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How Depression Changes Your Brain (And Ways to Reverse It)

It seems that more people live with depression than ever before.

In fact, according to the World Health Organization(WHO), an estimated 350 million people of all ages worldwide suffer from this mentally debilitating disease.

Depression can change your brain, altering the neural pathways and synapses and shrinking the size of your hippocampus, an area of the brain that regulates emotions and memory. Mentally, you probably feel foggy and exhausted, as your brain must work harder to process information and feelings. If you don’t feel well mentally, it can take a toll on every other area of your life.

Depression can make you feel disconnected from the world around you, helpless to make any change, and paralyzed by the thoughts inside your head. To combat all of these feelings, many people, unfortunately, turn to prescription drugs as a quick answer, but we still don’t know the long-term effects of these powerful drugs. Instead of medicating ourselves, we can turn to more natural remedies that often work better than even pills can.

Today, we’ll go over how exactly depression alters your brain and ways to reverse the damage naturally. It takes willpower and determination, but you CAN take your life back with a few simple lifestyle changes and ways of thinking.

How Depression Changes Your Brain (And Ways to Reverse It)


One groundbreaking study involving an international team of researchers discovered that people with depression generally have a smaller hippocampus.

The research team used brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data on nearly 8,930 people worldwide, 1,728 of which suffered from major depression. The remaining 7,199 individuals did not suffer from depression.

They found that 65% of the depressed patients had a smaller hippocampus; however, those just experiencing their first episode of depression did not have this shrinkage. These findings suggest that recurring bouts of depression might cause the shrinkage of the hippocampus.

Previous studies have found evidence of hippocampus shrinkage. However, this study aimed to determine if the shrinkage caused the depression or vice versa. They got their answer: first comes the depression, then the brain damage.

According to co-author Professor Ian Hickie:

“[The] more episodes of depression a person had, the greater the reduction in hippocampus size. So recurrent or persistent depression does more harm to the hippocampus the more you leave it untreated.

This largely settles the question of what comes first: the smaller hippocampus or the depression? The damage to the brain comes from recurrent illness…

Other studies have demonstrated reversibility, and the hippocampus is one of the unique areas of the brain that rapidly generates new connections between cells, and what are lost here are connections between cells rather than the cells themselves.

Treating depression effectively does not just mean medicines. If you are unemployed, for example, and then sit in a room doing nothing as a result, this can shrink the hippocampus. So social interventions are just as important, and treatments such as fish oils are also thought to be neuro-protective.”

On the topic of hippocampus shrinkage, we’d also like to mention other groundbreaking research from scientists and the Institute of HeartMath. This organization studies the connection between the heart and the brain. Our feelings become coded into our heart’s electromagnetic field, and the heart can send signals to the brain that tell it how to react. So, the researchers found that when you experience negative emotions, this can create chaos in the brain.

Now that you know that your emotions play a massive part in how your brain reacts to stimuli, we thought we’d bring up another common misconception when it comes to depression. Like most people don’t realize that their feelings play a huge part in their mental health, many of them likely don’t know that the “chemical imbalance” theory regarding depression doesn’t add up when it comes to science.

What other experts say:

According to a paper by Jonathan Leo, an Associate Professor of Neuroanatomy at Lincoln Memorial University:

“the cause of mental disorders such as depression remains unknown. However, the idea that neurotransmitter imbalances cause depression is vigorously promoted by pharmaceutical companies and the psychiatric profession at large.”

Furthermore, according to Dr. Joanna Moncrieff, an author, and British psychiatrist:

“Of course, there are brain events and biochemical reactions occurring when someone feels depressed, as there are all the time, but no research has ever established that a particular brain state causes, or even correlates with, depression. . . . In all cases studies yield inconsistent results, and none have been shown to be specific to depression, let alone causal. . . . The fact that more than 50 years of intense research efforts have failed to identify depression in the brain may indicate that we simply lack the right technology, or it may suggest we have been barking up the wrong tree!”

Do drugs help relieve depression? Some doctors say no.

Most drugs that aim to treat depression advertise that low serotonin levels in one’s brain cause depression. However, no research in the past came to this conclusion. Many pharmaceutical companies use people’s misconceptions about the illness to their advantage.

