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11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up

Sometimes in life, we feel like throwing in the towel and burying our heads in a pillow to just forget everything around us. We get tired, discouraged, and exasperated with the state of the world, and we feel like tapping out. We’ve all been there when we feel we just can’t take another step. Remember to allow these emotions to flow through you, but don’t dwell on them. While giving up can seem tempting after going through one bad ordeal after another, you should always try to look on the bright side and pick yourself back up again. When that seems like the toughest thing in the world to do, turn to the following quotes for inspiration.

11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up

1. “Remember that sometimes, not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” – Dalai Lama


We don’t always get what we want, but we get what we need. Remember that the universe wants the best for you at all times, so when it rejects you from something you thought you wanted, it’s actually redirecting you to something even better.

2. The older I get, the more I realize no one has any idea what they are doing and everyone is just pretending.


Don’t take yourself too seriously; even if you mess up dozens of times and feel lost with no direction, we all are right there with you. We simply have to make the best decisions for ourselves in the moment, and not get too caught up in the details. The more you learn to go with the flow, the happier you will feel.

3. “No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always become a better version of yourself.” – Madonna


Don’t accept mediocrity, especially from yourself. You might be going through a hard time, but don’t allow yourself to stay there. Usually, when you feel like giving up, you are on the brink of a powerful transformation. Sometimes, it takes losing everything, including yourself, to know what you want in life and regain inspiration to keep going.

4. “Don’t keep allowing the same things to upset you. Life’s too short to live that way.” – Joel Osteen


If something feels wrong in your life, either distance yourself from it or attempt to change it. Mulling over the same thing over and over will only cause unnecessary stress. When you feel like giving up, first look at what you can let go of in your life. Then, once you’ve released the negativity, you will open a new door in order to keep going.

5. I’m actually extremely grateful that some things didn’t work out the way I once wanted them to.


Not everything works out how we plan, but it usually works out in our favor if we choose to look at it that way. Trust the process, and if you feel like giving up, just look back and see how far you’ve come.

6. Start telling the universe what you want instead of what you don’t want.


If you feel like giving up, you probably don’t feel satisfied with your life as it stands. However, evaluate your self-talk and see if it adds to your life, or subtracts from it. You might need to simply change your thoughts and the language you use in order to create a more positive reality.

7. Use your energy to create, not destroy.


We can use our energy to either build ourselves and others up, or tear them down. Choose wisely, because one will catapult you into your destiny, while the other will keep you stagnant and uninspired.

8. Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.


We can’t control the past, present, or future. However, we can control where we choose to keep our mindset, and the only one that will bring us peace is staying in the present.

9. Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys.


If you feel like giving up, just look at what you talk about most frequently. Sometimes, we become our own worst enemy. If you want to rejuvenate yourself and see the glass half-full, start talking about what excites you and energizes you.

10. Never give up on something you really want; it is difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.


Bottom line: never give up on you. At the end of the day, you’re all you’ve got, and you matter. Follow your dreams, create your own bliss, and never stop working on yourself. The path is challenging, but the rewards are great if you stick with it!

Related article: 11 Quotes to Remember When You’re Having a Life Crisis

11. Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.


This negativity can come from anywhere, but usually, it comes from within us. Once you work on keeping positive thoughts and positive people in your life, you can only go up from there.

10 Common Health Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore

All of us experience minor changes in our bodies every week, whether it is feeling bloated from too much food or feeling fatigued from a hectic and stressful week. All women are different, responding to stress and illness in different ways and intensities. Your body changes daily and weekly in minor ways. But some symptoms should not be ignored or blown off as unimportant.

Here are 10 common health symptoms women should never ignore:

get healthy

1. Changes in Your Breasts

While breasts change from month to month and are as unique as the person’s, any change that persists should be checked out by a doctor. Lumps, a change in mass or a rash that sticks around for more than a day should cause you concern.

2. Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

Unexpected bleeding, especially if accompanied by pain during sex, could be a sign of cervical cancer. If your menstrual period is unusually heavy, comes more often than every three weeks, or you experience spotting in between cycles, then please see your gynecologist.

