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5 Signs Someone Has PTSD

Returning soldiers are not the only people suffering from the signs of PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Millions of other people in the world have experienced what anyone would call a traumatic event. These traumatic events can include rape, witnessing a violent crime, a horrific car accident, abuse in childhood. They also include a mass casualty event or even the threat of violence from someone can leave lasting impressions that affect our brain functioning.

In this article, we will look at the common signs of PTSD, how the brain is actually changed with PTSD, and what you can do to help heal from the past trauma.

5 Signs Someone

Many people experience common symptoms of anxiety, but post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is entirely different because of the initiating event that triggers these physical, mental, and emotional signs. Read on for the signs of PTSD and what you can do about these troubling and disruptive symptoms.


1. Trouble remembering things that were just learned

Problems with short-term memory, or working memory, is a sign of having PTSD. In the brain, new memories are held until they can be processed during sleep at night, but for someone who is experiencing the symptoms of PTSD, they have a brain malfunction when it comes to remembering recent information.

For example, if someone gives you an address, but you can’t write it down right away, you forget the number almost immediately.

Researchers at the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at the Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia say:

‘Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is characterized by symptoms of hyperarousal, avoidance and intrusive trauma-related memories and deficits in everyday memory and attention. Separate studies in PTSD have found abnormalities in electroencephalogram EEG, in event-related potential (ERP) and behavioral measures of working memory and attention.’ They studied the areas of the brain that differ between a normal brain and a PTSD brain and found that ‘The PTSD group showed signs of altered cortical arousal as indexed by reduced alpha power and an increased theta/alpha ratio, and clinical and physiological measures of arousal were found to be related.’

2. Difficulty paying attention

If you are suffering from PTSD, you may notice that you are easily distracted by noises, lights, music, voices, or other external stimuli. This level of distractedness makes it difficult to focus unless you are able to eliminate most of the distractions. Not being able to pay attention can affect your performance at work or with leisure activities like reading.

3. Fears that lead to avoiding sleep and public places

Avoiding places or people due to your fears is a sign of PTSD. For example, avoiding crowds or places that are noisy is a sign that you associate these places with the traumatic event that brought on the PTSD symptoms. Any environment that resembles the place where the initial trauma took place can trigger severe feelings of anxiety, fear, aggression, panic, sadness, or anger in the person who is experiencing PTSD.

Insomnia is also a sign of those with PTSD. That’s because they are avoiding sleep for fear of having dreams or memories of the trauma that might intrude in their mind as they start to drift off to sleep. Sleep is normally a time for our brains to process information received during the day and form memories, but often people with PTSD experience violent or frightening dreams so they fear sleep.


4. Unstable emotions

Anger, sadness, stress, and a sense of hopelessness are the negative emotions that someone with PTSD can find themselves rapidly shifting though. Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health looked at the moods of children who had suffered abuse and found a wide range of psychological symptoms and mood problems that were related to PTSD. Depression, anxiety, behavioral problems in school, substance abuse later in adulthood, and susceptibility to rape were all risk factors for those who had experienced a traumatic event early in life.

Researchers also say that PTSD caused changes in the brains of those who were affected in the following ways: ‘abused children with PTSD symptoms had smaller total brain and corpus collosum volumes and lower IQs than carefully matched controls, and that these differences were correlated with younger age of abuse onset and longer duration of PTSD symptoms.’

5. Negative thoughts toward yourself and others

Self-directed abusive behavior is a common sign of PTSD, and those who have experienced trauma may engage in high-risk behavior or physically hurt themselves. People with PTSD may also lash out at others that may be similar in appearance or personality to the person who caused the initial trauma for them. However, they may not realize that this is the reason they are acting out.

6 Hidden Signs You’re Getting Sick From Your Food

The food we eat can either poison us or give us life, and we each make the choice every day as to how we want our bodies to feel. In general, whole, raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, will give us the most energy, while processed, refined foods and meat and dairy products will make us sluggish. Unfortunately, many people don’t make the connection between how they eat and how they feel, and that may explain why we have so many food-related illnesses and diseases today. If you have been feeling less than optimal lately, you might want to turn to what you put in your mouth for the answers.

