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Here’s Why You Need to Stop Using Sunscreen…

We often hear warnings about the dangers of UV light and the risk of skin cancer so much that many of us apply sunscreen daily. But after you read this article, you may want to stop using sunscreen immediately. Sun protection products are fairly new to human existence and only began to be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as recently as 1978.

Here’s Why You May Want to Stop Using Sunscreen…

Potentially harmful ingredients, overrated levels of protection, and preventing you from receiving the health benefits of the sun are just a few reasons why you may want to stop using sunscreen immediately. In this article, we will look at some of the problems with sunscreens that are on the market today, why you might not need them, and some healthy alternatives to use instead.

Hazardous ingredients and unsupported claims of protection in sunscreen

The nonprofit consumer safety organization The Environmental Working Group (EWG) lists two major sunscreen ingredients that are a big concern and may be why you want to stop using sunscreen immediately. These two ingredients are retinyl palmitate and oxybenzone.

Vitamin A is commonly listed on the ingredient labels of sunscreens as retinyl palmitate or Vitamin A palmitate. This ingredient has been banned for use in cosmetics by the German government. It is a common ingredient in sunscreen that can cause damage to the skin when exposed to sunlight. Retinyl palmitate can actually accelerate the development of skin cancer when it is applied to skin and exposed to sunlight.

Oxybenzone is another sunscreen ingredient that is concerning because it can penetrate the skin and according to EWG, it is detectable in the urine of 97% of people who use sunscreen products. The chemical is a known hormone disruptor which can affect fertility and it can also causes allergies for some people. This biochemical can cause cellular changes and have negative effects on the immune system.

Many sunscreens also claim to have high SPFs of over 50. The products claiming these SPFs are rated for protection from UVB damage. UVB is the radiation that causes sunburn, however, they do not have the same rating for their level of UVA protection.

Skin cancer statistics

Humans have been on this planet for over 10,000 years and most of those were without the benefit of sunscreen. However, we are living longer lives now than we have ever lived before, and we want those years to be healthy ones. Most of our ancestors never used sunscreen, but protected themselves form sunburn with clothing if they had to work outdoors most of the day.

These days, our modern lives have allowed most of us the luxury of working indoors and spending time in the sun on vacations. Still, even our limited sun exposure can cause cancer, especially in those who are fair skinned and who have a family history of skin cancer.

Non-melanoma skin cancer diagnoses are one of the most common of all cancer types according to the American Cancer Society, and this year there will be 5.5 million new cases diagnosed. Of those, only 76,000 will be the most serious form of skin cancer, which is melanoma. Sunscreen can help reduce our exposure to UVA and UVA radiation from the sun, which helps reduce skin cancer risk, but how do we protect ourselves when sunscreen products are not safe either?

Health benefits of the sun

Sun exposure is healthy for us in many ways, so although we have been encouraged to protect ourselves by using sunscreen, the health benefits of sunlight may be yet another reason to stop using sunscreen immediately. Exposure to sunlight increases the production of melatonin, serotonin, and helps the body to naturally produce vitamin D.

Related article: These Things Happen To Your Body When You Don’t Get Enough Sun

A lack of sun exposure can cause health problems such as infertility, depression and, more surprisingly, cancer. Researchers studied vitamin D exposure and breast cancer survival rates and found that high vitamin D levels were weakly associated with low breast cancer risk but strongly associated with better breast cancer survival rates. So once a diagnosis of breast cancer has been made, high levels of the sunshine vitamin can help people to survive.

So why not take vitamin D supplements? The supplement version of vitamin D is a fat-soluble version which is very different from the water soluble version that our bodies naturally produce.

Healthy alternatives to wearing sunscreen

From author Alex Raye and her natural beauty website here are some healthy alternatives to store bought sunscreen:

  • red raspberry seed oil – SPF between 30 and 50 (seriously!)
  • carrot seed oil – SPF 30
  • wheat germ oil – SPF 20
  • hazelnut oil – SPF 15
  • coconut oil – SPF 10
  • soybean oil – SPF 10
  • shea butter – SPF 6-10
  • zinc oxide
  • titanium dioxide

You can make a homemade sunscreen out of any combination of these ingredients that will help protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. That’s because you will be able to stop using sunscreen with unhealthy ingredients immediately.

