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20 Things A True Gentleman Does Differently

The idea of a true gentleman grew out of the traditions of knighthood in a very dangerous period of history. While the concepts of knighthood and honor have long been out of fashion, some behaviors from that time still have meaning and purpose.

The core concepts of the knight and the gentleman are similar: Protect the weak and defenseless, show compassion and mercy, speak the truth, and be courteous to others, especially women.

So what are some of the actual behaviors of a true modern gentleman?

Here are twenty behaviors of a true gentleman:

Do you recognize these actions in your beloved?

a true gentleman

1. Opens Doors

A gentleman holds the door for others to go in. He opens the door for women and lets them go through first.

2. On Time

A gentleman shows up when he says he will show up and doesn’t leave others waiting. It is rude to show up late and waste other people’s time. Not only is being on time courteous, but it shows that you value their time.

3. Walks closest to the Curb

Walking close to the curb and putting yourself between a woman and any potential danger is what a gentleman does.

4. Offers his Jacket

If a woman is cold and doesn’t have a jacket, and you do, then you sacrifice your comfort to make a lady more comfortable.

5. Helps her be seated

A gentleman pulls out a woman’s seat for her and helps her move the seat in closer to the table.

6. He is Courteous

It seems like a small thing, but saying “please” and “thank you” to people shows courtesy and respect for others. It is a minor thing and costs you nothing, but can earn you valuable points with people.

7. Offers his Seat

If you are on the bus/subway/park bench and a woman does not have a seat, you offer your seat. A gentleman sacrifices even small things like personal comfort for a short commute.

8. Offers His Arm

When out on a date, and you and your date are walking, offer your arm. It is classy, and women like to walk arm-in-arm with a gentleman.

9. Has Table Manners

Appropriate table manners mean a lot and show that you are not some uncouth barbarian. If you are at a BBQ joint, then by all means, use your fingers and get messy. But, if you are eating at a restaurant with silverware, use them; that knife and fork are there for a reason. Also, put your napkin on your lap. It shows refinement and class.


10. Is Not Rude to People

Even if the service is horrible, take the high road and be polite. It doesn’t cost you anything, shows you can restrain your emotions, and shows empathy and basic respect for others.

11. Picks up the Check

A gentleman reaches for the check and in most cases, should insist on paying. The rare occasions when a gentleman doesn’t pick up the check, he at least attempts to get the check and puts up a token struggle before conceding. When he picks up the check, whether for a date or for friends, he never expects something in return.

12. Is Attentive

When someone is talking, you should be listening and listening closely. Don’t fiddle with your phone or watch the TV in the background. Look at the speaker and listen to what they are saying. A gentleman also notices how others look. Compliment a woman sincerely. “You look stunning” is an appropriate compliment and always makes a woman smile.

13. Keeps his Word

He does it if a gentleman says he will be somewhere or do something. It is that simple. Do what you say you are going to do.

14. Keeps a Secret

That information goes into the vault if a gentleman is told something confidently. He doesn’t blab it to others.

15. Does Not Kiss and Tell

Nobody needs to know what your significant other looks like without clothes, how good they are in the sack or what freaky things they like. Please keep it to yourself.

16. Does Not Hit Women

A gentleman’s role is to protect women even at the cost of their own life. A gentleman never hurts a woman. The only exception to this is if a woman is trying to kill an innocent person. Outside of extreme circumstances, a man should never lay his hands on a woman in anger.

17. Waits For Others to Get Their Food Before Eating

A gentleman waits until everyone has been served at a restaurant before eating. It shows patience and courtesy.

18. Is Honest

A gentleman tells the truth even if it hurts him. Honorable people tell the truth, always. A gentleman is trustworthy.

19. Gets Stuff Done

A gentleman knows how to do stuff and gets those things done. A gentleman can fix the car, splint a broken limb, change the baby’s diaper or cook dinner. Gentlemen know how to do things and can get those things done. He is a jack of all trades, a Renaissance man, or the most exciting man in the world.

20. Protects the Defenseless

A gentleman, at his core, is a warrior and stands ready to jump into harm’s way to protect the innocent. Bravery, courage, and fearlessness are the hallmarks of a gentleman. He stands up for the oppressed, protects women and children, and risks his life to save the lives of others.


Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Signs of a True Gentleman

Being a true gentleman is a timeless concept that transcends generations and cultures. A true gentleman embodies the qualities of chivalry, respect, and integrity. He is someone who exudes confidence but not at the expense of others. Being a true gentleman is not just about being well-dressed or well-spoken. It’s about embodying values and principles that define the person. A true gentleman is respectful, honest, trustworthy, and kind.

How to Keep Toxic People Out of Your Relationship

Some people don’t know how to mind their business. When these toxic personalities get involved in your relationship, it’s time to tell them to keep out. This article will look at the destructive ways others will try to butt in where they don’t belong. Also, we review how you can prevent yourself and your partner from the emotional drain of their toxic behavior.

How to Keep Toxic People Out of Your Relationship

Some people love a good story. So the intimate details of your relationship are like a juicy soap opera that they can’t get enough of. Naturally, they will keep asking you more about your feelings toward your partner. Then they get more into the nitty gritty of your affairs when they should be keeping out of your business.

If only all of the people we talk to could respect our privacy, be socially polite, and keep the confidences that we entrust them with, then we wouldn’t have to worry about the negative effects on our relationship. But when people use the information that you share to tell others, get entertainment value from your life, or use the details to manipulate your behavior, these toxic people need to be kept out of your relationship.

toxic behaviors

Why toxic people get involved in your relationship

We all love a good story, and a good non-fiction love story is exactly what your relationship has turned into for the toxic person who won’t let you have your privacy. Maybe some of these phrases sound familiar:

  • ‘I’m just worried about you.’
  • ‘When you won’t include me in your life, I just don’t feel like you care.’
  • ‘Why won’t you trust me?’

If you’ve heard these phrases or something similar from a person you suspect of being toxic, it’s a sign that they are trying to get the gossip on your relationship. Don’t let these toxic people manipulate your relationship.

Research by the Queensland University in Brisbane, Australia, found some interesting facts about malicious workplace gossip. They note it can be an influential form of power, strongly contributing to counterproductive behavior. There are negative consequences of the rumors spread by toxic people for those who are the targets of their attacks, for example, intentionally excluding someone from a group because they are being talked about in secret. The researchers say, ‘This research highlights the importance of recognizing gossip as an effective, though dark, form of power.’

What can you do to keep toxic people out of your relationship?relationship

  1. Stop offering information about your relationship.
  2. When a toxic person with questionable motives asks you questions about you and your partner, say this instead of giving them the gossip they crave.  ‘Why do you ask?’
  3. Confront toxic people about their need for gossip
  4. Say this. ‘The details of my relationship are a private matter between myself and my partner and we would like to keep it that way.’
  5. Set boundaries for the toxic person when they interact with you.
  6. You never have to tolerate unacceptable behavior from a toxic person. Instead, say, ‘If you continue to ask me about my relationship, I will stop talking with you.’
  7. Don’t make this an idle threat, if you set the boundary and the toxic person persists in asking you about your relationship, repeat what the boundary was and then state the consequence; that you are leaving, hanging up, or no longer speaking to them until they respect your privacy.
  8. Ensure that your partner sets boundaries too
  9. If you hold the toxic person accountable for their behavior, but your partner still shares your relationship information, your efforts will be wasted to keep the toxic person out. Make sure you act as a team to keep nosy people at bay.


Final Thoughts on Eliminating Toxic People From Your Relationship

Are you and your partner arguing about something? Sometimes your partner brings in a third party to confide in. Researchers at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah say ‘Rather than deal with problems more directly within the confines of the marital relationship, the spouse engaging in social sabotage chooses to expose and defame the spouse, bringing third parties into ongoing marital dynamics.’ Your partner or an outside person may use rumors and gossip about your relationship to collect information and to ‘recruit others to take their side in a dispute.’

The Provo study also says that a toxic person can use gossip as a tool to engage in ‘social manipulation and using circuitous means to harm a victim. In particular, they recognized how rumors and gossip serve as a unique brand of covert, non-confrontational behaviors in which the perpetrator (the original source of the rumor) may remain unidentified. ‘If your partner spreads rumors, you might not know whom they have talked to about confidential pieces of your lives.

