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25 Quotes To Remember When You Need Inspiration

Sometimes, you just need to sit down, forget about everything, and read some thought-provoking quotes to change your perspective and regain the inspiration you’re looking for. Life can get very overwhelming, but quotes from thought leaders, philosophers, authors, and others can help you get through it and find that inspiration again.

Some quotes stick with you because they strike a chord in your heart that makes you change the way you look at things, and today, we’ve gathered 25 of these types of quotes.

These 25 One-Sentence Quotes Will Give You Inspiration Every Time. (Especially The 12th One)

1. “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow.” – Robert Tew

2. “The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone else up.” – Mark Twain

3. “Nothing haunts us like the things we don’t say.” – Mitch Albom

4. “Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” – Bill Nye

5. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” – Maya Angelou

6. “Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.” – Robert J. Sawyer

7. “The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times.” – Zig Ziglar

8. “You are so brave and quiet, I forget you are suffering.” – Ernest Hemingway

9. “I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons.” – Christopher Poindexter

10. “You have to die a few times before you can really live.” – Charles Bukowski

11. “She always had that about her, that look of otherness, of eyes that see things much too far, and of thoughts that wander off the edge of the world.” – Joanne Harris

12. “The problem is not the problem, the problem is your attitude about the problem.” – Captain Jack Sparrow

13. “One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm.” – Catherine Pulsifer

14. “The strongest hearts have the most scars.” – Jeff Hood

15. “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy, because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless, and they don’t want anyone to feel like that.” – Robin Williams

16. “Always stay humble and kind.” – Tim McGraw

17. “Before you start to judge me, step into my shoes and walk the life I’m living and if you get as far as I am, just maybe you will see how strong I really am.” – Unknown

18. “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can choose not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou

19. “It’s not selfish to do what is best for you.” – Mark Sutton

20. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

21. “My goal is not to be better than anybody else, but to be better than I used to be.” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

22. “Traveling: it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

23. “I don’t have to agree with you to like you or respect you.” – Anthony Bourdain

24. “Often, our biggest disappointments and heartaches lead to breakthroughs and transformation.” – Michelle Maros

Related article: 16 Pieces of Life Advice That Will Brighten Your Day

25. “Everytime you get upset at something, ask yourself if you were to die tomorrow, was it worth wasting your time being angry?” – Robert Tew

20 Questions To Ask That Will Reveal A Person’s True Self

In life, we all just want someone to know us, to hear us, and to appreciate us.We want someone to listen to our crazy stories and philosophies at 3AM, call us just to say hello, and ask us those questions that other people didn’t. We just want someone to understand us, but not many people take the time to. In today’s fast-paced world where people have more distractions than ever, listening and even being interested in others seems to be fading quickly.

In an article on Huffington Post, psychologist Michelle Roya Rad says about active listening:

“People are attracted to good listeners, and they complain that there aren’t that many of them around these days. People are also skilled at telling a real from a phony, meaning someone who is really listening or someone who is just pretending to be listening. The bottom line is, one of the skills we need to learn when we want to connect to someone on a deep level is to learn to listen to them empathetically. Empathic listening means we put all of our baggage, distraction, need to control and beliefs as to how things “should” be outside of the interaction and attend fully to the person we are listening to. In other words, it will be about them, not us.”

If you really want to get to know someone on a deep level, the following questions can help.

20 Questions To Ask Someone That Will Reveal Their True Self

1. What’s your life motto or philosophy you live by? 

They might answer with something simple like “Hakuna Matata,” or maybe they will have a more in-depth answer. However, this question will allow you to get to know their basic outlook on life. Do they have a negative or positive view of the world, and how do they react to it?

2. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

This will show you their self-esteem levels. If they can’t think of anything, this shows they don’t have a very positive self-image. If they do have an answer, however, it will show you what they think about themselves.

3. Do you follow a religion or spiritual practice?

This question may seem generic, but getting to know someone’s spiritual beliefs will allow you to see if you have compatibility with this person.

4. What was the best time of your life?

Again, the point is to show your interest in every aspect of their life. This question will let you into their past a little bit.