“The serotonin theory is simply not a scientific statement. It’s a botched theory – a hypothesis that was proven incorrect.” – Dr. Joseph Mercola

So, the chemical imbalance theory doesn’t explain depression, but do drugs treat it? A review by the University of California in 2009 found even more damning evidence against pharmaceutical companies. The study found that one-third of people treated with antidepressants do not improve, and many of them stay depressed.

Now, we know that many people report feeling better with antidepressants. However, we have no way of telling if this is just a placebo effect or not. In summary, we know that depression causes a smaller hippocampus in the brain, but we can reverse this damage. In many cases, our thoughts and emotions play a massive role in our mental health, but conventional medicine doesn’t seem to guarantee a recovery or even a small breakthrough.

So, if no scientific evidence indeed supports the chemical imbalance theory, then why do we continue to take drugs that claim to alter our brain chemistry in the first place? Maybe we should focus elsewhere on areas where we can take action in our lives that can bring about fundamental changes in our mental and physical health without dangerous side effects.

How To Reverse Depression


1. Change your thoughts.

The brain can change and adapt based on our thoughts, emotions, and perception of stimuli. Highly malleable and changeable, the brain can form new synapses and pathways based on new knowledge, skills, or thought processes. In other words, what we think matters greatly, as these thoughts create our brain chemistry and therefore, our reality. The mind contains great power, as demonstrated by the following study.

A study from the Baylor School of Medicine published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine took patients with severe knee pain and divided them into three groups. Most surgeons don’t believe in placebo effects as a substitute for surgery, but this study proved them wrong. The surgeons shaved the damaged cartilage in their knees for the first group. The surgeons flushed out the knee joint for the second group, removing anything that might cause inflammation. People with severe arthritis in their knees typically go through one of these procedures when they go to the doctor for help.

However, the third group received a “fake” surgery; the doctors sedated the patients, made incisions, and splashed salt water on the knees just like they would do in actual surgery. Then, they sewed up the incisions just like usual. All three groups went through a rehab program together, and upon completion, researchers found that the placebo group had improved just as much as the others had.

So, if the brain can make us think we just had knee surgery to correct the pain in our knees, why can’t we utilize this power in treating depression? We can. It just takes willpower and dedication to change our brains. However, changing just a few of your thoughts per day by focusing your attention on them will go a long way in helping you reverse depression.

2. Eat healthily

In general, stay away from processed, GMO, or highly refined foods. Stick to nature to get the most health benefits from your food; go for raw, organic fruits and vegetables and raw, unsalted nuts and seeds, if possible. Eliminate or significantly reduce sugary, processed, altered foods to keep your brain healthy. Also, try to limit white flour, sugars, bread, and other grains consumption. Your brain and stomach have more to do with each other than you’d think. So if you want a clean mind, focus on adopting a clean diet.

3. Exercise

Exercise is one of the most effective yet underutilized treatments for depression. Studies have shown how lack of exercise can cause depression. In fact, according to an article from Dr. Mercola,

“Women who sat for more than seven hours a day were found to have a 47 percent higher risk of depression than women who sat for four hours or less per day. Those who didn’t participate in any physical activity at all had a 99 percent higher risk of developing depression than women who exercised. Indeed, exercise is perhaps one of the most effective yet underutilized treatments for depression.”

4. Adopt a mindfulness practice

Finally, you have to care for your mind if you want it to work correctly. Countless studies have found the link between positive mental health and meditation or some other type of mindfulness exercise. By focusing your attention on the present moment and just sinking into the bliss that each uninterrupted second of meditation allows, you can restructure your brain and eliminate depression. Many studies have found meditation to rival medication in treating depression.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Behaviors That Keep People From Making Personal Connections

Avoidant Personality Disorder: People that experience long-standing feelings of inadequacy and are extremely sensitive to what others think about them…leads the person to be socially inhibited and feel socially inept.

Our collective society is one that embraces people with good social skills, especially in more extraverted countries (e.g. the Western World). The reason is quite simple: humans encounter social exchanges in a number of areas – family, work, school, and so forth – early on in life. Therefore, it is important that we’re – on some level – able to effectively communicate with those around us.

