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The Psychology Behind Why Siblings Often Grow Apart

Perhaps you and your siblings had a close relationship in childhood but drifted apart as time passed. When most people enter adulthood, other aspects of life take precedences, such as careers and families. Sadly, a lot of siblings even live in different cities due to modern urbanization, making regular visits more difficult.

 However, deeper psychological reasons exist to explain why siblings often grow apart later in life. One of these explanations involves the relationships between siblings and parents. Even the most well-meaning parents can create a rift between their children depending on how they raise them.

You and your siblings probably had a unique relationship with your parents. Even if your mom or dad tried to remain fair, they still might have treated both of you differently. For instance, the eldest child usually gets more attention than the younger siblings. They usually also have more responsibilities, but this doesn’t make the youngest child feel any less jealous.

 As a result, siblings might lash out at each other or disagree because of unfair parenting habits. Of course, most parents don’t even realize that they treat their children differently. They may not do it on purpose, but it still causes problems between family members.

 Feelings of resentment, jealousy, or envy can pop up when siblings find even minor things to argue about. ‘Dad/Mom always liked you best’ comes up often during sibling rivalries, which can easily spiral out of control. A small argument may turn into a week-long skirmish, for instance, making both siblings even more resentful.

 Below, we will look at rivalry and other psychological dynamics that affect why siblings so often grow apart. We’ll also touch on how you can repair these relationships and enjoy a deep bond that will last a lifetime.personality

The Sibling Relationship From Childhood to Adolescence

 Your closest, most memorable years with your siblings usually happen during childhood. Most people remember being close friends and playmates with their young brothers and sisters. But, they often find that they grow apart during their teenage years. You can even see evidence of this in old photos since your parents probably took most of them during your childhood. Perhaps as a teen, you felt awkward and didn’t want your picture taken as often.

The teenage years are all about discovering your identity, separately from your family. That explains why many brothers  and sisters grow apart during this phase, especially if one is older. They may have an after-school job while going to college and not have as much free time.

During this phase of life, parents also give their children some breathing room and allow them to make independent decisions. As the teens gain more autonomy, they mature into their own personalities and may not feel as close with family.

During your childhood, your parents often watched over you and your siblings to ensure you played fairly. They helped level the playing field and made sure one of you didn’t hoard all the toys, for instance. But as you get older and have more responsibilities, you and your siblings have to overcome struggles without your mom or dad’s help.

Sibling Psychology From Teenagers to Young Adults

Israeli researchers looked at how siblings often grow apart sometime between the turbulent teenage years and young adulthood. They discovered that emerging adults spent less time and had less involvement in activities with their siblings than teenagers. However, they had a deeper emotional bond and felt more warmth toward their siblings. Also, they experienced less intense conflict in young adulthood compared to their teenage years.

This likely occurred because young adults tend to have a more mature perception of their sibling relationships. In adolescence, however, siblings still see each other as extensions of the parents and may identify themselves with them.

A study in the Journal of Marriage and Family looked at sibling relationships between 9000 people aged 16-85. Researchers examined how sibling relationships change over time, quantifying the difference with four types of sibling relationship behavior. The four relationship behaviors include the following: physical proximity, frequency of contact, giving help, and receiving help.  Over a lifetime, the researchers say, ‘All four measures of sibling relationship decline significantly during early adulthood.’

Young Adult Siblings And Later Years

It seems that in their golden years, siblings leave all the petty stuff behind and learn to get along. They realize how much time they spent arguing over silly things, and how they can’t get that time back. With age usually comes humility and a new outlook on life, so that plays a role in the changing sibling dynamics.

They want to live out their days in love and harmony, just getting to know each other again. Life and time have a way of making people distant, but as you age, you understand what really matters.

Researchers also found that physical location between siblings and frequency of contact tends to stabilize in middle age. Furthermore, they discovered that how often you and your siblings connect shows a slight increase after reaching age 70.

