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This Special Ring Allows You To Feel Your Partner’s Heartbeat From Anywhere In The World

In today’s world, we have the ability to talk to our loved ones no matter where we go, with just the click of a few buttons. We can Skype, FaceTime, email, text, and communicate in all sorts of ways that we couldn’t years ago. However, nothing really takes the place of our lover or relative actually being with us. Thanks to this innovative ring that allows you to feel your partner’s heartbeat, however, the pain of being so far apart might lessen just a bit. No matter the distance between you, at least you can feel their heart beating at any time you wish.

This Special Ring Allows You To Feel Your Partner’s Heartbeat From Anywhere In The World

Created by TheTouch, they call them HB Rings. Most of the designs are made from stainless steel, though you can also get a rose gold variety. All rings have a Unibody sapphire crystal surface, which means you won’t have to worry about them getting scratched.

So, how do these work exactly? Well, all you have to do is connect to an app via Bluetooth, and tap the ring after connecting to data or Wi-Fi. Then, you can feel your lover’s heartbeat in real time. These rings mark much more than just a commitment to your loved one; they actually connect you through your heartbeats, giving you comfort when you have to be apart.

You can get them on TheTouch website by pre-ordering now. Also, if you’d like more information or updates about the rings, check out their Facebook page here. 

Long-distance relationships make connecting very difficult, but now, it will feel like your loved one is right there with you. Even if it doesn’t take the place of them actually being beside you, it comes as close as you can get to the real deal. Sure, texting and Skype can work too, but neither of these options allows you to actually feel your loved one’s presence like the HB ring does.

The rings have 160 hours of standby time, as well as fourteen hours of active time, making them incredibly user-friendly and versatile. The long-lasting battery will make it easy to feel your lover’s heartbeat for as long as you wish. Also, the rings come in six sizes, so you will hopefully find the ring that fits you perfectly.

You can also choose from one of two charger boxes to make sure you keep your rings charged up and ready to go.

Final Thoughts on This Special Heartbeat Ring

We live in the digital age now, so as much as we’d like to always connect in real life to our favorite people, this sometimes isn’t an option. If you really want to feel your partner or loved one there with you, these rings will simulate that exact feeling.

Man Missing 90% Of His Brain Challenges Everything We Thought We Knew About Consciousness

What if you could live a normal life while missing 90% of your brain? In 2007, scientists took interest in a 44-year old French man who went to the doctor complaining of a pain in his leg. This might sound quite ordinary and uninteresting, but this man actually had the same issues growing up resulting from the ventricles in his brain filling with cerebrospinal fluid. Because of this issue, his life would forever change, but would give us invaluable information about our brains and the evolution of consciousness.

Man Missing 90% Of His Brain Challenges Everything We Thought We Knew About Consciousness

Upon visiting the doctor with this same problem as an adult, they decided to scan his brain to see if this might explain his leg pain. Shockingly, they found that his ventricles had swollen up so much with fluid that they had taken over his brain, leaving only 10% of it left. This thin cortical layer of neurons allowed his brain to function normally, despite him not being able to use most of his brain any longer.

Even though the man couldn’t use most of his brain, he had full consciousness and lived a vibrant, rich life. He worked as a civil servant and was married with two children, not at all aware of the fact that he only had 10% of his brain left. In this case, maybe ignorance is bliss after all.

However, this phenomenon left many scientists baffled as to how he could live without the parts of his brain that governed vital bodily functions. This example showed scientists and the world at large that we can indeed live without much of our brain, and that our consciousness lies somewhere outside of us. Furthermore, the man’s story challenged previous theories about how the brain works, and how it houses our awareness of the world around us.

Neuroscientists have stood behind the idea that the thalamus, which sends sensory signals to the cerebral cortex, had a key part to play in our consciousness. Research shows that any damage to this sensitive part of the brain may cause people to go into a coma, and one team of scientists actually “turned off” an epileptic patient’s consciousness through electric stimulation.

Researchers have also found that a person could lose consciousness by using electric stimulation to interfere with a part of the brain called the claustrum, which actually communicates closely with the thalamus.

So, given these facts, the idea that the French man could live a normal life with just a fraction of his brain is not at all farfetched. This greatly challenges any past theories about the idea that consciousness lies within the brain, and that we can’t experience life in the same way without its full functioning. Other researchers have claimed, however, that we don’t necessarily need to have all the parts working in order to have consciousness, but rather, that we need the neurons to properly communicate with one another.