7 Pieces of Relationship ‘Advice’ You’ll Want To Ignore

Relationship advice can be found on any magazine you see in line for the register at any grocery store, but if your relationship is in crisis, there are some old gems of ‘good advice’ that you’ll want to ignore. In this article, we will look at 7 pieces of relationship advice to throw out with the recycling and why they are no good for you or your partner.

7 Pieces of Relationship ‘Advice’ You’ll Want To Ignore

It is hard to ignore the fact that our social culture has changed over time and has brought about some pretty radical changes in the way we find a partner, join our lives together, and sustain a relationship over time.

Researchers at University of California, Irvine and State University, Los Angeles reviewed women’s magazine topics on relationships since 1900. They found ‘a historical change toward equating love with self-fulfillment and advocating the expression of anger.’ There have been many changes from traditional relationship values to more modern ones and the research showed that these changes in relationship advice given by women’s magazines are related to waves of political liberation versus oppression.

The researchers say that ‘Emotion norms have become less rigid and more tolerant of diversity; but gender differences persist, and women are still responsible for maintaining intimate relationships. Historical trends in love and anger norms are nonlinear, not a continuous shift toward individualism, self-development, and free expression, as suggested by recent cultural theories.’

1. You can train your partner to be a better mate

No one can force another person to change their behavior, so this is an avoidable piece of relationship advice. Training is something you can do for non-human animals, not people. Although you can certainly communicate your preferences to your partner, and praise or reward them when they listen and respect your boundaries, you will never change the core of their personality.


2. Express your emotions, don’t repress them

‘Harry, you’re going to have to try and find a way of not expressing every feeling that you have, every moment that you have them.’ – Sally Albright, When Harry Met Sally

Should you tell your partner how frustrated you are by, for example, them humming along to the radio, now, or to ignore it? Is it better to bottle up your feelings, or express them right away? The best relationship advice is, it depends.

For example, if your partner is happy, and you can tell this by their body language and expression, then telling them that you are annoyed by their behavior is going to hurt them more deeply than if you can move to another location or plug your ears or just learn to be happy with them. No one partner in a relationship has the right to stop the other partner from being happy just because they find it annoying. You both have the right to happiness.

3. Don’t go to bed angry

Honestly, this piece of relationship advice should be ignored because some topics are too serious to come to a decision about before bed. An argument is usually a difference of opinion between you and your partner and if it’s important, and you’re still arguing about it before bedtime, sleep is probably the best thing you can do to gain some perspective on the situation.

4. As long as you are both honest about your feelings, everything will be fine

Honesty is key to building trust, and hiding things from your partner isn’t good, but you also know the difference between telling a little white lie to save your partner from having hurt feelings and a flat-out lie that is dishonest and could destroy your relationship later.

5. If the sex is good, then the relationship is healthy

Sex and intimacy is only one component of a healthy partnership. A strong libido doesn’t equal a happy relationship with excellent communication and a couple who work together to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. Sex does not equate to a deep emotional commitment either, unfortunately, so this is one piece of relationship advice you’ll want to ignore.

6. A good breakup is better than a bad relationship

If it’s truly a bad relationship, meaning that staying is emotionally, physically, mentally or otherwise harmful to one partner or both, then a breakup is indeed better. However, if you’re not hurting, it might be worth staying if the relationship problems can be solved. University of Buffalo researchers found that the physical health of both partners was a sign of a high-quality romantic relationship. So if you are fit and healthy, consider yourself to be in a healthy relationship.

Related article: This ONE Behavior Will Affect Your Relationship More Than Anything Else

7. You can always go to counseling to fix your problems

Couple’s counseling won’t fix anything unless you are both willing to work to fix problems with communication, trust, intimacy, or whatever else is ruining your relationship. It takes two to make a partnership and both partners are usually involved in the problems of the relationship as well as the solution. If each of you is blaming the other, this piece of relationship advice is never going to work until you take accountability for your own actions.

Related article: Why You Will Marry The Right Person

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Nutrient Deficiencies That Make You Overeat

Have you ever thought that maybe the cause of your snacking and overeating could be that you are trying to make up for the nutrient deficiencies that you have from not eating the right things? It’s possible that your body has cravings because it’s trying to tell you to eat more of the essential nutrients that it needs to be healthy.

