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8 Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue Most People Ignore

Your adrenal glands are small glands that sit on top of your kidneys and produce vital hormones for the regulation of your body. The outer layer of the gland, called the adrenal cortex, produces three types of steroid hormones. It regulates things like blood pressure, electrolyte balance, metabolism and immune system suppression. Additionally, it manages the production of androgens which turn into sex hormones inside the gonads.

In some people (5 out of every 100,00) the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones. This condition is Addison’s Disease. Addison’s can be deadly if not regulated with hormone injections and lead to hypovolemic shock. Tumors on the adrenal gland can also cause dysfunction and the underproduction of key hormones. You may need regulated steroids like steroids canada, which are carefully managed substances used in medical treatments and prescribed by healthcare professionals for specific conditions.

Some people believe that the adrenal glands can under-produce key hormones due to constant stress. They believe that constant arousal of the fight-or-flight response can stress the adrenal glands and cause them to produce slightly fewer amounts of the three hormones the adrenal glands are responsible for. Adrenal insufficiency and “adrenal fatigue” share some similar symptoms.

8 Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue Most People Ignore

adrenal fatigue

1. Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is actually a symptom in a number of diseases and syndromes, from fibromyalgia to depression. When you feel tired, no matter how much sleep you get or restful your time awake is, this is chronic fatigue and can be crippling. If you feel this kind of fatigue, see a doctor immediately.

2. Craving Salt and Sugar

If you crave salt or sugar a lot, you might have adrenal fatigue. Your body is a large bag of salt, water, sugar and a few other chemicals and minerals. When your body is out of balance, it will cause cravings for things like salt or sugar. As an extreme example, a man lost at sea and afloat on a life raft for months found he was craving strange things like the eyes and internal organs of the fish he caught instead of the meat. It was his body trying to replenish key minerals and vitamins that he wasn’t getting from eating the filets. Adrenal insufficiency is an imbalance of your body’s key hormones, and because the adrenal glands manage the body’s metabolism, it could cause intense cravings for salty or sugary foods.

3. Low Blood Pressure and/or Fainting

Since the adrenal glands regulate the body’s blood pressure, an insufficiency of mineralocorticoids could cause a drop in blood pressure, which could cause fainting. Anytime you have ongoing dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting spells that do not go away in a few minutes, you should see your doctor.

4. Unintentional Weight Loss

If you drop more than 5% of your normal body weight within six months, you should see your doctor for a checkup and some blood work. Weight loss is a symptom of a number of diseases and illnesses, including Addison’s disease. So if you drop weight that you didn’t intend to, get a check-up just to be safe.

5. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain that does not go away within a day should be checked out by a doctor, as it can be a symptom of a number of things. It is related to adrenal insufficiency in that the adrenal gland is producing fewer glucocorticoids, which aid in the digestion of food and the conversion of food into energy. If that tummyache stays with you for more than a day, go see a doctor.

6. Body Aches

The adrenal gland produces hormones that help regulate the body’s immune and inflammatory response. If the adrenal gland is producing an insufficient amount of hormones like glucocorticoid, it could lead to an immune response and general inflammation in the muscles and joints, similar to what you feel during the flu.

7. Nausea, Diarrhea, or Vomiting

These symptoms pair with abdominal pain in that glucocorticoids regulate the conversion of food into energy. If your body isn’t getting enough of these hormones, it could cause difficulty digesting food, which could lead to nausea and vomiting or diarrhea. These symptoms could also be associated with many other things, but if they persist for more than a day or two, then go see your doctor immediately, as it may be a sign of something more serious.

8. Irritability or Depression

Since adrenal insufficiency is messing with your hormone levels, it could lead to swings in mood or long-term changes in mood. So, if you feel down all the time (probably from the chronic fatigue and general malaise) or unusually grumpy (because your blood sugar is off and your body hurts), please see a doctor.


Adrenal insufficiency is a real disease with a number of causes and can be fatal if left untreated. While it is very rare, you should definitely get checked out by a doctor if you feel that these symptoms apply to you. Adrenal fatigue is not recognized by any medical association and is not a real disease, but is instead a collection of symptoms. The symptoms are real and should be evaluated by a licensed medical professional who can run some blood tests to rule out Addison’s Disease, as well as a host of other diseases that share some of these common symptoms.

7 Things You Need To Know About A Narcissist

 “Inflated sense of self…”

“excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one’s physical appearance…”

“extreme selfishness…”

“grandiose views of one’s own talents and a craving for admirations…””

“self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects….in either babies or as a feature of mental disorder…”

Congratulations! By reading though these snippets of personality traits attempting to define narcissism, you have a good sense of nearly every affective, narcissistic symptom!