Here are 6 hidden signs you’re getting sick from your food:


1. You have no appetite

Surprisingly, many people actually skip breakfast in the mornings due to being strained for time, and usually end up eating highly processed foods that they can get quickly and easily. In fact, according to a survey done by The NPD Group, a marketing research company, 31 million Americans skip breakfast every single day. 

Skipping meals leads to bingeing later in the day, as your body will want a quick source of calories to make up for the food you didn’t eat earlier. Snack foods, such as cookies and chips, have a high amount of calories, but very little nutrition. In addition to reaching for unhealthy foods, skipping meals will also lead to a huge drop in energy, as your body requires a certain amount of calories to function properly. If you don’t feel hungry at mealtimes, specifically breakfast, you might not be burning enough calories during the day.

In order to maintain energy levels and blood sugar, as well as keep a clear mind, try to eat small meals throughout the day so that you won’t end up eating unhealthy snacks for a quick energy boost.

2. You have high blood pressure

Eating the wrong foods can cause a spike in blood pressure, which can lead to other problems like heart disease or stroke. Eating certain foods, like meat and dairy products, can clog our arteries and send our blood pressure soaring. You can also get high blood pressure from eating too much salt, sugar, or highly processed foods.

Make sure to keep your diet fairly alkaline, meaning you eat lots of fresh fruits, veggies and starches in order to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.

3. You have high blood sugar

Sugar in the right form does a body good, but unfortunately, most people eat sugar from all the wrong sources. Processed sugar does absolutely nothing productive for the body, as it spikes your blood sugar and makes your liver work extremely hard to process these empty calories. We’ve all heard of the term “sugar rush,” which most people get after eating large amounts of sugar, but just like coffee, your energy levels drop off fairly quickly. The increase in energy is due to your insulin levels spiking, but once your liver processes the sugar, you won’t have any energy left.

Much research has been done on the health risks of eating processed sugar, and some studies have found it to increase the chances of getting heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer.

If you have sugar cravings, try to eat fresh fruits instead of the processed foods with added sugar; your body will deal with this sugar much better since it will have fiber to help digest it properly.

Related: The major signs and symptoms of high blood pressure to look out for

4. You avoid certain foods

Contrary to what the media likes to tell us, we absolutely need carbs in order to sustain ourselves. Without carbs, we wouldn’t have the energy we need to make it through each day. However, like with sugar, you need to go to the right carbohydrate sources. Many people think of carbs as sugary cereals, cakes, and breads that don’t give the body the right nutrients, but if you eat carbs from whole foods, such as fruits, starches, and vegetables, you will get the exact nutrition you need.

Make sure you go to whole foods first for nutrition, as opposed to the processed, refined foods.

Related article: 5 Nutrient Deficiencies That Make You Overeat

5. You feel tired frequently

If you feel tired more often than not, that probably means that you don’t eat the correct foods, or enough of them. Our foods can either energize us or deplete our energy, and we choose each day what we want to feel like. Feeling tired may mean many different things, but if you don’t eat correctly, your foods can literally drain the life out of you.

Make sure you eat enough throughout the day, and opt for as much fresh food as you can get.

6. You don’t have energy

Our foods should give us enough energy that we actually WANT to get up and move our bodies. If you don’t feel energized from your foods, you will want to just sit around and not expend any energy. However, by eating foods full of life, you will have so much energy that your body will almost force you to get up and move. Not exercising usually means you aren’t fueling your body with the right nutrients, as we are wired to move our bodies naturally.

Many people don’t enjoy exercise, and if you’re one of them, just make sure to eat plenty of nutritious foods. This way, you’ll actually want to get up and move your body, despite how you might feel about certain exercises.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

3 Signs You May Be Pushing “The One” Away

We meet people for various reasons: to be accepted, loved, or acknowledged. Sometimes, these folks come into our lives as friends, while other times they appear through an intense love affair that leaves us exhausted. Attraction determines if this person serves as a mate or only as a friend. Unfortunately, in our own expectation of what we want in a mate, we might discriminate and reject “The One” from actually being in our lives. “The One” might just be right under your nose and you don’t even know it.

You might be acting out and pulling away from your true love for various reasons.

Here are three signs that you may be pushing “The One” away:

the one

1. “The One” is not packaged how you imagine.