As siblings and their other family members age, parents inevitably pass away, leaving the sibling feeling alone. The researchers suggest that siblings act as a type of substitute for parents, spouses, and children. By providing similar social and family support to each other later in life, they receive similar benefits.

quotes on sisters

Final Thoughts on Sibling Relationships Throughout Life

Your closest and best relationship often happens with your brother or sister, as studies have shown. The similarity in age along with growing up together make it easy to bond and develop trust. You have likely been through a lot and seen each other at your worst moments.

However, you still have a deep love and care for one another despite the dark times. You also have plenty of beautiful memories and stories to share well into your later years.

Of course, most families deal with disagreements and rivalries at some point. The most turbulent years usually occur in childhood and adolescence, but then taper off into adulthood. As siblings grow more comfortable with their identities, they begin to miss their brother or sister. By reaching out even through text, the bond remains strong and they have a renewed appreciation for each other.

Parallel universes do exist, and scientists have the proof…

Parallel universes are a staple of science fiction television shows, like Fringe, for example. In these universes, most things are the same except for a few relatively minor differences. In our universe, we can only perceive four dimensions, but according to different theories in particle and theoretical physics, there could be more dimensions.

Parallel universes do exist, and scientists have the proof…

The Multiple Worlds Interpretation is a theory which postulates that everything that has happened or could have happened in history has happened in an alternate timeline or dimension. These dimensions sprout from each other like branches on a bush, infinitely. The core of the MWI is that the equations that model the evolution of systems over time function the same whether or not there are embedded observers in the system. So what does that mean? To understand, you first have to know what the Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment is.

In this experiment, there is a cat in a sealed and opaque box with a radioactive element and a Geiger counter hooked up to some sort of poison. The radioactive element has a 50/50 chance of decaying, and therefore, a 50/50 chance of setting off the Geiger counter, which will release the poison and kill the cat. But, until you open up the box to see if the cat is alive or dead, the cat exists in a quantum super-positional state where it is both alive and dead at the same time.

Every time you make a decision for a microsecond, before you make that decision, you are in a super-positional state where you have made both choices. The MWI timeline splits into different universes where you have made the same choice in different ways. So, these universes theoretically continue to split and multiply with every decision by every person, animal, or particle, for that matter.

Now, String Theory tries to explain all of this by attempting to unify Quantum Mechanics and Gravity. No easy feat considering no one has been able to successfully do it yet. The problem is that our ability to measure gravity breaks down at the atomic and subatomic level. Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, but it is also very weak. Weak? Really? Yes, it takes the entire mass of our planet to hold you to the ground. But, what about super massive black holes? Yes, they are very powerful, but require an astronomical amount of mass to achieve that power, and when compared to the other forces of the universe, it is still the weakest. So, what does all of this have to do with multiple universes?

Well, in order for String Theory to function, it needs extra “pocket” dimensions added to ours in order to make the math work – at least ten extra dimensions, in fact. These extra dimensions have to be “compactified” to a point where they are too small to measure. These extra dimensions can also be compactified in different ways. Picture the number 10 with 500 zeroes after it; that’s how many different ways we’re talking about here. Each of these compactifications will result in a separate universe with different physical laws. Unfortunately, string theory is useless in the search for which of these many universes we live in and where the rest of the universes reside.

Back to the beginning of our universe. After the Big Bang, there was a period of inflation where space/time itself was rushing outwards faster than the speed of light. Inflation theory was used to explain the even temperature of the observational universe. But, it also predicted there would be fluctuations in the background temperature, which were confirmed by multiple spacecraft, including the PLANCK and Cosmic Background Explorer. What this means is that our universe is eternally inflating, and some pieces of this universe may “break off” into other universes ad infinitum. When you combine this with string theory, you get an infinite number of universes with an infinite number of physical laws.

The universes predicted by String Theory and Inflation would occupy the same physical space, uno,like Quantum Mechanics, which currently is purely math driven. If they occupy the same physical space, then they may overlap or collide from time to time, and if they do, then we should be able to find a way to detect that collision or overlap. These collisions would leave evidence in the night sky that we could search for. Depending on the model used, they could be hot or cold spots in the cosmic background or voids in the distribution of galaxies within the universe.