In reality, more narcissists exist than we may believe. Consider this statistic: it is estimated that over 6% of the population suffers from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). It is important to distinguish between traits of narcissism and the actual disorder as defined by mental health experts.

Many people, from time-to-time, may exhibit some type of narcissism. However, constant display of five or more of these behaviors is a strong indication of NPD:

– Frequently showing arrogant attitudes and/or behaviors.

– Consistent displays of envy whilst believing everyone else in envious of them.

– Lack of empathy.

– Using exploitative techniques against others for personal gain.

– Incessant need for attention and/or praise.

– Believes themselves to be in a “higher class,” often only associating with those similar.

– Fantasizes about fame, wealth, beauty, power and success.

– Grandiose beliefs pertaining to self-importance.

– Exaggerates upon their successes and talents.

Now that you’ve got a good understanding of narcissism, here are 7 other things you should know. 

7 Things You Need To Know About Narcissists

1. The causes of narcissism are unknown

Narcissism is considered an enigmatic condition by medical professionals, in that the root cause(s) are unknown. The consensus, if one can indeed call it such, is that narcissism may arise from some combination of environmental and genetic factors. Maladjustment – the inability to “fit in” to traditional social circles – is generally considered to be a contributor, and is often observable from an early age.

2. Narcissists can be nearly undetectable

Many narcissists are clever folk in that they disguise themselves very well. First off, narcissists don’t often exhibit traditional signs of ‘mental illness’ in the traditional sense. In fact, a narcissist may appear to be gregarious, outgoing and charming – all desirable traits to have in a friend or acquaintance. However, it may become apparent that something may appear to be “off” due to their inflated sense of self-importance and an insatiable need for attention. However, a clever narcissist is often quickly able to dispel any notion of emotional or psychological imbalance.

3. Narcissism may be on the rise

According to research, there are increasing numbers of narcissists among us. Social scientists and other experts state that over 9% of 20- to 29-year olds exhibit traits of extreme narcissism, as opposed to just over 3% of people over the age of 65. These disproportionate numbers have led some to conclude that society’s penchant for narcissistic behavior is on the rise. What is to blame for this increasing trend? Some point to our fascination with social media, selfies, and consumerism.

4. Treating narcissism is extremely difficult

Narcissistic disorders cannot be treated in the traditional medical sense. There is no regimen of pills or other scientific means of curing someone of narcissism. To complicate matters, most narcissists do not believe there is anything “wrong” with them. In fact, it’s quite the contrary, actually. Instead, narcissists have an innate sense of superiority. In other words, everyone else is wrong and, quite possibly, jealous. Uh-huh.

5. Narcissists can be found out

While some narcissists can slip by undetected, there indeed are ways of discovering if someone is indeed narcissistic. One way to do this is to simply attempt to have a conversation with them. Narcissists are notorious for attempting to dominate conversation. They love to talk (usually about themselves), but hate to listen; they generally don’t care much for other people’s problems, opinions or observations.

Also, narcissists almost always display some degree of manipulation. They’ll twist words, facts and situations to make themselves appear better to everyone else, often at the expense of others. Additionally, they often won’t follow through the generally-understood social contract: most of us will be accommodating and display some semblance of selflessness, while narcissists almost never display such nobility.

6. Loving a narcissist is very difficult

It goes without saying, but having a narcissist as a family member is extremely difficult on those that unconditionally love and care for the person. Narcissists are very taxing on other people’s emotions, particularly for people that are close to them. As such, it may be wise – in order to save themselves from continual pain – to remain “close yet distant.” This can be extremely hard to do, as narcissists are master manipulators – often playing on others emotions to garner sympathy and support when, in fact, they are not deserving of such.

narcissistic traits

7. Narcissists are people too

The vast majority of people reading this article are kind, selfless and sympathetic to others. We will almost always give people “the benefit of the doubt” and forgive them of their innate flaws. Simply put: we value the sacredness of human life. As such, while it may be tempting to completely disavow a narcissist, it is important to remember that they are human beings as well. Do we need to interact with them? No. Do we need to appease them? Absolutely not. But, at the same time, we can at least “do no harm” while still standing our ground against their attempts at deception.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Signs of Stress Sickness

Stress can come from many different sources and can even be a matter of how we perceive the events that shape our daily lives, but beyond that, it is often a hidden health hazard that can cause stress sickness.

