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5 Nutrient Deficiencies That Make You Overeat

Have you ever thought that maybe the cause of your snacking and overeating could be that you are trying to make up for the nutrient deficiencies that you have from not eating the right things? It’s possible that your body has cravings because it’s trying to tell you to eat more of the essential nutrients that it needs to be healthy.

Overeating can lead to weight gain, which is something that most of us are trying to avoid. Your binge snacking or continuous grazing throughout the day is hurting your health, so let’s examine the 5 nutrient deficiencies that might be making you overeat.

5 Nutrient Deficiencies That Make You Overeat

Believe it or not, a nutrient rich diet allows you to practically eat as much as you want, without the kind of overeating that leads to gaining weight. The National Bariatric Center says that a 2004 study found that individuals who ate a nutrient rich diet were able to lose weight without reducing the total amount of calories consumed.

Study participants were placed on a nutritionally balanced diet of 2100 calories per day divided into seven equal servings. The participants were encouraged to eat all of the portions and even more if they were still hungry. Even with the additional food intake, they lost significant amounts of weight and also lost fat around the waist.

Let’s look at the 5 most common nutrient deficiencies that cause you to overeat.

1. Iron

Some vegetarians are surprised to find that they may occasionally experience meat cravings, and this is likely a result of an iron deficiency. Women who are going through certain phases of their menstruation cycle or pre-menopausal women also have these cravings.

Your best bet for when you crave iron to avoid overeating is to fill your plate with cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, dried fruit, beans, or legumes. Iron is best absorbed when you add vitamin C to your plate

2. Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids are very important to our overall health, and when you don’t get enough, your body sends signals of cravings that may make you overeat. If you do not include high-quality fish in your diet, add seaweed sources to get this important nutrient and keep yourself from overeating. Flaxseed, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, hemp seeds, chickpeas, and Brussels sprouts are all additional vegan ways to get Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.

3. B Vitamins

There are many different B Vitamins and sources of them, and lacking these nutrients could send your body into an overeating binge mode. Your essential B Vitamins are B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin). The good news is that seeds, nuts, avocado, and yeast can cover almost all of your body’s nutrient deficiencies while maintaining a healthy vegan diet and not overeating.

4. Magnesium and calcium

Magnesium is a mood booster that is almost as effective as lithium in many people. As a result of not getting enough magnesium, which is filtered out of most bottled and filtered waters, our moods are depressed or unstable and we binge eat to try to make up for our less than happy mood.

When you binge eat, you might crave sugar, but avoid this non-nutrient food additive because it can cause your levels of magnesium and calcium to be even lower. Stress has a similar effect on reducing your body’s natural levels of the nutrients magnesium and calcium, resulting in a deficiency that leads you to overeat.

Researchers at Eastern Michigan University studied vegetarian diets to see if they had enough nutrients to qualify as a nutrient dense diet. The research showed that ‘Mean intakes of fiber, vitamins A, C, and E, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, calcium, magnesium, and iron were higher for all vegetarians than for all non-vegetarians. Although vegetarian intakes of vitamin E, vitamin A, and magnesium exceeded that of non-vegetarians,’ the researchers say that levels of E, A and magnesium should have been higher still for the vegetarians.

Related article: Here’s How Fasting Helps You Lose Weight, Rebuild, and Strengthen Your Body

People seem to have a bias in their thinking that a vegetarian diet is not going to provide them with enough nutrition, and that they may overeat as a result. In this study though, the researchers concluded that ‘vegetarian diets are nutrient dense, consistent with dietary guidelines, and could be recommended for weight management without compromising diet quality.’

5. Zinc

A deficiency in the nutrient zinc can cause your digestive system to not function properly, resulting in the discomfort of diarrhea. Other signs of zinc deficiency include foggy thinking, thinning hair, poor immune system function, and skin rashes. Your body may be craving this essential nutrient, and a deficiency in zinc may make you overeat just to get what your body needs. Cooked oatmeal and tofu are excellent sources of zinc that will not make you overeat.