Related article: Nothing Is Solid & Everything Is Energy, According To New Research

While scientists are searching for these clues, others are looking for more indirect indications. Gravity waves were predicted by Einstein, and until recently, undiscovered. The LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) recently detected gravity waves from a pair of colliding black holes 1.3 billion light years away. This strengthens the case for inflation, and by extension, the idea of multiple universes.

11 Quotes to Remember When Everything Is Going Wrong

Sometimes, it seems that everything goes wrong, despite our best efforts to make things right.We can do everything in our power to make something work, but life might have different plans. Many of us feel as though we have no control over our lives, and while that might hold some truth to some extent, we do have the power to control how we react to situations. The next time you feel frustrated or at the end of your rope over something in life, just remember the following quotes to keep things in perspective.

11 Quotes to Remember When Everything Is Going Wrong

1. Sometimes you just need to talk to a four year old and an 84 year old to understand life again. – Kristen Butler


Sometimes, we forget important lessons throughout life that can help us through tough situations. When we can get a different perspective, it can make all the difference in how we react to a situation. Next time you find that everything is going wrong, talk to a child and an older adult to see what they think about it. Chances are, you’ll get your answer, plus a whole new outlook on life.


2. If you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse.


When everything goes wrong, we often forget about everything we have to be grateful for. Remember that even when your life seems like a nightmare, you have the chance at making everything right again, because you are alive and breathing.

3. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.


Remember that you are not a tree; you can move. When everything goes wrong, maybe the best choice is just to move on, set your sights on new horizons, and write a new chapter in your story.

4. When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.


We live in a world of duality; we must have darkness to show us the light, and vice versa. Don’t expect life to always hand you lemons, but when it does, say your thanks and use them as you will.

5. Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.


See the beauty in the bad times and know that something better lies ahead. Use the bad experiences as a tool to help you grow, learn and gain a new perspective.


6. Look for something positive in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.


Not every day will go exactly as you planned and have rainbows and butterflies; some days will challenge you, but let those experiences change you for the better.

7. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.


Everything might go wrong, but look at the things you still have that mean the world to you. If you have a pulse, a family who loves you, friends that adore you, food to eat and roof over your head, you have more than most.

8. You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.


If you don’t like your life, remember; you can change it. You have the power and control to make this life everything you ever dreamed of, so don’t let reality discourage you. And you can transcend reality based on your thoughts, perceptions, and attitude.

9. No matter how you feel – get up, dress up, show up and never give up.



Never allow life to beat you down for too long; you can only move forward and make positive change if you keep a good mindset and allow the tough times to make you stronger.

10. The older I get, the more I realize no one has any idea what they are doing and everyone is just pretending.


The next time you take life too seriously, remember that we all are winging it here. No one knows more than anyone else on the right way to live, so if things go wrong, remember that everyone is in the same boat. You are not alone here.

11. Overthinking will destroy your mood. Breathe and let go.


Sometimes, we even create problems in our own heads that don’t really exist in reality. Stay mindful of your thoughts, and don’t let them control you.

Ask yourself, “Is everything really going wrong, or do I just think that based on my perception?”

Related article: 11 Quotes To Remember When You Have Problems

11 Signs You’ve Met a Love From a Past Life

Have you ever felt overwhelming familiarity and joy upon meeting someone? You may have just connected with the spirit of a partner from a past life.

Meeting someone from a past life can feel overwhelming but in a good way. More times than not, meeting someone from a past life, especially a soulmate, means you have an essential mission to complete with them during your time here on Earth.

11 Signs You’ve Met a Partner From A Past Life


1. They feel like home to you.

You finally feel understood fully and completely. You feel like you can be your goofball self around them, and they won’t judge you. In fact, they’ll embrace and accept you unconditionally. You feel totally comforted and completely looking into their eyes. You feel the same with them like you have connected with someone who knows your soul to the core.