Related article: 7 Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency

You can check your over-the-counter sunscreen products for safety as rated by the EWG with the use of their phone app called Skin Deep. This app allows you to scan the barcode of your favorite products and check for hazardous chemicals, allergens and hormone disruptive ingredients.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things Financially Successful People Do Differently

Financially successful people do things a little differently than the rest of us. They typically have a more positive mindset, take personal responsibility for their wealth and business success. Additionally, they are willing to sacrifice short-term benefits for longer-term gains. They are lifelong learners and surround themselves with positive people who also believe in the benefits of education and a good work ethic.

They come from all walks of life and all income brackets, but they share a similar set of attributes that set them apart from the rest of us.

10 Things Financially Successful People Do Differently

inspiring quote

1. They Don’t Waste Time Watching Television

Wealthy people watch very little television a day and almost no so-called “reality TV”. They spend their time wisely working on their business and not wasting it on the couch.

2. They Make Sacrifices

Wealthy people live frugally at first in order to invest their limited income and resources into something that will make them more money. Some wealthy people, like Warren Buffet, live this way their entire lives. They have modest-sized houses, drive used cars and don’t waste money on flashy status symbols like boats or expensive sports cars.

3. They Aren’t Victims

People who see themselves as victims complain and blame their failures on others. Successful people take their misfortunes or bad decisions and analyze what happened and how they could change the outcome in the future. They learn from their mistakes rather than complain about them.

4. They Save and Limit Debt

Successful people pay off debts quickly to save money on the interest which accrues over time. So, if you pay off the principal of the loan faster, then interest on that loan is less over time. They also make saving money a priority. Even if it’s only $20 a month, saving money and developing it into a habit will pay off later when an emergency strikes, This way, you can cover it with savings rather than paying off an emergency loan which will cost significantly more in the long run. The best way to save effectively is to automate it. Set up a recurring transfer from your checking into your savings. Before you know it, you will have a lot of change to invest in. Please resist the temptation to spend it on a new car or television or expensive clothing.

5. They Don’t Blame Others For Their Situation

Successful people take responsibility for their actions and their fortunes. Rather than waste time and energy blaming someone else who might only be marginally responsible, they accept that their fate is theirs. If they want to succeed, they must do something about it themselves.

6. Long-Term Planning

Successful people make and stick to long-term financial planning rather than spending their money as fast as they make it.

7. They Make Things or Provide Services of Value

They aren’t just consumers of other people’s ideas and products. Instead, they produce things. They do things, things that other people are willing to pay for.

8. They Believe Education is Important

Wealthy and successful people believe in education and lifelong learning. They read books of educational value or that are work-related. When they commute, they listen to audiobooks or news programs.

9. They Do More Than the Minimum

Successful people do more than show up to work, do their job, and go home. They get up early and they stay later at work. They go above and beyond to achieve their goals.

10. They Are Passionate About What They Do

Financially successful people get a thrill from making something new, making a customer happy, or fulfilling a client’s order. They care more about the creative process they are involved in than the money they are making.

Financially successful people are disciplined savers who start saving early and often. They live frugally most of their lives. They love their work and do as much as they can, the best way they can. Thus, they limit their debts, take responsibility for their wealth, and plan long-term. They don’t waste time or money. Furthermore, they take every chance to better themselves and their abilities.

financially successful people

11. They are savvy at a young age

Financially successful people think about their financial future when they’re young. They may open a savings account when they start their first job as a teenager or start investing in a retirement plan while in college. These folks know that every bit they save makes a difference in the future.

12. They pay off their debts

Financially savvy people refuse to drown in debt. They make it a priority to pay off their debts. Of course, certain types of debt are inevitable. Financially successful people are strategic about what kind of debt they incur or don’t incur.