Related article: 6 Foods That Make You Lose Sleep

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Scientists Explain How Marijuana May Become a Cure For Alzheimer’s Disease

Research into the medical uses of cannabis continues to provide medical solutions for many health problems. A new discovery finds that marijuana may be the key to curing the slow cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Nerve cells die naturally as we age. But Alzheimer’s disease leads to rapid cell death that happens faster than usual.

The unfortunate nature of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders like dementia is that the brain dies faster than the body. Thus, it leaves the person struggling to recall essential things. For example, they can’t recall turning off the stove or remembering where they live.

Memory, cognitive processing, and even behavior can be affected by this disease.Often, the lives of family members are affected in significant ways. That’s because they struggle to find help for their rapidly deteriorating elder. A cure in the form of medicinal marijuana is a potential ray of sunshine in a gloomy prognosis.

Researchers Discover: Marijuana May Be The Key To Curing Alzheimer’s Disease

In this article, we will look at what Alzheimer’s disease is. We also explore how researchers discovered a link between marijuana’s healing power and curing dementia.

medical marijuana

What Are the Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia or disease of the brain. The Alzheimer’s Association says that early onset Alzheimer’s disease can begin as early as the ages of 40 or 50. It first presents as slight loss of brain functioning. Problems with memory and thought processes are the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease begins with minor memory lapses but gets more severe at a more rapid progression than would be seen with normal aging. Memory is not just the only brain function that is impaired. But even performing simple math problems or completing a task with verbal instructions becomes increasingly tricky.

Newly learned information should be fresh in your mind in a normally functioning brain, but Alzheimer’s disease robs people of the ability to recall things they just learned. Most often, it is friends or family members who begin to be concerned about signs of memory loss in a loved one, and they are the ones who then become responsible for getting help for the person who is going through dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Association warns that Alzheimer’s advances, symptoms worsening over time. These include the following:

  • Disorientation
  • Mood and behavioral changes
  • Worsening confusion about events, time, and place
  • Unfounded suspicions regarding family, friends, and professional caregivers
  • More severe memory loss and behavioral changes
  • Difficulty speaking, chewing, swallowing, and walking.

Research on the Use of Marijuana to Cure Cognitive Disorders like AD

Alzheimer’s disease may come from the accumulation of proteins in neurons. Beta-amyloid is one of these proteins that can increase in the brain as we age. The natural medical miracle of marijuana may be the key, according to these research discoveries, to curing Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers at the Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, CA, say that intracellular beta-amyloid initiates a toxic inflammatory response that leads to cell death in the brain. Both psychoactive cannabinoids, like the THC in cannabis that get you high. The non-psychoactive cannabinoid compounds CBD, stimulates the removal of beta-amyloid, block the inflammatory response, and provide protection.

The data from the study showed that there is an inflammatory response within nerve cells that is caused by the accumulation of intracellular beta-amyloid proteins. This protein accumulation in nerve cells leads to early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, and the progression of the disease can be cured by stimulating the cannabinoid receptors of the brain.

The researchers at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies concluded that ‘5-LOX inhibitors, cannabinoids, and caspase inhibitors can completely prevent cell death. However, once the cell death process is underway, death can be reduced by some prostaglandins.’

An additional study on medical marijuana and AD

A research study by the Endocannabinoid Research Group, Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry based in Naples, Italy, that reviewed the previous research on cannabis receptors in the brain found that ‘the available data indicate that endocannabinoids are likely to play in this disorder a role similar to that suggested in other neurodegenerative diseases, that is, to represent an endogenous adaptive response aimed at counteracting both the neurochemical and inflammatory consequences of -amyloid-induced tau protein hyperactivity, possibly the most crucial underlying cause of AD.