Our immune system kicks into high gear when it senses a ‘threat,’ and it knows there is a threat invading our body by our emotional response to what is happening. If we can control our response to stressful events, we can help ourselves to be healthier.

Your body is sending up smoke signals and telling you to find healthy ways to manage the stress in your life because failing to do so is slowly making you sick. This article will look at the eight often hidden signs of stress and how it can make you sick.

8 Stress Sickeness Is Making You Sick

To prevent yourself from having these stress-related health problems and a lower immune system response when dealing with stress, look for ways to calm down. What works is different for everyone, so that meditation may be your go-to solution, but a vigorous workout with energetic music may work for someone else. Play around with various activities until you feel that ‘ah!’ release that you need to rid yourself of the poison of stress.


1. Your memory is failing you

Stanford researcher and neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky have studied primate brains and the biological responses to stress. He says that stress leads to deterioration of the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is crucial to memory. In an article published in Science, Sapolsky argues that ‘the underlying causal agent may be glucocorticoids secreted in abnormally high amounts under stressful conditions.’

As a result, your brain is slower than usual when processing information when you are under stress. It’s as though stress gives you early signs of dementia, and although these are not permanent, they certainly are hidden signs of stress.

2. Head pain

Headaches are a fairly common sign of stress, but the frequency and severity of your headache pain can be a hidden sign that stress makes you sicker than you know. If you have a headache more often than once every few months and it is not related to drinking too much alcohol, you may be a symptom of handling stress poorly.

3. You have digestive problems

Acid reflux, upset stomach, gas, and bowel disorders are just some of the signs that stress is making your body sick. The cortisol that surges in your body in response to a stressful event is helpful to us if we have to flee from a tiger. Still, it shuts down the digestion of our food so that our body has energy that it might need to fight or run from the imaginary tiger.

When we respond with frustration to a traffic jam, for example, our bodies perceive that we are in a state of heightened emotions, and it diverts energy away from our digestive system as a result.

4. Weight changes

You are happy to be losing weight, but the weird thing is that you haven’t changed your diet or added any cardio exercise, so what’s going on? Your body is responding to stress by revving up your metabolism due to the fight or flight surges of cortisol in your body. If you tend to overeat when stressed, you will see the opposite effect on your weight.

5. Your relationships are suffering

Stress from harmful and unhealthy relationships can lead to health problems, which can make you tend to avoid spending time with the people who create negativity. Researchers studying stress and health symptoms in college students found that ‘Negative social exchange accounted for more variance in physical health symptoms than life-event stress, daily hassles, or social support.’ In other words, even having good, healthy relationships can’t outweigh the effects that a bad relationship can have on your level of stress and your health.

6. Itchy or red skin can come from stress sickness

Your skin can sense specific environmental stressors like toxins, but it also is one of the first organs in your body to show you that you are experiencing hidden stress in your body. Redness, itchiness, bumps, and hives are all signs that you feel like jumping out of your skin. Managing the stress will help the symptoms to clear up.

7. You feel like pulling your hair out, but it’s falling out without you doing anything

Hair loss is another hidden sign that stress is making you sick. We usually lose a small percentage of our hair each time we brush or comb it, but if you notice a larger amount than usual is coming out, it is likely due to stress. Again, your body is shutting down the healthy systems that build new cells, including your hair, to divert energy to battle the pressure or threat that you are dealing with in your life.

8. You quickly get sick

Reduced immunity is a surprising hidden effect of chronic stress. Your body is less effective at fighting off bacteria and viruses because it’s already fighting an internal battle and readying itself for the fight that it thinks is coming because you’ve tricked it into thinking there’s something to be worried about.

9. Cardiac issues

You’ve probably heard that stress can affect your heart, as it has a dramatic impact on your cardiac function. Stress makes the hormone cortisol increase, which can cause your blood pressure to rise and your heart to race.

Prolonged elevated levels of these hormones can cause heart disease, a stroke, or heart attack. If you’re under severe stress and feel a tightness in your chest and your heart is skipping beats, you need to be evaluated.

10. Depression, panic, and anxiety

One of the significant concerns with stress sickness is that it can cause mental health issues. The same elevated levels of cortisol that cause a problem with your heart can also mess with your emotional wellbeing. You may notice that you have less energy to do the things you once loved, and you feel uptight about being in crowds or even leaving your home.

While anyone can feel down in the dumps, depression can easily slip in when your mood stays down for too long. The good news is that there are many effective treatments for depression, anxiety, and panic disorder, and you don’t have to live this way.

11. Muscle and joint pain

Stress causes the muscles and joints to become stiff and tense. The trapezoid is the most impacted muscle when you’re stressed out, and it’s located from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae in your back. It can cause your neck and entire back to have spasms and ache.

