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This Simple 3 Step Technique Can CLEAR Your Sinuses Immediately

Our sinuses comprise a connected system of hollow cavities within the skull. Most sinus areas are quite small, except the maxillary sinuses in the cheekbones. Here is some additional information that you may find helpful reading through the article:

– Sinuses are pairs – one on each side of our head, close to the nose.

Maxillary sinuses are the largest and are located in the cheekbones.

Ethmoid sinuses are located between the eyes.

Sphenoid sinuses are located within bones behind the nose.

– Sinuses are normally empty except for a thin layer of mucus.

– Lining the sinuses are a thin, soft, pink tissue called mucosa.

Interestingly, those that study the anatomy are uncertain as to why it is that we have sinuses. There are, however, two predominant theories: (1) they aid in the humidification of breathing, and (2) they aid in voice enhancement.

Sinus Congestion

Aside from several sinus conditions that cause congestion, such as sinusitis, congestion of the sinuses is a prevalent, but acute, condition. Sinus congestion is defined as: “the blockage of the nasal passages usually due to membranes lining the nose becoming swollen from inflamed blood vessels.” Other terms used are: nasal blockage, blocked nose, stuffy nose, plugged nose and nasal obstruction.

Nearly everyone has experienced sinus congestion at one point, and nearly everyone can agree on this: it is painful, annoying and uncomfortable. The condition can interfere with speech, hearing and sleep. In severe (rare) cases, sinus congestion requires surgery to correct. Children in particular are susceptible to complications that may require removal of the adenoids and tonsils, and may manifest into problems later in life.

The most common causes of nasal congestion are allergies, cold, flu, and sinus infection. These conditions are ones that are most often able to be corrected through alternative home remedies, such as the one that we will discuss below.

Here’s How To Clean Out Your Sinuses Immediately

The technique that we lay out here is simple, quick and effective. Ready to begin? Here are three quick steps to help alleviate sinus congestion:

(For the most effective results, it is recommended to sit comfortably.)

  1. Sit down and position the head and body at a 45-degree angle. Turn your head sideways and massage the sternocleidomastoid muscle in a downwards direction 5 times. This muscle is located immediately beneath both ears and runs down the neck perpendicular to the collarbone. Repeat this technique on the other side of the neck. The overlapping purpose of this exercise is to relax the neck, to make the remaining steps more effective.
  2. Using the index fingers, locate the hard and boney part of the nose, which runs about halfway down the length of the nose. Now, move the fingers down until you locate the soft part of the nose where this bone ends. We’ll focus this technique on the area between the soft, fleshy part of the nose and the bone. Using a circular motion, massage this area with a firm but comfortable pressure for approximately 20 to 30 seconds. After this is completed, massage the muscles down the side of the nose towards the cheekbones – this will help to relax this area of the face.
  3. Once again using the index fingers, locate the upper orbit bone. This bone is in the area above each eye. Now, we’re going to locate the super orbital notch – a slight indentation above the eyeball’s center. Using a circular motion, massage this notch with comfortably firm pressure for about 20 to 30 seconds.
  4. Finally, with both hands, locate the center of the forehead. Using a circular motion with comfortably firm pressure, slowly massage outwards until reaching the temples.

A final note:

You should experience some degree of relief from this practice. The degree of this relief, in a general sense, depends upon three factors: (1) effective execution of the steps above, (2) severity of nasal congestion being experienced, and (3) personal (involuntary) receptiveness of the above techniques.

You may discover that you need to repeat or slightly alter this practice to experience the best results. After repeating this exercise two to three times, a noticeable improvement should be the outcome.

As a bonus, here are some ways to help prevent nasal congestion:

  1. Don’t smoke: Cigarette smoke and nicotine can irritate the sinuses and exacerbate any sinus condition.
  2. Eat healthy: Design and maintain a well-balanced diet. As with myriad health conditions, consuming and digesting foods high in nutritional value can be the “x-factor.” A healthy diet promotes a healthy immune system – an important defense mechanism that may prevent health complications.
  3. Get active: It isn’t necessary to become a gym rat, but physical activity is essential to achieve an optimized immune system. Aim for a minimum of 30-minutes of physical activity, three times per week.
  4. Hydrate: Water’s health-promoting properties are almost too numerous to count. Dehydration causes many health conditions, On the other hand, proper hydration – a minimum of 5, 12-ounce glasses of water daily – can prevent and alleviate many issues.