Furthermore, plant and synthetic cannabinoids, particularly the non-psychotropic cannabidiol, might also exert other non-cannabinoid receptor-mediated protective effects. These can include anti-oxidant actions. There is evidence, from in vivo studies on -amyloid-induced neurotoxicity, also for a possible causative role of endocannabinoids in the impairment of memory retention. That’s typical of AD. This might open the way to using cannabinoid receptor antagonists as therapeutic drugs for treating cognitive deficits in the more advanced phases of this disorder.’

alzheimer's disease

Final Thoughts on Medical Marijuana and Alzheimer’s Disease

Many states have approved the use of medical marijuana for certain debilitating conditions. Medical use of cannabis is approved for Alzheimer’s disease therapy in several states as medical marijuana. A Google search for your state’s approved medical conditions for cannabis use will help you find out if this natural medical miracle can help you or your loved ones slow Alzheimer’s disease.

5 Things To Never Tell Yourself After A Breakup

After any breakup, there are moments of insanity. You begin to question motives, events, and every conversation during the relationship. Toxic thoughts take over. Even through the most amicable breakup, emotions are still hurtful.

There are feelings of resentment, regrets, and anger. Some of us hibernate and deal with the breakups on our own, while others go out there and find a “replacement” for that ex. In the meantime, you are dealing with the negative committee in your mind. You are depressed, heartbroken, and second-guessing yourself.

Here are 5 things to never tell yourself after a breakup:

1. “I am too old.”

Age has nothing to do with relationships. The older we get, it does seem to be impossible to deal with the breakups. You want to settle into a healthy and loving relationship. But, telling yourself that you are too old for this nonsense is not a proactive way of dealing with the hurt. You can’t shun yourself from the rest of the world. Each relationship that comes into your life is an opportunity to learn about yourself. You get a chance to emotionally evolve. Wisdom comes with time, experience and the ability to put things into perspective.

2. “I am not worth it.”


Some relationships leave a trail of devastation behind. Others leave sweet memories that overlap with the hard times. You’re worth every beautiful moment you share with another. You do not have to put up with abuse. You do not have to entertain and own all the things your ex said to you through manipulation and anger. You’re worth the most incredible things in this world.

Sure, you can give yourself a pity party. You can be the king or queen of it, and once it’s out of your system, recognize that you attract that which you put out. You are worth a loving mate, meaningful, invaluable, and absolutely wonderful. The best and surest way to heal from a breakup is to provide self-love to you. Perhaps this person was the stepping stone to help you find your soulmate. He or she was preparing you for something better.

3. “He or she will regret it.”

You aren’t responsible for someone else’s feelings. You are only responsible for how you react. To keep wishing that your ex will hurt, or be in complete despair, is actually putting negative thoughts in overdrive. In order to heal, you have to let that person go. Stop obsessing over how your ex will function or what they are thinking. It’s counterproductive. You can’t move on while you are still holding on to pieces of that person. Never regret anything in life, because every experience teaches you something about you. It provides insight on the things you need and deserve. If someone was meant to be in your life, that person would still be in it.

4. “It was all my fault.”

Unless you have a time machine at your disposal, it’s really difficult to change the past. You cannot go back and keep reliving the arguments and the moments that led to a breakup. In a relationship, it takes two to tango. To put all the fault on yourself, unless you acted out with anger, cheated, or did something inconceivably immoral, isn’t fair. Sometimes, relationships break apart because two people have outgrown each other. Other times, it’s a matter of distance and space. While, yet, in some instances, it is about the lack of communication. Do not go instilling a martyr attitude. As adults, we are able to project how we feel onto others. This is not the time to take all the issues on yourself. Whether it is your fault or not, it’s irrelevant once it’s over.

5. “Were my standards too high?”

When we breakup, we start to contemplate and ask ourselves if things were really as bad as they felt at that moment. But, healthy-loving relationships don’t end after a small fight. They consist of two people compromising and reconciling after disagreements. Most relationships that are based on “just settling” aren’t long term affairs. Whenever you felt that sense of “something is wrong,” it was your intuition letting you know that things were not working. Asking yourself this question adds more devastation to an-already emotional state of mind. How about saying, “I deserve a loving-respectful mate.” You are not here to settle for anything on this earth, even in relationships. You are here to find that one person who brings out the very best in you.

