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How to Make Your Own Turmeric Supplements

Sure, you can buy supplements with the incredible healing power of turmeric, but when you can make your own easily, why spend the money for someone else to do it for you? Herbal turmeric supplements manufactured in the United States do not have to comply with quality or safety regulations, so it is even more important to know how the herbs you take are made, or if you don’t know for sure to keep the quality control in your own hands.

How to Make Turmeric Supplements

Making your turmeric supplements is easy. In this article, we will give you a simple recipe for your turmeric supplements to take daily and also several reasons to start doing so now.

Benefits of Turmeric Supplements

Turmeric is getting a lot of attention in the natural health literature for the simple fact that it has the potential to not only help heal but to prevent, illness in the first place.

Turmeric is herbal and traditional medicine, but it also serves as a fabric dye. Furthermore, Asian and Hindu cultures use it in spiritual practices, and it is a significant component of curry cooking as a food flavoring. The yellowish color of ground turmeric comes from the dried root or rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant.

Turmeric is related to ginger, and the roots of both plants look similar. Turmeric has a peppery spice flavor and mustard color and fragrance. The active ingredient that makes it a miracle cure is curcumin.

Curcumin is powerful medicine for the following things that it does in your body.



Turmeric is a spice used in culinary dishes like curry. A major component of turmeric is curcumin. It gives curry its deep golden color. Besides being used in food dishes around the world, turmeric has many medical benefits. One significant benefit of turmeric has to be its anti-inflammatory abilities. It can reduce pain and improve movement because of arthritis. Some people have found help from turmeric to treat osteoarthritis. Taking 1,200 mg. of turmeric three times a day works similarly to ibuprofen, although research has not confirmed this information. If you plan to take turmeric for pain, talk with your doctor first. Turmeric can have adverse effects on some medications, so you want to prevent any dangerous interaction.


Traditional healers also prescribed curcumin as an antibacterial. Studies show it’s effective against Staphylococcus aureus in experiments. Turmeric is even more powerful when it’s combined with other antibacterial agents. Researchers hope to create an antibiotic from turmeric in the future. You can use it for infections.

  • On your skin
  • In your mouth
  • On your face


Turmeric can dye and flavor foods. Its therapeutic abilities make it especially interesting to scientists. One benefit of turmeric is as an anti-cariogenic. This means it can fight tooth decay. This is because turmeric can lower the bacteria in your mouth, which causes tooth decay. They have found that turmeric combined with a technique used to seal your teeth was very effective against cavities. Talk to your dentist about using curcumin to help prevent cavities. Maybe they haven’t heard the good news about turmeric’s excellent dental benefits.


Studies show that turmeric has antifungal benefits. It does this by lowering the effects and concentration of the fungus. Today, many pathogenic organisms have become resistant to drugs used in the past. Researchers have found that spices, like turmeric, have active compounds that could provide some resistance to infections. Curcumin in turmeric can occur in mouthwash and lozenges as an antifungal treatment. Further research will reveal whether curcumin will fight oral candidal infections, but researchers are hopeful it will.

Anticoagulant (blood-thinning)

Turmeric’s key ingredient, curcumin, acts as an anticoagulant. It prevents blood clots from forming. If you’re on blood-thinning meds, don’t take turmeric supplements because it could increase your chances of bruising or bleeding. Be sure to talk with your doctor before you take any  supplements. Avoid turmeric if you’re on these blood-thinning medications:

  • Warfarin( Coumadin)
  • Clopidogrel( Plavix)
  • Heparin
  • Cataflam
  • Advil
  • Motrin
  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen
  • Fragmin ( Dalteparin)
  • Lovenox(Enoxaparin)


Turmeric has antioxidants that rid your body of free radicals by acting as a neutralizer to them. In clinical trials, they found that turmeric’s antioxidants might reduce glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts. It’s also thought that turmeric can stimulate the effects of other antioxidants when combined with them.


The curcumin in turmeric has antiviral properties that fight a wide range of viruses. The downside is that curcumin gets rapidly metabolized by your body, limiting its effectiveness as an antiviral. Despite this, researchers continue to study turmeric since it has shown some antiviral activity in humans. Studies found some benefits against each of these viruses.