For example, this study about neural activity patterns that help us form thoughts found that neurons actually don’t take the most direct route when communicating, but instead explore every option before sending a signal, making communication a very complex process. This idea explains the theory coined by Axel Cleeremans, called the “Radical Plasticity Theory”, which proposes that consciousness comes about due to the brain constantly reflecting on itself in order to learn, or relearn, how to become more self-aware.

Related article: 5 Ways To Hack Your Brain

Obviously, we have so much to learn regarding how the brain works and how it relates to consciousness, but the French man certainly can give us some insight into the matter. While many scientists have conflicting theories, some lean toward the idea that consciousness resides somewhere outside the brain. Considering the story you’ve just read about the French man, this theory might just make sense, even if we can’t wrap our heads around it just yet.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs You Have A Folate Deficiency

Vitamin B9 – also known as folate or folic acid – is a water-soluble vitamin vital to several bodily functions. Folate helps stabilize and maintain the nervous system, supports adrenal function, and normalizes various metabolic processes.

This B vitamin is essential for growth and development, proper nervous system, and brain function. Further, it may protect the body against various colonic, cervical, and lung cancers. In addition, folate may counteract the effects of aging. Folate also stimulates DNA production and helps repair genetic material that may become damaged.

Throughout pregnancy, folate aids in the growth of the fetus and placenta. Additionally, the vitamin helps prevent a myriad of birth defects, including of the brain and spinal cord. As such, it is recommended that pregnant women include adequate amounts of the vitamin in their daily diet.

Folate Deficiency

In developed countries, this deficiency is not considered a health concern. Most people obtain the necessary amounts from their diets, although some groups may be considered at risk for insufficient folate or folate deficiency.

At-risk, as should be understood in terms of folate deficiency, pertains to individuals or groups that may experience adverse health consequences due to inadequate folate intake. As specified in the paragraph below, the at-risk groups should take precautions to ensure that folate is consumed regularly.

Groups of people considered at-risk for folate deficiency include pregnant women, women who wish to become pregnant, alcoholics, liver disease and dialysis patients, and breast-feeding mothers. Individuals that take medication for diabetes and those who use diuretics or laxatives are also considered at risk for folate deficiency.

Diet and nutrition experts recommend that adults get at least 400 micrograms, and that children get at least 300 micrograms. Several adverse health effects may be experienced if one does not consume these minimum standards.

We will discuss some signs of a nutrient deficiency and ways of supplementing our diets.

Here are seven signs that you may have a folate deficiency:

1. Anemia

Anemia is a health condition that arises when the blood does not contain adequate supplies of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Human blood requires the presence of folic acid to produce normal red blood cells. Low levels of folic acid can result in a condition known as megaloblastic anemia, which prevents important red blood cells from fully developing.

2. Chronic low energy

Chronically feeling deprived of energy may be a sign of folate deficiency. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) – a health condition characterized by extreme fatigue lasting more than six months – has been linked with low levels of folate in the body. One of the folate’s primary functions is the regulation of the adrenal glands; the impaired function of these glands is a primary cause of CFS. Therefore, it is a potential indirect product of low folate.

3. Frequent illness

Folate helps to support a healthy immune system, a relatively-unknown trait of B vitamins (most associate immune health with Vitamin C). According to Harvard University, researchers note that diets lacking in folic acid – the conversional element – may weaken the immune system. While more research needs on the exact mechanisms of folate’s effect on immune health, it is apparent that a folate deficiency may contribute to more bouts of illness.

4. Changes in mood

Any potential cause of mood changes demands careful examination, as this is a cloudy concept with myriad potential causes. However, it is an established fact that folate is necessary for proper nervous system function. It can be inferred that lack of folate may impact neurological function. Some think a subset of folate (L-Methylfolate) “may be the answer” to depressive symptoms, for example.

5. Digestive problems

The National Institutes of Health characterize B vitamins as “essential,” that is, the body needs them to function properly. Now, folate hasn’t traditionally been referred to as a helpful digestive agent, but folic acid has been. Specifically, folic acid stimulates the production of stomach acid, which helps ensure proper digestion. Constipation, abdominal cramps, nausea, and diarrhea are common digestion problems that may result from low levels of folic acid.

6. Unhealthy skin

Skin condition is one of the best indicators of overall health, and the skin requires folic acid for nourishment. Not only is folate necessary for health, but it may also assist in preventing skin cancer. According to an article published in the US National Library of Medicine, folate (along with Vitamin D) is essential for skin cell reproduction.

As ultraviolet (UV) exposure diminishes the presence of folate in the skin, it is necessary to supplement the nutrient. Additionally, due to folate’s ability to reconstruct and repair DNA, researchers hypothesize that folate supplementation is a practical action that can prevent skin cancer. Several studies seem to agree with this notion.