Relationship expert from YourTango, Debi Berndt, explains about breakups:

“Breakups are a love wake-up call that show you what’s out of alignment with your relationship goals. As you are forced to see the rawness inside of you, you begin to take notice of the fears that were lurking just beneath the surface of your initial attraction.

When a person leaves your life, they aren’t “the one that got away,” and there is nothing you should regret. Even if you acted like the perfect woman (or man) and followed all of the rules, you were dealing with someone who only responded to your negative qualities instead of your positive ones. They were bound to go, in the same way other wrong partners were.”


Final Thoughts on Healing After a Breakup

Relationships help us learn our strengths, vulnerability, courage, value and ability to move past hardship. Each person who comes into your life is a mirror reflection of you. Once you step back and recognize that they are not responsible for your happiness, anymore than you for theirs, you can see how different things could be in the future. A breakup is an opportunity to find what works and what doesn’t for you. You do not have to beat yourself up. You get a chance to truly be prepared for that next great person. And then, you will be ready with an open heart.

Lunar Eclipse In Aquarius: A Major Shift Is Coming Your Way on August 18th

The lunar eclipse that is coming up can have some interesting effects on your life; here’s what you need to know about how the dark of the Moon will affect you. An eclipse is when the Moon is in the shadow of the Earth with the Sun on the other side.

What You Need To Know About The Lunar Eclipse August 18th

When the Earth is in the shadow of the Moon, it is a rare occurrence and it is significant for our lives in several ways. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is full and we would usually be able to see the whole bright surface of the moon, but due to the shadow of the Earth across its face, it is partially or fully hidden.

From ‘Three types of lunar eclipse are possible (total, partial, and penumbral) depending on how deeply the full Moon plunges into or near the umbra, our planet’s dark, central shadow.’ In the case of the lunar eclipse on August 18th, the moon is coming extremely close to the Earth’s shadow and just barely touching the outer edge of it. This will be a penumbral eclipse, because the outer edge of the Earth’s shadow is called the penumbra.

Why a lunar eclipse is significant for our lives

In 2010, Mitch Battros of the website predicted that earthquakes would occur within two weeks prior and/or two weeks after a lunar eclipse. He was correct for the last six full lunar eclipses. The effects of a lunar eclipse can range all over the surface of the Earth.

As beings mostly made of water, our bodies feel the pull of the full moon like the tidal effect of rising toward the moon. Polish researchers found that the full moon has measurable effects on female menstruation and fertility, on hospitalizations, traffic accidents, suicides, and crime. There are also similar effects seen in animals.

You won’t be able to see this lunar eclipse, but you’ll feel it

Another important thing to note about the lunar eclipse on August 18, 2016 is that the Earth, Moon and Sun will all be in very close alignment to each other, almost forming a neat row in the universe.

Mitch Battros also says that lunar eclipses are related to magnetic changes and extreme weather events on Earth. The changes in electromagnetic fields can make electronic devices act strangely and are detectable by animals and possibly some humans. The shadow of the Earth on the surface of the moon also causes a decrease in reflected solar light for the Earth.

Related article: Get Ready For A Major Shift, New Moon in Leo August 2nd

Sleep cycles for us here on Earth can often be affected by the full moon. In a joint research study conducted by the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Berne in Berne, Switzerland and the Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Basel in Basel, Switzerland found that ‘Mean sleep duration was 6 h 49 min. Subjective sleep duration varied with the lunar cycle, from 6 h 41 min at full moon to 7 h 00 min at new moon.’

What you need to know about the Aquarius lunar eclipse on August 18th

The lunar eclipse in Aquarius will have you feeling free from the bonds and judgment of society. You may have cared in the past for what others thought of your choices, but now you realize that the most important opinion is your own, and you are able to feel more like yourself than you have in a long time.