Related article: 10 Simple Ways To Supercharge Your Immune System

Practicing a healthy lifestyle and committing to health-promoting activities can go a long way to reducing nasal congestion; not to mention a number of other health complications.

Do You Recognize it? The Most Powerful Natural Medicine Known to Man

Nature has provided many remarkable natural plant sources of healing, and this one that you may not recognize is one of the most potent natural medicines known to man. This lesser-known natural remedy has been reported to fight cancerous tumors, free radicals, and help with many chronic illnesses. Let’s look more at how this one powerful natural medicine can be used to help you heal yourself and even prevent further illness.

Do You Recognize it? The Most Powerful Natural Medicine Known to Man

Those who enjoy the diverse food offerings of the Near East may recognize this powerful medicine with its mustard brown color, which is used as a flavoring spice in many Indian dishes. Turmeric is a spice and food preservative used primarily on Indian and Asian cultures, but its excellent health benefits are becoming more widely known in the Western world.

Turmeric looks like the root ginger, and its powerful medicine has been used as far back as 2500 BCE. Some Hindu communities believe its healing power extends to the spiritual realm and may wear a piece as a protective amulet. Turmeric is also used as a dye for cloth, giving the fabric a golden yellow color.

Ayurvedic medicinal practices use turmeric to help patients heal from various diseases. In some cases, the herb is revered as sacred and used in spiritual religious practices.

Health benefits of this powerful natural medicine

Curcumin is the component of turmeric that has gotten the most attention for its numerous medicinal properties. Researchers looking at the health benefits of this powerful natural medicine say that the curcumin of turmeric has the following remarkable properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anticoagulant (blood thinning)
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiviral
  • Anti-diabetic (decreases blood sugar levels)
  • Antivenom

The researchers say ‘Curcumin is a non-toxic, highly promising natural antioxidant compound having a wide spectrum of biological functions. It is expected that curcumin may find applications as a novel drug shortly to control various diseases, including anti-inflammatory disorders, carcinogenesis and oxidative stress-induced pathogenesis.’

Current known health problems treated by this powerful natural medicine:

  • Wound treatment
  • Swelling caused by sprains
  • Cough
  • Anorexia
  • Liver problems
  • Rheumatism
  • Arthritis
  • Sinusitis
  • Insomnia
  • Acne
  • Shingles
  • Nausea
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
  • Bruising
  • Ulcers
  • Diabetic wounds
  • Diabetes
  • Protect from cancer
  • Reduce digestive gas
  • Crohn’s disease

Much of the focus on the benefits of turmeric comes from its effect on reducing inflammatory diseases in the body. Many of the above listed diseases come from inflammation and the reaction of the body’s immune system to fighting off irritants from our diet and environment.

Inflammation causes swelling of the body’s tissues, causing pain, itching and pressure that is uncomfortable and can cause significant pain and discomfort. Having access to a natural medicine that reduces the inflammatory response in the body is a good way to reduce health problems that are caused by an overactive immune system.

How this powerful natural medicine works in the body

In the stomach, turmeric helps protect against ulcer formation. Inside the intestines, turmeric reduces digestive cramps and spasms and reduces gas production. In the liver, bile production increased with turmeric, and in the pancreas, plasma secretion increased with the use of turmeric.

In the heart, the curcumin from turmeric reduced cholesterol in high cholesterol rats. Also, turmeric showed that it protected against heart damage caused by a heart attack. The antioxidant properties of curcumin also protect against the damage of vascular dementia that affects the nervous system.

Other possible health benefits of the most powerful natural medicine known to man

Researchers studying baby mice and hamsters with cystic fibrosis found that curcumin showed the effect of correcting the cystic fibrosis defects which are mutations of the genes. Turmeric may also help improve mood problems such as anxiety and minor depression.

Related article: 6 Health Reasons to Eat Spicy Foods More Often

Turmeric may be as effective as the typical aspirin and ibuprofen for thinning the blood and preventing clotting. It is also believed that the curcumin of turmeric is an effective painkiller by activating the opioid pain receptors in the brain, similar to morphine.

Caution with this powerful natural medicine

Use some caution when considering turmeric supplements. For example, turmeric has been shown to work as a contraceptive when fed to rats. Although this impact on fertility has not been shown in humans, those trying to conceive should be aware of this potential impact. Also, chromium and curcumin have been shown to cause DNA strand breaks in human lymphocytes and gastric mucosal cells. Avoiding chromium supplements while taking turmeric is recommended.