2. Your emotions run wild when you meet them.

The person you meet draws up a wellspring of emotions within you. You can’t place it precisely, but something about the encounter felt incredibly powerful and life-changing. You feel you haven’t seen them in ages, and have suddenly crossed paths in such a surprising way. You know that you never want to let this person go when you see them again.

3. You have past life memories together.

You don’t know how or why, but you both share memories of past lives together. You might recall living in the same place, having the same occupation, or crossing paths along travels in a foreign country. You just intuitively know and remember these things, and the memories have carried over into all the lives you have shared with this person.

4. You share everything with them.

You feel that you can spill everything from your soul, unabashedly and fully, and they won’t judge you. You’ve never felt so heard and understood by someone before; they hang onto your every word, and you feel important and listened to. They make you feel comfortable baring your soul, so you do, and have never felt so alive.

5. You lose track of time with them.


You forget about the reality around them – time doesn’t mean anything when you have them at your side. Upon meeting them again, you two might spontaneously decide to catch up, and before you know it, five hours have passed. You feel so in tune and engaged with them that you easily lose track of time, space, and all of reality.

6. You feel connected, even in different places.

Even during your time apart, you feel like you have a strong connection with this person. You may have thought about them before, or seen them in a dream. You knew exactly what they looked like without ever meeting them before in this lifetime, and knew you would cross paths with them someday. Destiny decided that you two would come together again, and you heard the call long before you and your soulmate actually met.

7. You have an instant connection.

You may have felt misunderstood and alone for most of your life, but meeting them erases all those painful memories. You have an unbreakable bond with them that feels more powerful than anything you’ve felt before, and you can talk and be with them effortlessly.

Psychic Michele Knight says about past life connections: “We’ve all been in the situation where we’ve met someone new but have this immediate and deep connection – sometimes to the point of being able to anticipate what they are going to say next – or feeling as if they’ve been in our life forever. Often this can mean they have been in a spiritual sense as this kind of ‘instant karma’ we feel with certain people is exactly that. A karmic, past life connection and the level of comfort and feeling we already ‘know’ someone is merely our shared history catching up with us and playing out in this lifetime.”

8. You can communicate with them telepathically.

You may recall messages they sent you before you reconnected; this will explain why you have such a strong connection with them. Your hearts and souls have become intertwined due to your cosmic relationship. You have traveled to many places together, some in this galaxy and some very far away. No matter where you go, you can hear each other and know exactly what one another is thinking.

You may notice things like them saying something as you were thinking about it, or finishing each other’s sentences often.

9. You have a deep spiritual connection.

Your connection with them goes much deeper than just the surface; while you two have a solid physical connection, you also share the same views spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. You two balance each other out, and feel comfortable expressing yourself in all aspects and realms. You connect on a very deep level, and “get” one another. You can talk for hours, or not talk at all but still understand each other. Just sitting beside them, you feel this unbreakable bond.

things that happen when you meet your soulmate

10. You have never had a connection so powerful before.

You can’t recall anything that ever felt like this before. You feel in awe of their presence, so moved by their existence. It shakes you to the core, and you never want to stay the same after meeting them. Your soulmate makes you a better person, and not everyone possesses the power to bring about such a change.

11. They make you feel more like yourself.

Your soulmate should lift you up, not drag you down. Upon meeting them, you realize you feel more alive, vibrant, and full. All the empty spaces fill with light, and you notice yourself becoming lighter in spirit, too. You somehow understand yourself better once you meet them, and feel like you’ve awoken after a long, deep slumber.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

A Simple 12 Word Text That Is Guaranteed To Improve Someone’s Day

You send text messages daily, and telling the important people in your life that you care about them is as easy as a simple 12-word text that is actually designed to help improve their day. 

A great conversation by text message can be a challenge to accomplish seeing as we rarely have time to write out our full thoughts and feelings. Instead, we abbreviate, shorten, and delete any unnecessary information when we type a text message response.