13. They make savings a priority

Saving more money than you spend will lead to a financially secure future. Most financially successful people put some of their money aside for savings. Having a certain percentage of your paycheck deposited directly into your savings account is easiest. This way, you’re not as likely to spend the money.

14. They keep monthly expenses to a minimum

Besides being good budgeters, financially successful people are careful to keep their monthly expenses to a minimum. They avoid spending unnecessarily on things like

  • Unneeded insurance
  • Pricey gym memberships
  • Expensive gifts
  • Expensive cell phone plans
  • Delivery meals or takeouts
  • Cigarettes

 15. They stay on budget

Financially successful people believe in budgets. When they create a monthly budget, they work hard to stick to it. They understand not only setting limits but spending wisely when needed. This is because they’re disciplined, yet flexible in their view of spending.

16. They are financial learners

Financially successful people don’t assume they know everything about money, investment, or finances. They read books, listen to podcasts, and ask other people questions. They believe in education and encourage others to learn as much as they can to get the best financial benefits.

17. They don’t compare themselves

Comparing yourself to others is rarely helpful. If you compare your financial investments, savings, or budget to someone else, you’re apt to make a poor decision. Stay focused on your goals. This is best for you to be financially successful.

 18. They are slow to make financial decisions

Financially savvy people don’t make quick financial decisions they might later regret. They take the time to research and consider the financial risks versus benefits before spending or investing. They believe in taking financial risks but take calculated risks rather than making a knee-jerk decision.

19. They have lived frugally

Some of the richest people in the world lived frugally for many years. Those lean years allowed them to stash away money into savings so today, they can buy a penthouse or a fancy car.

financially successful people

20. They’ve learned from their financial mistakes

Being financially successful doesn’t mean they never made a financial mistake. It’s something that everyone does once in a while. The big difference is that financially successful people learn from their financial mistakes and take note the next time to be more careful.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved


5 Things Only People With Social Anxiety Will Understand

For those that suffer from social anxiety, everyday life can feel like a neverending nightmare. The smallest tasks, from going grocery shopping to calling the doctor, can seem totally overwhelming and terrifying. In our technological world today where we do more and more behind computer screens, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that social anxiety is on the rise. However, living with the disorder every day can seem utterly exhausting, when no relief is in sight. Social anxiety usually begins with one awkward encounter and escalates from there. People with social anxiety have an extreme fear of interacting with others in certain environments, and this can cause the sufferer to become reclusive and withdrawn.

5 Things Only People With Social Anxiety Will Understand

Many people, unfortunately, have no idea what people go through who have social anxiety, so hopefully, this list will shed some light on the disorder. If you have social anxiety, you will likely relate to the following scenarios.

1. Being afraid to speak up in a room full of people.

People with social anxiety don’t like big crowds, but even speaking in a room full of five or more people can seem overwhelming. Basically, those with this mental illness don’t like attention being drawn to themselves, and they avoid it at all costs. However, in a classroom or work environment, staying to yourself isn’t always an option. If you have to give a presentation, for example, you know the feeling of dread you get from simply hearing the assignment. You begin to plot out the worst-case scenario, even if you plan on starting the assignment weeks ahead of time.


Only people with social anxiety can understand the sheer terror, sweaty palms, and increasing heartbeat that come from speaking in public.

2. Going to parties(and not really wanting to).

For those with social anxiety, going to a social event isn’t exactly paradise. We have to plan out what we’ll say to people, what we’ll wear, how to keep the conversation going, how to politely say goodbye(even if it’s hours before the party ends), and even how to get there. We have to plan out every detail (or at least try) in order to feel somewhat okay about going. Not to mention, we have to figure out how to tune out those annoying anxious voices in our heads while we talk to people, so we at least seem interested.

It takes a lot of energy for those with social anxiety to go to a party, even a small one. Just showing up at all is a huge step in the minds of a socially anxious person.