7. Hair loss or greying

Folic acid replenishes cells that aid the growth of hair. When low folic acid levels, these cells lack the necessary nourishment to stimulate hair growth, which may result in hair loss. Also, folic acid deficiency may hasten the development of grey hair.


Eat mint every day–here is why.

Folate sources

First, it is important to distinguish between folate and folic acid. Folic acid is its synthetic component, normally consumed as a supplement or additive.

Here are some sources of folate and folic acid: citrus fruits, avocados, green vegetables, lentils, leafy greens, whole grain bread, grain products (cereal, pasta, oatmeal), and legumes.

Of course, both folate and folic acid are available as supplements. Retailers package folic acid as an individual supplement. Conversely, folate comes in most B-complex products. For additional information, contact a nutritionist or dietitian.

10 Signs Your Relationship Is In Trouble

Relationships are tough and require a lot of energy and work. Most importantly, they require mutual respect and compromise. Respecting not only each other’s opinions but also respecting each other’s needs and personal boundaries is very important to any healthy relationship. You need to be able to listen to each other’s needs and compromise so that both people are satisfied. You have to find a way to meet each other halfway. Besides that, you must be willing to be vulnerable and talk about tough issues. Also, be respectful and provide a safe, open environment when your partner needs to express themselves about a tough issue.

So, what are some signs that your relationship is in trouble?

10 Key Warning Signs When a Relationship Is in Trouble

soulmate relationship

1 – Chronic Criticism Within the Relationship

Criticism can become poison in a relationship when chronic and focused on the trivial. If you or your partner frequently point out minute flaws, such as how one ties their shoes or how they laugh, it indicates deeper underlying issues. It’s not just about the moment’s annoyance but a reflection of how you view and value each other. Constant nitpicking can erode the bedrock of love and affection over time. A healthy relationship thrives on mutual respect and appreciation. If, instead, you find that there’s a magnifying glass over every imperfection, it’s a sign of brewing discontent.

2 – You Assume the Worst

Trusting your partner is fundamental in a relationship. If every late call or missed message leads you to jump to negative conclusions, it suggests a deeper insecurity that can suffocate a partnership. Perhaps they missed your call because their phone battery died or got held up at work. However, if your first instinct is to assume betrayal or deceit, it’s an alarm bell of distrust. A relationship cannot thrive if every action is viewed with suspicion. It’s essential to communicate and establish trust, ensuring both partners can move freely and confidently without the looming shadow of unfounded doubts.

3 – Ghost From a Past Relationship

Past relationships can often cast long, haunting shadows over the present. If a simple gesture or phrase from your current partner triggers memories of a former flame and evokes a strong emotional response, it indicates unresolved issues. Holding your current partner hostage to the sins or mistakes of a previous relationship is unfair and unhealthy. Remembering that every individual is unique. So conflating the past with the present can be a massive roadblock to happiness. To genuinely embrace the future and the potential of your current relationship, it’s necessary to confront and resolve the lingering specters of relationships past.

4 – Contempt for Your Partner

Contempt goes beyond simple disagreement; it’s a sign of deep-rooted resentment. When either partner frequently belittles or devalues the other, the foundation of mutual respect, essential for a loving relationship, begins to crumble. Rather than ridiculing, strive to uplift and celebrate each other’s achievements. A loving relationship flourishes on positive reinforcement, understanding, and encouragement.

5 – You Stop Doing Things You Love

A relationship should enhance your life, not restrict it. If you find yourself shelving your passions or hobbies out of fear of your partner’s reaction, it’s indicative of a controlling dynamic. Healthy relationships allow both partners to pursue their interests without the shadow of jealousy or resentment. Remember, autonomy in a relationship is not just about space, but also the freedom to be one’s true self.



6 – You Socialize Away From Each Other

If you both can’t stand each other’s families or friends, you begin to disintegrate as a couple as you spend less and less time together. While it is important to have your social circles, it is also essential to set aside time to be together.

Every individual has their social circles, and that’s normal. However, if you find both of you intentionally avoiding each other’s friends or families, it’s a red flag. Shared experiences help strengthen the bond between couples. Finding a balance between personal socialization and shared moments is essential to nurture the relationship.

7 – Arguments Escalate Quickly

Every couple argues. But if your arguments escalate to name-calling and shouting each other down, then you are in serious trouble. Healthy couples respectfully discuss their opinions or disagreements. If you both are too mad to talk about it at the moment, then take a short break away from each other and come back an hour later when you have cooled off to discuss it without getting enraged.