  • HIV
  • Zika virus
  • Dengue virus
  • Chikungunya Virus
  • Vesicular Stomatitis Virus
  • Influenza A Virus
  • Enterovirus 71
  • Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  • Norovirus
  • Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus
  • Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
  • Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus

Antidiabetic (decreases blood sugar levels)

Some believe that turmeric could potentially help people with diabetes. It appears that curcumin improves beta-cell function, which makes insulin. Insulin carries glucose to your cells. In type 2 diabetes, cells become resistant to glucose, which causes high blood sugar. Your pancreas produces more insulin to lower your blood sugar levels to compensate. Turmeric isn’t a quick fix for diabetes, but hopefully, further research will reveal more ways it could help individuals with diabetes.


Another fantastic benefit of turmeric (under current study) is its ability to help prevent depression. Researchers think that turmeric boosts your brain’s production of two hormones: serotonin and dopamine. These hormones help relieve depression and help you feel happier. Turmeric for depression could be the latest trend in treating individuals who suffer from depression. This is good news because there would be fewer side effects, but the cost would be dramatically less for those who suffer from depression.

It prevents brain degenerative disease.

Curcumin helps increase brain hormones. These hormones create new neurons in your brain and prevent degeneration from occurring in the brain. The neurons are essential because they make new connections in certain parts of your brain.  It’s thought that turmeric could help reverse brain disorders and some age-related brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Besides this, turmeric may help improve your memory and even make you smarter. Researchers are hoping to understand how turmeric benefits the brain entirely.


Researchers are still studying it, but there is some evidence that curcumin kills cancer cells and stops others from growing. They hope turmeric could effectively kill stomach, bowel, breast, and skin cancer cells. Also, studies show that curcumin reduces many of the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This helps improve patients’ quality of life as they go through these treatments. Researchers also say that curcumin can decrease patients’ tumor markers and increase their survival time.


Supplement use in the United States

A study of the increasing use of supplements in the United States found that the percentage of adults using supplementations increased from 23.2% in 1987 to 33.9% in 2000. This increase was actual for both men and women, all races and ethnic groups, and all adults over the age of 25.

How to make your turmeric supplements

Find a good quality herb supplier at a natural food store or holistic health store. If you can find the whole root, ask the store if they will grind it for you to know it came from the actual plant source. Ask if there are multiple varieties of turmeric and ask which one contains the highest level of curcumin.

You will need about 1/3 cup of ground turmeric. Mix the dry turmeric spice with three tablespoons of raw, organic honey. Use a spoon to mix the turmeric and honey into a paste. Pinch off small supplement pill-sized balls that are small enough to swallow, roll them, and lay them on a sheet of parchment paper. Place the balls and parchment paper in the freezer to solidify.

The turmeric supplements should only take 24 hours to harden enough to be stored. Please put them in a container that can be sealed and protected from moisture entering it. Keep it in the freezer, and you are ready with turmeric supplements that you made on your own. Take one or two per day and monitor your health changes.

The FDA does not regulate herbal supplements.

One of the best reasons to make your supplements is that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbal or dietary supplements or screen them for quality. So manufacturers can put anything they want in the pills you pop daily.

One review of herbal supplement use says, ‘In the United States, 6 out of every ten people use dietary supplements. For decades, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) protected the public from mislabeled and unsafe products by regulating foods those dietary supplements that included only essential nutrients. The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 included herbs as dietary supplements. When the Dietary Supplement and Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 passed, the FDA lost its regulatory power.’

Herbs like turmeric are exempt from prescreening or any safety guidelines, quality testing, or studies that prove their effectiveness before being released to the public. Currently, the FDA may only take action if a product poses a direct health threat and only after people have already experienced health problems due to taking the supplement.

You need to know that purchased supplements can lie about the ingredients that are actually in the supplements, what they do for your body, and can even contain substances that are harmful to your health without your knowledge. If you choose to take a manufactured turmeric supplement, look for one made by nationally known food and drug companies. Check for laboratory testing on the label of the package. For example, USP is an independent laboratory that tests for the product’s ingredients and examines the manufacturing facilities.


Final Thoughts on Turmeric Supplements

Traditional Indian and Chinese healers used turmeric for centuries. Its extensive healing properties are just now acknowledged by the medical world. It promotes healing in various conditions, including stomach problems, diabetes, skin problems, arthritis, infections, and viruses. You can buy these supplements, or you can make your turmeric supplements. Follow the recipes provided in this article to create your supplements to experience the practical, healing benefits of this fantastic spice.

