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11 Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Nearby

Do you ever feel a presence near you but don’t see anyone around? While it might seem a bit spooky or unsettling, don’t fear. Feeling someone nearby without being able to see them might mean a deceased loved one wants to pay you a visit, if only to say hello and ease your mind. They might want to dispel any fears you might have about their well-being; they want to reassure you and let you know they’re okay.

The spirit world can try to get your attention in many ways, but the following eleven are some of the most common signs that your loved one wants to contact you.

11 Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Nearby

spiritual beings

1. You have powerful visions while meditating.

The spirit world can convey messages to us in many ways, but most commonly, they talk to us when we silence our minds. Those voices that pop into your head during meditation can easily come from a deceased loved one, so pay careful attention during your meditation sessions or other quiet times. You might also get visions from them while meditating; maybe you see them doing one of their favorite activities, or even sitting down on the couch chatting with you.

“The spirit world is able to get through to you easily when your mind is still and clear. Meditation is often referred to as ‘sitting in the silence. Whenever you want to reach Spirit from this side of life, start by sitting in the silence.” ~ James Van Praagh

2. Your senses seem more intense.

Spirits communicate through smell, touch, taste, vision, and sound. If you smell a perfume that your loved one used to wear, for instance, they might have come to pay you a visit. You might also see them manifest before your eyes, or hear their voice calling to you. You might also feel them brush up against your skin; the room may feel suddenly cold, like a draft from an open door or window. Finally, maybe you have a taste in your mouth from food that they used to love cooking. All of these signs point to a presence with you.

3. Electronics suddenly malfunction.

A spirit may use electronics in order to communicate with you, as many of these provide excellent mediums for them to do so. For example, if you have a radio in your room, they might use one of the frequencies to try to talk with you. You’ve probably seen this happen in scary movies before, and many people have attested to this happening in real life. However, your loved one doesn’t want to scare you; they just want to find an easy way to get through to you in the Earthly realm.

Remember that although bodies may pass away, the energy that connects you to a loved one is everlasting and can always be felt when you’re open to receiving it.” ~ Doreen Virtue

4. You feel them in the room.


You can’t explain it, but you just feel something with you that you didn’t feel before. The room just seems different, like someone you can’t see is in your presence. Instead of feeling afraid, however, you feel comforted, loved, and reassured.

5. You get goosebumps.

You might get chills on your body during an encounter with your loved one. This happens due to their colder temperature, so if you feel the room suddenly get chilly, then you might have a deceased loved one nearby.

6. Everything feels surreal.

You might feel a bit disconnected from reality, like you’ve entered another dimension. Your loved one came from a different dimension after all, so maybe you have been temporarily transported to their current reality. You might have an out-of-body experience, as the energetic vibration from their spirit affects your frequency. Looking back on it, you may have only glimpses of the experience in your head, and not be able to account for certain time periods.

7. You awaken feeling peaceful and refreshed.

You might wake up feeling totally well-rested, even if you normally don’t sleep well. Your loved one may have come to you in a dream, wishing for you to get better sleep, and sent you this gift as a way of looking out for you.

A review of 20 after-death communications found that people who had an encounter with the deceased felt more able to cope with the grief. This may have happened because people felt reassured by the experience, as it supported their spiritual beliefs.

8. You’ve had dreams about them recently.

Maybe you recall dreams you’ve had about your deceased loved one; this may mean they want to communicate with you. They might very well be nearby if you keep having dreams about them.

9. You think about them more often.

Even though your deceased loved one passed away years ago, you think about them frequently. If this sounds like what you’ve been experiencing, then they may have returned for a visit with you. Don’t discount your thoughts; they mean a lot more than you’d think, especially in regards to our deceased loved ones.

10. You feel watched by someone.

We can feel someone in the room with us, even if we can’t see them. If you feel as though you’re being watched, this might be your deceased loved one looking out for you.

11. You have a sense of comfort.

If you suddenly feel comforted and safe, but can’t explain why, then look to the spiritual world for the answer. Our deceased loved ones want us to feel protected, loved, and looked after, so they will come to visit us when we need the support. If you’ve been struggling lately but suddenly feel comforted and supported, you might have a deceased loved one nearby.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The One Most Probable Place To Find Your Soulmate

Anytime people spend a great part of their lives together, there is a huge probability of falling in love. When you are with someone for long periods of time, familiarity, comfort, and acceptance become part of that relationship.

The most common place to find your soulmate is not at the supermarket, in your apartment building, or at a bar. And no, it’s not even on an Internet dating site.