3. Sudden Weight Gain

If you experience weight gain or bloating for longer than a day or two, it could be a sign of ovarian cancer and should be checked out immediately. More generalized weight gain combined with swelling in the feet and legs could indicate a more serious heart condition like congestive heart failure, which is a condition where your heart is having trouble pumping blood to the rest of your body. Hence, the fluid builds up in the extremities.

4. Sudden Intense Headache

We all get headaches, but when a headaches is sudden and severe, so severe, in fact, it is unlike anything you have ever felt, then it could be the sign of an aneurysm or a burst blood vessel in the brain. This happens to about 5 percent of the population, and most are painless. But, if the aneurysm bursts, the blood flows into the surrounding brain tissue and causes a sudden and severe headache that can be life-threatening and, at the very least, cause brain damage. Call 911 immediately.

5. Abdominal Pain in Women

Abdominal pain could be, and usually is, just gas or something we ate that’s disagreeing with us. But, intense and sudden pain can be a a number of very serious conditions ranging from an aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis, an ulcer on the abdominal lining or appendicitis. When in doubt, get it checked out.

6. Bloody or Black Stool

Bright red blood in your stool could indicate bleeding in your colon or hemorrhoids. Black stool indicates bleeding closer to your stomach and can be anything from a bleeding ulcer to stomach or intestinal cancer. If there is blood in your stool, ask your doctor to check it out. Most cancers are very treatable if caught early.

7. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath with no accompanying reason that gets worse with mild exertion or when you lie down could be signs of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or a Pulmonary Embolism, a blood clot that has lodged in the blood vessels of your lungs. Both are serious medical conditions and should be checked out by a doctor immediately.

8. Sudden Weight Loss

If you lose more than five percent of your body weight in less than six months without trying to, it could be an indication of cancer since many cancers cause unexpected weight loss. Other things it could be range from depression to diabetes to endocrine system disorders. Again, when in doubt, get a checkup.

9. Leg Pain with Swelling

Pain and swelling in one leg could indicate a DVT, or deep vein thrombosis. That condition is a blood clot lodged in a vein in your leg. If the swelling is in both legs and persistent, it could indicate heart failure where your heart is having trouble pumping blood and the fluid backs up in your legs. Either way, get your legs checked out by a doctor.

women health

10. Women and Chest Pain

A little discomfort after a meal could be gas. But persistent crushing pain in your chest could be an early sign of a heart attack. If the chest pain is accompanied by numbness in your arm, nausea, profuse sweating, or difficulty breathing, then call 911 or get to a hospital quickly.

The bottom line is that if you experience a change in your body that cannot be explained, persists for more than a day or two, or causes sudden and intense pain, get to your doctor quickly. It may be nothing, but then again, it may save your life.

The 8 Stages Of A Twin Flame Relationship

When you meet your twin flame, you know it. The universe opens up, and things start to conspire in your favor. You get to witness the intense acceptance of who you are through the images. Twin flames do not have to be identical in every aspect. They get to fulfill each other in the areas that have been asleep. This person “sees” your essence. A twin flame relationship is a genuine acknowledgment of heart and soul. There isn’t a desire to fix anyone. There isn’t the criticism or judgment that arrives in relationships when two people are afraid to see the incompatibility.

8 Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship

Here are eight stages of a twin flame relationship:

1. The myth of “The One” becomes real.

From childhood, we have been ingrained that there is one person out there that will find us and make us happy. But, you have endured chaotic, unreliable, and challenging love in your life. You believe that the stories you’ve heard are fictional and disappointing. When you meet your twin flame, that entire mentality and belief system disappears. You begin to understand and accept that “The One” has been searching for you as intensely as you have them. You cannot believe that this is real. But, you give in to the possibility. And if you do, this person helps you regain a love for life that you believed could never exist.


2. You recognize the reason for their existence.

When you start to accept that this person has undergone similar experiences, it becomes clear that you had to reach this point in your life to accept this kind of relationship. Twin flames enter our lives at the precise moment that we require to learn something incredible about ourselves. A twin flame often comes into your life when you are in another committed relationship. You may be married, engaged, or dealing with the loss of your mate. This person shows up with incredible wisdom that you need to hear to move on. And it is then that you also realize that if this person had come into your life earlier, you would have taken the experience for granted.