Watch out for your short temper at this time as well, because the planet Uranus in its position relative to the Sun on August 18th may make you feel more touchy than usual. The Moon’s position relative to Jupiter means that you need to know that you may feel the need for maternal protection. If you can’t get this from your actual mother, you may seek out a motherly figure to substitute for the nurturing that you need right now.

Related article: Who Is Your Perfect Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Astrologers say that the themes of religion and spirituality are also important now. Jupiter, the Moon, and Uranus all form a triangle in the heavens, and this is called a Yod. This Yod is pointing at God so it is called the God Finger. says ‘Yods are like a thorn in one’s side that constantly spurs you towards your goal, often whether you like it or not! And this Yod is entwined with the Lunar eclipse. Yods are sometimes called ‘The Finger Of God’, because life feels fated or destined. At the same time there is a yearning for perfection signified by the planet that it is pointing at. This one is God pointing at’. well God.’

lunar eclipse

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

People Who Experience A Vibrational Shift Do These 7 Things

We are at a crossroads in a spiritual movement. We are desperately trying to make sense of the ever-changing world. People have grown tired of shopping, eating out, purchasing expensive homes and cars, or traveling to fill the void inside. Therefore, we find that the desire to experience a positive shift in vibrational energy is on a rise these days. People are actually enriching their lives while being on a faithful quest with spiritual perception.

We are taking better care of ourselves while trying to connect with a higher vibrational energy within our physical body. There is a divide between religion and spirituality. When asked what he believed in, Albert Einstein responded, “My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.”

Here are 7 ways to experience a positive vibrational shift:

1. Reconnect with your soul.

Within our busy lives, we forget what’s important. We forget the dreams from childhood. We forget to nourish our souls while creating more of what brings us joy. The first step to increase your spiritual awareness is to unlock all the passion and desires that you have been putting away for another time. There is no assurance of tomorrow. You do yourself a great injustice when you keep putting your soul on hold. You are required to love you before anyone else.

You hold the secrets to your future by tapping into your dreams. Speak to your inner child. You can reach these moments of awareness through writing, music, painting and any other form of creating. Your imagination is a direct source to consciousness. When you connect to yourself in a loving and playful manner, your vibrational energy expands and evolves.

2. Connect with nature.


Naturalist and author, John Muir, expresses it beautifully when he wrote, “The clearest way in the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” Being in nature allows for connection to the self, to the world, and to the expansion of space and time. If you want to increase your spiritual awareness, spend time alone outdoors. Go for walks, hikes, and study the greatness of this earth. Trees, the ocean, mountains, valleys and rivers show us how things move without expectation or pretenses. In nature, everything moves at its own rhythm. There is a invaluable quality to the way seasons change and nature reacts. There is an incredible presence of awe-stricken greatness.

3. Laugh often.

Laughter heals us. When we are in a moment of joy, our biological composition changes. Hormones are released. We are elevated to a state of higher consciousness. Laughter brings us into a deeper awareness of our own greatness. UCLA professor of cognitive neuroscience, Sophie Scott, has explained the psychology behind laughter. She starts off by explaining “how during states of high emotional arousal (whether joy or pain) we often use non-verbal sounds to communicate our feelings.”

When neuroscientists look into our brains while we laugh, they find a lot of neural activity that suggests our brains “get ready to laugh whenever we hear it. This suggests that laughing may be something that is supposed to be shared between individuals.” Laughter opens us up to raise our awareness in a physiological, emotional and spiritual way.

4. Meditation, contemplation and prayer.

Whenever we spend time alone in meditation, contemplation or prayer, we are connecting to something outside of ourselves. We get out of our own way. It is during these channels of communication and solace that we find inner peace. In a state of harmony, grace and assurance are birthed. Meditation allows for the mind to release the chit-chatter so we can listen. Prayer asks the questions that we long for answers. Contemplation is the union of the two. Making time for these personal moments increases your spiritual awareness and expands your soul’s yearning for tranquility.