The One Most Probable Place To Find Your Soulmate

The most probable place to find that one special person is in your workplace because it is there that you spend more time participating in something that is important to you. Our jobs, in most cases, become our livelihood.

There are many components to why we fall in love with someone we work with every day. We look for partners who share the same similar goals. When we meet someone at work, they understand the ins and outs of our daily struggles to succeed. This person gets it. They are witnessing the duties and what it all entails. Most people who are in relationships and do not work together can’t relate to their partner’s challenges at work.

Stress is a common bonding element in relationships at work. They count on others at the workplace to understand and support each other. Someone who doesn’t work with you may empathize with your stories, but they don’t know firsthand what you go through. However, someone who is in the same environment acknowledges and accepts all aspects of your day.

Another reason that people fall in love and find their soulmates at work is that they have similar interests. For example, someone in the fashion business understands the ups and downs of fashion. Another couple working in a magazine can relate to the fast pace and ever-constant changes of last-minute details. These people have a common root that they don’t have to explain at the end of the day.


Working side by side in any office allows you to see people in many forms. Whereas, if you are meeting online, you get to see what that person wants you to see, oftentimes, not the real person. Co-workers share countless hours a year participating in projects, obstacles, and deadlines. Also, with a co-worker, you get to be who you are in the rawest of forms. You partake in lunchtime talks, walks, and the hustle and bustle of daily life. The close proximity adds to the intensity of nurturing love.

There is also the possibility of finding your soulmate at work while you are still married, or in a committed relationship. You begin to see the things that are missing in your life outside of work. This person understands what you go through on a daily basis and admires your commitment to getting things done. In many cases, your co-worker is seeing you looking your best. You begin to confide in that person. You create a close-knit relationship that starts to overlap with your home life. Most soulmates come into your life with powerful life lessons that mirror your own. It’s no wonder we may meet them at our place of business.

Dr. Tina Tessina shares her insight on why we fall in love with a co-worker:

“Research shows that the workplace is where the majority of couples meet. There’s a reason for this: Unlike online dating, newspaper ads, singles events, and speed dating, the office gives you a chance to actually get to know and even bond with a person before declaring your interest. Working side by side with someone daily, seeing him or her under pressure, commiserating over problems and congratulating over wins gives you a portrait of the person on the inside as well as the outside.

Because it’s the inside that matters in a love relationship (despite all the media focus on the external) love can grow without either party really being aware of it. The couple develops a relationship “infrastructure” in an organic, natural fashion, as opposed to forcing it. These relationships often last a long time, because they’re reality-based. Unfortunately, the same ingredients can make office connections tempting even to the married, which is the downside of the issue.”

Having a relationship with a co-worker has its highlights and disastrous points. If the relationship doesn’t work out, you still have to see them at work each day. There may be a power struggle in play. There could also be jealousy and other emotional attachments. However, if you find your soulmate while tending to your professional life, don’t dismiss the opportunity to follow through with this once-in-a-lifetime love affair. (That’s if you are not already in a healthy relationship).
things that happen when you meet your soulmateThere is a difference between a flirtatious lustful affair and a serious-ever-changing love union. You might not get a second chance to connect with someone that deeply who is truly your soul counterpart. You can always find another job, but a soulmate is difficult to encounter. Take this chance to dive into the depth of love and make it work (no pun intended).

6 Signs Of A Stroke People Often Ignore

A stroke happens when a blood vessel in the brain either becomes blocked (Ischemic) or begins bleeding (Hemorrhagic). Each type of stroke can cause severe damage to the brain and even death.

Stroke is ranked fifth as a cause of death in the United States. It is also very preventable with exercise, watching your salt intake, and keeping your weight healthy. A stroke can happen to anyone at any time. Even if it doesn’t kill you, it might cause severe physical and mental damage like paralysis, difficulty thinking or understanding others, and blindness.

Seven Lifestyle Factors That May Increase the Chances of Having a Stroke

Before diving into the signs of a stroke, let’s review some factors that increase the odds of having one.

Bell's palsy versus stroke signs

1 – Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

High blood pressure is one of the most significant lifestyle factors that increase the risk of stroke. High blood pressure, or hypertension, can damage the walls of the blood vessels, making them more prone to blockages or ruptures. Over time, this can lead to a stroke. In fact, according to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure is the most significant controllable risk factor for stroke. Individuals should work to keep their blood pressure within a healthy range to lower the risk. This can be achieved through regular exercise, a healthy diet, and medication if necessary.