5. What was the worst thing that ever happened to you?

This might seem a bit dark, but to fully know someone, we have to know their pain, too.

6. What’s your biggest dream?

Many people, believe it or not, don’t want to share their dreams for fear of rejection. Letting someone open up in this way will make them trust you.

7. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

These types of questions will let you get to know their inner child, which is important in knowing someone deeply.

friend quote

8. What was/is your biggest accomplishment?

Let them gloat for a minute – allowing someone to share their accomplishments will show that you really care.

9. Why do you think we’re all here?

This might be one of the most contemplated questions ever, but it’s worth asking. Their answers might give you a new perspective.

10. What was your best relationship?

This might reopen old wounds, but if they don’t want to answer, they’ll tell you. This question will show you an important part of their past.

11. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

This will show you what motivates them, and what they truly care about in the world.

12. Do you like your job? If not, what would you like to do instead?

Unfortunately, many people dislike their jobs. However, this question might open them up to new possibilities.

13. What are your favorite hobbies?

Basically, this shows you how they spend their free time, which is important in getting to know someone.

14. If money was no object, what would you do in life?

This will show you what the person would do if they had freedom to spend their time how they chose to.

15. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

Relationships are important in someone’s life, and this will let you get to know them on a more intimate level.

16. What are you thankful for?

This will tell you what they value most in life.

17. What do you wish people understood more about you?

Many people feel misunderstood, and this will show you why they might feel this way.

18. If you could turn back time and do anything differently, would you?

This will tell you if the person has any regrets, and why.

19. What’s the craziest or most exciting thing you’ve ever done?

People love to share their memories of fun times, and it’s a great way to get to know someone’s life.

20. What do you think about most often?

People just want to share what’s on their mind, and allowing them a space to do so is the foundation of a great relationship.

Final Thoughts on Asking Questions That Reveal A Person’s True Self

Master asking these 20 questions in conversations, when appropriate. Then, you will have the skill of getting to know people better, faster.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Harvard Psychologists Reveal: Parents Who Raise ‘Good’ Kids Do These 5 Things…

In this era of technology, raising children is a bit different from those before the iPod, iPhone, computers, Internet, and all the other unique gadgets that consume us. Children played outside. They kicked a ball across a field. They played with cards rather than chasing Pokemon on a screen. Children played outside until the street lights came on, and they knew they had to go indoors. We are raising kids differently now than twenty or thirty years ago. But, Harvard experts suggest it’s time to return to basics.

This is a new world. Children born in this time are automatically given gadgets to entertain them. But, what are we missing? Psychologists at Harvard University have been studying what makes a well-adjusted child in these changing times. They have concluded that several elements are still fundamental.

Here are five secrets to raising a good kid, according to Harvard psychologists:

good kids

1. Spend time with your children.

It’s a simple suggestion. But, we live in challenging times when we are “on” 24/7 through technology, work, and the bombardment of busy lives trying to stay afloat. It’s not just social media – the news, emails, texts, or the fluctuation of being on call at all times strains our relationships. We have become accustomed to the addiction of putting ourselves out there. It’s easier to give a child a toy or an Xbox console to keep them busy than to do something with your child.

Spending time with your children means putting everything down, reading a book, kicking a ball, hiking, or just playing an old-fashioned card game. In simplest terms, it means that you interact with your kid person-to-person. These are the things they will remember. They will forget what you bought them. They only want to spend quality time with their folks.

2. Speak out loud to your children.

According to Harvard researchers, “Even though most parents and caretakers say that their children being caring is a top priority, often children aren’t hearing that message.”

It goes back to discovering what’s happening in your child’s life. Check with teachers, coaches, tutors, and other caretakers. Find out if there is a shift in behavior. Allow your child to feel comfortable to come and speak with you. Your child needs to hear that he/she is a top priority in your life. It’s not enough to show them by giving them things, keeping them safe, or feeding them. Children require acknowledgment through words. Words are important. Invite them to sit and share their stories about school, homework, friends, and so on.

