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11 Quotes To Remember When You’re Having A Life Crisis

During a life crisis, you can easily lose sight of your motivation and even reason for living. Everything seems painful as you watch your life seemingly crumble before your eyes, and you just don’t know where to turn. You can’t escape it, run from it, or turn back time; you just have to brave the storm and hope for the best afterwards. However, usually bad things happen in our lives in order to usher in better things. You can’t have a rainbow without a storm, so remember that the next time you deal with a life crisis. For more inspiration, we’ve included these quotes below to help you through the hardest times in your life when you may not even feel like getting out of bed to face another day.

11 Quotes To Remember When You’re Having A Life Crisis

1. Being challenged in life is inevitable. Being defeated is optional.


You have the choice as to how you will react to situations in your life. You can either let them beat you down, or teach you a hard lesson and grow from them. Choose to keep going even when it seems hard; there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.

2. “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow.” – Robert Tew


Life is very ironic in that you have to know struggles and hardship to know peace and abundance. You can’t have one without the other, so remember that when times get hard, life simply wants you to learn a valuable lesson so you can appreciate the good times even more.

3. “We all have times when life feels hard; when we’re frustrated and tired and just want to hide away. If that is you right now, don’t worry – every caterpillar has to rest to become a butterfly and you’ll soon find your wings again. In the meantime, let your Angels wrap you in theirs. You are so loved.” – Anna Taylor


We are constantly transitioning and changing based on our circumstances, so our growth and learning never stop. If you feel stagnant, just remember that caterpillars need time to transform into beautiful butterflies, so stay strong and trust the process.

4. Ego says: Once everything falls into place, I will find peace. Spirit says: Find peace and everything falls into place.


Sometimes, life seems so messy and difficult, but you have to learn how to detach yourself in a way from the pain and struggles and find peace within.

5. I’m actually extremely grateful that some things didn’t work out the way I once wanted them to.


Bad things happen so better things can come into our lives. If something doesn’t work out, just trust that something much more positive for your soul is on its way.

6. Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.


During a life crisis, you might feel as though you’re drowning, but only focus on what you can change. Accept the things you can’t change, and continue to work on actionable steps to put yourself in a better place.

7. You can’t rewrite your past, but you can grab a clean sheet of paper and write your future.


We tend to think we can’t make drastic changes in our lives, whether because of social conditioning or others’ opinions, but remember that you aren’t a tree. You can move and make changes where you need to, so don’t ever hesitate to rewrite your story.

8. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.


If you feel stuck, just remember that you can change your story whenever you’d like. You choose your path in life, so if you don’t like where it’s led, then carve another one. You have this ultimate power.

9. As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better. – Steve Maraboli


Rejections may hurt, but learn the lesson within: life decided that the person, place or thing just wouldn’t serve your soul in the best way, so it directed you to what would uplift, challenge, and help you.

10. At any given moment you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.


Remember, you don’t have to stay in a situation that you don’t like. Honor your soul, and do what feels right for you.

11. It is a sign of great character and strength to be able to lose your attachment to anyone or anything that isn’t good for you.


Related article: 25 Quotes To Remember When You Need Inspiration

You don’t have to keep anything in your life that doesn’t help you grow, learn, or bring you peace. It may seem hard to let go of people, places, or things, but if they don’t make you feel good, you have a responsibility to your well-being to shed anything that brings you down.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Signs You’re Overstressed (And Don’t Know It)

Are you overstressed?

Stress can be the underlying reason for many of our ailments. It lowers the immune system, causing us to get sick and acquire pain in the body. Stress is a normal response that actually enables us to function in a balanced manner, but while under long periods of stress, we can’t see the many symptoms it conjures up.

WebMD explains stress as the following:

“…any change in the environment that requires your body to react and adjust in response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life. Many events that happen to you and around you — and many things that you do yourself — put stress on your body. You can experience good or bad forms of stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts.”

When we are overstressed, we might not even feel the stress. That’s because it masks itself under several symptoms.

Here are 9 signs that you are overstressed and don’t even know it:

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1. Your body is in pain.

We don’t listen to the body’s whispers until the pain starts to scream. Under high stress levels, your body will start to break down. You can experience stomach issues, diarrhea, ulcers, tense muscles, chest pains, and palpitations. You will get aches all over, arthritis will flare up, and even headaches will be screaming for your attention. Whenever you have pain in your body, become aware of it. Do not ignore the symptoms. Address what’s going on. It isn’t just stress management that helps you heal. Acceptance and awareness that change are the first steps to managing stress.