2 – Smoking

Another lifestyle factor that can increase the risk of stroke is smoking. Smoking damages the blood vessels and increases the risk of blood clots, which can lead to a stroke. Smoking can also worsen other risk factors for stroke, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Quitting smoking is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of stroke and other severe health conditions.

3 – A Sedentary Lifestyle

Physical inactivity is also a significant risk factor. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, reducing blood pressure, and improving cardiovascular health. Physically inactive individuals are more likely to be overweight or obese, which can increase the risk of stroke. Experts at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly to reduce the risk of stroke and other health conditions.

4 – An Unhealthy Diet

A poor diet can also increase the risk of stroke. A diet high in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium can contribute to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, both risk factors for stroke. Additionally, a diet low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other nutrient-dense foods can lead to obesity and other health conditions that increase the risk of stroke. Individuals should eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to reduce their chance of stroke, as well as type two diabetes and cardiac arrest.

5 – Overindulging in Alcoholic Beverages

Excessive alcohol consumption is another lifestyle factor that can increase the risk of stroke. Heavy drinking can raise blood pressure and contribute to developing other health conditions, such as liver disease and obesity, which increase the risk of stroke. To reduce the risk of stroke, individuals should limit their alcohol consumption to no more than two drinks per day.

6 – Stress

Stress can also contribute to the risk of stroke. Chronic stress can increase blood pressure, contribute to unhealthy lifestyle choices, and lead to the development of other health conditions that increase the risk of stroke. To reduce the risk of stroke, individuals should learn healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, and other relaxation techniques.

7 –  Sleep Apnea

Finally, sleep apnea is a risk factor for stroke that people often overlook. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes interrupted breathing during sleep, leading to a drop in oxygen levels and increased blood pressure. Over time, this can damage the blood vessels and increase the risk of stroke. Individuals who snore loudly, wake up gasping for air, or experience excessive daytime sleepiness should talk to their doctor about getting tested for sleep apnea.

Six Often Ignored Signs of a Stroke

Unfortunately, the signs of a stroke can often masquerade as other things we might dismiss. Here are six signs of a stroke people often ignore:


1. Fatigue

The body is a delicate balance of water, chemicals, and hormones. When that balance is disrupted, it can cause the sudden onset of symptoms like fatigue. Your brain manages the system in your body that regulates hormones (endocrine system). So when a stroke occurs, your brain is damaged by a lack or total loss of blood to the affected area. When this happens, it can result in sudden and severe fatigue or lack of energy.

It will happen without warning, without logical explanation (such as hard work). So if you find yourself suddenly exhausted and lethargic for no good reason, you should see a doctor. That’s because it may be a sign of a stroke or another issue.

2. Vision Problems in One Eye

The brain is divided into two sides, each of which controls or is responsible for the opposite side of your body. When the brain is affected by a stroke, it can cause problems in one eye. Because both eyes need to be focused on the same point in space together to have normal vision, if one eye is off because of the stroke, it will result in double vision since both eyes are no longer working together perfectly.

It might be easy to dismiss this as just being tired, reading too much, watching too much TV or working on the computer too much. A change in vision to just one eye could definitely be sign of a stroke or other serious medical issue. So you should see a physician immediately.

3. Numbness or Weakness in One Arm

Like the double vision above, a stroke will affect just one side of the body depending on where the blockage or bleeding is happening inside the brain. A sudden weakness or numbness in one arm or leg that doesn’t go away in a few minutes is a sign of stroke.

That would be easy to dismiss if you just woke up from a nap and your arm was numb. But if it persists for over a few minutes, it is a sign of something more serious and could be a stroke.

4. Slurred Speech and Dizziness

When one side of the brain is affected, it interferes with balance and speech. This could be easy to dismiss if you have been drinking even a little. But if it persists for more than an hour or so after your last drink, it might be a sign of something more serious. If one side of your mouth droops or you are having trouble speaking, it could mean that the part of your brain responsible for speech or the cranial nerves responsible for facial muscles could suffer from a lack of blood due to a stroke.

Your inner ear is responsible for balance, and blood loss to a portion of the brain that interprets those signals could lead to severe dizziness or vertigo. If you don’t suffer from vertigo and sudden and severe dizziness or difficulty speaking, go see a doctor.

5. Difficulty Thinking

A stroke means that a part of your brain is starved of oxygen. Thus, it can cause you to be unable to focus or think straight. If you have difficulty expressing yourself, can’t find the words for what you want to say, or don’t understand what others are saying, you could be in the middle of a stroke.