If you have an underlying condition like fibromyalgia or arthritis, it can cause these conditions to flare and make your pain levels intolerable. The American Psychological Association states that your muscles will tighten when you’re under stress, but they will relax when the stressors are gone.

Stress can affect you from head to toe, so it’s essential to strive to keep stress sickness at bay so you won’t be miserable each day.

12. Reduced fertility

The CDC defines infertility as anyone who’s tried to conceive unsuccessfully for 12 months or longer. Did you know that stress sickness can impact your ability to have a child? Not only can the increase in cortisol in your body mess with the menstrual cycle, but it can cause a lower sperm count in men.

There are numerous physiological mechanisms at play here, but when the body is in flight or fight mode, it takes away vital nutrients from the non-essential functions. Your body is doing all it can with the increased stress load to keep your heart, lungs, brain, and other vital parts going, so it has fewer resources to assist with things like your fertility.

stress sickness

13. Withdrawal from social interactions

Stress sickness can make you feel like an entirely different person, and doing the things you once loved can be challenging. You may withdraw from social interactions as you don’t feel like getting out and mingling. Isolation is a sign that your mental health is being affected, and it shouldn’t be ignored.

It’s not healthy to stay behind four walls, and if you feel it’s all you can do to take a shower and make it to work each day, you need to find effective ways to reduce your mental load.

14. Your hair turns gray

It might seem far-fetched to think that stress sickness can cause grey hair, but science has shown that it’s possible. It has to do with your sympathetic nervous system, and it’s the one that kicks into high gear when you’re in fight or flight mode. This adrenaline-rushed state has a direct impact on your stem cells.

Now, the stem cells are what help with hair pigment, so it’s possible that your hair can turn gray because of being under too much stress. According to the National Library of Medicine, a study was conducted by Harvard to see if this was all hype. They used mice exposed to different levels of stress, which were mild, short-term, and psychological.

Researchers found that all the mice had hair graying caused by the melanocyte stem cells and their lack of function. They established a definitive link between stress and the graying process. Sadly, once the hair turned gray, altering the cortisol levels in the body and enhanced stem cell nutrients didn’t change the hair back to its original color.

15. Increased sensitivity to pain

When you have increased pain sensitivity, you have a condition called hyperalgesia. The same accident will hurt the person under stress way worse than the person who isn’t in this heightened state. It’s all caused by the nerve pathways in the body, which tend to have an overactive response when in pain.

These “pain” pathways have communication issues under stress, so they experience “crossed wires” in the central nervous system. It can be a significantly painful condition, and while other things can cause it, stress is one known factor.

7 Ways to Reduce Stress Sickness

Life is hectic, so you need to find effective ways to reduce your stress levels to stop it from turning into a full-blown sickness. How often have you heard that you need to reduce your stress, but you’re not sure how to do it? Here are a few simple tricks that you can apply to your life to take control and reduce those cortisol levels.

1. Move your body to offset stress sickness

You can’t fight stress by sitting on the couch and not moving. Your body needs exercise as it helps to get your feel-good chemicals flowing again. Try to get some exercise at least three times a week. You don’t need an intense cardio workout, as walking around the block is helpful. Do what you can do, and soon you will be able to do more and feel better.

2. Change your eating habits

If you want to feel good, you need to fuel your body with the proper nutrition. So many people who start diets like Keto or Paleo start feeling better mentally and physically because it cuts out processed and junk foods. When you’re eating healthy, you will feel better and be better equipped to fight stress.

3. Embrace mindful living

When’s the last time you took a walk in the park or stopped and listened to your child’s laugh? There are so many things each day that you take for granted, and these are the things that make life work. It would help if you had a healthy work-life balance to make time for the things that matter most.

4. Try yoga, meditation, or self-hypnosis

Stress is inevitable in life, but stress sickness occurs when you’re overloaded. You need to find healthy outlets to get rid of all that angst, and yoga, meditation, and self-hypnosis are just a few ways you can do this. You can’t always change your atmosphere, but you can change how you respond.

5. Learn to say “no.”

One of the most significant causes of stress is not knowing how to say no to people. Setting boundaries is essential for your mental and physical health. If you can’t fit one more thing into your day, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and tell people no.

6. Try herbal supplements

Balancing those mental chemicals in your brain can be challenging once they’re off-kilter, but you can look to nature to help in that process. Things like St. John’s Wart are very helpful in combating stress sickness. Other herbs like lavender can help calm you, and bergamot can help reduce the effects of your stress.

