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Which Psychic Ability Do You Have?

Whether you’ve tapped into your psychic abilities or not, we all have unique talents that allow us to simply ‘know’ things without anyone actually saying them to us. Psychics have been known to predict things that will happen in the future, know a deceased relative’s name without you even saying it, and other seemingly unexplainable phenomena.

While the most common forms of psychic ability fall under the categories of mind-reading, or knowing, and seeing, other types exist as well. Today, we’ll go over the six types of psychic abilities so that you can decide which one you have, or which one(s) you feel interested in learning.

With practice, we can all become more intuitive and perfect our extrasensory abilities to communicate in a more subtle way.

These intuitive skills can help you to receive information in different ways than we do in our current 3D reality. They come from the five senses, so you may find that your dominant sense will also reflect your most powerful psychic ability. If you have uncanny hearing, then you might hear messages from the beyond, for example.

Which Psychic Ability Do You Have?

ESP psychic ability


One of the most well-known psychic abilities, refers to one’s ability to essentially predict the future. It might not happen often, but when it does, you’ll feel an incredible ‘knowing’ about something to come, and will have to share it with others because it will feel so overwhelming and real.

Or, it might happen in less obvious ways. Perhaps you’ll get visions in your head but not be able to piece together what they mean just yet. Have patience, as messages from the beyond don’t always make sense right away. Maybe you’ll see a particular person or place in your head, but not recognize them right away. In time, it might all unfold as a story that will make sense later on, so a good way to keep track is to write down everything in a journal that you can refer back to later.


Another common psychic ability is hearing, which means getting audible messages from beyond. Other people won’t have the ability to hear the voices, music, or other noises, however. You can also take this as the ability to listen to your intuition, and trust it completely. Perhaps it will tell you to move to a certain place, go find a certain person, or look for a specific object.

Psychic mediums can actually receive messages from the deceased and communicate with you through them in order to give you information about their whereabouts, state of mind, or feelings.


You might refer to this type of person as an ’empath,’ or highly sensitive person. These people have an innate ability to feel what others feel without them having to say a word at all. They have the ability to feel deeply and understand someone’s body language, tone of voice, or even their silence in order to decode their thoughts and feelings.

These people tend to spend a lot of time alone, as they hear so many voices and signals from everyone around them, and this drains them greatly. They recharge by spending time in solitude. Walking into a room full of people instantly makes them drained, as they get hit with the “charge” of everyone’s emotions and thoughts in that particular room. They might even sometimes feel things from people hundreds of miles away without even having met them previously.

We feed off the energy of others, but empaths do so more intensely. This often leaves them exhausted, as they tend to attract those that drain their energy. Empaths love to help others, and some use that to their advantage. When you perfect your abilities, you might sense when someone feels depressed, when they tell a lie, or even when they have lost a loved one recently.


You might call this mind-reading, or something similar. In essence, this involves knowing something intuitively without anyone having told you before. It mirrors the seeing ability, with the exception of using your psychic ability to ‘know’ someone’s thoughts. Knowing differs from seeing in that with seeing, you might just get images in your head without being able to piece them together, but knowing gets to the next step in the process.

This allows you to know what someone thinks about you, or even what they think about themselves. It can help you discern who to make friends with, and who to walk away from.

In a study of mind-reading skills, researchers found that oxytocin can amplify abilities. You receive oxytocin from intimate contact with others, doing something exciting, or working out. Oxytocin can help you read other people’s eyes better in order to infer their mental state, according to the research. So, if you’d like to perfect this ability, getting more oxytocin can help.


This one might seem a bit strange, but imagine being able to taste the food before you actually put it in your mouth. Or, if you communicate with someone from beyond, you might have the ability to figure out their favorite type of food just based on your interaction with them.

For example, maybe you intuitively taste ice cream one day before work and then find that your workplace is having an ice cream party for employees that day.

This might also help you with reaching your weight loss goals if you have them because then you can taste foods without actually eating them!




This ability allows you to smell something without it actually being in your presence. For instance, maybe your grandmother passed away years ago, but you still smell her favorite perfume from time to time. Or, perhaps you smell the rain, but it isn’t actually raining outside at the moment. However, later it starts to pour.

A lot of times, smell relates to memory, so by strengthening this sense, you can start to smell scents based on how you remember them.