6. Bad Headache or Migraine

During a stroke involving a blockage, you might not feel anything in some cases. However, though most people who have had this incident report it painless, strokes involving internal bleeding may cause migraines. A sudden splitting headache or a migraine in a person who does not have a history of migraines might be a sign of a stroke.

It would be best to have it checked out by a physician.

The American Stroke Association uses the acronym FAST to determine whether you should seek help for a stroke. It stands for Face Drooping, Arm Numb, Speech Difficulty, Time to Call 911. If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, you should seek medical help immediately. Seconds count when it comes to a stroke. Wait too long and you could suffer from long-term brain damage, speech impairment, paralysis and vision issues.

stroke rehabilitation

Final Thoughts on Knowing the Signs of a Stroke and Healthy Changes You Might Make to Prevent Them

Several lifestyle factors can increase the risk of stroke, including high blood pressure, smoking, physical inactivity, poor diet, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and sleep apnea. Individuals can reduce risk and protect their health by understanding these risk factors. Additionally, it is worth knowing the signs of this emergency, as you might easily overlook them with dire consequences. Now that you know, it’s time to make healthy lifestyle choices and take good care of your body.

Editorial note 08/22/2023: Corrected attribution to American Heart Association

6 Things That Happen When You Meet Your Twin Flame

Meeting a twin flame feels like you have found a completion to an endless journey in recognizing yourself. This person becomes the shining light that comes on just when you have felt that your reason for existence didn’t mean much. It’s not about another soul fulfilling you; twin flames do more than that. They remind you of your greatness and, in a mirror reflection of you, they fill something that was missing, even when you didn’t know there was an emptiness.

Here are 6 major things that happen when you meet your twin flame:

1. New Lights Come On In Your Mind.

A twin flame will give you a new perspective to what was right in front of you. This person will show you through love that you can and will accomplish anything. It’s not only their faith and pride in you, but the determination to show you that you matter and everything around you is an illusion. The lights come on and you see life with much clarity that wasn’t there before. Your perspective changes, and life becomes joyful.


“Even the smallest shift in perspective can bring about the greatest healing.” ~ Joshua Kai, The Quantum Prayer: An Inspiring Guide to Love, Healing, and Creating the Best Life Possible

2. Your love becomes contagious to others.

When you find your twin flame, something clicks. It’s not only in you and this person, but all those around you find it hard to ignore that there is love everywhere. A higher level of empathy becomes present in your life. You have a new shine to you. Your laughter becomes deeper and joy leads the way for others to love harder. Your relationship becomes the epitome of what others desire. Most people do not get to witness this passion. When twin flames find each other, they recognize one another in a soul-to-soul level. The heart opens up unconditionally, and others are enchanted because of it.

3. Your partner ignites passion in you.

The journey to connect with your twin flame is sometimes frustrating, even if you don’t recognize it on a human level. The spiritual and soul connection is magnetic. This person is your other half, the twin that was separated before this time line. When you meet each other, there is an instant gratification and acceptance. You become aware of things and the way life has unfolded. You realize that all the other situations, love affairs, and challenges brought you to this very moment in which you were willing to bridge a past lifetime with this one. This person allows you to create and manifest. Your twin flame has the ability to ignite the parts of you that had been asleep.

“For some people, “the point of no return” begins at the very moment their souls become aware of each others’ existence.” ~ C. JoyBell C.

4. You experience emotional healing.

You may have met several of your soul mates in the past. These could have been friends, lovers, or even your children. You may have been hurt deeply because of these unions, which sometimes are excruciating and chaotic. Soulmates teach us tremendous powerful lessons, often times, leaving us depleted of positive energy. But, a twin flame will come into your life at a moment that requires the healing to begin. They will inspire you to transcend from that loss and heartache into healing and forgiving. A twin flame knows you and allows you to find the perfect way for you to come out of those experiences. Things begin to unfold, and the past serves as a stepping stone for greatness.

“The way our fingers intertwine feels so natural and right; as if our hands hold memories of meeting in a thousand other lifetimes.” ~John Mark Green

5. You have a better sense of purpose.

Meeting your twin flame reminds you of what you need to accomplish in this life. Quite often, that person is on the track that you have wanted to be, and he/she can help you reach your goals. They come into your life to finalize those things that needed completion while guiding you to find the passion you have been waiting on.