That said, many people are unable or unwilling to engage others, despite any internal and external pressures they may face. The reasons behind such behaviors are quite complex – ranging from inherent shyness and withdrawal, to harmful and antisocial ideations.

Psychologists have studied social behaviors since the advent of modern psychology; there is even an entire discipline devoted to studying human interaction. As science has advanced, psychologists and other experts have been able to further substantiate the rationale that some people simply don’t have the capabilities to effectively interact with other human beings.

Why is this? Well, as one can imagine, human interaction is a complex topic – and is, in many ways, as enigmatic as psychology itself. This reading focuses upon seven behaviors and conditions that result in one’s inability to associate or connect with other human beings.

Quick note: You may realize, as you read through this article, that certain behaviors/conditions are indeed involuntary. As with myriad psychological conditions, many people simply remain unaware of their peculiarities. It is important to make such distinctions, as the perceptions we have of other people directly affect their life.

Here are 7 behaviors that keep people from making personal connections:


1. Apathy

Apathetic people simply don’t have the inclination to engage with others around them. There are a number of reasons why this is the case. Certain medical conditions, such as depression, alter a person’s brain chemistry in a way that evokes withdrawal behavior. Of course, this is not the individuals fault, as the perceived apathy ties directly into their psychological state.

Introverted people (who make up 40 percent of the population) are wired to predominantly focus on their own thoughts and feelings; often, introverts are unaware of misperceptions that others may have concerning their lack of sociability. The degree to which one is introverted (most are a mix of introvert and extrovert), strongly correlates with supposed apathy.

Then, of course, there are individuals that simply don’t like people. And that’s an entirely different thing,

2. Egotism

Egotistic people, by definition, place a disproportionate value upon themselves. Specifically, those with high degrees of egotism often believe that they’re “the smartest person in the room,” the most beautiful, or (ironically) desired by most. Egotists strongly believe that others want to be them, regardless of evidence to the contrary.

Needless to say, 99 percent of us find egotists repulsive. Not many people want to be around someone that drones on upon themselves while showing little interest to anyone or anything else. Truly, there are people among us that think they’re simply “better” or “more deserving” than the next.

There is another term for individuals that display egotism to a strong degree: narcissists.

3. Self-absorption

A close cousin of egotism, self-absorption is the tendency to believe that “the world revolves around you.” In simple terms, self-absorbed people think of themselves first in almost every perceivable way. An example: your car breaks down and the self-absorbed “friend” is too, er, “busy” watching their favorite TV show to bother helping.

While not as outwardly apparent as egotism, self-absorption is nearly as damaging – to the person and their circle. It goes without saying, but others – at certain times – should come before our own needs and wants.

4. Inadequacy

Feelings of inadequacy can certainly be labeled as an “involuntary” behavior. As with many behaviors on this list, inadequacy can be the byproduct of a number of things – trauma, disorders, shyness, etc. Feelings of inadequacy are often rooted early in one’s life; perhaps they were an outcast in kindergarten, have a physical disability, or have problems learning, for example.

Sadly, these feelings have the tendency to remain – at some level – throughout life. It is too bad, since these people are often among the most kind-hearted, generous, and loyal people to associate with. The few close friends that know them best will often attest to this fact.

5. Aloofness

If self-absorption is a close cousin to egotism, aloofness is the second cousin of apathy. By definition, aloofness is the state of “being distant, reserved or indifferent.” Shy people that are difficult to know are more likely to be labeled as “aloof” than “apathetic”; they simply remain within themselves, as this is part of their personality.

Contrary to popular belief, aloof individuals are not “uncaring” or something similar. Aloofness does not have any ulterior motive, and doesn’t correlate with any negative disposition.

Again, some people are simply difficult to understand – nothing less, nothing more. Einstein was an aloof individual, for example.

6. Reclusiveness

To be “reclusive” is, by definition, to voluntarily avoid other people. At an extreme degree, some people will remain in their home (or room) for months – even years – on end.

Of course, this type of behavior is complex; it is not considered “normal” (or healthy) to remain in one constricted space for a long duration of time. That said, it is not always an easy (voluntary?) choice. Those that have become disfigured, for example, feel shame and/or embarrassment when facing others.