7 Things You May Think Are Healthy (But Actually Aren’t)

We use so many products in our daily lives that we have been told are healthy, but are they really? From your kitchen sponge to your household cleaning products, many things you use regularly can likely cause many adverse health effects, and you may not even know it. Big companies would just love it if we continued to buy their convenient (but often harmful) products in the name of making more money, but as consumers, we have a right to know how these products will affect our health in the long-term. We have a duty to ourselves to research these products heavily before we use them, and possibly find alternatives to them if we need to.

Today, we’ll go over 7 products that people commonly think are healthy, but are actually harmful.

7 Things You May Think Are Healthy (But Actually Aren’t)

1. Antibacterial Soap & Hand Sanitizer

While using hand sanitizer and antibacterial soaps can kill some bacteria and germs, using too much of them will wear down your immune system and create resistance against the very bacteria you want to kill in the first place.

Furthermore, a systematic review published in 2007 in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases found that the common ingredient in antibacterial soaps, triclosan, did not protect against germs any better than non-antibacterial soap. This chemical remains controversial, as some studies have shown that it causes endocrine disruption and resistance to bacteria.

Not to mention, these products cause many other ill effects, from drying out your skin to disrupting hormone production due to added chemicals, to increasing the skin’s absorption, meaning you will be more susceptible to disease. If you’d like to read more about this, refer to our related article here.

2. Deodorant

Deodorant might make us smell nice and prevent sweating, but at what cost? Obviously, we sweat for a reason, so stopping a very natural process can only result in harm to our bodies. Although natural deodorants exist, many have have sworn off antiperspirants entirely. Sweat helps the body get rid of toxins, so by blocking our pores with deodorant, the toxins stay trapped within our bodies. Also, generic deodorants contain harmful ingredients including aluminum, parabens, propylene glycol, and countless others.

Out of the ingredients we listed above, we’ll go into more detail about aluminum, perhaps the most harmful of the three. A study conducted in 2001 found that blood samples collected 15 days after the application of aluminum still contained this toxin. As aluminum gets absorbed directly by the skin and enters the bloodstream, it can easily travel to the brain. Studies have also found strong evidence to indicate that aluminum can very well cause Alzheimer’s disease, as well as other health problems.

3. Loofahs

You know those fluffy little things you use to clean your body with in the shower? Although they might seem convenient and come in all sorts of funky shapes and colors, they don’t do a body good. Since you use a loofah in a hot, moist environment, this makes the perfect breeding ground for mold and bacteria. Furthermore, if you have an open wound and use a sponge with mold or bacteria on it, then your cut stands a strong chance of becoming infected.

If you still want to use your loofah, be sure to wring it out fully after each use, and try to find one made with natural products, as these have a better chance at warding off bacteria and mold. Or, as another alternative, consider using washcloths that you can simply throw in the washer after each use.

4. Blender

Blenders have the ability to make many healthy, delicious foods in a short amount of time. However, if you don’t clean your awesome kitchen gadget properly, you might have a blender full of bacteria and germs without even knowing it. You probably wash out your blender with soap and water after each use, but if you don’t wash the blender gasket (the rubber ring under the blade that helps hold it in place), then you’re forgetting a very important part. In fact, research showed that it commonly harbored salmonella, E. coli, yeast, and mold, and was the third “germiest” item in the kitchen, behind the refrigerator vegetable and meat compartments.

You can still keep using your blender, of course, just make sure to wash it thoroughly after each use, meaning take it apart completely and wash the blender gasket to avoid bacteria and germ growth.

5. Fruit Juice

Many people have been mislead about this product for years, as large companies spend millions on advertising to try to tell us that fruit juice contains many vitamins and minerals, and that we should include it as part of a healthy breakfast.

Although the fruit juices contain some nutrients, they have more sugar than anything else, sometimes even more than soda! Also, most store-bought juices have to go through pasteurization, which means the juice gets heated to a very high temperature, killing many of the nutrients and enzymes necessary to break down the sugar in the juice. Therefore, fruit juice, unless made at home with your own juicer or bought cold-pressed without added sugars, is one of the most unhealthy choices you could make at the grocery store.