2. You aren’t sleeping well.

Any fluctuation in sleep patterns, whether sleeping too much from exhaustion or insomnia, must be addressed. Meditation, exercise and a healthy, balanced diet help with sleep issues. But ultimately, you need to find a root to the problem. Are you worrying too much at night? When you are sleeping, are you having nightmares? Our daily events get played out in the subconscious. It impacts your quality of sleep or causes a lack of sleep. Stress impedes a peaceful state of mind. Sleeping patterns do change with age and environmental factors; however, when you are overstressed, sleep is one of the first things that gets affected.

simple life

3. You have weight fluctuations.

Are you overeating or forgetting to eat? Stress will slow down your metabolism and you will gain weight. Change in appetite is a radar to our emotional and physical bodies and how we are being affected. If you are worrying and not addressing the issues, you might lose or gain weight rapidly. When we are overstressed, cells do not get enough oxygen. Food is energy, and what we put in the body is a sign of how we handle things. Are you eating too many sweets? Are you not eating enough? The body is a vehicle, and how we treat it is based on our mental capacity to deal with emotional issues.

4. You can’t stop thinking about work or problems.

If you can’t shut down work, finances, and other challenges for a while to find balance, stress has a hold of your life. Mark Twain said, “Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.” You cannot find a solution until you detach from the problem. The excessive chit chat of worrying can escalate to cause psychological and physical problems. If you are constantly checking your phone, emails, and other forms of communication from work, it is time to really face what’s important in your life. Stress is suffocating you.

5. You can’t sit still.

Avoiding being still is a huge sign that you are overstressed. If you can’t go for a walk, sit in contemplation, do gentle stretching exercises, or just be with your own thoughts, then stress could get the better of you. If anxiety is constant and you can’t relax to even read a book, it’s time to address what’s causing you to avoid being still. Sometimes, the mind is the worst enemy. It’s time you get help with managing your anxiety and fears. An imbalance in the emotional body can trigger stress. Things we avoid get pushed further and further down until we feel it in other body areas.

6. You have little patience with others.

One of the first symptoms of being overstressed is the inability to have patience or tolerance with others. Our loved ones get the wrath from us being under tremendous stress. If you are snapping or getting angry quickly, most likely you are being tormented by too much in your life. It’s not easy to carry the world on your shoulders. Sometimes, we need to be vulnerable and ask for help. The lack of patience in others, and in yourself, is a sign that you need to slow down and smell the roses.

7. You have major mood swings.

When stress levels rise, it impacts our mental health. If you find yourself happy one moment and then immediately crying or enraged, your hormones may feel the impact of too much stress. Bottling up things inside and carrying everything alone doesn’t help. Get help. Talk to others. Make time to find out what’s truly causing you to behave this way. Stress does not only injure the body, but it also compromises and hurts relationships. Stress can enhance anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, addictions (from alcohol, drugs, sex or food) and other mental health issues.

8. You have hair loss.

According to Carolyn Jacob, MD, founder and medical director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, “Typically, people shed about 100 hairs a day. Most people don’t even notice. Sometimes, a significant stress may spark a change in your body’s routine physiological functions, and cause a disproportionate number of hairs to go into the resting phase at the same time. Then three to four months later, sometimes longer, all those resting hairs are shed. The effect can be alarming. The types of events that disrupt the normal hair cycle may stem from the substantial physiological stresses on your body.” So, if you are experiencing a change in hair loss by the masses, it’s time you take a look at what’s emotionally causing these physical changes.

9. You have a loss of libido.

The loss of libido is one of the subjects most people do not address under stress. They won’t even acknowledge it to themselves or their partners. Whenever stress levels increase, it impacts the stress hormone secretions responsible for sexual response. Stress causes exhaustion and the inability to experience any intimacy. If you are experiencing a decrease or loss in your libido, it may be time to try stress management and other relaxation techniques. Ultimately, your mate shouldn’t be affected by outer issues that aren’t part of your loving relationship. Express your fear and your concerns. Once it’s in the open, it no longer has power over you.