5. Get plenty of sleep.

It is important to have a sleep routine so that your body can relax every day. Your body requires 6 to 8 hours a night of peaceful sleep to regenerate. When you have a restful night, you can function accordingly with your day. You can also feel at ease with your thoughts. Our thoughts need rest, and sleep allows for this to happen. We have become a society addicted to our every thoughts. A good night of restful sleep helps adjust our thoughts and emotions. Spiritual awareness arrives when we are in tune with our thoughts, rather than manipulating them. Our dreams are also messages from consciousness. Dreams can be doors into other spiritual connections.

6. Embrace humanity.

Whenever we leave our own drama and help another, we enter into a state of spiritual awareness. We shift our perceptions and allow for something greater than ourselves to take over. Helping another soul is an instant form of connection with divinity. Compassion, kindness, empathy and love raise our vibrational frequency. Selfless acts of humanity help us identify with grace. Spiritual richness comes from acceptance and allowing humanity to join together. Strangers become friends, because we see divinity looking through their eyes.

7. Become aware of your awareness.

We place expectations in everything we do, even in trying to reach a higher spiritual awareness. When you become mindful of your thoughts and actions, you start to see the world in a different manner. You start to not care about rationalizing everything. Spiritual awareness has no need for control. The analytical mind drops off, and you accept things as they are, not as you want them to be. You begin to live by synchronicity and serendipity. You recognize space as present. Your awareness increases with the level of conscious shifting. It happens slowly, but being mindful of your breath and thoughts helps reduce stress and anxiety. You recognize that fear is an illusion of control.

Related article: 6 Signs The World Is Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening RIGHT NOW

The greatest reward of choosing to live a life of spiritual connection is allowing and accepting things without the need to push and pull them to fit the ego. Your mind, body and spirit live in harmony. We are still human. We will still be exploring the deepest corners of the mind and emotions, but it becomes easier to navigate this world when we are aware of something greater than ourselves.

“To begin to understand your Soul as an integral part of yourself and begin to connect with your Soul as a part of your full being and your true nature, is the beginning of wisdom and the portal to true joy.” ~ Genevieve Gerard

5 Life Lessons To Learn From Batman

“A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy’s shoulder to let him know that the world hadn’t ended.” – Batman (Christian Bale), The Dark Knight Rises

“Who is Batman?”

Well, this question – asked repeatedly by his nemeses for over 80 years – is a complex one. Batman is a (fictional) character, with the man Bruce Wayne playing the part. It is that latter person’s life events that really begin to sketch-in the finer details of who Batman is, and more.

Bruce Wayne is just a young boy – around 8 years old – when he witnesses his parents murdered outside of a movie theatre. The murder of Bruce’s parents was, and remains, the defining moment of his human life and that of his alter-ego. In fact, young Bruce is so deeply wounded by seeing his parents killed, that he eventually makes the commitment to fight injustice wherever it may present itself.

After years of travelling the globe, in which he painstakingly sculpts his mind and body, Bruce Wayne eventually finds his way back to Gotham City – home to a vast criminal underworld and myriad other shady characters.

Using his vast wealth, provided by his father’s successful business ventures, Wayne begins to design and construct Batman’s crime-fighting arsenal. Wayne’s genius-level intellect, nearly-limitless resources, and savvy crime-fighting skills molds that character that is Batman.

The character Batman is truly transcendent, in that he is considered a hero by adults and children alike. Perhaps the most appealing thing about Batman is that he has no superpowers – he is fully-human. As such, he – perhaps more than any other ‘superhero’ – is the most relatable.

One needn’t be a Batman fanatic to appreciate the tenets by which he lives. His mission, in its broadest sense, is to promote good and leave the world a better place.

Here are 5 life lessons to learn from Batman

1. Devote Yourself to an Ideal

To protect his identity and those of whom he cares for, Bruce Wayne often exudes a certain type of arrogance and brashness. Of course, the man himself is not any of these things; in fact, it’s very difficult to find fault in his true character.