3. You fall in love.

There is a difference between loving someone and genuinely falling in love with them. We love our parents, friends, family members, and other past lovers. When you meet your twin flame, those forms of love cannot measure up to the intensity and passion of your other half. You do not have to force the love or try to make sense of it. Your heart knows something that your mind cannot analytically put together for the first time. Falling in love is the easiest thing in the world. It becomes the most natural substance of the union. Twin flames aren’t blinded by reality because they are their world. Illusions fall short of this fire. This is the phase of pure ecstasy because you allow the heart to do what it is there to do: love unconditionally.

4. You begin to see all aspects of yourself.

Every relationship teaches something valuable about the self. Once the initial passion starts to stabilize and the daily routine takes over, you begin to witness the many aspects of yourself. Twin flames not only have the same magical and beautiful dispositions, but they also mirror the dark parts of our souls. In this space, we must learn to heal, forgive, and partake in accepting all aspects of the self. It is always easy to live in the light of all goodness, but we are made in duality: dark vs. morning, good vs. evil, and so on. These are the moments that we must be mature to understand that there is always soul work to be done in this human experience. This person will heighten all facets of ourselves.

5. You want to run away.

The depth and dimension of this love affair are sometimes too much for someone to handle. You recognize parts of yourself that you aren’t willing to look at. In those moments, you start to put on your running shoes. The first few stages of twin flames relationships often look like the coyote and roadrunner. You can’t help but chase after each other in circles. In these times, you get to witness all the similarities in each other. Fear and anxiety become the judging mates for egotistical decisions. Are you willing to continue?

6. You surrender.

All that running away and running around gets exhausting. You wear each other out. In this stage, you know that this is going to take some adjusting. You and your twin flame are willing to enter this experiment of cosmic challenges. You recognize that there is work to be done, and you can accomplish it together. Once you set ego aside, you feel the love and fear dissolve. This is when you start to understand the soul contract created many lifetimes ago. This is the phase when you both can find peace in the union.

7. You challenge each other.

The moment you surrender without fear of this person taking off, it is easier to settle into a healthy relationship. Twin flames have the most vital ability to make each other succeed. They are each others’ cheerleaders, coaches, and audience. Your twin will pull and push you with love and encouragement beyond any other relationship in your life. They will not stand in your way while you follow your purpose. Sometimes twin flames separate for just a bit during this transition as they find grounding in their own lives. But, out of mutual love and respect, they return with power and ambition to run side by side on this life journey.

8. You become one.

Once the ego is no longer dictating the partnership, the heart mends and becomes one. You and your twin flame become a powerhouse of love, empathy, and compassion for each other. And this is contagious for everyone around you. You are the epitome of true unconditional love. Fear is no longer a valuable commodity. You have both worked through heartache. The mirror lives from past experiences have served as a union for this exact moment when you accept this type of love. Twin flames recognize each others’ vibration and frequency. They become one in rhythm. The oneness of their coupling isn’t only through the death of egotistical beliefs. It’s in letting go that the heart recognizes why you need one another. You are here to make a difference in your lives.

identical twins

How to Find Your Twin Flame

Although you feel complete in yourself, do you still long for a romantic relationship? It’s a basic human need that can bring you even more joy and satisfaction in your life. If you believe that you have a twin flame, here are 12 ways to get your star’s paths to cross.

1. Be the Best You Possible

If you don’t love the person you see in the mirror, how can you expect others to love you? It’s imperative to remember to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re perfect and have no room for improvement.

You learn how to be comfortable in your skin and shine as an individual. Self-confidence is a desirable attribute. Be genuine and honest with a potential twin flame because nobody likes a fake. The right person will fall in love and accept you exactly as you are.

2. Know What You Want in a Relationship

The only way you know if you’re in a destined relationship is if you know what that means for you. Not everyone has the exact definition and expectations, so take time to ponder yours. How will you know when you’ve met your soulmate?

What are the qualifications for your ideal mate? Is it outgoing and adventurous or a person who flies under the radar? Do you want someone with a similar background or a mate with an entirely different perspective?

3. Define Your Life Goals

In a serious relationship, you’ll be discussing your future as a couple. When you have these conversations, notice how it changes from “I and You” to “We, Us, and Ours.” The best way to build a future together is to know your life goals beforehand.