Disagreements are a part of every relationship, but how you handle them determines the health of your partnership. If every small argument spirals into intense confrontations, it shows ineffective communication. Learning to discuss disagreements calmly and constructively can lead to understanding and growth.

8 – You Withdraw From Your Partner or the Relationship

If you or your partner withdraw into your protective shell and refuse to engage with the other, this is called turtling up. It is also called the “Silent Treatment,” or putting up a wall. Why does this occur? It often occurs well into the relationship and after many fights as either one or both of the people feel angry, frustrated, and tired of unresolved issues. Go to your partner with an olive branch, open up about your issue, and try to work it out calmly.

Shutting down communication is like shutting the doors to understanding. When partners frequently give each other silent treatment, it manifests deep-seated issues that aren’t being addressed. Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship. Breaking down those walls and being receptive to dialogue can pave the way to healing.

9 – You Can’t be Vulnerable with Them

If you don’t feel comfortable opening up to them because of a real fear of being ridiculed or dismissed. Indeed, that is a sign of deep dysfunction in the relationship. It is a matter of trust; if you can’t trust them not to hurt you, then there will be no meaningful intimacy between you.

Vulnerability is the cornerstone of deep intimacy. Constantly guarding yourself, fearing mockery or dismissal, signifies a trust deficit. Trust is the glue that binds two people; without it, genuine intimacy remains elusive.

10 – The Same Argument Over and Over

Recurring disagreements underscore unresolved issues. While occasional arguments are expected, consistently revisiting the same problem indicates stagnation. Both partners must be willing to address the underlying issue and work towards a compromise actively to move forward.

Recognizing these signs doesn’t seal the fate of your relationship. However, they are indicators of underlying issues that require attention. Even the most profound rifts can be bridged with mutual love, commitment, and willingness.


Final Thoughts About the Signs of a Rocky Relationship

Relationships, like all intricate endeavors, come with their challenges. It’s essential to recognize when the journey together hits rocky terrain, not as an end but as an opportunity for growth and understanding. Each sign of trouble is a call to action, urging couples to communicate, reflect, and recalibrate. By addressing these signs head-on, couples can rebuild a more robust, more resilient foundation, turning adversities into opportunities for a deeper connection. Remember, every challenge can be a stepping stone to a more profound bond if faced with love, patience, and understanding.


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Study Finds: Here’s How Many Trees It Takes Relax

Spending time in nature is a great way to relax. Now science backs up this idea by telling us exactly how many trees we need to see to relax. The crisp, fresh smell of pine trees, the rustling sound of palm fronds, and the drooping fountain of green of a weeping willow tree are beautiful aspects of the peacefulness that trees bring us.

Finding a quiet spot under a tree in the shade gives you the peak hours of mid-day sunlight. Or resting against its trunk on the sunny side as the sun is lower in the sky, can be the most relaxing place to spend your time. In this article, we will look at how trees help us relax our bodies and physically overcome the stress response.

Here’s How Many Trees You Need to See To Relax, According to Science

Shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” was first named by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 1982. The name for spending time looking at trees to relax gives us a way to talk about the significant discovery identified by scientists; human health and the environment connect to each other in important ways.

The stress response and its effect on your body

Heart rate variability, levels of the stress hormone cortisol, blood pressure, pulse rate, and perspiration are all measurable parts of the body’s stress response. Researchers look at these measurements in people at baseline, after exposing them to a controlled stressful situation, and after they looked at a certain number of trees in a forest setting. According to science, taking in the atmosphere of a forest can improve your state of mind and physical relaxation.

Stress can be caused by many different things in our environment, from our jobs to too much traffic, to not having enough time to do what we want. Stress is a killer; it can lead to coronary heart disease, overeating, stroke, immune health problems, and a lower quality of life.

Our response to environmental factors can either be healthy and positive or negative and harmful to our health. In many ways, we can control our response to stressful events by reframing the way that we think about these events. For example, looking at stress as a challenge we know we have the skills to handle effectively can be one effective way to relax.

The physiological effects on your body when you see trees


A joint research team at the University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, and the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong studied the density of trees that we see in city parks and people’s ability to recover after a stressful event. They reviewed the results from several previous studies and 24 forests across Japan.

The results, according to the scientists, were remarkable for the ability to see trees to lower the body’s stress response. They suggest that the results of their study show that local governments should work toward an ‘effective use of forest resources in stress management, health promotion, rehabilitation, and the prevention of disease.’

According to scientists, there is a healing effect of being surrounded by trees. In fact, it has a very real effect on reducing the stress response in our bodies. Scientists who study the health effects of trees on reducing stress have developed a new field; of forest medicine. According to science:

‘The results of studies performed on the physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) show that forest environments could lower cortisol concentrations, lower pulse rate, lower blood pressure, increase parasympathetic nerve activity, and lower sympathetic nerve activity compared with city settings.’