Overeating can lead to weight gain, which is something that most of us are trying to avoid. Your binge snacking or continuous grazing throughout the day is hurting your health, so let’s examine the 5 nutrient deficiencies that might be making you overeat.

5 Nutrient Deficiencies That Make You Overeat

Believe it or not, a nutrient rich diet allows you to practically eat as much as you want, without the kind of overeating that leads to gaining weight. The National Bariatric Center says that a 2004 study found that individuals who ate a nutrient rich diet were able to lose weight without reducing the total amount of calories consumed.

Study participants were placed on a nutritionally balanced diet of 2100 calories per day divided into seven equal servings. The participants were encouraged to eat all of the portions and even more if they were still hungry. Even with the additional food intake, they lost significant amounts of weight and also lost fat around the waist.

Let’s look at the 5 most common nutrient deficiencies that cause you to overeat.

1. Iron

Some vegetarians are surprised to find that they may occasionally experience meat cravings, and this is likely a result of an iron deficiency. Women who are going through certain phases of their menstruation cycle or pre-menopausal women also have these cravings.

Your best bet for when you crave iron to avoid overeating is to fill your plate with cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, dried fruit, beans, or legumes. Iron is best absorbed when you add vitamin C to your plate

2. Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids are very important to our overall health, and when you don’t get enough, your body sends signals of cravings that may make you overeat. If you do not include high-quality fish in your diet, add seaweed sources to get this important nutrient and keep yourself from overeating. Flaxseed, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, hemp seeds, chickpeas, and Brussels sprouts are all additional vegan ways to get Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.

3. B Vitamins

There are many different B Vitamins and sources of them, and lacking these nutrients could send your body into an overeating binge mode. Your essential B Vitamins are B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin). The good news is that seeds, nuts, avocado, and yeast can cover almost all of your body’s nutrient deficiencies while maintaining a healthy vegan diet and not overeating.

4. Magnesium and calcium

Magnesium is a mood booster that is almost as effective as lithium in many people. As a result of not getting enough magnesium, which is filtered out of most bottled and filtered waters, our moods are depressed or unstable and we binge eat to try to make up for our less than happy mood.

When you binge eat, you might crave sugar, but avoid this non-nutrient food additive because it can cause your levels of magnesium and calcium to be even lower. Stress has a similar effect on reducing your body’s natural levels of the nutrients magnesium and calcium, resulting in a deficiency that leads you to overeat.

Researchers at Eastern Michigan University studied vegetarian diets to see if they had enough nutrients to qualify as a nutrient dense diet. The research showed that ‘Mean intakes of fiber, vitamins A, C, and E, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, calcium, magnesium, and iron were higher for all vegetarians than for all non-vegetarians. Although vegetarian intakes of vitamin E, vitamin A, and magnesium exceeded that of non-vegetarians,’ the researchers say that levels of E, A and magnesium should have been higher still for the vegetarians.

Related article: Here’s How Fasting Helps You Lose Weight, Rebuild, and Strengthen Your Body

People seem to have a bias in their thinking that a vegetarian diet is not going to provide them with enough nutrition, and that they may overeat as a result. In this study though, the researchers concluded that ‘vegetarian diets are nutrient dense, consistent with dietary guidelines, and could be recommended for weight management without compromising diet quality.’

5. Zinc

A deficiency in the nutrient zinc can cause your digestive system to not function properly, resulting in the discomfort of diarrhea. Other signs of zinc deficiency include foggy thinking, thinning hair, poor immune system function, and skin rashes. Your body may be craving this essential nutrient, and a deficiency in zinc may make you overeat just to get what your body needs. Cooked oatmeal and tofu are excellent sources of zinc that will not make you overeat.

Related article: 6 Foods That Make You Lose Sleep

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Scientists Explain How Marijuana May Become a Cure For Alzheimer’s Disease

Research into the medical uses of cannabis continues to provide medical solutions for many health problems. A new discovery finds that marijuana may be the key to curing the slow cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Nerve cells die naturally as we age. But Alzheimer’s disease leads to rapid cell death that happens faster than usual.

The unfortunate nature of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders like dementia is that the brain dies faster than the body. Thus, it leaves the person struggling to recall essential things. For example, they can’t recall turning off the stove or remembering where they live.