Here’s How Seeing Hawks Often May Give Insight Into Your Life

Hawks scan their environment from high above the ground, looking for potential threats and sources of food. If you see hawks frequently, it may be a call to see things from a higher perspective. Consider it a call to focus on your observation skills.

The hawk symbolizes the ability to use intuition and higher vision to complete tasks or make important decisions. Animal guides can deliver important messages to us from beyond, and hawks definitely serve as animals that can heighten our spiritual awareness and help us along our paths.

Hawks represent the messengers of the spirit world, so seeing them definitely means the universe wants you to learn powerful lessons or expand your knowledge and wisdom. Hawks also encourage you to use laser focus and precision to get things done, and to take the lead in life. So, if you often spot hawks in your life, the universe could be trying to send you these important messages.

If you see Hawks often, this is what it means…

  • Hawks can reach incredible heights and seem to touch the higher realms with ease. Therefore, they have a deep connection with the spirit world. Thus, they provide us with important messages from beyond. Seeing hawks often could prompt you to study divination and use these tools to heighten your spiritual awareness.
  • Also, hawks soar high in the sky and can view all of life from this perspective. Therefore, they represent the ability to look at the big picture. Hawks do not get too wrapped up in the petty details of things. If you see hawks often, this might mean that you need to deepen your focus on the tasks at hand. Do not allow yourself to get distracted by the more minor details of life.
  • Furthermore, hawks represent an ability to lead others and take initiative. If you seek hawks often appearing in your life, the universe wants you to focus on what area of your life you can take the reigns in and truly shine. Hawks don’t wait around for others to show them the way. So use this animal whenever you feel uncertain about your ability to become an influential leader for others.
  • Hawks always observe their area before taking action. The hawk invites you to study the situation thoroughly before making any rash decisions. That’s because every action bears a consequence. Hawks approach life with skilled precision, so seeing them often means that you should look at areas of your life where you could stand to study your choices more before acting.
  • Hawks also represent people with solid visions who see things clearly. If you’ve seen hawks often in your life, you might have noticed heightened intuition and a greater sense of knowing about the direction you want your life to go in. Seeing hawks means that you are on the right path in life, and your spirit animal is there to ensure you keep on this path.
  • Use the hawk spirit animal when you need laser-like focus and have to take on the role of a leader. The hawk will help you to gain confidence and realize that you have great potential to take the initiative and see your goals and dreams through to the end.

Final Thoughts on Seeing Hawks

Related article: 8 Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Trying To Contact You 

As with any other animal totem, hawks will show up when you need guidance from the universe and support from something beyond yourself. The hawk represents focus, strength, and poise. Indeed, they can show you your hidden abilities to lead yourself and others to a more positive outcome. Hawks can also help you to see the bigger picture. They’ll help you avoid bogging down in the small details. So look to this powerful spirit animal the next time you need perspective on a particular situation.

9 Ways to Respond to A Manipulative Sociopath

Sociopaths don’t care about your feelings. They are physically incapable of feeling any empathy towards you or anyone else. They don’t feel any remorse for their actions, no matter how much they hurt people. They are incapable of it, and they are incapable of love or any other human emotion.

Sociopathic manipulators can mimic feelings and emotional responses to manipulate and coerce, but, like everything else in their lives, it is a lie. They can be very charming because they have learned how to push people’s emotional buttons to elicit the emotional responses they need. They will mine your conversations for any emotional handle they can grasp to manipulate you or your feelings.

The easiest path to dealing with them is to avoid dealing with them. Eliminate them from your circle of friends, avoid conversations (especially private ones), and cut them out of your life as much as you can.

10 Behaviors That Reveal a Sociopath

If you can’t cut them out because they are a close relative or a co-worker, you must learn to deal with them. Handling the situation well allows you to do so without causing more problems at work or with the family. There are things you say to keep a manipulator at arm’s length and prevent them from manipulating you, but first, you must recognize them.


1. Difficulty Regulating Their Emotions

Sociopaths don’t handle emotions well, and it leads to impulsive behavior. They have temper tantrums and intense expressions of irritability. You might notice that they are easily irritable, annoyed, impatient, threatening, and aggressive.

When things don’t go their way, manipulators allow their emotions to get the best of them, quickly resorting to verbal abuse. Their behavior is often unplanned and the result of momentary urges. The unpredictable behavior makes it even scarier because you never know when to expect it.