From the time we are very young, our social class conditions us. We learn from our family, the media, and the world who we must love. Every race, culture and religion instill their agenda. You might have met your perfect mate, but due to your beliefs, this person has not packaged the way you have been taught to accept as a partner. This person might not have the class or social status acceptable in her upbringing. Or, you may have high expectations of what he/she should make in material wealth and ambition. You might be looking at this person from a different angle and not allowing their love to be part of your life.

Imagine, if you will, the ability to surpass all programming and allow yourself the chance to put down biased beliefs. The One might just be in your life as a friend or co-worker. This person is probably the one who listens to you at all hours. He or she is the person you cry when you are hurt. This person helps put perspective into your daily life. Sometimes, the closest person or acquaintance has been put in the “friend zone,” and you are blinded by your childhood dreams of another “type” of person.

2. You are fearful of getting hurt.

Maybe you had some serious heartbreak in the past. You don’t even want to entertain the notion of falling in love. It was hard enough to survive and get to a healthy place. “The One” might be right there by you, but you won’t put your guard down long enough to experience it. He or she might be that one person who makes you laugh, brings joy, and understands your dreams. This person also knows the boundaries of your heart and will not try to push on the idea of being more than what they are in your life right now.


Sometimes, we are oblivious to our surroundings because we’ve been hurt. Out of survival, we move through life with blinders on and cannot see what is perfectly in front of us. But, if you were to see how this person cares about you, then you might just allow the safety of this union to become something more. This person might just be the greatest love of your life. Do not allow your past baggage to cloud the present. You might be letting the most amazing, healing and learning experience pass on by because you cannot find closure with your past heartache.

3. You truly don’t know what you want.

Perhaps might have a list of what you want in a partner. You might have the color of hair and eyes, the perfect height, and how they dress on that list. But, somehow you don’t really know what you want because you haven’t been clear with yourself.

No other person can fulfill what you are missing in you. There might have been instances that you have met someone, and you can’t entertain that person because you truly cannot see beyond your own issues. A new love might enhance parts of your dark soul, but you refuse to accept it. This person might also be giving you worth, but you have a low self-esteem and cannot accept them.

What an expert says:

In an article by Stef Daniel on, he writes on why people push away from the ones they love:

“From a psychological standpoint, pushing away the people you love the most is a very basic and common defense mechanism. As the relationship develops, people become inundated with their own fears and insecurities that they will not be accepted and therefore hurt by their loved one. So the cunning, and self-deprecating thing to do is to hurt them before they hurt you.

Rather than allow them to see your faults, or for you to feel exposed – you begin ‘exposing’ theirs. Unfortunately, as you do this, you slowly but surely begin to throw roadblocks into the relationship and open the door for feelings of resentment and unhappiness.”

Familiarity often clouds our judgment. It’s hard to leave our comfort zone of what we already know. This person might be lingering around you and you feel less worthy to have them than the reality. Your own issues will not allow the approach to happen. To be in any kind of loving relationship, we must make peace with our authentic self. Therefore, we must love all parts of who we are and what we are. It is then that we can attract that which we desire. How can we attract “The One” when we don’t know we are also “The One” for them?

positive quotes

Final Thoughts: Embrace The One You Love and Stop Pushing Away

The best love stories are the ones that are felt inside the heart’s lining. They break all barriers, all obstacles and catapult us into greatness. We dismiss these love stories out of fear, misconception, and past pain. Permit yourself to accept what’s not in the “perfect package,” and move beyond the myths from childhood. Your true love is waiting.

“We have to allow ourselves to be loved by the people who really love us, the people who really matter. Too much of the time, we are blinded by our own pursuits of people to love us, people that don’t even matter, while all that time we waste and the people who do love us have to stand on the sidewalk and watch us beg in the streets! It’s time to put an end to this. It’s time for us to let ourselves be loved.” ~ C. JoyBell C.

11 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

A soul family member is a rare find indeed. Once you connect with them, you feel something uniquely special that you want to hang on to forever. You may feel a sense of connection to a soul family member. In fact, they seem comfortable and familiar to you. People believe that soul family members are souls that have a similar soul energy vibration and that they can sense this.