3. Show your child how to solve problems without stressing about the outcome.

One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is the ability to analyze and solve problems. Trust your child to decide for himself what he wants. You cannot solve their issues all the time. It’s healthy to allow them to experience life through their lenses. Achievement is significant and, in allowing them to determine what they want, you are gifting them with awareness.

good kids

You want to help raise your child to become a productive adult. Allow him/her to come to you and share their problems and guide them to make the best possible choices. It’s challenging to step back as a parent and watch your child make a mistake. But, just like you, it’s part of learning and the evolution of our humanness. You want them to be happy for what they have done and not just to make you happy as a parent.

Rick Weissbourd, who conducted the study, says, “We are hyper-focused on our kid’s happiness. I wasn’t surprised that happiness was ranked the highest, but I was surprised that achievement was ranked so high.” Are we pushing our children to focus only on success? “The achievement pressure can have a bunch of negative results,” says Weissbourd, co-director of the Making Caring Common project. “I’m concerned that it makes kids less happy.”

4. Show your child gratitude regularly.

The Harvard researchers say that “studies show that people who engage in the habit of expressing gratitude are more likely to be helpful, generous, compassionate, and forgiving–and they’re also more likely to be happy and healthy.” Parents should give their kids chores and express gratitude for their accomplishments. Children need to see that gratitude is a remarkable gift. Whenever they do something, honor and acknowledge them for their performance. The Harvard psychologists did find that parents are giving praise only to “uncommon acts of kindness.”

As parents, our duties are to teach our children to be empathetic and compassionate toward others. Children learn by example. Take them to a homeless shelter. Expose them to others who aren’t in the same social class. Let them witness how fortunate they have what they have at home. Be open with them. Be grateful for the small acts they perform that have nothing to do with school or work. Helping others is not just giving them a chance to be amazing adults but removing the prejudice of bigotry and differences. It all starts at home.


5. Teach your children to see the larger picture.

This goes back to showing them gratitude. Let your child experience the world through your compassion. Researchers say that “almost all children empathize with and care about a small circle of families and friends.”

Teach your child to be a good listener, interact without the use of technology, empathize with others outside of their family, and not judge anyone based on their religion or nationality. We are in pivotal times of human evolution, and this new generation can significantly change and shift our world. Exposing your child to different cultures helps develop a loving, kind, and happy person.

You are responsible for helping to raise loving souls. Help them navigate this world through compassion, love, and kindness.

“Raising a caring, respectful, ethical child is and always has been hard work. But it’s something all of us can do. And no work is more important or ultimately more rewarding.”

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

8 Reasons Why Scorpios Are The Best Lovers In The Zodiac

,If you aren’t careful, your Scorpion lover could burn you with their intense passion and fire in a relationship. They might be a bit stubborn and feisty, but they make some of the best lovers in the zodiac, and here are some reasons why

8 Reasons Why Scorpios Are The Best Lovers In The Zodiac

1. Passionate Lovers

Scorpios make some of the most intense lovers in the zodiac; they want to know you deep down to your core, so get ready for a passionate, wild ride. If you have a Scorpio partner, you’ve probably already witnessed their ability to love you deeply, both emotionally and physically, which makes them an incredible lover.

2. Great Conversation

Scorpios have an attraction to talented, intelligent people like themselves. They don’t do well with small talk, but this makes them great lovers because they enjoy getting to the core of who people really are. They like to dig deep and ask you tons of questions about your life, which opens up the door to true, intimate connection. If you happen to date a Scorpio, though, make sure you come prepared, because they will expect you to carry an intelligent, thought-provoking, mature conversation with them.


3. Courageous and Strong

Scorpios don’t let fear stop them from living their lives. Even if they feel the fear, they push through it and let it motivate them to grow and learn. They stand tall and strong. For that reason many people look up to them for their bravery. They don’t depend on anyone – if they want something done, they do it themselves. They see the challenges and obstacles, but don’t let that stop them from achieving their goals.

4. Mysterious and Elusive

You will have a hard time figuring your Scorpio lover out, just a heads up. They like to keep their emotions under wraps until you’ve truly gained their trust, so it might take a few dates for them to come out of their shells. However, many people find the mystique of a Scorpio very alluring, and their aloofness just makes you even more curious to find out what they’ve been hiding.