7. Try cognitive behavior therapy

CBT is also known as talk therapy, and it’s very beneficial to get what’s on the inside out. It would help if you had a healthy outlet to handle your stress. It would be nice if someone could wave a magic wand and all your troubles go away but learning how to use these healthy outlets can allow you to manage your stress better.

stress sickness

Final Thoughts on Beating Stress Sickness

The key to combating stress sickness is to delve into management techniques. Your long-term mental and physical health is imperative for your overall wellbeing. Sure, you don’t always have time to read a good book, take a three-hour nap, and climb a mountain, but you can make time for yoga, meditation, or spend with your loved ones.

Once your cortisol levels are elevated for long periods, it’s easy to become sick. So, it would help if you focused on ways to reduce these levels so that things can go back to normal. A life stressed and full of anxiety isn’t one that’s beneficial to you or anyone around you, but you do have the power to take control and manage your stress.

11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up

Sometimes in life, we feel like throwing in the towel and burying our heads in a pillow to just forget everything around us. We get tired, discouraged, and exasperated with the state of the world, and we feel like tapping out. We’ve all been there when we feel we just can’t take another step. Remember to allow these emotions to flow through you, but don’t dwell on them. While giving up can seem tempting after going through one bad ordeal after another, you should always try to look on the bright side and pick yourself back up again. When that seems like the toughest thing in the world to do, turn to the following quotes for inspiration.

11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up

1. “Remember that sometimes, not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” – Dalai Lama


We don’t always get what we want, but we get what we need. Remember that the universe wants the best for you at all times, so when it rejects you from something you thought you wanted, it’s actually redirecting you to something even better.

2. The older I get, the more I realize no one has any idea what they are doing and everyone is just pretending.


Don’t take yourself too seriously; even if you mess up dozens of times and feel lost with no direction, we all are right there with you. We simply have to make the best decisions for ourselves in the moment, and not get too caught up in the details. The more you learn to go with the flow, the happier you will feel.

3. “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always become a better version of yourself.” – Madonna


Don’t accept mediocrity, especially from yourself. You might be going through a hard time, but don’t allow yourself to stay there. Usually, when you feel like giving up, you are on the brink of a powerful transformation. Sometimes, it takes losing everything, including yourself, to know what you want in life and regain inspiration to keep going.

4. “Don’t keep allowing the same things to upset you. Life’s too short to live that way.” – Joel Osteen


If something feels wrong in your life, either distance yourself from it or attempt to change it. Mulling over the same thing over and over will only cause unnecessary stress. When you feel like giving up, first look at what you can let go of in your life. Then, once you’ve released the negativity, you will open a new door in order to keep going.

5. I’m actually extremely grateful that some things didn’t work out the way I once wanted them to.


Not everything works out how we plan, but it usually works out in our favor if we choose to look at it that way. Trust the process, and if you feel like giving up, just look back and see how far you’ve come.

6. Start telling the universe what you want instead of what you don’t want.


If you feel like giving up, you probably don’t feel satisfied with your life as it stands. However, evaluate your self-talk and see if it adds to your life, or subtracts from it. You might need to simply change your thoughts and the language you use in order to create a more positive reality.

7. Use your energy to create, not destroy.


We can use our energy to either build ourselves and others up, or tear them down. Choose wisely, because one will catapult you into your destiny, while the other will keep you stagnant and uninspired.

8. Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.


We can’t control the past, present, or future. However, we can control where we choose to keep our mindset, and the only one that will bring us peace is staying in the present.

9. Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys.


If you feel like giving up, just look at what you talk about most frequently. Sometimes, we become our own worst enemy. If you want to rejuvenate yourself and see the glass half-full, start talking about what excites you and energizes you.

10. Never give up on something you really want; it is difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.


Bottom line: never give up on you. At the end of the day, you’re all you’ve got, and you matter. Follow your dreams, create your own bliss, and never stop working on yourself. The path is challenging, but the rewards are great if you stick with it!

Related article: 11 Quotes to Remember When You’re Having a Life Crisis

11. Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.


This negativity can come from anywhere, but usually, it comes from within us. Once you work on keeping positive thoughts and positive people in your life, you can only go up from there.

10 Common Health Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore

All of us experience minor changes in our bodies every week, whether it is feeling bloated from too much food or feeling fatigued from a hectic and stressful week. All women are different, responding to stress and illness in different ways and intensities. Your body changes daily and weekly in minor ways. But some symptoms should not be ignored or blown off as unimportant.