3. Being misunderstood by pretty much everyone.

Socially anxious people didn’t choose to have a disorder. They might try to overcome it through various techniques, but it may not ever go away completely. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, social anxiety disorder affects 6.8% of the U.S. population or 15 million people. These 15 million people live in varying degrees of discomfort with social situations, and try their best to live normal lives. Not everyone can tell if someone feels socially anxious, but the sufferer can definitely feel it.

The mental health issue doesn’t just stop if we tell it to; it takes time and effort to learn how to overcome it, or at best, learn to live with it comfortably. Only those with social anxiety can understand the frustration that comes with people saying “just get over it,” because if we could, we certainly would.

4. Awkwardness in conversations.

Now, this doesn’t mean that people with social anxiety can’t carry on a conversation; it just means that they have a harder time doing so. People with social anxiety tend to be introverted, so they naturally want to keep to themselves more. Making conversation just doesn’t come easily for those with social anxiety, and the slightest slip-up in conversation can make them embarrassed.

Only those with social anxiety can understand the feelings of shame and inadequacy that come with awkward social interactions.

5. The terrible physical symptoms.

Many people don’t know that social anxiety comes with a slew of physical symptoms as well, and these just add to the discomfort of the disorder. People with social anxiety don’t like the spotlight being on them.. So they desperately want to hide these physical symptoms to avoid any attention. People who struggle with this can suffer from blushing, excessive sweating, pounding heart, weak muscles, confusion, upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, and even fainting, to name a few.

Please show them love and support if you know someone with this condition. Also, please try to understand how they feel. You don’t have to have a disorder to empathize with others who suffer from it.

social anxiety tips

Eight Primary Causes Of Social Anxiety

Social anxiety, or social anxiety disorder as it’s called, is having a consuming fear of being in social situations. The person struggling with a social anxiety disorder has a fear that’s irrelevant to the situation. Situations that cause this outcome can include:

  • Meeting people
  • Talking in a group
  • Starting a conversation
  • Talking to an authority figure
  • Eating or drinking in public
  • Being seen in public
  • Using public bathrooms
  • Going to school
  • Any public performance

8 causes social anxiety disorder

This mental illness causes the individual to dread future events. They will often worry weeks in advance about the event and feel physically sick on the day of the event.

1 – Genetics

Genes can play a part in a person’s struggle with this mental illness. They influence the probability of someone ending up with social anxiety disorder. There are higher rates of social anxiety disorder in families with relatives who struggle with social anxiety disorders than families whose relatives don’t struggle with a social anxiety disorder.

2 – Stressful social situations

If you were bullied, experienced abuse at home, or public embarrassment as a child, you are more likely to develop a social anxiety disorder. Sexual abuse experienced when you were young is a common cause of a social anxiety disorder among adults.

3 – Parenting

If one or both of your parents modeled fear of being in social situations and were overprotective of you, you’re more likely to develop a social anxiety disorder. Parents who are overprotective exhibit behaviors such as

  • Controlling-Won’t allow the child to make their own decisions
  • Restrictive-Strict rules
  • Anxious-Assuming the worst will happen
  • Worried-Constantly thinking about all the bad things that will happen
  • Fearful of kids getting hurt or sick
  • See normal things as dangerous-playing outside, taking part in sports, etc.

4 – Brain structure

Different parts of your brain get activated when you’re in a threatening situation. People with this disorder have hyperactive reactions to settings that cause an imbalance in their brain neurotransmitters. This results in a deficiency of serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, and oxytocin.

5 – Social media

Technology meant to help you stay connected can increase your social anxiety disorder risk. Today, there are fewer in-person interactions and more social media interactions using these platforms:

  • Texting
  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • Facebook
  • Video games

There is evidence that spending too much time on online communication can cause people to feel uncomfortable and anxious about in-person interactions.