5 Foods to Avoid That Are Toxic For Your Skin

“As expected, skin care is not slowing down. The global skin care industry is estimated to reach $121 billion in 2016. And in 2018, the U.S. skin care market will reach nearly $11 billion.” – GCI Magazine

Skin is the largest organ of the human body by a wide margin. It is also a prime indicator of one’s health and well-being. Healthy skin and pores are arguably the most important factor in beauty, as well.

Beyond health and well-being, skincare is a priority for many of us. Without proper care, it is prone to a number of adverse dermatologic symptoms. Skin that is not cared for can be unhealthy and, not to mention, unsightly.

Contrary to popular belief, the food we put into our bodies strongly influences our overall skin health. We’re going to discuss some popular foods that: (1) clog skin pores and contribute to unhealthy skin, and (2) help to develop healthy skin.

Here are 5 food types that clog your pores:

1. Alcohol

While alcohol doesn’t contribute much to acne, it is indeed unhealthy for our skin. It is worth mentioning that some people can drink alcohol and never experience acne. However, here are some important things to remember:

– Alcohol alters hormone levels, which is a direct cause of acne and unhealthy skin.

– Alcohol will shrink pores and increase the likelihood of clogging. This may aggravate a current conditions or cause a breakout.

2. Dairy

Many people that have given up (or drastically reduced) dairy products will tell you it had a marked improved on skin health. It is well known that dairy products can exacerbate an existing case of acne; what may not be as well-known is that – in some people – dairy products may cause acne.

“Most of my youthful-looking, amazing clients have one thing in common: They do not have any dairy as part of their diet,” says Registered Dietitian Maria Bella, “There is a very strong correlation between consuming dairy products – such as milk – and acne, skin breakouts and aging.”

3. Sugar

Not much of a surprise that sugar makes this list – it is bad for skin in almost every conceivable way. Sugar not only contributes to clogging of the pours, but also causes inflammation, wrinkling, drying, and scaling.

It is also worth mentioning that all unhealthy carbohydrate-laden foods – not just simple sugars – can be bad for our pores. Some of these foods: rice, bread and pasta. If you wish to indulge anyways, be the wiser and choose whole grain items.

4. Salt

Salt is the rare (only?) compound that can be terrific for skin health when applied externally, and devastating to health when consumed. (Last time we checked, applying sugar or dairy to the skin doesn’t result in many skin benefits.)

On a serious note, salt can indeed cause higher amounts of clogged pores. Consuming salt also has the tendency to dehydrate us; this makes it more difficult to moisturize. Over-consuming salt can lead to dry, wrinkled, and aging skin, as well. Finally, consuming salt can aggravate acne conditions and cause inflammation of the body – including the skin.

5. Flour

High-glycemic foods (e.g. white bread, pasta) effectively convert to sugar. As such, high-glycemic foods mimic many of the same adverse effects. Inflammation, wrinkling, drying, and scaling are potential complications that result from consuming flour.

The good news is that many of these foods are available in whole-grain varieties. Whole grain types of bread, rice and cereal, for example, are markedly better for skin (and overall health) than the high-flour types of these products.

Related article: 5 Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Overnight


Healthy skin foods

The foods (and food types) listed above truly are exceptions to the rule. In terms of number and variety, there exist far more that are beneficial to skin health. Here are some:

– Tomatoes: helps prevent sunburn and sun damage.

– Dark chocolate: enhances smoothness and improves appearance.

– Walnuts: helps to improve elasticity and increases collagen production.

– Berries: helps improve texture and inhibits wrinkle growth.

Here are some others: spinach, oatmeal, soy, red wine, kiwi, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, kale, green tea.

Skin Care Tips You Need To Know About

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Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water With Turmeric Every Day

Drinking water is, of course, essential to good hydration. But the benefits of adding lemon and turmeric are incredible for your body.

Water is recommended for those looking to lose weight as the first thing to try when feeling hungry. That’s because it can give us both that feeling of fullness in our stomachs and also eliminates the possibility that we might just be thirsty, not hungry.

Our bodies need water to survive and thrive. So getting plenty of fresh, clean water daily is good for us. Water gives our cells extra volume and makes it possible for the nutrients that we need to be dissolved and used by our cells.

How much water we need daily can vary by the climate we live in and our activity levels. However, a good rule is eight ounces of water eight times per day.

This equals roughly half a gallon of water or two liters. You may need to drink even more in dry climates or with heavy perspiration.