Here are 10 common health symptoms women should never ignore:

get healthy

1. Changes in Your Breasts

While breasts change from month to month and are as unique as the person’s, any change that persists should be checked out by a doctor. Lumps, a change in mass or a rash that sticks around for more than a day should cause you concern.

2. Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

Unexpected bleeding, especially if accompanied by pain during sex, could be a sign of cervical cancer. If your menstrual period is unusually heavy, comes more often than every three weeks, or you experience spotting in between cycles, then please see your gynecologist.

3. Sudden Weight Gain

If you experience weight gain or bloating for longer than a day or two, it could be a sign of ovarian cancer and should be checked out immediately. More generalized weight gain combined with swelling in the feet and legs could indicate a more serious heart condition like congestive heart failure, which is a condition where your heart is having trouble pumping blood to the rest of your body. Hence, the fluid builds up in the extremities.

4. Sudden Intense Headache

We all get headaches, but when a headaches is sudden and severe, so severe, in fact, it is unlike anything you have ever felt, then it could be the sign of an aneurysm or a burst blood vessel in the brain. This happens to about 5 percent of the population, and most are painless. But, if the aneurysm bursts, the blood flows into the surrounding brain tissue and causes a sudden and severe headache that can be life-threatening and, at the very least, cause brain damage. Call 911 immediately.

5. Abdominal Pain in Women

Abdominal pain could be, and usually is, just gas or something we ate that’s disagreeing with us. But, intense and sudden pain can be a a number of very serious conditions ranging from an aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis, an ulcer on the abdominal lining or appendicitis. When in doubt, get it checked out.

6. Bloody or Black Stool

Bright red blood in your stool could indicate bleeding in your colon or hemorrhoids. Black stool indicates bleeding closer to your stomach and can be anything from a bleeding ulcer to stomach or intestinal cancer. If there is blood in your stool, ask your doctor to check it out. Most cancers are very treatable if caught early.

7. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath with no accompanying reason that gets worse with mild exertion or when you lie down could be signs of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or a Pulmonary Embolism, a blood clot that has lodged in the blood vessels of your lungs. Both are serious medical conditions and should be checked out by a doctor immediately.

8. Sudden Weight Loss

If you lose more than five percent of your body weight in less than six months without trying to, it could be an indication of cancer since many cancers cause unexpected weight loss. Other things it could be range from depression to diabetes to endocrine system disorders. Again, when in doubt, get a checkup.

9. Leg Pain with Swelling

Pain and swelling in one leg could indicate a DVT, or deep vein thrombosis. That condition is a blood clot lodged in a vein in your leg. If the swelling is in both legs and persistent, it could indicate heart failure where your heart is having trouble pumping blood and the fluid backs up in your legs. Either way, get your legs checked out by a doctor.

women health

10. Women and Chest Pain

A little discomfort after a meal could be gas. But persistent crushing pain in your chest could be an early sign of a heart attack. If the chest pain is accompanied by numbness in your arm, nausea, profuse sweating, or difficulty breathing, then call 911 or get to a hospital quickly.

The bottom line is that if you experience a change in your body that cannot be explained, persists for more than a day or two, or causes sudden and intense pain, get to your doctor quickly. It may be nothing, but then again, it may save your life.

The 8 Stages Of A Twin Flame Relationship

When you meet your twin flame, you know it. The universe opens up, and things start to conspire in your favor. You get to witness the intense acceptance of who you are through the images. Twin flames do not have to be identical in every aspect. They get to fulfill each other in the areas that have been asleep. This person “sees” your essence. A twin flame relationship is a genuine acknowledgment of heart and soul. There isn’t a desire to fix anyone. There isn’t the criticism or judgment that arrives in relationships when two people are afraid to see the incompatibility.

8 Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship

Here are eight stages of a twin flame relationship:

1. The myth of “The One” becomes real.

From childhood, we have been ingrained that there is one person out there that will find us and make us happy. But, you have endured chaotic, unreliable, and challenging love in your life. You believe that the stories you’ve heard are fictional and disappointing. When you meet your twin flame, that entire mentality and belief system disappears. You begin to understand and accept that “The One” has been searching for you as intensely as you have them. You cannot believe that this is real. But, you give in to the possibility. And if you do, this person helps you regain a love for life that you believed could never exist.


2. You recognize the reason for their existence.

When you start to accept that this person has undergone similar experiences, it becomes clear that you had to reach this point in your life to accept this kind of relationship. Twin flames enter our lives at the precise moment that we require to learn something incredible about ourselves. A twin flame often comes into your life when you are in another committed relationship. You may be married, engaged, or dealing with the loss of your mate. This person shows up with incredible wisdom that you need to hear to move on. And it is then that you also realize that if this person had come into your life earlier, you would have taken the experience for granted.