Related article: 10 Signs You’ve Found Your Twin Flame

These relationships are spiritual and emotional, causing you to truly take love and share it. They are reciprocal and fulfilling. Twin flames are easy. There is no “working” on the relationship. They don’t have to be exactly like you, but they will compliment you. They enrich your essence. This soul becomes your teacher and your student. You both grow to higher levels of consciousness.

6. Your self-love and acceptance grows.

The most beautiful expression of twin flames is the acceptance of the self. You finally learn to love who you are in a way that is mystical. You acknowledge all parts of yourself and witness how that simple shift changes everything around you. Your twin flame has the ability to show you, without words or pretenses, who you are and what you can do. This happens by simply allowing another soul to show you how priceless and precious you really are. You begin to let go of the past, open the heart to vulnerability, and find courage to be with yourself.

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”~ John Joseph Powell, The Secret of Staying in Love

10 Signs You’ve Met An Old Soul

If you’ve met an old soul, then you probably feel like you’ve known them for lifetimes before this one. Old souls have been here before, as another human being or even another life form. Upon meeting them, you will likely feel comforted and humbled by the wisdom they have to share about their experiences.

Many people believe they have come here before, either from past life memories or just an “inner knowing” about what happened to them in the past. You may have met old souls before and just not have realized it, but we should always pay attention to the vibes we get from people because they can help us along our journey.

If you want to know if you’ve met an old soul, look to this guide for the answers you seek.

10 Signs You’ve Met An Old Soul

old soul

A British study on reincarnation beliefs in the journal Sociology says that ‘Belief in reincarnation – coming back time and again in different bodies – characterize Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and many tribal religions, and is not generally regarded as part of the Judaeo-Christian tradition. Numerous surveys, however, find that around 20 per cent of the population of Western countries answer ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Do you believe in reincarnation?’

With that said, at least some people out there believe in the idea of coming back to life, or a rebirth. So, if you happen to believe in the idea of old souls, then you’ll likely resonate with the following ideas. These 11 signs will tell you if you’ve met an old soul.

1. Old souls have many past life memories


If the person you’ve met can tell you numerous stories about their past lives and have a detailed recollection of their experiences, then you’ve likely met an old soul. Old souls have been here before, and have a lot of experiences and wisdom to share with us.

2. They don’t care much about the ‘modern world’

Old souls would rather spend time in nature and connect with Mother Earth. They don’t really have an interest in our modern pleasures and ways of living, so you’ll probably cross paths with them on a hiking trail or doing something else outdoors.

3. Old souls have a high level of self-awareness

You might feel totally at peace around an old soul, as they’ve had plenty of time to work on themselves and their inner peace. Due to all of their life experiences in many different dimensions and spaces, they have learned a lot about consciousness and awareness, and have worked hard at creating the best version of themselves.

4. They feel out of place here

If you get to talking with an old soul, they’ll probably tell you how they feel that they don’t belong here. Many old souls feel displaced and lost, as they have seen the Earth in more peaceful times, and don’t understand how we live now. You might feel a deep connection with this person if you have similar views on how we operate today.

5. They like to spend time alone

Most old souls would rather spend time in solitude than deal with others or risk having their energy depleted by reality. You can find them meditating by a stream or reading a book in a quiet corner of a bookstore; they don’t like a lot of loud noise and chaos.

6. Old souls have great intuition

Old souls have been through a lot, and have perfected their intuitive skills. This inner voice guides them through life, and they use it to make almost all their decisions. If you’ve met an old soul, you’ll notice that they speak slowly and calmly, letting their inner voice guide the conversation. You’ll also notice that they don’t make any hasty decisions, and almost always use their feelings and emotions, rather than logic, to finally come to a conclusion.

7. They are deeply sensitive

Because of all the destruction and chaos on the planet right now, these souls have a high sensitivity to what’s going on. They have a deep connection to Mother Nature and all her inhabitants, and don’t like what they see most of the time. They feel for their brothers and sisters going through tough times, and just want peace on Earth. They wear their hearts on their sleeves, and can’t tolerate any sort of injustice or violence.

8. Old souls think on a higher level

Old souls have no interest in talking about mindless things; they enjoy deep conversations. Therefore, if you’ve met an old soul, you’ll notice that they will skip the small talk and move on to more pressing matters that mean more to them.

9. They don’t fit in with most people

Old souls, because of their great wisdom and insight, don’t get along with the majority of people. They just see the world differently than most, and because of this, can only tolerate a select few people that share their views and appetite for deep conversation.