Financially, Wayne donates vast amounts of money to a number of philanthropic causes: foster homes, homeless shelters, hospitals, and a number of other institutions. Personally, despite the (often numerous) imperfections of those he encounters, he almost always attempts to impart a sense of dignity and respect – even if such efforts are in vein.

It goes without saying, but he is fully devoted to his crime-fighting activities. But there is certainly more to the character than beating down bad guys.

The lesson: find something you’re passionate about in the arena of service. In other words, devote yourself to something that is bigger than any one person.

2. Defend Those Who Can’t (or Won’t) Defend Themselves

Batman’s primary goal in life is to prevent injustice wherever it should present itself – to protect the innocent. He has fought off thieves, murderers, kidnappers and the like, countless times. Batman does these things because he himself understands the extreme pain and damage such things can do to its victims.

There are even instances of Batman saving the lives of criminals. Despite being a prolific crime-fighter, Batman does not kill under any circumstance. Of course, he is not always successful in saving and/or bettering the lives of people he encounters, but he makes every attempt to do so.

The lesson: firstly, to always assert yourself, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Second, after you develop the capability of assertion, be willing to stand up for others who may not know how.

3. Use the Right Mix of Fairness, Toughness and Compassion


Make no mistake: Batman is a physically-imposing, tough character. His altercations with criminals often leaves them lying unconscious with broken bones – along with a deep sense of regret for having tangled with him. While he may not kill, he doesn’t shy away from using his violent capabilities when they become necessary.

On the flip side, Batman is a deeply-compassionate character. It has already been mentioned that he, as Bruce Wayne, gives away sizeable amounts of his fortune. As a studied criminologist, Batman strongly believes in criminal rehabilitation, as opposed to repeating the cycle of beat-down, restrain, detain and repeat.

Another interesting thing about Batman’s character is that he doesn’t give up on people – even those that have caused him harm. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the “Dark Knight” believes strongly in the value of human rights, no matter the person’s past.

The lesson: in addition to being able to stand your ground, exhibit the traits of fairness and compassion whenever possible. Believe in the good of people, and encourage the advancement of the disenfranchised or downtrodden.

4. Remain Grounded and Humble in Everything

While Bruce Wayne may provoke feelings of envy in efforts to protect the identity of his alter-ego, the term “selfless” does not begin to describe the character Batman. The crime-fighter does not only shy-away from attention, he detests it.

Using phrases such as “I’m no hero” and “A hero can be anyone,” Batman absolutely refuses to be labeled as a hero, despite everyone’s insistence that he is just that. Instead, Batman deflects this adoration back onto the people, with the ultimate hope that his admirers will realize the good that they, themselves, can do in the world.

The lesson: practice everything that you do with humility. Refuse to take undue credit, and – on the flipside – give credit to people who are truly deserving. Additionally, believe in the power that you have to make a lasting difference in the world.

5. You can be “perfectly imperfect” and make a difference

Bruce Wayne, the man, is what makes the character of Batman so compelling. Wayne is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a perfect human being. Psychologists have studied Batman since he first became an iconic American figure – a testament to the reach of Batman’s character on society.

In a fascinating article published in Psychology Today, Dr. Robin Rosenberg examines the state of Batman’s mental health. The psychologist lists five different disorders that Batman may have – including depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Indeed, Batman’s imperfections are apparent to anyone that’s seen the movies and/or read the comic books. He’s brooding, impatient, and – of course – obsessive about his “hobby” of fighting crime. He has a volatile temper, and often refuses to take the advice of people who care about him.

The lesson: forget the notion of being a perfect person. This is very important to read, but also to understand: every great person has had faults, some faults being quite severe. People that strive for excellence often focus upon the things – traits, knowledge, capabilities, etc. – that they don’t possess. Instead, focus on the things you do, and practice continuous self-improvement.

Related article: 5 Things People With Integrity Do Differently

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