Final Thoughts on Being Overstressed

Life can sometimes be challenging. We constantly put tremendous demands on the emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. It’s up to us to check in with ourselves and get real about what’s important. A little ailment today can land us in the hospital tomorrow. Stress is a silent killer. Let’s listen to the changes that happen in our bodies so we can address them early on. Life is too short to be living in constant chaos.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This 4 Ingredient Remedy Flushes YEARS of Trapped Toxins From Your Feet

Years of trapped toxins that are absorbed by the body from our environment can stay in our fat cells until we detox and flush them from our system. In this article, we will look at a simple recipe for a footbath that can help our overall health and well-being.

Toxic metals, petro chemicals, chemical byproducts, and biological toxins are present in the environment, whether we want them. Of course, these occur in everyday products most people use.  Toxins can stay trapped inside the fat cells of the body until we take action to flush them out.

This Simple Foot Detox Can Flush YEARS of Trapped Toxins

A detoxifying footbath can remove toxins stored in the body’s fat cells. The chemical process of hydrolysis uses the salts and excretes fats from the feet that will change the color of the water that your feet are soaking in from clear to brownish color.

Ingredients needed for a simple foot detox to flush toxins

ionic foot detox

According to an unpublished study by the University of Birmingham, Epsom salts or magnesium sulfate can be absorbed by the skin in as little as 12 minutes in a bath. Participants who bathed in an Epsom salt bath had their blood and urine levels tested for magnesium. The results suggest ‘some magnesium retention in tissues after bathing as blood levels were still high.’

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for our bodies; we usually get enough from the food we eat. According to The National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements, magnesium is important for over 300 enzyme systems in the body.

Information from the Institute’s website says that magnesium is used by the body to produce energy and build bone, and it helps synthesize DNA and RNA. Magnesium also plays a role in calcium and potassium ions being transmitted across cell membranes, which is essential to nerve function, muscle contractions, and normal heart rhythms.

The feet sweat out toxins and many other methods for detoxifying the trapped toxins in the body as well. For example, an infrared sauna can encourage sweating. A foot detox that includes Epsom salts in a bath can help the body absorb necessary magnesium and flush trapped toxins.

Look for a good quality, pure calcium Bentonite clay for this foot detox recipe. Clay acts as a binding agent to attract trapped toxic metals in the body. Therefore, they bind to the clay and are washed away when the clay is rinsed off. Bentonite clay can also be mixed in water and drank to remove toxins from the body when excreted internally.

How to make a detoxifying foot bath

A simple foot detox bath can help you relax, cleanse, and gain essential minerals while you soak. Here is an easy way to make a cleansing footbath.

Find a basin large enough for your feet to fit comfortably in that can hold up to two gallons of water. Start by filling the tub about halfway with the hottest water you can get from the tap.

  • Hot water
  • 2 tablespoons of Bentonite clay
  • 1/2 cup of Epsom Salts
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

First, add the Epsom salts to the tub with hot water and stir the water until the salts dissolve entirely. By this time, the water should have cooled enough to put your feet in safely. Test the temperature to avoid being scalded.

Mix the Bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar to make a paste. This will be spread on your feet. So if there is not enough to coat your skin, add more of each ingredient. You can also add some water to thin the mixture out a bit.

Spread the clay and vinegar mixture on your feet and leave it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, put your feet in the Epsom salt water bath and soak them for 15 minutes or longer. After 15 minutes, rinse your feet with cool, clear water and dry them.

stinky feet

Some foot detox methods are a waste of time and money

You may have seen an ionic footbath detox service offered at health spas or pedicure stores. The idea is that by soaking your feet, you can see the clear water turn a brownish color, which is supposed to be evidence of the toxins that are being released from your body. However, investigators have found that this is simply a process of electrolysis that will turn the water brown even without your feet being in the bath.

Another detoxification product for the feet is the foot pads which claim to flush years of trapped toxins. However, the Better Business Bureau has given the Kinoki Detox Foot Pads Company an “unsatisfactory” rating and has accused them of making false advertising claims about their product. Don’t waste your time or money on these products or services.

Science Explains How Fasting Helps You Lose Weight And Strengthen Your Body

Of course not eating anything is going to reduce your calorie intake and help you lose weight. But you might be amazed to learn how fasting can help you lose weight. Additionally, you will also rebuild and strengthen your body.