Don’t get us wrong, fruit is very healthy for you if consumed whole or cold-pressed in a high-quality juicer, but other than that, steer clear of products like these that claim to improve your health while having a laundry list of ingredients on the label.

6. Dairy Milk

Countless studies have now surfaced to show how dairy can harm the body in numerous ways, and why we as humans should not consume it. Here are several of these studies:

  • In a paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics, Harvard pediatrician David Ludwig explains that countries that consume little dairy have lower bone fracture rates than countries that consume high amounts of dairy.
  • Studies have also shown that calcium does not protect the bones as much as we previously may have thought. In fact, Vitamin D shows much more effectiveness at protecting against osteoporosis and other bone-related disease. This study actually found that adequate vitamin D intake can lower the risk of osteoporotic hip fractures in postmenopausal women.
  • Other studies have also shown that dairy products may increase prostate cancer risk in males by 30-50%.

There are countless other reasons to stop drinking dairy milk and consuming dairy products altogether. For one, we stop needing milk after infancy, as all animals do. Yet, humans drink milk beyond the time necessary, and also, from another species entirely.

If you’d like to read more about that, consult our article here. Also, consider drinking alternative milks, such as from coconuts, almonds, rice, cashews, hemp and other plant sources. While you can easily buy these at the store, consider making them on your own, as store-bought plant milks can contain lots of added sugars and other additives. However, plant milks can contain more calcium that even cow’s milk, wish is one added bonus of buying the plant milks available at the store, if you must.

7. Cleaning Products

Unfortunately, many name-brand cleaning products contain a laundry list of dangerous chemicals that may people don’t even think twice about. Some of the most common toxic ingredients in household cleaners are: ammonia, methoxychlor, phosphorous, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, potassium hydroxide, formaldehyde, benzene, and chloroform, to name just a few. In many countries, agencies don’t regulate these chemicals, which means that if you buy name-brand products, you have been cleaning your living space with them.

Related article: 13 Toxic Things You Can Replace With Tea Tree Oil

However, in today’s world where people have become more aware of these dangers, companies have now started making more natural alternatives for these products. Honestly, you can also make many of these products yourself, if you just have a few key ingredients on hand such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and some of your favorite essential oils. You can also save money by making these healthy alternative products at home yourself.

The Best Three Types of Partners (According To The Zodiac Signs)

Relationships are difficult and require work as well as insight and understanding in order to function well. To add to that, it is tough to figure out what kind of partner is best for you. Many people are unsure what kind of partner is best for them and their lifestyle. So, how do you filter the great choices from the merely acceptable ones? Knowing what kind of person you are and what kind of partner you are looking for certainly helps. So can your zodiac signs indicate the infinite diversity of humanity and group it into some sort of broadly consistent categories?

The Zodiac has already done the heavy lifting for you. Perhaps some of you are going to say, “The stars and planets don’t determine my destiny,” and you are probably right. But, the Zodiac does a good job of categorizing humanity into some manageable groups. There are four broad categories based on the symbols of the elements of the universe; Air (Mind), Earth (Body), Fire (Spirit), and Water (Mutable).

The Best Three Types of Partners (According To The Zodiac Signs)


Air is necessary for life, but is also unseen and unpredictable. Those born of air signs are thinkers. They spend time thinking deeply about issues or problems. You will often find them in professions that require intense mental focus and creativity. Like the upper atmosphere, they float above it all and observe from a vantage point where they can see problems clearly. While this can be freeing mentally, it can also lead to a person being somewhat out of touch with daily reality.

If you are really into intellectual pursuits and/or deeply creative endeavors and want a partner who can join you in deep thought about complex issues, then an air sign is definitely a good match for you. You can discuss the deeper mysteries of the universe over coffee or work quietly next to each other without disturbing each other too much, as you both are lost in your own mental worlds.

Earth Zodiac Signs

The earth is stable and changes very, very slowly. Earth signs like to set down roots and have established consistent routines. Earth signs are….wait for it….down to earth. They are relaxed and grounded and provide a firm foundation to build a life on. These folks are dependable and reliable. When you need them, they will be there for you. Just don’t ask or expect them to change. They resist change like a mountain. Earth signs are like your body. It requires homeostasis to survive and resists changes actively as anyone who has tried to lose weight can attest. Earth signs are defined by their routines: wake up, go to the gym, go to work, go home, go to sleep, repeat.