6 – Physical events

Some physical events can trigger anxiety. You may experience shortness of breath or a racing heartbeat when you’re in certain physical situations. Physical events that may trigger social anxiety include the following:

  • Interacting with strangers in an unfamiliar setting
  • Large crowds
  • Moving away from home
  • Job interviews where you worry about being judged
  • Feeling disapproved by someone

7 – Your temperament

Some people have timid, shy personalities. These individuals are more prone to feeling socially anxious. Facing new situations can be very difficult, causing them to withdraw from social situations.

social anxiety

8 – Having an appearance that draws attention to yourself

Certain physical features or illnesses make you self-conscious and anxious to be in social settings. Things such as

  • Facial disfigurement
  • Stuttering
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Being extremely tall or short

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

15 Habits of Irresistible People

You know that person who seems to have a flair of good luck? The one who, even though isn’t drop-dead gorgeous, is always able to get whatever she wants? There is more to the outer beauty of these people. They light up a room when they walk into it. This type of person is able to accomplish much in life because of attitude, charisma, or something as simple as kindness. Their smile exudes confidence, compassion and joy. You may wonder what separates them from others.

Dr. Travis Bradberry, author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, has researched and studied the emotional connection of people. He has recognized that there are basic characteristics that make some people more friendly and charismatic to others.

“When influential people speak, conversations spread like ripples in a pond. And those ripples are multidirectional; influencers inspire everyone around them to explore new ideas and think differently about their work.” Likeable people are conscious of how they treat others. They believe that “Few things kill likeability as quickly as arrogance.” Irresistible people don’t act as if they are better than you. They actually believe that you have the ability to succeed, and create the life that you want. But, what’s the secret to truly being this type of person?

Here are 15 things irresistible people do differently:


1. They treat everyone with dignity and respect.

Irresistible people don’t put others down. What makes them so likable is the ability to treat a homeless person in the same manner that he would treat the CEO to a huge company. To this person, there is no class or status that separates anyone. We are all part of the human race.

2. They don’t gossip.

The charismatic person has no need to utilize gossip as their motive to partake in a conversation. They are always bringing in the best of themselves, and allowing others to shine. This is what makes them so generous in uplifting others. Gossip is a negative trait, and they have little tolerance for it.

3. They treat others as they expect to be treated.

Dr. Bradberry believes that these type of folks follow a healthy life rule that says you should treat others the way you wish to be treated. “But that rule is flawed because it assumes that everyone wants to be treated the same way. In reality, people have different desires and goals.”

The irresistible person understands this and follows not the golden rule, but the platinum one: treat others the way THEY want to be treated.

4. They have healthy boundaries.

Irresistible people don’t try to please everyone all the time. They know that there is a time and place for everything. They don’t give more of themselves. Moreover, they have healthy ways of assisting and giving to others. But, they never run themselves ragged. These people take care of themselves. And, in that ability to sustain boundaries, they show a beautiful example of self-love to others.

5. They are genuine.

These type of people do not pretend to be someone they are not. What you see is what you get. They exude self-confidence. The irresistible person doesn’t have to have super-model looks, but she or he will walk into a room with such confidence that they shine. They know their worth, and never allow others to dictate how they should see themselves.

6. They have integrity.

Albert Einstein said, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.” The person with integrity stands in their authenticity. They know what matters and this is passed on to others. They make you question your honesty, principles, and goodness. Integrity is one of the best characteristics that they teach others.

7. They smile at everyone.

The most powerful and attractive quality that an irresistible person has is their ability to always smile, in spite of whatever is going on in their lives. They bring forth laughter with their energy. These likeable people know that a smile is sexier than any outfit, stronger than any pill, and has the ability to break down negativity.

8. They are compassionate.

The irresistible person is empathetic to others. They show compassion to animals, nature, and people. They know that one minute you might be on top of the world, and in an instant, you can find yourself struggling. Being compassionate is not just about showing kindness to those you like. But so does leaving the zone of comfort and stepping into places after the heart breaks into pieces. They take chances in loving others and they know it’s worth it. They help everyone and wear their hearts on their sleeves.

9. They love life.

Successful and charming individuals love life. They are not exempt from heartache, misfortunes, or challenges, but they know that life is priceless and it’s the only thing that is real. This life is for taking chances, loving, and helping others. They cherish every moment, and when they meet someone new, they make that person feel as if they are the most incredible thing in their day.