5. Loyal Partners

Scorpios will stand by you until the end; if they chose you, then they only have eyes for you. You have their heart, their devotion, and their unconditional love. Scorpio picked you for a reason, and believe me, the scorpion makes one of the pickiest lovers in the zodiac. They picked you out of all the others out there because they saw near-perfection in you, so if you have a Scorpio lover, don’t take the relationship for granted, by any means.

Scorpio doesn’t trust others easily, so if you’ve won their heart, then you must be doing something right.

6. Deep Emotions

Scorpio tends to hold in their emotions until they finally break, so make sure to check in with them often. As a water sign, their emotions run deep, and they often hide a lot of themselves beneath the surface. While this might seem overwhelming, it actually makes them an incredible lover. If they feel emotions deeply and can tune into them so easily, then they can connect with you on this intimate level as well.

7. Very Picky In Choosing A Partner

Scorpio holds themselves to a very high standard, which means they won’t just take any lover. They hold a partner to even higher standards, which means if they chose you, then you’re pretty much perfect in their eyes. Scorpios have very high self-esteem and can even seem a bit egotistical, but this just means they know their worth, and want someone who knows theirs, too.

8. Fiercely Independent

Finally, a Scorpio won’t ask you for much of anything in the relationship, which means you won’t have to deal with a needy, codependent partner. They already have it figured out, and they don’t want your help unless they explicitly ask for it. They love to do things for themselves, as they don’t trust many other people to get the job done right.


Scorpios have counted on themselves for a long time now, and don’t really know how to do anything differently. They have learned to become their own best friend, so don’t try to get in the way of their independence.

10 Signs You’re A Strong Woman Who Stands Out From Everyone Else

Strong women impact our lives, and we can’t help but feel gratitude for them. You may have been raised by a strong woman or had a strong female role model in your life who helped shape you into the beautiful person you are today. If you identify as a strong woman, then you’ll resonate with the following traits about yourself and all the other beautiful, strong women out there.

10 Signs of a Strong, Independent Woman

heart-healthy diet

1.     A strong woman displays unmatched courage.

If you have the mental fortitude, you stand up to face any challenge, no matter what it entails. A strong woman will also walk away from any situation that no longer serves her best interest, requiring immense courage. You may feel the fear, but you push past it and stand tall in the face of adversity or danger. This makes you incredibly powerful and a force to be reckoned with!

2. You love yourself no matter what.

If you love yourself despite the mistakes you’ve made and your perceived flaws, then you’re most certainly a strong woman. Self-love takes immense effort and time to cultivate, and only the strongest of women know how to love themselves.

3. You don’t depend on anyone else.

Independent females don’t lean on anyone else for their financial, emotional, mental, or physical well-being. It can feel scary to go out there on your own and conquer the world, but you don’t let the fear of failure stop you. You trust yourself to get through any challenge, which makes you a strong woman.

4. A strong woman is kind and compassionate.

Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa

Strong women don’t consider kindness a weakness; instead, they see it as an essential part of being human. Empathy helps them connect with others emotionally and build others up rather than tear them down. Strong women don’t use their egos for evil but good. They see others as their brothers and sisters and treat them as such.

5. You always follow your intuition.

A strong woman doesn’t listen to any voice in life but her own. She trusts her gut, knowing that her instincts will never lead her astray. She may listen to other people’s opinions, but they have no bearing on her decision-making process or personal values. Her intuition speaks loudly, and she’s learned how to quiet her mind and honor her inner voice.

6. Others consider a strong woman a great role model.

Others look up to you for your wonderful personality, attitude, and treatment of others. People come to you for advice or to catch up and chat for a bit. They truly love your company, as you radiate happiness, wisdom, kindness, and strength.

As a strong woman, you know that strength doesn’t come from the brute force but rather an inner fire that never stops burning. It’s a humble, quiet strength that doesn’t boast, and people feel drawn to this peaceful yet vibrant energy you give off.

7. You know how to make your happiness.

A strong woman doesn’t depend on others for their happiness – they create it. If you’re a strong woman, you don’t let other people’s feelings get you down. You also don’t let your inner turmoils run your life; you rise above and make the best of this beautiful journey.