A Simple 12 Word Text That Is Guaranteed To Improve Someone’s Day

You stare at your phone screen waiting for a response from the person who you just texted, but nothing is coming through. You think to yourself ‘They must be busy’ but the lack of a reply leaves you wondering if something is wrong or how you can help. Without knowing, you’re at a loss to improve their day, or even to know if they need or want your help. In this article we will look at a simple 12-word text that will help you get a reply next time.


The frustration of waiting for a text reply

Ever ask someone how they are doing by text message and just get a single word response like ‘fine’ or ‘OK?’ You aren’t alone; texting how we truly feel is difficult, just like it’s sometimes difficult to express ourselves verbally as well. You might tell anyone the same response, rather than taking the time to explaining your frustration at the bank today or whatever is on your mind.

Researchers working jointly from the Palo Alto Research Center in Palo Alto, California and St John’s Innovation Centre in Cambridge, United Kingdom looked at daily text message communication among teenagers. They say ‘Most of the single messages that were sent asked, either explicitly or implicitly, for a response. Some were conversational openers such as ‘Hi what are you doing?’ or ‘What’s up?’ Others took the form of explicit enquiries to the recipients such as ‘Did you have a good evening/weekend?’ Other messages that described events or activities also appeared to be implicit requests for responses.’

Unfortunately, many text messages went unanswered, which was frustrating for the sender of the message. The researchers say ‘One extreme example of a single (person) requesting a response was an SMS that (a participant) received which he summarized as ‘I’ve had a big fight and I don’t know what to do.” In this case, there was no answer, even though the person sending the text message was clearly having a moment of crisis. So how do we get people to respond to our text messages’

The simple 12 word text message guaranteed to improve someone’s day

The key to using an effectively worded text message that prompts people to respond is to make it like a game. In her book Reality is Broken, author and game researcher Jane McGonigal says that the way we word a simple text message can elicit a response from the people we care about and that will enable us to act to help them.

Getting people to pay attention is as simple as making a kind of game out of your text message. The 12 word text that McGonigal suggests we use is ‘How is your day going on a scale of one to ten?’ She says that this lets the person quickly respond with a single number. But it’s as though they are playing a game with us, which most people enjoy. It’s like they are seeing this 12-word text message as a game and they hope to get the answer right to the trivia question that you asked.

The next step to guarantee that you’ll improve someone’s day with a text

After the person responds to you with a number, say ‘5’ for example, McGonigal says you then would ask ‘Is there anything I can do to help you to go from a 5 to a 6?’ or whatever the next highest number would be. In this way, you have a sense of how they are feeling, and you have also offered to help improve their day.

The person you are texting may not know how to communicate their needs and describe a way for you to help, but once you have a sense for how they feel, you can make suggestions that you are willing to give that will improve their mood, state of mind, spiritual or physical well-being.

Related article: What Do The Emojis You Use Reveal About Your Personality?

If you are offering help to someone you care about, remember to first make sure that your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs are met. Giving to someone else without filling your own bucket first leaves you drained of energy and unable to give anymore.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs of Poor Heart Health to Never Ignore

According to Dr. David Majdalani of the Cleveland Health Clinic, there are five symptoms of poor heart health that you should know. So seek immediate medical attention if you experience them.

Five Signs of Poor Heart Health Everyone Should Know

Watch for these red flags and seek advice from your doctor immediately.

1. Abnormal heart beat.

Also known in medical circles as an “arrhythmia”, and it does not necessarily mean your heart is beating too fast or too slow.

This could seem like a skipped beat, an additional beat, some kind of “fluttering”, “tachycardia” – beating too quickly, or “bradycardia” – beating too slowly. Or it may show no symptoms at all, being a “silent” arrhythmia. These could be serious or harmless, so it is best to err on the side of caution and visit your local doctor.

poor heart health

Symptoms of an abnormal heartbeat, according to WebMD:

N.B. There could be no symptoms if it is a “silent” arrhythmia.