All of us fast for some length of time. The type of fast that you are most familiar with is the one that you do overnight while you sleep. This is why our morning meal is called ‘breakfast,’ because we are breaking our fast from the previous night. Some people fast for spiritual reasons, for example, during the season of Lent or during Ramadan.

In this article, we will look at the types of fasting programs that you can try, the science behind why fasting helps you see positive body changes, and give you some guidance for what type of fasting might be best for you.

Here’s How Fasting Helps You Lose Weight, Rebuild, and Strengthen Your Body

Consult your wellness professional prior to starting a program of fasting, especially if you are pregnant or nursing or if you have certain conditions like anemia, diabetes, or adrenal fatigue.

Research shows why fasting helps rebuild and strengthen your body

Fasting not only helps to lose weight, but helps our body to conserve the energy that it would normally digest food and lets us use that energy toward healing when we are sick or injured instead.

When animals are injured, they go to a source of water and stay near it until they are healed rather than continuing to seek food.

Restricting our calorie intake during illness is a way to help our bodies rebuild themselves. Research on mice who were given a program of fasting showed that the mice that were fasting had slower growth of cancerous tumors. This is an amazing result. The study found that not only could a fasting program slow tumor growth. But that it was also ‘effective at suppressing tumorigenesis in mice genetically predestined to tumor development.’ Mice that were more likely to develop tumors due to mutated genes were less likely to develop them when they were on a program of fasting.

Related: This Ancient Tea Helps With Anxiety and Weight Loss

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at short-term modified alternate-day fasting as a new dietary strategy for weight loss and for heart health protection for adults that were overweight or obese. Over a 10 week study period, the researchers found that after 8 weeks, participants had not only lost weight, but they had lost body fat percentage as well. In addition to the weight loss, the participants in the study had decreased their total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triacylglycerol concentrations. They also had lower systolic blood pressure.

What type of fasting program should you try?

  • Juice fast. This type of fasting program is a liquid-based diet where you get all of your nutritional needs from drinking only juice and avoiding solid foods.
  • Alternate day fasting. This is a 24-hour period of not eating, followed by a 24-hour period where you are allowed to eat regular meals
  • 16-hour. Choose any 8-hour time frame for eating during the day and for the other 16 hours, and avoid any caloric intake. For example, you might choose 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for your eating hours, which means that you should no eat prior to 9:00 am or after 5:00 pm.
  • 20-hour. A 20-hour fasting program is similar to a 16-hour program except that your window for eating is shortened to a 4-hour time frame.
  • Multiple days. Fasting for multiple days can be the most challenging program and it requires some additional preparation. People who fast for more than 24 hours prepare by starting with a juice fast for at least 24 hours first. It is possible for human beings to go 7 days or longer (many people have completed 40-day water fasts) with only water without severe health effects.

If you select a fasting program to try, plan to stick with it for a period of 2 weeks at a minimum. That is, unless you experience health problems as a result. This will allow your body to learn to use up stored fat during the times that you are fasting.

Your weight loss and other body needs may differ from those of another person depending on your health goals. For example, it may be important for you to consume protein following a workout to build muscle, so you may want to make sure that your fasting program does not interfere with your training. Consult a nutritional specialist if you have concerns about what will work best for you.

Research shows why you won’t need to worry about eating too much after fasting

Research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition tells us how fasting is not going to lead to an all out calorie splurge after we have gone for a period of time without food, even if we are exercising.

The study of alternate day fasting and cardiovascular exercise found that participants who did 25 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio three times per week were actually less likely to cheat on days that they were not allowed to eat than if they were not following intermittent fasting.

Would you try a fast to lose weight, or rebuild your body? Share with us in the comments!

7 Things You Need To Know If You’re Friends With a Leo

Friends of Leo usually have some fantastic stories to tell because the lion born July 23 through August 22 dares to spare. In this article, we’ll cover seven other things you must know to stay besties with this beast.

Researchers who looked at beliefs about astrology found that the more positive personality traits included in a sun sign description, the more likely people were to believe in astrology as an accurate representation of their personality.

The Leo zodiac sign falls on the calendar between July 23rd and August 22nd. Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the zodiac, and the lion represents its symbol. People born during this period are said to have the Sun in Leo, making them Leos or individuals with Leo as their sun sign.