Perhaps one or both of you want to further your education or career. Maybe you’ll need to relocate to another city or state to do it. Do you plan on being just a darling duo for life, or have you always dreamed of having children?

These are goals and dreams you may have had for years. If you’re with someone whose goals are opposite, it doesn’t make for a fulfilling relationship. Although there’s always room for compromise, being in a committed relationship doesn’t include discarding your dreams.

4. Know Your Values and Boundaries

Other essential standards for finding your life flame are values and boundaries. Not everyone comes from the same ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds. Even people with similar upbringings may not always share the same values and boundaries.

In any relationship, you must create mutual limitations. An article published by Vanderbilt University states that an effective boundary is strong enough to protect you. However, it needs to be flexible enough for you to connect with others.

These are conversations to have early in a budding relationship. Both of you may need to compromise on certain traditions and preferences. However, values and boundaries that are non-negotiable need to be discussed upfront.

5. Do What You Love

Life is too short to waste on doing things that don’t make you a better person or bring you joy. Of course, everyone has daily chores and things at home and work that are drudgery. These menial tasks can’t be ignored just because they’re not fun.

Considering the bigger picture, are you working toward your life’s goals, or are you stuck in a dead-end situation? You owe yourself to live up to what you’ve always dreamed of. You may attract your soulmate without even trying when you’re getting the most out of life.

6. Test the Waters of Love

If you’re a classic poetry fan, you’ve probably memorized the immortal love advice from Alfred Lord Tennyson. He declared that it’s better for you to lose at love than never to love. In other words, you’ll never know until you try.

It’s natural to be reluctant to make your heart vulnerable for fear of being hurt. However, many times taking risks is worth it. You may kiss a few frogs before you find that royal love who’s your twin flame.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Try New Experiences

If Picasso were content to bend to traditional definitions of art, would he have ever created his masterpieces? Most people like to “play it safe” and color within the conventional lines. Don’t let fear and self-doubt stand in your way of love and a fulfilling life.

When you take a step of faith and try new things, you may be delightfully surprised. For example, maybe you’ve always wanted to go to culinary school but are afraid of failing. Learning new skills and talents can change your life dramatically and may lead you to your soulmate.

8. Write Down the Qualities of your Ideal Partner

If you met your destined love as a stranger on the street, how would you know they’re the one? What are the qualities and characteristics of the person with whom you want to spend forever? Perhaps writing a list can bring more clarification for you on your twin flame.

Of course, some things physically attract you to others. However, what values and character traits attract you to them mentally and spiritually? A relationship may start with an infatuation with outer beauty, but inner beauty will sustain it.

9. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

What are some of the vital qualities you offer in a romantic relationship? Are you loving, kind, loyal, compassionate, and have a good sense of humor? These are the excellent qualities that someone may be searching for, too.

You also have to be honest with yourself and acknowledge your weaknesses. Nobody is perfect, and maybe there are shortcomings you’re trying to improve. It helps to know yourself before you get to know someone else.

10. Use Good Communication

A wise person once remarked that you should listen twice as much as you speak since you have two ears and one mouth. Communication is the life’s breath of any relationship. How would you know what the other is feeling and thinking unless you have honest discussions?

According to an article published by the University of Minnesota, good communication skills are the key. Genuineness, active listening, building trust, being vulnerable, and managing conflict are all part of your conversations. The more you communicate with each other. The more meaningful your relationship can be.

11. Be Patient

With modern technology, goods and services are at your fingertips. Press a button or say a command, and you get instant gratification. Unfortunately, such a “drive-thru” lifestyle isn’t conducive to building patience because nobody wants to wait.

If you’re searching for your life’s partner, you could be running out of patience. You want everything to happen magically as it does in the movies. However, this is reality, and sometimes your moment will occur when you least expect it.

12. Don’t Lose Your Individuality

A line in the traditional marriage vows declares that the couple is now “one flesh.” While it makes a lovely sentiment, this imagery can be misleading. Yes, you and your twin flame “complement” each other, but you’re both “complete” in and of yourselves.

While you do many things together, you can still enjoy some of your hobbies and interests. It gives you both some new and exciting things to discuss. You both must practice self-care to take better care of each other.

twin flame

Final Thoughts on Twin Flame Relationships

Some personal relationships can be so intense that the partners are like mirror images. While it’s beautiful to fall in love and form a committed relationship, you’re still individuals. Respecting each other’s singular gifts and abilities can create a lasting bond and mutually fulfilling lives.