3. You fall in love.

There is a difference between loving someone and genuinely falling in love with them. We love our parents, friends, family members, and other past lovers. When you meet your twin flame, those forms of love cannot measure up to the intensity and passion of your other half. You do not have to force the love or try to make sense of it. Your heart knows something that your mind cannot analytically put together for the first time. Falling in love is the easiest thing in the world. It becomes the most natural substance of the union. Twin flames aren’t blinded by reality because they are their world. Illusions fall short of this fire. This is the phase of pure ecstasy because you allow the heart to do what it is there to do: love unconditionally.

4. You begin to see all aspects of yourself.

Every relationship teaches something valuable about the self. Once the initial passion starts to stabilize and the daily routine takes over, you begin to witness the many aspects of yourself. Twin flames not only have the same magical and beautiful dispositions, but they also mirror the dark parts of our souls. In this space, we must learn to heal, forgive, and partake in accepting all aspects of the self. It is always easy to live in the light of all goodness, but we are made in duality: dark vs. morning, good vs. evil, and so on. These are the moments that we must be mature to understand that there is always soul work to be done in this human experience. This person will heighten all facets of ourselves.

5. You want to run away.

The depth and dimension of this love affair are sometimes too much for someone to handle. You recognize parts of yourself that you aren’t willing to look at. In those moments, you start to put on your running shoes. The first few stages of twin flames relationships often look like the coyote and roadrunner. You can’t help but chase after each other in circles. In these times, you get to witness all the similarities in each other. Fear and anxiety become the judging mates for egotistical decisions. Are you willing to continue?

6. You surrender.

All that running away and running around gets exhausting. You wear each other out. In this stage, you know that this is going to take some adjusting. You and your twin flame are willing to enter this experiment of cosmic challenges. You recognize that there is work to be done, and you can accomplish it together. Once you set ego aside, you feel the love and fear dissolve. This is when you start to understand the soul contract created many lifetimes ago. This is the phase when you both can find peace in the union.

7. You challenge each other.

The moment you surrender without fear of this person taking off, it is easier to settle into a healthy relationship. Twin flames have the most vital ability to make each other succeed. They are each others’ cheerleaders, coaches, and audience. Your twin will pull and push you with love and encouragement beyond any other relationship in your life. They will not stand in your way while you follow your purpose. Sometimes twin flames separate for just a bit during this transition as they find grounding in their own lives. But, out of mutual love and respect, they return with power and ambition to run side by side on this life journey.

8. You become one.

Once the ego is no longer dictating the partnership, the heart mends and becomes one. You and your twin flame become a powerhouse of love, empathy, and compassion for each other. And this is contagious for everyone around you. You are the epitome of true unconditional love. Fear is no longer a valuable commodity. You have both worked through heartache. The mirror lives from past experiences have served as a union for this exact moment when you accept this type of love. Twin flames recognize each others’ vibration and frequency. They become one in rhythm. The oneness of their coupling isn’t only through the death of egotistical beliefs. It’s in letting go that the heart recognizes why you need one another. You are here to make a difference in your lives.

identical twins

How to Find Your Twin Flame

Although you feel complete in yourself, do you still long for a romantic relationship? It’s a basic human need that can bring you even more joy and satisfaction in your life. If you believe that you have a twin flame, here are 12 ways to get your star’s paths to cross.

1. Be the Best You Possible

If you don’t love the person you see in the mirror, how can you expect others to love you? It’s imperative to remember to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re perfect and have no room for improvement.

You learn how to be comfortable in your skin and shine as an individual. Self-confidence is a desirable attribute. Be genuine and honest with a potential twin flame because nobody likes a fake. The right person will fall in love and accept you exactly as you are.

2. Know What You Want in a Relationship

The only way you know if you’re in a destined relationship is if you know what that means for you. Not everyone has the exact definition and expectations, so take time to ponder yours. How will you know when you’ve met your soulmate?

What are the qualifications for your ideal mate? Is it outgoing and adventurous or a person who flies under the radar? Do you want someone with a similar background or a mate with an entirely different perspective?

3. Define Your Life Goals

In a serious relationship, you’ll be discussing your future as a couple. When you have these conversations, notice how it changes from “I and You” to “We, Us, and Ours.” The best way to build a future together is to know your life goals beforehand.

Perhaps one or both of you want to further your education or career. Maybe you’ll need to relocate to another city or state to do it. Do you plan on being just a darling duo for life, or have you always dreamed of having children?