Leo is a fire sign displaying confidence, ambition, creativity, and leadership qualities. Leos are often known for their charismatic and outgoing personalities. They are natural-born leaders who thrive in the spotlight and enjoy being the center of attention. Leos are typically generous, warm-hearted, and loyal individuals passionate about their pursuits.

As with all zodiac signs, individuals’ personalities are influenced by a combination of factors, including their birth chart and other planetary placements. While the sun sign (Leo, in this case) is an important aspect, other celestial influences like the moon sign, rising sign, and positions of other planets also shape a person’s astrological profile.

7 Things You Need To Know If You’re Friends With a Leo

We all want to believe the best about ourselves, and this is especially true for Leo. Here are the 7 things you need to know if you’re friends with a Leo.


1. You’ll have to be patient enough for both of you

Your Leo friend is not very good at being patient. So be a good friend to your lion and be patient with their impatience. Researchers looked at personality traits and sun sign and found that 8 of 17 personality factors correlated significantly with the date of birth of the subjects in the study.

For Leo, patience is rarely a virtue, so if you have lots of it yourself, feel free to share some of your Zen wisdom with your friend. Otherwise, you may find yourself apologizing for how your lion friend roars when told there is a 45-minute wait for a table at their favorite restaurant.

2. Leo’s got your back

The friends of Leo know that they are loyal to a fault. If you are friends with one, this person is not one that you will have to worry about talking to behind your back. People are envious of your Leo friend’s supportiveness. Leo would never let someone talk bad about you behind his back.

3. Take the passenger seat and enjoy the ride

Letting your friend do all of the planning and executing of your adventure together makes it easy on you, as long as you can be comfortable with Leo deciding everything for you. They love to be in control, and if you’re friends with a Leo, you will need to learn to let them have it because a power struggle with a lion is a recipe for a fight.

4. A Leo is one of your most generous friends

Leo loves to shower their friends with gifts when they have the financial means. And let’s face it, your friend is pretty well off financially. Leo is the first to give you an expensive birthday gift or treat you to dinner because they love to share their wealth.

Leo tends to be the go-getter, the leader, and the innovator in their field so they are highly compensated for that and you get to reap the benefits as the friend of a Leo. Need anything? Ask your friend and they are sure to lend you whatever you need.

5. A Leo would never lie to you

Your Leo friend has been described as honest, straightforward, and occasionally blunt. They will tell it to you straight, and if you don’t mind the occasional piece of honest feedback about your appearance or behavior, Leo is one true friend to have around.

Similarly, when you are friends with one, they expect you to be just as straightforward with them. Hiding something from a Leo is dangerous. They do not like to be betrayed and they will show it with surprising emotional sensitivity.

Leo will try to repair any breach of trust before walking away from a friendship. However, if you’ve gone too far in betraying your friend, you can forget any hope of making things right because Leo can also hold a grudge.

6. You wish you could bottle some of their relentless energy

THey are well known for being energetic, and their enthusiasm for everything is contagious. When you’re with your friend the lion, you feel like you could party until 4 am, even though you worked late and have to be to work early the following day.

7. Your Leo friend is possessive of you

It’s somewhat cute that the lion is jealous of your other friends. But don’t let them monopolize all of your time. They need to learn to share you with their other friends but they do love spending time with kind with you. Leo can be persistent when they want something too so if you need some space, be as clear and kind with Leo as possible.

a leo

They prefer long-term friendships with a few close people that they can trust deeply. If you are friends with a Leo, they have picked you as one of their top ten people. Membership to this club is pretty exclusive, so you should feel good about being chosen as one of the few lucky enough to share the limelight.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things Relationships Need to Survive

The wilderness is a dangerous and scary place. It is easy to get lost and find yourself in trouble. Love relationships can find themselves in unknown territory surrounded by marauding packs of singles who want to separate you two and make you easy prey.

Relationships have certain basic needs in order to survive. So how can your relationship not only survive in this dark and scary wilderness, but flourish?

Here are ten things relationships need to survive:


1 – Fresh Air and Water

Nobody wants to breath polluted air. Whether that air has been polluted from smoking, an unwashed body, or just being around each other too much. It can be suffocating. Just ask the Apollo astronauts. Relationships need to breathe fresh air occasionally. Get out of your routine. Spend some time with a friend. Visit nature and cleanse your soul. Go for a swim, in a tub, and add some bubbles.