10. Old souls experience deja vu often

Because they’ve been here many times, an old soul will have lots of past life memories. If you’ve met an old soul, they’ll tell you that a place seems familiar, or they swore they’ve seen someone before.

Related article: 6 Things That Happen If You’re An Old Soul

Have you met an old soul? Add to the discussion!

7 Things to Remember After Breaking Up With A Soulmate

Relationships with a soulmate can be difficult. They are passionate and full of so many erratic emotions, from rage, jealousy, obsession to intensity, passion, and lust. A soulmate enters your life with such excitement, force and ferocity that we often forget who we are when the relationship ends. Because soulmates “get each other,” they don’t fight fair and their struggles are magnified. Meeting the love of your life is a choice. Meeting a soulmate is not. They are there for reasons beyond our understanding.

Here are 7 Things to Remember After Breaking Up With A ‘Soulmate’

Maybe they were not the one after all…


1. You do not have to cater to your soulmate.

There is a misunderstanding that you have to stay with your soulmate the rest of your life. You do not have to entertain them forever. Just as easily as you fell in love with your soulmate, it can turn into madness and anger. You are only responsible for licking your own wounds. This, too, shall pass. You cannot stay in the picture to make them feel better. You must go on your own and try to establish healthy boundaries.

2. You cannot worry if your soulmate will remain in your life.

Relationships with a soulmate are full of karmic issues. You have arrived into this life and reunited with this person to finish a lesson, to close up the soul connection, and to evolve as spiritual beings. Many people withstand the pain and toxic components of such a relationship because they fear that they will lose this person forever. But, a soulmate connection is one of the most invaluable teachers in all types of relationships. You cannot remain in fear of loss, but continue to take care of you and your needs. These relationships can break the heart deeper than any other. Having your soulmate around (at least after a breakup) is a constant reminder. You must cut ties.

3. Your soulmate is not your possession or obsession.

The soul-to-soul connection between two soulmates sometimes borders on obsession. These type of relationships can be destructive and abusive. The mind stops working altogether and it seems as if the heart is constantly tugging and pulling. Soulmates feel a sense of entitlement that moves past a healthy relationship. They expect full participation in each other’s lives, and this is not always in a good way. Your soulmate is not there to fix you or use you as a commodity. Remember that in every relationship, there are two people with their own individuality.

4. Your soulmate and you met at an opportune time.


Sometimes soulmate connections arrive at the wrong time. There may be other partners involved or marriages. When you end a connection that intense, you may feel that you have made the wrong decision but soulmates reunite for a reason and, often times, it isn’t necessarily forever. They may enter for a short period of time to teach you what you are missing, or what you don’t want in a relationship. It all depends on how you decide to participate in this affair.

5. Your soulmate connection may have been too intense.

A soulmate relationship can be overwhelming. The energy is too much to handle on a level that is destructive and not conducive to your present life. Sometimes breaking up is for a short period of time until they can get their lives on the same vibrational frequency. These love affairs can force anyone to act completely insane with others. The energy and attraction is staggering and poignant. People tend to stop using their logical minds and allow “feelings” to dictate. It becomes a drug you cannot live without. The withdrawals are excruciating. But, this is part of the attraction.

6. Your soulmate magnified the dark parts of you.

Soulmate relationships can bring out the good and bad sides of each other. The intensity can magnify those things in yourself that you don’t acknowledge or want to explore. These emotions can bring about rage one minute, and joy another. The reason the partnership is so passionate is that two people have danced this tango before. It’s hard to find grounding and footing on your own. These connections can cause a tremendous amount of fear and anxiety. You can’t imagine a life without this person, but you know you can’t continue moving forward in a healthy manner either.

7. You can make space for spiritual and emotional growth.

Your spiritual evolution is tangled up in the lessons you endure in this life. Soulmates strengthen those bonds and experiences. When the relationship is over, you are able to move past certain karmic assignments that needed to happen in order for you to grow mindfully and spiritually. These souls come in your life to partake in an experiment of sorts that allows you to consciously shift. Soulmates exist in our lives to show us the beauty of who we are, and the ability to love another with wholehearted abandonment.

Related article: 5 Differences Between A Soulmate And A Life Partner

When you overcome a breakup from a soulmate, you recognize that life will never be the same. Other relationships won’t come close to the turmoil, chaos, fire, and passion of such love. It’s indescribable and, yet, it allows us to get to know parts of ourselves that wouldn’t come to surface.

“Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don’t fool.”~ Robert Brault

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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