Being drawn to another person for no reason is usually a sign of a soul family member. Sometimes you can sense positive energy radiating from them. It pulls you to the, but you can’t explain why. Let’s look at some of the other signs that you’ve met someone from your soul family.

11 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

1. With someone from your soul family, you feel understood

‘Seek first to understand, then to be understood.’ – Stephen R. Covey

Feeling as if you are completely understood by another person is an excellent sign that you’ve met someone from your soul family because it is such a rare feeling. We experience communication problems frequently, and a good listener is hard to find. A soul family member is an excellent listener and they ask questions to fully understand your emotions, thoughts, and beliefs about a topic.


2. You feel excited to see them again, always

You might have just stepped out of the shower and look like a drowned rat. But when someone from your soul family shows up unannounced, you welcome them in and give them a wet hug anyway.

3. You have tremendous patience for your soul family

Other people might aggravate you, but not your soul family member. You can look at their annoying behavior and see that they do not act out of negative intentions, but out of their own frustrations. Once you can see this, you feel empathy for them and even a sense of urgency to help them eliminate the frustrating parts of their life.

4. You wish you could marry them

Whether or not you find them attractive, whether or not they are even the right gender for your romantic preferences, you wish that they were so you could be connected to them forever.

A joint research study by the College of William and Mary and New Mexico State University looked at opposite sex friendships and the misperceptions about them. They found that when participants were asked to estimate their opposite sex friend’s level of sexual and romantic interest in them that women underestimated the level of interest in them by their male friends and that the opposite was true for men.

5. You can unburden yourself with your soul family

A soul family member is not in your life for personal gain or to dump all of their troubles on you. In fact, you will feel quite the opposite, you feel able to unburden yourself due to their careful prompting and the gentle questions that they ask that allow you to feel comfortable opening up.

6. You feel like you’ve known them your whole life

You have each shared so much of your lives with each other that a soul family member could tell a stranger the details of your childhood like they knew you then, even if they didn’t.

7. You loose track of time when you are with your soul family

You could talk for six hours and not be a bit surprised about how much time has passed. That’s because time seems not to exist while you are with your soul family member.

8. They empower you to be your best self

A soul family member is not only cheering you on, but they help you to reach your highest potential. They challenge your old beliefs, question you on what is holding you back, and push you to achieve your goals and find fulfillment.

9. Your soul family is wise beyond their years

Related article: 10 Signs You’ve Met An Old Soul

You’ve met someone from your soul family if you feel that they are an ancient wise one who you might find at the top of a mountain in the Himalayas. This wise person is like a guidepost on your path of enlightenment and you are surprised at the wisdom that comes from their mind to yours.

10. You may have just seen each other but you can have a conversation like you’ve spent months apart

Researchers looked at the strength of same sex friendships for men as compared to women and sought to understand the common belief that friendships between women are not as strong as the bond that is formed between male friends. The researchers concluded that the nature and strength of friendships was no different for men and women, especially when they were long-duration connections. These long-term friendships can be thought of as your soul family.

Related article: 11 Touching Stories That Prove Love Can Last Forever

11. Your soul family gives you a broader perspective

You feel like you have taken a step back and can evaluate the path that your life is on with a totally fresh set of eyes when you have talked it over with your soul family.

The 10 Most Important Things Parents Can Do to Raise Confident Kids

As parents, our main goals include the health and welfare of our children. We strive to make sure they have a healthy amount of self-esteem, happiness, security, and love. But we should also strive to rear confident children.

It takes a village to raise a child. It’s not just the parent, but the entire world, consisting of teachers, friends, and strangers. Psychologist and author of 15 parenting books, Carl Pickhardt, says that “A kid who lacks confidence will be reluctant to try new or challenging things because they’re scared of failing or disappointing others.” Anything we teach our children must start with us. If we want to provide a healthy dosage of confidence, then we as parents must also learn to have self-confidence. We cannot give what we don’t have.

Here are ten things that parents do to raise confident children:

confident children

1. Acknowledge the effort they put into everything.

It’s important to recognize the things children do and encourage them to keep going. Even when something is not finished, allowing them to know it’s not a failure, but a chance to do things differently gives them the self-esteem and confidence needed to dismiss failing. Teach your child that failure is not negative. Failure is the ability to do something in a different manner in order to achieve a goal. Allow for them to express their frustration, but continue encouraging them to keep trying out different ways. For example, if they aren’t good at one sport, and they are frustrated, then try and find another sport for them.