Twin flames are miraculous in finding one another. They have learned to follow synchronicity, intuitive whispers, and the wisdom of divine guidance. Unlike soul mates, twin flames can lovingly stay and enhance the soul’s purpose. They are the reason we believe in fairytales.

5 Signs Someone Has PTSD

Returning soldiers are not the only people suffering from the signs of PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Millions of other people in the world have experienced what anyone would call a traumatic event. These traumatic events can include rape, witnessing a violent crime, a horrific car accident, abuse in childhood. They also include a mass casualty event or even the threat of violence from someone can leave lasting impressions that affect our brain functioning.

In this article, we will look at the common signs of PTSD, how the brain is actually changed with PTSD, and what you can do to help heal from the past trauma.

5 Signs Someone

Many people experience common symptoms of anxiety, but post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is entirely different because of the initiating event that triggers these physical, mental, and emotional signs. Read on for the signs of PTSD and what you can do about these troubling and disruptive symptoms.


1. Trouble remembering things that were just learned

Problems with short-term memory, or working memory, is a sign of having PTSD. In the brain, new memories are held until they can be processed during sleep at night, but for someone who is experiencing the symptoms of PTSD, they have a brain malfunction when it comes to remembering recent information.

For example, if someone gives you an address, but you can’t write it down right away, you forget the number almost immediately.

Researchers at the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at the Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia say:

‘Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is characterized by symptoms of hyperarousal, avoidance and intrusive trauma-related memories and deficits in everyday memory and attention. Separate studies in PTSD have found abnormalities in electroencephalogram EEG, in event-related potential (ERP) and behavioral measures of working memory and attention.’ They studied the areas of the brain that differ between a normal brain and a PTSD brain and found that ‘The PTSD group showed signs of altered cortical arousal as indexed by reduced alpha power and an increased theta/alpha ratio, and clinical and physiological measures of arousal were found to be related.’

2. Difficulty paying attention

If you are suffering from PTSD, you may notice that you are easily distracted by noises, lights, music, voices, or other external stimuli. This level of distractedness makes it difficult to focus unless you are able to eliminate most of the distractions. Not being able to pay attention can affect your performance at work or with leisure activities like reading.

3. Fears that lead to avoiding sleep and public places

Avoiding places or people due to your fears is a sign of PTSD. For example, avoiding crowds or places that are noisy is a sign that you associate these places with the traumatic event that brought on the PTSD symptoms. Any environment that resembles the place where the initial trauma took place can trigger severe feelings of anxiety, fear, aggression, panic, sadness, or anger in the person who is experiencing PTSD.

Insomnia is also a sign of those with PTSD. That’s because they are avoiding sleep for fear of having dreams or memories of the trauma that might intrude in their mind as they start to drift off to sleep. Sleep is normally a time for our brains to process information received during the day and form memories, but often people with PTSD experience violent or frightening dreams so they fear sleep.


4. Unstable emotions

Anger, sadness, stress, and a sense of hopelessness are the negative emotions that someone with PTSD can find themselves rapidly shifting though. Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health looked at the moods of children who had suffered abuse and found a wide range of psychological symptoms and mood problems that were related to PTSD. Depression, anxiety, behavioral problems in school, substance abuse later in adulthood, and susceptibility to rape were all risk factors for those who had experienced a traumatic event early in life.

Researchers also say that PTSD caused changes in the brains of those who were affected in the following ways: ‘abused children with PTSD symptoms had smaller total brain and corpus collosum volumes and lower IQs than carefully matched controls, and that these differences were correlated with younger age of abuse onset and longer duration of PTSD symptoms.’

5. Negative thoughts toward yourself and others

Self-directed abusive behavior is a common sign of PTSD, and those who have experienced trauma may engage in high-risk behavior or physically hurt themselves. People with PTSD may also lash out at others that may be similar in appearance or personality to the person who caused the initial trauma for them. However, they may not realize that this is the reason they are acting out.

