaire every four years asking how often they consumed nearly 130 foods.

Next, researchers categorized participants’ consumption of ultra-processed foods by lowest to highest intake. Those in the highest quintile had the most significant risk of developing colorectal cancer, especially in the distal colon of men. However, the study did not discover an increased risk of colorectal cancer in women who ate large amounts of processed foods.

How Ultra-processed Food Can Leads to Colorectal Cancer


The analyses discovered that men and women consume ultra-processed food differently, resulting in variations in potential cancer risk. Among the 206,000 volunteers followed for over 25 years, the team recorded 1,294 colorectal cancer cases among men and 1,922 cases in women.

The team discovered the strongest association between colorectal cancer and ultra-processed foods in men came from prepared meat, poultry, and fish.

“These products include some processed meats like sausages, bacon, ham, and fish cakes. This is consistent with our hypothesis,” Wang said.

They also found that a higher intake of sugar, such as from soda, fruity drinks, and milk-based beverages, led to increased colorectal cancer risk in men. However, they determined that some ultra-processed foods aren’t as harmful to health as others.

“We fouud an inverse association between ultra-processed dairy foods like yogurt and colorectal cancer risk among women,” said co-senior author Fang Fang Zhang, a cancer epidemiologist and interim chair of the Division of Nutrition Epidemiology and Data Science at the Friedman School.

The team concluded that ultra-processed foods didn’t impact colorectal cancer risk in women. They believe that the differences in processed food consumption in men and women might explain these results.

“Foods like yogurt can potentially counteract the harmful impacts of other types of ultra-processed foods in women,” Zhang said.

Mingyang Song, the co-senior author of the study and assistant professor of clinical epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, added that “Further research will need to determine whether there is a true sex difference in the associations, or if null findings in women in this study were merely due to chance or some other uncontrolled confounding factors in women that mitigated the association.”

While ultra-processed foods usually point to a poor-quality diet, other factors associated with prepackaged foods may increase cancer risk. For instance, food additives can adversely affect the gut microbiome, leading to chronic inflammation. Also, byproducts from food processing can trigger cancer growth, according to Zhang.

What the Data Revealed About Our Food

Each of the three studies had over a 90% follow-up rate, giving the research team plenty of data to analyze.

“Cancer takes years or even decades to develop, and from our epidemiological studies, we have shown the potential latency effect — it takes years to see an effect for certain exposure on cancer risk,” said Song. “Because of this lengthy process, it’s important to have long-term exposure to data to better evaluate cancer risk.”

The studies included:

  • The Nurses’ Health Study (1986-2014): 121,700 registered female nurses between ages 30 and 55.
  • The Nurses’ Health Study II (1991-2015): 116,429 female nurses between ages 25 and 42.
  • The Health Professional Follow-up Study (1986-2014): 51,529 male health professionals between ages 40 and 75.

After excluding previous colorectal cancer diagnoses or incomplete surveys, the researchers had data from 159,907 women from both NHS studies and 46,341 men. The team accounted for variables such as race, family history of cancer, history of endoscopy, and lifestyle factors. These included smoking status, alcohol consumption, daily calorie intake, frequent aspirin use, and menopausal status.

Zhang added that since these participants worked in healthcare, the findings for this group may differ from the general population. For example, healthcare workers may avoid ultra-processed foods since they witness their effects firsthand.

“But we are comparing within that population those who consume higher amounts versus lower amounts,” Zhang reassured. “So those comparisons are valid.”

ultra-processed food

Study Reveals the Importance of Healthier Eating Habits

It’s no secret that Americans generally eat suboptimal foods, which leads to poorer health. Wang and Zhang published a prior study that revealed an increasing consumption of ultra-processed foods in U.S. children and teenagers. Both studies highlight the reality many people find themselves in today: a reliance on processed foods for convenience or affordability.

“Much of the dependence on these foods can come down to factors like food access and convenience,” said Zhang, a member of the Tufts Institute for Global Obesity Research. “Chemically processing foods can aid in extending shelf life, but many processed foods are less healthy than unprocessed alternatives. We need to make consumers aware of the risks associated with consuming unhealthy foods in quantity and make the healthier options easier to choose instead.”

Wang realizes the challenges of changing dietary habits, especially for those who lack access to nutritious foods. However, he hopes this study will lead to large-scale changes in nutritional guidelines and eating patterns.

“Long-term change will require a multi-step approach,” Wang added. “Researchers continue to examine how nutrition-related policies, dietary recommendations, and recipe and formula changes, coupled with other healthy lifestyle habits, can improve overall health and reduce cancer burden. It will be important for us to continue to study the link between cancer and diet, as well as the potential interventions to improve outcomes.”

ultra-processed food

Final Thoughts on Study Linking Ultra-processed Food to Colorectal Cancer

A new study by Tufts University and Harvard University researchers found a strong link between ultra-processed foods and colorectal cancer. That doesn’t come as a surprise since processing changes the chemical structure of the foods, leading to adverse health effects. The team noted that men are more likely to develop colorectal cancer due to processed food consumption. They hope the study will encourage people to eat healthier foods and avoid prepackaged options.

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