2. Allow them to solve problems on their own.

As parents, we don’t want our children to struggle. But, it’s important to teach them how to problem solve and find answers to their own issues. They can ask for help, but ultimately it lies with them to figure out the best possible solution to their challenge, event, or work. Share with your child the things you know, and how you have solved those problems. In witnessing and hearing examples, they can determine the best course of action for themselves. Give them credit for tenacity and perseverance.

3. Endorse and support curiosity.

Parents who play with their children create a bond of love and respect. Allowing your child to explore the world around them is a gift to the soul. We live in times of push-button results. Technology is wonderful, but many children do not explore the natural world outdoors. It’s important to venture out of the comfort zone and show your child more than what can be easily found in a computer. Implement the desire to ask questions, to use the imagination, and find new ways of doing things. Author, E.E. Cummings, wrote, “Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”

4. Teach your child the foundation for success.

Success is founded by the trials and errors of challenges. It’s vital to teach your child that he or she can work hard and have success. It’s also important to reward them when they accomplish things in school or at home. Their self-confidence increases to higher levels when they know that their parents are in full support of what they do. Raising a confident child with healthy self-worth means being realistic and understanding their strengths and weaknesses. They have to learn that not everything comes out great at all times, but in trying and persevering, they can reach any goal they want. They might not be good at one thing, but they can continue looking for other ways.

5. Participate in your child’s education.

It’s not just a matter of being in contact with teachers; children need to know that their parents are fully invested in their education. A child who knows that his parents are part of his education tends to work harder. Positive reinforcement comes when parents have study and reading time together. Helping them learn also becomes a time to spend together as a family. Children need discipline and routine. They need to know and feel that their parents care about their education and their future. They need to be rewarded for good grades. It’s important that they understand that “working” in their homework is like working in an office some day.

poor nutrition

6. Give your child responsibilities that will make them feel more confident.

Children need chores. They need to know that when they clean their rooms or cut the grass, they feel good about themselves. Providing responsibilities for your child increases their worth. They know if they do these things, they get rewarded. And, it’s not about monetary payments. It’s about showing them that they need to care for their things. They need to cherish what they have, and home is the first place to start. It’s vital to discipline in order to raise a confident child. They will be exposed to positive and negative influences. Giving them responsibilities and having them follow-through is a way of exposing them to accountability.

7. Help your child share his or her feelings.

It’s pivotal, as parents, to allow your child to show their feelings. If they are crying, telling them to stop adds anxiety and stress. Honor your child’s emotions, especially when they are trying to express them in a healthy manner with you. We all want to be heard. We all want to know that we matter. When a child feels hurt, we have an opportunity to show them that it’s okay and talk through it. It’s in those moments of verbalizing that confidence is created. We want them to verbalize and express the deepest parts of themselves. This is healthy.

8. Recognize and praise your child for any struggles and adversities.

Maureen D. Healy shares her findings on PsychologyToday: 

“Praise your child and not necessarily what they do. A common mistake in parenting is to solely focus on what your child does (i.e. plays violin, gets good grades) versus who your child is in this moment. Children grow confidence from feeling good about who they are on the inside and trusting whoever they are is good, capable, smart and able to face whatever life presents them (i.e. a bully or a best friend).”

Failure teaches adversities and resilience. It’s not about winning, but about moving forward even through the difficult times.

9. Provide challenges for your child.

Children need constant stimulation in order to keep their brains working properly. When they are bored, they get in all sorts of trouble. Providing your children with challenges, projects and fun activities enriches them. They feel a sense of accomplishment and they are learning. Confidence comes through the act of doing and accomplishing. The more they do something, the better they feel about themselves. This is the same with sports, school projects, and hobbies. Encourage new opportunities to create and use their imagination. These are the building blocks for learning and succeeding as adults.

pictures of children

10. Do not judge or criticize their performance.

There is a difference between constructive criticism and encouraging your child’s performance.
Research psychologist and assistant professor of psychology at Weill Medical College, Cornell University, Peggy Drexler Ph.D., says that “The point isn’t to criticize children. But it’s to recognize that self-esteem really, truly comes as the result of achievement—in the classroom, on the field, at home—rather than false accomplishments. Instead of praising your child with ‘you’re so smart!’ be specific. Tell him, ‘You did a great job on your spelling quiz,’ or simply, ‘You tied your own shoes!’ Instead of telling him, he’s the best on the team when you really don’t mean it, tell him you could tell he tried hard. Next time, he’ll try even harder—guaranteed.”