6 Hidden Signs You’re Getting Sick From Your Food

The food we eat can either poison us or give us life, and we each make the choice every day as to how we want our bodies to feel. In general, whole, raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, will give us the most energy, while processed, refined foods and meat and dairy products will make us sluggish. Unfortunately, many people don’t make the connection between how they eat and how they feel, and that may explain why we have so many food-related illnesses and diseases today. If you have been feeling less than optimal lately, you might want to turn to what you put in your mouth for the answers.

Here are 6 hidden signs you’re getting sick from your food:


1. You have no appetite

Surprisingly, many people actually skip breakfast in the mornings due to being strained for time, and usually end up eating highly processed foods that they can get quickly and easily. In fact, according to a survey done by The NPD Group, a marketing research company, 31 million Americans skip breakfast every single day. 

Skipping meals leads to bingeing later in the day, as your body will want a quick source of calories to make up for the food you didn’t eat earlier. Snack foods, such as cookies and chips, have a high amount of calories, but very little nutrition. In addition to reaching for unhealthy foods, skipping meals will also lead to a huge drop in energy, as your body requires a certain amount of calories to function properly. If you don’t feel hungry at mealtimes, specifically breakfast, you might not be burning enough calories during the day.

In order to maintain energy levels and blood sugar, as well as keep a clear mind, try to eat small meals throughout the day so that you won’t end up eating unhealthy snacks for a quick energy boost.

2. You have high blood pressure

Eating the wrong foods can cause a spike in blood pressure, which can lead to other problems like heart disease or stroke. Eating certain foods, like meat and dairy products, can clog our arteries and send our blood pressure soaring. You can also get high blood pressure from eating too much salt, sugar, or highly processed foods.

Make sure to keep your diet fairly alkaline, meaning you eat lots of fresh fruits, veggies and starches in order to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.

3. You have high blood sugar

Sugar in the right form does a body good, but unfortunately, most people eat sugar from all the wrong sources. Processed sugar does absolutely nothing productive for the body, as it spikes your blood sugar and makes your liver work extremely hard to process these empty calories. We’ve all heard of the term “sugar rush,” which most people get after eating large amounts of sugar, but just like coffee, your energy levels drop off fairly quickly. The increase in energy is due to your insulin levels spiking, but once your liver processes the sugar, you won’t have any energy left.

Much research has been done on the health risks of eating processed sugar, and some studies have found it to increase the chances of getting heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer.

If you have sugar cravings, try to eat fresh fruits instead of the processed foods with added sugar; your body will deal with this sugar much better since it will have fiber to help digest it properly.

Related: The major signs and symptoms of high blood pressure to look out for

4. You avoid certain foods

Contrary to what the media likes to tell us, we absolutely need carbs in order to sustain ourselves. Without carbs, we wouldn’t have the energy we need to make it through each day. However, like with sugar, you need to go to the right carbohydrate sources. Many people think of carbs as sugary cereals, cakes, and breads that don’t give the body the right nutrients, but if you eat carbs from whole foods, such as fruits, starches, and vegetables, you will get the exact nutrition you need.

Make sure you go to whole foods first for nutrition, as opposed to the processed, refined foods.

Related article: 5 Nutrient Deficiencies That Make You Overeat

5. You feel tired frequently

If you feel tired more often than not, that probably means that you don’t eat the correct foods, or enough of them. Our foods can either energize us or deplete our energy, and we choose each day what we want to feel like. Feeling tired may mean many different things, but if you don’t eat correctly, your foods can literally drain the life out of you.

Make sure you eat enough throughout the day, and opt for as much fresh food as you can get.

6. You don’t have energy

Our foods should give us enough energy that we actually WANT to get up and move our bodies. If you don’t feel energized from your foods, you will want to just sit around and not expend any energy. However, by eating foods full of life, you will have so much energy that your body will almost force you to get up and move. Not exercising usually means you aren’t fueling your body with the right nutrients, as we are wired to move our bodies naturally.

Many people don’t enjoy exercise, and if you’re one of them, just make sure to eat plenty of nutritious foods. This way, you’ll actually want to get up and move your body, despite how you might feel about certain exercises.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

3 Signs You May Be Pushing “The One” Away

We meet people for various reasons: to be accepted, loved, or acknowledged. Sometimes, these folks come into our lives as friends, while other times they appear through an intense love affair that leaves us exhausted. Attraction determines if this person serves as a mate or only as a friend. Unfortunately, in our own expectation of what we want in a mate, we might discriminate and reject “The One” from actually being in our lives. “The One” might just be right under your nose and you don’t even know it.