– Palpitations – skipping or additional beats, fluttering, or “flip-flops”.
– Pounding in the chest.
– Dizziness.
– Fainting.
– Shortness of breath.
– Chest pain or tightening.
– Feeling very tired – weakness or fatigue.

If you have an abnormal heart beat, stop:

– Doing certain activities that bring on the complaint more often.
– Smoking, if you do.
– Excessive drinking of alcohol. One drink per day for women, two per day for men.
– Excessive intake of caffeine.
– Taking cold and cough medicines containing stimulants. Always seek the advice of your physician to see which medications are optimal for you.

2. Chest pain.

In the words of the NHS in the United Kingdom, “chest pain can be caused by anything from muscle pain to a heart attack and should never be ignored.” However, it might not be the heart that is causing this discomfort. As well as the heart, the pain could be caused by the muscles in the affected area, lungs, gullet, nerves, or ribs, including the sternum. Types of chest pain, as stated on WebMD, include: sharp, dull, burning, aching, stabbing, or a tight crushing sensation.

Symptoms to watch out for in addition to chest pain:

– Dizziness, nausea, fast heart rate or breathing, confusion, grey complexion, or excessive sweating.
– Pain spreading to the jaw, left arm, or back.
– Sudden feeling of pressure or crushing under the breast bone.
– Extremely low blood pressure or heart rate.
– Shortness of breath.

Causes for heart-related chest pain:

– Coronary Artery Disease.
– Angina.
– Heart attack.
– Myocarditis, the same symptoms of a heart attack but without the blockage.
– Pericarditis.
– Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
– Mitral Valve Prolapse.
– Coronary Artery Dissection.

3. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

This is caused by a blood clot in one or more deep veins. This has received media attention over the last decade or two thanks to the deaths of various people from DVT due to inactivity inside aircraft.

It is usually caused when you suffer from “certain medical conditions that affect how your blood clots”, according to Mayo Clinic. It adds that DVT “can also happen if you don’t move for a long time, such as after surgery, following an accident, or when you are confined to a hospital or nursing home bed.” It is known that DVT can also cause a pulmonary embolism, thanks to a free-running blood clot which goes straight to the lungs. A DVT and pulmonary embolism combo is known as venous thromboembolism (VTE).

As noted in the NHS in the UK, symptoms of DVT and pulmonary embolism are:


– pain, swelling and tenderness in one of your legs (usually your calf)
– a heavy ache in the affected area
– warm skin in the area of the clot
– red skin, particularly at the back of your leg below the knee.
– DVT usually (although not always) affects one leg. The pain may be worse when you bend your foot upward towards your knee.

Pulmonary embolism:

If left untreated, about one in 10 people with a DVT will develop a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism is a very serious condition which causes:

– breathlessness, which may come on gradually or suddenly
– chest pain, which may become worse when you breathe in
– sudden collapse
– Both DVT and pulmonary embolism require urgent investigation and treatment.

Risk Factors:

Anyone can develop DVT, but it becomes more common over the age of 40. As well as age, there are also a number of other risk factors, including:

– having a history of DVT or pulmonary embolism
– having a family history of blood clots
– being inactive for long periods – such as after an operation or during a long journey
– blood vessel damage – a damaged blood vessel wall can result in the formation of a blood clot
– having certain conditions or treatments that cause your blood to clot more easily than normal – such as cancer (including chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment), heart and lung disease, thrombophilia and Hughes syndrome
– being pregnant; your blood also clots more easily during pregnancy
– being overweight or obese
– The combined contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) both contain the female hormone oestrogen, which causes the blood to clot more easily. If you’re taking either of these, your risk of developing DVT is slightly increased.

4. Heart attack.

It goes without saying, you must act immediately with this one. A “heart attack (also known as Myocardial infarction or MI), occurs when blood flow stops to a part of the heart causing damage to the heart muscle. The most common symptom is chest pain or discomfort which may travel into the shoulder, arm, back, neck, or jaw. Often it is in the center or left side of the chest and lasts for more than a few minutes. The discomfort may occasionally feel like heartburn. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath, nausea, feeling faint, a cold sweat, or feeling tired,” states Wikipedia.