This article will examine the benefits of these two essential ingredients that you can add to one or more of those eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day and what happens in your body when you add lemon and turmeric.

These Things Happen To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water With Turmeric Every Day


Benefits of adding turmeric to your drinking water every day

The benefits of turmeric are incredible, and if you are considering an herbal supplement, it is one of the best you can start with.

  • Turmeric is a wonderful help to your body because it is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer agent.
  • With all this illness-fighting power packed into one golden yellow spice, turmeric should be a household illness-fighting staple that has earned a place in the medicine cabinet.
  • Turmeric has been used for centuries to treat everything from acne to diabetes, gas to high cholesterol. Moreover, it does all of this with very few side effects or potential health risks to your body.
  • However, if you are trying to get pregnant, talk to your medical professional before using turmeric, as it may help to prevent pregnancy.
  • Although the health benefits of treating disease are huge with turmeric, the health prevention properties are also a very important reason to add this spice to your drinking water daily.
  • For example, researchers have found that turmeric has helped prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The research shows that turmeric prevents the degradation of neurons in the brain. That benefit helps to prevent the symptoms of dementia and memory loss.

Benefits of adding lemon to your drinking water every day

Drinking lemon water with turmeric can be done on ice, hot like tea, in the morning and evening, with or without a meal. Your body will absorb the benefits no matter when or how you take in this interesting flavor combination.

  • The bright yellow, sunny appearance of lemon is similar to the feeling your body gets when you add freshly squeezed lemon juice or even just a slice of lemon to your water.
  • Your body feels more alert, refreshed, and vibrant. The burst of tart flavor is like liquid sunshine invigorating your body’s systems.
  • Lemon and all citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C, which is excellent for your skin’s health.
  • Lemon juice also gives you soluble fiber, potassium, folate, calcium, thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and a variety of phytochemicals, which are all critical for our health.
  • Citric acid helps digest food better due to the added breakdown in your stomach.
  • This leads to less gas, constipation, and bloating and helps absorb nutrients from your food. Researchers looking at heart health and lemon found a significant association between vitamin C intake and protection against cardiovascular mortality.
  • Vitamin C intake is also associated with bone mineral density, which can help prevent osteoporosis. The researchers also have found that lemon water helps improve mental functioning as we age. They found that ‘Older subjects with greater intakes of fruits and vegetables, and the corresponding nutrients vitamin C and folate, have been shown to perform better on cognitive tests.’

How to mix turmeric and lemon in your drinking water every day

So how much turmeric to how much lemon should you add to your water every day? As little as a teaspoon of turmeric is enough to get benefit from this remarkable spice. However, you can drink more than that if you would like. Add the juice from half of a lemon and mix both in an 8-ounce glass of water.

The result will be a brownish-yellow liquid that you can drink. Some people are not a fan of the flavor combination. So if that is the case, add some honey or cinnamon to the mixture to give it a different flavor. Alternatively, try some fresh mint to give it a refreshing taste.

Warm water will help the turmeric dissolve better, but you can let it cool before drinking it. Enjoy this healthy drink every day for some incredible health benefits.


Final Thoughts on Drinking Turmeric and Lemon Water Every Day

Turmeric and lemon, when consumed separately, provide multiple healthful benefits. Of course, water is the essence of life. When you combine these three things into a single potent drink, you are boosting your health, preventing ailments, and increasing your hydration–that’s the key to a long and healthy life.

Angelic Nurse Cat Takes Care of Other Animals In A Shelter

When you come home from a long day at work, you might have your own little angels come to greet you and give you comfort when you need it most. In Bydgoszcz, Poland, they have their own angel that helps other animals at a veterinary clinic get better. Radamenes, a heroic black cat that suffered from a severe respiratory infection, now helps other animals improve their health after surviving his own traumatic experience.

The veterinary center helped him recover from his infection and give him back his life, and now, he cuddles with the other animals, and even helps to clean and massage them.

The locals consider Radamenes a hero, and many come to visit him because of his inspiring story and sweet nature. Here are some photos of this angelic cat that will remind you just how amazing and caring animals can be.

Angelic Nurse Cat Takes Care of Other Animals In A Shelter

Radamenes survived a serious respiratory infection and now helps other animals get better themselves

His owners thought he wouldn’t make it since he was so sick

The vets wanted to try to save him anyway

He surprisingly got better, and then decided to cuddle with the other animals and help them to improve, too

He gave the most attention to animals that had to undergo serious treatment or surgery

The vets at the animal shelter call him a full-time nurse because he constantly checks on the other animals and gives them love and care. He truly shows us how love, compassion, and care can transform lives, and how our own battles can help others!