10. They bring people together.

These people are huge human connectors. They bring like-minded people together. They want to help others succeed. If you are among these types of enchanting individuals, you will notice that they immediately display a sense of connection. They may become your own fairy godmother, helping you reach the next level. They will immediately draw you a map to get to someone who can help you on your journey.

11. They truly love people.

This is a given. These happy people love people. The irresistible person is the one who coined the term “people person.” They love to be around others. They get inspired by energy and stories. The likeable individual has an ability to attract those who are ready to fly and conquer their own dreams.

12. They know you must work hard to get ahead.

The irresistible person may always wear a smile, but they know that nothing comes without hard work and some struggling. They work hard and succeed with an undeniable thirst for accomplishing their desires. They succeed because they don’t give up. And, when you are among this type of person, you also feel that ability to overcome anything ahead.

13. They listen.

Dr. Bradberry says, “People like to know you’re listening, and something as simple as a clarification question shows not only that you are listening but that you also care about what they’re saying. You’ll be surprised how much respect and appreciation you gain just by asking good questions.”

The irresistible person has this innate ability to stare into your spirit and truly make you feel as if you are understood, acknowledged and loved.

14. They have positive attitudes.

In spite of all the challenges in life, these folks continue to have positive attitudes. They don’t feed into negativity or entertain the woe-is-me attitude from anyone. They avoid confrontations and always search for an optimistic answer to the heavy questions in life.

irresistible people

15. They always say “please” and “thank you.”

The ability to show gratitude is a magic wand for the irresistible person. They know that compliments go a long way in the journey of life, but what truly makes others like you are the simple manners: saying “please” and “thank you.” These magic words are never misused, and they know exactly how powerful they are in making others feel understood, acknowledged, and accepted.

Irresistible people are those individuals who have been through emotional roller coasters and major transitional obstacles, and have learned that they aren’t alone in this world. You might just be one of these amazing people. You might be so humble that you don’t recognize how you are changing the world around you. These people know that we have a connection to each other. They make you feel as if you matter. And, that is one of the most profound effects they leave as their legacy: they truly see you, feel you, and care about you.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Behaviors That End Relationships

We are in a new era of relationships. Technology makes it easy for us to be in a constant state of communication. But, even though times have advanced, relationships are still old-school. It’s difficult to know what is acceptable and what is not. The golden rule is to follow your gut. You know when something is not right, when something just doesn’t sit well, and when you feel that you might be taken for a ride on an emotional roller coaster. True relationships, the ones that last, don’t play games. They are comfortable. If you are feeling like something is “off,” perhaps you need to address it and be honest with you and your partner.

Here are 6 behaviors that show it’s time to end a relationship:


1. Broken promises.

When we start new relationships, we give the best of ourselves. Favors are done automatically. We go above and beyond what is expected. In loving another, we make promises to always be available for each other. We make vows of respect, commitment, compromises, and integrity. But, what happens when those foundation blocks that once held us up, start to fall apart? What happens when we get comfortable with each other and we no longer work as hard to keep the relationship afloat? These are the broken promises we take for granted.

It’s not just in marriages. It happens in a new relationship. We begin to feel as if we give more than what we receive. Relationships aren’t about keeping a tally of what is given and what is received. However, when that person starts to act differently, no longer doing the same things as before, things need to be addressed. It’s not just about breaking promises of love and fidelity. It’s about being available through the good and bad times.

2. Communication withers.

In the beginning, you blew up each others’ phone with text messages. You would be on social media declaring your love to each other, but as time passes, those messages started disappearing. You are lucky to get one text during the day. And, it’s not because you are too busy, because let’s face it, when you are attracted to someone, you make time for them. As per WebMD “All relationship problems stem from poor communication, according to Elaine Fantle Shimberg, author of Blending Families. ‘You can’t communicate while you’re checking your BlackBerry, watching TV, or flipping through the sports section,’ she says.”