For other recluses, their behavior is the direct result of some psychological abnormality or trauma. Some victims of rape, for example, find it nearly impossible to withstand the constant fear when in an unsecure environment.

7. Intolerance

Certain people, for whatever reason, hold wide-scale, intolerant attitudes towards others. Often, this outlook develops throughout the stages of childhood and adolescence. Some “socially awkward” people, for example, innately feel inferior to others throughout their lives. However, some of these individuals learn intolerance of their own. Inded, they often direct it towards innocent people whom they know little-to-nothing about.

Of course, an intolerant worldview doesn’t get someone far in the social sphere. Intolerant people often hold negative attitudes, which most people despise.

Lion’s Gate Opening In Leo: Get Ready for The Shift On August 8th

Speaking in spiritual terms, today marks a very important day for us all energetically. Every year, the Lion’s Gate Portal, a star gate, opens from July 26 to August 12, and peaks exactly today, August 8.

However, this year, the portal offers even more potent energy in terms of numerology, as today is 8/8.  Plus, 2016 is divisible by 8, making today a sign of balance in all areas. So, we now have a triple 8 stargate, capable of catapulting Leo into big changes.

The Lion’s Gate opening provides a great burst of energy, so if you’ve been feeling a bit anxious, on edge, or unable to fall asleep at night, this might explain why.

Even though this happens during the sign of Leo, every astrological sign can reap the benefits of this portal opening. We’ll talk about what you can expect during this grand astrological event below.

Lion’s Gate Opening In Leo: Get Ready for The Shift On August 8th

dating a leo

You might wonder what exactly makes the number eight so powerful and special. Well, according to, 8 provides a balance between the material and immaterial worlds. It indicates prosperity, success, ambition, great leadership, self-confidence, intelligence and discipline. It also brings about harmony, peace, and abundance. Also, an interesting fact about the number 8 is that when you turn it on its side, it looks like the infinity symbol.

Symbolically, we could take the number 8 to mean infinite energy, wisdom, power, and prosperity.

So, on this day in history, remember to remain open to new possibilities, and keep on the lookout for opportunities headed your way.

Want to hear another interesting fact about today’s astrological event? Well, you’ll want to pay attention to the skies, since Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, moves closer toward Earth and directly aligns with the pyramids of Giza. In very clear areas, you might get the chance to see this happening tonight in your corner of the world!

Keeping with the theme of abundance, we can expect another interesting occurrence dealing with nature and the stars. In Egypt around this time of year, the Nile River usually rises significantly, which might have something to do with the Lion’s Gate portal opening and the influx of energy this provides.

This huge rise in energy levels on the planet might help you to become more spiritually awakened, and may even help open your third eye if you tune into your higher self today. Take some time to do so today, as the opening of the portal in the galaxies offers an opportunity for us to open new portals within ourselves.

Also, with this incredible surge in energy, the sun feels an upgrade in vibration as well. With the sun’s extra power, you might feel this in your own center – your solar plexus. We have our own sun within us, shining light onto the darkest parts of ourselves and providing warmth, life, and comfort. You will likely feel an expansion of awareness and energy today, and you might even feel a bit cocky with the huge flow of Leo energy. Don’t let this trip you up, however, as the energy of 8 will help balance you. Embrace both your ego and your softer side, as you need both in this lifetime.

Plus, a little added confidence never hurt a Leo.

Furthermore, if you’ve been wondering how long this portal will remain open, it will close on August 14. However, if you cultivate the right mindset and habits now, they will easily carry over long after the portal closes. During this time, find your inner balance. Seek the dark and light within you, and find the area where these energies merge. Here you will find the truest version of yourself, the self that seeks to find harmony in this world. Take the time you need during this grand cosmic event and tune into yourself.

Ask yourself what you’d like to see more of in your life, and align yourself with that vibration. Keep your eye turned toward the future, and make sure you have a positive mindset toward your goals and dreams. If you’ve been feeling a bit depressed or discouraged lately, this surge of energy could very well help you out of that slump.

Today marks the midpoint of summer as well, which means we have another half of summer ahead of us. Don’t let this powerful energy burn you; rather, stand strong in the face of what it will bring, and dedicate yourself to become the best, truest version of you. To move into authenticity, it requires strength, bravery, and ambition, and this historic time will allow you to do just that, if you embrace it fully and openly.