You might be acting out and pulling away from your true love for various reasons.

Here are three signs that you may be pushing “The One” away:

the one

1. “The One” is not packaged how you imagine.

From the time we are very young, our social class conditions us. We learn from our family, the media, and the world who we must love. Every race, culture and religion instill their agenda. You might have met your perfect mate, but due to your beliefs, this person has not packaged the way you have been taught to accept as a partner. This person might not have the class or social status acceptable in her upbringing. Or, you may have high expectations of what he/she should make in material wealth and ambition. You might be looking at this person from a different angle and not allowing their love to be part of your life.

Imagine, if you will, the ability to surpass all programming and allow yourself the chance to put down biased beliefs. The One might just be in your life as a friend or co-worker. This person is probably the one who listens to you at all hours. He or she is the person you cry when you are hurt. This person helps put perspective into your daily life. Sometimes, the closest person or acquaintance has been put in the “friend zone,” and you are blinded by your childhood dreams of another “type” of person.

2. You are fearful of getting hurt.

Maybe you had some serious heartbreak in the past. You don’t even want to entertain the notion of falling in love. It was hard enough to survive and get to a healthy place. “The One” might be right there by you, but you won’t put your guard down long enough to experience it. He or she might be that one person who makes you laugh, brings joy, and understands your dreams. This person also knows the boundaries of your heart and will not try to push on the idea of being more than what they are in your life right now.


Sometimes, we are oblivious to our surroundings because we’ve been hurt. Out of survival, we move through life with blinders on and cannot see what is perfectly in front of us. But, if you were to see how this person cares about you, then you might just allow the safety of this union to become something more. This person might just be the greatest love of your life. Do not allow your past baggage to cloud the present. You might be letting the most amazing, healing and learning experience pass on by because you cannot find closure with your past heartache.

3. You truly don’t know what you want.

Perhaps might have a list of what you want in a partner. You might have the color of hair and eyes, the perfect height, and how they dress on that list. But, somehow you don’t really know what you want because you haven’t been clear with yourself.

No other person can fulfill what you are missing in you. There might have been instances that you have met someone, and you can’t entertain that person because you truly cannot see beyond your own issues. A new love might enhance parts of your dark soul, but you refuse to accept it. This person might also be giving you worth, but you have a low self-esteem and cannot accept them.

What an expert says:

In an article by Stef Daniel on, he writes on why people push away from the ones they love:

“From a psychological standpoint, pushing away the people you love the most is a very basic and common defense mechanism. As the relationship develops, people become inundated with their own fears and insecurities that they will not be accepted and therefore hurt by their loved one. So the cunning, and self-deprecating thing to do is to hurt them before they hurt you.

Rather than allow them to see your faults, or for you to feel exposed – you begin ‘exposing’ theirs. Unfortunately, as you do this, you slowly but surely begin to throw roadblocks into the relationship and open the door for feelings of resentment and unhappiness.”

Familiarity often clouds our judgment. It’s hard to leave our comfort zone of what we already know. This person might be lingering around you and you feel less worthy to have them than the reality. Your own issues will not allow the approach to happen. To be in any kind of loving relationship, we must make peace with our authentic self. Therefore, we must love all parts of who we are and what we are. It is then that we can attract that which we desire. How can we attract “The One” when we don’t know we are also “The One” for them?

positive quotes

Final Thoughts: Embrace The One You Love and Stop Pushing Away

The best love stories are the ones that are felt inside the heart’s lining. They break all barriers, all obstacles and catapult us into greatness. We dismiss these love stories out of fear, misconception, and past pain. Permit yourself to accept what’s not in the “perfect package,” and move beyond the myths from childhood. Your true love is waiting.

“We have to allow ourselves to be loved by the people who really love us, the people who really matter. Too much of the time, we are blinded by our own pursuits of people to love us, people that don’t even matter, while all that time we waste and the people who do love us have to stand on the sidewalk and watch us beg in the streets! It’s time to put an end to this. It’s time for us to let ourselves be loved.” ~ C. JoyBell C.

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