Communication requires work. It’s the willingness to make time to feel the awareness of each other.

3. Intimacy is non-existent.

What happened to the sex? The stress of finances, jobs, and family can hit the libido in a big way. However, intimacy doesn’t fade completely when two people are attracted to each other. It might decrease, but not become non-existent. In 1979, American psychologist Dorothy Tennov came up with a new word, limerence. It is defined as the period in relationships known as the falling in love and the lust stage. This is driven by the neurotransmitter phenylethylamine (PEA), combined with dopamine and norepinephrine.

These hormones are responsible for the positive and desirable feelings we get when we are attracted to someone. They are the chemicals that create euphoria and increased energy and dictate our sexual desires. Limerence feels amazing but, as per this psychologist and her research, unfortunately it has a shelf life lasting from about six months to three years. And, after that, it’s a slow decline. So, when the expiration life of sex is over, it’s time to figure out how to bring it back. Intimacy may decrease, but it should not be allowed to disappear completely. It’s up to you to decide if it’s worth saving. Is there more to the lack of sex than just being tired?

4. Neither of you are the same people as before.

We evolve as humans. We grow in all aspects of our lives, especially in relationships. You might have been one way when you began your relationship due to having been hurt in the past, or just life changes. The relationship might have begun as a rebound one, or you happened to meet when you first moved to a new place. You might have met at work. As time would have it, you have grown in different directions.

You might have been in college when you met and, now graduating; you don’t know what may happen. Experiences push us to find those partners that compliment our journey at one specific moment. When things change, we change, so the relationship starts to suffer. You’ve outgrown one another. And, the best thing to do is be fair with each other by acting mature enough to call it quits.

5. Hearing is one thing, but listening has disappeared.

Remember when you began your relationship and the two of you could talk for hours? You shared your stories and your dreams, and you believed no one could ever take away that amazing feeling of being heard. Now, you’ve hit a plateau that, to be heard, you have to fight for it. If you must get into an argument to state a point, or be understood, you must look hard at your relationship status. If talking has become a matter of setting up a scheduled time, perhaps you realize it isn’t that important to be in that type of commitment. We have to make appointments for medical issues, car problems, and other matters, but to be acknowledged in a relationship shouldn’t be one of them. How much time and energy do you need to put into being heard?


6. You both make time for other things.

If you spend more time away from your relationship, or your significant other has more time for others than you, recognize there is a problem. If you can’t remember why you ever wanted to be with him or her, perhaps it’s time to step back and be honest. You might be wasting each others’ time by pretending to be in a relationship. Healthy relationships are free to come and go, spend time with friends, have separate hobbies, etc. But, if you constantly make excuses to be away from each other, it’s time to end that relationship. Your mate should be one of the most important people in your life. No compromising there!

Ending a relationship isn’t always a catastrophic event. Sometimes, it’s about allowing the right time and person to come into your story.

“Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don’t really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren’t really an ending; some things are never-ending.” ~ C.JoyBell C.

11 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently

Even if you don’t realize it, we all have been gifted with intuition, which some people know as that “gut feeling” they sometimes get.

Our intuition basically serves to keep us safe and help us to make informed, heart-based decisions. It informs us of impending dangers, and guides us through life so that we can grow into our highest selves.

Even Steve Jobs, considered one of the most prosperous businessmen in history, said that, “intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion. That’s had a big impact on my work.”

We all have this innate ability to make decisions based on our intuition, but some of us have a better connection to that inner voice than others. If you tend to listen to your heart when faced with a difficult decision, then you probably do these things differently.


1. They listen to their highest self.

Highly intuitive people simply don’t ignore their instincts; rather, they listen to them fervently, and make decisions almost exclusively from this source of wisdom. Many people still feel skeptical about intuition, but some swear by it.