Before the portal closes on August 14, try your best to tap into this abundance of energy. You might wonder how to do that exactly, so we’ll cover that now.

How To Harness The Lion’s Gate Energy

  • Show up fully in every moment. Pay attention totally with all your senses, and do your best to remain in the present. Don’t allow your mind to wander to the past or future; just enjoy the now.
  • Focus on your goals, but don’t become lost in them. Trust the subtle energetic flow of the universe, and follow your intuition. These guiding lights will not lead you astray.
  • Channel your inner bravery, like the lion does. Make your voice heard, and don’t back down. Don’t compromise on something if you don’t truly want to; speak your truth.
  • Don’t replay events in your mind, wondering what should’ve or could’ve happened. This portal opening wants us to take action in our lives, and stop sitting on the sidelines (or in our minds) passively. Keep moving forward, and release anything in your life that no longer serves you.
  • Keep good company. Hang out with friends and family who support you, encourage you, and make you feel good about life.
  • Finally, make sure that everyday, you do something that truly makes your heart sing. Don’t let your spirit die in the midst of what we have to do in the adult world; release your inner child and remember to have some fun!
  • Take care of your mind, body and spirit. Eat wholesome foods, have a mindfulness practice, drink plenty of water, exercise, get rest, and think positive thoughts. Love yourself, and the universe will love you right back.

Related article: 7 Things You Need To Know If You’re Friends With A Leo

Why You Will Marry The Right Person

It’s a daunting task to know you are absolutely choosing the right person to marry, but you don’t have to worry that you might choose wrong. There are many cases that prove marriage isn’t about finding the one perfect person to “fit you”, and how you can have a happy, successful partnership no matter who you fall in love with.

Why You Will Marry The Right Person

In this article, we will look at some of the reasons why you can feel comfortable that you will marry the right person. Trust yourself, take a leap of faith, and realize that you have the power to love deeply long-term inside you with these lessons that you have learned.

You don’t let negative childhood experiences shape your relationships

Our earliest relationship was the one that we had with our parents. Psychologists say that we tend to find someone who resembles the parent that we did not get enough love from because we still want that love as an adult. We may try to find a partner who is like our parent and we try to get what we were missing in our parental relationship from our romantic relationship. This is a tendency to be insecure about receiving enough love and being aware of that quest for the missing parental love can help us to marry the right person.


Researchers studied couples who were secure in their attachment style to a romantic partner and found that partners who were not anxious about their partner’s level of commitment had the best relationship satisfaction in marriage. They also found that spouses who scored lower on anxiety had higher marriage satisfaction, and that couples in which husbands were comfortable with emotional closeness were also happier.

You are self-aware

Self-awareness is key for solving problems in a relationship. Arguments will result from not understanding your own tendencies to be frustrated and how you tend to respond to your partner. People who harness the power of positivity in their lives practice self-awareness. This is key to understanding your emotions so that you can control how you respond to your partner when you are frustrated, tired, worried or upset.

You have learned from previous relationships

You know what you DO want in the partner that you will marry because you’ve found out already what you don’t want from a relationship. Your previous experiences with love and loss have prepared you to master this next relationship, and that’s another reason why you can feel sure that will marry the right person.

You’ve learned these important relationship skills that you will use in your marriage:

  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Compromise
  • Compassion

You accept your own faults and you don’t blame others

Sometimes, we are guilty of the illusion that we are infallible; that we are perfect, and that our partner is at fault for the problems. But people who are positive they will marry the right person know that there really is no perfect human on the planet and that we all are flawed in our own ways.

Taking responsibility for your own actions that are causing disharmony in your relationship and working to fix them, for example, by being a better listener, is one of the reasons why you will marry the right person. Your marriage will be a success because you will be able to identify, accept, understand, and take ownership for your flaws and work to better yourself. This will in turn benefit your marriage.

You are excellent at communication

One of the most important reasons why you will marry the right person is that you know how to communicate your wants and needs, your worries and joys, your frustrations and your love. Talking openly and honestly about your emotions and needs is key to building trust with your partner and feeling fulfilled in a marriage partnership.