2. No Feelings of Shame, Guilt, or Remorse

Manipulators view the people around them as objects or targets, not individuals. Because of this, they don’t feel shame, guilt, or remorse. They don’t care about the pain or suffering of others, and they are often disrespectful to victims.

3. They Feel Entitled

A manipulative person will exhibit behaviors that show they feel everything is owed to them. They will have an overinflated sense of self-worth that shows as being cocky and rudely opinionated. Sociopaths tend to feel superior to others and assume people should do things for them.

4. They Don’t Have a Realistic Life Plan

Manipulators don’t usually have or execute long-term plans, and they lack direction in life. They often develop financial dependence on someone else and lack the motivation to be self-sufficient.

Manipulative people might move around more than others and live aimlessly. They live this way because they lack self-discipline and struggle to carry out responsibilities.

5. They Need Constant Stimulation

Manipulative people need constant stimulation, so they frequently participate in thrill-seeking behaviors. They live on the edge and test people’s beliefs. When they take risks, they don’t think about the danger involved.

Sociopaths also don’t complete tasks very often. Their need for stimulation causes them to get bored and give up on what they’re already working on. They might also switch jobs frequently.

6. They Reveal Shallow Emotions

Manipulators don’t feel emotions, so they rarely show them. When they do express their feelings, it’ll seem superficial or fabricated. They won’t show feelings when they have an ulterior motive, and they often come across as cold even when pretending to be social and inviting.

7. Promiscuity and Infidelity

Sociopaths frequently exhibit promiscuous behavior, and they are rarely faithful. If you know someone who has multiple relationships at once and has had numerous affairs, it’s a sign of a manipulator. They also enjoy openly discussing their sexual encounters, no matter the repercussions.

8. They Con Others

Manipulators don’t care about the rights of others, so they con people for self-serving purposes. They use deceit and deception for personal gain, and they have no concern for the victim.

9. They are Pathological Liars

Manipulative people don’t have a problem lying, even when it’s clear they aren’t telling the truth. Confronting them on their lies can provoke intense rage or a simple smile, and you’ll never know what to expect. They might even continue lying when you present them with evidence of the truth, and they never seem to get uncomfortable.

10. They are Superficially Charming

A manipulator always knows what to say, and they’re great at putting on a front. They appear smooth, engaging, and charming, and they never get shy. The manipulator will also seem to be a good listener, but only because they want to know your vulnerabilities.

Their charming behavior allows them to gain information to use against you later. They’ll use your vulnerabilities to hurt you and get what they want.

Things to Say to a Manipulative Sociopath


1. “I am sorry, but I can’t talk right now.”

Manipulators need verbal interaction to work their dark magic. Deny them the chance, and they are powerless. Never hesitate to find an excuse to walk away.

2. “I am sorry, but I have to take this.”

Pretend your phone went off and walk away from the conversation. Use the time to get away from the conversation. Sometimes the easiest way to win a battle with a manipulator is to deny them the chance to begin.

3. “Okay, let’s talk to them right now.”

If a co-worker approaches you alone and tells you that the boss has a real issue with your latest work efforts, don’t take their word for it. Call them on their claim by inviting them to go with you to speak with the boss right then. The manipulator is just trying to frustrate you or make you angry to make it easier for them to manipulate you.

If you call them on their lie, they will be less likely to try in the future. Don’t trust anything they say until you verify it with the individual or group they claim to speak for. You shouldn’t simply go along with what they say and pretend to believe it, either, because they’ll continue trying to cause problems.

4. “Hey, did you see the game last night?”

Never talk about personal things with a known sociopath. If they try to ask questions or get you speaking, quickly change the subject and move on.

Talk about neutral topics, including sports, politics, or the weather. Any other subject of conversation is better than what is going on with you or how you feel.

5. “I appreciate the thought, but no, thank you.”

If a manipulator offers you something, especially if it looks like a gift, politely decline it. They could use the “gift” as a hook to guilt you into doing things for them at a later date. Politely but firmly decline and move on.

6. “No.”

No is the most powerful word in any language. Say no when a sociopath tries to coerce you into doing something or giving them something. They’ll likely keep pushing, using guilt and other tactics to convince you to give in.

Stay firm, and remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible. It’s okay to say no, but it’s not okay for someone to push your boundaries.