If you need someone who is stable with an established routine who you can build a life and family with, then an earth sign would be best for you. Earth signs are caring and nurturing in the same way a farmer nurtures his/her crops. They will feed your physical and emotional needs daily and give you plenty of light to grow.

Fire Zodiac Signs

Fire signs are always on the move. Those born under fire signs are passionate with their feelings, burning brightly with energy. Their spirits are restless and spend a lot of time searching and exploring. It is no coincidence that most religions incorporate fire into stories and symbolism. The burning bush, the eternal flame, the sun, the burning heart or a fiery punishment. Their passion in their beliefs define them, whether they belong to an established religion or more of a mystic independent of established religious beliefs. They burn bright but sometimes flame out and need to be reignited.

If you love burning passion in your life; if you love to see new places and do new things or travel, then a fire sign is probably the one for you. They will sweep you off your feet and ignite a burning desire in your heart. They will fan the flames of your spirit and take you on a journey of discovery.

zodiac signs

Water Zodiac Signs

Water signs are mutable and can take on the properties of the other three signs. They can be solid, dependable and unchanging like a glacier. They can burn hot like boiling water. Or, they can float above it all like a cloud. The only thing constant about a water sign is their constantly changing nature. They adapt to the partner they are with for short periods of time. Water signs need time on their own to revert back to their true nature. Water is deep and mysterious like the ocean, or can be light and refreshing like a shower.

If you want the best qualities of the other three signs, then a water zodiac signs are definitely for you, but understand you will also get some of the negative attributes of the other signs. The only thing constant about a water sign is their constant change. Despite this, the water signs are the most flexible sign and will fill whatever container they are poured into.

8 Signs of A Sugar Addiction

Your body is powered by sugar. Sugar is the energy your cells use to operate. So, sugar is life. But your body strives for and needs homeostasis, a balance of water, salt, nutrients, and sugar. Too much of any of those things can cause serious biological problems. Your brain is wired to crave sugar. In our not-so-distant past, we got our sweets from fruits for the most part. The fruits’ fiber and nutrients slowed the digestive process, so our bodies were not flooded with sweetness in one rush.

The fiber also makes us feel full, so we can only get so much into our bodies through eating fruit. In the last century, refined sugars have evolved from the occasional cake or muffin into nearly every food we consume. Anything other than raw fruits, veggies, and meat can have added sugar that you wouldn’t even expect. So how do you know you are addicted to sweet treats?

The Consequences of Caving in to a Sugar Addiction

Sugar is a common ingredient in most foods, and while our bodies need some sugar to function, excessive consumption can lead to several health problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults should not consume more than 25 grams of sugar per day, and children should not consume more than 19 grams. However, most people consume much more sugar than these guidelines recommend, putting them at risk for various health issues.

detox sugar

Here are the consequences of overconsumption of sweets:

  • Weight Gain: Consuming excessive amounts of sweets can lead to weight gain, as sugary foods and drinks tend to be high in calories and low in nutrients. This can increase the risk of obesity and related health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
  • Increased Risk of Diabetes: Excessive consumption has been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Simple carbohydrates can cause insulin resistance, leading to high blood sugar levels and diabetes.
  • Tooth Decay: It significantly contributes to tooth decay, as bacteria in the mouth feed on sugar and produces acid that erodes tooth enamel. This can lead to cavities and other dental problems.
  • Increased Risk of Heart Disease: Consuming too much sugar can increase the risk of heart disease, as it can lead to high blood pressure, inflammation, and other risk factors. People who consume high amounts of sugar are likelier to have high cholesterol levels, which can contribute to heart disease.
  • Reduced Energy Levels: While sugar may provide a quick burst of energy, it can also lead to a crash later on. This is because it causes a rapid rise and fall in blood sugar levels, leaving you tired and sluggish.
  • Addiction: Sugar has been shown to have addictive properties, and some people may become dependent on sugar to feel good or cope with stress. This can lead to a cycle of overeating and cravings, which can be challenging to break.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies: Consuming too many sweets can displace other nutrient-dense foods, leading to nutrient deficiencies. This can impair overall health and increase the risk of chronic disease.
  • Inflammation: Studies concur that overconsumption may cause inflammation, a critical factor in many chronic diseases. High levels of sugar intake can cause the body to produce more pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to a range of health problems.