If you don’t want to jump on the “intuitive” bandwagon yet, consider this story: While cleaning her house, one woman got a sudden gut feeling to call her mom. This inner voice told her that her mother had taken pills and that she needed assistance immediately. Sure enough, the woman hailed the nearest cab and went to her mom’s house, only to find that she had overdosed on a box of pills. She called an ambulance and saved her mother’s life, having her intuition to thank.

So, highly intuitive people don’t care if others think their “inner voices” sound crazy; they listen anyway, and in some cases, this could make the difference between life and death.

2. Highly intuitive people need plenty of alone time.

According to Sophy Burnham, bestselling author of the book “The Art of Intuition,” the majority of intuitive people are introverts.

This makes sense, because introverts cultivate energy from within, and they can’t hear their intuition without getting some quiet time alone. We live in a noisy world, so both introverts and intuitive people find their escape within. Also, highly intuitive people never feel lonely in their own company; they actually look forward to spending time alone and catching up with the latest insight in the universal realm.

3. They love to get creative.

Musicians, artists, fire-breathers, dancers, writers, and all creators have one thing in common: they allow their creativity to guide them effortlessly through life, and never question if it makes sense or not.

Actually, following their passions makes perfect sense to creative folk, because they know that their creativity makes them feel alive, and we came here to feel nothing less. Nurturing that inner creativity will allow life force to flow through you, something that intuitive people have already figured out.

4. Intuitive people practice mindfulness.

Intuitive people have a high level of self-awareness, meaning they have become acutely in tune with their inner feelings and outlook on themselves. They have mastered this through some sort of peaceful spiritual practice, which allows them to shut off the outside world for a bit and only pay attention to that blissful inner knowing.

Highly intuitive people tend to have less “mental fog,” because they’ve learned to sit silently with their own company, therefore feeling comfortable with themselves in the simplest form. Their thoughts no longer cloud them, because they’ve learned to rise above them.

5. They pay attention to their surroundings.

Just like they pay close attention to their inner world, the intuitive person looks at the outside world with the same open eyes and heart. They can connect deeply with others, because they’ve learned how to do so within themselves.

6. Intuitive people always tune into their gut feelings.

This doesn’t mean that every ache and pain calls for drastic measures, but intuitive people know they must pay attention to how they feel in order to care for themselves. They don’t call intuition a “gut feeling” for no reason; in fact, scientists have discovered that our gut is essentially a second brain because of the sheer number of neurons lining the intestinal walls.

Furthermore, some experts believe that our gut instincts are more effective and efficient than logical analysis in our decision-making process, according to a study performed by researchers from Boston College, Rice University, and George Mason University.

So, intuitive people don’t care how fast the world moves or how many demands people have of them; they will always take time to listen to that inner guidance.

7. They empathize with others.

Highly intuitive people have a knack for understanding how others feel, and can offer advice and guidance when necessary. People often come up to them to share intimate details from their lives, because they instantly feel comfortable in the intuitive person’s company.

Intuitive people can also read others without them having to say a word, which helps them further understand each individual.

8. They pay attention to universal messages.

The universe speaks to us in a variety of ways, and intuitive people know this. They don’t view anything as a coincidence, such as seeing the same numbers on a clock frequently, or seeing the same person at the mall each time. Everything contains meaning for the intuitive person.

9. Intuitive people put themselves first.

Even though they relate well with others, intuitive people naturally put themselves as a priority so they can better serve others. They take time off work when needed, and create space each day for inner wisdom to flow through. They believe in working smarter, not harder, and have a difficult time understanding our work-obsessed society. Intuitive people make sure they get their needs taken care of first before attending to anything or anyone else.

10. They don’t dwell on the negative.

Intuitive people know that their inner voice can’t flow with negative energy blocking the waves of knowledge and healing. So, the highly intuitive regularly balance their energies and release negative emotions in order to fully connect to their highest self.

Related article: 5 Ways To Tune Into Your Intuition

11. Intuitive people love deeply.

These types of people don’t hold back their emotions, instead letting them flow and creating space for others to do the same. Intuitive people feel totally comfortable in their own skin, and don’t apologize for having human emotions. They celebrate them, and encourage others to join in the party!

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