7. “Let’s talk about you.”

They don’t want to talk about themselves and their emotions because it doesn’t get them any traction with you. Plus, they’re only acting when they show emotion, so it takes much more effort to talk about themselves.

Essentially, they want you to share so they can find an emotional handle to use against you. Make the conversation about the sociopath, even if they resist. Making it about them ensures that it’s not about you.

8. “I am having a great day; how about you?”

Sociopaths will ask you how you are doing to get at any issues you are having so they can use those emotions or difficulties against you. Please don’t give them anything they can use because it won’t turn out well for you.

Telling them your problems gives them the power they desperately want and leaves you feeling like a victim. Even if you are having a hard day, smile and turn the question back to their life.

9. “That is very hard to believe.”

Let them know you think they are full of it. A sociopath will tell outlandish stories to elicit an emotional response from you. They often try to trigger guilt, pity, or compassion. They want you to help them, give them something, or do something for them.

Manipulators are great at spinning convincing tales of woe. Don’t believe them, and make sure they know you don’t trust them. When you let them know, they will be less likely to try that method in the future.


Final Thoughts on Dealing with a Sociopath

Manipulative people are sometimes hard to identify, so make sure you know what to look for. When you recognize a sociopath, you can do things to protect yourself and say the right things to get them off your back.

It’s not easy dealing with a manipulator, so use these tips to help you out. It’s best to avoid them, but it’s not always possible. Speak up for yourself so that they know you won’t fall for their tricks.

5 Things To Say When “I Love You” Isn’t Enough

Sometimes, saying “I love you” just doesn’t convey the message we want, as surprising as this may seem. What words could stand up to that almighty phrase that supposedly marks the ultimate level of affection and adoration? Actually, some words, in certain situations, could convey more than “I love you.” It all depends on the context and situation. But if you want to explain your feelings to someone you care for and love, know that you don’t have to be limited by those three little words.

The words “I love you” carry so much meaning behind them, but sometimes, we need something else to fulfill us. The following phrases carry the same message as those three words, just said a bit differently. So, let us explain a bit further; below, you’ll find five unique phrases that you can use in addition to, or in place of, “I love you.”

5 Things To Say When “I Love You” Isn’t Enough

“I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” —Elizabeth Barrett Browning


1. “I believe in you.”

In a relationship, you must believe in each other and lift each other if you want it to last. In true power couple relationships, both parties genuinely want the best for their significant other, even if it means spending less time with them or making other sacrifices. It seems more difficult to succeed than ever, and saying those four words to your partner can mean the world to them when we have so many obstacles to overcome. Maybe they’ve been struggling with self-esteem issues, saying things like “Can I really do this?” So, be that person that reassures them that they’ve got this, and you believe in them.

2. “Leave the past behind you.”

We all get lost in our past every once in a while. Whether good or bad, memories can eat us alive and cause us to become stagnant. If you notice your partner dwelling too much on past events, remind them to live in the present, because that’s all we’ve really got. Leaving the past in the past will free up a lot of time to spend together as a couple, and to work on making the present an absolute dream to live in.

3. “Because I love myself, I can also love you.”

At the heart of every healthy, happy relationship are two people who have so much love for themselves, that they can’t help but give some of it away to others. Letting your partner know that you really do love yourself will let him or her see that they’ve got a true keeper – someone who values and cares about the person staring back at them in the mirror. Self-love is important in relationships. That’s because you can’t possibly give when your cup is empty.

4. “We’ve got this!”

Accomplishing something together serves as a great bonding experience for couples. If you both have a common goal, working on it together and actually setting out to do what you had planned will help you grow closer. It’s easy to feel lonely and desolate today, so letting your partner know you have their back will mean a lot to them.

I love you

5. “Thank you.”

We say these two words daily when someone makes our coffee at Starbucks or holds the door open. However, have you ever stopped to thank your partner for all they do for you? We thank so many people daily, but how often do you stop and thank our guy or gal for helping, listening to, being there for us, and watching us grow? Your partner, no matter how long you’ve been with them, has helped to shape you into what you’ve become today, in one way or another. They’ve stood by your side relentlessly, even when it seemed difficult. So, saying “thank you” can mean much more than we think if spoken from the heart.

Obviously, you chose your partner for a reason, so let them know how much you appreciate and care for them, whether you say “I love you,” or one of these other heartfelt phrases above.