Memory, cognitive processing, and even behavior can be affected by this disease.Often, the lives of family members are affected in significant ways. That’s because they struggle to find help for their rapidly deteriorating elder. A cure in the form of medicinal marijuana is a potential ray of sunshine in a gloomy prognosis.

Researchers Discover: Marijuana May Be The Key To Curing Alzheimer’s Disease

In this article, we will look at what Alzheimer’s disease is. We also explore how researchers discovered a link between marijuana’s healing power and curing dementia.

medical marijuana

What Are the Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia or disease of the brain. The Alzheimer’s Association says that early onset Alzheimer’s disease can begin as early as the ages of 40 or 50. It first presents as slight loss of brain functioning. Problems with memory and thought processes are the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease begins with minor memory lapses but gets more severe at a more rapid progression than would be seen with normal aging. Memory is not just the only brain function that is impaired. But even performing simple math problems or completing a task with verbal instructions becomes increasingly tricky.

Newly learned information should be fresh in your mind in a normally functioning brain, but Alzheimer’s disease robs people of the ability to recall things they just learned. Most often, it is friends or family members who begin to be concerned about signs of memory loss in a loved one, and they are the ones who then become responsible for getting help for the person who is going through dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Association warns that Alzheimer’s advances, symptoms worsening over time. These include the following:

  • Disorientation
  • Mood and behavioral changes
  • Worsening confusion about events, time, and place
  • Unfounded suspicions regarding family, friends, and professional caregivers
  • More severe memory loss and behavioral changes
  • Difficulty speaking, chewing, swallowing, and walking.

Research on the Use of Marijuana to Cure Cognitive Disorders like AD

Alzheimer’s disease may come from the accumulation of proteins in neurons. Beta-amyloid is one of these proteins that can increase in the brain as we age. The natural medical miracle of marijuana may be the key, according to these research discoveries, to curing Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers at the Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, CA, say that intracellular beta-amyloid initiates a toxic inflammatory response that leads to cell death in the brain. Both psychoactive cannabinoids, like the THC in cannabis that get you high. The non-psychoactive cannabinoid compounds CBD, stimulates the removal of beta-amyloid, block the inflammatory response, and provide protection.

The data from the study showed that there is an inflammatory response within nerve cells that is caused by the accumulation of intracellular beta-amyloid proteins. This protein accumulation in nerve cells leads to early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, and the progression of the disease can be cured by stimulating the cannabinoid receptors of the brain.

The researchers at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies concluded that ‘5-LOX inhibitors, cannabinoids, and caspase inhibitors can completely prevent cell death. However, once the cell death process is underway, death can be reduced by some prostaglandins.’

An additional study on medical marijuana and AD

A research study by the Endocannabinoid Research Group, Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry based in Naples, Italy, that reviewed the previous research on cannabis receptors in the brain found that ‘the available data indicate that endocannabinoids are likely to play in this disorder a role similar to that suggested in other neurodegenerative diseases, that is, to represent an endogenous adaptive response aimed at counteracting both the neurochemical and inflammatory consequences of -amyloid-induced tau protein hyperactivity, possibly the most crucial underlying cause of AD.

Furthermore, plant and synthetic cannabinoids, particularly the non-psychotropic cannabidiol, might also exert other non-cannabinoid receptor-mediated protective effects. These can include anti-oxidant actions. There is evidence, from in vivo studies on -amyloid-induced neurotoxicity, also for a possible causative role of endocannabinoids in the impairment of memory retention. That’s typical of AD. This might open the way to using cannabinoid receptor antagonists as therapeutic drugs for treating cognitive deficits in the more advanced phases of this disorder.’

alzheimer's disease

Final Thoughts on Medical Marijuana and Alzheimer’s Disease

Many states have approved the use of medical marijuana for certain debilitating conditions. Medical use of cannabis is approved for Alzheimer’s disease therapy in several states as medical marijuana. A Google search for your state’s approved medical conditions for cannabis use will help you find out if this natural medical miracle can help you or your loved ones slow Alzheimer’s disease.

5 Things To Never Tell Yourself After A Breakup

After any breakup, there are moments of insanity. You begin to question motives, events, and every conversation during the relationship. Toxic thoughts take over. Even through the most amicable breakup, emotions are still hurtful.