Researchers in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology looked at how couples interacted with each other and used that data to predict their future relationship satisfaction. They found that the couples’ communication patterns and the intensity of their problems led to the development of relationship distress later in the marriage.

Related article: 3 Signs It’s Time To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level

You aren’t willing to settle for someone who isn’t a good fit versus being alone

You know that you are a valuable person who deserves to find the right person to marry, and settling just isn’t in your vocabulary. Just because Mr. or Ms. Right hasn’t come along yet doesn’t mean that you are willing to settle for Mr. or Ms. Good Enough. Patience is indeed a virtue and finding that nugget of gold in a mountain of dirt is indeed possible, if you give it enough time and make the effort to sort through all the worthless stuff to find the priceless stuff.

Related article: 6 Habits of Happily Married Couples

5 Signs You’re In A Manipulative Relationship

We hope that you never have to experience being in a manipulative relationship, but since many of us will experience a breakup with the wrong person at sometime in our lives, it’s possible that you already have. In this article, we will look at the five signs that you are in a manipulative relationship. Therefore, you can recognize it and get out before it is too late.

5 Signs You’re In A Manipulative Relationship

A manipulative person is basically a narcissistic personality who knows how to get what they want from you. Narcissistic Personality Disorder as defined by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition:

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.

The 5th, and most recent edition adds the following:

1. Impairments in interpersonal functioning (a or b):

a. Empathy: Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others; excessively attuned to reactions of others, but only if perceived as relevant to self; over- or underestimate of own effect on others.

b. Intimacy: Relationships largely superficial and exist to serve self-esteem regulation; mutuality constrained by little genuine interest in others’ experiences and predominance of a need for personal gain

Here are 5 other warning signs that the narcissistic person you are in a relationship with is trying to manipulate you.


1. You don’t control much in your own life

A manipulative partner will make it their mission to take away any power that you have in the relationship. They do this by taking control of the bank account, the car, the legal documents, the passwords and accounts, the cell phone and anything else that they think gives you any level of control.

2. Your partner is rarely nurturing or supportive

Researchers at the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona studied the ideal romantic partner personality. They found that ‘Individuals sought mates that were matches of themselves to some degree (a concept that we termed aspirational positive assortative mating) but also sought mates that were somewhat higher in Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Mate Value, but lower in Neuroticism than themselves.’

We tend to like a romantic partner who is very similar to ourselves and the research also mentions that this is true for manipulative people. A person who is cold, detached, manipulative, and exploitative, rather than nurturing and supportive is a personality known as a Machiavellian personality type. The University of Arizona researchers say that a heterosexual woman who is manipulative also tends to prefer a male partner who is also manipulative.

3. Your partner does not seem committed to you

Researchers at the University of Alabama, in cooperation with the University of Florida and the University of Georgia studied narcissism, sexuality, and relationship commitment found that a manipulative or narcissistic personality tends to be overly sexually promiscuous since they see people as conquests, and as a result, they are not committed to the relationship.

If you suspect your partner of infidelity and they don’t seem to be sorry for their behavior, it is a sign you’re in a manipulative relationship. A lack of being able to feel a deep, loving commitment is a sign of a manipulative relationship. Your partner may say the right words, but actions will always speak louder than words.

You may feel that they have not been behaving in a loving way toward you and the truth is that manipulative people and narcissists are able to pretend to love, but don’t really experience it the way that a psychologically healthy person does. When you end up leaving this person, which may be inevitable, they will not be likely to cry or mourn the relationship like you will.

4. Your partner has difficulty handling their emotions

You may notice that your partner moves quickly from one emotion to another and that although you can tell how they feel by observing their facial expressions and behavior, they don’t seem to know that they are having a feeling. Manipulative people are uncomfortable with emotions and they may repress or deny them or act out when they feel them.

Poorly handling anger, frustration, sadness, and anxiety is a sign of a poorly adjusted personality and these types of people can tend toward violent behavior when they feel an emotion that they don’t know how to handle. They may bottle up emotions until they burst out with insulting words, aggressive language, threats, or destructive behavior.

Your safety is a concern if you are in a manipulative relationship so be sure to tread lightly with this person. Avoiding conflict is probably your best bet until you can make sure that you can safely leave the relationship and get help by calling the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visiting their website for resources.