10 Unique Character Traits of A Virgo

Only a Virgo can understand just how simple, yet complex our personalities are. No wonder we are often misunderstood and withdraw from people who just don’t get us. But, they know that they are pretty amazing people and are able to find a select few trustworthy friends to have around who appreciate them.

Astrology is often thought of as having more entertainment value than science, but psychologists are now looking at astrology as a way to understand people, just like personality theories seek to understand them in the social sciences. There are four elemental groups of astrological signs, of which Virgo is an Earth sign. Many personality theories also group types into four main categories.

Earthy Virgo is the altruistic, other-centered personality type of the zodiac. They want to connect to others and, according to a review in Correlation: Journal of Research in Astrology, they as a personality ‘values his or her membership within a family or community group above all else.’

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Virgo


Our modern astrology system has ancient roots, going all the way back to the time of the ancient Sumerians and may be as old as 7000 B.C.E. In ancient Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, the earliest known image of Virgo was discovered pictured as a woman holding a sheaf of corn. This image dates back to around 6000 B.C.E. In Egypt, Virgo was represented by an upright Isis-type figure.

1. You won’t like a Virgo when we’re angry

Only a Virgo can understand the intense grudge that we can hold, which is the seed for a growing sense of righteousness and vindictiveness, and is eventually harvested by writing you out of our lives completely. And, as the excellent communicators that Virgos are, you also should understand that everyone will know the reason that we curse the day we met you.

2. They’re not naive

The pictorial representation of Virgo may be a virgin, but the people who were born under her sign possess a deep wisdom beyond their years on this planet. Virgos are smart, have many talents, and they can and prefer to do just about anything on their own without help.

3. They love to talk

Virgo is the chatty friend you have who you have to actually tell to stop talking so you can break off the conversation after you dropped 4 hints about needing to get going already.

4. People see them as obsessive, but they aren’t

Only a Virgo would know the difference between being tidy, organized, punctual, methodical, and a perfectionist versus being obsessive about something. Virgos do not think they are obsessed with anything, except for paying all of the bills early.

5. They are always right

Only a Virgo could understand that there’s really nothing amazing to how often you are right, which is all of the time. Virgo is very good at analyzing data and the tiniest details, and if you have happened to bring up a subject that we are passionate about, we will recite all of the knowledge stored in our vast brains.

6. They are never wrong

See above, but if, on the off chance a Virgo is actually proven to be wrong by actual verifiable evidence, they will hate you for pointing it out. Virgos are sore losers and being right is like a game to them, and they like to win.

7. People think you don’t care, but you do, deeply

Virgos tend to withhold their emotional expression so they can be hard to read. Or rather, people tend to think that they’re mad at them by the blank expressions on their faces.

8. Loyalty is the core of their being

When a Virgo loves you, they are loyal to the death. Even a betrayal from a beloved might not be enough to shake off the loyalty. Unfortunately, this also means that the Virgo is one of the only zodiac signs to understand immense heartache, especially early in their young love lives. If a Virgo has experienced loss, they will work to make sure that it never happens again.

Related article: The Best Three Types of Partners (According To The Zodiac Signs)

9. They give their whole heart

If you are lucky enough to earn the love and loyalty of a Virgo, you should count yourself among the very lucky. They never do anything halfway, which includes loving someone else. Virgo jumps into love with both feet, submerging themselves into nurturing the object of their affection.

Related article: 10 Signs You’ve Met An Old Soul

10. The life of a Virgo is lived intentionally

Some people may still be struggling with what they want in life, but only a Virgo could understand that your life goals have been the same since you were very young. As earth signs, Virgos are very rooted in the material world, which means that they value financial security, home, and the people there. Only a unique Virgo could understand how fun it is to save for the future.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Signs of PCOS (And How To Reverse It)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition in which a woman’s hormones are in a state of imbalance. Acquiring PCOS can subsequently lead to the development of other medical conditions as well, including heart disease and diabetes. PCOS can also create more difficulty during a menstrual cycle. Additionally, it may make it harder for women to become pregnant.

The majority of women with PCOS grow a number of small cysts on their ovaries; while these cysts are not harmful, they can lead to hormonal imbalances. Specifically, female ovaries generally produce a limited amount of male sex hormones, androgens. During this, androgens are produced at a markedly pronounced rate. A higher level of androgens in the female body during PCOS may lead to a number of problems.