A child who has a loving and supportive home life can overcome just about anything. Raising confident children starts with being confident parents. Our children are always looking at us for examples. We become their mirrors from the time they can focus their eyesight on us. So, if you want to instill healthy self-esteem, then it’s important to start with you as the parent.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Signs Your Relationship Is Making You Depressed

While no one can make you depressed, the conditions and limitations that you experience in your relationship can create a negative environment that contribute to a negative mood. Knowing the signs that your relationship is on a negative downturn can help you to make a choice to make a change to a life of positivity.

11 Signs Your Relationship Is Making You Depressed


1. You have no say in what happens from day to day

Lacking control over what happens in your relationship daily indicates that your partner exerts more than their fair share of control. You should have an equal say in the distribution of chores, choice of activities, monetary decisions, etc.

2. You fear your partner’s reaction

Anger from your partner can make you withdraw even further into isolation, which is a sign of depression. Avoiding communication with your partner will not fix the depressed feelings that you are having, but it will only make them worse.

3. You are dependent on your partner

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign looked at the impact that depression has on relationships. Although the researchers looked at people who had already been diagnosed with depression and were open about it with their partners, their findings revealed 8 negative factors that can be used as signs of depression.

Here are the negative effects of depression on a relationship:

    • emotional toll
    • romance and sexual intimacy problems
    • communication problems
    • isolation
    • lack of energy/motivation
  • dependence on the relationship
  • lack of understanding
  • uncertainty

4. You feel the burden of your relationship

Your relationship rests like a weight on your chest, making you feel immobilized and unable to leave, move, or change things for the better. It takes great inner courage and strength to recognize the relationship is making you depressed and hindering the resolve to move on.

5. You’ve withdrawn from social activities

Researchers at the University of Michigan looked at risk factors for depression in romantic relationships and found that a lack of social support outside of the partnership was a major influencing factor on whether one partner experienced symptoms of depression. Lack of social support can also include a lack of support from family members.

You may feel that your partner doesn’t want you to see your friends, but doing so is essential to your mental health. Don’t allow your relationship to make you feel more depressed by avoiding the friends and family members who can help you to work through your feelings about your partner.


6. You have the desire to fix things, but no energy to do so

You wish for a more happy, positive relationship with your partner, but the literal energy that it takes to work on your problems is not within your reach. Depression can often lead to a lack of physical energy that feels like you cannot act, even if it will make things better.

7. You contribute more than your partner does to the relationship

Perhaps you do more of domestic work than your partner does, or you contribute more financially. There is sometimes an unequal distribution of work in a relationship, but it will only be making you feel depressed if you are resentful of the imbalance and unable to change it.

8. You can’t remember the last time you and your partner laughed together

If you were experiencing more joy and positive emotions in your relationship, you wouldn’t be wondering if your relationship is making you depressed. Happiness is visible in the number of smiles and the laughter shared by loving partners. If you miss this key positive emotional element, you may feel depressed.

9. You worry about the future of your relationship

When you feel like your relationship is making you depressed, you can feel hopeless about the future. Not being able to see how your relationship leads to a happy ending can make you sick with worry, stress, and anxiety, and hopelessness can make you also feel depressed.

10. Your partner doesn’t listen

Communication is so essential to a healthy romantic partnership. Lacking a willing ear to listen when you have a concern can feel isolating and can make you feel depressed. Your partner should be paying attention to you when you speak, but if they don’t, a lack of listening can feel like rejection from your partner, which leads to negative feelings of depression.



11. You are seeking someone to talk to outside your relationship

Emotional cheating is one way to look at this, but confiding in someone else about how you feel about your relationship issues is a sign that you aren’t able to communicate with your partner, and it is making you depressed.

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