These are goals and dreams you may have had for years. If you’re with someone whose goals are opposite, it doesn’t make for a fulfilling relationship. Although there’s always room for compromise, being in a committed relationship doesn’t include discarding your dreams.

4. Know Your Values and Boundaries

Other essential standards for finding your life flame are values and boundaries. Not everyone comes from the same ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds. Even people with similar upbringings may not always share the same values and boundaries.

In any relationship, you must create mutual limitations. An article published by Vanderbilt University states that an effective boundary is strong enough to protect you. However, it needs to be flexible enough for you to connect with others.

These are conversations to have early in a budding relationship. Both of you may need to compromise on certain traditions and preferences. However, values and boundaries that are non-negotiable need to be discussed upfront.

5. Do What You Love

Life is too short to waste on doing things that don’t make you a better person or bring you joy. Of course, everyone has daily chores and things at home and work that are drudgery. These menial tasks can’t be ignored just because they’re not fun.

Considering the bigger picture, are you working toward your life’s goals, or are you stuck in a dead-end situation? You owe yourself to live up to what you’ve always dreamed of. You may attract your soulmate without even trying when you’re getting the most out of life.

6. Test the Waters of Love

If you’re a classic poetry fan, you’ve probably memorized the immortal love advice from Alfred Lord Tennyson. He declared that it’s better for you to lose at love than never to love. In other words, you’ll never know until you try.

It’s natural to be reluctant to make your heart vulnerable for fear of being hurt. However, many times taking risks is worth it. You may kiss a few frogs before you find that royal love who’s your twin flame.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Try New Experiences

If Picasso were content to bend to traditional definitions of art, would he have ever created his masterpieces? Most people like to “play it safe” and color within the conventional lines. Don’t let fear and self-doubt stand in your way of love and a fulfilling life.

When you take a step of faith and try new things, you may be delightfully surprised. For example, maybe you’ve always wanted to go to culinary school but are afraid of failing. Learning new skills and talents can change your life dramatically and may lead you to your soulmate.

8. Write Down the Qualities of your Ideal Partner

If you met your destined love as a stranger on the street, how would you know they’re the one? What are the qualities and characteristics of the person with whom you want to spend forever? Perhaps writing a list can bring more clarification for you on your twin flame.

Of course, some things physically attract you to others. However, what values and character traits attract you to them mentally and spiritually? A relationship may start with an infatuation with outer beauty, but inner beauty will sustain it.

9. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

What are some of the vital qualities you offer in a romantic relationship? Are you loving, kind, loyal, compassionate, and have a good sense of humor? These are the excellent qualities that someone may be searching for, too.

You also have to be honest with yourself and acknowledge your weaknesses. Nobody is perfect, and maybe there are shortcomings you’re trying to improve. It helps to know yourself before you get to know someone else.

10. Use Good Communication

A wise person once remarked that you should listen twice as much as you speak since you have two ears and one mouth. Communication is the life’s breath of any relationship. How would you know what the other is feeling and thinking unless you have honest discussions?

According to an article published by the University of Minnesota, good communication skills are the key. Genuineness, active listening, building trust, being vulnerable, and managing conflict are all part of your conversations. The more you communicate with each other. The more meaningful your relationship can be.

11. Be Patient

With modern technology, goods and services are at your fingertips. Press a button or say a command, and you get instant gratification. Unfortunately, such a “drive-thru” lifestyle isn’t conducive to building patience because nobody wants to wait.

If you’re searching for your life’s partner, you could be running out of patience. You want everything to happen magically as it does in the movies. However, this is reality, and sometimes your moment will occur when you least expect it.

12. Don’t Lose Your Individuality

A line in the traditional marriage vows declares that the couple is now “one flesh.” While it makes a lovely sentiment, this imagery can be misleading. Yes, you and your twin flame “complement” each other, but you’re both “complete” in and of yourselves.

While you do many things together, you can still enjoy some of your hobbies and interests. It gives you both some new and exciting things to discuss. You both must practice self-care to take better care of each other.

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Final Thoughts on Twin Flame Relationships

Some personal relationships can be so intense that the partners are like mirror images. While it’s beautiful to fall in love and form a committed relationship, you’re still individuals. Respecting each other’s singular gifts and abilities can create a lasting bond and mutually fulfilling lives.

Twin flames are miraculous in finding one another. They have learned to follow synchronicity, intuitive whispers, and the wisdom of divine guidance. Unlike soul mates, twin flames can lovingly stay and enhance the soul’s purpose. They are the reason we believe in fairytales.

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