It often develops soon after a woman’s first menstrual cycles. In other instances, PCOS manifests in later reproductive years as the result of a number of factors. One of the more common causes of developing PCOS later in life is prolific weight gain.

This article discusses eight common signs of PCOS, and five ways to reverse these signs.

Here are eight signs of PCOS:

1. Fertility Problems

One of the more unfortunate implications of PCOS is the inability to become pregnant. According to the PCOS Awareness Association, the condition is among the leading causes of infertility. The degree of infertility experienced is often individualistic; some women are able to conceive with medical assistance, while others may have the ability to do so without intervention.

2. Menstrual Irregularities

According to the Mayo Clinic, problems during menstrual cycles is the most common symptoms. Among the conditions reported: menstrual cycles lasting longer than 35 days; no menstrual activity for four months or longer; less than eight menstrual cycles a year; and prolonged menstrual duration.

3. Excess Hair

Undesirable hair growth – a condition known as hirsutism – can become evident around numerous areas of the body. This condition occurs because PCOS fluctuates androgen levels, the primary hormonal abnormality experienced. Problem areas include the abdomen, arms, back, chest, face, thumbs, and toes.

4. Acne

Acne refers to physical anomalies of the skin, mainly pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. The most common trouble areas for acne are the chest, face, back and shoulders. As mentioned, PCOS throws hormonal equilibrium off-kilter, which can manifest into skin problems.

5. Poor Sleep

Insomnia and/or poor sleep is often reported by women with PCOS. It is well-known that many factors affect sleep, although a higher proportion of PCOS patients are likely to suffer from sleep apnea – a condition that interrupts normal breathing patterns during periods of sleep. All-told, PCOS is a common, underlying medical condition for an assortment of sleep abnormalities.

6. Fatigue

Prolonged periods of tiredness are one of the most common symptoms that PCOS patients experience. This is likely due to the complex hormonal fluctuations that take place within this body, which taxes energy reserves. As with the other seven symptoms, fatigue can be an underlying symptom for a number of medical conditions; among these conditions are hypothyroidism, anemia and low vitamin B12 levels.

7. Bloating

Bloating is simply a term used to describe areas of the body that become swollen. This common symptom of PCOS is often accompanied by gastroenteritis (gassiness) and abdominal discomfort. Consuming certain foods often exacerbates bloating symptoms. Examples of foods that provoke bloating include asparagus, beans, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Additionally, dairy products, carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners, and some whole grain foods can also stimulate a bloating response.

8. Depression

Hormonal imbalances are known to sometimes cause mood instability, and PCOS is no different in this regard. Depression is a general feeling of malaise that can persist for days, months and even years; which has also been experienced by some PCOS patients. Depression is considered a serious medical condition, and can severely affect one’s capacity in numerous areas of life. Thus, it is recommended to seek the advice of a licensed medical professional.

How to Counteract PCOS

While there exists no known “cure” for PCOS, there are ways of mitigating the condition. Here are five ways of potentially reversing PCOS symptoms:

1. Exercise

Regular physical activity seems to bring a myriad of health benefits for PCOS patients. In addition to experiencing a general sense of wellbeing, exercise helps to control weight and can ward off depressive symptoms.

2. Maintain a healthy diet

PCOS patients can benefit by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as plant-based sources of fats can help with certain PCOS symptoms. Conversely, foods that are high in sugar, fat and sodium should be eliminated.

3. Abstain from smoking

A correlation exists between higher levels of androgens and smoking. As such, it is recommended for PCOS patients to consider quitting smoking. It is well-known that quitting this habit can be a difficult endeavor; thus it may be necessary to seek medical advice.

4. Lose weight/weight control

Losing unwanted pounds and maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best treatments for PCOS. High concentrations of body fat can result in erratic hormonal activity. The loss of a few pounds can assist with balancing hormone levels and help stimulate normal menstruation and ovulation.

Related article: 10 Common Health Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore

5. Hormonal therapy

After exhausting other options – and if PCOS symptoms persist – it may be worthwhile to consider hormone treatment. Of course, such treatments must take place under the supervision and guidance of a physician. Hormonal therapy often consists of prescribed medications that may help alleviate an assortment of PCOS symptoms.

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