8 Signs of a Sugar Addiction (That You Probably Don’t Realize)

Here are eight signs that you might be addicted to sweets:

1. Sweet Tooth

Someone with a “sweet tooth” craves sugar because their bodies have become physically addicted to sugar. Eating sugar stimulates the brain’s pleasure center and stimulates similar changes in the brain as addictive drugs. Binge, Withdrawal, Craving and Behavioral Sensitization are sugar and drug addiction terms.

2. Bingeing

If you find yourself bingeing on sweet foods uncontrollably, you might have a bit of an addiction. You get a high from ingesting large amounts of sweets. Unfortunately, like any addiction, you need larger and larger amounts to get the same high.

3. Crashing

If you are prone to sudden energy crashes where you suddenly feel exhausted for no reason, then you might suffer from a crash. This happens when your body reacts to large amounts by producing large amounts of insulin to metabolize the sugar in your blood. Because of this, a sudden ramp-up of insulin production will get the sugar out of your blood quickly, leaving a sudden sugar deficiency. This sudden drop can exhaust the body, as no sweetness is left to power it.

sugar addicition

4. Withdrawal

Let’s say you decide to give it up cold turkey for your New Year’s Resolution, and a few days later you have a giant headache and feel like crap. You may be suffering from withdrawals. Your body and your brain have become so used to a constant influx of refined sugar from sugary drinks, candy bars, and fast food that when you cut those out your diet, the body freaks out.

5. You love starchy foods

You love starchy foods like french fries, potato chips, pasta and bread. Starches convert to sugar quickly in the body. However, they don’t have enough fiber or protein to slow down the breakdown of starches into sugar. Without good foods like veggies and foods with lots of fiber, starches can cause surges and crashes.

6. Body fat

The body stores excess energy within the body as fatty tissue. This fatty tissue takes a long time to break down to provide energy for the body. Your body also stores sugar in your muscles as glucose. That muscle glucose is like your hall closet – it is easy to get to, but doesn’t hold much stuff. Your fat reserves, on the other hand, are like a storage unit. It takes time and effort to get anything out of it, but it can hold much. If you have more sugar in your system than your body can use immediately, it will store that excess energy as fat.

7. Mood swings

Sugar rushes and crashes can cause swings in mood as your blood sugar level changes. If you need a constant drip of sweetness into your system to keep your mood stable, you might be addicted.

8. Tired for no reason

You must be tired if you have been out in the yard working hard or at the gym. If you are tired and sleepy and haven’t been doing anything other than loafing on the couch, you might have an addiction. Your body is used to large amounts of sugar for its energy; without that fix, you feel exhausted for no good reason.

high blood sugar

Final Thoughts on How to Kick Your Sugar Addiction

Make small changes in your diet. Eliminate that pastry you have every morning and have an apple instead. Eat more veggies since the fiber from vegetables will make you feel fuller for longer. Enjoy cereals and bread without added sugar; you must check the label by trying to keep the grams of sugar as low as possible. Eat more protein, such as beans and legumes, which will help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Also, drink more water and exercise more. Water will make you feel full, and exercise will make you feel better by releasing endorphins into your system. Don’t make drastic changes, or they won’t stick. Make small changes over time, and they can have a huge impact.

11 Ways Narcissists Will Try To Manipulate You

Hopefully, you will avoid ever having to deal with narcissists who try to manipulate you. If, on the other hand, you suspect you are affected by someone with this behavior, it’s essential to recognize their clever (but hurtful) tactics.

Narcissists have several traits, but above all, a narcissist is selfish. They are motivated by what is best for them, not what is best for them, and it is unlikely that you will ever be able to change that about their nature. Removing yourself from a narcissist’s influence is sometimes the best thing you can do to protect your mental and emotional well-being.

What Is Narcissism?

Narcissism is a complex personality trait thought to develop due to genetic, environmental, and cultural factors. While the exact causes of narcissism are not fully understood, researchers have identified several potential contributing factors, including:

  1. Genetics: Some studies suggest that there may be a genetic component to developing narcissistic personality traits, although the exact genes involved are not yet known.
  2. Childhood experiences: Children who receive excessive praise and attention from their parents or who grow up in an environment where their needs are consistently met without any challenges or difficulties may be at a higher risk for developing narcissistic traits. On the other hand, children who experience neglect, abuse, or trauma may also develop narcissistic tendencies as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from further harm.
  3. Cultural influences: Society’s increasing emphasis on individualism, success, and self-promotion may contribute to the development of narcissistic tendencies in some individuals.
  4. Brain function: Research suggests that individuals with narcissistic traits may have differences in how their brains process information and regulate emotions.