However, the build-up of a heart attack “is normally gradual, over several minutes, and rarely instantaneous,” continues Wikipedia. The quicker you react to the onset of MI, the higher the chances of survival. Call emergency services immediately if you experience any of the mentioned symptoms.

5. Coronary heart disease, CHD.

Here are the causes of CHD, as described by NHS in the UK:

“Coronary heart disease is the term that describes what happens when your heart’s blood supply is blocked or interrupted by a build-up of fatty substances in the coronary arteries. Over time, the walls of your arteries can become furred up with fatty deposits. This process is known as atherosclerosis and the fatty deposits are called atheroma.

Atherosclerosis can be caused by lifestyle factors and other conditions, such as:

– smoking
– high cholesterol
– high blood pressure (hypertension)
– diabetes

poor heart health

Five Actions to Avoid Poor Heart Health and Live a Healthier Lifestyle

Avoiding poor heart health is something you can start doing today. Your lifestyle choices today benefit your heart healthy in the future. Here are five practical ways to keep your heart healthy.

1 – Eat a healthy heart diet

Eating healthy means you don’t eat from just one food group, but your diet includes a full range of natural foods from all the food groups, such as

  • Whole grains-High in vitamins B and E.
  • Fruits and vegetables- High in fiber, vitamins, and minerals
  • Heathy fats-Olive oil and natural plant oils. This includes eating nuts and seeds.
  • Eat low salt- High sodium diet isn’t good for your heart. Too much salt increases your risk of high blood pressure.
  • Eat herbs and spices-Use these to flavor your food instead of salt or sugar

2 – Stay active

Regular exercise reduces your risk for a heart attack or heart disease. Exercise strengthens your heart, muscles, and bones. Staying active with exercise makes you feel happier and, depending upon the intensity of your exercise, it creates more neurons in your brain. It’s recommended that you do moderate exercise for at least 150 minutes a week. Some exercises you can do include

  • Running
  • Brisk walking
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Jumping rope
  • Tennis
  • Dancing

Doing something is better than nothing. Don’t feel overwhelmed at first. Set realistic goals for yourself. Start small and build up the time and intensity you’re exercising.

3 – Manage stress

Stress is a normal part of life, but if your stress is over the top, you need to manage it to keep your heart healthy. Add these things to your life to help reduce your stress.

  • Exercise-Walk your dog, walk to your friend’s house instead of driving, take your kids on a hike.
  • Take breaks-Take a personal day once a month to destress and get recharged.
  • Slow down-Don’t allow busyness to rule your life.
  • Find a hobby-Find a hobby. Do you love painting? Knitting? Dancing?
  • Talk about your problems-Find a trusted friend to talk with about your problems.

4 – Know your cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a fatty substance your body produces naturally. It’s also in foods. There are two types of cholesterol: good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Bad cholesterol builds up in your arteries, causing blockages that affect the blood flow to your heart. This puts you at risk for a heart attack or stroke. Eating too many “bad” fats found in fatty meats, pizza, pastries, or fried foods raises your cholesterol levels. Read labels on food packages and find healthy alternatives to avoid poor heart health.

5 – Regular Heart Health Check

Schedule a yearly check-up. Your health care provider will run tests to check your heart health. These include

  • Blood pressure check
  • Blood work to check your cholesterol levels
  • Medical history information

Be sure to tell your doctor if you have symptoms that could show heart problems such as chest pains, dizziness, or fatigue.


Final Thoughts on Identifying the Signs of Poor Heart Health

Never ignore these five signs of poor heart health. Being aware of them could save your life. Taking care of your heart is something you can start doing right away. Healthy lifestyle choices such as regular exercise, eating natural, healthy foods, managing your stress, and regular check-ups will benefit your heart both today and in the future.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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