2 – To Hunt and Gather

The fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Food is essential, so important that without it we die. Good, healthy foods and drinks keep our bodies balanced, energized and our emotions stable. Food has been used to celebrate, to mourn, and bind people together for thousands of years. Do not underestimate the effect of having lunch or dinner with your partner regularly. No phone, computer, tablet or TV. Just the two of you, some good food and good conversation.

3 – A Warm Fire

Imagine trudging though a heavy snowfall on a stormy winter night. In the distance, you see light shining through the windows of a house. When you get to the house you step inside into the glow of warmth from the fireplace and the love of your partner. A relationship needs love like a fire needs oxygen. Being with your partner should be like snuggling up next to the fire on a cold winter’s night. Daily acts of love keep that fire burning hot. Take out the trash without being nagged about it. Make sure the laundry is put away. Little things add logs to that fire but you have to tend it diligently because if you get slack and forget to feed the fire then the fire dies and you will both freeze to death. So find something everyday to toss another log on that fire and keep your love burning.

4 – A Sturdy Shelter

Nature is a beautiful but cruel and uncaring mistress. Life’s storms will try to blow us off our feet and rain on our parade. All of us need shelter sometimes from the harsh realities of life. Your partner’s kindness and compassion can shield you from the storm. We all need a place to retreat to, dry off, recover, and rest before venturing back into the wilds. Be that sanctuary for your partner. If they had a crappy day, listen to them with compassion and empathy.

5 – Safety and Security


We need to feel safe in our relationships for them to last and grow. If there is physical or emotional abuse, then the relationship is doomed. But just as important are concepts of respect, appreciation, vulnerability and trust. Untrustworthy partners and partners who do not respect or appreciate us make us feel insecure. We should be able to feel vulnerable with our partners and trust them not to hurt us when we do.

So, now that we have survival down what do we need in a relationship for it to flourish? For it to reach the actualization of its full potential? The next five things are critical for a relationship’s full self-actualization.

6 – Acceptance

First, you have to accept each other for who you are. If you want them to change into something more acceptable, then you don’t really want that person but an idealized version of that person. Our past and our quirks make us who we are and if you like someone enough to pursue a relationship with them then accept that person as they are, warts and all.

7 – Commitment

If you are with Mr. or Ms. Wrong, then there is no room for Mr./Ms. Right. If you can’t commit to someone, the relationship is fundamentally wrong. Long term, serious relationships need commitment from both parties to survive. Your partner must know you will be there for them when the chips are down. Back to back, you two against the world.

8 – Compromise

Two partners must be willing and able to find a middle ground when confronted by disagreements. If your view is “It is my way or the highway,” then good luck walking that highway by yourself. You have to be able to find a way where both people get enough of what they want to be happy. Healthy relationships engage in give-and-take and negotiating with each other to find a happy middle ground.

9 – Forgiveness

If you are with someone long enough, you will occasionally hurt each other’s feelings. If you just can’t let things go, if you feel the need to remind your partner about mistakes or slights from weeks, months or years ago, and keep a running tally of their failures, then you may need just to let that stuff go. Carrying all that baggage will sap your strength and drag you down to drown in your misery. Everybody has bad days or makes mistakes. Forgive them and move on.

10 – Honesty

You must be honest with your partners about what you want and need upfront. If you make a mistake, then man up and admit it. Then work through it and past it. Honesty builds trust slowly but can be lost with a single untruth. Besides, if you are honest, you don’t have to remember much.

Psychotherapist Donna Wood wrote in The Inspired Caregiver:

“When enforcing our boundaries, first and foremost, we are caring for ourselves, but we are also helping others to have a clear understanding of what we consider acceptable behavior. We are reflecting back to them what is not acceptable and, therefore, providing them an opportunity to consider that information and make necessary changes. If we ignore the behavior or accept the behavior, not only are we undermining ourselves, but we are denying the other person an opportunity to learn about themselves and to grow, and ultimately, we deny them the opportunity for a healthy relationship with us.”


Final Thoughts on Nurturing Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships require us to be respectful, honest, compassionate, and loving. It’s important to have vulnerability and courage in being ourselves to our partners. Relationships are never perfect. It’s all about finding the person who can see past your flaws and utilizing those imperfections to help each other heal together.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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