It is important to note that not everyone with some narcissistic traits is a full-fledged narcissist and that not all narcissistic tendencies are negative. However, when narcissistic traits become extreme and interfere with an individual’s ability to form healthy relationships and maintain stable emotions, they may be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

pop meme

11 Ways Narcissists Will Try To Manipulate You

These behaviors are manipulative–even if the person is not a narcissist, you should not tolerate the abuse.

1. Triangulation

Narcissists believe they are always correct; to prove this, they will bring in a third person they have already convinced to support them. This is clearly unfair because if you had known that there was an evidentiary hearing, you would have brought witnesses of your own. Narcissists often get away with their wrong opinions through the smokescreen of having plenty of people on their side.

2. Devaluing

You may have once seemed to be everything the narcissist wanted you to be, but now it feels like they hate what they once said they liked about you. This is how the narcissist manipulates you into believing that you need to be even more than you are to please them. If you internalize this, you will feel that you have little worth. In reality, you deserve more and should not allow yourself to be devalued by anyone.

3. Narcissists use aggression

Researchers studying narcissistic personality traits related to aggressive behavior say that narcissists show strong associations with overt aggression, verbal aggression, and the inability to control their behavior or emotions. Do not get into an unsafe situation with a narcissist. Ensure you protect yourself from falling victim to the abusive tendencies of a narcissist. Again, you deserve better.

Although physical aggression is easy to see, psychological aggression is more challenging to identify. These are the traits of a psychological abuser, according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline:

  • Intimidating you or making you feel afraid
  • Threatening you
  • Using denigrating language
  • Withholding emotional, physical, or financial support
  • Controlling your access to friends and family
  • Controlling your behavior
  • Pressuring you to do things that you don’t want to do

If you are fearful for your safety, get to a safe location and call 1-800-799-7233 or visit for resources and help to recover from a domestic violence situation.

4. Shaming

Belittling others and making them feel less valuable is one way a narcissist will try to manipulate you. If they can make you feel ashamed for your appearance, lack of education, or social class, then they feel better by comparison.

narcissist manipulation

5. Narcissists love playing the victim

The attitude of “I can’t win with you” is one of the narcissist’s tactics. By playing victim, the narcissist forces you to console and help them justify their inflated ego. Don’t back down from your stance. Otherwise, you implicitly allow the narcissist to get everything his (or her) way.

6. Inappropriate behavior

Researchers studying the everyday behavior of teenage narcissists say, “Narcissists do indeed behave in more extroverted and less agreeable ways than non-narcissists, skip class more (among narcissists high in exploitativeness/entitlement only), and use more sexual language.” These people will likely embarrass you in public and make you apologize to others for their behavior. Doing so supports the narcissist’s ego by being their lackey and smoothing things over, making it easier for them to continue getting away with unacceptable behavior.

7. Monopolizing conversation

A narcissist believes everything should be about them, so don’t be surprised if they aren’t listening to you. Not only that, but the narcissist immediately turns the topic back to themselves and cuts you off when you speak, but will not tolerate it if you cut them off.

8. Projecting

Whatever you accuse the narcissist of doing, they reflect and blame you for it. They project their behavior onto others because they believe they are flawless.

9. Brainwashing

Have you found yourself doing things you don’t want to do for a narcissist? This is another form of them manipulating you. Somehow, they used a ploy to get you to obey their command despite your not wanting to.

10. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is an insidious tool used by psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists. This tactic makes you question your sanity. For example, they may insist that you’re the abusive one, that you don’t listen to their feelings, and that you bring them down while verbally and emotionally abusing you in the same conversation. They may even get physical with you, but if you turn your back on them, they will insist you are disrespectful.

11. Narcissists engage in verbal aggression

Yelling and using insulting language is another way a narcissist will try to manipulate you. Again, the tactic is to make you feel small and fearful. Stay strong in the face of this kind of bullying behavior. Keep your voice calm and at an average volume; ask the narcissist to do the same. If they do not change how they speak to you, refuse to talk to them.


Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Manipulative Tactics of Narcissists

The causes of narcissism are not fully understood and likely involve a combination of genetic, environmental, cultural, and brain function factors. But when you recognize the behaviors, understanding their tactics can help you avoid becoming the next victim.

10 Signs of a Possessive Relationship

If your partner is the possessive type, you might have many reasons to be concerned, both for your safety and your relationship’s health.

A possessive person is like the green-eyed monster. Furthermore, it can lead to dangerous behavior in those who lack enough self-control to avoid violence toward someone they see as a romantic rival. Having a partner who doesn’t want to give you up might seem ideal for those who like these romance stories in movies and television, but you aren’t a prize to be won. Your well-being is at stake if your partner is the possessive type.

It may be evolving as social norms about what defines a romantic partnership change. Typically both halves of a committed couple expect that their partner will remain not only monogamous but also emotionally attached to only them. Here are ten signs that your partner is the possessive type.

10 Signs of The Possessive Type

1. Your Partner tries to restrict your behavior

If your partner is setting limits on how often you can go out, whom you can see, and whom you talk to, that is not something you should tolerate. You are a person of free will who can choose where and whom you will speak with.

2. Your partner wants you to be with them 24/7

Insecurity is the reason that your partner is constantly attached to you. Whether they believe you will cheat or not, your partner needs to check up on you and ensure you are ‘OK’ more often than they should for a healthy relationship.

3. Your partner says demeaning things about others who they believe to be cheaters

This is a very subtle form of manipulation that borders on verbal abuse. First of all, demeaning language toward you should never be tolerated. Someone who is using belittling words toward others is more likely to do it to you. For example, your partner calls someone they believe to be cheating a ‘slut’ and suspects you are unfaithful. Indeed, you can fill in the blank about what they call you under their breath.

4. Your partner has an unstable mood

Researchers looking at abusive relationships say that anger, jealousy and mood instability are all strongly related to how often verbal and physical abuse happens in intimate relationships. It is a sign if their moods are unpredictable and frequently shift from anger to sadness to anxiety.

5. Your partner has a limited support system outside of you

They may be the possessive type if they have a small social circle. Your partner is dependent on you almost entirely for their feelings of self-esteem and self-worth.

6. Your partner negatively compares themselves to others

If your partner thinks they are unfavorable compared to a potential romantic rival, you might have reason for concern that your partner is the possessive type. Researchers looking abusive relationships say people who compare themselves negatively with others will try to get their partner’s approval ‘to validate their tenuous sense of self-worth.’

7. Your partner is afraid of being abandoned

If your partner fears that you will leave them and you are physically weaker than your partner, protect yourself first from the potential of physical assault by getting to a safe location and calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233. Researchers warn that ‘With the exception of serial killers, almost all cases of males killing females occur in an ongoing intimate relationship, and much male intimate violence occurs in the process of real or perceived relationship dissolution. Prior research indicates that men who assault their wives have high chronic anger scores, and that their anger comes from attachment change they perceive as uncontrollable.’

8. Your partner is upset about you spending time with any potential romantic rival


This behavior is primarily based on the risks to the male and female partners raising offspring if there is a romantic rival. For example, if there is a baby and the male is concerned that the female may have gone outside the partnership, there is a risk that if he stays and raises the young, it may not be his genetic offspring. For the female partner, if the male strays, she risks loosing his commitment to raising the young and the resources that he can provide for the family.

Researchers looked at men and women’s responses to an imaginary scenario where their partner had either a physical or an emotional affair. Heart rate increases, perspiration, and eyebrow movements were studied when the participants imagined their partner’s infidelity. Men felt upset about their partner’s sexual infidelity. But women were more upset about a partner’s emotional infidelity.

9. Your partner has unrealistic expectations of your relationship

You’ve only known each other briefly. Still, your partner has already jumped to talk of marriage. Or maybe your partner wants to move in together right away and you’re not comfortable making that move yet. When your partner puts the pressure on, it’s a sign that they are trying to tie you down because of their own insecurity.

Related article: 6 Things You Should Always Expect From Your Partner

10. Your partner has a poor life balance

You may notice that your partner’s work or social life is suffering because they spend more time at home where they can check up on you. If you are anxious about the potential for your partner to become violent, get to a safe location and call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. Alternatively, you can visit their website for guidance and resources to help you.

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