There are feelings of resentment, regrets, and anger. Some of us hibernate and deal with the breakups on our own, while others go out there and find a “replacement” for that ex. In the meantime, you are dealing with the negative committee in your mind. You are depressed, heartbroken, and second-guessing yourself.

Here are 5 things to never tell yourself after a breakup:

1. “I am too old.”

Age has nothing to do with relationships. The older we get, it does seem to be impossible to deal with the breakups. You want to settle into a healthy and loving relationship. But, telling yourself that you are too old for this nonsense is not a proactive way of dealing with the hurt. You can’t shun yourself from the rest of the world. Each relationship that comes into your life is an opportunity to learn about yourself. You get a chance to emotionally evolve. Wisdom comes with time, experience and the ability to put things into perspective.

2. “I am not worth it.”


Some relationships leave a trail of devastation behind. Others leave sweet memories that overlap with the hard times. You’re worth every beautiful moment you share with another. You do not have to put up with abuse. You do not have to entertain and own all the things your ex said to you through manipulation and anger. You’re worth the most incredible things in this world.

Sure, you can give yourself a pity party. You can be the king or queen of it, and once it’s out of your system, recognize that you attract that which you put out. You are worth a loving mate, meaningful, invaluable, and absolutely wonderful. The best and surest way to heal from a breakup is to provide self-love to you. Perhaps this person was the stepping stone to help you find your soulmate. He or she was preparing you for something better.

3. “He or she will regret it.”

You aren’t responsible for someone else’s feelings. You are only responsible for how you react. To keep wishing that your ex will hurt, or be in complete despair, is actually putting negative thoughts in overdrive. In order to heal, you have to let that person go. Stop obsessing over how your ex will function or what they are thinking. It’s counterproductive. You can’t move on while you are still holding on to pieces of that person. Never regret anything in life, because every experience teaches you something about you. It provides insight on the things you need and deserve. If someone was meant to be in your life, that person would still be in it.

4. “It was all my fault.”

Unless you have a time machine at your disposal, it’s really difficult to change the past. You cannot go back and keep reliving the arguments and the moments that led to a breakup. In a relationship, it takes two to tango. To put all the fault on yourself, unless you acted out with anger, cheated, or did something inconceivably immoral, isn’t fair. Sometimes, relationships break apart because two people have outgrown each other. Other times, it’s a matter of distance and space. While, yet, in some instances, it is about the lack of communication. Do not go instilling a martyr attitude. As adults, we are able to project how we feel onto others. This is not the time to take all the issues on yourself. Whether it is your fault or not, it’s irrelevant once it’s over.

5. “Were my standards too high?”

When we breakup, we start to contemplate and ask ourselves if things were really as bad as they felt at that moment. But, healthy-loving relationships don’t end after a small fight. They consist of two people compromising and reconciling after disagreements. Most relationships that are based on “just settling” aren’t long term affairs. Whenever you felt that sense of “something is wrong,” it was your intuition letting you know that things were not working. Asking yourself this question adds more devastation to an-already emotional state of mind. How about saying, “I deserve a loving-respectful mate.” You are not here to settle for anything on this earth, even in relationships. You are here to find that one person who brings out the very best in you.

Relationship expert from YourTango, Debi Berndt, explains about breakups:

“Breakups are a love wake-up call that show you what’s out of alignment with your relationship goals. As you are forced to see the rawness inside of you, you begin to take notice of the fears that were lurking just beneath the surface of your initial attraction.

When a person leaves your life, they aren’t “the one that got away,” and there is nothing you should regret. Even if you acted like the perfect woman (or man) and followed all of the rules, you were dealing with someone who only responded to your negative qualities instead of your positive ones. They were bound to go, in the same way other wrong partners were.”


Final Thoughts on Healing After a Breakup

Relationships help us learn our strengths, vulnerability, courage, value and ability to move past hardship. Each person who comes into your life is a mirror reflection of you. Once you step back and recognize that they are not responsible for your happiness, anymore than you for theirs, you can see how different things could be in the future. A breakup is an opportunity to find what works and what doesn’t for you. You do not have to beat yourself up. You get a chance to truly be prepared for that next great person. And then, you will be ready with an open heart.

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