8. A strong woman doesn’t shy away from showing emotions.

“Never be ashamed of how you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion you want.” – Demi Lovato

Strong women don’t bash themselves or others for feeling and sharing emotions. They know that holding in emotions only creates more problems in the long run, and hiding your true feelings isn’t healthy. They speak their minds, let out their innermost feelings and thoughts, and then move on.

memes about a strong woman

9. You always believe in yourself.

Believing in yourself allows you to reach new heights in life, but only a person with healthy confidence knows that. They know that having faith in your abilities forms the essential foundation for creating the life you deserve.

10. A strong woman shows others unconditional love and support.

A study of maternal vs. romantic love revealed that many of the same brain regions became activated with both types of love. It also led to a suppression of brain activity linked to the negative judgment of other people and negative emotions. So, this means that the love your mom showed you as a child helped you learn how to love others unconditionally. This doesn’t just apply to romantic partners, either; any close relationship you have in life requires love to flourish.

So, next time you see your mom or grandmother, thank her for being a strong woman who helped shape you. Because of them, we grew into the strong women (and men) that we are today.

5 Ways to Find Your Inner Strong Woman

Here are some tips to help you summon your inner strength.

1.     Practice positive thinking in every situation.

It may seem challenging to keep a positive mindset even in the darkest times, but there’s always a silver lining. Perhaps trouble crossed your path to teach you an important lesson or remind you to practice gratitude for what you have. If you can remain mentally balanced no matter what you face, you’re well to become a strong woman.

Next time you find yourself in the middle of a stressful situation, repeat positive affirmations such as “I’ve got this” or “Nothing can take away my inner peace.” If you say these mantras enough, you will start to believe them. Then, no person or circumstance can drag you down, and you will have the tools to combat any problem with confidence.

2. Surround yourself with uplifting, empowered people.

If you hang around negative people who have no goals in life, their energy will cloud your mind eventually. You start to lose motivation when you’re around people who view the world through such a dark lens. A strong woman needs equally powerful people around her who will support her dreams and goals.

Negative people end up sucking the life out of you but inspire people to enhance your energy levels. They realize that to accomplish anything in life requires positivity and inner strength. Empowered people only like to associate with like-minded individuals who encourage them to push past their limitations. So, seek out the company of those who wish to emulate you to become your best self.

3. Develop healthy habits.

A strong woman knows that taking care of herself is essential for developing mental resilience. She avoids habits that diminish her health, such as smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy food, or overindulging in the news. Instead, a formidable woman will choose the more challenging path of exercising, eating healthy, and training her brain to become more positive. Good habits require willpower and effort to practice, but anything worth having doesn’t come easily.

Today’s lives are filled with opportunities for instant gratification, but we never feel satisfied. The strongest people know that inner happiness comes from delaying rewards until you’ve worked hard to earn them. So, this could mean exercising five days a week to achieve your weight loss goals. Maybe it means spending an extra hour or two each week prepping healthy meals. These habits take time out of your schedule, but the benefit of improving your health makes them well worth it.

4. Don’t follow the crowd.

A strong woman carves her path in life and doesn’t care about fitting in with others. She trusts her intuition to lead the way and relies on her higher self in the most demanding situations. If you want to become a resilient woman who stands out from others, take the path of most significant resistance. Take the long, arduous route through life instead of the easy way out.

You will see that happiness isn’t found in the crowd but inside yourself. And, the journey within isn’t always pleasant; it involves facing the truth directly and dealing with your inner demons.

That is why so many people choose to distract themselves with instant gratification rather than doing the difficult work of self-improvement. But, if you want to master yourself, you will have to dive into the depths of your soul, something most people avoid at all costs.

5. Get outside your comfort zone.

Expanding on the last point, trying new things will help you push past self-imposed limitations. If you want to commit to improving yourself, you have to feel a little uncomfortable during the process. Once you experience your greatest fear or achieve something you once considered impossible, you will start to feel your inner power. No matter how long you’ve been in the dark, the world will shine brighter when you defeat your doubts.

After all, Buddha said: “A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle.”