Why science says you need to see many trees before you can relax

As little as 15 minutes of viewing trees and 15 minutes walking in a forest can reduce stress. Joint Illinois and Hong Kong research mentions that previous forest bathing research also ‘showed that forest environments could lower the absolute value of the total hemoglobin concentration, an index of cerebral activity, in the brain’s left prefrontal area. The absolute value of hemoglobin concentration had never previously been measured in the field.’

anxiety medicines

These herbs may relieve anxiety better than medicine.

Researchers looked at varying levels of tree density and how stress response differed for the participants in the study. They found that if they had participants view a video of trees where the density of trees went from as low as 2% of tree canopy coverage to 62% of tree canopy coverage, the amount of self-reported stress decreased in a linear pattern. The higher the tree density, the lower feelings of reported stress, according to the scientists. Sohow many trees you need to see to relax? The science simply shows the more trees, the better.

7 Things Clever People Do Differently To Find Love

Finding the right partner to love IS possible. But there is a process that clever people follow to lead them to find the right person at the right place and the right time. Let’s look at seven things you can do to be clever about your choice of partner.

7 Things Clever People Do Differently To Find The Right Partner

falling in love

1. Think intentionally about what you want

Do you want someone who is rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, intelligent or uneducated? These and other qualities should be things that you can write down in a list to better help you identify the type of person who is right for you.

Researchers at Yale University and the University of Michigan looked at the following traits and preferences for them among people who were looking for the right partner:

  • Kind and considerate
  • Socially exciting
  • Domestic
  • Professional status
  • Wants children
  • Artistic and intelligent
  • Religious
  • Politically conservative
  • Easygoing and adaptable

The research found that when it comes to preferences in finding the right partner, men more than women preferred mates who were physically attractive and women more than men preferred mates who showed good earning potential and who were college-educated. The top three personality traits that people preferred in a potential partner were being kind and considerate, having an exciting personality, and intelligence.

2. Be the person you want to meet and fall in love with

Like attracts like, as the Law of Attraction tells us, so if you are looking for a sexy, confident, healthy person, make sure to work on developing those qualities in yourself in order to meet the right partner.


3. Play the field

The odds are against you if you only date from one group of people. Expand your search to other social groups that you might not normally encounter, people who have different hobbies or interests, and even as far away as foreign countries where the right partner might be hiding.

Date multiple people to get an idea for the type of single people who are available to you as you continue to look for the right partner.

4. Get the opinions of your friends and family

If you’d like to keep your friends after you get married, make sure that they think your partner is a smart choice for you. A word of caution here; clever people know that some of the opinions of their family members may be colored by the traditions that they were raised with. Socially, we have evolved much since your parents’ generation, so take their advice with a grain of salt. Also, cultural norms tend to favor men finding suitable wives who are able to bear children, and you may or may not be looking to have kids.

Researchers at the Institute of Behavioral Sciences in Hungary studied couples who stayed together long-term and found that couples whose wives were younger and less educated than their husbands lasted longer than other couples did. Men looking for younger wives makes biological sense for reproduction, and it is possible that they seek a less educated partner who will be less likely to have a career of her own which might take her away from the house and caring for children.

5. Focus on your needs, then on your wants

Making sure that you find a partner who can meet your needs is one thing that clever people do when looking for a mate. Take an honest assessment of yourself and what you really need from the right partner to feel happy. Do you need frequent physical touch or do you need a partner who will respect your need for space? Do you need quiet time or do you need an active, fun social life to feel fulfilled? A partner who can meet your needs is a smart find because you know they will listen when you then tell them what you want.

Related article: 5 Signs You’ve Found Someone Who Completes You

6. Keep your emotions in check

Sure, love is grand, but it also changes and develops over time. The way you feel about your partner after five years is different from the love you feel for them now. Often, passionate love fades and changes into companionship and deep affection for each other. If you think you feel a spark for a person, make sure to check your emotions. Then put a hold on them until you can be smart about making the right partner choice.

Related article: 5 Signs ‘The One’ Is Still Out There

7. Tune in to your intuition

Your gut instinct is a powerful tool to tell you that you are either on the right or wrong track when it comes to being wise about choosing the right partner. There is no other substitute for that ‘it just feels right’ feeling. Trust the physical sensation of tightness or warmth that you can feel under your ribcage between your heart and your stomach. This spot, when you learn to tune into it, will guide you to the right choices more often than not.

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