5. You find yourself doing things that you don’t enjoy

A manipulative person has a goal of moving you around like a puppet to do what they want, but never what you want to do. If you feel like you rarely get to enjoy things anymore, but that your partner is always calling the shots and saying what you will be doing, you may be in a manipulative relationship.

8 Behaviors of Parents That Keep Children From Being Successful

Parents work hard to raise children that will be successful. However, it is important to understand any parenting behaviors that may hold children back from reaching their full potential. In this article, we’ve uncovered 8 unintentional parenting behaviors that can keep children from being fully developed, thriving, adults.

Parents of all kinds can raise successful children, it truly is an even playing field and many stories have proven this. Even children who were raised in abusive homes can become amazing adults who go on to be excellent artists, writers, professors, athletes, scientists, philosophers, or exceptional leaders in any field that they choose.

What makes a successfully raised child is debatable, but we know that resilience is a key trait for healthy adults to possess and it can be learned in childhood. Whatever you teach or don’t teach your children, be sure to help them to learn how to bounce back from minor and major setbacks, because they are an inevitable part of life.

Parents have good intentions but do make mistakes, as we all do. Be kind to yourself if you make an error, but let your child know about it and use it as a learning opportunity with them. Let’s look at 8 of the parenting behaviors that keep children from being successful.

8 Parenting Behaviors That Keep Children From Being Successful

Many people can recall ways in which their own parents behaved that did not help them be successful adult. They may wish for a different childhood. But the guilt or shame that parents may unintentionally leave with children is not what any parent wants their own children to experience. Avoiding these eight behaviors is important to set children up for success.

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1. Discouraging trying new things

One parenting behavior that can hold children back from being successful is discouraging them from trying a new skill. Sometimes, parents have the best intentions in restricting behavior, when they have a reasonable belief that their child will fail. However, failure is also a part of life, and learning to deal with it in a positive way is important for success later in life.

2. Over-Coddling

Doing any chore for your children that they are capable of doing, and should be doing in order to be a well-functioning adult, is a parenting behavior that keeps children from being successful. An example of over-coddling would be doing laundry children when they are teenagers (or even young adults).

3. Praising small things

Believe it or not, overly praising children can keep them from being successful. Praising small accomplishments that children have mastered is not going to motivate them to keep driving themselves to accomplish more and more. For example, praising an 8-year old for dressing themselves is not encouraging them to do this behavior on their own without praise. Focusing praise on the significant accomplishments that children make, for example, in their educational performance does hold importance, however.

4. Discouraging friendships

Researchers reviewed the prior research on maladaptive parenting behaviors and found that positive outcomes for successful children included parents who helped their children create effective social networks. A strong social support system was helpful for children to rely on in times of uncertainty or stress.

5. Helicoptering

Hovering over a child’s every move is not only annoying, but it leads the child to an unfortunate conclusion; mom or dad do not believe in my ability to be successful on my own. Unfortunately, this parenting behavior leads children to distrust in their own abilities and take fewer risks. That’s true even when they are capable of doing something on their own.

6. Overly strict parenting behavior

Research by the University College London found that harsh parenting behavior had effects on the level of self-control for children and that these effects lasted and were also correlated with conduct problems later in life. The researchers say that ‘Harsh parenting predicted conduct problems for both boys and girls. Self-control at age 9 predicted conduct problems and emotional difficulties at age 12.’

Lower self-control levels result from strict oversight of children’s behavior and too many restrictions in the home. Allowing children, especially as they learn to manage their behavior within the reasonable boundaries that they have already mastered, to experience greater and greater freedom is essential to children being successful.

7. Discouraging emotional expression

A healthy parent-child relationship is mutually beneficial to both child and adult. A balance of give and take early in a relationship is one of the best predictors of childhood success. To build this connection, honest discussion about frustrations, worries, and things that upset you can help children learn about negative emotions and how to handle them without suppressing them.

parenting advice

8. Not practicing what is taught

With all of the guidance parents give their children, children still watch to see if the parenting behavior matches what they have taught. If you do not share with others, but you teach your children to do so, they are receiving a mixed message and they may experience confusion about what is really right.

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