Related article: 10 Reasons Animal Lovers Make the Best Relationship Partners

You can read more from the original news report, here.

Do You Get Anxiety? Here’s Why It Might Mean You’re A Genius

In the world we live in today, we have a lot on our plates. With the economy crashing worldwide, people struggling just to survive and pay bills, violence and riots increasing everywhere, and everyone wondering how we will survive all of this, of course this will produce fear and worry among us all.

Of course, some of us worry more than others, and we can’t really help it. We have worry etched into our DNA, and contemplate every decision and outcome thoroughly. If this sounds like you, then don’t worry; it might just mean you’re a genius, and here’s why.

If You Worry or Have Anxiety, Here’s Why It Might Mean You’re A Genius

Many of us worry in general about how we will take care of ourselves, pay bills, and all of those lovely adult responsibilities. However, worrying about a specific problem and thinking about the impact of our decisions might mean that we have a high level of creative intelligence.

This indicates great problem solving skills, higher thinking, and empathy.

A recent study discovered a strong correlation between excess worry and anxiety, and high intelligence. Personality Neurobiology expert Dr. Adam Perkins, says this about our thoughts and how it relates to intelligence:

“It occurred to me that if you happen to have a preponderance of negatively hued self-generated thoughts, due to high levels of spontaneous activity in the parts of the medial prefrontal cortex that govern conscious perception of threat and you also have a tendency to switch to panic sooner than average people, due to possessing especially high reactivity in the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala, then that means you can experience intense negative emotions even when there’s no threat present. This could mean that for specific neural reasons, high scorers on neuroticism have a highly active imagination, which acts as a built-in threat generator.”

To put it simply, Perkins means that if we think more negatively the majority of the time, this doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Rather, people who worry and have anxiety might just have higher intelligence and creativity because they can spot problems before others do, and work on solving them.

This makes sense when you look at the world at large. Although it might seem very backwards on the surface, think about how many products out there strive to make our lives better. With smartphones, innovators saw that society had a need that they didn’t even know about. They wanted to have the ability to take pictures with the click of a button, connect with their friends on the go with social media, and have access to the Internet wherever they went.

Self-help novelists and speakers see that people have a need to develop themselves and become better in every aspect of life. They saw a problem, and created techniques to solve it.

Worry and anxiety help to transform society and make it better. Without worry, we would have nothing to solve, and would remain stagnant and complacent.

Dr. Perkins also had this to say:

“Cheerful, happy-go-lucky people by definition do not brood about problems and so must be at a disadvantage when problem-solving compared to a more neurotic person. We have a useful sanity check for our theory because it is easy to observe that many geniuses seem to have a brooding, unhappy tendency that hints they are fairly high on the neuroticism spectrum. For example, think of the life stories of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Vincent Van Gogh, Kurt Cobain, etc. Perhaps the link between creativity and neuroticism was summed up most succinctly of all by John Lennon when he said: ‘Genius is pain.’”

Even though positive thinking can help people to revolutionize their life, negative thinking also serves its purpose. It helps us to ponder new opportunities and ideas, and decide how we will approach a problem.

Don’t think of a negative thought as inherently bad – think of it as a tool to help you build a new possibility. The worry can help us to identify a problem and come up with a better way of approaching it than we did before.

The only reason you should worry about worrying too much is when it affects your life in such a way that you can’t focus on your work or the people you love the most. When worry and anxiety consume you, then they become a problem. However, when you use these tools in order to create, learn, and analyze a situation or problem, and use them sparingly, then feel free to worry away!

Related article: 5 Signs You Might Actually Be A Genius

Worry can either act as fuel to the fire, or a barrier keeping us from our best selves. You get to choose how best to utilize this emotion, and hopefully, you will use it to improve yourself and the world around you. Worry can definitely paralyze you, but it doesn’t have to. You can transcend the fear and use it to take you to the next step in life.

Creative geniuses help us to advance in society. Without them, we might still live without modern irrigation, television, cars or phones. A creative person looks at the details of the world, and ponders how everything might work together as a whole in order to have a better functioning society. They might live in their heads a lot, but they sure do creative beautiful things out of their imagination, and we should thank them for it.

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