Transform yourself, and you will have done your part in changing the world.

strong woman

Final Thoughts on Celebrating Strong Women

When you look around at the world, it’s incredible what humans have accomplished. Women throughout history have played a large part in the success of our species and have helped shape us into who we are today. A strong woman shows resilience, courage, and wit in the face of adversity and never backs down from a difficult situation. She stands tall no matter what storms she may face and also lifts the people around her.

We can learn a lot from strong women, and we’re blessed to have them in our lives.

9 Reasons To Stop Eating Processed Foods

“There’s a lot of processed food in America, and I know that can make some tourists who are used to fresh food feel sick.” – Wolfgang Puck

Wolfgang Puck is a famous chef and restaurateur that was born in Austria. As a foreign-born food expert, Puck is knowledgeable about the prolific presence of nutritionally-lacking meals -which are is unique to the United States and other Western countries. He is among many experts who testify to the harmful nature of food that undergoes processing.

As a reference, processed food is defined as “any deliberate change in a food that occurs before it’s available for us to eat.” This rather ambiguous definition doesn’t identify what makes some (not all) processed foods harmful. Mechanical processing – the physical actions required to grow, harvest and produce foods – isn’t harmful and doesn’t alter the nature of food.

Chemical processing – altering the chemical makeup of foods through additives and other artificial substances – can harm one’s health. Artificial substances include sweeteners, preservatives, and other elements. The inherent risk of such substances is a public safety concern in many countries for legitimate reasons.

Here are nine reasons to stop eating processed foods immediately:

processed food

1. Processed foods contain disproportionate amounts of sugar or corn syrup

Foods that contain sugar essentially contain empty calories. In other words, these calories provide no nutritional value. Studies have shown that these empty calories can have a harmful effect on the metabolism and cardiovascular system. The diabetes epidemic also strongly correlates with sugar consumption. Corn syrup, particularly of the high fructose variety, has been found to increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity, dementia and liver failure.

2. Processed foods contain too many artificial ingredients

Many ingredients listed on the labels of these products cannot be properly read. This is because these ingredients are chemicals, and most chemicals have unpronounceable names. Many additives and preservatives contribute to potentially harmful physical effects, from common fatigue to heart disease.

3. Processed foods are high in refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are sugars and starches that have been modified (refined). The problem is that this refinement process empties the food of its nutritional value, including its fiber content.  Of course, many sugars and starches contribute to several adverse health conditions.

4. Processed foods are usually lacking in nutrients

The manufacturing and packing cycles often empty the food of its nutritional value. Even though many of these foods are infused with synthetic (read: artificial) nutrients, the quality of nutrition derived from such is far superior compared to whole, unprocessed foods.

5. Processed foods are low in fiber content

Fiber has many different roles to play in developing and maintaining a healthy body. Primarily known to aid digestion, fiber also helps to: produce healthy bacteria, slow the absorption of carbohydrates, and create feelings of satiety.

6. Processed foods harm metabolic function

Because of the chemical makeup of these products – absence of fiber, nutrition, satiety and sustenance – our digestive system and metabolism operate poorly. The cumulate effects result in more food consumed and less food energy expended. In other words, we eat more stuff and burn less fat and calories as a result of eating these products.

7. Processed foods contain pesticides

To grow and harvest GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms), farmers must use pesticides and herbicides to preserve the area where they are grown. These pesticides and herbicides will often penetrate the soil and the crop itself. Needless to say, chemicals designed to eradicate insects and vegetation are not well-received by the human body. These chemicals have been linked to an assortment of functional and developmental problems, including cancer.

8. Processed foods cause inflammation

Various studies have shown that artificial ingredients such as processed flours, vegetable oils and refined sugars can cause or worsen cases of inflammation. Inflammation has been linked to a variety of maladies including dementia, respiratory problems and neurological disorders.

9. Processed food is often high in trans-fat or vegetable oil

Hydrogenated oils such as vegetable oil often contain an excessive amount of Omega-6 fatty acids, which has been linked to inflammation and oxidation issues. Studies have demonstrated that these substances carry and increased risk of heart disease.

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